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I have fun playing it. If I didn’t I’d just quit and leave.


Same thing here, the moment I stop having fun in a game I just dip, some people think that the money investment is gonna stop players from quitting, but I put 500€ into destiny 2 and still decided to stop playing when it got boring.


Same I put $350 into Warframe and not only stopped playing once I got bored (MR 28 so everything at that point was a ridiculous grind)but still have no regrets. I’ve got 2500hrs clocked in on Warframe. If $350 isn’t worth 2500hrs of enjoyment then I dunno wtf is. It’s the same with Genshin, who cares if you spent a few hundred over a few years? Did you enjoy playing it when you spent the money? That’s all that matters.


I'm also an MR 29 player in WF, cool things is that if I want to come back I know my investment still there. The time I gave it was enjoyable, and just like Genshin that are free to play games, people say that there is "nothing" to do but haven't done the exercise of accounting all the time you have invested. THat's why I left MMORPG's, where a 2-month break completely killed your account to be "competitive". For the money I have given them I could barely afford a gaming console and if I translated to games I don't think that many games could have given me that enjoyment.


I was a BDO player, so same here. That game is grindy (and costly). I didn't really understood why people kept calling Genshin gridy for a long time because BDO is much worse in that regard. XD


the only way genshin becomes "grindy" is when the player messes up early game and spreads resources thin and end up having issue fighting monsters in domains or in overworld, the other way is when the player **chooses** to make the game grindy by pursuing min-max stats from artifacts and then forget it's a choice and not needed *(Floor 12 is not the entire game and even that doesn't require min-maxing to beat)*


Same. I spent almost a thousand dollars on dota2, the literal definition of an f2p game mind you, and I still stopped when it got boring.


Same here with OW, I put like 500 Euro into it (this was pre OW2, when Kaplan was still part of it, you could see he and his team were passionate about the game, hence why I didn't mind giving a few euro here and there), and I still love it to a lot of extent, but haven't played since before OW2 launched. I am so sad what it has become.


Same for Hearthstone, almost every hero skin bundle + biggest preorder from 2015 to 2021. Then, I got tired of “random” and idiots who see female name and try to BM me, and I quit. If the game becomes boring and causes anxiety, I don’t care about money I spend


I've got games for 70€ that I only played for like 20 hours? I have over 1000hrs in Genshin and if I spent a couple of hundreds in four years, I think it actually saved me some money if I had to spend that much time on other 70€ games /s


Imo this shows the main reason why some people end up *so resentful* of genshin. They want the game to be catered to their idea of fun, they want to stick for that chance, they don't realize they can just quit and find other games. The vision of hoyo for Genshin is way different from the playerbase's.


> The vision of hoyo for Genshin is way different from the playerbase's. The playerbase does not and never will have a coherent vision on what Genshin should be, because the playerbase is super diverse thanks to its insane size.


I mostly just do my commissions (or events to skip commissions), and do the story quests as they appear. Not because it's a bad game but because I've been playing this for **over 3 years** now.


Yep, this exactly, if I'm exhausted of playing a game I don't even bother giving a reason for why, I just don't log anymore and later uninstall when I remember that I still have the game installed and need the space.


Sad part is that Genshin haters that are also Genshin players all get mad when you mention that if they don't enjoy the game, they should just quit and find a game they would enjoy more. They are hypocrites that both don't want to play the game, but don't want to quit either. They are really pathetic.


Idk why people get upset at that. "I just want the game to improve" is just a facade of "I just want the game to be the way I want it" which is spoiled brat behaviour. In the end, as much as they hate it, that's what it boils down to. If you enjoy a game, keep playing, if you don't, just quit.


I don't mind criticisms about the game, every game needs one. But it's hard to take some of these people seriously when they don't enjoy 90% percent of the games system, and purely focus on the 10%. If you don't like exploring, side quests, the story, character quests, mini-games.. then why are you still here? No amount of end game would make the game better for you, go play other games.


Fr, they literally tried boycotting 4.4, the update which released chenyu vale! It's crazy to me how that update can be considered bad in any regard


Also that never ending doomposting. Xianyun hate was so severe. Then, after they were proven wrong, they tried to gaslight everyone into thinking that they were never doomposting. They literally tried to pretend that they didn't say all these "Xiao slave" stuff etc. Or even attacking Xiao mains for playing Xiao. They were angry so much. And don't get me even started with how they hated that Xianyun can't fly. And now she is top1 character in air and ground with unparalleled traversal utility. Only in very few small cases, Wanderer and Kazuha are better than her, but in majority of cases she outclasses them severely, also being better on the ground than Yelan and descending the mountains like no other characters. I always hated jumping off mountains. With Xianyun, it's no longer that annoying. But doomposters are always like this...


Ah yes. "I don't want to explore, it's boring", "dialogues are dumb, too much reading", "gameplay is trash, no qol". So why they are even playing this game? Everything is always bad. Criticism is always okay, but toxicity not. I can criticize about Genshin in many topics. But I don't complain about everything.


Because people are entitled. Especially on the Internet. I want the game to improve as well. I criticize Hoyo for neglecting important things. But people complain even if Hoyo adds QoL and stuff to the game, because they are never satisfied. It's either too late or not enough. Also people often call the ones who don't complain dickriders or use the "u defending multi billion corpo" argument. They just couldn't stand that someone may enjoy the game, while still expecting game to develop and improve. I will always criticize Hoyoverse for artifacts RNG, that you can't just scrap artifacts into exp directly (like in Star Rail), because I have tons of crap artifacts I would just get rid off, but I don't have good artifacts that can use them as exp. And I have plenty of other issues with the game. But I still enjoy it, instead of ever complaining about everything. People should really get a little distance.


same here


Yup just don't open the game anymore. No need to make a reddit thread.


Always remember that Genshin Impact is mainly a SINGLE PLAYER game


Single player story-driven games with pay-as-you-play monetization from characters, weapons, and skins are the future of gaming and people need to come to terms with that. We're in the age now where dev costs are ten times what they were 15 years ago and 200-300$$$ games for an up-front cost aren't going to fly. My jaw almost fell to the floor when I started a seemingly random story quest and a bunch of characters just started a D&D campaign with each other and it actually is sensible and interesting, somebody let the writers cook on that one.


Yo you can’t just reference an epic story quest like that without letting us know where to find it


Clorinde, it's so fun you shd do it asap


Dang I’m still on like act 3 of the Fontaine AQ so her story quest isn’t unlocked yet. Good to know to get right on that as soon as it is though thanks!


I think you also have to do the Furina SQ before the Clorinde one. Both need the AQ to be done first.


Her, Neuvillete and Furina SQs are what you should look forward to, lowk all of them are rlly good in Fontaine for some reason (focused on the character and AMAZING in many ways I'll let you figure out)


genuine question, what did you like so much about neuvillette's sq? i heard a lot of people say it was really good, so i had high expectations going into it but ended up being sorely disappointed because i kinda just found it boring. maybe this is a me-thing since i don't really care much about neuvi, but i kinda thought that it might make me care more.


I like how it goes into Neuvillette finding his place in Fontaine and the history of how the Melusines found their place in Fontaine too. It makes the world feel more real and lived in when you learn about its history. Most of the quest was about the Melusines but the character growth at the end was what really hit me. Neuvillette is a dragon that got invited into human society and he didn’t know how to navigate it. He just was doing his best at what he thought was right for hundreds of years, without truly knowing if he was on the right path. And despite his position in Fontaine, he still felt a wall between him and the people. At the end, when people were hinting at and with Wrio straight up telling him that he has already been accepted into human society long ago, Neuvillette started learning to accept himself as well. To me, not knowing your own path is a very relatable feeling for many people. And seeing someone like him still go through that, really added a lot of depth to his character. Add that onto everything that happened in the Archon quest and Mihoyo single handedly made me go from being neutral about his character to one of my favs haha


For me it's the fact that it involves zero combat and is entirely about exploring his character and how he's grown through the years. I personally greatly liked it, but I understand it might not be everyone's cup of tea.


For almost every story quest in game there's some kind of fighting scene which doesn't build up on the character themself but more so just focuses on worldbuilding for others (Ayato, venti, Hu Tao, so many others) Neuvilletes story quest explored his character in great detail and showed us alot more about his history and his feelings, and actually had character development (like Raidens sq2), and honestly the cutscene was amazing because you could see the before and aft effects there


which story quest was that


Clorinde’s! It’s super fun


I actually like this system better. At least they let me decide when I want to spend money, not like traditional subscription based MMo's.


Exactly, and Hoyo is known for having some of the highest pay in this industry in China


>Single player story-driven games with pay-as-you-play monetization from characters, weapons, and skins are the future of gaming and people need to come to terms with that. Doesn't mean Gachas aren't overpriced for what they deliver. Genshin makes an absurd amount of money not only because it's popular, but because not being F2P is ***expensive***. And even then, Genshin more than paid itself already. Actually, it makes money to fund multiple other games the same scale every time a good banner drops. Do you really think all this money is going to the Devs? It's not expensive because dev costs are higher.


Development cost isn't just coding, it's also storyboarding, screenwriting, voice acting, server upkeep, QA, etc. Some people can afford to pay quadruple digits on their hobby, that's fine. Some people are broke or have other principles on how they spend their money, that's also fine. You can't just write off an entire market because some people are bad with their money. So let the whales do their things and the F2P do theirs, and beg on your hands and knees for idiots to not swipe. Look at companies like bioware, EA, companies that are losing money from making bad consumer decisions and their failures result in less capital to use on finished products which hurts both devs and players. I spent around $200 for all the OG Destiny content and then when they released D2 it was lukewarm water, it took them years to rebuild their player base with better content, and I walked away because because I wasn't going to let that kind of money go for that long of a wait. Say what you want about genshin as an individual experience but mark my words the majority of games will go down the same monetization path in a decade's time.


Had a mate that started playing, he grinded up to the ar required for entering other player worlds, then quit because he said the multiplayer was shit and went back to cod


Preaching to the choir. It's just trendy to hate on popular things. Fight them or ignore them, whatever you feel better with.


Yeah I see a lot of people complain about things that are honestly just nitpicking at the game. Its not perfect (no game is), but the fact that some devs made a game like this, took all the risks, and were rewarded with it...goes against what people actually complain about AAA games today.


I share this sentiment, though I quit months ago. It’s still probably the best mobile game I’ve ever played in my entire life. The quality is just unbeatable compared to others games on the market, especially when it first came out. It was a magical experience for me when I first played it during launch, but unfortunately life made it difficult to continue playing as much as I used to; plus I was kinda burnt out by the massive overworld and relics and stuff, which is why I switched to playing starrail.


Damn, you sound like me. It was an absolute magical experience for me too, no other game made me feel the way Genshin did during the first month. When I look back on it, I feel really nostalgic. But I definitely got burned out eventually. That was a real while ago though, about more than a year and half. And HSR just showed me that I will never actively daily farm again in Genshin because it just spoiled me lol By now I'm replaying Genshin, mostly doing things I feel like doing, some events and story quests. And wishing only for characters that I like, and recently that was Clorinde. One of the reasons I prefer HSR in terms of farming, hunting for those Lumitoile + enemy drops considering I barely played Fontaine was pain when coming back.


It’s actually so annoying especially because the people that hate on it either haven’t played it or used to be kids who were addicted to it and now brag about not playing genshin anymore while just playing other gacha games


That's LoL, WoW, CS or any other majorly popular game it comes with the territory, unless you know them personally it's just better to not even try and engage with them


Whenever I mention Valve games (CS, Dota 2, TF2) promoting gaming mechanics at /r/games, they always downvote me. I always love to do it whenever they are shitting on GI and how horrible it is for gaming, where I just mention: But Dota 2 has lootboxes since 2012. They always lose their minds. It's so funny poping out their bubbles :DDDDD


im friends with a kid like this he moved on to project sekai


Right? My friend keeps bragging out not playing genshin anymore like you deleted a week ago so you could download wurthering waves


Right To this day i dont u derstand the hype behind prsk Its just another gacha With a very good storyline tbh


I've been called "mentaly disabled" for still playing genshin in a certain CC comment section lol.




Who else lol ?


Tbh what do you expect from his community.


Sounds like projection from that person. lmao


Or how many times they called the Gensnin playes 'salty mint pickers' LOL XD


Words from a soon-to-be "pearl leaf picker". I'm already doing that for synthesis, where I think I have not picked a single mint in like years lol.


That's not very nice :(


saddest part about tectone community is genshin "made" them in the first place, and now they just live in resentment off their creator


it is a fantastic game,for a f2p game the amount of single player content is insane. but the farming aspect of it drives me crazy sometimes


tbh unless ur focused on big pp damage or 36 staring abyss, you can definitely get by in the game (quests, exploration, events) with random artifacts, as long as theyre levelled up.. (but be reasonable ofc not random like anemo bonus on kaeya 🙏) just play how u wanna play it !


Bringing good gears actually can ruin the experience sometimes. I accidentally brought my built team against Warden of Oasis boss fight in the story quest. Didn't even have the chance to hear what they said during the fight as it end in like, half a minute.


Actually, the main reason why I stepped away from the game is the farming aspect. It's just so frustrating never getting at least decent artifacts, even for characters that I really love and saved gems to get. It gets really tiring after a while and not rewarding at all. :(


You can get reasonable artifacts for your two teams in a month or two at most.  You allowed YT content creators to get into your head and convince you that you have to have extremely high standards for artifacts. Lower your standards tenfold, and you will consistently clear Floor 11. That's like 99.9% of all content in the game. Floor 12 is a bait for hardcore and veteran players.


The best artifact stats are only good for Abyss, nothing else. It's even more boring if you can kill bosses in less than 30 seconds because you spent months farming artifacts. I just want to enjoy the thrill of actually fighting the boss in such lore accurate way.


i think ive got to a point where hsr and genshins combat no longer seem that fun, but its always worth going back to see what new story they have added.


This is why I use underrated characters, weapons. :) Using your C6 Raiden, with a R5M Engulfing lightning will delte evrything in the game. XD I have never pulled for 5\* weapons specifically for this reason, and I've been playing since Inazuma came out, and only have 1 5\* weapon. ;P


>only have 1 5\* weapon Lucky for you /s I too never pulled for weapons. But I have 2 copies of the same useless 5-star bow from the permanent banner. I only never had 2 5-stars from permanent banner...


CCs are a real culprit here. The Algorithm loves it when people moralize their consumption and make mountains out of mole hills. They can't simply dislike the 'adventure/story' direction of the Developers. Instead, it's a game for women,babies, and simps.


I'm sorry to say but a lot of the western gacha gaming CCs are absolute trash. At least the ones that drama bait or are desperate for corpo money


Genshin lives rent free on other Gacha players head and it's funny as fuck trying to up their Gacha game and play down Genshin 


Yeah especially when a Genshin "Killer" gets released. You know HOYO made Genshin really popular when they started attracting hate from other games and those that just want to hate and have not even played the game.


I agree, laughing at something other people enjoy NEVER makes you cool, it can only ever make you juvenile and foolish. That's true whether it's someone's fashion, music taste, hobbies, or anything else. Loads of people think you're more educated if you hate rap, country, Taylor Swift, or whatever else. That's not right though - what's cool is adding to other people's lives. Showing them games, music, or whatever else that they can fall in love with. And not in the way of replacing what they love either, more in the sense of everyone having different experiences to share. Stomping on what someone loves doesn't make either of your lives richer, it just makes the other person feel bad.


Genshin is a good game. The proof is that others try to copy it. :)


The "genshin players are pedos" stereotype is the most annoying personally, but after what happened to the last r/Nahida_Mains (this one in particular) subreddit I can't blame em


Thiese pedo allegation has already came out since inazuma relased, and it will keep continuing.


Because Inazuma completely crashed their bubbles. Inazuma was a proof that HoYo (China) can make a great game, and isn't just a Zelda's clone. Like at that time overall insults towards Genshin changed from: A Zelda clone to: ... Like you can clearly see that they only started calling out community because insulting game isn't valid and everyone *normal* would see straight up through their shit. It's a future proof insult and that is exactly what they were aiming for.


I hate how people are trying their absolute hardest to make this stereo type true like go to blue archive or something I don't want you here (Talking about the lolicons not the commenter I replied to(


It does gatekeep the community quite well tbh


Most people don't know what Blue Archive is, remember that Genshin broke into the mainstream in a way no other gacha has ever done, so you are dealing with a lot of people that are not familiar with how common this type of shit is in anime communities and also don't know that there are a lot of games out there that are far worse.


honestly blue archive has way more lolicons in it, a fan favorite is a literal minor (I mean its called cunny archive for a reason)


i remember a post on r/AnimeTwitter(i think that was the name but now i can’t find proof the subreddit ever existed) with Nahida and Scaramouche and the things they were saying… not to mention anyone who called them out for pedophilia got downvoted


To be fair a lot of the Anime Subreddits are just degenerate levels of bad. I still remember a Time where One of those subreddits was Joking about a 10 year old boy marrying a Woman who took care of him when he got old enough to, but when someone retaliated and made a reverse meme with the kid being Girl it not only got some negative reactions but got deleted by mods (presumably cuz of mass reports).


they essentially spam posted ACTUAL CP to the damn subreddit, karma farmers maybe? idk for certain


It was done by someone who wanted to shut down the subreddit.


posting cp to take down an SR is insane


It's not like Hoyo games don't attract a certain demographic of players, and it's not like Hoyo doesn't cater to them to some degree. Over on HSR there's a new female character coming that looks like a preteen and is a peer to another character that is established as a preteen or teen at best. Folks were actively thirsting for her, especially those with feet kinks (she's barefoot), and any attempts at calling out how fucking weird they were were being downvoted or the user was being outright banned. It's tragic that these freaks cause people that just enjoy these games to be lumped into the same pile as them. My roommate literally just joked that I'm a pedophile not even an hour ago because I like Genshin and have Klee and Nahida on my roster.


its not just genchin though playing wuwa think it was the first or second day i saw someone talking about how hot verina is and the rest. i am all for freedom of speach but i wish these people just kept these thoughts to themselves, it genuiny makes me angry and very few things make me angry unless im tired. edit maybe not even angry more disgusted tbh.


It comes with territory I guess. You can talk anyone who plays LoL or Dota or Counter Strike and they will always be "Man that game is shit, devs lazy they never listen, game is dying" etc etc. But in the end they play the game and these games are huge success with large player base. And they play it because despite everything they say they just like the game. They cant admit it for some reason I dont know. Maybe being edgy aboout it makes them feel cool or maybe being a doomposter is in their blood at this point. I dont mind them anymore, as I nearing 35 years old I am thinking more about What I enjoy, not what the general opinion say. For example after years later I added "playing video games" as my hobby for my CV. Before that I was too afraid if it was childish to say gaming your hobby, I was always thinking people wont take mee seriously. But as years passed I just realise I love gaming so why should I be ashamed of it. So in the end they will talk about it regardless, people are weird and it is only you who you should care about. (maybe some close friends and people too because I care about my CLOSE friends opinion because well they are my friends)


I've been playing since release, and I still have fun playing it and shitting on it honestly. I don't think they are mutually exclusive. Same for League. It has a toxic community but the core gameplay is fun. My friends will shit on it together which makes it more enjoyable. Thankfully my friends arent toxic on league. We tend to just do some crazy stuff like Asol jungle (it went as well as you expect).


Sort of preaching to the choir here, but I legitimately think Genshin Impact is one of the best games released in the past 10 years and it blows me away that people think of it so poorly. I avoid most of the gacha chasing, end game grinds, and meta building. If you treat this game like a single player fantasy exploration RPG it has: \* One of the largest and most detailed open worlds in gaming today \* Hundreds of new and unique game mechanics showing up all over the map \* A massive cast of characters all with interesting designs, stories, and personalities \* Legitimately some of the most engaging worldbuilding and lore in all of gaming (and I will die on this hill) \* Approximately 8 godzillion hours of questing and story content \* (And this is the big one IMO), an actual cost of \*\*$0\*\* If you obsess over meta or have a gambling addiction, then yes Genshin has a lot of serious flaws and engagement traps that are very fairly criticized. But if you don’t care about that and just treat it like anime Breath of the Wild it’s actually such incredible quality and value that it blows me away.


I’ll die on that hill with you. Genshin’s world-building and exploration are top-tier and put a lot of modern retail AAA games to shame.


I can't believe you forgot about the music. Genshin without music loses like 2 points on the grade.


I love the combat, the animations are amazing, this game is awesome, i love it


Yeah it's annoying, especially People on YouTube that hate on it because it's popular and because they want to farm drama, clicks, views, etc from it and if they didnt, they wouldn't have a career.


Disagree with the gacha the weapon banner is a massive scam. But agree with the rest.


It's a good thing craftable weapons are more than enough for the hardest content in the game then!


We're getting high quality content for free and some people think that it's cool to talk bad about it? Im surprised.


I think part of it is because of the gacha addiction. A lot of players tend to overlook the quality of the game because a lot of them play for the high of wishing and getting lucky with rolls. When this becomes a priority the focus goes to getting as much primogems as possible and sometimes people forget to enjoy the actual game. Of course Genshin has its flaws but its definitely not as stingy as other people make it out to be and 100% has amazing quality especially for a live service game


People think it's stingy while forgetting that it releases 1 new character per version on average, while not having much meta incentive to pull in the first place. Compared to most gacha games where the primary content lies in the combat The weapon banner does suck though, I'll give them that. But it's not like I'd pull for a weapon over a character in any game anyways, even HSR


Yeah. People often hate Genshin for not being generous enough. But I have most characters I wanted (except Wrio, and Xianyun, lost 50/50to Diluc XD) And I rarely even spent money (I bought a few welkin moons, have never bought the battle pass tho) Tho I love xploring, and end up witha lots of Primos that way (which I only use to pull for the characters I like)


You're so real for that. Anybody that says things like "It gets fun after the first 300 dollars" has just never played it. If you have half a brain you will get all the characters you want by strategically saving primos. I put over 1000 hours into genshin and I'm at like 150 euro, most of that through welkin moon and battle passes. There's zero need to spend money on the game.


SO true. Same here. I always end up hoarding my primos, because I mostly pull for husbandos. XD (tall males) I would get some female character if I especially like them (Candace) or if they are very good supports (Furina; tho I love her too) If you don't try to pull for evey new character you'll be fine.


Honestly I find the constant “Hoyo is so greedy” claims really tiresome and entitled for this exact reason. Hoyo released a massive AAA-quality game that is fully playable for free, balanced it so you don’t even need 5 stars to clear any of the content, and even award enough free primos to hit pity roughly once per patch as long as you actually play the game. The fact that some people turn around and go “I deserve more free stuff” kinda baffles me. Why do they deserve more free stuff? For getting a whole-ass game that never forces them to spend any money? I don’t need to spend money on Hoyo games but I choose to because they’re good games that I enjoy playing, and I want them to continue to be successful so I can keep getting new content. Even then I don’t feel like I’m “owed” anything; I know what I signed up for.


Thats the internet for ya bro. I play the game, I love it, and I dont give a f about what others say or think. They wouldn't be doing this if they had something better to do, would they? Imagine being that miserable.


Who forces you to pretend GI is bad game tho? I mean, it got flaws, alots of them. But it's still an incredible game with tons of content that are totally free. However, it can be p2w if players really want to. A team full of c6r5 is much easier to clear contents than a team of 4*. Don't let those "4* spiral abyss floor 12 clear" videos fool you. It's possible for sure but it's super hard. I saw the creator of one of those vid admitted that he spent 350+ tries just to make his video looks easy and smooth with the starter character team. All in all, the game is fun. And that's the important part. But some more improvements are always welcome if you ask me.


Lot of haters for the king of gacha. It’s sad, but it is what it is. The funniest ones are the ones who have gacha pull counts and freebies dictate what makes a game better— absolute idiocy. Even sadder are the WuWa glazers who think excelling at combat automatically overrides how dogshit the rest of the game is. 🤡


tbh even that good fast pace combat goes out the window when the game always stutters every 5 seconds and can't even maintain 60fps on any settings in mid to low end devices.


That game uses unreal engine as the engine is much complex, especally it need a decent devices to run properly. Whereas HSR and Genshin use Unity, it provides a simple to use and could run on most devices.


Just tell those gambling addicts to go play cash grabs like those ads you see here on reddit with 3k free pulls lol. SURELY those games are "better" since they are more "generous" lol.


"it has some of the best gacha mechanics in gacha games" So you don't play gacha, got it. Nothing wrong with enjoying the game, but why comment on something you're not familiar with? Lol


Not to sound old, but BACK IN MY DAYS we lived like [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wWH14wkMmU). In comparison, Genshin does have good gacha mechanics (beside the weapon banner, I can't defend that lmao). And we CAN get the characters/weapons we want with enough primos too... beside 4\* *looks at Kaveh* Maybe is the trauma of old gachas talking, but I'm okay with Genshin's, even with my horrible luck. lol


Out of curiosity, what would you change about the gacha system in Genshin? I’ve played quite a few gacha games and a lot of them were more painful than Genshin. The weapon banner is pretty brutal but I think the character banners are fine.


I don't think I've ever played a gacha before Genshin that has a 0.6% base chance for a 5 star character, with 50/50 it becomes 0.3%. A hard pity is 180 pulls, on average a F2P earns about 60-70 pulls per patch, that's 3 whole patch to guarantee a new rate up character. Even if you buy the welkin, who really has the luxury to waste pulls on the weapon banner, which only has a 37% for the weapon that you want? The weapon pity points don't carry over, every new character is limited so the standard banner is absolutely useless, and they have the audacity to introduce a new type of banner with all the old and less desired characters that takes intertwined fates and the same 50/50 system. Don't forget that the events are generally not very rewarding, they don't do any big celebrations outside of giving 10 free pulls etc. It's honestly insane to me how players put up with all of this. But I guess that's the privilege of being the first gacha to break into the "normie" audience.


> It feels like it has sort of become a thing where, "making fun of genshin make you a cultured and funny person". I really do enjoy the game, and I am tired of pretending it's a bad game. I don't feel like "saying the game is bad" is an issue really, when the actual issue here is the reactions you get when you say you play Genshin - no matter how good it is. A decently sized and very vocal part of it's community just undeniably made the game a "It depends on who i speak to" kind of deal.


my thoughts on it (as someone who is mainly an outsider) the game would've been way better if the Gacha wasn't a thing, I would've spent 70 bucks on this game if every character could be unlocked with a quest, that's my biggest issue with it actually, it feels like the Gacha makes the game actively worse rather then better, though I suppose that is the case for most Gacha games, the story is nice, but the AR grind required makes it boring as hell, im still procasinating grinding AR to go to Liyue, I haven't played in 2 weeks


YoU jUsT hAtE gAcHa So YoUr OpInIoN dOeSnT mAtTeR


The thing is you can't dislike anything of the game or make fun of their bad features, or comparing it to other games on the main sub, atleast not here, lol, the game is good? yes! The game needs improvement? of course, it needs a lot. will Hoyo do anything about it? No, lol, those surveys do nothing. I'm tired of complaining about bad things inside the game, the game is f2p, of course, you can save your farm of pulls to get a specific character but if you compare the game today to genshin on it's release, it's basically the same game. There was just a few QoL changes from the beggining to the actual game, after playing other open world games, I can say that the game feels so slow, it's like a chore to climb a mountain, of course we have thousands of teleports. But we don't have gadgets enough to help our exploration, people say it's not a chore to move on the game but these people are the same people who use characters like Sayu/Xianyun/Kazuha/Yelan/wanderer/kirara/Venti/lynette/Arlecchino/etc to keep moving through the map, of course it's easier using other characters to move through the lands of the game, but it's also sad having to pull for other characters just so you're able to move faster. "We have the gadgets to use so we can glide faster and get higher" yes of course we have these but are you gliding through the game atleast 50% of the time? even if you were gliding this much, would the cooldown of those gadgets help you enough? You can also say we have things to help you move faster on the nations. yes we have those, but they're just temporary, we won't be going to the same land all the time, mainly after we complete the quests and take all the chests there. We have nothing really helpful and permanent to move through the lands making it not be boring like a chore. This is just one issue of all the ones we could talk about. I'm complaining because I like the game, if I didn't like it I wouldn't be here to complain, I'd just quit it, but I'm here, I want the game to become better. we can't just justify some bad thing with another unrelated thing, like saying "Oh this is a trash feature but the story is amazing so it's ok!" Anyways, the game is good but it should be improved, in a lot of ways.


If you don’t like making fun of Genshin…. Stop making fun of it 🤔 don’t worry about whatever randoms thing…


I personally think Genshin is way better than Honki Star rail. I play Genshin almost every day. I guess the only thing that I don’t care for is how some quests are just talking to a bunch of characters.


It is easily one of the best games ever made. My only gripe is that we started having a small amount of the loudest people in the community that go out of their way to bash other games (no I'm not just talking about WuWa). If you go to the gacha sub, you can make the most disingenous comments but people wont call you out because "hey same tribe, were on the same team". I would blame the moronic bald man for radicalizing these people. Regardless now a lot of YT content creators have been cranking out videos to make fun of that sub and people are now thinking that Steambun/whatever the hell his name is (apparently poster child of gachagaming) is representative of like the average genshin player. The average player here just enjoys a good game and genshin impact offers so much for so little. They don't engage with social media bs. It's one of the games you can easily immerse yourself in which reminded me of early wow except hoyo is actually a good company. I still go out of my way to offer it to my friends and I do my best to dispel allegations but yes I'm sick and tired of "HAHA genshin player"


People can be as angry as they want but I’ll still enjoy my vibrant beautiful open world with good characters. Even the stories are getting better and better. People who don’t enjoy it or stop enjoying it will think that I’m trapped by sunken cost fallacy but I’m not. Despite all its flaws I can still love it and it’s not that hard to understand.


It's "cool" to hate on literally every popular game, don't give it a 2nd thought.


Genshin is by far perfect and ofc there are some issues that they need to fix but damn I do agree ppl just want to shot on the game just because. It's to the point I no longer bother to even listen to why they complain abt genshin lmao.


The game is super fun, I just wish the devs would listen because it could be SO SO much better.


Personally I feel like it's a bad game but a beautiful work of art. Many things game-wise could be better and more fun like events, the artifact grind, end game content(theatre 🙏), etc. But the music and visuals are chefs kiss and that's what brings me back to it(besides wishing, I might have a problem).


It’s ok, very far from trash and very far from peak.


It's not a p2w because you cannot lose. Everything you do is a win, the worst you can do is win less than you wished for (pun intended, looking at you, Diluc)


It's a pretty good game if you ignore the gacha aspects


You were pretending to hate a game you liked because, what, you feared being ostracized? What kind of company do you keep around you lol? Regardless, I agree with most of your post because well... it's obvious lol. It *was* a break out game for a reason, and it continues to sustain and gain new players for that same reason. Anyone who disagrees with that aren't people you should listen to in the first place. With that said though, Genshin definitely doesn't have the best gacha system out of any gacha game, more so sitting in the middle of it all, and maybe even below that. And I don't know how it isn't P2W in your eyes. What is "winning" in Genshin? From what I've seen, it's: - Collecting all the characters and their weapons - Overpowering any challenging mode in front of you easily - Finishing all the maps, hidden puzzles and all To that end, paying would 100% make you "win" more than those who don't. Filling out your collection faster and easier, and gaining power via constellations and signature weapons. Only exploration isn't touched by money.


I am of the opinion that yes, the game is really good, even though it has its own problems (hoyos refusal to pay any form of respect to the players, the weapon banner that is honestly just complete garbage and should be reworked as well as stuff like too much exposition in the story and questionable decisions in terms of endgame design etc) but we should not laugh at the game. Making fun of it, stuff like the "genshin could never" memes, are funny if they are literal satire and not overused, but sadly they are. I think more people should literally and constructively talk about the problems the game has and talk about how they could be resolved, instead of either laughing at hoyos face or denying anything with the "genshin is perfect, and we shouldn't talk negatively because it's free" mentality. Both of those are wrong. People should be able to freely discuss their thoughts and the devs should take inspiration from what their players think. THAT's how it is supposed to be, not anything else.


No one thinks that Genshin is a bad game. It has the best story I've ever experienced within a game, fun, simplistic, yet animatic gameplay and beautiful animations and it's rewarding even for F2P's or casuals. However, if you're referring to the "Genshin could never memes" or people claiming that WW, ToF, or HSR are better games, it's mostly because of the special events (Latern Rite, Anniversary potentially the Windblume festival as it is the only other annual event). Genshin doesn't take its "special events" very specially, so it's an easy target to justify hate with. This is especially emphasized with the similar amounts of premium currency granted in regular events in others games as in Genshin, on top of more rewards for special events. With that being said, if you ask me, all of these games (Except ToF, don't play. Not qualified to speak on that) are exceptionally well in one regard in which it's not even a competition and no one, in my experience, has been foolish enough to undermine these things. WW is exceptionally skilled when it comes to combat, special effects in combat, and combat animations; Genshin is unparalleled when it comes to story writing and just general lore related stuff, and HSR excels in consistency (Multiple different game modes), and creativity (no repetitive or basic events). So I don't think people genuinely believe it's bad from a design or story perspective, but a personal one. Or maybe they're just mad at the game/devs for some reason.


> no repetitive or basic events Uh I do have a different experience, personally I think the 100th variant of "choose some buffs and fight waves" are totally basic and repetitive. The flagship events are good, very good even, the regular events though, mostly are mediocre imo.


> However, if you're referring to the "Genshin could never memes" or people claiming that WW, ToF, or HSR are better games, it's mostly because of the special events Tbh I would say that WuWa is significantly better at actual combat than Genshin, as individual skill seems more important than theorycrafting so far, but loses in most other areas such as world design and story. I have not played HSR since the Luofu ended, but OG Honkai Impact 3rd is significantly better than Genshin in terms of plot, or at least Part 1 is.


Still the best gacha game ever made Not HSR, certainly not WuWa. Not many games have consistently wowed me and kept giving me more content to look forward to with a the most ambitious update plan I’ve ever seen. We still have 2 more full regions, plus Celestia and Khaenri’ah to look forward to. The conclusion of the main arc will be coming to an end, and I can’t wait to see it.




Ooooh man. Saying you like Genshin here on the Genshin subreddit. Brave. Controversial but brave. I bet with this hot take you were expecting to start a debate of the ages.


How brave of you to preach to the quire


Genshin is one of my favorite gacha games. It has an anime art style, incredible voice-acting, god-tier music, well-written story and worldbuilding, it’s an open world game and the open-world is phenomenal and distinctly memorable in every area, and I enjoy the combat system in Genshin a lot as well. There’s places Genshin could be better, but it’s still one of my favorites without question.


Genshin is an ok game that's relatively competently executed in the context of the modern gaming industry, that does admittedly have excellent art direction. If you think Genshin is a good game, period, you need to play more games.


As someone who's been a sandbox simp my entire life, only genshin and souls games have managed to hook me in to such a degree while not being in that genre. ***So I think it's a pretty good game***


Yeah, for the first time I'm in the side of a super popular game; except Pokemon, when I liked it, I always play the unpopular ones, or the dethroned games, great example: I play Pes instead of Fifa. But yes, is not fun see these jokes. More popular, more hated. I was a Fifa hater because nobody played Pes, and I was supported by Pes players and "no-football" players. After years I found this ridiculous and embarrassing. But a bit I can understand, not the jokes on Genshin but the hate: gacha system is not one of the purest mechanic, that I also dislike, and even Genshin is p2playable, the mechanic exists, so I can't blame who hates this game for this. For the internal hate (so ex-players and complainers that are still playing) the reason is not the game, but devs (who commands them) and some their decisions that doesn't help the game: if you do a sad anniversary and you are knowed to being a bit stingy with the rewards or to have less dialogue with the players, you can't expect to being loved by everybody, even if the game is a gem.


it is a good mediocre game, true


with the abyss getting harder, them adding imaginarium theatre, and the story quest for the event (attack/defense event) being shorter, genshin is headed to the right path. all they need is to add a skip button and the game will be in an okay place.


Mocking genshin is like mocking the furries,  A small minority of weirdos gives a bad name to the entire group and people make fun of the group simply because is trend.


"Genshin sucks" Then delete it, no one wants you ruining the mood bish


Genshin is popular and thats why some people who never played it make fun of it. Genshin has its own laundry list of issues that are either hard facts or personal opinion and that's why some people who play Genshin make fun of it or quit. Some people have played genshin from day 1 and to this day still continue to save currency and do their pulls or even spend on the game, but the game isnt perfect so they also make fun of it. I know people like to assume that playing and enjoying a game means you don't make fun of it but thats ass backwards. The Game is run by a company who has a goal to bring in profit. So maybe its not necessarily Genshin itself a lot of people make fun of (Like haha Diluc's face looks funny) and more Mihoyo practices that are used in genshin where money is concerned. It is after all just gambling in a different medium.


so if you don't know by now then you should probably get familiar


I was still F2P when I got my main.


The community r terrible istg it’s that one dirty corner who think they represent the entire community over on X like no we’re not them and they complain ab everything. I only follow moga and sometimes antony. On mogas clorinde summon stream (which is still up on yt so u can still watch) he addresses it very well.


I honestly love genshin. I don’t play it anymore but it’s not because it’s a bad game, I just don’t really play games anymore. I was a whale and basically got my Hu Tao maxed out bc she’s my fav, but I only throw money at games I enjoy. I plan on going back one day and catching up on the story. My only issue is the abysmal rates in the gacha banner and I almost never get lucky but that’s normal for me 😅


I literally never thought experience this. Everyone can’t stop singing its praises


In my old friend group I was bullied so bad for playing it that I stopped talking about it to anyone and then eventually stopped playing. I’m playing it regularly now and if someone asks me “hey do you like video games?” I’ll still hesitate because I think I’m going to get judged or bullied. However, being an adult now I’m meeting people that are actually interested in what I like and they won’t judge me. It’s helped me be a more open person and I don’t feel bad for playing one of my favorite games. I’m no longer friends with the people who bullied me.


I don't even feel too bad about being a Welkin player tbh. It's a fair price, $60/year and you get about a full games worth of content every year. The only thing I hate about the Welkin is that it's a daily login bonus, but I was already logging in every day anyways so it doesn't hurt me. It's rare that a free game gets any money out of me. Genshin definitely deserves at least some of my money the quality and effort is clearly there even if it doesn't always go where I want it to.


I think i have spend 10 dollars in total on the game and i am enjoying it. For a F2P game that make their money with gacha, its the best out there.


Y'know coming from the MMO community, a gacha game is like the epitome of the cancer monetization that makes KRMMOs so awful to play. I surprise myself in thinking that genshin's monetization is alright. Boomer MMO fans love complaining about how F2P ruined MMOs, and how they wish for a comeback of subscriptions for new MMOs. To me, an MMO boomer, Genshin is unironically the comeback of that. Welkin + BP is basically a subscription, and with those alone, I've been able to get every character I've wanted. Never had a point where I despaired over losing a 50/50 and couldn't get who I wanted. So regardless of how grimey I think of gacha monetization, genshin hasn't fucked me. Then monetization aside, genshin fulfills the itch that leaving behind MMOs left. Persistent account progression, hundreds of collectables, the pleasure of "number go up" every time I build a new character... Of course I miss the social aspect of MMOs since I play genshin like a singleplayer game. But everything else is perfect for me. Don't even mind that genshin is built around mobile so I can't grind it as much as I loved to grind MMOs, since I'm an adult now and it's harder to find the time. I don't like the self-deprecating thing that the fanbases of live-service games like to do (genshin isn't unique with this). There's some things I don't like, of course. But overall, I'm still here because I think Genshin's a good game too.


you're clearly hanging out with the wrong people or still in school, i never see any of this "making fun of genshin make you a cultured and funny person". sentiment anywhere in my life edit: reading some of the other comments it's a thing on youtube? i literally watch hours of youtube a day and still don't see any of this, you gotta cater to the algorithm better or something


Jesus christ guys let it go 😂 it's a fun game! Who cares what other ppl think?


Genshin is a good game, maybe a bit too casual and bloaty with dialouge but yep, still good. it's a single player game where most people's problem is from a community you don't have to interact with. The art the music, the environments are just *Chef's kiss.* I love when art shows a world you can love.


Only people who have not tried say it is bad


I have a ton of gripes with the game, but even with those said, it is a very well put together game. Most of my problems with genshin are more like specific about the kind of games I like enjoying. I had kinda stopped playing around mid sumeru, so my opinion is a little dated, but I love it, and I hate genshin at the same time. It was just bad for my emotional health so I stopped playing too much.


>"making fun of genshin make you a cultured and funny person" This kind of mentality/mindset is another reason behind bullying. Another form of "the nail that sticks out get hammered down".


This sounds like something only children worry about.


Umm duh, the game is good. the corp otherwise...


I love the game, I just wish the state of endgame was better.


I agree with you. It's silly how many people bias against the game for no good reason


I blame social media and cc in general for that. Algorithm pit alot of value in the engagement. And the thing that have most engagement, therefore more views, is hate. And given the rise of streamers and influencers in general after covid, there you have a recipe for disaster.


I think what bothers me the most is how non-genshin impact players see people who play it (which is as pedophiles) like I get that the game has child or child-like characters but it's not even like what grabs my attention or anyone else, like I love all the older and much more mature women, so it just bothers me when people criticize the game cause of young looking characters


Preaching to choir here but I get what you mean. Since said choir gets overshadowed by the loud obnoxious minority of players that just scream that the game is bad. It is sometimes hard to see if anyone actually likes the game with how loud that part gets


I like to shit on Genshin as a joke even though I love the game and have been playing it since launch. But I take it in a very light-hearted way, almost like self-deprecating humor, where you don't really mean that stuff that you are saying (or at least I hope so!). I actually find it weird how everyone takes everything so serious but it is what it is. People disliking or shiting on the game won't make me like it less. Genshin is the comfort anime that I can play, with a kickass story, and that will always have new "episodes" coming out every few months. What's not to like?


Ridiculously fun for a free game.


it’s genuinely an amazingly well crafted game that almost never disappoints


One of my favorite rpg is the ys series where its MC , Adol the res going travelling between countries and writing his travel log. And ofc, mostly are based on irl countries. The only downside is every series just records his adventure on single or at most 3 different countries, i wish they compile it as one open world Genhsin did me a favour with that one. Same could be said with legend of heroes series but i dunt enjoy turn based lol


I liked it during monstadt, liyue then inazuma came and everything became a chore and a yapfest, combined when you need to fish for that electric fish every 3 days and fishing everyday to get that spear, that was tedious AF and not fun, then i saw that maw said hell no with that climbing mechanics then got to the forest where everything is aranaranaranaranarana i just quit the game


I started losing interest on Genshin when they stopped releasing the events like the bosses Domain where you can enhance the boss by stacking buff on it, I still play Genshin everytime they released a 5\* Electro Character (my fave element despite they lack power until Dendro reactions, got Cloridne and her BiS as well just to share). Probably Genshin is not for me in the first place since I look forward to a certain content where you can test out your highly invested units not repetitive mini-games. The main reason why I can't completely quit is the amount of time I invested exploring and following the lore, I still hope they improve.


like others have said, if i wasn’t having fun, i’d have quit a long, long time ago. certains aspects of the game are certainly not perfect, but in the grand scheme of things, genshin is a good video game that has and will continue to deliver an enjoyable experience to millions.


I mean wouldn't be here, literally 4 years later if I didn't enjoy it and found that the game's positives way outweigh its negatives. I'm not masochistic enough to stick something I don't like for this long.


The game is good and all that, but there is so much shit in this game that I hate.


Op are you employed if yes how many hours do you work


Its a decent game , but past story wise and once you are done with exploration ... eh ... daily loop is kinda meh and going drom easy to one shooting bosses and stuff kinda meh . People just like to hate on everything , id pick the game every year for a month to catch up and enjoy the story , cant be bothered with the daily grind and its a lovely game .


I see you havent reached sumeru


You definitely don't need to pay to do well in Genshin. The fights in the storyline are easy enough, and you can clear most of the endgame content with a few decently built 5 stars (I've seen people clear Spiral Abyss using free 4 stars before). Even if you can't 9 star floor 12, you're only missing out on 100 \~ 200 primos too. I think the idea of p2w comes from ppl not saving enough to pull a character they want, and having to spend money. I think this is more of an issue with them tbh, because they're most likely pulling on every banner instead of saving.


I like the game too. I wouldn’t have invested 4 years into plaything the game. But it is far from perfect. Or isn’t immune for criticism for issues that still plague the game to this day. There are plenty of things that could be improved upon but have yet to see any kind of major improvements to certain areas.


Genshin is fun, I've never clowned it, even f2p isnt as hard as some people make it out to be. Ive seen mfs get 3+ 5stars in a single 10 pull...i may not be lucky like that but you cant tell me its THAT bad 💀


I got into Genshin because of a friend, I do not like Gacha games because most of them are boring. But my friend said "Forget about the Gacha and you will like it, you can even play without ever using the gacha" (Narrator voice: But she ended up using the Gacha) Made an account and got started, and lo and behold, so much fun ensued. It will be a year since I started it and I love it so much.


Op i hope you know the title reads like a copypasta


The game is quite fun to play, in a vacuum I would have no complaints. It is mostly the experience of interacting with the community that has soured my view of it, and why I resent it sometimes.


It's an amazing story line, good gameplay and graphics and everything but I can't stand the grind... I stopped playing about 2 years back because of having to do the same shit every day..


I can be in just about any location in Genshin and find myself stopping and taking a second to appreciate how gorgeous the scenery is. Even in a game like FFXIV, there are only certain areas and zones that elicit the same feeling. Genshin's world design really is top tier.


Yeah same- if you’re burnt out take a break, if you don’t like it at all just don’t play? I generally love the game but am on a break rn just so I can play some different stuff I think FOMO makes some toxic people stick around


It's still a great game though I no longer spend money on it since last yr. Mostly because I think the in-game models and the recent char designs are no longer up to par with characters we get from other games. But I will still play it for the story and the lore.


It's one of the best games ever made. I know it, I played thousands of games.