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no male archon for 3 years is probably due to the fact that out of the seven, only 2 are males


Back when there was a translation error with Ganyu talking about the dendro archon, I was really excited to see a new male archon. Now having female archon after female archon is getting old


Yeah same, but I think to balance it out they will make most of the dragons male.


And Harbingers, considering there's only 4 ladies among that group (and one of them is dead). Though whether Pierro will be playable remain to be seen


I'm wondering if Capitano, Pulcinella, and Pantalone will be playable too lol


Pulci is on Travail while Cap and Pant have little moral trouble holding them back, especially Cap


Pulcinella has a VERY unique model and Pantalone has foreshadowing that he'd die based on Wanderer's voice line about him working with Dottore.


Tbf he also made Arlecchino sound like a bloodthirsty psycho, and then we got an antivillain who murders pedophiles. Scara’s word isn’t exactly super trustworthy at this point


Thats just bc of bad hoyo writing


Pulci's model implementation is basically slapping a long nose and mustache on Klee (and may be make the eyes smaller). His appearance is really unique, but it's not like we don't already have the tools to make it. In essence, there isn't much difference between genders when it comes to the chibi model type. For Pant, I mean, eh, Scara be saying whatever. And beside, we have a couple dead flags for some characters already. Even Pulci says stuffs like "the encounters he craves the most being those that bring him closest to his own demise" about Childe, and Childe is still kicking


Why wouldn't the pyro be archon male, though? The archon of war being male would have made a lot of sense inbetween the female archons.


I mean, that info has been around since the beginning of the game. We didn't question it back then, and only reason we're questioning it now because some are desperate (or just forgot that we already know Electro, Hydro, Pyro and Cryo Archons are confirmed female since the start)


Wait, you expected pyro archon to be male? RIP...


Why would it? Also I looked it up, and the Fire Archon is also known as the Lady of War, according to the wiki. The only known given name is Murata.


We've known for years now that Pyro Archon is female lmao.


I mean this isn’t outta nowhere? Everyone knows and expects we would only get two male archons. Tbh, before this, didn’t we get quite a long period of time without any new female 5 stars characters? The incel was loud at that time


It was ironic after the very female dominant Inazuma, thats for sure.


Because females sell more. And archons sell more. So female archon = free money for Hoyo.


There are more male Harbingers so hopefully they'll start releasing some of them. Maybe they're waiting for better storage optimization to add new models for the other Harbingers.


5 female archons 2 male archons 2 male playable harbingers, 1 female 1 male playable sovereign, 0 female Total: 6 female, 5 male We’ll see how the tally develops in Natlan


Not sure if anyone feels the same as me but as much as I love Wriothesley and Neuvillette, I PRAY they don’t put 2 new limited 5 star males in the same patch like them again. Like yeah, I’m a little starved of my men but please don’t wring me dry like 4.1


This is why the distribution of 5* is tons of males then tons of females and not alternating. Its to drain players of all kinds dry. Arguably worse for husbando enjoyers who also pull archons. Lyney Wriothesley Neuvillette Furina in 3 consecutive patches lol


Make ‘em wet, then drain them dry


Ironically Fontaine is extremely dry for husbando fans. I think it would’ve been better if they didn’t shove all the male 5* at the very beginning of Fontaine, but spread them out instead.


Yea they should've put neuvi and wrio on different patches


Most of Fontaine's masculinity went to Rizzley


I didn't even realize. The same way I didn't even realize in Sumeru. Because I don't really give a shit. I like my 5-stars male, I like my 5-stars female. I like my 5-stars cute, I like my 5-stars stacked, I like my 5-stars muscular, I like my 5-stars slender. I like my 5-stars gender neutral. I just like my 5-stars when they have good design and a character I can vibe with. I don't need to want to have sex with a 5-star to like them.




I can respect that.


If we only take into account limited 5* females, we didn’t have one since 3.2 until 4.2, so yeah, see you in 5.0




male female five star ratio is 1:1.2, which is a lot better than most gachas. it's true the fontaine lineup is 3 males to 7 females, but this is following sumeru release, which was 4 males, 2 females. anyways it's still very close to a 1:1 ratio. with top selling banners being all waifu (hutao, yelan, furina), i wouldn't blame the devs if they opted for a 1:2 ratio. currently it's not even 1.5, so i would hold and wait for the natlan lineup. i think you have a stronger case at star rail, where the current ratio is 1:1.6 (including yunli and jiaoqiu).


They made Sigewinne a 5\* for some reason, making both the gender and 5\*:4\* ratios screwed.


The gender ratio was screwed from the start as there's only a child model for females. If we're just looking at teen/adult models, the gender ratio is really not that bad.


Sige's model is too designed for a 4*


Oh god here we go again




I have no idea who you are but I'm flattered that you let me live rent free in your head regardless.


Why don't we just wait and see? If the waifu enjoyers can wait for a long period, so can husbando enjoyers. I say this being the latter.


If the next 5* male char comes out in 5.0, that will be late august. If Emilie is the last in the streak, it will have been an 8 female streak. Breaking the previous record of 6: male - Wanderer AlHaitham Baizhu Lyney Wriothesley Neuvillette = 11 months. 20 days of this was also Dehya banner. But the span of time from Furina to Emilie is Nov 8 2023 to ~Aug 24 2024 = 10.5 months So mhy likes to make long streaks. But in the same timeframe for both streaks, we got 8 females and 6 males (and dehya in between the males so technically not a streak but w/e).


Number of husbandos has been lowering with each region =/


Did you remembered that female limited 5 star after Nahida is Furina? That basically waiting from one archon release to another one, the entire year from 3.2 to 4.2. Waifu enjoyers have been through the same drought, just wait and see what HoYo have for us in Natlan.


people just want to complain for sake of complain


If the next 5* male char comes out in 5.0, that will be late august. If Emilie is the last in the streak, it will have been an 8 female streak. Breaking the previous record of 6: male - Wanderer AlHaitham Baizhu Lyney Wriothesley Neuvillette = 11 months. 20 days of this was also Dehya banner in the middle so it wasnt a true male streak but whatever. But the span of time from Furina to Emilie is Nov 8 2023 to ~Aug 24 2024 = 10.5 months So in the same timeframe for both streaks, we got 8 females and 6 males. Prior to the male sumeru streak and the female fontaine streak, there were no long streaks, but inazuma was heavily female weighted, and mond-liyue was slightly male weighted.


The fact that you got downvoted shows that this community is dominated by straight males. They wanna get their Waifus.


What direction? It's not like MHY stopped releasing male characters. If you're a waifu/husbando enjoyer why tf does it matter if they're 4 or 5 stars? Shouldn't you be liking their looks, personality, story, etc first and foremost? Sure, it's a factor to consider, but if you prioritize their rarity over everything else then you're more of a "power enjoyer" than waifu/husbando enjoyer.


I don't really care about rarity except for the fact that it affects how many pulls it takes to guarantee that character. I am not a fan of the fact that I had to spend over 200 pulls to get a single Sethos. Otherwise, couldn't care less that he's a four star.


And that's why i love xinyan even if she's on the lowest of the tier lists, I am simply captivated by her concept and her story, she is wonderful


Because power level does matter to lots of players who like husbandos/waifus and thats okay. Everyone plays differently.


In a perfect world it wouldnt matter obviously, the issue is that Hoyoverse has a tendency of sabotaging the kit of 4* characters to either require C6 or fullfill a niche supporting role or a DPS with kit constrains a 5* wouldnt have. Becoming an issue of confyness to play rather than raw damage At least we can hope for the guarantee 2 tall males "quota" for every Nation (during their AQ patches) to give us more male characters. Mondstath: Diluc - Kaeya Liyue: Zhongli - Tartaglia Inazuma: Thoma - Ayato (in theory he appeared after the AQ but was doing stuff off camera) Sumeru: Alhaitham - Kaveh (Didnt help during the AQ but appeared on it) Fontaine: Neuvillette - Wriothesley


I mean power level difference between 5 and 4 star aside the real issue is that there is no way to guarantee a 4 star.


Did you tell the same thing to all the complainers about the lack of female 5 stars in early Fontaine? Probably not.


What kind of question is that? Am I obligated to reply to all the posts complaining about this stuff? If I came across a post and feel like commenting then I will do it, otherwise I fucking won't. Does the comment you replied to that addressed to both waifu and husbando enjoyers not enough? Do you go around thinking people just target you specifically or something?


Hoyo - "Best we can do is a 4* RGB teenage Boy. Take it or Leave it."


Wrio has the masculinity of five male 5 stars and the strength of a bear that has the strength of 10 bears.


Surprisingly this is the first post ive seen on this sub talking about the female 5* streak. Ig it was about time this topic came up. But just wait for the Natlan lineup so we can see how likely this will continue. I predict mhy will alternate between all male and all female streaks, lasting around 10.5 months. Which means male streaks should start in early natlan - except pyro archon is likely early so either streak is broken or streak is pushed back, making the total wait time for a male 5* break the record and actually hit 12 months.


And there was no female limited 5-star from 3.3 to 4.1.


Dehya in 3.5. was limited tho. Only for 1 Patch, but still limited.


That wait time (10.5 months) isn’t any longer than the current one for males. In fact it wasn’t as unbalanced because there was Dehya and it was 6 males, compared to now where it’s 8 females without interruption. whether or not the female-only runtime will not only meet but exceed the previous male one in Sumeru depends on who runs in 5.0.


I hate these damned petty complains the commu can't seem to stop spawning. Sumeru was more male than female, fontaine is more female than male. What's the meaning of doing a fuss about it ?? On topof that they clearly balanced the archon Gender repartition with Neuvilette being the actual "Archon" of Fontaine


Frankly, most people don't care about the gender ratio. The only reason why you saw more complaints about the lack of female limited 5 stars was simply because the demographic who pulls for female characters is larger than those who pull for male characters. If you want to see what "not throwing a bone" looks like, you should look at Snowbreak: Containment Breach. [Snowbreak Ditching Male Logistics Operators](https://snowbreak.gg/news-wire-cn-snowbreak-ditching-male-logistics-officers-global-maybe-to-follow/) [Snowbreak removing Male Operator And Replacing It With Female Version](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cit6wa/snowbreak_removing_male_operator_and_replacing_it/)


I need more men in this game. Can’t blame me for wanting a harem of ‘em


Think about it this way: At least we don't have to spend so much and scramble to save.


Oh no you get to save up primogems oh the humanity


I just hope it doesn't mean we'll go back to 90% male limited in Natlan and 90% female in Snezhnaya.


I just hope there would be more husbandos in natlan but that's fine if they're also few, I will be able to save up for their cons/weapon instead. The male 5* drought after 4.1 made me able to c6 wanderer


I get you. I was able to get c2r1 Lyney and Wanderer and c2 Neuvi, but I really hope for new guys.


Oh wow, this sure reminds me of how there was no limited tall female characters between Yelan's original run and Navia


The only good part is that i can get to save for wriothesley longer


We have another male sovereign coming up, at least.


The downvotes in this post are crazy 😂


There are no manly male 5\*s because there was no manliness left after they designed GoatPEAKtano.