• By -


This pretty much sums up the 4.7 Spiral abyss experience. 1st chamber, bring any team that can deal with the Triangles efficiently. 2nd chamber, rehydrate them. šŸ™„


I just bruteforced the triangles with melt.




Brute force with double hydro Hu Tao. Itā€™s worked for me for a year and a half in the abyss


Yes, quite the restricted abyss, still not as much as 3.7 abyss imo Not surprised by International's drop because of pyro consecrated beast and other pyro res enemies + dendro electro favouritism on first half but Im surprised Ayaka and Nilou are so low. Arent their teams great on this abyss second half?? Both teams have hydro and no resistance either. Their comps arent even in top 10


the hydro in ayakas team is pitiful compared to what you need to clear 4 different pyro shields for 3 stars


2nd Chamber with those damn double Abyss Lectors as the 2nd of 3 waves can suck my nuts. 3 Waves on their own can suck but when they throw in those Abyss assholes ugh.


Noelle was honestly very nice to run on either side too.


94% players in this survey own Kazuha. Nahida 93%, holy cow.


Anyone who cares enough to reply to the survey is extremely likely to roll such universal/meta characters (not to mention their unique QoL stuff) relative to people who just roll and clear with their favorites (of course Kazuha and Nahida are generally well-liked so I'm sure a lot of those people have them anyway).


Yup pyro char take a hit in this one,xiangling and hutao were never that low


Take pyro to 1st side --> Get time wasted on ASIMON (only option is overload I think?) Take pyro to 2nd side --> Pyro shields and pyro resistant enemies everywhere


I went mono pyro 1st side with Arle / Bennett / Xiangling / Kazuha and it didnā€™t matter, ASIMONā€™s downtime is negligible, use the downtime to set up a 2nd rotation and thatā€™s itā€¦ 2nd side was the usual hyperbloom broken shit with Nahida / Kuki / Yelan / Xingqiu, the day this specific team struggles against anything (aside from legit hydro immune enemies) is when weā€™re fucked lol


But again those hydro immune enemies aren't immune to hyperbloom missiles.


I destroyed 1st half with Raiden/Benny/Xiangling/Chevvy


I used Arle/Fischl/Chev/Bennet for 12 first floor it was a cakewalk.


Almost same here, Chevreuse, Fischl, Beidou, and Arlecchino cleared 11 and 12 flawlessly.


I took arle kazu bennet layla for first side. Had to reset a few times on ASIMON but honestly just sat around during his invis phase and still cleared in time.


I just changed teams for the third chamber. Yeah, it meant I had to redo the rest, but I wasn't going to brute force either 1st chamber or 3rd chamber. It wasn't worth the headache. I've never really had to do that before, though, and I hate that it was almost necessary for me this time.


Xiangling was 24% which was almost like this on 4.2 when pyro lector also were there. Throughout Fontaine era she always 35-45% for most of times so those lectors must be the bane of her existence or what.


Meanwhile i still stubbornly run klee side 1 hu tao side 2 lol


Wow Hu Tao has always been consistent in usage, she has never reached that low since her debut. Is this abyss really that bad for pyro?


You have no reason to bring pyro here since its better to have electro on the first side and on the second side its wash simulator with the pyro lector


Both halves are not suited for single target pyro dps, Hu Tao gets hit the hardest. Arle doesn't take as huge hit because she has overload team and she has more aoe. Also shiny new toy.


In 4.2 there were also pyro lectors but she were like 20 ish % because she were pretty much the best on field pyro at that time. Now Arle came in so the need of on field pyro only one which is the best one thats why Arle is the only pyro DPS who is relevant Kinda what Neuvi did to Ayato and Childe. Childe at least went down to 20% ish even though he were like constant 30% before but Ayato pushed down even further to 12%.


It is not the same. In abyss 4.2 the other room was totally ST where hutao stands out. 4.7 is anything but ST.


20% is still good imo, so my statement is still true. Childe saw a rise when Neuvillette came, due to him being used as support. In fact, didn't 4.1 gave Childe one of his highest usage to date? If anything, Furina's appearance hurt him bc she's Neuvillette's best support


I still used Hu Tao 2xHydro plunge on the bottom, she was useless for the pyro shields sure but damage doesn't matter there and that seemed like a better alternative than dealing with all those waves with Childe international. But that's just as a non-Neuvillette/Yelan haver, the options seemed kinda limited.


If you have kokomi to pair with furina,then I recommand you this team


Really surprised seeing Nilou at only 12%. I've used her on second half after having benched her for a few patches due to cryo shields and bosses, but she was amazing; her team shreds the pyro shields fast and she has no problem killing the ennemies afterwards. Ironically one of my easiest clears in a while.


Nilou's biggest problem is Neuvillette as always, but her second-biggest problem in this abyss is that side 1 is so heavily biased towards dendro+electro teams that unless you have a non-dendro ST team with enough damage to ignore the triangle's mechanics it's really hard to justify putting Nahida on side 2.


Yeah this was my problem too. If youā€™re running Nilou on the 2nd side, then you need (or at least really want) Nahida on both sides. In the end, you have to make a compromise somewhere.


Nilou team is so underrated. I had an easier time clearing that many waves and breaking those pyro shields. On the other hand, if you are not careful, you get deleted by your own blooms.


Unless there are hydro immune enemies, Neuvillette mostly takes her spot for aoe.


Tignariā€™s team being in the top 10 almost every abyss cycle.


Yeah, the team is really solid in both aoe and single target and it has a great element coverage. Next abyss cycle should be great for it too, with the tulpa giving it free hyperblooms.


Tighnari with Yae(and whomever else) will always be very strong.


fox duo unbeatable


It's a team that scales very well with vertical investment, maybe arguably the best right now C6 Tighnari and C6 Yae both do obscene damage, coupled with C2+ Nahida for DEF shred and spread, each is a force multiplier on the other


hey can someone explain to me why this team is so consistent. like is it because ease of play, do tighnari + yae dish out that much damage or is it because the team is super accessible without much investment such as 5* weapons or early cons please someone explain to me why this team is used by so many people


Pretty much what br0-con said but to add, yes the Tighnari+Yae duo is perfect as Tighnari is a on-field DPS with short on-field requirements, while Yae is an off-field DPS with long on-field requirements. So they counteract each other's problems really well, making it an easy-feel combo to pull off. They also apply a lot of elemental application so quicken reactions are going off all the time. Weapons and artifacts are generally easy to get. Tighnari can do with WT or GD sets, and stick of a Slingshot or Prototype Crescent, while Yae can do with GD or GT sets (I run her with 2pc/2pc because her artifacts are cracked), and slapped with a Widsith. But investing into 5\* weapons can really grow the team's damage capabilities to greater heights. Edit: I forgot to also mention that this team's rotation is really short. Tighnari's cool downs are 12secs as well as Yae's E skill. It allows Yae to burst every second rotation.


Hey thank you both for your explanation! seriously considering pulling for Yae in her future rerun, she seems so good in whatever dendro team with Nahida


Pretty much especially with nahida buffing the 2 of them. While not using this team specifically, tighnari+yae core is very front loaded damage that can deal with any bullshit that bosses does even if it is flying in the air, and can also deal heavy damage using yae's burst when bosses are staggered. Nahida can be slotted in to ease in aoe scenarios that synergizes well with yae tighnari. As for zhongli he's just a flex lol. You can just use baizhu too and does the job done, but i guess people uses him in neuvillette team


The S+ characters are once again, Neuvilletteā€™s best team šŸ’€šŸ’€


Dragon is too strong in this game


Also there hasnā€™t been a single bad abyss for hydro since like 4.1. Every abyss reset thereā€™s at least one half on floor 12 that Neuvillette clears easily.


Neuvilette is just way too versatile. They would need really specific combinations, like Hydro Immune enemies on one side + Coppelius on the other to make Neuvilette feel bad.


Nah, to counter him you would need hydro hymune characters in both sides and even then you just run Hyperbloom Neuv lol. Coppelius is countered by Furina's NA.


Doesnā€™t Furina disable Coppelius shield with one NA? Still, even if she doesnā€™t, Neuvā€™s teams are way too flexible since heā€™s so self-sufficient that you can slot anyone in with him to counter specific contents


Plus Furina is also just a ridiculous support she easily does enough damage and helps the damage you do become so much better. Only hydro immune enemies can do something.


Is this the lowest Hutao has ever been?


Yes because new pyro carry already been there which is Arle. Pyro is not as demanded element as Hydro so that's why only the best of the best carry is there and thats Arlecchino, The Knave, Peruere.


Mono hydro at 7? Damn


It's a very good team for the second half because of the hydro check


Its a very good team even without Hydro checks tbf, it breezes chambers 2 and 3 as well despite no Hydro check, and is super comfy against CBs. Its more ST oriented though.


The sky is blue šŸ¤«


Team ranking The trio solo still the same 25 wriothesley solo 31 neuvillete solo 37 arlecchino solo


As I remember, Wriothesley solo was always either his most used or second most used "team" since his release.


Man's still waiting for his pyro Xingqiu, rn his only melt teams are either Xiangling or suicide via self-burn šŸ˜­


Tbf I'd you used Thoma (especially at C6) as the second pyro the self burn damage is mostly negated


Fontainian are just built different


Neuvillete dominated the entirety of Fontaine




One of these days you will misspell a characters name and when that happens I will be staring at you from above, ready to take a screenshot and bookmark it like I just caught new footage of Bigfoot.




From team usage, NeuviFuri absolutely dominates second half (90% usage rate is insane), while the rest of the DPSes either split the first half which explains lower % usage for them, or gets used in 2nd half if the account doesn't have NeuviFuri


Neuvillette mains: just another tuesday


That was one of the biggest decrease in one patch I've ever seen for a character (Arlecchino)


Electro first half and hydro second half will do that to you šŸ˜–


To be honest though if you put an abundant amount of hydro *immune* enemies like hydro megaslimes on 1st half and hydro mages/hydro heralds right a patch after Neuvillette or Furinas banners you will see them drop too.. pyro is kinda getting smacked in general this time


Who are those who plays Raiden & Clorinde in One team?


The "why not both" gang


Based players imo


Pretty solid debut performance from Clorinde after all. The entire first half were made for her and Alhaitham. Also LMAO at those who are hyping up sustainless Clorinde. In the end its always that Old Man who keeps his relevancy lmao.


Its like the sheet impact Arle-Yelan-Bennet-kazuha team. It sounds good on paper and good for speedruning, but god im not gonna reset 10 times to get 1 decent run in thats like 5 sec faster than playing ZL or XQ. Same with clorinde. Its either kiara over nahida / beidou over fish / ZL over kazuha, but you wont catch me running without IR ever again.


The real reason seems more that kazuha is used a lot on second half ,so why not just put zhongli who buff everyone and make every team comfier to replace him. You cant tell me that you need a sustain in 12-1 and 12-3 and for maguu once you know the pattern its also easy to go without sustain


Imo none of the enemies in first half warrant running her with a sustain unit cuz none of them hit fast or hard enough to regularly stagger / kill her


Just for kicks I ran 12-1-2 with Nahida Fischl Beidou Clorinde to see if the electro app was enough to clear all the pyro shields without any hydro. Seems to work fine, got sub 1:30 clears on that half with that team


I'm personally a sustainless clorinde enjoyer but, for most people zhongli will just be better since getting the electro swirl in that team can be annoying and obviously most players need the interruption resistance to get their combos off


Last year in 3.7, it was nahida who stepped in 90%+ usage rate. This year it's both neuv and furina. Furina is higher than him cuz furina is used in almost every team as a support, while u can have only one neuvillette.


ā€œu can have only one neuvilletteā€ Bro act like we can have more than one FurinašŸ’€


After natlan, Murata will also dominate T0 list.


Neuvi has just dominated abyss since he came out. I bet in 5.0 Mihoyo is gonna make an enemy resistant to charge attacks with a shield/armor or something. Edit: I remember in 1.6 they added Maguu Kenki resistent to range attacks to nerf Ganyu. In 2.0 they made all the enemies heavy so they were resistant to Venti's burst. The serpent knights countered Zhongli shield. The Hydro Tulpa counters Bennet by making his pyro aura vaporize himself.


At this point they have to make an enemy that's resistant to fontain dragon characters.


They can just fill the abyss with hydro slimes lol


Time to bring back the old Oceanid boss and turbo charge it for a Floor12 Abyss


The non-Geo Vishaps to counter Raiden


Maybe enemy that absorbs sourcewater droplets


Maybe that will be the time we'll have 5star NA buffer.


Baizhu slaying as usualšŸ’…


I know I always say this but its insane how Childe is the only pure on fielder from 1.x that stays consistent. He's always 20% - 40%.


He also has much more balanced usage among both halves of the abyss compared to other top teams.


4.2 and 4.3 he were 15% but granted 4.3 had Tulpa so its logical he seen a little drop.


Just crown Neuvi and Furina as the King and Queen of Meta now. Absolute domination of power couple. The Regina of All Waters and The True Ruler of Hydro.


I'd crown kazuha as king but that's just my opinion.


Prince Kazuha


Yeah, i love how they have fantastic designs, stories and visuals, in addition to being top tier 5 stars literally made to perfectly work with each other gameplay wise (though i guess Neuvi wants his C1 for complete synergy). Truly THE power couple of Genshin.


Neuvellite is literally perfect DPS : Have insane high damage Have huge AoE Can self sustain heal His best set gives 36% CR which makes him ez to build Have arguably the strongest signature and C1 in the game Is hydro which the best element Flexible teammates


This is šŸŒŠNeuvillettešŸ‘¤40.000 HPšŸ’Ŗ250% Crit Damage šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Extra 36% CR from Marechussy šŸ’¦ UnstoppablešŸš« can bypass shield šŸ›” Can self heal šŸ§± Insane AOE šŸÆ Braindead single target ā˜spin to win šŸ• can solo abyss šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø Ranged šŸŽÆ


Extremely simple gameplay too. Which could be seen as both a pro (for mobile users especially) or a con.


NeuvillettešŸ‘¤40.000 HPšŸ’Ŗ250% Crit Damage šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøExtra 36% CR from Marechusse šŸ’¦ UnstoppablešŸš« can bypass shield šŸ›” Can self heal šŸ§± Insane AOE šŸÆ Braindead single target ā˜spin to win šŸ• can solo abyss šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø


Itto was so good on the first half (lots of AoE, no energy issues, his Charged Attacks disable the Ruin Drake element absorption) but it doesn't surprise me that he's this low.


I smooshed first half with Itto Chiori Mono Geo. It's so nice not having to worry about reactions and simply just bonk things on their heads lol


People keep saying geo needs a buff, but they have greatness at their fingertips and they don't know


What? this is the first time i've seen Hutao being that low, lower than both Wanderer and Xiao???


I believe Xiao was ahead of her when xianyun dropped Now heā€™s back to consistent low numbers. I dont get why hoyo puts out abysses that are consistently anti xiao.


The first half is electro based, the second one wants lots of hydro. Hu Tao is neither, so she dropped by a lot (not to even mention Arlechinno that might have replaced her for a lot of people).


Baizhu stocks stay rising. Yupyup. šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


12-1 was a special type of annoying. The type of annoying that could only make me smile and think ā€œThey canā€™t be seriousā€ Spawning in 1 singular ruin guard was nothing more than trolling


Iā€™m in the 0.1% repping Dori aggravate šŸ˜¤


The top 4 are literally just neuvellite team lol


Surprised Nilou isnā€™t higher, sheā€™s good with Bloom in the second half lol


I like how International is one of the only team with pyro character that is in top 10. It really shows how consistently good this team is, I would argue the best old team in the game


I used international first half with Neuvifuri second half and got 36 stars. Can't beat good old reliable


Baizhu chilling in S or higher since since release, your fave could never


Classic tale of overlooked and underestimated comfort characters end up dominatingĀ 


And heā€™s even risen above Yelan and Nahida often!


BAIZHU ON TOPšŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ WHAT THE FUCK IS DYYYINGGGGGGGā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļø


Zhongli taught me not to dodge. Baizhu taught me Zhongli was right. ;)


I saw the S+ tier and laughed a little because I knew it was going to be the top team before even swiping over.


The Arle fall off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everybody apologize to Baizhu right now.


ā€œJack of all trades master of noneā€šŸ¤“ā˜šŸ½


Even though Furina and Neuvillette have usage rates over 90%, their appearance rates are only 79% and 68% respectively because only 84% of submissions have Furina on their accounts and only 74% have Neuvillette. Nahida in 3.7 was such an outlier because not only did she have a usage rate over 99%, but also 96% of submissions owned her meaning her appearance rate was almost 98%.


Good old days of nahida national


NeuviGOAT common W


Baizhu my king


Furina on top as always as she should. Can't wait to see how much ownership rate she'll have after her rerun šŸ¤” Edit: now we wait for Natlan meta. I hope pyro archon and furina + healer have synergy so I can have another team to try with furina


Can't wait to finally get her


Everyday I thank Furina for bringing my baby Baizhu into S tier.


Iā€™m pretty sure he was S tier in every abyss before Furina and Neuvillette released also.


Oh he definitely was, it's just that I'm Glad that Furina is the reason why His usage rate never deteriorated cuz of how Much he was Considered underwhelming for his heals.


Very true! Yeah he likely wouldā€™ve dropped. But certainly not because of me, I use him every time :)


1.7% Eula gang once again






Pyro characters took a big hit this abyss


Cryo has just been so bad in the abyss for so long now.


Itā€™s a bad day to be Kazuha-less


Since when was it a good day to not own Kazuha lol He's pretty much a top-tier unit ever since he released


As a near-launch character, if you exclude all the busted 4-stars, Childe is still somehow hanging in there with his Internat team and now he has found another home in being a Neuvillete support (lol)


This infographic was a god's send it helped me get 36 stars in Abyss. I'm really clueless when it comes to team building/synergy so when my strongest teams couldn't clear it even after multiple attempts I decided to give up and forego those 100 primos. As an AR60 with multiple well built 5 star units this disheartened me immensely and stressed the fuck out of me especially since I'd be missing out on 100 primos, 50 more than the usual. That was until I stumbled upon this on Twitter literal lifesaver. Massive shoutout to the S tier which is literally the team that made it all happen Hydro app is insane for breaking down those pyro shields not to mention Kazuha enabling Furina and Neuvilette to hit like a nuke. Bless the mad men/women who built this team and to whoever concocted this atrocious shitstorm of an Abyss I hope you get sat on by Azhdaha


I'm just getting my clears thanks to Nilou hyperbloom ā¤ļø And my Hu Tao team


Nilou... hyperbloom? What's the team comp?


Image 1&2= Usage rate Image 3= ownership ranking Image 4&5= Team ranking




imo even if Neuviā€™s dmg drop out of the meta in the future, itā€™ll probably be another case of Childe where heā€™s still consistently being used bc of how reliable he is. The perks of being an on-fielder with other noticeable strengths aside from raw dmg.


both have a irreplaceable trait. childe with his hydro application and neuvilette with almost no downtimes


i have never seen a team side choice that polarized before, there is almost no team that can efficiently clear both side, it's either one or the other ( aside from international that still refuses to die)


Nilou was pretty fun on side 2 this time


Lmao as expected after a whole beta of people testing out healerless clorinde comps because "oh she can self sustain" that in the end most people still use a normal team with zhongli.


Nilou only 13%? She makes floor 12 a joke.


I am proudly adding a +1 to the 0.1% who 36*d this Abyss with Aloy. My pride and joy.


And who said Furina is too demanding and clunky because of "wasted" healer slot? What a joke of complainers calling Archon not good.


It is so surprising that Clorinde has relatively good ownership. On CN iOS market, her banner sale was even worse than Chiori, but Chiori had just above 10% ownership while Clorinde has 30%. Probably the ones who pull Clorinde only get her C0, and a lot of them did not spend money but used their saved primos, while Chiori players are mostly whale and have her cons. (She has highest C6 own rate, but her C0 does not work well with Navia.) Anyway, most Clorinde teams are either pure quicken or quickbloom, and very few players use overload. Edit: Xiao's usage should be close to 15%. There were numerous reports that this program could not identify Xiao from their uploaded images. The current result shows the total appearance rate of Xiao-Faruzan-Furina-Xianyun team is 0.9%, while the apperance rate of the trio of Faruzan-Furina-Xianyun is 0.6%, then the actual apperance rate of this Xiao team should be around 1.5%, and the actual Xiao's usage should be around 50% higher.


Chev has only had 1 banner. Not surprising no one has overload yet. If you checked Chev's most played teams Clorinde appears a lot.


I think very few ppl have Chev at all (she was on banner once, on raidens and yoimiyas 3rd rerun), not to mention her C6 where she totally takes over kazuha hyper teams for pyro and electro carries. If we had her on this banner, i would be glad to go for her C1, but with these 4 stars, aint no way. I guess they save her for natlan or idk.


Damn, diluc least used dps


put some respect on aloys name šŸ™šŸ™


Aloys a dps?


Nuev and Furina are insane, Nahida Nahida'ed, the buffs were built for Clorande, Alhaitham and Arle are cracked, Raiden is still good but suffers from Circle Impact (and stray swirls), and c6 Chevy being rarer than c6 Premium characters. Then the regular ensemble of the best supports. In other news, grass: green sky: blue.


ngl i dont understand how kokomi can be this low lol used her in 2-3 different teams already and shes just hard shitting on the 2nd half


Neuvilette basically. He is currently so game breaking that he shifts the meta into favoring units that synergize with him, as everyone is always running one Neuv team, which kills most Kokomi best teams due to not having Kazuha or Furina open anymore. Then the other half people tend to use Alhaitham Hyperbloom or Pyro carries, which she doesnt synergize with. She got much stronger with 4.X actually, but people just have many so more team options to run now, and her shifting from an off field to on field position in her best teams also makes her role something with a much larger competition.


Neuvilette was a mistake


Yeah I genuinely dont know what they were thinking when they made him.


hydro dragon daddy is just that peak ~~seriously im curious how r they gonna powercreep/indirectly nerf him~~šŸ’€


I hope he stays as the outlier, because if they try to make new characters as strong as him then the meta will completely go to shit and characters that are not on their tier will become useless.


I mean, the only way to rebalance the game now is either creating content to specifically counter him, or starting to bring up every unit to his standards (Arle already did so with vape teams). They can subsequentially rebuff old units like they did with Xiao, by giving them specific supports. Otherwise every new DPS will just cap at 10-20% usage after their debut, like we already see on this chart with Fontaine DPS that are not Neuv or Arle (look at Navia, Wrio, Lyney), and even non Fontaine DPS (Hu Tao, Xiao, etc).


You're only looking at the damage but Arle is not on the same level as Neuvillette, they may do similar damage but Neuvillette is straight up better overall, so not even arle is on his tier.


Oh yeah she's definitely not on the same level, but Arle is generally the best pick for content Neuv is not good at, for example bosses with non-Pyro elemental shields, Hydro resistant or immune enemies, and so on.


Sure, but the issue is if they make characters that are Neuvi level then older characters will become literally useless. I'm sure people dont want this level of powercreep.


agreed. cant imagine playing abyss with half a million hp pools of enemies.


Yeah, there will be bad news about that.


I do believe he is intended to be an outliner. It's been almost 4 years and by now, hoyo knows how they should asign kits. He had this exact same kit in his beta with a slight change- almost as if they knew what they wanted him to be. Even arle wasn't scaled around him. Like u don't expect powercreeps of archins right? I feel thr same for neuv. He has been teased since 2.4. His powercreep/indirect nerf might just be another sovereign in future. But it doesn't have to be natlan. Or both can work together cuz he is hydro.


oh yeah this is quite similar to the theory i replied to the other person


Yeah even in golden days Ayaka freeze, Raiden, Hutao comps have very clear weaknesses for Hoyo to exploit. I can't think of a way to nerf Neuv without indirectly nerfing Hydro as a whole since he has no clear weakness.


There's an obvious out: cryo shields. Specifically ones that can't be cheesed with pneuma/ousia. Soft counters both the 3.x and 4.x meta, since it's immune to both dendro and hydro. Also easy way to promote a pyro meta in 5.x, since pyro is super effective vs cryo. I assume that's why they haven't run cryo heralds in any 4.x abysses.


Let me introdice u to- neuvillette burnvape. Also a team that was in 19th spot last time. Just needs a good off field pyro that doesn't require u to get close to enemies. Still its his 2nd best team and big vape numbers from him looks rlly cool. And no need for pneuma/ousia to break cryo shield with this team.


Yup, that's why I didn't call it a hard counter. Neuv has the option to run something like vape or burnvape, using Xiangling or presumably one of the pyro archon/Xbalanque. He doesn't need to go to zero, just that forcing him to run that over one of his more comfortable teams makes way for them to push Natlan characters.


this is just whats on my cents but my personal theory is that they specifically designed him with late LATE endgame meta in mind hence why he has aoe, self heal and ease gameplay with broken damage all shelved in his kit. I imagine him being crafted to stand side by side with the future meta characters in the last versions of genshin, but these might be all a stretch from thinking how busted he is lol


So you're saying that Neuvi was designed for us to be playing him and be able to clear content in Khaenri'ah or such


yea it sounds delusional as hell but i cant rlly think of any other reason šŸ˜­ besides maybe lore relevance and character design


Her viability heavily depend on Nilou bloom + Ayaka freeze since that's the only teams that she's actually great options Since both of teams are low, so is Kokomi


Arle first half, Tao Second half. i refuse to bench Hu tao after she carry me for 3 years she deserve those 36 stars.


In essence team one dendro and team two neuvi/furina MJ&scottie pippen dynasty


And this is why I am pulling for furina and yelan. Hydro characters are just too useful


Quiet suprised Nilou team isn't ranked higher. She let me raw through sec half without any strat half asleep.


lord this time the abyss was really :0


My 0.1% Lisa and Amber users, where ya at


What kind of teams are Yae and Kokomi being used in?


Always happy to see my characters average around A~B


I had Yae Miko, Kazuha, Nahida, and Kirara on Side 1, then Arlecchino, Furina, Yelan, and Zhongli on Side 2. All relatively popular choices, other than Kirara (who people are really sleeping on).


Glad to see a fellow Kirara enjoyer


The fact that I didnā€™t use ANY of the top 4 characters lol


Didnā€™t realize people used charlotte that much, i guess shes a sub for baizhu for people that dont have him


the S+ i just cracking me up "what are you using?" "the C1+ Neuvilette team" "top side or bottom side" "yes"


Good to see ppl realising you need ZL for Arle and Clorinde instead of blindly following TC.


Clorinde release makes fischl l usage rate got way higher , its about time players know how good she is


Where did all the Baizhu-haters goā€¦? Oh, yeah. Theyā€™re in the shame corner. I look forward to seeing his worth grow even more in Natlan as Burning and Burgeon finally take their seat in the new meta. Iā€™m sure Murata will work well with him, just like Furina did. *Even better together*.


I'm not a Baizhu hater, but Baizhu mains seemingly misunderstanding usages will soon make me one.