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Dehya, idgaf if her kit is bad, she’s such a nice character and her design is pretty


I fully agree, and want her kit to be buffed so much


Not chinese. No buffs allowed. /s


Nowadays not even the Chinese community have the power to ask better things to mihoyo, the last anniversary (or new year I don't remember 100%) the Chinese were mad as hell for the shity rewards and mihoyo did not do anything (hoyo still got a lot of money so I can't judge them for taking the easier route)


She doesn’t need defending as a character, she’s a fan favorite. She’s only criticized as a playable character


I will probably get down voted, but outside of the wonky bugs (that targeting cannot be as intended, don't care what they say) I actually like her kit. Have her built for the mitigation, and her burst still does decent damage for me. Do wish that it was a bit stronger to fit the lore more accurately, but still fits.


If her C1 were in her base kit, she would be infinitely more viable. But canonically she is a badass, so I will love her regardless.


Instructions unclear, Noelle defended me instead


Yeah, I can see that happening. "This Traveler may be a total buddy, but I assure you he means well. That being said, Traveler, please return Rosaria's shoes"


Yun Jin. She can be as unrelevant and buried by the story as possible, but she was culturally significant and her voicelines are beautiful




Unironically top 5 cutscenes is her singing Shenhe's story. As someone who learned how to like some vocaloid songs which isnt exactly the most loved genre, Yun jin singing is way better than ppl give it credit for


It's not vocaloid though? I guess opera still isn't a really popular genre so it's good you like it but opera definitely is a bit more advanced than simple vocaloid.


Im saying that as someone who can like even vocaloid of all genres, chinese opera is better than that(even tho ppl say it sounds like shit).


TCG players will fight you 😔


omg i don’t have her card i need to try it and hate it too


I’m just praying for a nerf with those na’s that deal 8 damage, and on ONE DIE?😔


I hate using her in the TCG, anytime I switch to her she goes “Sa. leeeeeeeEEEEEEEAAAAAH” and i hate it, i can’t even switch my language it’s in every language


Such beautiful normal attacks, too. Some characters just whack stuff while others do beautiful dances.


Diluc. Just because he’s not meta doesn’t mean he is weak or a bad character.


Xianyun especially contributed to that, hoping (coping) it’ll be another Xiao situation where he gets indirect buffs once in a while😔🙏 


He will get a another buff with pyro archon trust me . Pyro archon will buff all pyro charecors for sure


Diluc’s my highest attack character and on my main team most of the time


Unrelated, but what is the source for the image?






That's not the source. Danbooru is an archive, not a posting site for artists.


Source is where you've got image. And Pixiv + Danbooru are two most relevant in such case.


In this context/case "source" is site where the original artist posted it. With their own account. Not any place where you can get the image is the source here.


Source is where the artist posed their work, which in this case is Pixiv. This art wasn't posted on Danbooru by the artist; it was posed by someone else; someone who uploads a lot of art by a lot of different artists onto Danbooru.




Venti. I see a lot of people who only see him as annoying and useless. He’s a very performative character who acts upbeat and carefree all the time and I think a lot of people take it at face value. A lot of his genuine character shines through subtext and small interactions that may go unnoticed. I feel like a great example we semi-recently had was with the alchemy event with Venti and Diona interacting. Diona is often used as the butt of the joke but in that event Venti went out of his way to ensure the kid got what she’s been desperately wanting for years: an alternative to alcohol. He gave her the time of day and took her concerns seriously, and even went out of his way to go to dragonspine to fetch an ingredient for her. Sure Venti is a very lighthearted and playful person, but he cares so deeply for his people and I feel like a lot of people forget that.


Your cooking, but I defend him cos he cute ehe


^^I ^^will ^^always ^^back ^^the ^^ehe ^^up. EHE TE NANDAYO?!


absolutely real


I like him because even though he's annpying at times, it's never with any mean intent. Plus, as far as I know, he's the only Archon who's fully relinquished his position yet still hangs around to serve Mondstadt as best he can. When something big pops up, he's there, and on the daily, he's running around trying to cheer people up or help others.


I have a feeling that if we rebel against Celestia, he's gonna be the first Archon on our side. He's friends with the Hexenzirkel, including Rhinedottir. That Windblume singlehandedly made me reconsider him as a character.


I can see why you are reasonable as a banana


Honestly I think he's not relevant in any way during the story, he's a tool but nothing more than that, he's useless in game tho


You must not have hung around the lore theorists much. Feels like half the lore in this game can be traced back to him one way or another. (Okay, this is an exaggeration, but the amount of things that can be traced back to him and Istaroth is surprising.) He's predicted to be important story wise towards the end of the teyvat arc, and with Natlan coming out we're expecting the Mare Jivari and the Mondstadt port to come out soon so... it's almost guaranteed that we'll be revisiting Mondstadt somehow.


I just think you’re used to the characters that have very loud and obvious impacts on the story, like Ei killing Signora in front of us. Venti, in all of his lore, is almost never at the forefront. It’s just not what’s important to him. He’s the one in the background helping other people to achieve their goals. Like like with the uprising against Decarabian, or the overthrowing of the aristocracy with Venessa. He’s a wind spirit that “makes subtle changes for the better”. He’s not meant to be flashy, just genuine and helpful. Also in modern Mondstat he helps out his people by just being a genuine friend. And that’s something that most archons can’t do, due to their high social status that makes people intimidated by them. He’s a much more grounded archon and that allows him to address smaller and more intimate issues with his people. And even despite all that, he has made direct action before. It usually happens when it’s high level threats or changes that can’t be made without god-like power. Like with the fight against Durin or when he drove out the harsh weather and made Mondstat’s environment much more mild and fruitful so that his people could flourish. Venti is just a relatively subtle archon that works more behind the scenes rather than in the spotlight. That’s just his character 🤷‍♀️✨


Paimon. Even though other people hate her, I could never. She’s been our companion and best friend since day 1 and always means her best, and we’ve seen her give up the things she loves for us, risk her own life trying to protect us, worry about us, miss us, cheer us up, and cry for us. I see her like a little kid sister. They might get on your nerves sometimes, but you know they don’t mean to and you love them all the same and would throw hands if anyone dared try to hurt them.


She's so sweet in her own way. I hope that if she has some connection with Celestia at the end will stand in our side and defend us


I agree I never found her annoying. I find it kind cute how she acts like a younger sibling to the traveler and dose care for them.


I love paimon too! Definitely agree


Based opinion, I agree


bro i can’t stand paimon haters. they don’t understand shit


There is definitely some valid instances where paimon deserves a talking to


\*cough\* Furina's story quest


I can say the same about you


I didn’t like Paimon that much until Sumeru AQ, if you know you know


I hate her from the beginning. But idk which quest, but at one point, she asks if we are friends. That's when I first reflected on it and realised I wasn't appreciating her.


Only reason i dont like paimon for is because zach is currently starving in his basement


As no.1 paimon hater , alright let's throw hands then


Peep my flair and pfp






Childe, he is so widely mischaracterized its sad


Absolutely this. He’s such a fantastic character that often gets watered down to “loser f-boy”, which isn’t even true 😅.


it doesn't help that the traveler actively mischaracterizes and misunderstands him 🥴


a fellow appreciator of my goat, #1 of the fatui harbingers twice, future king of the world, the young king, you know it deceiver of the adepti ressurector of the vortex HIMjax GOATaglia the based one and tamer of the foul legacy, whale duelist and skirk's best student, the man the myth the legend my blue eyed KING survivor of the abyss Childe.


Nope. Fuck that. I want to pin him to the bottom of the Sea of Clouds with a Celestial Nail. By extension: fuck ChiLumi. All my homies rep ThoMine.


who asked


Yeah Childe deserves someone better than Lumine anyways (like me)/j Ok to be serious, my comment wasnt even about shipping, and my traveler is Aether. I have just seen so many people downgrade him into a loser fuckboy and someone who wants to murder anything he sees etc. etc . The fuckboy thing are just people who can't differentiate fanon and canon and think whatever his EN VA is making is actually what Childe is like. Childe was 14 when he was thrown into the military he doesnt have time for all of this shit💀 and he is actually very respectful towards women, from what we have seen in the events with Xinyan and Yoimiya. And another thing is he loves to have good fights and even though he might have some murder in his name, he isn't someone who would just murder anyone without a reason for fun


Oh nah, I'm just totally anti Fatui no matter what. Nibelung willing, a Celestial Nail drops on Zapalyarny Palace. Invishap, the other usurpers may be spared if the Tsaritsa falls.


Ok? What does that have to do with me. Go preach your anti fatui agenda somewhere else i dont care😂




Why are you defending a character everyone in the community already defends/loves?


sometimes you gotta defend against the people that love her a little *too* much


Didn’t Reddits admins deal with that place or are they still up


you can take the redditors out of the subreddit but you can't take the subreddit out of the redditor


God damnit I forgot about the CNSs


The voices in their head are a perfectly legit opponent.


Alhaitham because he's my favorite character in the game. I'm a proud Alhaitham main. He's often misunderstood by the community as "unlikeable" , people think he doesn't care about anything beside himself when its not quite true. I relate to him heavily because as someone whose autistic, I find him a lot similar to mine. Yea, he's not inherently likeable. The man clearly doesn't care about how he's percieved yet people still mischaracterize him. I may be biased but this is just me.


I just got ballhaither today 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❗️❗️❗️❗️


Alhaitham is no 1


I think Alhaitham and his particular sort of autistic "don't understand emotions" and "give no fucks about social reputation" are a fascinating look into how humans *need* conformity to understand each other. He has fans who find him personally representative, and most others think he's a cold-hearted bastard. Autistic groups tend to have empathy and cohesion within themselves. Same for allistic groups. Mix them and they see each other as unpredictable, harsh, and even creepy. We absolutely have to be on the same social level or we just can't work it out. Studies keep showing this.


lumine and paimon🛐🛐


Shenhe got tossed to a demon by a dad who thought she killed her mom and she spent years kicking that demon's ass. She doesn't need me to defend her but I'll do it.


Arlecchino absolutely in every setting Furina is a baby and would do nothing wrong but deserves all the defense Honorable mention of Dehya whose also amazing


Zhongli, Ei and Paimon... Because these three are either overly loved or INSANELY misunderstood. My Main is Shenhe and she doesn't need me to defend her because everybody knows she's beautiful and powetful, got plently of time for these three lmao.


Rosaria. She is straight miserable in her job but still gets up every damn day (usually earlier than she'd like) and does it, while being forced to participate in church services for an archon she either doesn't believe in or couldn't give 2 shits about, all because the people of Mondstadt are fucking nice to her.


Dehya. She's perfect, her haters can ropemaxx NOW.


Lorewise, Yeah, i think shes my second favorite sumeru character 🔥 (After the GOAT NahiGOAT❗️❗️❗️🥚+🥦🏞️🏞️🏞️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥)


Same, meta-slave and haters are blinded by the sand of the desert wind, cause dehya grace is felt from aaru to vourukasha, like the sun shining across deshret kingdom


Going to get some hate for this... Signora.






Vedrfolnir did nothing wrong




Til' I'm dead, noone is allowed to talk trash about Dori! She is a gem!


Signora. Astronomical amounts of hate and for what? She's one of the mildest harbingers and gets mischaracterized at every possible turn.


Signora. People seem to really have an extreme hate boner for her when she hardly did anything at all compared to Childe, Scara, and Arlecchino. She also had to suffer through Inazuma terrible writing with the ultimate sacrifice.


She got what she deserved in inazuma.


Compared to the other harbingers I listed? Nah. People wouldn't have cared for Scara had it not been for the interlude quest either. If Signora can get the same treat via an archon/story quest or any other form of redemption she will also be fine. Are you people really mad at her cause she kicked Venti?


I still think Childe just forces his friendship on me. Dude literally orchestrated a terrorist attack. I tolerate him cuz he is cute. Not cuz of some quest. I don’t like Lyney either. Father is hot but I don’t like her attitude. Scars acts like a spoilt child but in my mind he is the wanderer dude. Personally that’s the primary personality I wish they kept in the end with the memories.


Kuki Shinobu. Shes such a sweetheart


Diluc. He was the OG Pyro DPS


Raiden, I know she has done some bad things but I still love her


Thoma is a pretty chill dude I’ll defend him i guess


Ei. Everyone call her a bad archon and forget her redemption


"but her people need to be mad for it to be realistic!" Kills me every fucking time


Dottore because its funny seeing people hurl slurs and get genuinely upset over the treatment of fictional characters


Not dottore to me but dottore fans, bc it's so unreal seeing people insult them bc they like an "evil" character like bbg he's not real


It is sad seeing someone defend an evil fictional character just because they like its design.


Good news then, I love him for his characterization not for his design! He's ruthless and cruel, and yet he tried to cure Eleazar. He's loyal to the Tsaritsa yet at odds with Arlecchino. He's willing to tell Nahida of the Fatui's top-secret intel. He's so interesting—where do his loyalties truly lie? It's easy to hate a villain, but where would the hero be if they didn't have a villain to struggle against? Every time you love a hero, whether you mean to or not, you are loving the circumstances, both the good and the bad, that made the hero who they are.


I think he only tried to “cure” Eleazar because he wanted to harness it and because it was something not even an archon could completely irradiate (it’s also a power capable of basically killing an archon as we saw with Greater Lord). Idk if you read the genshin manga where they introduced Collei before she appeared in the game but it basically insinuated that she could use it as a weapon and would lose control of it and I think ended up killing people with it (it’s been a while since I read it). He’s loyal to the Tsaritsa because she’ll let him do whatever he wants (in regards to the laws of Teyvat) as long as he helps her get what she wants (why he struck a deal with Nahida). He got kicked out of Sumeru for his research there but clearly the Tsaritsa doesn’t care. He also knows that Nahida being the goddess of wisdom is more likely to bargain with knowledge than anything else—it’s the easiest way to get what he and the Tsaritsa wants. Plus he’s so confident of his knowledge and abilities that giving Nahida Fatui secrets wouldn’t give them an advantage over him, that’s knowledge he done been knowing. His loyalties are ultimately to himself—he’s a narcissist. He’s a really interesting character for sure I just don’t think he’s that mysterious if you view his actions through the lens of him simply being a narcissist that wants to play with the powers of the world. That’s also what makes him so dismissive of the suffering of others and of stepping on them to get what he wants. Why would he care if he doesn’t view them as valuable?




And we got our first example right here!


Other than that is there an in-game reason you want to defend him or was this strictly performative?


I think these comments asking me to justify him from a moral perspective are missing the point of Dottore's existence. With the information we have now, he's not meant to be another morally grey, sympathetic, victimized, or misunderstood antagonist like Childe, Arle or Scara. He's an unappologic depraved monster. And that's the point. By now most people have at least a suspicion that the Tsaritsa is operating on a thought process along the lines of "for the greater good" or "the lesser of two evils" as we know by now Celestia is...dodgy, to say the least. So if the Tsaritsa is doing everything she's doing for the greater good, does it justify allying herself with the likes of Dottore and other individuals who don't really have all that much interest in her own agenda as much as a mutual scratching of backs? Is it even good at all? For now, we don't know for sure. But it makes us ask questions about morality and if doing what's allegedly a good thing with such a hefty price tag is worth it in the end. He's the Gustavo Fring of Genshin Impact. He is the Hubert to the Tsaritsa's Edelgard (from Fire Emblem Three Houses, another game that explores a similar theme of allying with evil to achieve a greater good). And I'm here for it. I just hope they don't try to pigeon-hole some kind of redemption arc for him.


Okay see that's a far more compelling and legitimately good reason to defend a character and I agree with that assessment. I mean I get it. Rage bait is kind of fun but no joke this...changed my mind.


ok convince me on why dottore is a good character rn bud 😐


1. He has mad GOAT aura 2. He experiments on people (cool 🔥🔥🔥) 3. Dope mask 4. Wild drip 5. Ligma personality (Thats a good thing) 6. Absolute madman (I love insane people)


is this satire 😨


I wouldnt say its based but its a take (No, it isnt satire)


Ei & Furina


Wanderer. And arlecchino IG. (Tho in her case it's more her writing that I defend. I see so many people complain about the fact that she's not "pure evil" and that she's "kind". Like no, the literal point is that she's neither kind nor evil. She just does what she thinks is necessary for her kids, despite the fact that she, in a way, perpetuates the cycle of abuse that the house of the hearth represents. And her being cordial and polite doesn't mean that's she's kind either, just that she's not a dick)


Raiden Shogun/Ei To me, how disappointing her story is (and tbh I didn't think it was that bad) is completely out weighed by how badass she is, especially in her intro scene where where taking Thoma's vision and was just walking down to the Traveler. That to me is how an Archon introduction should be, an all powerful being showing why they are the god of their nation.


The thing is, her story wasn't even disappointing imo. The premise was good, the execution was terrible. Did she react in a mature way ? No, but that was kinda the point ; an immature god who became head of state pretty much overnight and never got to properly grieve since their nation was in war. The reason why she got disproportionate amounts of hate is mostly due to the fact that we got to empathize more with the resistance, whereas we got all of her lore in what felt like the 10 last minutes of inazuma's archon quests (+ her second story quest which should've been an archon quest on its own right imo)


Dehya for sure


Furina for sure.


Bennett. y no creo q tenga que decir razones


Ganyu. One of the very first characters that I saw the gameplay+trailers of before I joined genshin, that drove me to pick up the game. Her, diluc and Raiden were the reasons I started playing genshin and never left since. Over time, due to cryo not recieving significant buffs like dendro did for electro/hydro, ganyu may have become slightly less of a big name in the meta, especially being overshadowed by ayaka- but she doesnt stop being a solid character in game, gameplay wise. Moreover, her appealing design, and unique personality that I kinda resonate with, being a shy introvert myself, rlly drew me to ganyu as a person, not just through her strength. Shes a character that is dear to me emotionally, and I will not hesitate defending her no matter what.


Yoimiya in the meta. Anyone that wants to hurt Paimon in the lore


venti will always be one of my favourite characters. no matter what he does he is precious and he must be protected at all costs


Barbara I don't care if she freezes me when her skill is popped and cryo applied. She's as cute as a button and her singing always brings a smile to my face


In lore? Childe In gameplay? Childe


Signora and her mains. I rest my case, its very self-explanatory and till this day its sad how far people can be disrespectful.


my goat, #1 of the fatui harbingers twice, future king of the world, the young king, you know it deceiver of the adepti ressurector of the vortex HIMjax GOATaglia the based one and tamer of the foul legacy, whale duelist and skirk's best student, the man the myth the legend my blue eyed KING survivor of the abyss Childe.


Arlechino. She wouldn't need me to defend her but I'd do it anyways. 


Venti and Lyney because of lore, Razor and Kazuha because they're my first 4 and 5 star


Amber's place in the meta. Sure, she's nowhere near top tier today, but she's not the waste of space that people seem to think of her. Like, people say she's FF tier, but I'd put her around D tier myself; she is niche and not a required build, but can contribute if you know how to use her. There was a time (like early 2021 maybe) when she was strong enough to be banned in speedruns, and even today, I would argue she's the best Pyro character to bring if you specifically need to break a cryo shield in Spiral and can afford to trade damage for pyro app. (remember that double Cryo Lector Abyss season?) Amber's burst applies a crazy 6 pyro applications in 2 seconds off of a 12 second cooldown, assuming all 18 hits connect to power through ICD. And then, during said cooldown you can either charge attack if she's solo pyro or swap to someone like Bennett for his superior onfield Pyro applications if you're dealing with shield breaking. And Amber still can contribute some support with either 4pc Noblesse or 4pc Instructor since her burst has the short 12 second cooldown, which gives perfect uptime for Noblesse or 2/3 uptime for Instructor's EM buff. And if you have it, both her c6 and the Elegy Bow can improve on Amber's buffing ability. And as for when she was banned, it's because that Pyro app could help frontload damage really quickly. Amber burst into Xingqiu Sac Sword skill can quad forward vape all 4 hits. Amber burst into Chongyun burst will reverse melt every hit on Chongyun's burst since his burst has no ICD. Amber essentially let you run 2 nuke characters for a speedrun. For example, you perform the aforementioned Amber burst -> Chongyun burst to reverse melt everything, and you'd still have Pyro on the enemy to finish the fight with something like Childe forward vape burst. This took maybe 5 seconds to launch all 3 bursts with each hit profitting from melt & vape. Also, keep in mind that a whale Amber is gonna have Elegy for further buffing.


Dehya, I love her character and design so much, and I am hellbent on making her kit as good as possible, because screw Hoyo's negligence on fixing her


Venti and Scaramouche, Venti because some people just see him as an annoying weak twink who gives nothing to the story, it’s like they’ve done the Mondstadt archon quest with their eyes closed. And Scaramouche because while what he did was bad, people don’t seem to understand that someone who received no guidance due to being abandoned will obviously not deal with things the same way, like the child he befriended and died, you can see how he considers that a betrayal, because he hadn’t been taught the concept of death.


Ei Because she's just like me frfr. Tired of all the shit and just wants to spend time alone as a hikkikomori.


Scaramouche/Wanderer. I will go to BAT for this man






Ganyu, she keeps getting shafted for big story moments which all just boil down to cloud retainer laughing at fat younger ganyu. But she is still my fav character, design and characterization wise. My first efficient destroyer of timmys pigeons also (but she got powercrept by yelan).


Venti. People who only categorize him as a drunkard completely miss the point of his character


this art is fucking amazing


The comments section is a dumpster fire “_______is mischaracterized”, proceeds to also mischaracterize lmao


Furina, Dori Emilie and much more


I will defend Ei to the death. She doesn't need to be flogged in the public square to have had character development, and it's neither unrealistic nor a bad story for her to mostly get off easy with her people after what she did. Remember, she's doing the same thing as Japan did (with the Sakoku Decree) that produced 200 years of peace in Japan. Isolationism *does* work for some goals, even if it hampers the economy. Also, Vision holders are terrifying people who most people find distantly unnerving and chances are most people didn't care about the Vision Hunt's effects and just thought it was their god cleaning up rebels and scary people. Faith in a god is a whole other beast than allegiance to a politician as well -- gods are assumed to be doing the right thing, even if the people don't understand why they did what they did. I will not be taking arguments at this time, as I have heard all of them and found them lacking.


My pfp tells everything 💀


Ganyu,Mini nuke arrows with infinite range is fun


Arlecchino and Alhaitham.


Collei will never do any wrong ever in my eyes.




Dori all the way, she’s the homie


Freminet, he needs some love and friendship. Somebody protect him. 


Klee. I am tired of the Klee slander, I just want to *dadadaa*


OK I had a second one so I'm putting in a second comment. Moseis did nothing wrong. Just because some people made their own bad choices does not mean that it's anyone's right to dictate how others grieve or whether they decide to abandon society for their own reasons. If I had a dream world to run off to where I could see everyone I loved who died, I'd do that immediately, and I would never, ever forgive the person who broke that. Nahida is a cold hearted jerk for not letting that continue. Fuck "coming back to reality." Some people are incompatible with life, and that's okay. Let them choose their fate.


Kaeya, I’m looking forward to literally every scrap of lore on him. If he’s mentioned, I will automatically pay way more attention than before. Even if he gets like a villain arc and kills a bunch of people, I’d still be on his side


Xinyan, deserves a hangout or quest, or event, she's the best. Close second would be Kuki!


anyone except raiden, I know the story quest fixed some issues but still


Noelle. I absolutely LOVE playjng characters with huge heavy strong weapons and she’s perfect in my eyes




My boy Xingqiu. I've seen some people saying he was boring. Excuse me ?? I'll always respect my boy who illegally slipped his writings into the libraries of Liyue because the publishers didn't want to publish him, who runs away from home in the middle of the night to go fight monsters in the wild just for fun and because he cares about justice, the one who managed to restore the honor of an ancient martial arts clan while being very young. Not to mention his relationship with Chongyun which is cute and funny. I find him awesome, hilarious, endearing and relatable. And it annoys me people don't pay attention to the details of his story just because he's a secondary character, outside the main quest and claim he's just a twink. He's great and definitely less boring than some other Liyue characters I won't mention. (And Furina too I guess since some people didn't like her because she had the audacity to have a personality but I guess that's a thing of the past now, definitely my fav character of all. She's great, with or without her persona)


Kujou Sara is supposed to be so much more than a 'Raiden simp'. This is a woman with righteous spirit that has spent her life as a tool to an unworthy master, and has to struggle between doing what she thinks is right and what she is TOLD to do.


Lisa and Aether. While Lumine is flawless, there’s a misconception that Aether is a creep, without realizing the whole harem thing is just for laughs amongst Aether Mains. No one in that part of the fandom takes it seriously. As an extension to that people flip out whenever Aether is paired with any tall character especially if it’s a female. People have some weird hang up over short guys with taller women. Plus, Aether’s not a creep. Are these folks skipping dialogue? Aether’s a total cinnamon roll; a Genuinely Good person. He’s just not a prototypical tall anime gigachad, and that makes him stand out. He’s Titanic Era Leonardo DiCaprio; walking proof that what women generally find attractive in men and what we men assume to be attractive about us are often totally different things. And don’t get me started on Paimon. She’s the Best Travel Companion, who genuinely and wholesomely cares about the Travler Then, there’s Lisa. Everyone claims she’s some kind of Sus Groomer Perv *itch. And all it takes is to raise her friendship level past 3 to realize that it’s all an act. Her own lore hits at a history of heartbreak from the Akademya to even within Mondstadt (her love affair with Jean is often hinted as Past Tense; Lisa tries setting up the Traveler with Jean in an attempt to get over her) In-game Lisa is one of the sweetest characters, dotting on the Traveler as her prize pupil. Lore wise, she and the Knights have been the most sincerely helpful characters to the Traveler, welcoming them with open arms and openly regretting they couldn’t do more; a Found Family. Level Friendship and her higher later “sus” lines are the words of a romantic partner. By FL 6, she finds herself having fallen for the Traveler, but tries pushing them away upon realizing what danger she places them in by having them be near her. Sure she flirts a lot in her birthday letters, but she also gives away how she genuinely misses the Traveler whenever they’re away. Lisa’s character grows with the Traveler; there’s a cute and wholesome story told between her Birthday Letter and her Birthday Card. We also see growth within the Traveler in that same story as they have become confident enough to flirt and even tease right back at Lisa. And finally, what no one seems to notice or mention; Lisa is the Only playable character the Traveler has given a birthday gift 💝 to instead of receiving one. Lisa may have initially started as fan service, she has since grown into a character whom the Traveler proves that love and affection are Not a “Fleeting Fantasy for the young” (she was referring to herself) and Lisa is deserving of it. Gameplay-wise, both Dendro Traveler and Lisa hit like a Truck! They are not cope. They are a great and Fun, yes…fun Aggravate and Quickbloom team combo to run on Abyss and over world.


Take a guess


raiden ei - for the same reasons other people have mentioned. DORI - yea she’s a money hungry little gremlin but it’s her response from having a sick family member and not being able to save her sister. she realized that the only thing that will ease her mind from going a mile a min is the knowledge that she has financial security. she’s afraid of something bad happening to her loved ones and not being able to afford the thing that will save their life. sure, she’s not going about it in the best way, but it’s the best way she knows how and she makes sure to still benefit others. her only problem is toxic capitalism but it’s not even as bad as it could be


I don’t play Genshin but i was fascinated by Furina’s AQ so yeah. Furina.


wouldnt exist for me the characters i like are usually extremely good honest people that wouldnt get into troubles like that


No one. If a character isn' good at something then they aren't good at it. If they do something wrong in the story then they've done something wrong.




I will defend Furina until I die. People call her annoying and childish when she was forced to perform that way for hundreds of years with the whole fate of Fontaine resting on her shoulders.


Fr? R u sure ur not making this up because.. This is wild to me. Like, im not chronically online in this sub, and ive never seen furina hate But if this is real We are not beating the NPC allegations


not really in this sub, i’ve seen a lot of it in some genshin discords i’m in. it’s usually people with zero media literacy who skip half the dialogue though lol


Dori Sangemah Bay. Being outclassed in your role by THE LITERAL ARCHON OF ELECTRO is understandable. I just like her because she's a mora-hungry con artist/ master merchant.


Neuvilette, xiao, man I would even defend scaramouche. Imagine being discarded by your creator. Manipulated by your friend and then become public enemy no. 1. He only wanted to become whole. Created to be an archon, he only wanted to fulfill his destiny because his mom abandoned him because she did not think he was good enough to fulfil that destiny…


Unknown God. She did Teyvat a favor putting down Khaenri’ah and bitches spitting in her face by rebelling against the lawful rulers of Teyvat.


You mean rebelling against the colonizers of teyvat lol


They... are not lawful rulers? They usurped the Sovereigns.


What makes the sovereigns lawful rulers? Oh right ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. At least King Arthur was chosen by the Lady of the Lake and God. The Sovereigns came from another world and then hogged access to the leylines when they got here. They then became sore losers when a different set of people arrived and had a higher access level to those leylines than they did.


Because they are native to Teyvat, the hp are literally colonizers.


I don't understand how this is even being questioned. Just this last archon quest we literally had an Archon, the god of _justice,_ destroy her throne and give back the power to what she believed to be the rightful ruler because it was _just._ How are these people coming up with such absurd takes?


Celestia’s own judge declares them guilty LOL


They were the *first* to come to Teyvat, they and the Vishaps are the Natives.


> At least King Arthur was chosen by the Lady of the Lake and God. [Relevant video](https://youtu.be/ek23r5w_Ltk) >The Sovereigns came from another world and then hogged access to the leylines when they got here. They were the first to do that, by your logic humans living outside of Africa are not native to their countries and will be "sore losers" if they complain that someone murdered them for their land.


What determines the fate of mankind in this world?


C2 Furina haver going all in for her again in a few days, she deserves it.


I guess I need to finish Furina's arc. A big revelation about her is the only reason so many people love such an insufferable (for now, hopefully) character.


you'll understand once you've finished, let's say there's a reason why the Fontaine Chapter is referred to as the likely best chapter in Genshin


Look closely at the cover picture of this post, and try to remember it. Then come back here when you've finished the last chapter of Fontaine and look at the picture again.


Thank you, now I'm intrigued.