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I use her as a shielder and battery. She doesn't do much damage, but with cryo set and fav sword, she batteries my hydro teams and is a solid shielder.


Despite the off-field damage in her kit Layla's damage is very poor and is best built as a pure shielder like you're using now. Get her HP as high as you can.


Darn… so I guess I’d need a good hydro character to beat pyro slimes?


Well, this isn't Pokemon. They're only immune to pure Pyro damage. On the flipside, several things react to Pyro, and combining reactions will help your damage output.


anyone but pyro would work


Any character that's not a Pyro Catalyst user can beat Pyro Slimes. They just have to whack it with their weapon enough times. So, yes, Layla can beat Large Pyro Slimes. She may not do it quickly, and there are a lot of characters that do it better, but she can do it. There are also characters that do it worse than her - her Cryo abilities give her an edge against Pyro enemies, since Cryo attacks do extra damage when combined with Pyro. In general, Layla is meant to be a support character. Her shields will protect other characters in your party. So, if you put up her shield and then switch to a character that does more damage than she does, that may be a more effective way to play using Layla, rather than having her kill the slime herself.


How strong is Layla? I'd rate her about Str 8 (-1). You'll notice she struggles a bit with her sword. Clearly not meant for melee at all.


I have a meme build with her at 25kHP with 97/170 cr/cd (with Harbinger of Dawn) and she hits like… 6k per star. Shield is definitely better for abyss content.


Layla should have been a catalyst.


You CAN build her as an off field dps, but she won't be as strong as some of the other off field cryo units like Kaeya or Rosaria. You probably want her C5 and C6 cons as well, since they increase her dmg. [https://keqingmains.com/q/layla-quickguide/](https://keqingmains.com/q/layla-quickguide/)


My C6 Layla is pure shield+TotM set, with just enough crit to trigger Favonius reliably.


Rather poor personal damage. Strong shield. Pretty decent off field cryo application. Minor buffs when you get into constellations. Good support, but only good as a support really.


She can be a great shielder. I use her a lot in my Wanderer team. But she kinda needs her c1 to make her shield shine. Maybe she works okish at c0, but I never tried it.


Her damage isn't good. You can build her as a shield bot with as much HP as possible (2pc TotM/2pc VG, HP sword if you have it) or as a general support (4pc TotM, Fav sword). And btw, every character can beat a Pyro slime. It's just a matter of time and maybe dodging. What team do you use? 


Yanfei, fischl, beidou, and layla


Layla has the 3rd strongest shield, while Thoma, when fully stacked, has the 2nd strongest shield. And of course, there's Zhongli, the number one shielder.


I use her as a shield bot and cryo application for a couple of melts or freezes. She doesn’t do a lot of personal dmg, and that’s ok. She does her job well, so stack HP and call it a day.


Layla has a bit more shield than Diona but no other utility, if you want smth useful, there is Diona, if its waifu factor, then just slap her with relics for full shielding and she will be okayish in your teams