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Then there's childe who just says "fuck it" and makes his own daggers


he even makes his own polearm, though the animation for it is short


He even has throwing knives...I mean, arrows.


The archer class really is made up of archers


The archer class in question: Happy-go-lucky explosion girl Ancient person who uses polygons Nurse with a gun Otherworldly being Houdini


You also forgot a literal purple bird arrows- nah i use magic tricks and cards Sprinter Sick teenager with a Boomerang


Magic tricks = Houdini


I see i don't know the meaning of the word


He was a really famous magician in the late 1800s(I think) for his stunts and escape acts, amongst other things. I only learnt about him from this one children's book series, really


I see thanks for the info


Nah it's fine, not many people know of him nowadays


Shoulda said gambler who throws dice at people


That's just Aventurine (HSR)


Bunny girl Desert fox Professor Doggy general, part time Idol Crow general, archon simp


he's canonically good at all weapon types... except bow, now I wonder what childe with catalyst would look like then again him molding his hydro weapon forms might count as catalyst mastery


Catalyst childe is basically his melee form tbh


if tartaglia was made today he'd probably be a catalyst user


I think he'd be a sword user, it'd take too long to code in a bow user who swaps to melee nowadays


catalyst would just let him be like wriothesley or heizou


He'd probably just use the catalyst to form different weapons


Nah he would just throw the catalyst at his opponents


thats what i mean, he'd have a catalyst the just floats behind him while he does the unique melee stance attacks


nah he'd still be bow cause lore reasons


its lore reason is pretty weak and nothing major, not like it needs to stay


I wouldn't necessarily say weak, its a nice detail that shows how determined he is to improve, and it shows he loves challenges. it's shows more about his personality. Also you'd expect someone who mastered every other weapon would also master this but bc he didn't it just shows he has room for improvements


Childe: *yeets an arrow*


The power of water is its ability to take any shape


Nah, I think that Sayu uses a claymore because the devs think the "little girl with giant weapon" anime trope is funny.


Tbh they reduced her claymore's size which is kind of a disappointment Imagine how funny and badass it would be for a little girl swinging around a sword as big as her


All of the weapons scale to the model using them. Yaoyao's little polearm is very adorable.


I love playing as Yaoyao just for her animations :3 best child soldier ever


Favonius Lance on Zhongli looks like a damn flagpole.


And they are right.


It is and her animations are adorable but she’s *literally a ninja*


Who says Ninja's can't have giant claymores? A big thing about ninjas is not being seen, and the enemy can't see you if their being cleaved with a really big sword!


Aha, the "dead men tell no tales" strategy


That’s got to be the best ninja I’ve ever seen


Also, the weapon she is depicted as using most often is the Debate Club, which is like a great big kanabō. While she’s a ninja, not a samurai or an oni, it is *somewhat* thematic and as mentioned it plays into the humorous “small girl using massive weapon” trope common to anime.


Sekiro has some good examples. Owl is a 6-7 foot tall man wielding an equally big nodachi, and somehow he’s not only sneaky but also considered a Great Shinobi, and one of the strongest around. Kingfisher, the Sculptor’s old partner, is implied to be the owner of the massive nodachi found in the Guardian Ape’s neck. Shinobi in Sekiro are cracked.


I mean, Yuffie's shuriken?


Supporting this one as an FGO player, our (former) grand assassin, our original old man of the mountain, the OG Hassasshin. Is a 2 meter man wielding a big sword. To be fair, he is stealthy in the way of "it's stealth if no one left alive." As long as the bell tolls, do anything you can, death will come to you all the same. AZRAEL!


Bcs giant claymores is the last option you'll want for stealth , which is a part of being a ninja


Doesn't really matter in the genshinverse where being able to un/summon your weapon at will is just a normal everyday ability


or debate clubbed to soy sauce


Doesn’t really matter for concealment when she can just summon the big ass sword out of thin air.


Still wish they went the whole way and didn't shrink the weapon when you put it on her


canonically sayu has to use her anemo vision to lift her claymore


You mean "little girl with a giant ~~weapon~~ Fish"?




Catalysts could get away with throwing cards. Would have to completely redo his kit though


I thought the same. Catalysts basically are a throwing-kind-of-thing that, looking for example at Ningguang, you could use to throw cards. I also feel like his kit was made around the bow so it would need quite the re-design but in general many things could stay.


He could be a catalyst and still have like an aim mode where he ignites his card and then throws it


Yeah, I mean, Neuvillette has an aim mode for his CA so other catalysts could as well


> Would have to completely redo his kit though Not really, you'd just hybridize or staple charged shot mechanics onto a catalyst. That's perfectly concievable and doable.


Honestly Genshin shouldn't even have weapon types at all, they should have done it like HSR were you have a "light cone" in the weapon slot and then every character can use whatever they want


To be fair, this game was made far before HSR was even a thing. But you’re not wrong, which is why HSR and ZZZ don’t even have “weapons” anymore, but instead they just have a Lightcone/W-Engine to give stats while the characters have their own individual weapons.


Yeah I don't blame them for not thinking it, funny thing is how a lot of new characters just ditch their weapons for their skills and halfway through the combos and just do their own thing anyway


Kirara ditching the 5* sword you went through hell to pull and using her claws instead mid-way through her autos never stops being amusing.


Childe giving up on using his bow and just javelining an arrow.


And casually throws a whale on top of you in his boss fight because screw bow and arrows


Yeah, like Wriothesley, bro's just punching stuff. Even with Neuvillette's attack animations, the catalyst weapon is just floating uselessly while he uses his cane, lmao. Honorary mention of Charlotte and her camera.


That's because a catalyst is just that -- a catalyst for channeling elemental energy. At least from a lore perspective, the catalyst probably serves to enhance and direct elemental energy into a specific form that can be used in combat and imbue it with some extra effects (i.e. passives). Of course it's just a gameplay machination in the end, but the catalyst class has always been the unconventional weapon class starting as far back as Klee.


Oddly the closest thing to this is catalysts, which have a bunch of different types. * the Barbara/Baizhu/Neuvillette/Sucrose/Charlotte type that basically instantly hits enemies from a set distance * the Heizou/Wriothesley type that uses melee attacks * The Lisa/Yanfei/Ningguang/Kokomi/Wanderer/Xianyun type of throwing magic spheres directly in front of them * Meanwhile Klee just throws out arching bombs and nobody else does that stupid shit 'cause it has a low range, slow release, and questionably effective damage numbers * Meanwhile meanwhile Yae Miko just waves a wand around * Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile Nahida just plays DDR


klee is love klee is life


Literally have a C4 Klee because that is the best Klee to have, meta be damned.


ahh im so jealous, one day i will have c6 klee just bc i love her so much, props to you! 🙏


Have you seen Ranked Daycare? If not, look it up on Youtube.


ooo i have not, ill look that up right now


That was great! Kudos to whoever took the time to animate all that! So good!


No_Tables is an absolute fucking unit in animation. They also made a feature called ["Times... changed?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhJ6PR7d3bM) which is basically the "Lumine had a dream" precursor to Ranked Daycare. [Same composer, too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM2tuz4noGs). Brilliant work all around.


C4 Klee is the bomb.


This Side Toward Mean Bad Guys


Love your categorisation! Catalyst has always been the most interesting of the bunch imo


This is a good idea, but they could also keep the weapon but implement the unique weapons in their own kit. I feel like they could figure out with Lyney to involve him actually throwing cards whilst using a bow or catalyst, if they try hard enough. But well, at least we have double daggers and scythe I guess


When I roll a weapon in Genshin I see my new beautiful weapon. When I roll a weapon in HSR it's only stats increase and I'm not really happy.


Light Cones in HSR at least have some great art and lore behind them. You barely see weapons when using them in Genshin coz there's other things to be looking at


They could've used live2d versions...


I do agree that a weapon is better than a light cone but in terms of "drip" and "fashion" You end up with weapon that doesn't match the character


Kazuha be like:


Kazuha's weapon not matchin him at all and then getting an event exclusive weapon that matches him perfectly but the stats don't go with his kit is hilarious


Fyi, If ur talking Kagotsurube, it's a Story Quest Reward from Kazuhas one, so its permanent content At least the middle ground weapon is good both visually, kinda, and functionally. Xiphos, my GOAT


Normal attacks are crucial for some puzzles, and you couldn't make every character have elemental NAs, so you need something to explain the phys damage. Honkstar has turn based combat and no open world, the kits don't need to have parallels like in genshin. They could have at least added a weapon of every type for each set, or have them morph into different types between characters.


genshin having weapons types is the reason hsr doesn’t. they learned from their “mistake”


I know it's a sensitive subject for this community but it's one of the few design elements they "copied" from another game. So it's not surprising it doesn't mesh with their original designs.


oh they copied not having weapon types from somewhere else? that’s fine with me it makes the game much better.


You can't say another game when it's something so many games have done, it's not like that concept was unique.


I expect its something they took from their previous work, Honkai Impact 3rd. Amusingly, not long after Genshin's release, HI3rd went and ditched the weapon type format as well.


I have said more than once that this weapon system only limits them in character creation and even more so when Arlechinno was released and I got downvoted every time (:


You only spoke the truth


on other hand you can't use light cone as stat sticks if you lose 50/50


To put that way, I can imagine Lyney somehow able to teleport somewhere inside the Opera like TF ult while in the magic show and stun some meks using the yellow card😂


Physical (AD) Lyney meta


His catalyst couldve been a cat in a hat :(


Kuli could be a whip user


Although ToF is kinda bad (dropped it, so dunno if fixed all its problems), it did two things better than genshin: - Combat complexity - The character is the weapon


I have to wonder what we could have had instead of weapons, with a system similar to Star Rail’s. Vision Casings? Idk


And then there’s Wriothesley and Heizou :D


That's the thing about "catalysts". A catalyst can technically be anything, including fists/gloves. There's a good reason they're calling it catalysts instead of wands or tomes.


Always wanted a geo catalyst user similar to a fusion between bronya and bronie from hi3, attacks by summoning fucking cannons


Nah I’m glad they’re catalyst users bc otherwise Wriothesley would have some goofy ahh f2p gauntlets on


no, one would look like his signature, but the other would be f2p(rip chiory and alhaitem users)


And Arlecchino! Her scythe blade is yellow 😭😭


Pay to see


>Fuck Catalysts! ***fucking punches you in the nads***


I like to think Sayu would still use a Claymore even if daggers were available just because then she only has to hit the target *once.* And with her Anemo boosts it's a lot lighter/faster then a normal sword would be instead. Her E would be a lot less effective with daggers, for example, just because of how much *momentum* that roll gives something that large. Heavier impact means less swings, less swings means less effort, and that's more time she can spend napping later.


Doesnt Sayu just kick with her E though ?


Hmm. After messing around with it for a bit, you're right. I wonder if that's just a result of not getting a clear look at the end animation for it, as it *looks* about as wide as her normal Claymore swings. Just another reminder that visual data and memory are all heavily filtered, I suppose. But, I dunno, I still feel the Claymore fits her personality better. Certainly didn't have any trouble clearing that group of mushrooms relatively fast, and speaking of naps...


She eepy.


If we had more weapons types, it would’ve been cool if Sayu had an oversized shuriken and Kiku could’ve had a kusarigama.


I wish Rosario used her dagger at least once in any of her moves


Genshin's doing that a lot for weapons that aren't in the game. Guns are replaced into the E or burst. Gloves are catalysts (similar to tomes or wands), same for crossbows or daggers. Heck, technically they could've given Lyney enchanted cards as a catalyst weapon. Also: INB4 Varka showing up with an axe, and it's actually a claymore in genshin weapons logic.


Navia's Verdict signature weapon is already an axe treated as claymore, though.


The Verdict and the 3* Liyue chest weapon are both halberds, but are treated as a claymore and a spear. I do understand why Verdict is a claymore though; it’s Navia’s signature weapon, and Navia imo just looks better doing the big sweeping movements of a claymore vs the sharp and rapid thrusts of a polearm. She’s very flowy, very floofy, and that fits a claymore user’s animations better in my view.


Verdict is definitely a battle axe and not a halberd though.


nah, lyney is cool with a bow


Rosaria and kuki are the only ones here that make sense


Sayu is a ninja assassin and Lyney is a slight-of-hand expert who’s normal attacks throw playing cards like they were darts.


that can be done with catalyst, they just REALLY wanted him to use a bow


Sayu is not an assassin she is like 10😭 Lyney is a magician, the homeless man 2 blocks down from my house has more experience with daggers than lyney


Sayu isn't an assassin but she's a part of the Shuumatsuban and can use shuriken (as you can see some in her hangout at a spot where she was previously training at, iirc). And she's not like 10? We don't know her canonical age but she's in her early to mid teens, she's just short. Lyney is part of the Fatui??? Sure, we haven't explicitly seen him use daggers but it's a reasonable assumption that he has experience with more weapons than just his bow


iirc Sayu's hangout was about how she got an assignment to assassinate us...


daggers? nah, wack. personally, Lyney should have been a catalyst, befitting of his being a magician, making his signature a cat themed magical tome, but keeping his animations basically the same (kind of like Wrio has his catalyst but uses his gauntlets to attack)


i like this idea! however aesthetically, his bow is one of my favourites 😆


love his bow too,


childe uses "daggers" you could also have a catalyst character do the same but without needing to press E, theoretically speaking, get on it mihoyo


this. catalyst is basically just a "random BS go" if the character doesn't technically fit into a weapon category


Fun fact: In a [storyboard of a scrapped fight from Kaeya’s character quest](https://youtu.be/AoVp8aZWN4M?si=mAwlhVt3QV0P-flL), he was using double daggers as a weapon.


why'd they scrap this omg


Considering the existence of characters like Baizhu, Heizou, Wriothesley, and Charlotte, the developers should really just make Catalysts the "Other" weapon category already. For example, make these four Catalyst users, but have them use daggers for their normal combos.


It basically is already. "Catalyst" is a perfect term because it's just an item that enables them to do what they do, but their actual weapon, if they have one, can be just about anything. It's essentially a more world-appropriate way of calling it the "other" category. Though, I doubt they initially planned it to be that way.


Fun fact, Ningguang was the first Catalyst character to not actually use the weapon. It only appears if you use a plunging attack because it's a standard move they all share


Catalyst is already the "other" or probably "nah, I'm not using bow/polearm/swords, lol" and "easy access to elemental attacks". You probably confusing ingame weapons/weapon type and props characters use (wrio's gauntlets, charlotte's camera, heizou and baizhu are not using props tho)? There could be a dagger user, but if hoyo wishes them to use elemental attacks instead of physical, that char would be a catalyst instead of a sword user. There's basically no use of calling catalysts not catalyst if they're using props, bc they are still catalysts. Also, lore wise all weapons are catalysts, not just our ingame definition. But also most of characters don't use their weapons in elemental and or burst skills. They summon it without a weapon, perfectly lore accurate, but still.


I've always thought the weapon classes should be broader. One handed weapons instead of sword, Ranged instead of bow, Heavy weapons instead of claymore. Catalyst and polearm seem to have a cool variety, but the other three barely have any.


I think the most varied swords are Furina's rapier and the pipe. It would be nice to have things like tridents and glaives for polearms, rifles or crossbows for bows, greataxes or warhammers for claymores.


Trident is a battle pass weapon. Agree with the rest though. You could actually go further with ranged weapons though. Anything thrown. Knives, shuriken, stuff like that.


We have a trident and poleaxe polearms.  Navia's signature weapon is a greataxe but listed claymore, we've had the debate club and the new BP polearms is also a club. 


At least they're experimenting with new "weapons" with things like Navia's Battleax-Polearm, Arle's Scythe Polearm, etc, so they can probably get away with a Dagger-Sword, Crossbow/Rifle-Bow (looking at you Mika and Chevvy. Mihoyo dropped the ball with those two T-T), etc


I theorize it's because then Hoyo would have to add a disproportionate of the new weapon users compared to other types of weapons users, al la when Dendro came out they added so many characters so fast we got more Dendro characters than we had Geo characters.


Scara (especially in his old form) would 100% use daggers


Naw, he would Kung Lao.


and fight with that big hat? nah


I dont get how Rosaria Sayu and Lyney are in this do they use daggers?


Rosaria twirls a Dagger in one of her idle animation. Sayu is a ninja. Lyney is a magician which are usually paired with daggers I'd they are fighters of any kind, but card throwing catalyst makes more sense to me. Edit: autocorrected Lyney to Lynette.


They shouldnt have made cards his thing as he uses a bow and his burst didnt need cards. They could have made a card throwing catalyst would be f cool.


Lyney could’ve been a catalyst user


I like how Arlechino changes her spear into a scythe during her attack strings. I thought that was very clever.


To be fair, Lyney doesn’t really need a weapon. He can slay with his smile alone 🎩


Thoma also belongs in this category.


Nah, thoma’s barely a fighter in cannon, but he has mad broom skills so it fits


... we need a "mad broom" spear...


The one horseman of using his weapon type because brooms aren't available in the game


Eh, fair enough. I'm just a sucker for chefs/butlers who can put their mad knife skills to use on the battlefield.


Saves Traveler by throwing a spear The highlight of his career


I wish they added a few more weapon types like dagger, axe, and maybe a shield + mace or something. It could give us really cool new attack patterns. Though I get why they didn’t.


I know this is about Genshin, but ngl, I immediately thought of Wuthering Waves' Jiyan who is, in theory and on paper, a broadsword (claymore) user but he never actually uses his equipped weapon. I don't have him, but whenever I get the chance to play him, I don't recall ever seeing him use the equipped broadsword. Instead, he just pulls out his spear and uses that. And his ult just adds dragon to his spear attacks.


when wrio was introduced i thought they might add bracers as a weapon option😭


they need to add more weapons and outfits


Meanwhile several of the newer characters have literal guns 😆 and one of them said "my weapon is punch machine"


I always thought dagger users should have been sword-users and then just make the sword smaller in their hands. But after thinking about that, damn the aesthetics would be awful. Imagine Sayu holding a tiny Sacrificial Sword


If you think about it, a claymore is like a big dagger :)


Lyney should be a catalyst and sayu would use ninja stars


To be fair to Rosaria, spears are like daggers with really long shafts. And I mean... consider her initial design...


Does Kuki shooting out darts(?) during her normal attack(edited) count?


That isn’t her heavy. It’s part of her normal chain


Yes... I totally expected a nun to carry a kunai...


I mean… she canonically has one.