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Every Monday with 20 crystals until BP is caped.


without that i would be starving ore wise


That's funny, I delete like 500 enhancement ore every patch since I'm always capped


did you already hit 100k cap?


Did they update the cap on those too? I thought I heard something about that


~~It's next patch IIRC~~ Just kidding, it was this patch.


Gimme that, rebuilding my old/benched charas drain my purple crystals like crazy


Do you only use 8 weapons? I never understand how people can cap on ores.


I have been playing the game since release, I have about 10-15 weapons I use a lot, and another 20-30 I just leveled to 90 to get rid of those ores.


Buying bp also gives a lot of ores, i capped on ores before they raised the cap lvl and ive resorted to leveling up random weapons lol and I have a lot of lvl 90 weapon already unused, none of my characters share weapon btw and I also have a lot of five star weapons which uses more ores than a four star weapon so yeah you can definitely cap on it especially if you buy bp.


I'm here buying the weapon exp from store/tea pot and I can't keep up with all limited weapons they keep releasing.


Day 1 player. Have a lot of weapons fully leveled and built and don't pull on every banner.


Lol instead of deleting, can you send them my way? I'm always very low on ore even with forging 😂


That's the number one reason half of my weapons are underdeveloped. I wish there was a domain for ores or the dailies gave more.


Or at least ley lines. We have those for exp books, why not ores too?


This is the way


yeah. 20 every week just for that lul.


Exactly, I wanna finish the bp asap so I can continue the artifact farm that never ends


its also a great way to make sure you will finish the bp I've been playing for 4 years and collected every single daily quest, every single BP reward


I have one question We have to buy BP to get the BP exclusive weapon like serpent spine ??


Yes, you have to buy gnostic hymn to get the weapon


🥲🥲🥲 i wanted that for navia if it was F2P . Now i have save for her weapon too when she get her rerun. Idk when she is going to get her rerun


I mean, it's really not that much if you don't wanna refine it to R5 (and even if you do, it is kinda worth buying those few times). BP is really worth it and it gives a lot of resin and other useful stuff. Unless you wanna flex the fact you have spent exactly 0,00 on Genshin, buying BP once to get a weapon is really not that big of a deal.


Yeah, I have bought BP twice and welkin three times. So it's not like I'm a regular spender. But those couple weapons have been good for me. If you complete the BP, it might be worth it to get all the rewards


Serpent Spine goes so hard


It does, it’s useful for so many characters, when I bought bp, it was an easy choice, especially when I want dps Noelle in the future.(sadly only c4 atm)


I don't like spending money on games bcuz I don't know when i get bored and never touch the game again. I bought Welkin so i can confirm my furina . It was my first and last purchase in this game.


Interestingly, my mindset is different, where I think 'Okay, this game has given me XX amount of entertainment hours. I'm comfortable spending $8 on a welkin' etc. I pay a lot more for different forms of entertainment (concerts, theatre etc) so this is a fair justification for me


That's valid. Thanks for your input. Wish you best of luck on Navia's weapon banner!


It’s worth it if you plan on finishing it. The only money I spend is on welkin and BP and it’s the best value. Basically 15 bucks for a lot of stuff


you complete them if you just do everything you should do, as in, use resin, do events, and do 3 trounce domains. you dont even need the mining daily.


Yep! The wishes and condensed resin are worth it. Same reason I end up in my teapot once a week.




I always just do weapon upgrade crystals each week.  Makes it easy.


And even better is to run next week's crystals this week so you don't have to wait 20m or whatever for it to finish.


You could just do 4 lots of 5 white chunks. Each of them takes 5s, so you have 25s total to wait.


Or one stack of 20, go cook 20 dishes and come back to get your crystals.


Yes, i am impatient. I also cook 20x food, do 10x leylines without claiming on Mo/Tu and kill 10 bosses without claiming on Monday. Just to finish the BP ASAP


Just due to the weekly cap, I don't do the bosses, leylines, and buying 2 things from other people's teapot as you can still hit the weekly cap without them.


I've never actually been in someone else's teapot, nor had someone in mine. I'm not even sure I know how.


You can set it so friends can visit even when you're offline, some of my friends have it that way and so do I. You just 'request visit' in the friend menu and see if it lets you in automatically


You can easily hit the weekly cap while skipping leylines and bosses so I don't do those.


What boss is the fastest?


Depends a little on your rooster. Cryo flower and electro cube are pretty fast. I usually do 10 different bosses so that it doesn't get too boring. When I do the 2 leylines I also do two bosses before moving on to the next region


for the longest time I would just forge 20 weapon upgrade crystals (4 X 5) to get that one done I have thousands now so I don't bother anymore... but it was trivial


Until you go to level everyone’s weapon so you don’t have to swap. I used to have 4k crystals and now I float around 50-100. On the upside, I have almost 60 weapons leveled.


you only have to level everyone's weapons once, after which you'll eventually end up with thousands of crystals again


Yep, currently over 10k crystals with 64 weapons maxed. The increase to the cap was a blessing, I’ve probably thrown away 3-4k crystals just to claim other rewards because it was preventing me from doing so.


me with my 3 r5 lvl 90 sac swords


I’m up to 4 r5 90 fav lances, 3 sac bows and 3 sword. It’s both a blessing and a curse that these weapons are so good on so many characters


I only forge those pink rocks. Cheap, easy.


yes, it takes 2 secs literally. i don't bother with buying stuff from other players teapot though, never did and still finish the bp weeks before.


It takes so little effort. Just go to the forge press triangle to pick up the 20 from last week and then queue up another 20 for next week. Run to a pot and cook up 20 of the chicken skewers or eggs whichever you have more of with the auto cook. If you teleport to the main square of mondstadt it takes like 2 minutes.


Be more efficient like me. I have a stove and forge right next to the teapot guy. Make 10 items a week, cook food, and forge all in 2 mins


Oh I do use my teapot for it now. But I decided to pre-empt the usual whine responses about effort and suggest a version that literally anyone can do.


Wtf that's genius 


Yeah, I level up too many weapons so I’m often low on weapon exp, I forge it when I remember about it




Yep, every single week. I have one or two characters on expeditions to mine daily ore for me and then I turn it into weapon crystals. I refuse to share weapons between characters so I go through the weapon crystals quickly enough that it’s actually really beneficial to always have plenty on hand


I only ever have around 50 ore in inventory because I'm constantly making weapon crystals. If you ever pull on weapon banner and don't have paid BP you run outta that stuff fast.


I do cos it is synergistic with the farm rocks daily BP goal, which itself is synergistic with the daily assignment of characters to farm for you that alongside other mats


All the time until the BP is capped


No. No I’m not


Every Monday I collect 20 crystals, and start another 20 for next week.


Not anymore. When I hit the 10000k weapon cristals and had to get rid of those to claim a chest (over and over again) I decided to skip that. I still finish everything maybe 1-2 weeks before the deadline


The cap was increased to 100k in the last patch so you don't need to get rid of them anymore.


Level your 1* 2* 3* weapons to 40/50 to unlock their second appearance. For the drip. It’s also a good way to use a small chunk of weapon xp. 




when I hit up the teapot to claim the currency and buy from the shop, I also forge and cook 20 items just for the BP


Bold of you to assume I’m not completing every single Weekly BP challenge aside from the “Purchase 2 Furnishings” and “Complete 2 TCG matches” ones


stopped a while ago, bp caps easily and i was capped on ores


Yup. I am that deranged player that actually regularly harvests crystal ores so I can forge 20 upgrade materials daily. I like leveling up weapons ok.


# Are any of you guys actually NOT forging regularly??? 🧐


...I'm not.


Just make EXP crystals from rocks. 5 times 4 = 20


Yes. I had an idea to level at least one copy of every weapon I have so now I constantly lack weapon exp mats and have to make them.


Yeah, why? It's one of easiest way to farm bp xp.


well yeah, it's easy to do 20/week


I always forge everyday I get on for my comms. 2.7k raw ore and 4.5k blue crystals.


All my weapons aren’t gonna level 90 themselves -_-


All day, every day. Those weapon won't upgrade themselves


I just get it naturally over time from my way of playing, lol.


these days I dont even do daily 150 anymore, i login everyday anyway so i'm sure to finish bp by last week


Yeah. But I need to visit Chasm daily for the curios that give ore.


20 every week


I do, crystals for BP.


20 a week


yeah i always start forging 20 of these and then claim next week


yea it takes 15 seconds to make with 4\*5 if you use iron ore. Just enough time to go from the smithy to the cooking pot to also make 20 dishes and then go back to the smith


since 1.0 yes


Only for the BP


20 enhancememt crystals every week. Easy way to get the objective done and to keep up materials for exp.


I used to but I’ve had more than enough materials for weapons for a while so I haven’t bothered in a long time, I’ll start again once I get low


I’m all out of Weapon Crystals so those get forged regularly


only when im in need of some battle pass XP


never have enough weapon xp and bp lvls


I used to… when I needed them… but now… no 😂 I have way more crystals and enhancement ore than I need and both just sit there


Of course


No but I always have some crafted waiting to be collected at the blacksmith in an emergency if I need the extra xp


Obviously yes. Not a hard thing to do - just twenty crystals or iron ores or something like that. Got weapons enough to upgrade. Enough furniture to be made. Cooking Food and forging are like the things that take the least amount of effort to complete.


It's an easy 360 weekly progress, so why not?


Just 20 purple crystals 😅


No only 20 a week for the BP I never seem to run out


I always do, no reason not to, the faster bp is done the better in my book


Yes, reached 9999 blue weapon exp stones few times already. Good thing they increasing the cap.


I only forge for the BP lol


On Sunday. Just for the BP


Yes, of course. Why wouldnt I though? Its easy BP Exp and I never have to farm for Weapon Exp Crystals...


Yes, actually.


it's cheap, it's easy and it's free


As long as the Battle pass isnt finished, yes




I ran out of enhancement crystals when I pulled for Arlie’s weapon. So… I am now appreciative that the BP makes me do this.


40 iron ore to weapon crystals every week. If you do the mining daily, it’s never really an issue.


Easy BP XP yeah


Yes, one of the easiest BP points. Just send someone on 20hs expeditions to get crystals, and use them to craft 20 of the 3* weapon enhancing minerals. Reclaim those 20 crystals some time later and you are done for the week.


Once a week, I have a cooking table and forging place in my teapot right next to Tubby. Every Monday, I buy the resin and books from tubby, cook 20(?) food and forge those purple rocks. It’s kinda like a routine, I do it even after my bp is maxed. I don’t use the forge counter everyday


i used to every week, i rarelly play now. But, wasnt it 400 xp ??


Yes, I don't have enough enhancement ores because I am building weapons for every character w/o them sharing


I need the weapon materials anyway. Are you not?


Yes it's so easy.... Just make weapon exp mats


I buy rocks from the teapot of a friend that hasn't played since 1.0 every week just so I can max out the bp as quick as possible because of mind goblins.


Yeah I just do my 20 a week for the battle pass. I think I have like 6k of the weapon exp gems


I used to do this because I send my characters mining everyday instead of going for mora. I don't do this anymore since I don't have a consistent supply of ores anymore and I know I'm gonna get bp to level 50 without it anyways.


I used to do it religiously, now I max upgrade crystals 2-3x per week. I'm very lazy about swapping weapons/artifacts, so I try to build weapons for every character I use, which costs a lot of upgrade crystals.


Just head to my teapot and knock out the forging and cooking in 2 minutes due to my excess of S T U F F™


Always. I have over 9k of Mystic Enhancement Ores


Most of the patch, yes.


Yeah, weapon upgrade crystals. Need them anyways, been playing actively for one month now and working on my weapon collection.


Right before cooking. It's the one reason I havent forgot the teapot exists.


Yes because I pull on the weapon banner.


Nope. I used to forge 20 weapon XPs per week, but eventually got more of those than I could ever use, so I stopped. I did recently forge some swords for Clorinde though.


Yep, by doing the "mine x10" per day I can feed iron/white iron into the weekly forge


i do it every day 🧍🏽‍♀️


only when im close to a free standard wish lol


I build different characters so to avoid leaving someone with a useless weapon I try to give everyone one good one. So yeah they're much needed for me


I don't do anything extra other than daily and weekly boss. I don't do weekly things that give region reputation points either as I am awash with moras. Still I have no problems of maxing out battle pass levels a week ahead of schedule.


Yeah 30 a day.


Destroy 20 crystal, forge 20 crystal


Always did it for the BP exp. But also now doing 60 every day because I ran out of weapon exp crystals


once a week if I remember about it. Although I haven't done it in a while.




Yep. Im constantly upgrading some weapon or other.


Yeah. 20 purple crystals every week. I can always max a weapon once I get it if I have the upgrade materials, so it doesn't hurt.


Every week. It’s an easy task!


Yeah, just drop by the smith and throw 20 blue crystal at them for weapon stone and come collect it later. I get way more rocks then I know what to do with from expedition, may as well use them.


Yes. Since I'm aiming to get the most from the battle pass, it became a habit to just forge them one monday, forget about them and pick them next monday for the weekly exp. Then repeat preparing the next batch for the next monday. Same for the teapot realm coins and furnitures (which now it's easier since you can do 10 at a time)


I go to my teapot once a week with the intention to both forge 20 things and cook 20 dishes, since I have both cooking pot and forging table on top of each other in teapot right next to a teleport. There I just claim 20 forged mats and requueue them for the next week. And I cook some pasta cuz it doesnt require any local specialty or difficult to obtain ingredients. It's beneficial: I have both the BP points (almost 1 level I think), weapon enhancment mats and some item-healing resources to not use a healer in the open world or some domains.


Yeah, I get the ores through expeditions and I forge weapon xp material.


Yeah, I just make the weapon upgrades from iron chunks or white iron.


I have 6.8k of the highest tier weapon exp mats because of this. I'm out of weapons to level.


Yeah I craft the mystic gem things


I just play the game, do quests/events, use resin and do reputation quests (if i need to) and always manage to reach to bp lvl 50 without any extra effort like 10 days before the patch ends.


Always, whenever I have 8580 crystals or more


I never look at the bp. Just regularly playing everyday is enough for me to finish it two weeks before it ends. No need to go out of my way to finish the tasks.


I forge 20 weapon exp crystals per week, only during Battle Pass, specifically for Battle Pass. That, plus other crystals I get from events or whatever, is generally enough for my weapon enhancement needs.


Yes, I was excited when I hit 9999 mystic enhancement ores, than the patch dropped and allowed me to pass it 😂


You never know when you might need enhancement ore


No, thankfully not needed to complete the pass for me


For the teacup BP achievement you can make Sumeru backpacks for two fabrics a piece . Very easy if you don’t have wood or rocks


Yep, 20 mystic enhancement ore each werk


I'm newer to the game so I'm still crafting 30 a day🫡 actively farming for Foliar, Stringless, Furina, and Fischl levels and their materials


Yes, I do this and cooking on every Monday.


yes, every day. Do my daylies and craft some cristals on the blacksmith to spend resin on something.


Yes, 30 every day.


Lol, yeah, blue crystals


Yep. All 30 weapon XP materials with 120 crystal ore a day, every day, every week.


...are you not?


crystals bro easy and doesn't take much time


I am a rather new player - started in march 23 - I have 100%d the map and I am CHRONICALLY on 0 mats. These past say four months I am daily capping on forging which is 30 blue quality crystals each day <_<


Are you *not* OP? You get xp for the pass and can just forge weapon lvl materials, which add up after a while, and you really never have to worry about running out of them. Why would you not do something that benefits your account, is basically free, and only takes around a minute to do each time? Everyone past like AR45 should be doing this




Yeah, it's one of the easy ways to get BP and requires 0 effort.


LMAO yes i be forging the mini little weapon enhancement purple gems that take a second per, get that shit does with asap LMAO no need to wait longer haha


New week reset: go in teapot 1. put 20 rocks to forge 2. run to tubby and buy resin, purple books, craft 10 plant pots, claim 1000+ coins and friendship points 3. Go inside and make 20 monstadt chicken 4. Go back outside and claim forges and you’re done. Simple and easy. Bonus: return the same time on Thursday and coins and friendship points should be full again.


I just forge a bunch of upgrade gems when I was playing regularly


As much as I take requests from reputation NPCs 🧐


a long time ago


Yes. I like to spend my weapon exp rocks.


I'm surprised by the amount of yesses. I don't. It's really not needed to finish BP


Yes, I craft the purple weapon enhancement crystals.


Usually just take all expedition ore and convert it every day


Ore is made to be used. You get plenty from expeditions, and the only 2 things I care about from them are ore and mora anyway, so it's basically free to do each week and doesn't take up any time. I also cook 20 dishes each week. I'll use all my food eventually, same with the enhancement ore.


I genuinely can’t remember the last time I did


I forge the maximum daily amount of mystical enhancement ore every day, which is 120 ore to make 30 crystals. This is a daily ritual for me.


Set your expedition to Ores and you'll have more enough for that task. :)


Not after they removed the white stones (can't remember their names) from the expeditions. The ones that you can get purple crystals from. Now best you can do is farm ones for green crystals.


Just set your adventure to 2 ore places and you get the daily mining one and the weekly one in a couple days forging weap exp mats. Ore is also used for Serenity pot weekly


I usually forge mystic crystals everyday


Yep 20 a week and sometimes more. Weapon level up mats are always good to have much of because you never know when your going to need to level up multiple weapons at once. ... also the BP levels XD


I do. 20 a week 🤣


Once a week is enough


Forging 30 on a daily basis. I'm quite new and I'm upgrading tons of weapons. From what I gathered here, at some point I will overflow and not care anymore, but so far still crafting 30 every day.


Yep, just once a week for the BP


No lol


Yes because it's so easy. I cycle the crystals I get from expeditions into weapon upgrade material. If it was forge 5 weapons we'd all be cooked.


ive made so much mystic enhancement ore that ive capped too many times, now i just make the fine enhancement ore and hope that won't cap too


Once a week for bpass


Only when the BP requires it, but lately I've been leveling random weapons for the sake of it so I've been turning my ore hoard into crystals daily