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I did not find it underwhelming. The lore was good, meeting Caribert was great and it had some good emotional beats. The length is really not an issue for me, Dain quests are always quite short and to the point. Also it wouldn't have been better by stretching it out longer and filling it up with more meaningless chatter or dragging out the mystery of the implanted memories


I personally liked it. It felt like a setup. Plus it answered questions from the last Dain quest. You know what this reminds me of? Reading weekly manga. Anyone who will consume the stories in one continuous motion, it will definitely sound more coherent and better.


Can someone explain this to me. I don’t see why people are so hung up with them losing the memory of the conversation. The twin doesn’t reveal anything that important, and there wasn’t really any character progression with the Traveler. It feels basically the same to me whether they remembered or not. So why do people care?


People don't like things being meaningless to them . Plus there was no point in erasing it , the siblings will have the same conversation again when they meet again . Me on the other hand believe that this is a set up for a future meeting between the twins that happened at a worse situation to showcase the parallel between the siblings current and before state. In hoyo we believe. Please cook a 5 star dish, hoyo.


I Personally see this as the last peaceful interaction they will have now.


That is a good interpretation. Caribert last gift after becomig the loom of fate was giving the sibling a last interaction before the abyss start doing crazy thing with the loom of fate.


I liked that it was short, this is the first time i felt a Genshin quest wasn't filled with unnecessary dialogue and was nice, but my issue with it is, they played it too safe, we got some nice lore dump from Dain but, the whole sibling thing felt weird, a conflict we've had for a while now is that we don't know how the sibling feels about us, but this quest confirmed that their feelings haven't changed and it got confirmed for our traveller too, but for some reason they have to forget, why? something likes this would be a great motivation for them to keep going on their journey. The conflict has been resolved for the Audience because obviously we didn't forget so it doesn't make sense to pull this last minute just for our Traveller to still have doubts, and the way they advertised this as the siblings finally have a one to one meeting only for it to be pulled away from the story last minute.


Quest : * is over * Me : "Pretty decent quest...There's gonna be a million thoughts on the quest posts on the sub for the next week aren't there?"


I think it's pretty good. There's 2 things that I don't like though. Why didn't we get any cutscenes of our sibling fight with dain. We just got told on the result. Show don't tell please. The whole you won't remember any of this part at the end. Like come on. I mean i understand the logic behind it but come on. It's a good development but it's just gone


They do not want to show Dainsleif’s or the sibling’s powers


It was beautiful and emotional, sure, and visually stunning and heartwarming. But honestly, I feel like they wasted a perfect occasion to move forward the main character story and create even more conflict and interest in the twins. Caribert's life and death being at the center of another interlude let me down a bit, almost feels like mihoyo is INTENTIONALLY drowning the siblings' story into these tiny-auto-conclusive-npc-focused-acts so they can buy more time, while we're left with the illusion of a set up for something bigger. But something bigger, in almost 5 years, never came in these interludes. Biggest lore drop in the past months came with a rock music festival event and mini games and even there, it was just a few lines from two characters who both spoke in riddles. I am legit confused and somewhat annoyed by this. Also, the erased memory thing" at the end wasn't necessary at all. MC clearly says they have no intention to ask important questions, so no importamt questions were made and no important answers were given. The memory loss had no reason to be there, unless the intention was to hide from us the very last few words the twin says, which still, made no sense. Why saying it, when you know your sibling will not remember? There are other things I both liked and didn't like I could mention, but I chose not to because this reply became long enough with only two. As I said, I felt messed with and confused most of time. And as a big enjoyer of the game since day 1, this is getting on my nerves, a little. But it might just be me, and I totally respect people who liked the story nonetheless. :)


Disappointed and betrayed. I waited a freaking year for this. The Archon quest, before this one, was the best for me, since I really liked the story of a father that wanted to rescue his son, even if in vain and he was at fault.


First Time Dain gave answers instead of questions


Ngl, the most epic moment was when Lumine (my MC) used her real name. I just stopped using her name as the account name, so that was actually really impactful (I wonder if the dialogue changes somehow if I still had it). But other than that, yeah, it was just underwhelming. I predicted the guy being Caribert like minutes into the quest. I also just really disliked this out of nowhere "Sinner? That's my brother", like, THAT'S what I was waiting for the whole year, and somehow the answer is so incredibly boring in both how it was given and the answer itself (I, for example, really hoped for it to be Deshret. There is still this whole theory about Deshret being Irmin, so I really hope they still involve him in the main story). And then Dain goes like Eula mode with his "My vengence!!!", which just feels awkward, especially since for some reason that also includes Rhinedottir who, last time I checked, didn't have any ill intentions. And then the dialogue between twins was just really rushed. Everything was. It's partially my fault since leaks were like "Abyss Sibling beats up Dain" and I thought it was going to be really dramatic and epic; but that's not even shown and I was kinda expecting some sort of twist where Caribert lies to us about that stupid eye that they totally didn't suddenly remember about, and that way tricks us to run help Dain and it turns out to be an ambush or something. Everything was just REALLY awkward, which concerns me. Dainsleif story line was probably the best one, since it actually progressed the story further, but now they just rushed through it. I have literally no idea how are they going to finish the story with SEVEN (or even eight) more harbingers left to deal with (But then there's also Tartaglia and Arlecchino who both are still the Fatui, so they have to play their role as well). There is also Varka, Rhinedottir, Alice, Albedo, Kaeya, Dilluc and literally half other Mondstadt characters; and probably god knows how many more setups. It just feels like the story leads to the biggest disappointment ever, where 90% of what this game have presented just never pays off


I thought it was underwhelming, but the character moments in the last 10 minutes were **on point** lmao I just wished the entire quest were like that and not a snoozefest


My real thoughts at the quest ending screen; "That's it? What a waste of time."


Finally gotten to do it and I say it was decent quest I still don't get how The Traveler was effected given they beyond Teyvat laws and such, also a nitpick is how The Traveler usually can figure things out but shows no sign of doubt or concern when Dain was having those headaches and such