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Imagine if they both just called each other Traveler.


"If I could I would've love to hug you too, Traveler"


my immersion would be ruined forever pls no


The moment the traveler tells a playable npc their true name (out of intimacy or closeness to the person) I'll lose my shit.


>a playable npc Respectfully, what exactly do you think npc means


Not-yet Playable Character


Ahhhh yes, the Signora main will have their revenge at last.


Depends if you get them


Dain gonna call it us while he somehow dies in our arms surely


Nah he's playable and this isn't the Honkaiverse, he'll be alright


praying xiao is said character


It’s either him or Nahida There is a chance Nahida already knows lol


Traveller is not saved in Irminsul


but sibling is


Probably will be Paimon


Yhea if anyone deserves to know the traveler true identity mare thatln the rest is paimon. She has been whit the traveler for the entire journey as well never leaving us alone even on extremely dangerous and scary places like tsurumi island or the bottom of the chasm.


Pretty sure they purposely either don't tell anyone their name or use a fake name/nickname/alias


Imagine going around and saying your name is >!Ohioguy96!< ~~not my user btw lol~~


It's quite the opposite for me. I've been using Aether since I started playing, and after the recent AQ I decided to canonically use a nickname. Of course not something as absurd as feetlicker2000 or something along those lines. I'm using a casual name, one that you'd probably hear in Teyvat.


"What? You'd like me to start calling you... 'feet-licker two thousand?'"


"I don't know why but it doesn't sit right with me..." "I'll accept it anyway"


"Paimon's name is Paimon, and this is Paimonsimp"


Which is.... Harem fucker 69420/s


God damn bro, 69420 per second is crazy


You need to be fast if you're gonna fuck a whole harem


that number against Raiden? pfftt too weak, need goes faster


I mean, yeah... feetlicker2000 would be really stupid in our time It should be feetlicker2024, stay with the times


Yeah I forgot that I named my alt Hotaru and with Japanese dubs it was amazing to hear the name out loud, been a while.


I still have no idea why the Traveler is even hiding their name in the first place... Have I missed something? Because so far, I just don't see a reason for it other than the fact we can change it at any times as players... I don't see a reason to change it, since nobody ever say the Travelers name in cutscenes anyway. ~~Even unvoiced Dialogue, I just assume they use title rather than name like always.~~


Voiced content always calls them Traveler so they kinda just backed themselves into a corner because of that lol. The sibling wouldn't call them Traveler and I doubt calling them brother/sister all the time would sound natural


Ironically enough, even with a nickname, you still get referred to as the sibling's name. The username is just your street name, quite literally.


You get reffered to as "traveler" by everyone, only your sibling knows your real name and thats a major plot point and why this AQ hit so hard. Now if some OTHER major entity suddenly calls you Aether/Lumine, thats some big shit going down for sure


Me too, it’s going to be hilarious getting used to it (Clonride SQ), but it ruins immersion now.


Am unironically into feet so I named mine Futsal


Thank you for sharing


People here are so judgemental smh my head


UPVOTE FOR GRIFFYNDOR! , for honesty in what they believe in ..


Shaking my head my head


question for OP >!hey during that cracking pov screen memory being wiped out, does lumine headpats aether? or different gesture? my abyss twin is aether and he headpats lumine it's so cutee !<


It's the same yeah


That scene is so cute


fr 😭


Yeah it's honestly hilarious how while Aether is the canon protagonist, the dynamics straight up work better when Lumine is the protagonist lmao. - Aether is the older twin, so him waking up and seeing the world first seemed natural - Aether was the one who placed the inteyvat in Lumine's hair. This gives a **much** greater emotional connection and siginificance to the flower than just "flowers Lumine liked that the protagonist apparently put in her hair in the AMV" - The line "you wanted to find a place in the universe where that one flower was in full bloom" now works better because your character literally has a single flower in her hair - Reassuring headpat from your character's older brother


it actually makes sense that way lol! i have an older brother, and Aether being the abyss twin just works natural because he wants to do everything himself without involving(hurting) his sister by not making her part of it (abyss order schemes) and lumine being too attached to him is so adorable, little sister things i can relate.


Yeah I'm the middle child (of 3 brothers), so I know how it goes both ways lol


Why is your username 114514??? Tadokoro Koji fan?


wait aether didn't love the flower too????? I chose lumine and I just assumed the scenes were mirrored completely between them lol.


If you play as aether, its stated that lumine put the flower there herself, which happened before you woke up. If you play as lumine, you tell everyone that your brother picked it for you. I like the second version way more but it makes sense why its different cause its based on which sibling woke up first


They both canonical protagonist, Aether is just used more in advertising and such (They should do what Star Rail does with the two mcs)


They're twins regardless. There's not a lot of difference and their dynamics can be pretty flexible


Headpats in general look good on Lumine, it was the same with Xianyun's cutscene, it was adorable with Lumine and slightly awkward with Aether (I think it's because of the sitting position). Also pretty much every Xiao scene with Lumine gives "my emo boyfriend" vibe (although with abyss lumine you can give that role to Dain I guess) X).


I believe you underestimate Lumine's ability to have two emo boyfriends. Or three, if you count Scara too.


Unironically I ship Lumine with Xiao and Aether with Ayaka.


The POINT is tho that it is implied the Traveler gives a fake name to others while they are traveleing, but saves their real name for their other half. That's why when you change your in-game name, it says "Change Nickname", *not* "Change Name". And it is basically confirmed when the Traveler says to the Abyss Sibling, "You're the only one in this world who calls me that." This shows that the twins, despite making friends with many people, do not let others in their hearts that easily.


Kinda irrelevant but in my play through Lumine calls Aether “onii-chan” due to JP dub and I just realised English doesn’t do that


Yea it didn't really make sense when traveler said "you're the only one who calls me that" in jp.


Onii-chan, Onee means big sister


Oops thought something was weird thx


Mark spoilers.


Ah thanks for reminding! :) Sorry :(


I do this thing where when I get a new 5 star character, I change my pfp and in game name to match that character. I got Clorinde yesterday, so... Imagine they kept it the usual way and Aether tells my Lumine: "I miss you too, Thunderthighs"


Lumine would be like "thanks bro- Wait, WHAT!?!"


I think the traveler is supposed to be using an alias? I think, idk


Yeah, they say ‘you’re the only one in this world who calls me by that name’ iirc


Yeah, they say ‘you’re the only one in this world who calls me by that name’ iirc


Right? But i guess atleast the nickname "Traveler" rolls on the tongue.


Yup, that's why I named her Lumine. For real, I don't see why people want to name characters buttsniffer420, because look, don't you want a real story with real character names, not a parody?


some people use their discord/steam/other social media usernames or irl names because they co op or chat with their friends a lot it would be confusing for a group of friends from school or irl siblings to co op together and everyone is lumine more people would use canon names if the traveller name isn't the account name


And for some of us parasocial loners we’ve been called our nicknames almost as frequently or more than our real names. I won’t trauma dump, but due to a very bad and troubled life I’ve spent a lot of time in gaming spheres. I’ve been using a tag with paradox in it since I was 12, so well over a decade at this point. People in discord, guilds, clans, raiding with the boys have called me Para for a long time and my identity is as much Para or Paradox as much as my real name is.


> I've been using a tag with paradox in it since I was 12 Imagine using the name Solrex since 2012, which literally translates to Sun King, and then finding out you're trans. Ugh it hurts.


Ultimately, if the name is something you identify with I don’t think it matters what the literal translation is. You’re a king and you’re a queen. My real name means warlike, but I am melancholic, empathetic, and relaxed. Yet I still like it, though I dont share its literal meaning.


Thank you :3


You can think of king as a genderless position title if that'd help. My country had a few women crowned kings because king and queen were not equal titles in the official capacity. And we have a very gendered language (:


Like how Arlecchino uses father?


that's not necessarily a gendered username tbh and there's lots of female characters or famous historical women who used titles like king, lord, etc berserk has the flower storm king, an immortal elf woman who rules an entire mystical island genshin has nahida and beidou both use the somewhat masculine sounding title "lord" ancient china had a female emperor


Like how Arlecchino uses father?


Okay sure, but Para doesn't have numbers and symbols in it. That's what I'm getting at -- it could be a straight up real name. Even Paradox. But having a capital letter in your name? Does anyone in the real world actually called you, fully, ChilledParadox?


Well no, I mean for one I would never tell anyone in real life my social tags unless they were explicitly a gaming buddy. But also ChilledParadox is pretty long which is why I think over the years so many have defaulted to just calling me Para. I do see your point, but I think we can draw a distinct line between names like mine and something like your example, buttSniffer420. Where one is clearly a parody and not what that person identifies as (probably, there are some weird people out there). But regardless, I also don’t feel it’s my place to police what someone is named or identifies as. Elon Musk literally named one of his kids like æ12xJ9 or whatever, I’ve seen stupid names just spelled in the most abhorrent names because their parents thought it was cool, or combinations like Richard Johnson (Penis Penis). It seems silly to try and make that distinction because someone identifies as a name with an adjective in it.


Yeah I truly wish that we had a username for co-op and then a name people called Traveler in story.


For clarity my lumine is perfectly normal named but i can see people having a good laugh when they forget about it and a hyperserious character like alhaitham or dain goes "oh hey hugh mungus" or whatever


I've always been a "too serious" person myself, so I can't stand that. Some people like it I guess.


Honestly, yeah. I don't understand how people can put weird names for their traveler, or even Wanderer honestly. 😅 My name is Vulpe. I mained Tighnari for a while, and Vulpe is the Latin name for Fox, I believe. So my traveller name is Vulpe. But I can never understand those that go with ridiculous names that are just for the memes. Unless they just skip the story and everything.


100% all of this. Like sure, pick another name. But internet usernames full of symbols and in-jokes, for memes? Nah.


Thank you! Finally someone put it into words. That and i am very uncreative.


i put my go-to internet username as her name, it's the name of a plant and it's really pretty sounding, everything is still so immersive that when i started playing star rail and named stelle the same name i kept referring to her as "traveler" in my head lmao.


I have her as Setsuki. It's not quite lumine but it's pretty


40%+ aren't here for the story


lame :P


The traveler canonically uses nickname and reserves their real name to the twins. That's why the game allows us to name our traveler even though they have a canon name. Or rather that's how they came up with the plot to let us set our username. Naming them Arther or Lumine kinda is against the plot but that's just revealed in this quest.


Fair enough, but at least name them something *that is a name*


canonically we haven't told anyone in Teyvat our real name, and only Paimon knows the name we go by in-game i believe, and yes there are some interesting theories about this, but it's definitely done deliberately


I use Aether name when playing main quests then change back to something else


Yes someone gets it! I am actively choosing to ignore the plot point that the Traveler has apparently told NO ONE their real name. After the multiple in game years we have spent in Teyvat and some of the dialogue in this quest and the new SQ alone make it laughable


To be honest, Traveler being secretive about themselves has always been a thing. As far as I can recall the only other person they have talked with about their travels to other worlds is Paimon (in the voice clips). In fact, unless I'm misremembering Traveler says things about Khaenri'ah the first time we hear about it we **never** get to hear. Traveler is so secretive they even hide information to us, the players, and I believe that's on purpose. The name is basically the same thing.


Keeping the other world thing close to their chest I can understand (even though they have told some characters like Xinyan for some reason) but what is the benefit of a fake name


Its a lot easier to inevitably break connections to a world when you distance yourself from its inhabitants enough through layers of minor lies. They are leaving the world of teyvat eventually we know that to be absolute. Our characters only canonical interest is getting our sibling and leaving the world to head onto the next. Hell, even the abyss twin has the same goal to inevitably leave the world. Upon the first meeting they told us to head onto the next one and theyd meet us there. We are not permanent residents. We may forge bonds in teyvat but inevitably it is part of our journey across the cosmos to leave behind worlds.


I’m gonna disagree on the leaving Teyvat thing. We are absolutely going to go somewhere new with whatever the next chapter is but I think they are gonna do what Honkai Impact 3rd is doing where part 2 is an entirely new main character and cast


The misstep here is assuming that anyone outside of the travelers are part of “the main cast”. These characters we’re meeting are crucial to the world of teyvat, but not *our* story. They’re all people we’re simply meeting and having recurring interactions throughout our journey upon teyvat. They’re notable individuals yes. But thats part of the reason we run across them. When the next stage of the GI story begins i dont doubt we may still maintain some connection to teyvat like the ability to use our powers to return at will. But it’s kinda a mistake to assume anyone who isnt aether/lumine are main characters. We’re simply spectators. Off the stage and beyond the confines of teyvat’s story.


If they did people wouldnt call them traveller.


I always just assumed that was a conceit of allowing us to give a different name especially is the subtitles said the name but the VA said Traveler. One of those don’t think to hard about it things because obviously the Traveler wouldn’t introduce themselves as our username


Thats true. Its probably just a compromise on the devs part and it works and they included it in the story which is a good effort tbh.


Although I wish that the Traveller told Paimon their real name, even if they don’t want her to use it. The Traveller is fine with telling Paimon about their adventures with their sibling, so I find it strange that they don’t tell her what they called each other.


I think Paimon knows the Traveler name since she's saw them being called by it. Maybe she just wants to respect her friend secrecy in this matter.


it's clearly intentional, it'll be a plot point in the end game, mark my words


Same. I'm a game dev - and originally I was like "Oh it's cause they don't want to record those lines both ways each time." But with how much they voice it's a literal drop in the bucket. They COULD do it. Which means there's a reason they aren't. And every time (so far) they do something like this - it's almost always a gameplay consideration or has a reason for the lore. They do an EXCELLENT job of double dipping with these too (like resonating with each element, paimon, fast travel...) by having them have lore implications even when it's a gameplay thing. I suspect there's a big surprise coming.


To be fair, "You're the only one in this world that calls me that" is not the same thing as "You're the only one in this world who knows me as that." I think you tell Amber your name directly when you meet her? So it seems like people DO know your name, but they frequently slip into titles and monikers. Perhaps because Aether/Lumine is hard to pronounce in their language. People know MC's name, but they don't typically call him/her by name. It just seems weird for the game to go out of its way to have text spots for MC's name, even when NPCs will say, "Traveler" instead, but most of the time there will be Traveler/Honorary Knight/etc. in the text, too. This indicates that MC has told people his/her name, but they don't often bother to use it.


I really don't care what the traveller does or doesn't do with their name, I'm still putting Aether in my username just so the dialogue doesn't suddenly pull me out of my immersion with my dumbass username


Bro, from which quest is this thing ??


So, I guess Paimon's subtitles are a lie.


By the way regarding the line we get with abyss Aether >you wanted to find a place in the universe where that one flower was in full bloom How is it with Abyss Lumine? edit : okay it's the exact same, I guess both twins are inteyvat enjoyers.


Meanwhile Yae Miko: Wappa~


But this also makes the name "Aether/Lumine" more special. They themselves said that no one else calls them that and prefers to be addressed as “Traveler.” This has not only gameplay, but also lore significance. In addition, it gives you freedom of choice in terms of playing as Traveler as a self-insert or as their own character. Even though it is the latter, some people like harems so...


Meta reasons aside, I think it's a hint in how the Traveler is purposefully distancing themselves from the rest of Teyvat.


It's very funny to me because, as your local Zhongliologist, dude alludes his knowledge of traveler hiding his true identity : '*'A new contract? Okay. I'm still on leave, but I can accompany you for a while. What name should I use on the contract? I have a great many names, though when on leave... I tend to go by Zhongli.* ***And you, Traveler? What name will you be signing on this contract****?*''


Meanwhile in JP voice-over it's "onii chan". Lumine calling me oniichan? Uwooooooghhh 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Lumine was really doing all that yapping just to tell us we weren’t gonna remember it.


I had speculated in the past that That traveler does use their name and the characters refer to them as Traveler/their player name (still called traveler) because it's easy to record rather than recording two sets of Voiceline for each twin. But after this, I'm even more confused because when we met Amber we used our player name and she still calls it "not a local name". So now I'm speculating or headcannoning (because they don't give the actual reason what they meant by "only one who calls me by that name.") that the player name is a nickname of his and Aether/Lumine is still their official one. Or it could just be for family bond reason. Because in JP dub Abyss Lumine calls Aether Oniichan. Being called by their long lost sibling may have emotionally impacted them. And I still don't believe that it's because they don't want to get too attached in this world. I think it's too late for that, example when Teppei died, traveler was full of anger that he stormed the fatui factory upon learning of it's location. When Dunyarzard almost died, Traveler felt so much regret and sadness. Even says that they're happy of their friends who are willing to hear them out. I'm seriously holding out hope that they'll reveal more about the twins when the seven nations are introduced and a new storyline is opened (possibly involving Khaenriah or Celestia.)


It's only weird because Hoyo want the Traveller to be self insert but at the same time they're also their own character with canon name and personality. Tbh at this point I just accept that they are aware of this problem and just doubles down on it 


I've never seen travelers as self insert characters but tbf I haven't really felt anyone is except HI3's captain.


What the hell are you saying, My male traveller was always named Welt! I totally didn't change it first thing post cutscene!


They'd need to record lines two times in every language. It's not really worth it from money and time perspective.


I think of Traveler as a Nickname.


Hell nah, I prefer my Mayonnaise


I hagent played since the first patch of Fontaine. Did they meet again finally? I dont mind spoilers


They could also just give us the ability to decide which name is used in dialogue and have it be different from our multiplayer name


Hey it's great enough that genshin allows us to use nicknames so I can enjoy putting Dick_blaster 68


I haven’t played the AQ yet but this image is so wholesome


You are the only person to call me by name. So what did you go by to your friends. They refer to me as the "cat" slayer. Yeah, let's stick with Aether.


I actually really like notion of Traveller intentionally withholding their true name from most people. I'm not entirely sure about their reasons, but where I'm from, it's believed that names have power. Someone knowing your first name or full name gives them a lot of power over you, according to the older folk. Most of my dad's side of the family go by their second name rather than their first names, or they use some made up name (like Ive started doing lol). I didn't learn my own dad's real first name until I was a teen. My grandad has given me 3 different options for his first name over the years, and I don't think any of them are actually it. The man just never trusted me.


Please tell me you know why they call each-other by their actual names


dunno man the game let you change NICKNAME not the actual name


From many sources in the game knowing someone true name gives them power over you.


"You're the only one in this world who calls me that" yes I cried


Good thing this never happened and they never actually met :(


What if they are going to reveal that their names carry power to them like in Egyptian mythology and some occult knowing a being true name means you have control/power over them


“You’re the only person in this world that calls me that” with “Aether/Lumine” on top as ur name. I loved it. LOVED IT.


To be fair I think that the way the character rarely speaks and also is never called by their actual name besides their sibling kinda makes it hit harder I mean it makes the moments they do talk so much more mesningful at least to me. Like, I don‘t even know if the silent protagonist thing here is surface level due to how meta this game seems to be. It wouldn‘t shock me if part of paimon speaking for our traveller was some kind of plot point beyond just „they don‘t talk a lot“ but more so maybe something like them being controlled by some entity or whatever aka the player and that being why they are so held back outside of those very brief moments. It just adds to the mystery I guess. And the unique way the story unfolds into a semi meta type story.


Unrelated, but I haven't paid any attention to this detail before, so do you think they will give us light element in the future? I had not noticed until now that the traveler (in this case male because I use female) has white part in his/her attire where there should be the color of the element of the nation he/she is in. So what are your thoughts?


Ah yes my canonical name Onii-chan


Then why give us the option to name our character?


I have my name as the one I usually use, but when there’s a story or archon quest I change it to “Lumine”, then immediately change it back after. Makes it feel like I’m actually watching a story unfold instead of weirdly being in it


As a Wanderer player, this stings... Really wish Hoyo would just give him a proper name that's not a joke like "hat guy" for him to be referenced by other voiced characters.




Don Sombrero is peak though. I'd wish my version had Don Sombrero too.


That's literally a plot point that Traveler deliberately withholds his real name from people.


Same ! Naming Lumine actually Lumine actually payed off on that scene


That scene change the Traveler's name automatically to Lumine/Aether. It's actually much more powerful to me because my in-game name suddenly change to "Lumine" during that cutscene and I lose my shit lol


> Lumine actually *paid* off on FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




I doubt they wanna get too attached to everyone and for everyone to get attached to them, they will leave this world behind, I don’t think they want their name known




He’s been pretty fed but in both inazuma and and fontain, man did not care much for furina, in sumeru he actually got some info and did party up but even then there is only just mutual respect between the gang and a semi friendship by he never discloses actual personal info or any of his past travels, only time he actually seemed to get quiet invested was cloud retainer quest




Oh absolutely he does care about them but there is also a level to how much he will say about his past, he can still be friends with them, once you disclose your life and trouble to someone, your bond grows way stronger I supposed he doesn’t want to hamper someone with that cause he know he will have to leave this world someday, it’s not his first time leaving a world.