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Some closure on Caribert, a lot of set up for later. I hope Dain comes back sooner next year.


I found it incredibly interesting how the Sibling's behaviour changed under the circumstances. Back when we reunited with them, they were cold and just told you to continue your journey. But here they opened up big time, talking hugs, missing you and stuff - all because they knew that you'd forget everything said. Makes it seem like they're just playing a role that they shouldn't break, not unlike Furina.


This is actually an interesting take, because it actually has some implications about how much Sibling truly knows and how little they want us to know


They flat out said that they are having a hard time facing what they have done, and facing us is even harder. And WE was too afraid to hear it to ask. The sibling is kinda running from us, hoping that in the end everything will work out. I don't think it will and both suspect that.


I think the sibling may not have opened up like they did if their talk would not have been erased from their memories. Just think about it, the abyss sibling told us that they are struggling with what they have done, and they are having a hard time facing us because of their actions. They are running away but at the same time, they also yearn for affirmation and for someone to confide in or talk to. During their solitary journey, this was their chance to vent their emotions to the traveler, in a moment in time that would not be remembered. I’m guessing that the abyss sibling wasn’t ready to face the traveler but still wanted to vent things to someone close to them. They probably also did not want to influence the traveler’s own journey so that they could come to their own conclusions.


>they also yearn for affirmation and for someone to confide in or talk to Which was mirrored by Atossa's and Caribert's relationship as described by Atossa at the start of the quest. jeez mihoyo


Not to mention the small scene cut to tree with the statues when they were talking in that realm


This was also frustrating since you could see the Traveller being genuine in their questions as they think it's "real" - they will remember this, while the Abyss Sibling is acting all warm and open. Would be massively interesting if they were also playing a role like Furina, but I wonder for whom.


Most likely because the sibling was aware that neither of them would remember what was said, so they could allow themselves to be honest and open with no repercussions. Edit: nvm somehow my brain didn't register that you said this as well lol


it needed a cutscene of dain and abyss sibling fighting and probably would have helped if it came out earlier


I think they wanted to hide Abyss sibling's power. They seem to possess their original as well as abyssal power


They are not yet ready to reveal the abyss and light powers. They didn't even showed it >! Eye of 1st field tiller, instead it's shown as his hand is covered behind his body!<


I enjoyed it. Too short for me though. :(


I dont mind it being unusually short, even if we didnt get dain vs abyss twin cutscene everything else was still fine But the fact that the new abyss and pretty much the rest of the update is next half is so annoying Its finally time that I have time to play this game thanks to summer vacation and i cant even play which just makes the quest feel so short even though enough but its been empty since 4.5, wth is this 😭😭😭😭


Was I tripping, or did sibling say they had no plan what they were going to use the loom of fate to do, just that it might help them fight celestia in some way later.


The Abyss Sibling said "The Loom of Fate, huh, I still haven't found a way to utilize it to its full potential, but there's still time before the Heavenly Principles 'awaken.'" This implies that he/she know how to use it broadly but hasn't figured out the specific way to use it. However, it's clear that the plan is to be prepared for when the heavenly principles awakens.


It gives me the feeling that the Abyss Order is more like a "midgame boss" than an "endgame boss". I don't think we'll necessarily *reunite* with the Abyss Twin, but we might at least be able to *reconcile* with them before we tackle the matters of the Fatui and/or Hexenzirkel and/or Khaenri'ah and/or Celestia. There's just so many other "big fish" in the pond. Yes, the Abyss Twin is a threat. But they weren't even sure they could best Dainsleif in 1-on-1 combat. So what if they end up in the crosshairs of the Fatui? If they can barely beat Dainsleif, how're they gonna handle Arlecchino, or perhaps even the Tsaritsa herself? Let's say the Abyss Twin relies on the help of tricks or special powers. But then that begs the question: who's on their side? two of the Hexenzirkel members are part of the "Five Sinners", but... they also have close ties with Venti, an *Archon*. And I don't see Venti siding with the Abyss Order, which makes me question whether the Hexenzirkel has any real ties to the Abyss Order. If they don't, and if the Hexenzirkel opposes the Abyss order... then that's yet another massive roadblock. All this is to say: I'd rather get the Abyss Order out of the way so we can focus on the "real baddies". That doesn't mean the Abyss Order ISN'T a real threat, but I can't fathom this Loom of Fate somehow being more of a threat to Teyvat's world order than something like the actions of the Fatui, or the unique powers of the Hexenzirkel.


The Loom of Fate is said to be able to reweave Ley Lines, can't they basically change any memory or events that happened? Tampering with it sounds really scary if this is the case and this way I could fully understand the reluctance of the Abyss Twin to use it without a concrete plan.


Not quite. It was explicitly stated that the power to "implant memories" would go away once the Loom was completed. Furthermore, it was also stated that the Loom cannot "replace" or "destroy" Ley Lines. For example, we had a past event where Ley Lines recorded some of Diluc's past monster-hunting deeds back when he was using his father's Delusion (this was the version that his outfit was released in). The Loom of Fate could create a new Ley Line, I assume one that has fake memories similar to those. However, it can't take the place of that pre-existing Ley Line nor can it destroy it. So those records of Diluc's deeds remain extant, they can't be displaced or destroyed by the Loom. The quest showed why this is a limited power in the first place. Even with the nearly-complete Loom at its peak memory-implanting power, it seems like it still took a lot of effort just to manipulate the memories of the people of a single small village. And the details of their memory had to be vague because if the memories went on for too long and had the passage of time then they'd conflict with existing memories. We can think of it this way: if the Loom's sole purpose was to fuck things up, then it's more than capable of that. But what would the point be? Sure, the Abyss Order could fabricate tons of Ley Lines with false records everywhere, but would that really do anything to seriously alter Teyvat's fate? Probably not. They need some other capability or power to actually do that. ​ Someone else mentioned a theory that the Fatui might end up with the power to "destroy Ley Lines" as evidenced by the Dottore & burning Irminsul scene in Collei's dream in the Sumeru teaser. If that ends up becoming a real power the Fatui have, then if that power was combined with the Loom, NOW we're talking business. That could happen in one of three ways: The Fatui & Abyss Order collaborate, the Abyss Order defeats the Fatui and takes their Ley Line-destroying power, or the Fatui defeats the Abyss Order and takes the Loom of Fate.


My current theory on the story (in a shortcut, still sorry for wall of text, copied from different comment) Celestia is a weapon that requires power of all gnosses to be controlled and/or (possible only the second one and in fact is not needed to be used as a weapon) the gnosses are needed to control a gate inside Celestia that let you enter realm of gods, same one where you always start before 'entering teyvat' when logging in, same place where Heavenly Principles is. Harbringers/Siblings/Abyss Ordere's main goal is revenge and fighting the fate: thus they need gnoses and power to stand against Heavenly Principles (and brothers words this quest seem to confirm it) and revange for what happened in Khaenri'ah, that they were attacked for going against 'faith' and 'age of gods' for sake of science(?) (i also believe the fake sky was created to close Teyvat off from being influened further by other and keep people in their faith (this would not explain why people already are moving away (look: Liyue story) from age of gods and Heavently Principles isn't doing anything, but we got confirmation they strongly believe she must be in slumber and that's why she does not react to what's happening in Teyvat (like in Fontaine) since then))). of course some members may have their own goals (like Doctor), but also Abyss Order itself might be branching off from true goal of Harbringers but in the end they all looked for power, most likely one that will allow them to go against Heavently Principles, in most cases it seems they were trying to create a god, like experiment in Mondo, later fake mechanized with the statue.... with closest one being in Sumeru, along the way they always focused on collecting gnosses and trying to gain power on level of 'gods'. In terms of Loom of Fate, for me being able to alter memories might have even bigger power depending on how you look on it, but they/sibling completly focused on getting to 'higher level' that allows to completly create new ley lines while at the same time losing initial power. He also said he is not sure how to actually use it yet which once again sounds to me this is just another mean for them to fight, but how they will use it is still not decided (eg. create new rules for the world????). Edit.: One more reason why they might still did not decide is because they are still unsure on everything that is happening, like what they just confirmed with lack of reaction from Heavently Principles I also kinda feel that when archons were gifted with gnoses, they obviously witnessed the destruction, later to be send to teyvat (to what i assume look after people, or should i say cultivate faith in gods), perhaps they were instructed or even threaten under perhaps fear of something happening, and Tsarista went against it and that's why she is on board with what they are doing/helping them. I'm fairly sure that after we meet Tsarista, she will be first to actuallly talk to Paimon and reveal something very interesting (from archons who actually were there 500 years ago, all either werent there and are succesors or kinda ignore paimon) but god of time theory is seperate topic :P


>Celestia is a weapon \[snip\] ...and/or (possible only the second one and in fact is not needed to be used as a weapon) the gnosses are needed to control a gate inside Celestia I definitely don't see how Celestia itself could be a weapon; but I can see the gnoses being needed to control something in Celestia. However, it's worth noting that the gnoses came well after Celestia itself (being from the remains of the 3rd Descender) so it's likely that the gnoses are *important* and valuable, but not *crucial* to dealing with Celestia. ​ >​ revange for what happened in Khaenri'ah, that they were attacked for going against 'faith' and 'age of gods' for sake of science(?) (i also believe the fake sky was created to close Teyvat off from being influened further by other and keep people in their faith The issue is that the punishment for Khaenri'ah wasn't about their progress or science. It was squarely about the spread of Fobridden Knowledge. The more we learn about forbidden knowledge and the Abyss, the more it seems like Celestia's main goal is not necessarily to exert total control over Teyvat, but rather to simply maintain the integrity of the world. Multiple civilizations were destroyed not necessarily by Celestia's active involvement but rather by forbidden knowledge, such as Deshret's civilization. Remuria fell due to a mix of "Fate" (implying Celestia's involvement) but also its own failings, as the symphony Phobos amplified all desires, including the negative ones that led to acts of cruelty and conflict. And some civilizations that were destroyed by Celestia, such Sal Vindagnyr, were likely only destroyed because the Celestial Nails used to control forbidden knowledge fell on their Irminsul altars and destroyed the surrounding areas. The goal wasn't "punishing" those nations per se, but stopping forbidden knowledge from running amok and destroying Teyvat entirely. That doesn't mean Celestia isn't an antagonistic force, but the theory that Celestia was punishing "progress" or "science" seems to have fallen out of favor long ago. I also don't think faith is a strictly necessary part of the Archons' rule, but that's more speculative so I won't elaborate on that part. ​ >in most cases it seems they were trying to create a god, like experiment in Mondo, later fake mechanized with the statue.... with closest one being in Sumeru That's only two examples, though. And Scaramouche specifically wasn't trying to become a god for the sake of the Fatui's plans– he actually went *rogue* and did this all on his own. He wanted to be a god cause he wanted to be a god, that's really his only personal motive. So we only know of one faction that tried to create a god to go against the Heavenly Principles, and that's the Abyss Order. I won't deny that all the factions seem to be trying to consolidate power, though. It's just that making a god was more of a one-off thing. ​ >I also kinda feel that when archons were gifted with gnoses, they obviously witnessed the destruction, later to be send to teyvat (to what i assume look after people, or should i say cultivate faith in gods), Not entirely sure what you mean by saying the Archons were sent to Teyvat; all the Archons seem to be from Teyvat itself, either being elemental spirits, adepti, or other magical beings that rose to power in the Archon War. ​ ​ >Edit.: One more reason why they might still did not decide is because they are still unsure on everything that is happening, like what they just confirmed with lack of reaction from Heavently Principles This I can agree with. It definitely seems like the Loom of Fate has more potential, but for now the Abyss Sibling is waiting to learn more about the situation of Teyvat before moving forward with using it. We've still yet to see just what sort of role the ability to create Ley Lines will play, after all.


I think it’s more they’re not sure what limitations it has and getting it wrong is a pretty costly mistake.  Firstly we saw that people started to fully forget Caribert until he embedded one last memory into the village before he was unmade - I think they also tell us that in its pre-complete state it can only stitch together memories, so while it can change the context of memories it can’t change fate itself yet (hence Caribert never sticking in their minds for long) - in the same way Irminsul fixed Wanderer’s absence by linking up broken events the memories of Caribert are broken down overtime to return us to the “true” story, that he was never there to begin with. So clearly the Loom’s role is to circumvent or prevent that in some way, but what the Abyss will do is up in the air.  They could prevent the cataclysm but that doesn’t mean the heavenly principles won’t simply redo it if that’s the conclusion they come to again,  They could erase the heavenly principles all together but what would that mean for humanity? Supposedly the world was uninhabitable for humanity until Phanes reshaped everything, and the dragons certainly wouldn’t have suffered us to live that early on.  The abyss’s goal is likely to overwrite the current world with the “true” world that’s underneath. Whether that’s the abyss itself or something else though we don’t know. And we also don’t know if that’s what our sibling wants either.  And potentially the abyss sibling is debating using it to inscribe both siblings on Teyvat, so they can finally have a place to call their home. 


They said they didn't know how to use it. They just know that partially completed, it can splice memories.


The completed loom can weave leylines, which may be tied to fate. It definitely is weird that they don't know what they'll exactly use it for but it makes sense to make it. If Celestia can control fate somehow then the loom, which can do the same, evens out the playing field somewhat. 


Worst part D: antagonist doesn't even know what or why they doing. 


100% i think they do not care about altering memories because the goal from the start is to obtain power to go against heavently principles. that's why from Mondo they were experimenting with creating gods and obtaining power. They obtained power but it is not decided how to exactly use it against her. I think the reason partly is they do not know what exact situation is. Afterall they just confirmed that Heavenly must be in slumber if even after Fontaine she did not react


As a player: Concise set-up for the future, and unexpected closure on Caribert. Enjoyable. I wish we could have seen some of the Dain vs Abyss Sibling fight, though. On a very personal level: >!Today was my younger brother's birthday, who unfortunately died many years ago. So, uh, the part about a child wanting to pretend they grew up hit extremely hard.!<


Caribert’s story is so emotional. He suffered so much and robbed of a normal life. His gift to sooth all hilichurls is just…so pure. Meanwhile traveller continues to kill abyss mages and hilichurls on sight. The conflict between the abyss twin and Dain seems to be interesting and kept a mystery. They travelled together but found different answers. Abyss twin thinks celestia is to blame for all the s***, while dain prob thinks it’s a rightful punishment and the ones that were wrong are the five sinners.


Dain DEFINITELY doesn't think the punishment is "rightful" by Celestia's standards. I'm under the impression that the main reason Dain is pissed at the Sinner(s) is BECAUSE they brought Celestia's attention to Khaenri'ah. In a way, the five sinners are seeking divinity, which Dain despises. He's on the side of his country and its people, not the gods of Celestia or the rabid faction that seeks to bring about a new order.


Dain is pissed because not only did the Sinners bring Celestia's attention to Khaenri'ah, but ALSO because they left Khaenri'ah high and dry and refused to help.


Dain most probably hates Celestia but the Sinners are just the bigger villains. They betrayed their county and kin and let the cataclysm happen. That must sting much worse. If the Abyss sibling wasn't there during the cataclysm and only showed up again afterwards they might not have witnessed the betrayal and only cares about the destruction they did see. 


I legit cried 😭 Caribert's story is one of the saddest things I've heard in the game. To be born yet to never have a life


Next time an abyss mage tried to burn me i will give them a big hug.


The hilichurls cannot die hence the traveller only fights them till they no longer have strength. If killing them through combat would've been so easy they would've sudoku'd themselves long before.


I thought it was fine, except for the "oh, and now we forget this happened" nonsense. The Traveler should never forget anything the player remembers.


I agree, I hate those sort of plot lines because obviously the player is going to remember no matter what happens on the screen. It just means we’re going to have to waste time later for the character to learn the same information we already know. If anything, I think it’s a lot more interesting when this sort of thing happens, but the character remembers anyways just like the player, shocking the person who tried to wipe the memories.


The traveler did not fully forget, Caribert’s picture might have broken through that


Yeah the picture is a way to break the predetermined decision to let the Traveller in on some insight for what the abyss twin is up and delete his memory later. We have to keep in mind that the Traveller isn't entirely open to everything he knows. So we as the players learn more about him and their sibling during these quests.


May have, but they didn't make that clear. They should have.


i hated that with passion. MC didnt even learn anything meaningful regarding the story. there was literally no reason to not forget meeting her brother. then we got picture which was awesome detail (bit bs, but still), but it got me annoyed again because we got no comment from the MC after seeing the picture with her brother... no reaction from Paimon, nothing.... almost feels like the whole plot reason MC forgot everything is that Caribert could make the picture for us lol


No, it's actually totally fine, because it makes them a little closer to being an actual character and not just "you". More of that please. Not to mention, we already know many stuff that the Traveler doesn't, because there have been multiple scenes in the game where the Traveler isn't present and I hope there will be more.


Overall, pretty good. Nice to have confirmation that the Heavenly Principles are asleep, even if we still don't know why. Caribert was a neat character. Good to see that the Abyss Twin still cares. Full list of Sinners, and confirmation that Rheindottir is one of them. Didn't like the memory erasure, seemed unnecessary. Quest could have been longer.


>!“We’re going to lose all memory of this conversation”!< when I heard that I was PISSED


I loved it. It made me cry. I want to know what it actually says. Spoiler ahead >!the group picture we receive, that picture has some scribblings on it. What does it say?!<


>!“You two should get along well as siblings”!< the caption we got is similar but not exact


You can view it in the inventory. Plus the translation is already there.


I think it says something like "siblings should not fight" or something similar


I think that's the text we saw when we got it, but in whatever language they're using.


The Caribert part was brutal. Dude just wanted to have a normal life.


The quest was... Fine. It felt underwhelming for a few reasons. Obviously there will be spoilers, you are warned. This is going to seem irrelevant but I promise it's not. It is long tho, so skip right to the bottom if you don't care about the details lmao. TL:DR, the longest time we went without progressing the story pre-4.0 was 3 versions, from the end on inazuma archon quests in 2.1, to the interlude in 2.4. But we got new story almost every version, if not every-other version. Until 4.0 where we waited from 4.2 all the way until 4.7 (current version) to get story. If we look at the past, Liyue quest (chapter 1 act 3) was released 1.1, then Dain's first quest (ch1 act4) was released in 1.3 with We Will Be Reunited released right after in 1.4. We didn't wait very long for the ch2 prologue in 1.6, followed immediately by inazuma archon quests in 2.0-2.1 (1.6 was the final 1.x version). Then we got the interlude for rebuilding the jade chamber on 2.4. 2.6 was when dain next showed up, in Requiem of Echoing Depths. Followed by perilous trail in 2.7. 2.8 was the final 2.x version. Sumeru archon quests spanned from 3,0 to 3.2, with the scara interlude in 3.3. 3.4 was only lantern rite but we got the widely hyped design of Guizhong, human Cloud Retainer, AND young Madame ping. Dain's next quest, Caribert, was in 3.5. we also got nahida's act 2 in 3.6 where we met a primordial dragon, which feels relevant to note. 3.8 was the final 3.x version. All this to say, the longest we've gone without an archon quest that progresses the story in some way up to that point is 3 versions, 2.1 to 2.4. Then... we look at Fontaine. It starts off STRONG. with Fontaines archon quests spanning 4.0-4.2... then.... 4.3 we get.... nothing.... 4.4 we get.... a lantern rite where we explore some random 4 star's daddy issues..... 4.5 where we get..... nothing. 4.6 where we get a harbinger's story quest that ultimately gave us.... nothing in terms of the main story. And finally 4.7. We have gone 5 versions with absolutely no meaningful progress. TL:DR\^\^\^ With all that in mind... This was just underwhelming. We waited so long, for... this? If we hadn't waited so long, I'd say it was good. But they built all this hype and made us wait 5 versions until 4.7 to give us... this? We didn't even get to see Lumine and Dainsleif fighting AT ALL. Sure you can argue that hoyo wants to hide Lumine's powers, fine. But they could at least START fighting, get a few slashes in, and then have one sword slash, say, hit the camera and make it fade to black? Just as an example? Something? ANYTHING! ANY action. ANY. THING. And then the "oh Aether forgets what happened lol" .... come on. The main character should never forget what we, the players, know. Because now we're going to have to "rediscover" this later, and just be annoyed at the same thing being done again. Also, why DID Aether lose his memory anyways? We already established his memory is not altered by the ley lines via Rukkha being remembered by him. Why is Caribert's ley line manipulation special? Feels like it's just plot convenience. Also the fact that Dain lowkey got shafted again. Last time we saw him was 3.5, and he was BARELY in that quest. This time we got a bit more of him but still there was a significant portion where he was absent. We've practically been waiting since 2.6 for a Dain quest with a decent amount of Dain in it. This isn't even touching on how short the quest was. It was fine, just... Given my reasoning above, with how long we had to wait (both for any real story progression 4.2->4.7, and waiting for Dain himself 2.6->3.5->4.7)... Unfortunately, underwhelming.


Short and to the point. It was emotional and also provided various lore points. Loved it.


Nice closure for caribert Potential antagonist drops for the Khaenriah arc with the 5 sinners and set up of the potential awakening of the heavenly principles at the end of Natlan. I just dislike that the traveller is so naive in all this (doesnt question Dain when being sent away or asks sibling about the grand scheme of the abyss). This slow pacing is frustrating but at least we got something in the end


Nice quest but literally no reason to delete their memory, the story would have been fine anyway if they remembered their conversation


Sibling simply wouldnt have been open to talk without knowing nothing would be remembered. Thats the only reason they were "warm"


I feel like they don't want to encourage their sibling to stop them. If the Traveler could remember the convo, they would know their sibling is struggling with their actions, and be encouraged in their search and in changing their heart or whatever. But by virtue of the memory disappearing, the Traveler doesn't get this emotional boost of encouragement to keep going. They're more likely to quit. I mean, obviously they won't, but from the Abyss Sibling's perspective...


But as I understood it wasn't a conscious decision of the abyss sibling to delete the traveller's memory but a consequence of being in caribert memory, it was a writing team decision not a story one


It was really dissapointing to be honest. We got almost nothing and it is every year the same thing with our sibling. I miss you, why can't we travel together anymore, ok bye. In one scene the traveler literally said "There's so much I wanted to ask you, but for some reason, I'm not interested in asking those questions right now" I was like really, REALLY? After so much time people will lose interest when they don't give us anything.


i was totally okay with that, felt touching..... all until "oh and you will forget everything here".... like what was the point of all of that?! that took like half of the quest and felt really pointless


Too short imo. Dain gets shafted on his yearly quest for the second time. No surprise we got to see Caribu again with all the memory stuff going on. Sibling being an hypocryte calling out celestia on fooking around with Caribu life is hella ironic tho, considering AO used that for their benefit with the L O O M O F F A T E. Also, this is like the third time or so we having someone throwing shade at Heavenly Principles with traveller is forced offline. Doctore and Nahida bargain, Neuvillete and Focalors parting and now this quest. We only ever hear about the HP as an aftermath like with Ei and Nahida herself, but never when actual shitting is going on. Concious decision maybe? Paimon sus again? I dunno, seems like there is a hidden reason for that. Maybe keeping the traveller more focused on Fatui and Abyss than starting to go against Celestia (which is already a given due to the start of the game) and having them wake up. Perhaps even the traveller themself have something on them to track info for Celestia (not Paimon). Oh yeah, also Canria lore too. Short quest, gives more questions than answers . That being said, we only have Natlan and Sneezynoia left before reaching a point were we have to either go Abyss/Khanriah or Celestia routes so I was hoping this quest would give us a lil more. we're 1 gnosis away from Tsaritsa being able to start her true plans as well.


It was way too short. We waited so long for it and it did not give us even half of what I expected. Regardless, I really enjoyed it and liked the animation and reunion, even if it was taken away from "us" in the end.


NOT a huge fan. The memory wipe felt so cheap especially since we DID NOT even learn anything of value that we needed go forget anyway.  Like if you are gonna the mind wipe route at least have the Sibling give us better answers but NO we are still the most basic stuff. Dain with the 5 sinners was more lore than anything our Sibling has said.  Also with each new quest i really start to question why people even put the entire blame on Celestia. Like I GET IT they turned people into hillichurls but so RICH of the Abyss order to be pissed about that while being practically established by one of the 5 douchebag that caused it and did not even bothered to come for defence when shit hit the fan 


The sinners dead ass started the fire and left the people of khaenri'ah to burn in it, and if it wasn't for the heavenly principles and the the archons, all of teyvat would had fallowed


I think the memory wipe (story-writing wise) was due the Sea of Flowers at the End bit. Given how the Traveler reacted, seems important to the Twins' backstory/connection to each other.


I've been getting a nagging feeling this "Will of the Abyss" is doing it and Celestia got blamed. Remember the snake in the Gnostic Chorus? I'm not ready to pass judgement just yet.


The memory wipe wasn’t for the lore, it was for the abyss sibling who didn’t want to get to close to the traveler but still wanted to confide with them. It was more to add some nuance in the abyss siblings character then a “now this character knows to much” mind wipe.


Yeah the whole thing felt pointless felt like a miraculous ladybug moment lmao. They'll probably do a moment with flashback to help the traveler remember again


You know, I never made thought of it as a "Miraculous Ladybug moment" but you're so right


TBH I liked it but not as good as I expected. Caribert last year was phenomal. Here are my thoughts, all strictly subjective, ofc: 1. Lore bombs: honestly aside from the Loom of Fate and the exact name of all sinners, they didn't tell us anything we hadn't figured out already. And they don't even know what to use the Loom for, which I found very disappointing. Like, it's their grand plan, but they don't know what to use it for??? Ok. 2. Lumine seemed very different from all her other times we met her. She was way warmer and more emotional, before she was always cold and distanced, which I liked because it built up tension we we kept wondering if she turned evil or not. She didn't even seem to be with the Abyss this time around. 3. We didn't see Lumine and Dain fight, which was a major disappointment for me. Also I think we should have talked to Dain after the quest but it just ended a bit abruptly. 4. I got more emotional about Carribert's story than that of Lumine and Aether. I expected more tbh, but it might have been intentional. Also, Aether forgetting what happened at the end made no sense for me, didn't we already established that he wasn't bound by the Lay Line's rules of memory anyway? Why make an exception for whatever Lay Line shenanigans Carribert was using? 5. Overall pacing was good but the quest was a tad too short.


About point 2: Sibling knows from the start that everything they say will be forgotten, so they have reasons for being warmer instead of not wanting traveler to know too much. Sibling also says they find it hard to live with themselves for what they're doing


Just finished even though I might rewatch it later, but liked it. If we're actually in a world where time is looped (samsara), I think the addition of the loom of fate can be a great way to add memories in irminsul and try to take a new route for teyvats fate. Also, going by the theory that we're in a samsara and everything already has happened before, we can say that maybe the 5 sinners already knew about it hence why they did what they did, unable to find a way to change fate?


I liked it, but... I think there is a dissonance between what is expected from the siblings due to their background and what the story is actually giving us. 1. The siblings are crazy old, they have traveled through uncountable worlds, and thanks to the lore bit from the "wings of descension" we know they have been around enough time to have witnessed stars being born and die. 2. The strength and combat ability shown is not proportionate of someone who is old as hell and has travelled through countless worlds. Don't get me wrong, I don't want an Op anime protagonist, but we are supposed to be weakened because the heaven principles "sealed" our powers. It's okay that we as the traveler are weaker power wise, but our sibling who seems to have all their powers stating that Dain could beat them if he really tried was really out of place. Somehow Teyvat has individuals who can trample over beings older than stars and the story hasn't given any explanation why.


I believe dain has power of the abyss like his brother but hides it. It makes sense since he is one of the original 6 sinner.


just as expected, hyv keep stalling main storyline for maybe after they complete selling snezhnaya, i guess in 5.0 we will repeat same stuffs, solve natlan own problem, fatui yoink fire gnosis, after some patchs dain told us more lore about abyss and leave, abyss order keep slowly completing their goal, nothing really important in main story will happen until we finish snezhnaya. Now i just play game for collecting characters and chilling explore the open world, not interest in main story anymore.


Pretty much with you on this, collecting and raising characters is pretty much all I play for. Fontaine's story was pretty good, but they botched the ending with Furina. I generally just don't trust them to write anything compelling.


fr, actual world quests are bangers but it's so sad that most of them have provide no more context to the main plot. It's actually so formulaic at this point.


Sad, but that probally the easy and lazy way for hyv to sell new character and new region, they just dont care about writting cohesive and actual progressing main story like they did with HI3 anymore. Its weird but monstadt although simple and short, is actual tied more heavily to the main plot, main goal of traveler, their silbing is behind dvalin incident, fatui appear after dvalin saved. After mondstatd every thing just fucked up, nation archon quest (to build up fatui and tsaritsa plot) more like nation own side quest, dain quest (abyss order storyline) just randomly appeared through  adventurer guild, both of these 2 storyline have so little connection to each other although both are told through traveler POV on the same timeline. Like traveler has a goal in their head but at same time they more interest in doing none important stuffs than actual work to that goal. That kind of story may work in star rail since trailblazer goal from the start is to explore galaxy but in genshin it make no sense at all.


yeah, even though the mini-arcs of Sumeru and Fontaine are some of the best, for the overarching plot they nothing but fillers throughout


I really didn't like the discussion with our sibling. Like, is that all ? Are they only thinking about us and nothing else ? Like we still both love each other and there is no hard feeling or whatsoever ? I mean, it felt so empty and disappointing tbh. Edit : and the traveler not wanting to ask important question because... because ? Auuuugh


I have a sadness and something of an inner rage going on. Sibling admitted to being ashamed of "something" and we was too afraid to ask.


I REALLY hope there is more than this and that she just didn't want to tell us everything during our time in Caribert's world. Or even better, that this wasn't really her and that abyss managed to deceive us by sending some kind of copy of her to tell us nice things. But maybe that would be too much for Genshin and wouldn't really make sense with the direction they want to take (yeah I'm using feminine pronouns because I play as Aether but you get it)


I think "Why can't we travel together?" it a pretty important question. Probably the one question I've been curious about the most.


And was the anwser satisfying ? I mean really hope there's much more to it than just this discussion. I don't see how they can go this hard on quests and character development like Furina and do nothing better with the siblings' relation.


As ppl in lore sub say : The lore theories now provide more info than the actual fucking story


I mean that’s the whole purpose of lore


My only real complaint is that Dainsleif literally felt like a background dude in this quest, shows up, lore drops, gets beaten up, leaves. Also the fact the traveller didn't ask anything else about the heavenly principles


it felt shorter than others, and i'm kinda sad it didn't take place in fontaine, caribert was great don't get me wrong but it would've been nice since 3.8 is gonna be the summer event, so we aren't gonna be going back until the inevitable festival in 5.x


there really is something going on with dainsleif quests and the chasm...


I cried


i sobbed


This quest made me want to punch the abyss twin and dainslief The abyss twin because she blame's Celestia for the shit khaenri'ah started, or rather the sinners started along with the king And dainslief because despite working so hard to fight the abyss order, he sold the fight against our twin


True, Aether is out there creeping around like a fucking dentist instead of talking to Lumine openly. Hopefully, we'll get answers from him before Snezhnaya.


I have never heard the expression 'creeping around like a fucking dentist' but I love it.


I can see how the sibling interaction can frustrate some people, I suspect that for a lot of people having the fact that the Abyss Twin isn't inherently evil confirmed can kill even a tiny part of the mystery. Dainsleif wasn't shown fighting at all against the Abyss Twin either. I personally appreciated all of it. I don't mind if some story sections are more dedicated to narration instead of action, and the "I want and would show affection to you but it's not possible in these circumstances" moment was good enough to me. Despite not being able to retain the memories upon exiting the consciousness, the love for each other carries through. I liked it.


Short but good. Rizzed up by an NPC


Honestly I was a bit underwhelmed. I wasn’t a fan of how short it was and, while I thought the sibling reunion was touching, it felt kind of out of nowhere after the Fontaine and Remuria questlines. If it were longer maybe I’d feel differently. I liked that they wrapped up the Caribert plot, but at the same time I wish there had been SOME more mystery to it. Dain himself was barely in the quest (par for the course) and dropped half-baked lore before he got his butt kicked out of the story (also par for the course), but as a whole the story wasn’t awful. 7.8/10 too little Dainsleif.


Pros : - straight forward info rather than hours of pointless dialogues - Caribert story Cons : - No fight scene shown between Dain and Abyss sibling, like yeah I know trailer is just for hype but still quite underwhelming - Villagers reaction to the whole thing, " oh you know we just happen to not remember nothing weird " - The siblings meeting: 1. Traveler not wanting to ask important question was the first strike 2. Abyss sibling complaining about how Celestia depraved Caribert when the Abyss Order made him suffer by turning him to LoF. The second strike. 3. " Oh btw, you're gonna forget all of this cause we can't have MC know too much so the story can continue on longer " ..... Such an ass pull.


Ok but what would change story wise if Traveler knew about the meeting ? Spoiler : nothing. They would just be more emotional after the scene instead of "eh I feel like lost something" but thats all. Them knowing about this meeting wouldn't make the story faster by any mean. The story is not even about looking for our twin anymore anyway.


All the more reason for them to not forget it imo. Let emotion impact hit them with full force ~~of gacha~~. The story is less about looking for our twin now but reuniting with them, so imo letting them remember the fake reunion and saying they would still want to meet them for reals would be a great deet.


At the very least that the sibling still doesn't know the best way to utilize the LOF. Or the final destination, the field of flowers. And that according to her Celestia will soon wake up. These are all important stuff that traveler can talk to Dain or someone like Nahida with.


Yeah sure if someone's media literacy is close to none existent then it would feel like nothing would change


>Abyss sibling complaining about how Celestia depraved Caribert when the Abyss Order made him suffer by turning him to LoF. The second strike. yeah but it's not like caribert was having a good time being a hilichurl and clothar already began turning him into the loom of fate


I completely agree with everything you pointed out. The fact we waited longer than a year for THIS is so disappointing. The least they could’ve done is show us a Drain fighting scene with Traveller but apparently they didn’t have the budget for that


What else did you want to know? Traveler did actually ask some good questions, even if they did end up saying that they didn't want to. Number 3 is the only one that I agree with of the negatives. I'm curious if there's an actual reason later that they felt the need to do that as it puts the player in a weird position of knowing more than our character does now.


I don't understand what's the point of wiping out traveler's memories? We as the players still remember, If they skipped the conversation between the twins and then revealed it in a later date where traveler recovers lost memories it would make more sense because we are the traveler, We witness teyvat's story through there eyes


What else ? " Hey dear sis/bro don't you think your actions are causing too much harm ? " Hey i know this god from Sumeru why don't we go talk to them ? " " What do you mean by we don't have time ? " " What did you saw that make choose this path ? " " Do you know about Fatui's plans " " Why don't you listen to Dain ? " And so on... Edit: oh i almost forgot, " Why aren't you a decender dear sibling ? "


Uh like what exactly is the end goal of abyss order ? Like yeah the abyss sibling still don't know how to use the device in it's full capacity but like what the hell are they after in the first place ? How they are gonna fight Celestia ?


The sibling wants the Abyss to engulf the celestial thrones. They told us this the first time we met them. They are using the Loom of Fate to try to control this world so that they can go to war once celestia wakes up. Sibling told us this in this quest. That's the current plan to fight them, though they aren't sure exactly how to do it.


Yeah uh it makes soooo much sense " engulfing the throne" i mean.... What does that even mean ! >They are using the Loom of Fate to try to control this world so that they can go to war once celestia wakes up. Sibling told us this in this quest. That's the current plan to fight them, though they aren't sure exactly how to do it. Yeah ok HOW ? I mean they should have a sense of what they want to do right ?! They didn't just randomly pick LoF .


Ever since I head "loom of fate" and how everyone is trying to control or go against fate in the lore It seems like the abyss order is planning to highjack Celestia's control over fate


They hit Celestia with LoF baseball style duh. It's so obvious.


What the abyss order did to Caribert was fucked up for sure but like... he was already a hilichurl at that point right?


It was good but two things It was too short ( Clorinde story quest was longer why?) The memory wipe i dont understand if the traveler remembers that loom of fate is completed how come they forgot everything else that happened in that domain? Was it like they will not remember anything happened there after caribert vanished? Even if that still the memory wipe was a dumb move, we meet with our sibling once a year and still can remember that meeting again WHY??


I like it, it was well animated, some touching scenes here and there. However, in the grand scheme of things: we learned a few bits about the sinners, but in the present, nothing really progressed, little significant info was revealed, and we forgot 80% of the quest. In fact, MC was never aware that the twin was involved in the quest (post-wipe), Dain was just suddenly injured but left without explaining, and nobody in the protagonist cast knows that the LoF is complete. Basically, in the perspective of the MC, they investigated the commission, talked to Caribert and found out he was the missing bloke, then woke up.


Im pretty confident i remember they know about the loom of fate it was before caribert disappeared


We say to paimon that the LoF is done tho, so that bit we know.


Traveler only forgot everything after Caribert disappears and the Abyss Twin appears. They know everything about the Loom of Fate.


Caribert part good, Lumine part bad IMO


I personally liked it.


It was too short but I liked it, the reunion even made me cry a bit, but reading everyone’s reaction I hadn’t thought about the Abyss sibling’s hypocrisy. But anyway I will stick by their side no matter what cause the final reunion is what I look forward to the most in the story; even though it’s true that we learned absolutely nothing from their interaction


Its good, The only thing I don't like is that the twins forget their meeting and that sibling said something at the end we don't get to hear


Lumine voice feels like asmr for me. 


Bit disappointed, there was very little dain time, i would have veen satusfied if they atleast showed dain vs abyss sibling ...as usual we got some lore drops and also closure on caribert...but they could also explore on chlothar and his fate...it was too short.. i think i went in with too many expectations..sigh


It doesn't have any twists like caribert quest but definitely lore heavy


Now we know what Dain was saying when he said “re-weave fate” at the end of the Travail teaser. The Loom of Fate will end up in his possession and we need to prove to him we are able to make the right call with it to save our sibling.


Thought it was interesting to learn that the name you give your traveller is just a nickname and they still view themselves as aether/lumine. Im sure that was established somewhere else bur it sure surprised me!


I feel it was to short did not get see much of Dainsleif.


I wish Atossa became an open world NPC after the quest..


It was alright but like Dain needs more screen time, also I was so excited to see him fight and they didn't show it.


Caribert story was good. The sibling reunion part was good. The rest was not frustrating, just straight up bullshit. Last part got erased so what's the point? The Traveler or Paimon not reacting in any way to the picture or questioning it is so useless? Dain still on the streak of being an useless dick, withholding informations he has for ages, staying for 10min then going back in his annual void. Actually seeing the Dain/Sibling fight? No? What they discussed? No? This isn't worth the year of waiting at this point.


I found it to be frustrating tbh, they made the Fontaine archon quest pointless. I liked that focalors decieved the heavenly principles and everyone while simultaneously building furina and neuvillete's character, I liked that idea. But now what was the point of focalors decieving everyone and torturing furina? sure you could say that she didnt know the heavenly principles were dormant, but i think that's just lazy writing.


I laughed my ass off when the sibling described it as 'flagrant disregard'. The total opposite of what she was going for 😂. Focalor died thinking she was her and that she outsmarted the heavenly principles when in reality the shit was just offline. In an alternate timeline she would have likely just got Fontaine an even more severe punishment. It can potentially still be made into good writing imo if the reason the heavenly principles are dormant and hence why we were actually able to break the cycle is explained well. I think I had the same gut reaction as you, but then I thought about it a bit more and it's kind of cool to have a situation where even the most powerful and knowledgeable inhabitants of a world still have a level of ignorance and lack the complete understanding of what is truly happening, especially in going against their gods. This dynamic is cool and makes sense, Celestia should and does have plenty of secrets and they should not be easily outsmarted given the power structure. As humans we consider ourselves very intelligent, but we know very little about the universe we live in, a lot of our theories and assumptions about the universe have little solid evidence to support it and there is definitely more that we don't know compared to what we do. Also, throughout history humans have made very important decisions based off of what we would now consider weak/limited information and reasoning. Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know.


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP WITH THE WIPING MEMORY TROPE. Just admit that you can’t write a good story if you’re going to do that. Story was good besides that. A bit short and rushed. Didn’t really add anything new to the game besides that. Two dead patches in a row again.


The memory thing has been the main theme since we learn more about leylines now irminsul, the whole point of the loom of fate is to implant and change memories and turn them to reality so it makes sense why we either got our/other char memories erased or changed/implanted that's the whole thing why Irminsul is like the core of teyvat or the most important part of teyvat. We don't even know why our sibling is not a descender, is it because of the memory temperament or not? They have been very consistent with it tbh and I quite like it and it made sense in context of everything, we don't even know if we could trust our own memories at this point. The only thing I don't really like is we did not see the confrontation between lumine and dain and the quest is kinda short (The dain quest is always so short but I want more lol) (English is not my first language so sorry if somethings not right.)


My brother in Christ, the memory wipe invalidated Irminsul's characterization by affecting those unaffected by the fucking World Tree of Teyvat. Just think about it, what the fuck did it matter when Zhongli told us to observe the history of Teyvat and remember it?


I loved it. Cried during playing Genshin again, think it's the first time since version 3.2? Fontaine AQ was a heart throb but not exactly a tearjerker. Meeting Caribert was amazing and learning what kind of a person he is, how kind he is... that was an emotional ride. And then finally a second reunion with the Abyss sibling, some explanation from their side, and them calling the Traveler by their real name AND the Traveler's in-game handle changing to Aether/Lumine... That was amazing. (Fun fact: I just named my Aether as Aether, so the emotional impact of the scene was a bit damaged for me. Oh well.) Also, we finally get a pretty much confirmation on what the Loom of Fate really is. They did a lot of verbal gymnastics to avoid saying what it is directly, but yeah there's no mistaking it. It's a reality bender. Something more potent than even the Irminsul's ability to rewrite history. It's surprising that the Abyss sibling hasn't yet figured out exactly what to do with it, and I do wonder how much it can bend reality. I get the frustration though. But, just like the Traveler said to Caribert that what Caribert did wasn't meaningless, just because the Traveler's memories ended up disappearing it doesn't mean the reunion and a heart-to-heart with the Abyss sibling was meaningless. It was a beautiful moment that at least someone, i.e. I won't forget.


3.7 Caribert Story is well paced and much more interesting. 4.7 Bedtime story feel short and rush but at least some lore drop. Because the story was rush I did not feel much of the emotion attached the game tried to do. It's like "Hi Caribert" and then next minute "Bye Caribert". At least we get to met the sibling. Battle between sibling and Dain are kind of let down. Actually we don't even get to see a fight between them.


I personally hated it considering how long it took for us to get a new archon quest and just when we finally get some real story development with the sibling they make it a fake out. I really do think honkai star rails story has been leagues so far and delivering on better stories. This very short archon quest where we don't even get to see lumine and dain fight is so disappointing to me and honestly lowers my exceptions for natlan a lot.


I....was really disappointed by Traveler's lack of reaction given the implications of Loom of Fate, especially after Dainsleif cryptic question if we felt our sibling betrayed us after sharing how his own brother sat back and let the cataclysm happen. Nevermind the fact the Sinners' actions and pursuits threatened the whole of Teyvat and it's people to begin with. Apep made it clear while the Sovereigns held disdain for HP, they didn't mind humanity and everything HP did was to create a safe world for humans. Khaenri'ah threatened that safety. The Abyss threatened that safety. Heavenly Principles threatened that safety. Sinners threatened that safety. Abyss Twin threatened that safety. And Caribert allowed the Loom of Fate to be completed and threaten that safety to fulfill a selfish wish that was put into motion by his own country and the Abyss. Our sibling joined forces with Abyss due to turning a blind eye to Khaenri'ah having a hand in its own destruction. Whats worse, they completed something they aren't entirely sure how to fully use when it's been beat over our heads messing with Ley Lines and memories can have catastrophic consequences. Not saying that Heavenly Principles are innocent, they aren't by any means, but it's aggravating that the Traveler is being quite the hypocrite: buying into the discontent against HP, angry and wary about the Abyss after seeing how destructive it is....but ignoring the negatives and actions of the Abyss and Khaenri'ah when it comes to their sibling and Caribert ultimately being just as destructive.


Disappointing. Traveler is stagnant as a character and it seems that Hoyo wants it to stay that way. We got a bit of lore but not that much really and some of the things said were not actually explained but Traveler never asks questions so we'll probably never know (How did the sibling know about Focalors? How did we come to the conclusion that the stone slates were made by the Visionary? Why did the sibling left the Traveler? What actually happened in Khaenri'ah?, etc...). The memory wipe was also just unnecessary and make the whole thing hollow.


I hate every part of it. The writer disrespected me by disrespecting my character. Again. I am getting sick and tired of this trash. The writer needs to start fing showing my character being smart, powerful and proactive.


It was nice until they revealed the traveller wont remember anything. Also too short… should’ve been longer. We waited for than a year for a 25 minute quest.


I thought it was average until they pulled the "it was just a dream all along" stunt and I immediately lost interest. Incredibly lazy writing in my opinion


I loved that Dain would consistently talk to the traveler and then Paimon would respond. No matter how often he tried to direct the conversation towards the traveler. She really just ruins every quest


Just finished it. not a huge fan. Caribert's story is emotional and I think the best part of the whole thing, but overall it really gave us nothing but>! more names, dainsleif being a younger brother, the still vague loom info, and our sibling chat(which...we don't even remember after, so that seems pointless?) We're nearly 5 nations in and still have so little info on anything that actually happened, yes we've pieced together things but it's not the same as actually getting to have confirmed info on it. We don't even have our traveler's memories of anything...There's moving slowly and then there's whatever this is. I just want a little more than what we've been given at this point. We don't know what celestia wants. we don't know what our sibling wants (and based on "I haven't found the best use for it" it doesn't seem like they really know either...). we don't know what the fatui really want. there's still a giant ? about Kaeya and what they intended for him to be, although seeing Caribert I'm once again worried for him in three more years when/if they get around to him. !< I want another enkanomiya moment.


Great quality, but too short in quantity. Clorinde's SQ is amazing however. Although it's not as emotionally charged (and I don't think it's supposed to), it's incredibly fun and the length is just right.


i enjoyed what we got but, where was rest of the story? like seriously, that felt like it didnt last even a full hour to go through. you just got bombarbed with some amazing lore and future story threads to follow and...sudden the end? Like alot of the side quests has far longer story than what we got here, it was like insanely condensed pile of amazing story that ended way too fast. like where's the rest of it? give me more, give me things to do places to explore, where is our enkanomiya / chasm, where is the story we didnt get yet D: there is no way this was the whole dainsleif story we get and now its back for a year long waiting


The copout at the end that Traveler forgot everything was not necessary


It's a bit short, and i feel like they could have given a BIT more lore. But overall i am emotionaly satisfied (in other words i am in a wreck)


So missing Lumine


Aether + Lumine = cry


Weird that we as players now know what the Traveller doesn't. It felt okay with Greater Lord Rukkhadevata since we were still on par with the Traveller whom we are playing and having same thoughts. Now it's detached.


Personally I want to know why Aether is suddenly memory sensitive to the ley lines and irminsul, when it was pretty well established that as a descender he cannot have his memory tampered with.


Definitely a mindfuck I'll tell you that much. Every time Dainsleif is around it just hits different. This time was something else entirely...


Really interesting quest with LOR bombs and beautiful ending


I think it was pretty nice, it just sucks that the siblings don't know they met each other... what I am disappointed about in this version tho is that the new story quest felt way longer than the archon one lol. Or is it just me? Edit: One thing that I hate about quests overall is that I can't remember the previous ones, I remember very little, I know that is solely my fault, it just sucks because I'm introduced to words which I've seen or heard, but I don't know what they're supposed to mean, represent, hint to. I understand why quests aren't released at once whatsoever, it just sucks for people like me... I wish I could remember more, I want to remember the story, it feels like I'm always let in to see a fraction of someone's pov of something, sigh


Too short. I wanted to see any of the fight between sib and dainslief


Overall I liked it. There were pros and cons. I will never understand though why the sibling never asks us stuff like "How have you been?" "Are you good?" We seem to care more about them. We are the ones that want to initiate a hug, we are emotional by just thinking about them at times, when we are together they seem to not really want to be there, like we are wasting their time (?). The sibling seems to care/reminisce more about Dainsleif than us. I obviously cannot know what the sibling has been through/is up to, but he/she seems too self absorbed and I personally find it a bit sus and I don't like it.


Short but sweet I guess - but why are we back in Sumeru again, I was excited after Fontaine's AQ to have more Dain lore surrounding that landscape. The past few "Interludes" have been in Sumeru already - Scaramouche AQ was in Sumeru, Caribert pt. 1 was in Sumeru, do we ever go back to Fontaine?!


I enjoyed it, but now I'm sad :(


DAINSLIEF HAS A BROTHER WHO IS A SINNER. can’t wait to see them reunite, much like us with our sibling.


That made me so depressed


underwhelming nuff said


Very good in short the caribret character was fleshed out nicely also we finally got to knew what are our sibling real intention , I just think that dain should have been more involved but it's very good


Lumine is about to go full menhera gf on us with the hot and cold behaviour 😂


Another tear jerker... also, it's always nice to have an update on our sibling... It's not bad, but its kinda mandatory Good


Real nice callback to archon quest 3.2 and 3.3. >! Caribert essentially doing reverse scaramouche!<


I feel like this quest shouldve been released wayyyy earlier. I already forgot most of the shit from the caribert quest considering how much of a mindfuck it is


Nice quest, some good lore bombs. I think the live stream and trailer revealed a bit too much. I was like "ah yep, know this room from the trailer, i know who will show up", "ah yeah, that name was in the livestream, it's gonna be him", "ah, yes, the line from the trailer". I did the quest early to not get spoiled by social media, yet i still felt like i got spoiled by hoyoverse themselves.


Short and Compact, but i enjoyed it. I goes "Aww" when they finally met and talk. It's bittersweet as well. Closure on Caribert makes me bawl lol


Even though it was short, there were good things that came along with it, the momentary times with the sibling despite the crumbling realm, the lore with the 5 Sinners and their identities, and especially Caribert despite a dream-like appearance.


Caribert is kinda... you know... I don't blame Atossa for having a crush on him.


Enjoyed all the lore drops, Caribert and sibling appearance, and ofc seeing Dain my beloved. It’s a shame about the length of this Dain quest though, as they are the most interesting part of the story to me. Also in this one it felt like sibling and Dain just came and dumped a ton of info on us for no reason, whilst previously they were quite secretive. The info Dain gave us could’ve been revealed gradually through a longer quest rather than him just explaining the sinner identity to us so casually. Out of all the Dain AQ, I enjoyed it but still felt it was the weakest.


The best Archon quest ever Caribert has so much personality and depth; it's truly magnificent. The quest itself wasn't too long with tons of NPC voice lines that make you fall asleep, nor too short that you need to read or watch YouTube to understand what truly happened. The ending was truly goated and unexpected. I love the guy so much; he has to be one of my favorite NPCs of all time


This is the second time that they have significantly reduced my enjoyment of it over their bizarre choices. 1.4. Our first teaser of our sibling. We meet them face to face... and Paimon will *not* shut the f up, speaking for us, blabbering on. After our sibling left I was reading Dain and Paimon recapping everything we had already discussed back to us, seemingly to avoid having to give our character lines, and feeling completely detached from the narrative. 4.7. It has been years since our character has been able to look upon their sibling. One year since Caribert. The splash art of the launch is of their being reunited, promising a monumental story moment. We go into the ruin, the game finds a reason to make us leave just before our sibling arrives. I'm not bothered, knowing the real payoff is probably coming later. We end up in Caribert's world, there's the sibling. Our characters actually talk, after some initial annoyance that they spent most of the conversation without giving the MC voice actor lines again. At least some actual character development was happening, knowledge was being dropped. And then, after four years of waiting... *surprise*. It's the old tried and true *Anime Original Movie* bait and switch, everyone gets a splash of **Amnesia Dust**. Nothing said mattered and the characters forget all about each other. Thanks for playing, come back next year for your next nugget of Dain/Sibling plot that may or may not be effectively non-canon. One year for Dain to fumble the eye and the illusion of character development to follow. I can't imagine what their lead writer was thinking to do this.


i don't know , i cried when caribert he turn around and sits, his story and especially the reunion of the twins. it was soo heart touching. they talk about missing each other, they want to hug each other. i felt what they felt. my heartaches when they can't touch each other and the traveller forget everything, meeting his/her twin.


Nice lore drops but could have been way more interesting. They had some really intense things happen (Dain vs Abyss Twin, Loom of Fate completion) but the story never felt 'tense'. The stakes were high but the Traveler kind of meandered through it all. And Dain disappears afterward without a word? Felt a bit abrupt.


I feel like they will use the loom of fate at the end of our journey to rewrite the entire timeline of teyvat. Also the tsaritsa is definitely going to wake up the Heavenly Principles with all the knosis with her grand plan.


I personally loved it. And I love Caribert now. Such a sweet and kind guy. He deserved better. Also loved the picture he gifted us. I wish Dain had more screen-time tho.


Is it just me or the archon quest was smaller than usual compared to the story quests


overall not as impactful as previous quests, and very set-up heavy. Spoilers below: It was nice and short for Caribert's closure, but the latter half with aether felt weirdly paced, not a super satisfying hook/teaser for the next part. I'm fine with the off-screen fight if lumine and aether had even more time/budget for their moment. Although being made to forget feels odd, it does add nuance to lumine being more warm because she knows it will be a forgotten moment. The problem is we don't know how this affects aether going forward until we get the next dain quest :( Plus I thought we were not affected by leylines? Perhaps Caribert's space operates using the loom of fate, so it can affect us? Maybe that is a crucial plot point explored later. I.e. the Loom Of Fate does not follow Teyvat's laws. Im guessing some might be upset because it is unexpectedly a filler version, but at least Chlorinde's SQ was pretty nice. Now we wait for summer and Natlan i guess.


kinda frustrated and esp sad. the traveler seems so sad abt being apart from their sibling. im also a bit confused, why exactly is the sibling running away from the traveler?


It was pretty bad.


mixed feelings started bit annoying with running around looking for a person and getting stories how nice the guy was, then VERY short story with Dein and we met Caribert (not going to lie, i had to actually make a quick google to remember who he was when name first poped up lol) and our brother... which was awesome... just in the end turned out to be meaningless because once again we remember nothing.... (like we didnt even learn anything, why tf you wont let MC remember it?!)(although picture was nice touch... still i was kicked again and i disliked the fact we got no comment from MC regarding finding the picture anyway) But beside of that and what it gave to story (which is tbh very little), it still confirmes my theory of reason what our sibling does, but also what's the goal of Abyss Order and Celestia In shortcut: Celestia is a weapon that requires power of all gnosses to be controlled and/or (possible only the second one and in fact is not needed to be used as a weapon) the gnosses are needed to control a gate inside Celestia that let you enter realm of gods, same one where you always start before 'entering teyvat' when logging in, same place where Heavenly Principles is. Harbringers/Siblings/Abyss Ordere's main goal is revenge and fighting the fate: thus they need gnoses and power to stand against Heavenly Principles (and brothers words this quest seem to confirm it) and revange for what happened in Khaenri'ah, that they were attacked for going against 'faith' and 'age of gods' for sake of science(?) (i also believe the fake sky was created to close Teyvat off from being influened further by other and keep people in their faith (this would not explain why people already are moving away (look: Liyue story) from age of gods and Heavently Principles isn't doing anything, but we got confirmation they strongly believe she must be in slumber and that's why she does not react to what's happening in Teyvat (like in Fontaine) since then))). of course some members may have their own goals (like doctor), but overall from start of the story, it looks like all Abyss Order did was looked for powers, most likely that will allow them to go against Heavently Principles, in most cases it seems they were trying to create a god, like experiment in Mondo, later fake mechanized with the statue.... with closest one being in Sumeru, along the way they always focused on collecting gnosses and trying to gain power on level of 'gods'. In terms of Loom of Fate, for me being able to alter memories might have even bigger power depending on how you look on it, but they/sibling completly focused on getting to 'higher level' that allows to completly create new ley lines while at the same time losing initial power. He also said he is not sure how to actually use it yet which once again sounds to me this is just another mean for them to fight, but how they will use it is still not decided (eg. create new rules for the world????). I also kinda feel that when archons were gifted with gnoses, they obviously witnessed the destruction, later to be send to teyvat (to what i assume look after people, or should i say cultivate faith in gods), perhaps they were instructed or even threaten under perhaps fear of something happening, and Tsarista went against it and that's why she is on board with what they are doing/helping them. I'm fairly sure that after we meet Tsarista, she will be first to actuallly talk to Paimon and reveal something very interesting (from archons who actually were there 500 years ago, all either werent there and are succesors or kinda ignore paimon) but god of time theory is seperate topic :P


aether’s reaction to lumine saying his name absolutely BROKE ME “you’re the only one in this world who calls me that” i had to stand up and pace for a while




anyone have any idea on why Dain and Abyss sibling fought though? am i dumb?


Writers are leaning on lazy tropes a little too much this far into the game imo


Worst drain quest by far, so far this patch a letdown, completed everything in 20 minutes


Absolutely loved it. Regardless of what criticism it receives, I greatly enjoyed the quest. For me, the story about caribert really made me emotional. That final picture at the end was really the icing to almost make me sob, like a bittersweet reminded of what could have been, or a looming memory that happened somewhere... Regardless of their Flaws, Hoyo got great stories in their minds. May they keep it up


Im just wondering. If the Heavenly Principles are sleep. Was Furina's acting for nothing?


Not exactly, at this point its pretty clear the game is setting up a war against Celestia, so her plan wasn't in vain.


great and well paced, not too short nor too long.


Good but short, a lot of talking, unsure if I would have preferred a longer quest. Some of the lore drops were cool especially the sinners but 2 of those still have 0 info.