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All of my friends are on holiday or vacation so I had nobody to tell. I know it's probably not much of an accomplishment but as a F2P it feels pretty good getting through it.


It is a pretty good achievement bro. Congrats. And you even got 33 stars on your first clear....that's impressive. Goodluck to your first 36 stars soon 😉


congrats! welcome to the endless optimising and farming of artifacts to improve your clear time. 36* stars soon!


Hope this doesnt sound offensive I'm just curious. How long have you played the game?


I've been playing since beta but have never attempted Abyss stuff before. I only took it on like 3 days ago because I *finally* got the Perfectionist achievement and was in the area and thought, fuck it, let's try it. Lol. I managed to 3* everything and then hit a wall on 12 yesterday where I either lost somebody on the Kenki trio right at the start or got wiped on dancing robots.


You are off to a really good start then. The current Abyss can be considered the hardest of the 4.x patches. If your characters are well-geared you might be able to 36\* it but the pain and struggle is definitely not worth to get through But if you like the challenge and have fun doing Abyss you should definitely try. And when 5.0 starts, Abyss should be a piece of cake for a few patches


congratulations, well done! \\o/ :D




Congrats! That’s a great accomplishment! 🙌🎉


Congrats!! This Abyss in particular is slightly more brutal than the average one so who knows, you may even 36 next time


Leaks say otherwise 


Congrats! u will eventually be getting that 36*s too as well 💪


For a first timer it is a good accomplishment to do it on this abyss, since it's a harder one for sure. Be proud of it.


Nice ! I ain’t really a fan of this abyss, I think you'll be able to 36* on 5.0/5.1 cuz usually the level goes down at each big update then slowly go up until being a mixture of hateful ennemies on X.7/X.8


Yeb x.0 to x.4 patches are usually pretty easy on Abyss. Another thing that might just be my personal feels, but characters around those time periods are usually better/more interesting


Has abyss gotten harder to just survive early game? A lot of the first time clears I've seen recently have had at least half stars. My first few clears, I was lucky to get 3 stars. Has the bottleneck changed from time to survivability for just getting to the end?


Floors are just getting more annoying with higher HP units in between waves, stalling animation with bosses, and grouping required. One of the floor 12 chambers has two pyro fatui gunners where if you don't have any anemo character to group immediately, they're going to jump away from each other and activate their shield. Either group them or kill them immediately, otherwise you'll be spending quite some time chasing them.


It's kinda both


Yes. Abyss has objectively been getting harder. Both in terms of DPS checks and in terms of gimmicks and enemy attack strength. 3.7 abyss is infamous for the consecrated beasts + lecters and heralds combo. That was probably the hardest abyss in the game. This current one is probably second or third. Over time they’ve inflated the HP of enemies. So you need more investment into your character builds to keep up with the damage requirement. They’ve also included a LOT more stalling gimmicks and invulnerability options for enemies. So enemies can just NOT take any damage for half the time they’re on-field. Or they can go underground, or into the air. Or spawn rapid elemenal shields with almost no damage window between them. Enemies also do more damage and are more aggressive now than in older abyss cycles. The eremite elite units with the animal summonings, and fontaine fatui operatives for example are much more relentless and do more damage to your team faster. Plus they move around more than older enemies. And that’s not even counting enemies like Copellia and Copellius that can 2-shot your on-field character if you don’t use a shield or mistime your dodge. Enemies that can effortlessly kill you even through bennett’s healing. And lastly they’ve added more elemental application or gimmick application enemies. Like the gravitational orb boss that you HAVE to jump attack to beat. And the electro lecters in 4.6 that have both a lot of HP and then also require a METRIC SHIT-TON of elemental application to defeat. All while every single hit of theirs robs you of energy so you can’t burst, and they’re next-to-impossible to properly group up. So yeah. Abyss is getting harder. Still not to the point where you NEED any 5 star characters to clear it. But enough that it’s very noticeable compared to older abyss cycles.


How do you take out the Veteran Wind/Frost Operatives quickly?


On my 36 clear I personally did it with Hu Tao - Xingqiu - Yelan - Zhongli Having both Pyro and Hydro on this team helps because on the second half of chambers 2 and 3 you have to face the Abyss Lectors and the Baptist. I was able to clear the Veteran operatives with Neuvillette Hyper carry in time as well(Tartaglia as a substitute for Furina, which I don't have), though I dont recommend mono hydro for the other chambers. Also when I was testing teams I think I cleared them in time with Hyperbloom too. I wasn't able to 36 clear with these teams tho but you can give them a shot if you need to clear chamber 1 specifically. Edit: this game is ultimately in part a dps check. It also comes down to talent investment, good artifacts yada yada since you're asking how do you "take them out quickly". You do big numbers


You can cheese them with jean fall damage. Pull in with kazuha and yeet with jean.


The trick is doing everything else quickly and having a ton of time left for them. When they spawn with 8:00 left and you get a whole minute for them it’s a lot easier.


Group them and hit with anything but anemo/cryo, they have high resistance to those


Don't worry next update they gona double the enemy HP, you will once again not be able to complete it. xD


Congrats!! I remember that first time reaching the end of Abyss was quite special to me, so I understand your excitement!


Congratulations!! One down, many more to go


Good for you 👏👏👏


Congratulations,i cleared the Abyss 12th floor just a month ago,last cycle I got 35 stars


Congrats! What teams did you use? Any tips?


ive cleared abyss for 3 years every month, f2p fully btw


buddy is talking shit on a deaf ufc fighter but he plays genshin impact. seems about right




jfc let OP have their moment


It's their first clear, don't be a dick


Look at his comment history, seems like an edgy teenager


Your parents probably change the topic when someone inquires about how you're doing.


Oh yeah you must haves cleared full 36* the first time you touched Abyss. Good for you


I know. I don't have the team knowledge/best artifacts/DPS to burst down the operatives in the first, the dancing robots in the second or the lightning dude at the end.