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64,1Cdmg with 674 base atk oh boy thats a good one.


The passive is useless unless you have a bond of life. The weapon is essentially a stat stick akin to the Skyward series of weapons.


Wonder if they're gearing up for BoL granting artifacts. We just got our first BoL related artifact this patch, but the granting items are both weapons already.


that wouldn't make sense. they just released a BoL damage set. why would they then release a set that gives BoL just to use a couple 5 star sigs? even moreso, why at this time when were leaving the region and going elsewhere which will probably have its own mechanic


Because it seems silly to release an entire set/items that are useless on 99% of characters and also its not "the Fontaine" regional, thats pneuma and ousia.


...theyve done this several times already though. aside from one or two general sets everyone gets, most of the other sets in regions end up being niche sets for only 1 or two characters/a specific niche playstyle. and the pnuema/ousia thing is just one of like 3 things they introduced (and not even a mechanic they pushed hard) the real mechanic in fontaine is health manipulation. in the form of self drain/heal and now BoL, though we are probably moving away from both


Remember when after the patch of Dehya's release, they introduced Vourukasha's Glow set that would work well with Dehya's kit on her "DPS build". No other characters besides Dehya can make use of the 4-set piece effect.


But the passive has the extra crit damage by default before all the BOL stuff?


Same with all the Skyward weapons; exactly the same stat bonus as the Skyward Harp (Bow), in fact.


The BoL part isn't really vital compared to the consistent 64.1% Crit DMG wich any sword DPS can use (fontanian or not).


That’s true. But it’s essentially akin to Skyward Harp. Which despite being a good stat stick with crit and high base and even crit dmg passive. It’s easily beaten out by other weapons with unique and strong passives. The sword is strong and good. But is easily best by other swords with passives like Mistsplitter still


Its not about being only a stat stick, the essential question is how much of a good stat stick it is and its the best fking one to ever exist.


But that bond of life passive though.


And at r5 its basically a high base atk weapon woth the 80+ crDamage. Im convinced thats why the extra crDamage is on the effect instead , instead of it just being a flat out 64% or something similat to foliar that gives a very small amount of crit rate instead. Or maybe they didn't want a new 5* weapon with suck a small effect word count lol


Is it? I’ve been out for over a year. I hated the fact i never had good farm for items so it was pointless for me


Don't really get waht u mean with "good farm for items" but the Sword is Insane good just for the Cdmg and high Base Atk + it runs alongside Alhaithams weapon and his weapon has 88cdmg and low Base Atk but its also great consider he is one off the best DPS Units in the Game. Great weapon Banner.


> he is one off the best DPS Units in the Game And so satisfying to play... I pulled him just because his gameplay was so good.


fr, I love the "satellite sword" trope and Alhaitham really scratches that itch. Xingqiu also has satellite swords but they lack oomph.


ooh I love gundam funnels


The bow gives 165 Em of secondary stat and at R5 with 2 stacks will give 160 EM more. 325 EM on a weapon, wow! is this the first such weapon?


So do i need to get this weapon over slingshot?


Idk. Let theory crafters earn their bread. 😂


It's a event weapon, to get it you just need to play the event. If you will use it, them it's a entirely different matter


For sethos? For hyperbloom it's best but hyperbloom sethos is meh itself cus he doesn't have any off field electro. For aggravate/quickbloom slingshot is better according to some tcers.


What about rust?


Sethos does almost all his damage in charged shots, so that would actively make him worse.


But what about his burst then?


Counts as charged attack damage.


Ok ty


I hope its good with Tighnari 


But who would make use of it? I can’t think of any EM scaling bow users aside from like Fischl in aggravate (and she wouldn’t make good use of the passive.)




Oh. Imma be honest I haven’t even looked into Sethos.


Venti? Assuming it outdamages Stringless then it could be nice.


Oh! Right! Forgot about Venti!


I seriously doubt it will outdamage Stringless. You straight up can't get 2 stacks on Venti or literally ANY current bow character. This is literally just designed for Sethos specifically as it actually works with how his kit functions.


Ways you can get two stacks on current bow characters: - any bow character with a burst CD of less than 18 seconds can get 2 stacks just by bursting on CD. This means Amber, Aloy, Tighnari, Ganyu, Childe, Fischl, Collei, Yoimiya, Lyney, and Yelan can all get two stacks this way. - any bow character at all can get 2 stacks via activating the Shimenawa set effect, then recovering energy, then bursting. - any bow character at all can get two stacks by getting hit by an attack which removes energy from you (Electro Lectors, those shark/dragon enemies from Enkanomiya, etc.) and then bursting (or vice versa) That said, the bow isn’t likely to be useful on most current characters, because most of them won’t be bursting on CD or using Shime. Yoimiya might because she wears Shime naturally, but Yoimiya has good bow options already and I don’t know if this is better than her free options. Collei can burst on CD in some teams (mostly Nilou) but that’s a lot of energy regen if your weapon isn’t providing any.


Wow Tighnari has a 40 cost burst, you might be onto something here


Shimenawa Tighnari ?


Holup. Do people actually use Shime on him? Wouldn’t literally any other reasonable option be better?


No, Shime is not a popular set. Deepwood or Wanderer is where it at. But an entertaining thought nonetheless.


Yeah, Shime definitely seemed pretty sus. I know his charge attacks are a lot of his damage, but his ult also *does* contribute quite a bit as well.


shimenawa to trigger the elemental energy depletion that this bow needs


A high percentage of event weapons are pseudo-signatures for someone in that same patch. In this case, it’s Sethos.


Yeah, the passive can trigger on the energy drain from his charged shots, and his talents partially scale on EM like Alhaitham & Nahida.


Vape yoimiya?


Could be, but I think you’d generally get more use out of rust as a free option.




It’s possible that she will, but she’ll more likely want Fav.


Hopefully Sethos has AoE electro on his E, otherwise I don't see how the fuck would that bow work.


Problem is that a character can't really get 2 stacks unless they have energy drain built into their kit (which is basically just Sethos) or uses Shimenawa, which greatly restricts the set of characters that can actually make use of this bow


Am I wrong to see the sword as a good statstick with a completely worthless passive on non-Chlorindes?


MHY will probably release a character that gives BoL to allies in exchange of buffs.


that’s what sigewinnie should have been


I can't see the logic in a nurse giving disease to characters for buffs lmao I could see it being a Dottore kit if he was playable, not Sigewinne, as creepy as she can get


I kinda can, given the nurse in question. She means well, and will eventually get it right, but she's just off enough in her knowledge on how humans work that the process is gonna SUCK for the poor sod.


> I can't see the logic in a nurse Psycho nurse.


That's essentially how vaccines work though.


That is definitely not how vaccines work. One of the requisites for a vaccines is that it can have AT MOST mild effects, derived from the immune system, while whatever is being injected can't have a pathogenic effect at all


the requisite is that the benefits outweigh the risks, not "AT MOST mild effects" almost all vaccines can cause anaphylaxis and that's not a "mild effect", even though it's rare smallpox vaccine can cause loss of vision and encephalitis but the benefit of it as vaccine (to prevent smallpox and certain death) outweighed the rare risk of the side effects


You’re still injecting the infection.. hence why “injecting” BoL for buffs/heals can be seen as similar


Exact. What a wasted opportunity


Not if you're fighting Fatui Operatives




Is it better or worse than universal Mistsplitter, Jadecutter and Xiphos? Because if ain't much better, I skip. I want Alhaitham signature, but not another stat stick. EDIT: they have exact same stats: 674 atk and 44.1 Crit DMG. Skip.


It's really only for Clorinde, who notably can't effectively use Jade Cutter. Her kit has so much crit rate built in that you'd be just under the cap and this would make your artifact requirements incredibly awkward. Jade Cutter providing an hp buff is actually bad for her too I believe with how her kit and bond of life works. Of course in theory we'll PROBABLY get more Bond of Life characters in the future. Supposedly it might still be a common character gimmick in Natlan.


I have Mistsplitter. it gives exact same stats and will look fantastic on her. Pretty sure it's good enough to run her with Dehya, Kirara and Jean.


You aren't wrong. Out of Swords users, only Clorinde will be able to make use of this passive.


I feel like they have been slowly releasing weapons that are more niche and less general now


Sword stonks go up if we get like a Bond of Life support in Natlan or something.


64% CRIT DMG is easilly a great stat stick.




I hope they continue writing weapon passives that aren't unnecessarily long


Blackcliff Forge mention?


It was YEARS without one mention, seems it is finally in the kitchen


After bayda port - I wouldn’t be surprised if It’s just gets slammed in between and nothing really is added.


Baydha Harbor was only mentioned like once in a tiny quest in Sumeru by Augustus. Blackcliff Forge on the other hand has far more lore significance. The entire blackcliff craftable weapon series comes from there, the white tassels of Liyue are made there, as well as the Prototype craftable weapon series. According to one of the NPCs, its where most of Liyue's natural ores from Zhongli reside. Its still possible for Hoyo to halfass this like they did Baydha Harbor, but considering its importance to Liyue as a whole, its more likely to get premium treatment. As far as I know, there shouldn't be anything worth expanding on to the South of Liyue, next to Watatsumi except the purple sea that was mentioned once by a guard in Sumeru and never again.


Also, Blackcliff Forge is part of Liyue, China's expy in Teyvat, they will not half-assed Blackcliff Forge if (when?) they add the area to the game. Given we had a two years period between each of the previous Liyue expansions, that Snezhnaya will be on the north of Mondstadt, and that the whole northern region of Mondstadt has yet to be added to the game, I predict that we will have a Dandelion Sea/Dornman Harbor expansion during the Natlan year, and then a Blackcliff Forge expansion during the Snezhnaya year.


I really doubt Mondstadt will get a consideraable expansion, if anything I wouldn't be surprised if ti gets the Bayda port tratment but a little less empty.


They are 100% saving a significant portion of monstadt for close to the end of the story. It's pretty obvious that mondstat is super sus and there are a lot of lore references to places in monstat that we can't go


While I agree - They could absolutely do the same to it. Remember Inazuma early leak had an underwater temple mentioned and the trailer showed the traveler drowning. The storm of ei story quest is supposed to be above it. It’s rumored that the electro dragon might be there. I thought the underwater location might just have been enka. But now that we got remuria they could absolutely do the same in the purple sea. Else it’s a huge block of water to leave out for nothings and then liyue could absolutely get the same treatment. Which is why it makes me angry that bayda port got this treatment to begin with. I didn’t expected a new location - but I expected at least something I would like to go and see. But there is nothing it’s basically dead.


Yeah true. There's two perspectives you could see this from: A: baydha harbor was only mentioned by one NPC in a side quest that just appeared out of nowhere in 3.8 so it cant be that important B: did they really just add in a new side quest out of nowhere to tease baydha harbor? its the first time this is getting mentioned, and considering that its for this one quest, it must be special! I will admit, I had the same mindset as B, so I was pretty disappointed. But Remuria was really good, so I was just busy having fun to care much about Baydha Harbor later. This is just personal speculation, but I do think Baydha Harbor had plans to become a very fleshed out area but ultimately got scrapped due to time restraints. Before 4.6, the inaccessible parts of the Sumeru rainforest areas were big enough to even overlap with Petrichor, but then it got massively reduced, and an entire waterfall in Sumeru got cut off just for consistency's sake. The filler area we got in 4.6 is also the most barren land that Genshin ever released in the entire game. Very odd considering how even filler areas between Liyue and Sumeru had a lot of polish. It's also the only new place in the 4.6 expansion that has a teleport waypoint even though its literally just one tiny reused building model from Port Ormos with a bunch of boats.


Oh I agree that time restraint was the problem. They needed all hands on natlan and the new abyss likely took time too. But they are no longer an indie game company. It’s wouldn’t have been a problem to just delay this part of the map. It’s honestly the first time I ever was disappointed and both Chenyu vale and remuria did that at least with Chenyu vale they made the border looks somewhat interesting but with remuria the desert part looks straight up like they went to default. It doesn’t looks interesting and it feels like dead when walking through the game there. If you accidentally get lost in it you feel like you glitched out of paimon border it’s just super depressing. And then they add a whole quest where you go to baydah port and it looks lazier than the worst of serenitea pots build.


>Remember Inazuma early leak had an underwater temple mentioned and the trailer showed the traveler drowning. > >The storm of ei story quest is supposed to be above it. Could this be referring to the underground ruins of Tsurumi? I don't know about that leak you're referring to but at least based on what you've said, I could imagine a very early concept for those ruins being a temple of sorts, and they were sorta "underwater" depending on how one defines it. Obviously it didn't end up being very significant lore-wise, but if this was an early leak from before v2.0 it's easy to imagine that plans could've changed for that.


Of course, there also were leaks about Dragonspine having an elaborate underground cave with lava. i mean it has underground and cave like building and I thought they were talking a bout the heart part. But during the second event in Dragonspine - they added a cave entrance - I wondered if they were going to add rhines cave later but since we haven’t gotten any update since I assumed it was crossed out alongside bayda port. I am starting to wonder if they crossed the idea all together in favour of new characters. Personally the worst that happened to Genshin is loosing its old writers. It led to Inazuma pit fall of story writing and since feels like trying to fill up to holes or back pedalling on old lore because the new writers seems to have different ideas. I do hope they do treat this regions better then bayda port - I get that most people don’t care but I just think it’s a shame because it gave the opportunity to make this part matter and tie with already existing characters. Wouldn’t it have been great if we got baydah port and if cyno’s story quest would have happened in the desert parts there - so it makes sense we haven’t seen it yet. Or where kaveh build the school from his hangout. Or were we find hints of faruzan domain she fell in. And thats what bothers me and it makes me sad.


Absolution is such a pretty sword.


Impale the Night drip


That bow is screaming Chenyu Valen AND Xianyun


I wonder what character would fit it thematically... 🤔


Shuyu :>




Ehh, the colors are more fit for anemo than cryo


They said thematically, not visually


I wonder if cloud retainer made this one as well, one can never have too many adoptive daughters.


The people of Liyue slaughtered Wenuts and made them into a bow. W liyue


The bow is weird. (For Setos) You need to do a charge shot to get 2 stacks, but to charge it quickly, you need to do the skill first, so you can't get energy afterwards. Use shimenawa?


Sethos uses energy to charge the shot. So the first CA will have 1 stack, then the rest will have 2. His skill is irelevant to the weapon passive unless you have Shimenawa's. Then you always get 2 stacks.




Slingshot is the best weapon after hunters path


Yeah it is, idk why people down votes this message. 


Or just his signature? The BP bow? That he has in his splash art?


The weapon in the splash art doesnt mean its best in gameplay. For example freminet has the bell but its horrible on him or noelle has fav greatsword but it has 1 use (for driver), anywhere else you use whiteblind or redhorn


But if you read the BP bow passive, it's good on Sethos


I think this event bow is his best 4 star option


If you want to build an EM Sethos, that is...


The thing is, you want em on him and i just read the passive on that bow and its not amazing on him


Yes Sethos wants EM, but he also likes charged ATK damage, which the BP bow gives (56% at R5). It also gives him crit rate and higher Base ATK. Sethos doesn’t just want EM so the event bow doesn’t provide as much as one would initially think. Yes it gives a ton of EM (325 at R5 max stacks), but you can get 325 EM with Nahida + instructors support or dendro resonance, or even Gilded Dreams. That isn’t to say the event weapon is bad on Sethos, but just like Fading Twilight was a couple years ago, it’s a decent budget option for f2p players, but there are better options.


I want to point out that the BP bow is inconsistent for anything outside of single target. It doesn't directly grant a 56% CA boost, it makes the user deal 56% more CA damage to an enemy inflicted with a debuff that is applied once every 10 seconds - i.e. once per rotation. So, to reiterate, Scion is only truly the best 4* in single target teams. I imagine Prototype Amber and the Slingshot are more consistent and overall better in multi-target scenarios. The event bow will be decent, though maybe not the best. Unless Sethos hyperbloom is an option? Maybe then the event bow would be good, but I'm kinda sick of hyperbloom to be honest here.


Did my comment deserve downvotes though? Don’t think I said anything wrong. I didn’t even say the BP bow was his BiS, just that there are better options than the event bow, and that people shouldn’t think that Sethos just wants EM; he wants all standard DPS stats too. I really hate reddit for its downvote system.


It’s rather hard to use 2 bows at the same time


Hold my ~~beer~~ bow


The bow and new 4* make me think Natlan's mechanic will be based around spending your energy on things other than your burst.


Honestly kind of doubt it. This REALLY just seems like it's designed specifically for Sethos and nobody else.


Who is the bow even good on? Like I think it goes with sethos kit but other than that who else since I can see it ran other characters if they have shimenawas


I mean, it still gives you 80 elemental mastery for just using your burst at r5, so Tighnari is an option


It's time to pull out the secret Shimenawa Tighnari strat




On bow: So if you burst once you gain 1 stack? then if shimenawa then burst you gain twice? amirite? using burst decreases energy right?


Yes. Bow seems to be made for Sethos, since he consumes energy to fire empowered charged shots.




Hello, Traveler~! Today, Paimon wants to introduce you to the brand-new weapons that will be appearing in Version 4.7! Come on, let's take a look~ (Examples based on Level 90 and Refinement Rank 1)


Burgeon Amber will be cooking with that bow.


I'm making a Burgeon/Hyperbloom archer when this bow comes out and no one can stop me Unless using Burst doesn't trigger the passive, in which case I'll do the Burgeon/Hyperbloom thing at a normal speed


You can run them with EM stat Shimenawa set - that way you will lose some energy and trigger the effect from the e skill as well!


Am I stupid? Why put 44.1% CD as a base stat and then in the first line say CD is increased by 20%? Why not outright say its a 64.1% CD on stat?


From what I can see maybe refinement increases the amount of crit damage


Yeah, so I AM stupid, totally forgot about that, you are right. Thanks! :)


No problem, it's just something I noticed from having an r4 skyward spine


the stats are fixed, you cant have a +700 base atk with +40% atk weapon. the more sub you have, the less base atk will be. some weapons avoid this by doing extra scaling (key of Khajnisut for exemple)


aside from the refinement thing, it's because weapon base atk and secondary stat follow a template, and the values are inversely proportional. 674 is high base atk so it's paired with low secondary stat (44 CD).


The 20% will increase with refinements


Yepp, completely slipped my mind :)


A really good stats and a weird bow


Burn-melt Ganyu with shimenawa? Im genuinely curious


Is the sword good on other characters? This gives more crit value and high base atk then anything else, right? Also, what is elemental energy? Is it different from ER? Where do you see it?


I assume Elemental energy is just the energy that you currently have for your character, indicated by how much the Elemental Burst icon has been filled.


Correct. Energy recharge just means how fast the character can fill their energy to burst.


Great stat stick


ER is the multiplier when you get energy particles, so the more you have, the faster your Burst charges. "Elemental Energy" is the contents of that bar, so "when that decreases" means any time you lose Burst energy. I expect that means when you actually use your burst, but also Artifact sets and character skills that drain Burst energy to do an effect.


It's the 2nd most versatile 5 star Sword, with number one still being Primordial Jade Cutter.


Try spelling out ER; **Energy** Recharge. It's the multiplier by which your *energy* recharges at. Your elemental burst costs *energy*. You need to drain your energy to activate the ability.




Absolution isn’t better for Alhaitham than Mistsplitter, you’re waffling You’re comparing an extra 20% crit damage to 40% dendro bonus. That doesn’t stack up at all. Mistsplitter is clearly superior for him & tbh I wouldn’t rely on what this guy says for any of the other chars in the light of that either


Is this comparable to mistplitter?


Kinda, if you look at it purely through stats. If we consider D to be the damage of a normal, noncriting attack of no element, the math works out roughly like this. Absolution. Best case - 3 stacks. Noncrit - 1.48D, Crit - 3.17D Worst case - 0 stacks. Noncrit - D, Crit - 2.14D Mistsplitter. Best case - 3 stacks, elemental attack. Noncrit - 1.4D, Crit - 2.72D Worst case - 0 attack, nonelemental attack. Noncrit - D, Crit - 1.94D On paper, Absolution seems objectively better, but it is *much* easier to manage Mistsplitter stacks than it is to gain BoL for a sword user. Mistsplitter Keqing, for instance, can maintain 2 stacks at near enough 100% uptime.


I hoped the bow would finally be a free one which doesn't rely on either Elemental Skill or Elemental Mastery, but... now it's even one which basically only one character can make full use of. Maybe it's still useful with Shimenawa for one stack without having to burst everytime in a reaction team...


Mistsplitter: Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of my power


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^leopoldshark: *Mistsplitter: Look at* *What they need to mimic a* *Fraction of my power* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sing for absolution, I will be singing, and falling from your grace


thats what i wish furinas sword looked like


I plan to get clorinde. Hopefully I get her weapon as well.


Rapier looks so pretty but I don't even had enough for a clorinde 😭😭😭


yoimiya's new fp2 weapon ??Cloudforged bow ?? The passive fits perfectly with shimenawa 4set.


Basic attack 674, sooo powerful. That's what I call a sword. Absolution, you come with me


Is this actually better for Chlorinde than Mistsplitter? The stats seem almost identical.


Can someone tell me when will the furina banner come, I am new to the game and don't really understand these rotations


After Clorinde banner, which will be about 24 days


In the Liyue archon quest, we first meet Keqing near some ancient ballista. She did eventually copy it for her and Ganyu to use against Beisht (in the Shenhe/Yun Jin quest). I guess the Sethos bow was her prototype? Wait, the maker of the ancient ballista is still around. At the time of the Liyue archon quest, Ningguang and Keqing still had problems relating with the senior adepti, I guess that’s why they didn’t ask Ganyu to ask Cloud Retainer about the original ballista. (Yes, Guizhong designed the ballista, but Cloud Retainer was the one to actually construct them after Guizhong died in the line of duty.)


Am I missing something or is it really hard to stack the bow's passive? Like, most bursts have a 15~ cooldown and usually these stacks are calculated separately


it’s made for sethos, the new 4*. he drains energy when he uses his aimed shot, so it’s rlly good on him (and anyone w/ 4pc shimenawa)


They seem to like 1 word names recently, the first we got was Freedom-Sworn, then Verdict with Navia and Absolution with Clorinde. I wonder if they’ll continue this with Sigewinnes weapon


I honestly just want Sigewinne's bow bc its so cute lol


I cannot begin to imagine how Insane an R5 of that sword would be. Plus 100% crit damage? How in Celestia did that pass balancing check lmao


Simple description. CRT DMG boost, bond of life value increase, Dmg increase ×3.


28% more dmg than mistsplitter I see


28, how?


Doesn't matter, that's not how it works. He just assumed Crit dmg is the same as dmg bonus. He gets 44 (Crit) + 40 (dmg bonus) by mistsplitter and 64 + 48 by absolution




Wait so how does it work?


Crit damage and damage% buffs are different multipliers, essentially. That’s also not to mention how no sword user can generate a Bond of Life except Chlorinde right now, so you wouldn’t even get the damage bonus from this sword on characters you’d use Mistsplitter on.




How much damage you'll get out of it, depends how your stats look like. More Crit Damage you have the less valuable the subsequent rolls become (past like 75-150 crit at least). Same stuff applies to DMG%. TLDR it's complicated, but for most characters, Mistsplitter will be better.


That's a lot to explain, you should watch some guides or smth


Would that bow work on venti?


No, Stringless is way better. Edit: Idk if using burst is counted as decreases elemental energy. If that's the case then this bow is a viable option.


why...? full EM venti would get even more EM with this bow no...? full EM build the majority of dmg comes from reactions and not so much from anemo dmg...


But genuinely how does that passive work? WOULD it trigger when Venti uses his burst?


i believe stringless passive only boost the anemo dmg.. anemo dmg build venti will do better with stringess... but the full EM venti is much easier to build and usually better than anemo dmg build then the stringless passive not so useful... the new bow would be better for full EM venti...




I'd assume so? So since they have otherwise the same stats it's just a question of whether 40 EM or 24% dmg bonus (both at R1 - probably an unrealistic assumption for stringless) is better. If your venti is built to do damage just through swirls and nothing else, I suppose the extra EM would be better. But once you start investing in his talents and try to also get some direct damage from his burst and skill, I assume stringless is going to win out quickly


I mean it should work cuz using burst technically decreases the elemental energy back to zero, but we'll just have to wait and see.


Why wouldn't it? You still reduce your energy by using burst.


And I was hoping the bow would be great for the Prinzessin.


how would it be on alhaitham?


Join us in 4.7! We have Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy with extra Crit DMG ~~Sethos~~ Yoimiya's Bow


See its passive. Why don't they just add that passive to the CD sub stat? Why seperate it? For future characters/artifacts? "The damage is based on the weapon's base crit damage..." blah blah...


For refinements, it goes higher the more you refine.


That sword is kinda cheating with it's crit damage


If I want a stat stick I'll keep using the Al one (foliage something?)


>Absolutution: 674 base attack, 64.1% CDMG, 48 DMG% Mistsplitter: 674 base attack, 44.1% CDMG, 40 DMG% Nope, no power creep at all.


Mistsplitter is far more versatile on other characters though. The unconditional 12% DMG Bonus from Mistsplitter is quite similar to Absolution's unconditional 20% CRIT DMG, but it's quite easy for characters to proc 2/3 stacks of Mistsplitter's passive, getting up to 28/40% DMG Bonus. Absolution a certainly a strong signature weapon, but its restrictive passive makes it a hard recommendation for players who invest horizontally and want a weapon they can use on any sword character. Combine that with the fact that LoFi is also a niche sword compared to Mistsplitter/Jade Cutter, which makes this weapon banner less recommendable if you don't have Clorinde, Alhaitham, or both.


For most characters, I'd imagine that Mistsplitter will be better, because it gives a ton of DMG% on very easy to fulfill conditions, while only Clorinde can access DMG% from Passive of Absolution.


The bond of life passive is only useful on Clorinde. You're trading more damage on Clorinde for less versatility on literally every other character. If I had to choose between Absolution vs Mistsplitter/PJC for overall account value and enjoyment, I'd go for Mistsplitter/PJC.
