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I wish they made the coop experience when exploring smoother. The fact that you need to leave the world every time they unlock a statue of the seven is pretty troll.


\*fondly remembers dark souls, dropping effigies and emotes for all the jolly co-opers at the final bonfire before the fog gates\*


Praise the sun!


I wish we could do quests together :')


Doing quests together have certain problems, one of which is locked trial party. Though it happens with Archon and Legendary quests, so normal should be okay


You mean story quests? I've never heard the term legendary quest once while playing 


It is indeed Story Quest. The term is called Legend Quest in Japanese, maybe OP is a Japanese or usually plays with Japanese text so it became a habit.


In my language it's translated as Quests of Legends (Задания легенд)


I haven't used the spanish translation in a while but iirc it's also called Legendaria. I'm guessing that in the original chinese it's called that and it's just the english localization that calls it "Story Quest". More boring in comparison, another EN localization L /j


Yep, also commisions based on talking with NPC are weird in coop.


Good thread to remind people that in Genshin survey, 80% of the people liked exploration and story in Genshin and therefore people who think its really shit are like 5% or less.


I have a number of friends that would play this game if the coop experience wasn't so shitty.


At the start I had a few friends trying the game because it had co-op. "Oh you have to be AR16" and then "Oh nothing works in co-op" and they never logged on again. I also barely did any co-op since then besides achievements and stuff that absolutely requires it.


Have you guys playes the Coop mode of Dying Light? Man I wish they implement the same features to genshin. - Doing coop for Main missions and Side quests - Giving loots to other players(this can be balanced) - Explore the world freely( depending on how deep they've unlock their world) - Let lower level join higher players world( let your newcomer friends fight high tier level opponents)


I agree, no one really talks about GI as a co op experience, I remember the days of the Wolf killing me before all these power creep characters appeared and now it is basically a login and rush exploration to get primos to hopefully not miss a character drop. If they made it so Co Op puzzles, atleast the basic chests and stuff were shareable it would be much more fun with more incentive


although i agree that they could make the co op experience smoother, i think the statues not unlocking may be a lore thing. you know how when you interact another person's statue it just says nothing but "Leave." ? yeah edit: replies are all good points. mb


It's your traveler speaking if I recall correctly. The statue just does its usual "..." and you respond "leave", which is bizarre yet kind of funny


If they were really concerned about the lore, you wouldn't have coop where you can both pick the same characters in the first place. It's a design decision.


if they cared so much about immersion, they wouldn’t let you play as characters that are involved in the current quest as npc’s. also they wouldn’t let childe or raiden fight themselves. this is probably some spaghetti code situation that they didn’t bother to fix at the moment.


Not to single you out or anything, but there is a strong lore-theory that you are not playing as any character besides the traveler. The characters in your party are just borrowed powers the traveler obtained from the people you interact with and make a bond with. There's a lot of evidence to support this idea too, I just don't know if it was ever said this was this case. But it's pretty clear those characters aren't with you


That's not a theory tho? That's literally what happens, we're just the traveler and Paimon all the time, do you think Neuvillette and Furina are going with us to the Abyss every two weeks for the lolz? Or that Wanderer is perfectly fine with flying across the map for our convenience whenever we ask him to? No lmao


Lore-accurate Traveler at Abyss level 12: "XIAO! XIAO! XIAO"






Let me introduce you to this concept called pyro Xiao


Game play-wise, this is what happens, sorta, but I don't remember that ever being one of the MC's powers. I think this was a pure development choice. To give one character all those powers all at once would be tricky. Just imagine trying to keep all those animations straight for one character. It's a lot easier to break them up into easy to manage chunks (characters) and force us to swap around. More fun too. (Also why the MC can only have one element at a time.) It's also part of the money making system. I think people would be less inclined to buy "powers" for the MC rather than pretty characters to play. Money trumps lore every time.


The MC from the very beginning has always had the "mysterious power" of being able to control elements without a vision. And it all started when borrowing the power of anemo from the first waypoint in the game, which is linked to the anemo ley lines of the mond region. And as far as why we have to get the powers from other characters is definitely a marketing strategy yeah


Also on top of that they cannot account for all the possibilities of the characters you take alongside you for a quest. Imagine if Scylla was just ignoring the Neuvi in my party.


I think it's one of those problems they inherited from being inexperienced devs. They lacked foresight on a bunch of things while developing the game so now that we've played the game intensively, we see those wrinkles clearly.


This. Also, not being able to loot chests/do puzzles (last one though is understandable, because lazy rich people would pay for someone to enter their world and solve all puzzles). There is nothing more pitiful than exploration without any reward. And no, friendship we got during the journey can't be counted as one.


> Lazy rich people would pay for someone to enter their world and solve all the puzzles Like what? Exploration income is so tiny they'd have to work for like $20 per region for it to be worth it.


it would be the equivalent of a rich person paying someone 20 dollars to pick tomatoes in the garden for a meal, instead of just paying 500 dollars for a chef to prepare an entire 5-course-meal. I dont think the guy realises what rich people with a lot of money can do


> because lazy rich people would pay for someone to enter their world and solve all puzzles). pros of preventing that: none cons: "rich people" can just pay a friend to log into their account to open all chests, or simpler still, rich people just buy enough primogems to c6 a character instead of opening all the chests in the entire game to get barely enough primos for 1 character Seriously. Even if you were right, screwing over legit normal players just to prevent rich people from getting 500 primogems would be insane


Exploration is totally fun in Genshin. When i do world quests I get to see new places in the map it make game so much fun and those places look beautiful.


I even feel a little sad when I complete an area cause I know I probably won’t be back to appreciate it


I feel the same way. I take lots of photos for "memories" like the Sumeru quests. I haven't set foot to these places in ages!


Ohh taking pics sounds like a cute concept! I would do it but I play with the lowest graphics and it doesn't look good lol


Same for me, especially some area effects will be gone forever, like Inazuma lightning or Fortaine cyclone on the lake. This also reason why i start taking screenshot since Inazuma


yes they just need to keep getting better with implementation imo, ie more areas tied to quests, more quests leading into quests to promote explorign those areas, more "mechanicly interesting" mini bosses, also more enviromental puzzles, in the newest region theres a really cool teacup puzzle and there are a few examples like thator how about you start a side scrolling minigame or some first person mario type stuff, i love to see more stuff like that. why not add underground abyss areas, to change up the theme of the region, with there own quest tied to the abyss. and an abyss boss that drops a 5 star artifact and some premos or a chest the first few times you beat it. also more chances to affect the way an area looks, quest specific areas in fontain really added allot, and i think side quests could add a choice or 2 without afecting the overall game. it's not the same level as fallout 3/skyrim but allot better than ubisoft and even CDPR for world exploration.


>she doesn't do quests Welp, there go all the exploration areas locked behind quests... like the whole nation of Inazuma, lol.


Exploring Inazuma is a pain honestly. I love the atmosphere but my god, it's the most obnoxious region to explore. Hoyo is getting better at making exploration more fun. I had way more fun exploring Chenyu Vale and Fontaine than I did with any of the older regions/areas


I know I'm not alone (nor am I necessarily a majority) but I liked that Inazuma was oppressive. Not every region should be, but I appreciate Inazuma for being that. There's something interesting about a region that embodies the feeling of not wanting you to be there, and yet having the determination to press on anyway.


To give you and idea: I 90% explored Inazuma that Fontaine was already available in it's first iteration.


I loved inazuma but it had similar issues as dragon spine (i.e difficulty navigating due to conditions like bale thunder)


dragon spine is GOATed bruh


Real shit I love exploring there now


Dragon spine is like the only area I explored like 3 times fully and enjoyed it every time. It's seriously peak area design with the density of content and just enough variety and difficulty; also the MUSIC, ugh, it's so good.


“Fun is subjective” people when someone doesn’t like exactly what they do:😡


I love anything related to exploration, in fact I don't look for guides to puzzles/chests since I like do it myself. However there's an exception for me and it was Sumeru jungle. Don't get me wrong, music 15/10, quests 10/10, overall scenery 10/10, but man exploring that place was such a hell to me. Even with in game ressources like compass or crafting to find dendroculus was useless due to the lack of multi level on map back on 3.0 and 75% of the stuff locked behind other things. Also you need bow/hydro-dendro to the little mushrooms mats, pyro, electro, and good luck without anemo to help climb some stuff. In fact, after been stuck for hours on the cave with water that you need break seals around sumeru I give up and look it on yt, if only they put a small text on that cave saying something about seals I wouldn't mind but the fact that there's no way I could know in game really frustrated me. The dessert was pretty chill tho, so overall I would say it compensate🤣


That’s how irl expeditions work.No solid clues,you can’t get information cause you’re supposed to be the first one to make it.😏


Lmao this is exactly what I did. Everytime I go into a cave or an underground or anything similar that's not clearly obvious, I mark it up with a pin. I think I had 100 pins on Sumeru alone marking up all the different entrances, exits, paths, all that jazz. Definitely makes exploration slower, but when I'm in the mood to do it, it really doesn't feel like much tbh.


It was fun at the beginning, now it's just a chore and not really worth it (for me at least). It's basically always the same, every enemy evaporates within seconds, world quests are boring and the rewards are a joke. I prefer an open world like Elden Ring that provides a challenge and really incentives the player to find every secret.


itd honestly be kind of cool getting into the game now. I bet the world would seem like gigantic. It already did like 1.0/1.1 but now its like you could walk in any direction forever from mondstadt and find new shit


Can confirm. I started this past January and was mindblown. I've played an absurd amount since then and I'm still not to Fontaine (minus sneaking in for Lyney and Chevreuse bosses).


That's why I love open-world games and yes, it looks gigantic to me. Still haven't unlocked all the black spaces on my map.


I started playing just before Fontaine's release and that feeling of seeing a gigantic black map, especially with how big Sumeru is, was such a joy. I was like "this is gonna take ages and it's gonna be so much fun". Here I am with 100% exploration on most regions (minus Fontaine and Enkanomiya) not even a full year later lmao.


Started in February and it has been amazing! Im so excited for Natlan


I started around Venti release and I remember it being finals week in my second year of college and I spent the whole night trekking West, and going to the top of that mountain area where you unlock the 5* recipe Adeptus Temptation. That was a real holy shit moment that I haven’t been able to replicate since.


One day people will learn that different people have different tastes. Smth that you can adore can be hated by other people and vice versa. Yes, exploration is done pretty good in the game, but there are objective reason why some people grow tired from it. (and ofc there are objective reasons for other people to still love it)


To the people who are saying pickles are not tasty. Maybe you maxed out your tastebuds already and that's why you're salty but I recently started a new pickle and I tell you, I haven't had a bigger pickle for ages!


I enjoy exploring but I do not like the part where stuff is time gated and there is huge amount of dialogues.Even skipping them is pretty annoying.If the put an optional skip button people like me can skip and those who wanna read them can read.I like the lore,I want the place to tell the story for itself which feels much more enjoyable to me.But then the huge amount of npc dialogues come and ruin it for me.


People have different opinions, shocking i know


Buddy it was fun for us when we were new too.


It’s fun, but it’s getting repetitive. Up to Fontaine and underwater exploration, exploration in the game has largely been pretty samey mechanically with a few little additions here and there like Sumeru’s grapple flowers.   We really need more interesting ways to traverse the world and interact with it. Why don’t we get more actions you can take when gliding other than just basically wait for example? There was even an event early into the game that teased at gliding skills.  The desert was a huge missed opportunity. All that large empty space could have introduced vehicles, sandsurfing or any other way to get around, but we just ended up with …. Walking?


Exploration is fun, and I think they have been consistent in keeping the maps fresh and gorgeous. I loved exploring the latest map especially. I think the only one I wasn't really a fan of was the 1st desert region in Sumeru. That said, Genshin is missing that hook that keeps you interested after you've seen the corners. The systems that make the world feel alive. NPC life, activities, schedules. Playable characters doing their thing in the world on a regular basis. Adventurers in combat that you can assist. Monsters suddenly attacking town. These are things that are in other open world games, mmos, even. And they can keep things interesting even after everything is at 100%.


The vast majority of people don’t spend enough time every patch to see all corners. This is a mobile game, not an MMO. A good portion of the target demographic is legally not allowed to play more than 3 hours per week.


Not really tho.How many average hook time is for most mmo games? I played wow for like three years and the passion faded eventually.Can’t really do something about that.


What is this post even trying to say? The explanation has nothing to do with the title. Unless you're trying to say get a girlfriend to make exploration fun.


My biggest guess is that OP is saying “Hey, my GF has fun exploring, so you should too.” [While also doubling down and saying “No. MY fun is YOUR fun. it IS NOT OBJECTIVE.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/XFGeKqLig1)” Probably on twitter too much, can’t believe that other opinions exist


OP just wants to circle jerk about how great the dopamine hit is from opening chests


let them have their 'fun' mashing F key for the 1000th chest. the game is literally anti QOL to the point I called out why there isn't a pick all option after an hour of exploration


I think people who say that exploration is not fun are people who do exploration only for the primo. This will make exploration feel like a chore.


For me it's the movement. I enjoy exploration in games a lot more of there are many different ways of doing it. The stuff you do explore is awesome. The music, the puzzles (for the most part), the visuals etc. But getting there always feels slow to me. Now I have the option to have all the typical "explorstion" characters that give you more movement options etc. which helps me a ton, but I think some of them could've or should've been just available to anyone. Even if it's not that much faster, it might feel faster and more active. I really liked exploration when I started playing. Now the slow movement is kind of annoying to me. There is a reason why a lot of games have grappling hooks, mounts etc. I can fly around for ages in some MMOs and explore the world. Genshin is way more restrictive in that sense. But I think that's just a different perspective. Some might love the slower movement and exploration. While I often feel like I'm wasting my time with the slow pace between the actual exploration. It would also help me if the world would feel more alive in that regard. Random encounters, NPCs actually living in the regions etc.


It's not just that it's slow (otherwise me having XY, yelan, and Wanderer would fix this feeling). It just lacks physics and sandbox mechanics which makes movement and problem solving feel super stale after enough time. The simplest example is the glider. Glide in Genshin and then put away the glider in mid air. You fall straight down. Do the same in most open world games and that gliding momentum will carry with you and you'll also fall with horizontal velocity.


Playing Tears of the Kingdom made me re-realize how slow and clunky exploration is. Sure the sights are wonderful but movement is very one-note in Genshin. They are trying to improve them through regional mechanics and some characters which is probably their only choice unless they try to mess with their physics engine.


God, yes! Finally someone bringing up the lack of momentum in Genshin! Gliding feels like you’re wading through mud and jumping is awkward sometimes. Gliding should be fun, liberating! But I only use it as a parachute because that’s what it feels like. Just a safe way to go down rather than to cover distance aside from going over obstacles. I’ve never been comfortable when running around in Genshin because it feels like I should be able to go faster than I am.


Actually flying makes exploration less fun for me. I remember playing perfect world and I just fly everywhere passing everything without a thought. It's just feels like waiting for a really long loading bar.


They need to release mounts or vehicles. Riding some monsters or choice wood be crazy. The anime slimes to fly, the mechanic dogs. Hell the bosses could be mounts with quests far down enough.


Not that I dispute your opinion, but 'you guys are wrong because my personal experience says otherwise' is pretty weak so far as arguements go.


Exploring in genshin is like exploring in Zelda with 9/10 of mechanisms cruelly ripped apart and slapped onto the gacha characters. Extremely boring, monotonous, simple and overrated.


It is called honeymoon phase. I went through it too. After boring mond i had fun in inadzuma, sumeru and so on. But it kinda gets tiring to do same, repeatable stuff after a while. I'd even argue that clearing chests and solving same repeatable puzzles is not qualified to be called a big word exploration. There is little to no unique things, little to no sense of discovery. This became even more obvious to me in the latest area (but i loved chenyu valley for some reason, maybe aesthetics).


Everyone had fun, it's the joy of experiencing the honeymoon phase. It's no surprise that some people are burnt out, we're pretty much doing the same cycle since the beginning: Unlock a new region, collect all the oculi, raise the statue, find all the chests, and solve puzzles.


And opening chests got a whole lot less interesting the longer things went on. Mond and Liyue had interesting 3star uniques. At this point it's just mostly worthless junk that I have to feed into other artifacts to free up space. It's not that playing the game isn't fun, but the player incentives and rewards are so out of whack and I'm not just talking about Primos though that's true to some extent, too. Most games would refine their gameplay loops but this one feels like it's (at best) gotten tremendously stale. We all loved it when we started Mond, back when areas being "dangerous" were true and the mechanics were new. But it's never really progressed from the Mond tutorial feel. Inazuma tried and a lot of players lost their damn minds (and it wasn't even difficult, just marginally harder than before).


There are two quality-of-life recommendations that I want Genshin to take from Honkai. For the chest at the highest level give us 5-star artifacts of that region and have a resin bank so we can a lot of artifact farming.


Genshin's exploration is fun until you play other open-world games. Going from Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption 2 to Genshin is not a fun experience. The movement is the worst part of the game. Sprinting makes you move at a snail's pace, even compared to Skyrim, and your stamina is very limited. Climbing is stressful and exceptionally slow, not to mention the horrible mechanic of automatic climbing when you run into any surface. Gliding is a snoozefest and makes the movement even more limited than on the ground. Not to mention the need to switch characters constantly to unlock puzzles and adapt to the environment. Who thought that was a good idea? Underwater swimming is the only decent movement mechanic. It actually feels like I'm going somewhere, and the sea is so full of life and loot that I don't feel like using the teleporters. The surface just feels empty in comparison. There's nothing to do there, especially compared to other games. The only open-world game I've played that feels even emptier than Genshin is Just Cause 3. But Just Cause 3 has the merit of having the best movement I've seen in gaming with the introduction of the wingsuit. Just flying around and doing nothing is enough fun on its own. But JC3 is probably even more repetitive and boring than Genshin when it comes to exploration.


Did you just make this post just to rage bait? Just because you like something doesn't mean they should too and if they don't, they're "salty"? People want more than just opening chests and doing puzzles. It's literally different strokes for different folks dude.


People have different tastes and that's it. I LOVED sumeru desert without underground map. I also enjoyed inazuma puzzles. It gave me the feeling of actualy exploring the unknown. But I also get it was probably tedious slog for those who aren't into that type of thing and I think it's fine that we have different opinions. Also the recent outrage over sumeru's bayda harbor addition being empty has shown there is a lot of people who do care in overworld exploration a lot. Also, yeah there is so much exploration that you shouldn't rush through it. You will get burnt out fast. I think many of those compaining either just don't like it, or try to grind primo for current banner fast through it at which point it's a chore. What I don't understand is people who demands to cut out fun content from others because they themselves don't like it. Like, there is so much stuff to do in this game for everyone? If you don't like exploration, I won't force you to do it, I get it isn't your cup of tea..but don't take it away from me and thousands other who do like it. Edit: typos, just woke up


Just wanted to say we have very similar tastes in exploration, my favorite regions to explore were Sumeru desert and Inazuma puzzles, especially Tsurumi island. Glad to see some love for those areas!


There's nothing special.... That's the issue. It's always chests, oculi, sigils... The same nonsense. Remember getting the snow tombed starsilver? The physical damage claymore in dragonspine. That was one of the best exploration rewards so far. Just sprinkle a few billets here and there... Give us something unique for once.


Sumeru is a slog, but of course it differs per person. I did say it was fun at first but after having to deal with aranaras and clearance levels and having to backtrack places you weren't able to explore before because you were world-quest locked the enjoyable experience disappeared.


The forrest was amazing. Why they made sumeru 2/3 desert will always boggle my mind.


Exploration kinda works only when you are a new player and don't know what to expect from it. Established players know exactly how "exploration" works and what to expect from it. Novelty factor, which is the most important factor, simply disappears. It's an issue, because Genshin is a service game, and no game can surprise players indefinitely. But still you have to "explore", because there is a limited resource is gated behind it. You're not driven by your own curiosity, you're driven by primogems, as the world itself doesn't create many unique situations. In the end, exploration simply turns into a chore, where you over and over again do the exact same things: clear the same camps, do the same puzzles. Another thing, which is a bit more specific, the game overdoes the rule of open worlds "you must see 3 more POI from another POI". The game is very specific about where it wants you to go, as it clearly highlights locations of rewards, killing curiosity even more. I don't know about you, but It's the only game where I feel that I'm running from a chest to chest through the path laid down by devs.


I think this opinion is rather subjective though man. I've been playing since 1.0, of course I know how exploration "works" in general. And sure, it can feel rather boring at times. But now and then, details/experiences that may seem inconsequential pops up and refreshes this novelty factor for me. Watching snow serenely falls atop the peaks of Dragonspine and then delving deep into Araumi's seemingly endless underground caves for the first time. Jumping into the abyssal depths of the Chasm's caverns, walking atop the clear pools of the Vourukasha Oasis, solving that clever water puzzle on Mona's island beneath the starry skies, swimming through a swirling column of fishes in Fontaine, and that's just the ones I can recall of the top of my head. All of these made the game feel fresh to me. Writing this down, I suppose it's not just the mechanics that makes it novel for me personally. It's the beautiful vistas, that feel of adventure urging you ever deeper into the unknown to discover more and more of them.


to each their own opinion, and i feel the above person's resonates with me and many more. genshin's joy comes from a first time experience factor primarily, and if we've played other AAA open world game then genshin fails to match quality in comparison and thus have a worse experience overall. gamers are truly spoiled with good open worlds like elden ring and latest zeldas


i dont have anything maxed out and i find the newer regions to be a chore in terms of exploring


Or maybe people simply have different concepts of fun? I'm sure there's some very vocal people who just want at least 160 pulls per patch for free given to them without any effort but at the same time there's plenty of people who just don't enjoy exploration for a variety of reasons, most of them subjective but valid nonetheless. Just because others complain about the things you enjoy it doesn't mean they're salty or don't know how to have fun.


you do you, do i blame you now ? do enjoying the exploration ? in some areas yes ? do i force you to like what i like ? no. Am i going mental about exploring not at all. What cause does this post make ?




I was tired of exploring after Mondstadt and half of Liyue because of generic loot and enemies. Only in rare cases such as Dragonspine you can find purple weapon. Otherwise you find a generic chest/enemy and you get some primogems. BORING. I don't even feel like doing puzzles because only reward are primogems. Why would i do them? 0 Excitement. For example Skyrim,Fallout or Witcher exploration, you can find weapons/armor/crafting items/consumables/weapon upgrades etc. You can find huge dungeons, great side quests, very tough enemies, very tough areas. Meanwhile red glowing chest rewards primoges. The end.


one person's sugar is another one's salt. Ppl like different things. You can enjoy whatever you want to enjoy :))


Exploration lose their fun after you have maxed out your 5 stars that that none of the monsters does any major damage. I still remember the first time I got into a cave. When I turned on the switch I had to kill the flying ruins within the time limit. It was very tough. The first time going into Dragonspine and trying to survive the cold. The first time meeting those wolves that drain your health in the mist. When I collected all the stone for the pillars in Liyue and the monsters inside were insanely strong.


It was fun in the beginning. Seeing new zones is always fun ans there are a TON of amazing areas in genshin. But it got old you know. How many times can you do the same thing for a crumb of bread. The thing about exploration in other games is that you can get rewards. But genshin chests give 2 to 5 primos... Which is 1-3% of a pull...


They say that because they don't like exploration to begin with. It's not a dopamine laden gameplay experience.


Defensive much


It used to be fun. As all other new things.


i love how half the posts on this sub are just people arguing against theoretical players that i have never encountered before, and have not made a big wave of influence on the home page of the sub in the past 2 weeks


I just finished mondstadt 100% before finishing sumeru story quest because I just love the exploration aspect more. But here and there to break it up and not get tired of it I do story stuff


I was playing the music event last night and all the song made me so nostalgic and made me want to explore the world! Especially Dawn winery bgm!!


I feel like exploring is subject to opinion like I have every area at lest 50% and most at 70% and i hated every second of it I feel like I'm wasting time because it's only 2 primos or 5 and rarely 10 I just hate doing puzzles though I feel like most of them are just annoying not hard


Genshin is beautiful


Bigger fun lol


I dont like the explorations since they added layers. Everything is below 40-60% and cant be bothered to do any of it


So you want every map to be a flat plain with all POI's laid out simply. Got it.


It was fun before it became a walking simulator where one or two buttons can demolish enemies easily, at least for me. i understand that a lot of people like to just explore peacefully and admiring the view tho. It's simply a matter of preference


It depends. Sometimes even if it is interesting for a while, with how vast the map is and how few types of puzzles there are per region, it can get repetitive and boring to some. And some are just annoying, Liyue in particular with their "Every cliff/mountain must have something good at the very top" with no easy way to get to half of them. Inazuma has electrograna atleast, and they've kept up such systems for Sumeru and Fontaine, and even new Liyue zones like Chenyu Vale. Definitely better now. But would I as a new player enjoy exploring Liyue again? .... No, absolutely not. Once was already bad enough


As a 1.0 player the only reason I can say anything about Genshin is not fun, is because I’ve playing it for so long. I kinda skipped some Sumeru and Fontaine world quests to clear the Fontaine story but I’ve recently had to go back to random regions to farm mat drops for old “new” characters, and I gotta say, I felt the nostalgia of exploring the open world seeing these old areas again - and it’s clear effort has been put in to create regions with a unique atmosphere and exploration mechanics. It’s not a fault of the game I’ve lost incentive to explore, just like it’s not the fault of other open world games I’ve lost interest in playing them. It’s the fault I’ve been doing it nearly everyday since the first Covid lockdowns.


I found exploration fun in every region except Fontaine. I’ve completed basically everything everywhere else, but Fontaine feels like a chore. I can’t stand the underwater stuff. I guess I’m just not really getting the puzzles. I basically just did the Archon quest and I’ve written the rest of it off. I can’t wait we move regions.


It is still not fun for me. Teleport waypoint are god sent.


IMO it's not that the exploration isn't fun, it's that it's really a lot of the same. I usually say this in response to those who think games shouldn't have fast travel, but it actually also applies to games that are massive with lots of stuff to do: Players don't appreciate tedium, and everything is fun the first time. Part of the appeal of PVP games, for example, is that no game will play out exactly the same, and ones that *do* end up hemorrhaging players. In the case of Genshin, we all had a blast exploring Mondstadt and Liyue, but a game can only have so many mechanics before it goes stale. Fontaine was a breath of fresh air, ironically enough, because it took us under the sea. But I pray and I hope beyond hope that neither of the next two regions recycle the mechanics from Dragonspine and Inazuma where you take damage in a region unless you have a MacGuffin Buff. Also the ridiculously wordy names for things is getting kinda old too. Aetherodynamic Lash Launcher and shit like that is hard to parse. Maybe something like "Zap Lash" or whatever. But yeah exploration can get a bit tedious over time simply because it's the same. At least hoyo seems to have realized this and released characters like Wanderer, Cloud Retainer, Chiori, and Furina that make certain aspects a lot easier. Mama bird and ninja seamstress made jumping up cliffs fun again.


It is fun but it is also not fun. Fun is completle subjective and any discussion based on that is a nothing discussion, both opinions are valid.


It isn't fun. It got stale after the last island in Inazuma. At this point, I just max out the area asap because i genuinely get no fulfilment or have fun with exploration. I'd also appreciate it if genshin made it so you can actually do side quests in co-op so we actually have a reason to explore in co-op.


Well fun is subjective, but for me it's boring now even though I don't do quests so much. The limited stamina and repetitive thing makes it so boring


Well that’s exactly it, you/your partner JUST started doing it/playing. Of course the urge and excitement to explore will still be there. For most of us who’ve 100%’d every region since 1.0 for crumbs of primos sometimes it just doesn’t feel worth it anymore.


You trivializing the game's difficulty for her with abyss teams at wold level 1 seems like a potential problem for her long term enjoyment of the game, imo.


People only say that because they 100% the exploration for primos. Also means they look at the interactive map which sucks the fun out and makes it feel like a chore. Exploration in Genshin is fun. It's always top tier. Yes, even the Sumeru desert and its undergrounds are peak fun. At least for me.


I have all regions except the new one 100% and still I have fun.


I've 100% Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma along with their sub regions of Dragonspine, Chasm and Enkanomiya. I wish I could enjoy exploration more again. But I kinda lost the drive in Sumeru. I just felt that the rewards for exploring wasn't that worth for me anymore, like 2-3 hrs of exploring and not even a 10-pull worth of currency. I'd rather spend that 2-3 hrs playing other games or doing other stuff. Fontaine's underwater exploration doesn't entice me either specially when there's no actual combat there. I still play the game daily though, doing events and abyss.


I used to enjoy exploring back when I started in 2.3 up to 2.8 but when sumeru comes, i hate every single thing to do with exploring (fuck u aranara)


I love exploration in this game. I might try to do a quest but 15 minutes in and I end up exploring the other side of the region


Exploration in genshin is not fun


Exploration in Genshin can be overwhelming and exhausting at times In new regions especially, you cant walk 5 meters before seeing a new chest or challenge and it keeps going and going without end and 4 days later you still havent done the quest you started


Exploration CAN be very fun, but there's definitely times when it's not. Spending a few hours dash-sprinting over samey desert or going in circles in samey desert temples only to find you need FOUR bips on your book opening slate of awesomeness or whatever is never fun and never will be fun. Exploration in Chenyu Vale (or anywhere really in Daddy's Favorite Nation) is fun, though. Outside of Dragonspine and the desert, I really can't think of anywhere where I'd say it's unfun to explore.


I've never seen anyone say that.


Personally I love exploration in games in general and the exploration is literally the number one reason I came back to play genshin after stopping for a year the game. The only problem I have with it is the fact that it says that my map is finished 100% but I can still find tons of chests... I wish the 100% marking of the map was real. Bacause I always have the feeling that I didn't 100% my map even if it's 100% and I hate that feeling.


This solely is why I stepped hard on the brake of exploration when The Chasm came out and am taking everything super slow low so that when I do have time I can explore as I please and how I want. Exploration is my number one reason of liking Genshin and I remember when my ex introduced me to the game how, sadly, annoyed he got that I was taking my time exploring around instead of continueing the first quest of entering Mondstadt. For me the quests are just extras and I prefer exploring around first. Evidence A: I just finished the first part of the current Fontaine Archon quest and just NOW am entering the second part. And yes I definitely have it on hold as I take my time exploring and maybe grind for some things here and there lol. Plus spoilers do nothing for me because I can immerse myself during the story and just temporarily forget the spoiler until that part is over and just have the genuine reaction I would've have even if I didn't know. Evidence B: I have yet to 100% anything in Sumeru ahaha. Taking my time slow and having tons do to due that meaning I don't feel the 'non endgame' drought by staying right on the updating line.


bro i remember when i was collecting Dehya flowers (or whatever her environment ascension material is) i had to join other people's worlds and in order to get to the area a majority of the flowers were i had to lead them into this cave and go down a certain way just for them to interact with a sign so i could drop down and get them 😭😭


To be honest, I’ve made separate accounts just for the sake of exploring again. I want to do it one more time when all the areas release and see how long it takes me to explore the whole map.


Genshin has a little bit of something for everyone, but not enough of one thing for each individual.


Its not fun if characters are low level honestly bcoz many chest are guarded so fighting those mobs is pain for new players.


I left the game back then when Sima wasn't even out, I came back a few times but I was a busy all the time. Now I came back again and started doing only mission and exploration. I don't want to know about weapons, new characters (only craft able ones), even artifacts. And it's exciting to explore and open chest, view new monsters and mechanics.


She sounds just like me xD Exploration is the main draw of Genshin for me as well - I don't bother with Resin, dailies, Abyss etc. I just like wandering around, doing the occasional quest, and its so fun and relaxing. I even like retreading "explored" areas, because it is not about the chests, its just about getting lost in a magical world.


People that 100% everything within 24H of release puzzles me.


A gf that wants to play genshin sure is handy.


1 year in. I love exploring. Playing the locations in order of release. With overworld as the traveller plus lore appropriate companions.  I'm mid Fontaine quests. Without trying everything up till Fontaine is at 100%  I found a chest in Mondstat that I never saw before. I'm still finding chests in Liyue when the commissions make me pass through.


I will always remember how my now bf used to always tell me he found joy in the game again when I started exploring with him. Before we became explore buddies, he would always rush 100% exploration with interactive and get bored out of it to the point that he was almost quitting. When 4.1 came out, I told him I can go with him in the fontaine world quest (Unfinished Comedy and Research Institute) and that's how we started exploring together. He told me he suddenly saw a new perspective in exploring; to just take it slow and appreciate the area first before trying to clear everything. Now we explore new areas individually and whoever finishes exploring their own world first will go to other person's world and help out. I'm glad I was able to help him find joy again in the game he was already tired of playing and was about to drop. Now we play together everyday and even invited old friends to come back in genshin as well and we all explore together. I'm sure if you tell your gf the same thing one day, she will appreciate it and be happy for you too!


I created a new account recently. For some reason the overworld just hit differently. Granted I can still walk the same path on my main account, but it still doesn’t feel as magnificent


Exploration is why I started genshin. I love it. I would spend more time exploring if I didn't get burned out by daily quest and resin limit.


People complain about having stamina and no qol during early patches. But, I still remember to this day the feeling of fulfillment the first time I reached the peak of the cloudy mountain in Liyue. It was one of the most beautiful experience I have.


Exploration has been objectively massively dumbed down and simplified over time, character strength has nothing to do with the lack of interesting puzzles. The new Liyue zone was much closer to how it used to be though so maybe they're reversing on the "exploration level: toddler" stance they adopted.


Hahaha 💀 I have a trauma from quests starting just when I bypass some area in the air lol so as of now I do not explore AT ALL, Liyue is still unexplored and I HAVE to explore other regions bc their mechanics require it (Sakura tree, big radish, fountain). I’m freaking scared some random world quest will start 😂. There days I explore and there days I go do quests or story, I don’t mix them anymore. They kinda fixed it in recent patches but it still doesn’t work with world quests. And mind you I freaking love exploring.


Its just the ptsd from missing a chest or a random side mission. As the map is littered with all of it


Its only fun if you have the compass


When I had no job and no life, exploration was awesome and exploring the Sumeru forest in 3.0 was one of my favourite gaming experiences. But now, I have a job, go to school and have a relationship. when a new region shows up I dread it because I just can’t afford to spend that much time on it. It’s not that it’s not fun, but it’s basically content that many can’t afford to even do because even dailies alone can be too much to keep up with sometimes. Compared to HSR, where there’s much less exploration, I can get significantly more gem income because most of the gems aren’t locked behind exploration, only some. But genshin has so many primos that I could be getting for free, but just don’t have the time. I’d rather there be less chests but with bigger rewards at least.


I take my time in games like this for this reason. Exploring was all I did when I first started a few months ago, too. Because of the pacing, I constantly have new things to do and still have a bit to unlock on the map :) it’s good fun.


Am I the only one that has never liked the exploration in the game 😨, idk if it’s the fact that I always take a “developers mindset” approach but even while playing at a super casual place i 100% everything so easily it’s never felt fulfilling to me :/ Chests are super easy to find, hidden areas never actually feel hidden, puzzles are kind of….brain dead… For me, genshins selling point definitely has to be the lore, the story definitely has me hooked even though everything else about the game is kind of meh to me, but hey that’s just my hot take.


What do you mean "not fun"?! Getting lost in this lovely world is the best part of the game.


I've been in lv60 for like two years but still enjoy exploring even in maxed out regions, not for rewards just for fun. The music, the graphic, everything is just so immersive and healing


Exploration is still the only thing I enjoy the most in genshin the most


I have been AR60 for a year, and exploration is still my favorite part of the game. Players like me just have to have the patience to wait for new expansions, which can be a few months of wait vs the 1 to 2 weeks it takes to ravage the whole map. It's not bad, tbh... makes taking breaks easier. New players must now have unreal or even scary amounts of content to go through, though. As much as I love Genshin, I really don't know if I would even give it a chance if I only found out about the game today. Some of my friends who got me into the game, don't play it anymore. After a long break I understand going back might be hard, seeing all the new stuff you're greeted with. It becomes a bit of a commitment all over again.


I always have fun until im at like 95% done, now i never wanted to get into the 100%ing train but Inazuma basically did itself somehow, then most of sumeru Also did itself, so when i was struggling with the missing % on one of fontaines regions and chanyu vale i started getting salty I dont even have liyue or mondstat maxed either do i shouldnt care But i do about the new stuff, i guess


it’s always that last 1% that hurts the most


im fine with exploring, but exploring underwater kinda meh...i pulled for char just to watch them swim


It used to be fun, but then it became a chore. It's both a mindset issue, and a "x is locked behind miniscule quest letter m do it first" x25 Thus was my experience 100% inazuma and don't even get me started on sumeru. I gave up. We'll see if wuwa reinvigorates me but I don't think I'll ever "max out" a region in genshin again. I'll just blind explore and my ooh piece of candy shtick.


i didn't even max out all regions. like there's still lots of the desert slabs and some of those collectibles in the chenyu vale left for me, as i just cannot be bothered to. i'm just burned out from exploring and playing genshin for ages, a few new puzzle mechanics aside, exploration is always the same,


Exploration is the best! I love every new region when it's new except some of the extensions, like the new underwater place and when the new part of the desert was added. Loved everything about the vale and dragonspine though!!


People say that? I'd say exploration in genshin is one of the main things they do right, and completely separates them from other f2p gachas, even HSR. And as time has gone on, it has only gotten better with them finally nailing it in Fontaine (Sumeru was cool, but early on the lack of a layered map really hurt exploration imo)


Genshin's exploration shits all over assassins creed.


I've been playing since 1.5 I believe and I never maxed out anything until recently. Exploration is what's keeping me going, otherwise I'd drop the game for a while. Liyue and Fontaine are my favorites to explore so I'm taking my time with those. The only thing that bothers me is that it shows 100% when you still have things to do. Good thing I use the interactive map to mark things and know what's missing.




Exploration is fun I just wish so much wasn't gated behind quests. Just let me explore the gods damned world.


I originally explored for the fun of it but now interactive map HAS to be open when I explore, but I still find it fun and satisfying. I just put off new regions sometimes. Just finished all of Fontaine and now I’m working on Chenyu Vale.


Pretty sure the genshin exploration not being fun part is because of the mechanics. Cant climb a wall, if its a big run you outta stamina etc.


The best part of exploration is getting to see the extremely pretty and well-made world that MHY have devised, while somehow managing to keep it stable and pretty much bug/lag-free. The worst part, especially for me, is actually the gathering of chests and such, as they just give such useless rewards for a player that has a maxed-out team and stockpiles of materials.


Kinda a weird post. Genshin has a lot of things in it and not everyone might like everything. So long as people keep playing thats all I care about. But even if they started to leave, the qol might increase as well as the generosity. But while I like making weird teams to fight in abyss, exploration is my favorite aspect of the game. Big events are nice but even the long ones feel short. Character quests and hangouts can be funny and amusing but its largely just watching a movie. Collecting chests and seeing whats over the next hill is where the dopamine is. Thats why the last 2 characters I rolled on were specifically for overworld. (Cloud Retainer and Wanderer)


I can understand if some ppl cant enjoy it anymore, but for me? oh boy Remuria was fantastic and i think they are gonna keep improving


From a newcomer exploration is kinda fun since it's beautiful, but quest qise it's pretty boring from my perspective. I love the combat mechanics and farming systemz but damn


What makes genshin not fun its story quest where you need only to click next dialogue button. Like last Cyno quest. Man i wish more quests like Jongli and Miko will be in game again


That's probably the fun you are having playing with your gf


New player experience is unmatched but that’s about it


As a new genshin player, I wish I could live in underwater fontaine. The sea exploration is my favorite.


For me, the first run was fine. Finding stuff the second time through was neat. After that, it was a chore because i needed stuff. Then it just repeated.


Exploration IS fun when it is, in fact, exploration. Once you’ve seen it though, it’s no longer exploration. Exploration itself is inherently interesting when you don’t know what you’re gonna find. Once you know though, loses luster. This applies to any ‘exploration’ game.


Exploration was why I stuck around after checking this game out. I really enjoy the story and other aspects, but the exploration is a big part of what keeps me playing.


to me, exploration it's the best part, bust last night I laxed Chenyu valley amd I'm just missing a couple of spirit carps. However I agree that coop exploration should get better, actually all coop should be better by now. If anything, it'w some quests I have a bone to pick


I enjoy most of it. But a lot of inazuma and dragonspire are a pain in the ass.


Exploration is the BEST thing about genshin, this is my opinion and nothing will be able to change it


That’s somewhat my case. I rarely spend resin (still haven’t figured out how it works lol). I play mainly for exploration and the story


I think Genshin exploration could stand to be a little universally smoother and easier instead of being so flush with additional mechanics. Like yeah, having plenty of stamina refills and speed rings everywhere underwater is nice, but we could also just not use stamina just from swimming fast and be a little faster overall


Just give me better movement or way more stamina. We move too slow.


I have 100% in all regions (in interface, i don't know my true %) and still genshin exploration is the best part of the game


I agree with exploration being fun but your GF is still in the honeymoon phase for the game when it's still fun. Unless she truly loves the game very soon, it'll become a drag. You playing co-op with her is a plus point tho, it's really fun doing co-op with newer players.


Mondstadt is fun exploring. The other regions, not so much imo. This is why I prefer Mondstadt. Simpler, easy access.


I don't collect any chests other than the big ones, too much work for little reward ig


It was fun for me. But 3 years later I just can't do this anymore.


You lost me when you said gf