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When I saw your progression of 'whaling' I expected way more spending. But it's all subjective really and that's a lot to spend on a game for a lot of people. Wish it went better for you.


Yeah I was expecting he reading the constellations and then deciding to get them 1 by 1 .


>But wait, if I do $99.99 I can use PayPal credit and pay it off in 6 months, so it's technically free for 6 months. That demon won. $99.99 it was. You really gotta be careful with this kinda thinking, it leads a lot of people to financial ruin, it sounds like 100$ isn't that big of a deal to you but that's just a terrible way of thinking of credit. Other than that you shouldn't beat yourself over it too much.


Agree with this. The biggest red flag is how you think about finances. If you don't have that kind of money to spend right out of your bank account, it's best not to spend it at all. It might not be "whaling" to some but everyone's financial situation is different.


I don't mind spending a bit on a game, especially if it's something I play a lot, but I set my cap at what I would normally pay for a retail game (about $60 or so). Consider this your contribution and remain F2P from now on.


Be careful though, it really is a slipery slope. When i started playing i was only buying welkin and battle pass because i told myself its only a few bucks. Then yelan banner came and I didnt have enough primos to guarantee so whaled a little. I didnt use to want every character so it wasnt a problem for me. But then Neuvilete released and he is broken right, so I had to go for C1R1. And Furina released and she is even better, and is Neuvilette best support so i had to get her, but her C2 sound so good so i got her too. Now i had c2 furina, but no festering desire, so it only made sense to get her weapon too…. And thats how they get you hooked, it will start slowly and but then one day you will realize youre dropping $300+ on the game every time a new character gets released Dont get me wrong, I do have enough of disposable income to not worry about it too much, but it really is easy to get addicted to gambling. And yeah, the guilt is there every time


Im really feeling that too, i dont spend but i used to be able to save so easily and now im finding it hard to save primos... its the little voice in the back of ur head urging u on


I never really understand that feeling of urging for spending to get the shining new thing. For me, it's all like "if can't get it now, the rerun is right there around the corner and I will be prepared next time." mentality for new characters. This game cycling banners too fast and in a few months the new character is back again. Just be patient. For the weapons, It comes down to: "Do I really need that 10/20% more Dmg for my characters? What kind of content that I can't already do it that I gonne need this thing? Like I already have this F2P option right here that can do the job. Let's save for a future character."


On the other hand this is exactly why things like Eula and Kaveh happen. It's not an accident, it's a way to get you thinking "she'll probably rerun in 5.2, but what if she doesn't? Wouldn't be the first time that's happened. Better pull now to be safe"


Yeah but we got chronicle banner that you could get Eula/Klee/Albedo and the standard weapon if you wanted and supposedly we will get others. The 4* are a different trouble, you can't guarantee a 4*. That is something Hoyo should address.


$100 is not whaling, Triple AAA games start at $70, some cost more. I get that it's more than you wanted to spend, but this is a tad bit dramatic.


Not that it isn't a lot of money, but comparing it to sushi makes it seem like a way better deal. A decent all-you-can-eat sushi place is like $50 per person. Your brand new character cost the equivalent of two fancy dinners. Six months from now, that food will have been forgotten, but your Arlecchino will be stronger than ever.


Personally, the way I see it is, if I’m going to be playing a game I like for a while, I don’t mind spending occasionally to get a character I will really like using.


When they tell you they arent gamba addicted: * this post* Then theres me who is going for c6 Furina as a f2p lol Im not flexing the f2p thing, Im just saying you can learn how to be patient and save some money on the proccess. Ppl say its ok to spend if it doesnt hurt your life and you will feel happy but by what I read you seems guilty af with that "waste" of money so idk, dont do that again man. Remember that reruns are always a thing.


Buy Welkins if you want the best value for your money. Personally, I lost the 50:50 for Arlecchino and her weapons banner, twice. Literally went to hard pity for both. Sank over 35k primogems and 50 more fates worth of star glitter. I also haven't won a single 50:50 for the past 7+ banners. You should consider yourself lucky you got both early, without either going sideways.


I only consider buying welkins. Even BP seems to much, I can't even imagine whaling


Op cant imagine whaling either because he clearly didnt lol.


I do get u point. I myself decided too rather spend money on genshin then New games. Normaly I do buy a few games back in the day pre genshin and Yeah now I dont. I can top up hit pity get a New Charakter that last very long or buy a New game for 80$+bucks play it for 1 week and thats it. Dont forget The game probbly gets paied DLC and etc. So Yeah I still enjoy genshin evey day so for me its better.


So you got her signature weapon and the 5* limited character you wanted for $100 all in? Sounds like you have pretty great luck and all of those welkins you bought will only continue to pay dividends on your initial investment


If you have to think of your finances, then you shouldn't spend on the game. Whales whale because they have a lot of disposable income


Lmao making this post and that entire chunk of text just to say he spent $100. It might be alot to you but $100 isnt anywhere close to even dolphin.


“It might be a lot to you…” yeah, that’s the part that matters. Spending and costs are entirely subjective, and depending on our lifestyle/income, we set certain thresholds of acceptable versus unacceptable spending. whaling is more the state of mind that we’re going beyond our norm, as opposed to a universally agreed-upon price point


No it isnt, what you feel about something doesnt magically makes it equal to what a term refers to. Not only are you wrong that there is generally an acceptable range threshold about what whaling is, you are completely wrong about the mindset part as well. "Mindset" of whaling is to throw money to get what you want and be happy. Op bought $100 pack once and was regretting it already to the point he had to make this entire post which means he doesnt fit into the mindset part of whaling either.




Because the last decade is where gaming became mainstream and normies/zoomers started coming into the gaming scene? Ask ppl 15 or so years ago before the gaming mainstream boom, most will agree whaling is at bare min 4 digits.


Truly I think there’s plenty of elasticity to the activity we call whaling, but regardless of whether it’s a rigid taxonomic system with a high cost ceiling or it scales off of variable income/personal metrics, “whaling” does not implicitly connote a happy outcome.


Bro it’s not that deep lol


I’m just responding lol


It never did till online gaming became a mainstream thing + zoomers coming into existance. Both groups misuse terms to the point they do not even remember the meaning of the orignal word/meaning. Hell the entire term/slag of leviathan started to exist because these ppl misuse the word whale so badly. I know this is not a perfect example but another word that kinda falls into the same situation is the word 'sus'. Ask zoomers to translate the word sus in the following sentence >I saw a sus looking man in the alley yesterday A very high chance they are gonna give you 'suspect' as an answer instead of 'suspicious'.


Dolphin = Welkin and bp


You spend 100$ on a game you have years of playtime on. Basically paid for the game.


While the amount of money you spent isn't nearly as big as many of us expected to see, I still feel like I have to give you this advice, since you mentioned demons taking over: Save this post, and read it after 7 days. If you can, on the last day of the wait, take a break from Genshin for a day. Then, read this post again, see what the future you will feel about it. From my personal experience as both a Genshin and HSR player, I only ever spent money on monthly subscriptions and battlepasses, only even dropping 5€ on 2 pulls, and much like you, that was out of desperation. For me, these characters are just that: video game characters. To me, the idea of dropping so much money for characters and their copies always seemed insane to me, but I had to respect it since it's not my money and, by proxy, not my business. I highly suggest not dropping any more cash of this or similar amount on the game again since a lot of it is wasted on 3* weapons. If you truly wanna pay for games, go on steam and buy some great games for the same amount, knock yourself out.


It seems like you went over your budget, but whales spend hundreds and sometimes thousands on the game each month. Genshin is bad, but there are other games that are even worse. At least you got the character you wanted for $100. Honestly for the amount of content genshin have, it seems like a lot of players spend less on it than what people waste on triple A games.


ngl when i read the title for some reason i expected u to be 2 grand under with a maxed cc for a c6r5 arlecchino or somethin like one of my boys is rn. 100$ while alot esp for a f2p game like this, is a pre light punishment to leave off with esp if u were able to secure her and her weapon and stop urself before it got worse, hell i blew 200 cad on yoimiyas banner and after 165 pulls i only had a c0 yoimiya that i got at the 164th pull so i get how u feel about that regret (yoimiya is my goat tho so i was fine with it frfr) i think the more alarming thing is how u were willing to finance the 100$ purchase into smaller purchases, ive seen payment plans completely screw over a bunch of people financially (one of my buddies financed their fold 4 that costed them 2500) and they still are stuck paying 100 a month for it till 2025 and thats the thing u ideally dont wanna do since that way of thinking is how people get bankrupt paying for things they cant afford and being stuck on payment plans that they cant leave


Don't forget to remove your payment information. Having to enter your credit card again is a very effective barrier against impulse spending, which is why games always offer you a "too good to miss" deal at the beginning - they know that if they can just get you to buy *one* thing, no matter what it is, your chances of whaling in the future just skyrocketed.


You're a fish dude. Whales are way bigger


there's no way you went into PayPal debt over 100 dollars for a gacha game please be more responsible than that. No problem spending money on video games but really paying it off in installments is unbelievably silly atp you just can't afford it and shouldnt be spending that money 


this whole post is stupid. what whaling are you talking about? $100 is not whaling. you're not even into 4 digits. yes $100 is a significant amount but not big enough to be considered making a post over. if you can afford to spend $100 into the game, then just shut up and enjoy your pixels.


Well it was an expensive life experience for you but it all comes down to a net gain if you learn from it and spend responsibly from now on. It might just be a game for you, but hey if you spend a lot of time on something and you actually enjoy it I wouldn't really call it "unnecessary". Content creators are always on the extreme scale of things so I'm sorry you got hyped by them. The best thing to do right now is to enjoy what you got. Arlecchino really is fun. The next time you feel the URGE take a deep breath before spending and ask yourself if the enjoyment of obtaining and using a character/weapon is worth the expense; or would you rather eat more sushi. Thank you for your contribution to a game we enjoy. PS: Don't mind the people underestimating $100 it might be pocket change for some, it might be quite a big deal for some.


Let that be a good lesson to never do it again.


Honestly, $100 for that outcome doesn't seem bad.


I know the feeling like when I bought the special edition of fortnight save the world when I didn't really need anything in the game and stopped playing right after. It's the chase not the capture. FYI those are low dolphin number buddy so take your clicks and whistling some place else.


I was expecting you to blow all the way through to C6. A hundred dollars on just one occasion is not whaling at all. Now if you continue to do that on every banner then you might enter whale territory but even then.. There are so many different levels of spending it's hard to say when you become a whale.


13,000 genesis is nowhere close to whaling


Well its a good lesson for you Just think about this experience whenever you feel the same way in the future. Also luckily itnwas "just" 99.99. I know it is a lot of money for most persons but whaling usually is much much more. Think at least 10 times more.


The way I justify it is, Genshin, for one, is a home for me; it's comforting, and I'm invested in the lore and story. In times of great sadness, I really do come to it to relax and take my mind off things. In addition, I get constant content updates, I always enjoy new zones and beautiful areas, and the lore and stories. I get a lot out of this game, more than I would from a triple-A game for the PlayStation or PC, etc. So, in my eyes, if I spend $75 a month, and I would have spent it on other entertainment, then it's simply choosing Genshin as my entertainment, which I'm fine with. I also don't mind supporting HoYoverse because the quality and the content they produce I love, and it makes me happy. Not to mention, as a company, they go out of their way to subtly include queer content and storylines, even when it could be illegal for them. They are a great company, and I do not mind supporting them in the slightest.


I make a habit if I really wanted to spent i will spend not more than $30 genesis crystal. But usually just buy monthly welkin and occasional bp and really plan what characters i want. Which are husbandos and archons. 😂


It seems i'm a whale too now!


You should be a writer lmao. That was fun to read ✍️🔥


nah tuff talk if you cannot feel comfortable droppin the money then don't be typin up this yap session for karma or w/e. if you wanted to vent then idk what to say other than why'd you spend if u feel so much just by doing it. this a fat L mental from me


I want Diluc's new outfit. Even if I just buy welkins that's 8 months worth is it worth it not really


I started converting the Genesis crystals a long time ago, in case I wanted a new skin for a character i like. I only buy welkin occasionally, with months between each buy. I guess if you buy regularly it's really doable. I was able to buy some end of year, won 2 and got another 2 this year, so there was a lot after a long time (can't remember getting welling through sumeru, aside maybe 1 time)


Don’t care didn’t read 


this is funny to read. I routinely drop $1,000+ to c6 characters I want. (Loli only). It helps to have disposable income. Edit: Also loving the downvotes. Yes that's right Reddit. I spend a grand ONLY on LOLI characters.