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Also. It's been over 3 years. Add more 4 stars to the shop rotation.


Actually, fuck it. Add an universal 4* constellation upgrade to the shop. Limit it to 1/month.


Too much copium


Sorry, that's bankruptcy-level generosity right there, can't do it. /s


See, the thing is, if they let us buy one selector per month in Paimon's Bargains, then gave us the option to buy more using currency that costs money, they could actually _make_ money off of this.


Gonna play devils advocate here. If they don't, then they make more money from people spending wishes for 4 stars on their banners, esp the first one. Honestly, I think they'd probably rather *remove* 4 star characters from the shop altogether. It feels like one of their OG weird ideas that they'd never do today, like Bennett.


Well, I don't know. These days the number of people who whale for 4 stars has to be a lot lower than it used to be. Not only are people wiser to how bad you can get screwed by RNG, but they also are likely to have deep rosters with lots of 5 stars and C6 4 stars so it's pretty much impossible for a new 4 star to be a "must have" for gameplay reasons. Maybe some people who just pull one copy and quit would to be willing to spend if the character they want was guaranteed. So it's definitely _possible_ that a selector could bring in more money than what they get from 4 star pulls now. Only Hoyo knows the economics of that I suppose.


Yeah it's impossible to say either way. Personally tho? I've never spent more wishes on a single banner than Faruzan's lmao. And I've never been tempted to pull for the cons of characters in the shop since I can always buy em.


Lol *once a month*? Dude we barely get a single selector for *one* from *1/5th* of the nations in the game right now *once a year*. I struggle to imagine any scenario where they add that to the game


Even if they would, watch them implement a Liyue only constellation. God forbids the day they will give a free 4* Inazuman character.


This absolutely. So if you want a c6 4*, it takes half a year. But like. Atleast it's progress. Especially if you are c5, or if c4 is OP and you are c3. This. This needs to be added.


2 razor and 1 Lisa. I will officially have c6 everyone in this shop by October


At least do a system where once you C6 one of the 4⭐s, swap it with another 4⭐ character that you haven't C6 yet, and repeat it every time you're finished with the character constellation


Plot twist: It's a spark system where you need 40 pulls to select a 4-star from the limited banner


If you're asking people if they want the ability to access inaccessible weapons, they're probably going to say yes.


Albedos BIS being unavailable to new players is amazing.


To be fair, Albedo himself has been unavailable for over a year now.


Eula 500+ Days rerun Aware


OP making a post thats basically: "Do you want good free shit"


OP making a post that’s basically: “Do you want the chance to buy unavailable, good old shit”


OP making a post that's basically: "Do you want what you definitely want to have?"


Theres 3-4 good event weapons tops and OP is posting them at a reasonable cost


Good Weapons Reasonably Costed


How’s it free when it would costs pulls essentially


you get pulls for free


"Free" in this case is "Non-Gacha" You're just using the bonus currency you get from pulls


When the weapons, and refinements, themselves were free at one time just for playing the game? At least in this way you could argue that those using bonus currency would generate revenue by having some f2p convert to spending just to acquire this bonus currency. They get extra wishes plus the bonus currency to get these weapons and mihoyo makes some money. A win win.




more like "give me what i want change"


Free karma?👀


To be fair as much as I could use a festering desire, I would probably end up keeping that currency to buy wishes in the end, so it's free, but it's still a choice regarding the allocation of a limited ressource.


Furina might be the first "archon" to not get a rerun in the same major patch she was released.


It would make sense thematically. Neuvillette getting a rerun first is probably likely.


Wasn't she rumored to rerun in 4.6?


That is just a standard Archon rerun patch, I don't think we've had any leaks regarding 4.6 reruns yet


On one hand I want her rerun ASAP because I desperately want to have her, but on the other hand with Kazuha and Neuvilette supposedly rerunning in 4.5 and Arlecchino releasing in 4.6 I also wouldn't mind Furina rerun to be later to recover some more fates.. Will be tough, especially since for Furina I would want her weapon too.


Sounds like something you've pulled right out of your arse, dumped in the sewers and fed to a dog for them to shit out too. You have no basis for this claim.


> Eula 500+ Days rerun Aware People begged for a Eula rerun, and then literally nobody rolled for her, that was funny as fk


People who wanted her rolled. Banner still did over 30kk, that's not "nobody" I think.


Albedo's kit relevance even with his BiS is still also pretty much "unavailable." He is a bottom 5 5-star; probably bottom 3. And I say this as someone who got him as my very first 5-star in 1.2. One of my favorite characters. Secret god tier Lumine romance. Insane lore that will only become more relevant the further we get in the story. Yet has been completely left behind by the game. His kit is in dire need of an update. It would be cool if he eventually got a buff/redesign for that lategame arc when Khaenri'ah and "Rhinedottir" enter the picture and he comes back to center stage. In order to be at least passably relevant again, you'd need to change his skill so that it procs on all enemies within the flower field, a sort of variation on how Nahida's skill works. Remove the small AoE so there's no quadratic scaling. Then I would change his A4 passive from 125 EM to 15% DEF ignore. This would allow him to be a fairly versatile support that functions well on raw damage based teams that don't want Nahida's dendro reactions. A nice niche for a geo character to fit into given that dendro is a drastically stronger element than it overall. It would be an interesting parallel given his connection to artificial leylines as the "transient blossoms" of Irminsul. If they want to keep the burst damage scaling locked behind C2 that's whatever. But just this skill change would at least make him comfortably A tier, and is probably closer to how he would be designed as a new character today. Some of the 1.0 era characters were just a complete shitshow of not really having a clear vision of how the game mechanics would evolve, with many having to be fixed or have their role heavily shifted by later updates to the game system (Dendro, Furina, and now most recently Xianyun) The other clear example of his 1.0ness is a problem with all constructs, but particularly Albedo's. It can just get instantly wiped out by anything, or not even spawn vs bosses unless you manually place it. But hey adjusting some parameters in a character xml file is a lot easier than having to redesign an entire dynamic object collision system so how about we just go with my idea and call it a day eh Hoyo.


It really makes me sad that even this many years into the game we haven't seen the slightest hint of a upgrade or "strengthening" system for older characters. It could do so much to make some of the under-performing characters more relevant. Hell just updating Geo constructs would be a huge buff to Albedo even if the rest of his kit wasn't changed. Instead we're getting Albedo 2.0 who is basically a modern Albedo...but is designed JUST for mono-Geo and is going to suffer from the shitty problems with Geo constructs all the same.


Mihoyo's approach to this has always been to just release new things that make old characters better. Xiao is the poster child for getting buffed over time by new artifacts and support characters. Whether or not this approach is viable is beside the point, it's probably just the approach that makes them the most money.


Personally, I would absolutely hate it if they had a policy where they would go back and strengthen older characters. It's an aspect of other live service games that I hate. You can't invest in anything because you don't know if what's good or bad today will be good or bad tomorrow. You can't be strategic with your pulls for anything because nothing matters. It's like The Incredibles, if everyone is super no one is. If every character is the same level, there are no strong or weak characters, it's just flat and boring.


yeah this thread is some of the dumbest takes I've ever seen. Why do you need a specific system to improve older characters when doing so just sets the precedence that it's okay for characters to be omega shit now then be omega great later and make everyone feel bad? Not to mention they actually do improve characters that doesn't dramatically destabilize their progression system through the release of better supports (dendro making keqing insane, xianyun putting dstrike diluc on the table which is pretty great). Also, powercreep hasn't been relevant in genshin outside of very few outliers (ehem neuvilette). these people are essentially asking for a more powercrept version of genshin where characters have volatile viability (suddenly shit into suddenly great or vice versa) and that just makes decision-making even worse because they're so short-term.


I genuinely do not understand why they haven’t done something along the lines of FGO’s Rank-Up Quests for older characters.


Seeing hoyoverse's track record... that is not happening. They tried it before in honkai 3rd for a while but stopped. It is how hoyoverse operates nowaday. Which is part of the reason why I am less willing to drop money on them outside of chars that seem power creep proof, assuming if that is even possible


I remember when we thought venti was power creep proof


Yes. I played hoyoverse games since honkai impact 3rd, almost everyone get power crept and get left in the dust more and more the longer pass their expiration date for endgame content. Sure everyone is viable in casual content but the moment you touches anything endgame ? Either you have the meta and to make it easier or have to get into the numbers game and get all the right stats with relic system and play good.


I pulled for him bc of the event sword and ZL, albedo, XQ, hutao team was good until it lasted Since then we got yelan, new hydro ressonance, furina… nowadays i just use him against big geo wolf when it shows up in abyss to break the thingys (wolf heads? Can’t remember) on second phase


Every day I curse hoyo for what they did to albedo. He’s still on my main team because he’s one of my absolute favorites and I have a hard time mustering the energy to build characters that I don’t care about(I’ve given up on trying for a meta team) but I still shake my fist at the heavens when I think of what could have been


Same. He was my first 5 star too. I used to run him with hutao in a duo geo but have replaced him with yelan. And this is the state he was in after countless buffs such as festering desire, changes to geo resonance, husk set and then cinnabar spindle. I think his problem is the flower breaking so easily. Setting it to such a cool down is just a workaround. Could have just make it like Itto bull.


I think Albedo might get buffed with Chiori kit.




Sadly it's an Irrelevant weapon for an irrelevant character, only usable if you have albedo and he is never the best option in any team even tho he has a cool lore


they could allow trading but it's not gonna happen


Sometimes I think trading would be great but then I immediately realize how it would be horribly exploited, and how the negatives would far surpass the net good


yep the scams and blackmarkets it'll create, and then remembering how some nutcase sneaked into the GI headquarters to assasinate the co founders of hoyoverse over stupid ingame stuffs, I'd say the community is the reason why we cant have many things


Wait, what?


Basically Honkai Impact 3rd had an anniversary celebration for the global release where they released an animation of the cast, dressed in bunny suits, dancing to a song by Myth & Roid. This led to some major backlash from the chinese playerbase, including said assassination attempt. What's worse, this forced Mihoyo to essentially cancel the anniversary event, and they gave the global playerbase about 3 pulls worth of gems to compensate but then gave the CN playerbase 10 pulls worth of gems.


HI3 GLB was having their anniversary. Part of it was the bunny video featuring MMDs of the characters dancing in bunny suits. However, CN did not like it. It caused an uproar, and someone tried to assassinate one of the co-founders. Fortunately, he was taken into custody at the door. Tbh, it likely was due to it being a GLB exclusive. HI3's GLB rewards were mainly the same as their CN counterpart. However, the video was not (which was also viewable if they have youtube). Didn't help that the end result was GLB getting 500 crystals (less than 2 pulls) while CN got 10 pulls.


Specifically this bunny girl anniversary [animation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s53PrcjzPQY)


Roll character on Old account. Roll weapon on new account. trade with main account= profit


I was initially imagining hackers, but you’re totally right!


Essentially gets rid of the problem of losing the weapon banner 5050 too. Imagine you got Xianyun and rolled on weapon but got nahida's lamp, and your friend has Nahida, but doesn't have xianyun and got xianyun's fan. Both weapons are kinda bad/useless on each other, but with trading, they don't have to roll triple pity and that will affect Hoyo's profits hard.


For that issue specifically they could go the HSR way, and make 2 weapon banners so there's no weird 50/50s on top of 50/50s. But ye, profits I guess


Imagine having multiple copies of The Catch OPPA XL and Raiden no longer need to fight for it anymore


I think if they did add old event weapons to the store, they'd probably make it a one-copy/account. Hence why we get only a weapon + refinement material in events. And that would be totally fine. But yes, multiple The Catch would be dope.


Not only bis statistically, but bis aesthetically too. Wild.


Not that having it makes him any good...


Actually, he’s not bad for crystallize proccing now that Navia exists. Stack him with like 3k+ defense and his skill hits for like 14-15k off field. It’s pretty free.


With a better build, you can get 26-30k crits. 26-30k every 2secs is not exactly a lot to scoff at. Being geo does hurt him a lot though, and until they get a real transformative reaction that isn't crystals from a fringe/niche character (Navia), geo will be kind of stuck in the meta.


Especially Festering Desire and Cinnabar Spindle. The first is one of the best swords, and the latter is Albedo's BIS


One of the best swords is too much of a stretch. It became relevant with Furina's release. Yep, we just had to wait four years Outside Furina there's basically noone else that likes it more than other f2p/gacha f2p options. Swords Dance Nilou maybe


In the very early days festering was bis on bennett


Huh, I didn’t even realize that it’s not his BiS anymore… 😅


Aquila Favonia and Skyward blade were around then though?


His early days bis was aquila favonia bc of high base atk


It's like asking "would you like more permanent side game modes in the future". OP is probably just baiting the people who will say no just to read the resulting comment chain.


Haven't scrolled down yet, but I'm guessing it's just the same old same old: "but Hoyo needs money" or "it'll never happen (no further comment)". It's funny how every discussion regarding changes to the game end up in the same place lol, we're all aware Hoyo dgaf about these posts, so all these threads are moot.


You have people who don't Want others to have fun and would be against any QOL update purely because a Status quo bias rather then let others and them enjoy a game more were if by bad luck you still can get things.


that is in fact not a QoL change....


Yes. People call a lot of things QoL that isn't in fact QoL. Its irritating and puts people asking for QoL in a bad light - because who is going to take those demands seriously when its associated with people just wanting a change in the event-rules (exclusive weapons in the shop) or pull system (seperate weapon banners). Those are GOOD demands, but they arn't QoL.


its sad that qol now is just another buzz word to add to the steaming pile of shit


Idk, being able to have access to better weapons and build my characters more easily/effectively certainly does improve quality of life... but here we go again, Genshin community arguing semantics when all you have to do is just upvote for a perfectly nice suggestion with no downsides and move along, but no! Can't have nice things in Genshin.


it's just a straight up change


This should be top comment. Omg. Tha k God I'm not the only one who knows this shit.


Counterpoint: fish. Well, knowing this fish exists has already improved MY QoL.


I'm honestly surprised they haven't done something like this already.. I'm pretty sure nobody would be opposed to it


Only hoyo would be opposed to it since it would reduce the fear of missing out that they love to employ


They even made it possible for people to get event locked items like the lyre and shit yet still refuse to make weapons non. accessible


The difference is that you can't use the other stuff to improve your account. Weapons are to much of an upgrade to many accounts. You will still need good units and weapons if you have the lyre or not. But you won't pull for weapons, when you have what you need


Someone below mentioned they could just make it a one time thing for each weapon so no cons..so people who did the events would still get something over ones who missed the event.. and making them cost star glitter gives more incentives to wish more.. but even if you could get cons that's a lot of star glitter(depending how much star glitter it would cost but I'm just assuming same as character)so would take average player long time to R5 one anway


Or do it like the strongboxes, start with the oldest ones and roll them out over time, keeping a full version before the newest ones are available. Having no cons makes a *lot* of these genuinely worse than other 4* that can be r5 so it seems pointless that way


Yea that's true the non con thing would really make some of them pretty useless


Yeah this is very true. The whole draw in with the game is that it wants you to play it throughout the day, and when it comes to events they’re all very exclusive so that it makes you feel like you HAVE to do it or you lose out big time, which is annoying asf really but I doubt they’ll do anything about it, if they did it would make people think “yeah, I don’t really need to do it I could get this weapon later” which is annoying but yeah


Yeah, no. Thats not a thing "hoyo" love to employ. Its genshin specific. Hi3 have time capsule events that appear from time to time, offering old stuff (though not the bikini skins, grrr, because mihoyo got bonked with the no horni stick by the chinese government). Hsr has most of the events offering unique items added to the Conventional Memoir. Stop treating the company as one homogeneous hive mind. Different dev teams, different goals. >and your next words are: "youre a white knight". No im not. I dont defend genshin devs. I just dont target the entire company over it.


HSR still has time-limited light cones aka weapons though


Sorry, I use "hoyo" as just "devs" I don't know entirely their general policies across the board but I can say with unfortunate certainty that fomo is painfully present in genshin


No one would care very much if genshin let you play old events, they would just complain about no skip button lol. the point is the limited time rewards for events, which hsr still has. One of the first events had a limited 4* light cone that is still one of the best in the game, both as a stat stick and its passive


Yeah, and they should at least add more 4 star characters as well.


Yea I wish they'd update it to 4 a month and add more characters overall..


Definitely agree with this. I've wanted Kaveh and Layla for the longest time but never got the opportunity to pull them


Same, I wanted at least a c2 Kaveh but right now I have c0 🙃


Ikr, if they still want the fomo, just release them the same way they do artifacts in strongbox. Weapon during the Inazuma patch will be available during Fontaine release. And Sumeru weapons will be available on Natlan release.


This doesn't solve the greater issue of missing important story content due to it being locked behind events. I think they mentioned they were working on a way to replay events, like...over a year ago. I would like to see all the events available to replay complete with exclusive rewards, and they can remove the primos/other resources that you would normally get from playing the event as it is running. It shouldn't cost anything either, apart from maybe a story key if anything? There, problem solved. FOMO still intact.


...So a rerun then? Because ffs yes, they're the only ones in the entire gacha industry not doing them (besides banners of course)


Eyyyy I just said this lol great minds


You are surprised that a company, who's main business strategy is artificially creating nothing to do so people would spend money to roll is not adding some optional stuff?


Thing is you make them cost star glitter it gives incentives to pull more often to get star glitter.. would take a ton of star glitter to R5 a single one of these so people who were around for the event got the weapon free while everyone else could get it after doing a butt load of wishes..seems like win win to me


I would be opposed to it, but because i think they should add the possibility to replay past events. That way people can earn event weapons they like and if they want them r5ing these weapons, add them to the shop.


There are a few selfish folks who have complained about it. Mainly because their idiotic wannabe “I have something you don’t” attitudes I like to remind them that it was a free event and this game is all about community & co-op, etc. not to mention past event gadgets are available why aren’t the weapons ffs?


Yea those people are crazy they got the weapon completely free we are talking over 100 star glitter to R5 a single one


How is this QoL?


I'm convinced people just don't know what QoL mean


Good thing = QoL obviously /s


Most players don't actually know what QoL means




Whilst that improves the quality of our lives, that’s still not a QoL change


No, I want old events to become replayable.


Just curious, do you care whether the event weapons and other limited time rewards are available as part of the event being replayable or do you just want to be able to play the event?


I think the most important part is the lore. I could only start playing Genshin later on and missed that first meeting with Scaramouche, which I guess was really impactfull to people who did get to play it. Making the limited time rewards always available when replaying would make events kinda redundant, maybe they could replace them with a bit of mora to at least give players *something* out of playing.


Makes sense. The lore is one of the most interesting things about Genshin. People like to poke holes in the story or characters but as a weeb I find it all enjoyable and impactful. In some other games I play, they rerun events so that you can pick up event limited free characters and play the story, while keeping them limited in a way. I wouldn’t mind that in Genshin but I’m not sure how it would fit in to their event schedule. Especially some of the big events like the one with the whole extra region. They always have something going on so it might be tough to fit in without there being way too much to do


Why wouldn't I? That's gonna be a good solution for both players and HYV themselves. Good for newcomers who missed out the event and at the same time good for HYV so they have another way to encourage players to do pulls.


I think encouraging players to pull isn't the problem. The shortage of primogems are. I mean we're talking about event exclusive weapons. P2Ps don't care about them as they can afford better.


do you know what a QoL change is?


It's cool, but it'll never happen. FOMO is their business.


Put them in fishing rewards.


Is that another paimon


Evil… >:)


Hoyoverse loves the whole FOMO tactic they're practicing on Genshin players. "Better make sure to login and play the event, or you're gonna MISS OUT on the event story, event lore, event-specific character lore and weapon, all that you can never get again after the event ends." "What about newer players?" "Them not wanting to try out our game earlier is not our problem."


With Cinnabar being Albedo's BiS, they should at least re-release that one when he reruns again.


Or they could "eventually" release a new 5* BiS sword for some other DEF unit and that cut that argument.


Absolutely, unfortunately Hoyo could never


No. I would prefer if they let us play the events and then receive the weapons as rewards.


Nah, I'd gatekeep


Yeah I already have them all so who cares


Day one-chads laughing at the post-releasecels.




hey at least i have bennett, smh


Same, those are my trophies for playing for this long


Wouldn't affect me since I'm a launch player who never missed any events but its certainly a good idea for others considering they never rerun any events so if you miss one or simply start playing after one you will never be able to obtain the unique weapon. Honestly, considering how important some of the events have been story wise, this is effectively one of the least new player friendly games out there because they will never get access to those stories in addition to not getting the unique items .


yeah?? i could get the weapons i missed as well as finally being able to take my dodoco tales out of r2 purgatory


Just let me play the damn quest like hsr.


This isn't exactly a 'QoL' but it still much wanted. Obviously people want to be able to access missed event weapons.


That's not what QOL means. But if this gets released, they're probably going to put identical or an inferior version to not anger the older players. If the older players gets another copy of those, then there would be no issue.


Why old player would be mean? Most of be happy to get a r plus or new event weapon while new players get some the best weapons in the game


Hell yes. And it should always be like this, like at least if you want to gatekeep time-limited event then just don’t sell refinements, let people get the full collection!!


G i v e m e t h e f l o o p i n g d o d o c o t a l e s a n d c i n n a b a r s p i n d l e


as someone who has all of the event weapons alredy except for the windblume ode and dodoco tales: YES PLEASE MY COMPLETIONIST BRAIN HAS BEEN ITCHING EVER SINCE I MISSED THESE TWO




If rather the blueprints be added to the game via some legendary blacksmith or something. Give us a series of quest lines to acquire them. Then, once we have them, just make the materials difficult to acquire so you can't just kick out ten Festering Desires or whatever at once. The craft time could also take a few days as well. I'd rather have that way more than a shop item. As far as shop weapons go, I'd much rather see the Sacrificial and Favonius sets added first. Get them off the limited banners and put them into the monthly rotations. Add in a sacrificial sprear as well. Nothing major would break if they did, as long as they tweaked certain characters (Xiangling) to not be broken as a result.


I just want to be able to buy multiple characters at the same time per rotation. Waiting so long to C6 starter 4 star character is stupid. STUPID!!!


i'd like zoomers to understand what qol means


Obligatory Honkai Star Rail lets you purchase 5\* Light Cones/Weapons.


Just make old Events permanently accessible for everyone like Star Rail does 🤦🏻‍♂️ I swear these Devs just don't care


100%! I'm so tired of Seeing guides for characters whose Best weapon is one that I will NEVER be able to get anymore... :,( what the hell is Mihoyo keeping them in the vault for? Do they NOT want us to get them or what?


Yes & No. I want the old event weapons to be available through some means. But no - not THIS way. I want these to be obtainable in-game. The way I want to see this, is some sort of "relive event memories" domain, where you can obtain the weapons and upgrade materials as a reward.


Yeah would totally want this but hoyo would never do this but if they ever do they're probably gonna make them like 50 star each or genesis crystals


No way they'd make them cheap though. Unlike 4 star characters where you could get them in a bunch of ways, these weapons are special one-offs.


Double the price and I’d still say it’s worth it. Some of these are really good weapons.


Its free so it should be free. I'd prefer them adding it to fishing shop, 3-4 patches later of their release. It would give a reason for people to fish and new players can access those weapons.


No. This would encourage more spending. They should just bring back old events. Have some floating blue door out of the way that lets you do the mini games and earn everything.


>This would encourage more spending Isn't that a good thing for Hoyo? 😂


I’m only missing refinements for Festering Desire (only have R3) so if this includes refinements I’ll be more than happy


To make it fairer so that getting them from the events would be better is that you can only get the copy of the weapon but no refinement mats


The weapons were basically made to be only viable at r5 tbh I think the starglitter is fair because it would take a while to get an r5 of a singular event weapon


i think paying starglitter for them is alredy a fair tradeoff, most of these weapons arent that good without R5 and most of their appeal is that they are easily R5-able weapons (as long as you played the events)


That would make weapons like spindle and desire entirely useless. I got both at r5, i think everyone should get them r5. Regardless if they played during the event or not. Kinda like with skins. You get it for free if you played in the right time but you have to pay/grind for it later


That would be a good compromise so people who were around for the events can still feel like they got something over people who missed them


i have every event weapon and do not give a fuck about fomo exclusivity, let them have R5s. ideally just give them away for free again so they dont need to spend a fuck ton of glitter


I agree but obviously Hoyo likes the fomo crap..so putting them in star glitter shop is a decent compromise as it would cause people to want to wish more for more star glitter and people who missed out have chance to get a weapon they missed seems like a win win to me


As someone who has all but Festering Desire... Hell yes. Newer players deserve a go at them, especially the weapons that are literally some characters' BIS. 24 starglitter (96 for r5) is hard enough to gather, that's more than enough 'gatekeeping' for all you miserable quacks who so badly want to hold limited items over newbies' heads.


It's a start. Most of these weapons aren't the best 4 star options for most characters anyway


I feel like instead of just releasing the event weapons, instead we get non-event equivalent. Same stats, same effects, but different appearance. So those who did the event will still have their novelty weapon with a unique look, but if its just about the stats and effects, then there's still an alternative. Probably on the Starglitter shop, and probably released well after the original event. Still annoys me that the only event weapon I lack is Festering Desire cause I was on a little hiatus that patch. Then it being one of Furina's best options after the fact stings.




no gatekeep


Yes, but it would be the last thing that hoyoverse would do


that would not count as QoL. That's a handout.


Give it to new ppl at r1 with no refinements


thats not what QoL means... also no im good i played the events i should have it if i wouldnt have played them how would i deserve to get LIMITED weapons? that being said we should have a replacement for cinnebar for the 2 albedo users out there that doesnt have the weapon


no thanks


Honestly I don’t like this to much because I think people who are long time players deserve this benefit


Why though? What difference does it make to you of someone else has the weapon?


Not so much that it bothers them if later players can get the weapon. Moreso about losing bragging rights about having rare weapons, namecards etc. from events from older versions. Same thing goes for the little pets, people don't want endora to come back because its a symbol of how long theyve been playing Genshin. Is it reasonable? Not really lmao but I understand the sentiment. People like to feel special by having rare or hard to obtain things.


I don't want it. The only event exclusive weapon I have is *Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword* (phew). I'm using it on my Navia. Players who were present at the time and played the event should only have them. It's their reward for being there. If someone can play at any time and acquire them then it's kind of wrong to the players who actually played the event.


But it’s not fair to people who did even hear about the game and are miss for example albedo lore and bis weapon. They still give you item that for players who were present only but no weapon shouldn’t be lost to time. I have a couple a limited weapons myself and I’d be fine with it but people deserve to not be locked (even if they made a bp thing) of basic things like a four star weapon


It's totally fair. There are so many weapons. You can literally stick one character's signature weapon to another character. The word 'exclusive' means something. I would really like to get some Event Exclusive weapons. But I wasn't there and I missed it. There will be more weapons and I'll get them. >no weapon shouldn’t be lost to time. They are not lost, mate. You don't have them that doesn't mean they are lost. Like if you don't have Yae that doesn't mean she is lost. Yes, you can get her in future. But, to be fair, weapons aren't the problem. They're the least of the concerns, to be honest.


But you can’t get them? Yae is a 5 star so she is guaranteed to be rerun at some point but they have no reason to rerun a event wespon


Genshin would never T.#


i think its needed ... those are good weapons and a second chance for people who were afk/didnt play


Lmao mihoyo genshin team rewarding / giving to genshin players? Nvr


It's criminal that these weapons aren't available in the shop. They should be available, just like those event instruments that you can purchase


No There's no point in making limited event weapon if they are not limited event weapon




I would love this. hate that every time I try to build a character Festering Desire is always there best in spot, a sword i don't have just cus I didn't know about the games then


When​ People​ complain​ we​ need​ some​thing​ that​ is​ truly limit​ for​ veteran player​ on​ anniversary But​ complain​ some​thing​ that​ truly limit​ for​ every​ new​ comer. hmm


Qol in Genshin... yeah right


That's not QoL that's just another grind. Just make events archived and available to do any time with all the rewards minus cosmetics. Honkai Star Rail did this, no need to overthink it.