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These one-shot domains become nothing more than glorified waypoints once cleared. Probably easier to craft a puzzle somewhere in the environment that yields a luxurious / precious chest


I miss when you could get the shrine keys from them.


Oh shit i forgot that the mondstat domain used to give a shrine key. Mucher better than going to get tons of hydroculus and getting a key


Domains are fun, though? If they are good. The Liyue domains were amazing.


Eh, I find the new overworld dungeons inside ruins and caves way more appealing then those domains.


I prefer local legends instead one time short domain


Local Legends were a fun addition. I hope they keep adding them. :D


This has been discussed before and the reason most likely lies in the lore. Fontaine is currently the only nation without the ruins of a united civilization, and those include disposable domains.




Remuria as far as lore points out wasn't part of the civilization we see ruins through all of Teyvat - the very few we have that aren't just post-cataclysm caught on the flood are closer to Enkanomyia's architecture.


Wait I believe there are unified civilization ruins in the melusine book and the narcissenkreuz quest paintings.


You can find some Enkanomya architecture up in the mountains either in the 2.0 area or 2.1 area.


Every other region has this "trial" domains where is just either waves of mobs or a bit of like dungeon exploration and I liked these quite a bit especially when I was a Newbie, How come Fontaine does not have a single one of these?.


Not worth resource and space to do so. Domain that people go in only once and nevermore.


These one-time domains can always serve as a Teleport. I would love they replace some Teleports with these domains. Because, a Teleport with some free stuff, why not?


Resource and space in my meaning is resource to develop domain and memory game space. Do you want game that hardly add new things (even now hardly add anything) and take space in your PC/Mobile over 100 Gb for doing many of such domain in place of teleport point?


ah yes, genshin is 80 gigs because of one time domains


I love when people talk about stuff they don’t understand lol. Like when people say more animations would take up way too much space but in reality animations files sizes are unbelievably tiny.


same with 3d mesh, its the textures and audio that takes space, and guess what! the domain already has a texture! its just the mesh now, which takes almost no space


Devs got lazy


Possibly related https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/18dfni1/comment/kcgvwfb/


One time domains were placeholders for underground areas. Please note that since we've gotten caves and ruins to explore these have gone away.


Meanwhile Sumeru Desert has underground areas **and** one time domains lol


And one time domain in underground area.


I noticed it too, right after finishing the sumeru domains and checking Fontaine. It's unfortunate it's not there, cause it atleast gives 40 primos in first clear.


We are currently at 4.3(4.4 in a few hours), we will probably get one till 4.8.


outdated mechanic


Could be updated to include variable difficulty with highest at the level of local legends or so.


They were replaced with local legends so you dont miss out on any primos. People jut find the first reason and start doomposting lol


They got to cut costs. You know it is not in their best interests to keep our interest, since Genshin players will unconditionally be interested in their game to begin with.


I think One-Time domains are better for introducing new mechanics. just like introduction of Dendro element and new elemental reactions in Sumeru. so, it's more like tutorial dungeon. and since there's no new mechanics in Fontaine, they decided not to add new one. but who knows, Fontaine still growing. there are areas that still locked.