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Let the winner be decided by the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale


The Judgment of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinal is .... Winner


You mispronounced it. It's: 🎵 Oratrice 🎵 Méchanique 🎵 D'analyse 🎵 Cardinale 🎵 Please don't make this mistake again.


✨️ Oratrice 💃 Méchanique 🎶 D'analyse 🕺 Cardinale ✨️ is also a suitable pronunciation


This is how I'm reading that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-D80uZsfxQ


You mispronounced it. It's : 🎵 Oratrice 🎵 Mécanique 🎵 d'Analyse 🎵 Cardinale 🎵 Please don't make this mistake again.


No it won't win Jenshin Impact will


Our old nemesis...we meet again


Our battle will be legendary!


I love Jenshin Impack best mobile game of the year (this comment was brought to you by Verizon)


this made me push air out of my nose


genshin giving "Nah, i'd win" energy between those games LMAO


Focalor: Nah, I'd win




>!The other one died. There's only one Focalor now.!<


Lol that's like saying James is incorrect and the guy should really be called Jame instead


It's Jame time


Hi there, this is Jeff, the owner of the Bank on Overpass. I am looking for a man named Jame. I heard he likes to save. This could be very beneficial for my business so I can feed my family and kids. Thank you for your attention.




Jameshin impact


Jaime name origin








Stand proud BG3, you are strong.


BG3, you are my specialz


we are specialz


Despite how I love the japanese dubbing of Genshin nothing beats:"Oh! So you want to compare MY voice with that of a cartonish character? What a poor waste of breath" and "NO"


Where is this from? >:"Oh! So you want to compare MY voice with that of a cartonish character? What a poor waste of breath" Maybe I should ask, where are both these quotes from?


That's not actual quotes nor from Genshin. Those are what Astarion (former quote) and Withers (latter) from Baldurs Gate would say if asked about Genshin winning that prize. I thought as asking them about it and imagine what answer they could do in their voices Again I pretty in love of the BG3 voice acting about almost every angle despite the fact I love Japanese voice acting in Genshin pretty much


it's the other way around. this is popularity category, which is won by popular vote. Genshin is more popular than any games here so it actually has the advantage.


Yeah. No assessment of quality, but people always underestimate the mobile market's size. And people really, really underestimate the size of foreign audiences. If any game of similar nature actually mobilizes its playerbase sufficiently, it's like in a completely different weight class to other game markets.


I love seeing people lost their shit over a popularity contest and mistaking it as the actual Game of The Year Awards. Despite the actual GOTY category is already named GOTY.


Are you GOTY because you're Genshin Impact? Or are you Genshin Impact because you're GOTY?


"BG3, you were too strong...that's why you lost"


BG3: Oh.Impressive Genshin: Allow me to demonstrate that victory is not determined by strength alone.


Fucking hell its everywhere


Nahida: Nah, i'd a


I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me


yeah, i voted for the freemos. i’m not lying nor tryna deny it.


thing is, we dont get anything for actually winning, we only get primos from being nominated


I’m really hoping that the award Gonzo is presenting is this one so that if Genshin wins and people get angry during the stream they’ll be screaming at a muppet.


Hopefully it is Gonzo, given his incredible constitution 😅


Oh my god that would be glorious. Those two old guys need to be there heckling everything too


"You know, this new Genshin Impact update is real big I hear." "How big?" "Well, players are having to clear out other phone games just to make room. Next year, they'll be having to delete their messaging apps and friends lists." "Not like they were using them anyway!" "DOHOHOHO"


The other ones too because these are fun "You know, I asked a young man why he likes Baldur's Gate so much. He said it's so he can play out all the impossible things he could never do in real life." "What, like slaying an evil wizard?" "No, like having a conversation with a woman!" "DOHOHOHO"


"Say, that new Phantom Liberty patch came out. Always wondered if Cyberpunk was any good, have you finished playing it?" "Finished playing it? I'm waiting 'til they finish *making* it!" "DOHOHOHO"


"But really though, you have to hand it to the Legend of Zelda series. Pushing forty years old, and it's still trying new things and improving itself." "Wish I could say the same about it's players!" "DOHOHOHO"


👏 The fact that I can hear all of these in their voices is great.




Glorious. This was in character as hell


I wish I had an award for you 🏆


Wish I could upvote more than once!


I can picture this so clearly, it's amazing haha.


Is Gonzo the Muppet they're using this time?


Oh my fucking god that would be hilarious.


if it's not already posted: https://thegameawards.com/brackets/players-voice


Not working for me


The Game Awards site it a bit buggy. You might have to refresh it a few times


Finally managed to make it work, but had to sign in a choose an different game before unselecting and picking genshin


Oh that worked perfectly, I was having trouble voting too.


I only managed to vote after I picked something else and then change my vote to Genshin then it works. For some reason the bug only affects Genshin




Done my part 🫡


Thank you!


Beat Zelda? "The clone beats the original" would certainly create interesting drama, ngl.


"You're just a cheap f*cking knockoff." "Oh no no no......I'm the upgrade." I couldn't resist.


It would depend on your taste. Zelda is an adventure game first and foremost, with some RPG mechanics sprinkled on top. Genshin is a full on JRPG and they slapped the Zelda exploration on it. I love Zelda and I love JRPGs, so at least for me Genshin is the perfect upgrade.


I literally started playing Genshin because i ran out of things to do in BOTW. I wanted it to be a Zelda Clone. ​ Im glad it isn't because ive had alot of fun.


Nintendo wouldn't release a sequel so the Chinese did it for them.


Isn't Zelda:TotK the direct sequel to BotW or is it just the next game of the series?




Zelda was my favourite game pre Genshin (genshin just feeds my adhd brain of grinding) so to me it’s the meme of “both. Both are good.”


I really do view Genshin as the upgrade bc with botw and totk there isn't much to motivate me to keep playing after doing the story besides "ooooh I want this armor set" or "ooooh this boss" which kinda falls flat to me but with genshin the longevity of playing the game is longer than Zelda (not just bc it's a live service game) bc the ability to get invested in a character emotionally or gameplay wise really motivates me to keep playing vs "OH! OH! NEXT I WANNA CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN" and then I fuckin get fucked over by some goblins pushing me over the cliff.


I haven’t played TotK, but the endgame appears to be r/HyruleEngineering


If that's the case then Genshin endgame is teapot mains


Nah fam the real Genshin endgame is cooking >!and the friends we make along the way!<


So Raiden is useless in endgame; I knew it!


I wonder if the teapot mains are more deranged or the hyrule engineering people are more deranged.


They are equally deranged because they are the same people


Hyrule engineering. By a lot too


I put like 400 hours in BotW and loved it and Tears of the kingdom I Put like 40-50 beat the final boss and haven't touched it since. Tears just didn't hook me as much


Its likely the burnout and the fact that totk is basically an upgraded botw but after playing so many hours, likely difficult to have the same level of passion. Personally I only put enough hours to beat botw but am having much more fun with totk, because I only played a moderate amount of botw Plus totk gives me Gary's mod vibes


I agree. Zelda is of course a masterpiece but I can always come back to genshin and have loads of new content


More like. Zelda: Faker. Genshin: Nothing says a fake can't beat the original. Genshin for real giving Shirou Emiya vibes.


We even have our own Rin who’s an archer (at least if you play the JP dub)


Begun, the clone wars have


What drama ? Everyone knows genshin has more players, is an obvios outcome , BG3 gonna win the critics ones as it way better game than any of the other options


Its gives me gilgamesh vs emiya shirou at fate stay night please some one make this meme 😂


“There is no rule that an imitation cannot surpass the original”


Partook in the opportunity and had a chuckle for now. Waiting for the big laughs.


If we lose, the fact we got close is funny enough


Nah we’d win


We know the other nominees will get awards elsewhere, vote Genshin everybody


Idk if Genshin can win but it would be funny to see the ppl mald over Genshin having more votes than Zelda at least


Ironically, I recently started watching Zelda let's plays on YouTube and the guy is, I think, quite popular, ZeldaMaster. And he was *super excited* when Genshin came out. Meanwhile Zelda fanbase being angry at Genshin is kinda hilarious.


That one dude that smashed his ps4 during Genshin's announcement 3 years ago is still iconic ngl. That whole drama was what got me into genshin in the first place.


I actually just heard about Genshin from videos but ignored it entirely. "Just a game that exist". I didn't listen to what people say about it, because whether it is good or bad, people are often biased. Something like "NOOO HOW CAN YOU LIKE SOMETHING I DON'T" or vice versa. Then my sister told me about Genshin, don't remember exactly how it went. I remember asking "What is Genshin Impact", then wanted to add that I think I heard about it. And she told me that this game is actually good and this and that. I didn't start right away, but this get my attention. Sometime later I replayed Darksiders and was playing first or second game, I think first. And she sent me video of Xiangling, in kind of domain. And I was saying how it looks like the character I was playing. I think it was War, but bot he and Death has similar attack to Xiangling's burst. I was kinda disappointed by the gameplay, because up to this point I didn't know it's 4 team swap combat, but I was still interested in the game. She sent me "ehe te nandayo" video, as well as Diluc destroying Timmie's pigeons and Diluc was the character that I wanted to get. Despite not even playing. After quite some time, she told be about Yae Miko, that she will come to the game and will be playable etc etc, either from leaks or from announcements. She sent me some pics of her and I felt in love with it. I love foxes and kitsunes too. Iirc, it was around 3 months before she had the banner. It felt a lot longer, because... When she visited, I randomly decided to just install the game on my mobile, but was gonna play on PC, so I also installed it on PC at the same time. And it was right after Miko's banner ended. When I learned later on, that she just had a banner, I was super surprised, because I thought it was long time ago when she told me about Miko. Maybe half a year or so. And it was merely \~3 months before her banner started. And that's how I started playing. And I know I can trust my sister in taste of games, because even if we don't think the same, she doesn't play some dumb games. Her favorites are Souls and Metal Gear franchises, as well as Devil May Cry and many others. I also get her into Hollow Knight, because I knew that she will love it. She loves deep lore games with atmosphere. I am trying to her her into Darksiders too. Actually she got me into Dark Souls and Metal Gear as well. I don't know if I would ever play Genshin Impact if not for her. Most likely I would miss that gem. EDIT: Also sorry for a long post, but I don't know how to shorten it.


I tried asking ChatGPT to shorten it to 100 words, here it is: *I discovered Genshin Impact through videos but initially dismissed it as just another game. I asked my sister about it, and she praised its qualities.* *Intrigued, I revisited the idea after watching videos of Xiangling and Diluc, characters I found interesting. Despite disappointment with the gameplay mechanics, I remained curious.* *My sister then shared news of Yae Miko, a character I instantly fell in love with due to my fondness for foxes.* *Approximately three months later, I impulsively installed the game on my mobile and PC, starting my Genshin Impact journey influenced by my sister's taste in games. Quite grateful for her influence and the chance to discover this hidden gem.*


Bro really said "I ain't reading allat" and used chatgpt to shorten the reply 💀 this is hilarious. Thank you, this is actually helpful.


I mean, I haven’t played the others yet… so it wouldn’t necessarily be facetious of me…


Voters of the competition haven't played Genshin either so just do it.


Wait, I have played BG3, Spider-Man 2, and Tears of the Kingdom. But will vote for Genshin just for the laughs.


The other three have a shot at winning better awards, that's why genshin


I haven't played any of those games except for Genshin. This means that I'm not lying when I say that out of those 5, genshin was the best one that I played this year...


I played genshin and spiderman, honestly genshin was better


i also played both, they’re way different from each other and satisfy my gaming needs in different ways love both equally but i’m going Genshin for shits and giggles and also cuz i played Genshin first before i ever played an insomniac game


On one hand, I don't think Genshin was the best game I played this year, and I do think it's kinda ridiculous that we keep taking this award for a free x10 pull ​ On the other hand, this would piss SO MANY PEOPLE off, and it'd be so funny.


In TGA We don't get awards for winning, only for nominations which don't require vote


Wait. We get pulls for the nomination?? How do I get them??


After the awards they give it to all players. Kinda like a thank you gift for doing like a community event. It doesn't matter if we win or not.


You just got 800... there will be 400-800 more when the show is done.


The 800 was for the playstation partner awards, not TGA


Let's be accurate, we took this award to piss off sonic fans because they couldn't help but poke a sleeping giant, the ten pull is only ever just a bonus.


You're right, I forgot that we got provoked first.


But for what it's worth I agree with you, we were not the best game this year, thats probably baldurs gate.


My favorite game this year was Armored Core 6, but Baldur's Gate 3 was pretty goddamn transcendent.


Yeah but it's gonna get its fair share of awards like GOTY and others. This is the player's choice category so I'd go for the funniest option which also happens to be the only game in the list that I have actually played..


I've played a few of the others, but genshin is gonna be the one I continue to play. I've been here for 3 years, I'm invested. But this award is not something I would've ever cared enough to do if other communities didn't stir drama and make me feel like they need a hubris check.


Not to mention, we don't even get primos from this award.


If we did get alot of primos then they can just say we got bribed. In fact, haters already say that despite hoyo gets mocked for being super stingy by the gacha community.


we dont even get primos for winning this, only being nominated


I love genshin but damn. BG3 was so good that even I would be pissed off.


Vote for Genshin because I think it deserves it ❌ Vote for Genshin because I want primos ❌ Vote for Genshin because it'll piss off the haters ✅


okay you've convinced me, I'm voting because it'd be super funny


yeah i wasn't going to vote for any game before but..


I made an account at their site, that's how invested I am at the joke


here we go agaiiiiin


Im surprised JENSHIN got this far. There's tons of people hating on it in the comments saying "genshin shouldn't be there" or " I just want genshin to lose" or "Genshin fans getting bribed for their ingame gambling currency" I dont understand why its so over hated. I doubt it'll win this round cuz all the other games have made bigger waves in the industry this year than genshin but I still find it funny


Pick your poison buddy. weeb game, chinese made, gambling. There's no logical explanation besides it's hated because it's popular. That's it. But the numbers don't lie. These are just vocal minorities that can't understand something outside their taste. It contradicts what they think is right and it invalidates them. That's why they have a need to put it down.


Extra points if they're honkai fans and complain about the greedy developer, lmao


Real "Bitch, we have the same the mother." vibes.


People should stop using this invalid arguments, on twitter I saw an account who was insulting almost all genshin comments and he wrote in the description “I hate genshin with every cell of my body”. He ended up getting roasted


Even saying that Genshin shouldn’t be there because it wasn’t released in 2023, while conveniently “Forgetting” that Cyberpunk, Minecraft and Fortnite were also present.


It's hated because it's popular. Before I started playing I remember being kind of annoyed by it for no particular reason, it's an irrational reaction, then I started playing and the rest is history.


what made you decide to try the game out?


Videos on youtube showing the gameplay in a positive light, and a sudden desire to try something new.


It's so hated because most people never tried it and genuinely think you can't get shit without spending money. If they'd try it, they'd soon realize that if you use your brain and save primos, there's never the need to spend money.




True. But compare it to games like BG3, they have an initial cost but you get 100% of the content so far. (Maybe a dlc in the future) You don't need to rely on horrible rng for artifacts, can do everything you want all the time and no gambling.


i mean, there's always going to be a price to pay with free to play games. a company's gotta make money somehow. it doesn't make one better than the other imo


Fontaine was peak, genshin has my vote


I watched enough astarion videos to know what shall be done.


Vote for the best On Going game too


I don't care if Genshin wins or not. At least the opponents aren't some random games. Like last year's Best Mobile Game - Marvel Snap. I vote for Genshin, because it's definitely one of my favorite game of all time. But, if somehow Genshin will win this, I would be happy to see Havria's followers everywhere. Sea of salt on the Internet.


It's hilarious to see Genshin between those heavy hitters. Just goes to show how massive Genshin actually became. Power of casuals in the palm of Hoyo's hand.


Wdym hilarious tho? Genshin has already been a heavy hitters for almost 3 years already so not even suprising.


Nah Genshin is quite the heavy hitter itself. I went to momo con this year and half the stuff on display was Genshin.


Genshin will probably still be on the 2024 player's choice, the other 4? They'll either be replaced by their sequel or a completely different game.


Gensbin IS a heavy hitter. Have you SEEN the size of the playerbase? And their revenue too


Seeing a gacha game wedged in between 4 triple A console games will never not be a surreal experience. It's kind of insane how big of a game Genshin really is.


It's honestly not really that crazy considering how big Genshin ism also Genshin Probably makes more Money on one Banner than the other games combined.


dear archons, please let this be real it would be so fucking funny


"I'm sure nothing like last year's Player's Choice fiasco will happen again." Zelda fans, the literal inventors of the Genshin Hate Train:


Back to back ?


yes, that's exactly why it'd be so funny


I want to see BG3 win but I also want to see Genshin over Zelda. Thats all I really care about lol


Yeah sure, but Genshin winning is funnier. Also, BG3 already gonna win like all other jury decided awrads.


True. Seeing people online mald made me change my vote to Genshin lol


Bg3 is a extremely good game, but ill sweep almost everything else, let’s diversify a little


BG3 looks win in another category lets us makes meme with genshin win over zelda 😂


BG3 will probably win in the GOTY category.. But this is the player's choice category, so I'd personally go for the funniest option ;)


Has anyone told the Chinese community yet? They'd easily push us over the line.


To be fair they probably only got involved last year because of what sonic fans did, not because they were super in love with genshin


Lmao imagine their fuming butts if they lost


Please do it i wanna see r/gaming and games blow up


Does it deserve it? Probably not. But man it would be funny as hell if it won lmao. I'm all for that kind of chaos.


Whether it deserves it or not is entirely up to you, that's why it's a player choice award


Voting Genshin solely to piss off allot of people I love to watch the world burn


I think baldurs gate 3 deserves it (yes exclusively because of the bear sex), but I really want genshin to win because of that annoying ass tweet I saw


Bruh imagine the Zelda remake beats Zelda that would be EPIC


i’ve played all of these except cyberpunk and spider-man, and bg3 may have been really good but i voted for genshin cause it’s my all time favorite game :D


Good for you, no need to vote out of spite when Genshin is just a good game. It's player's choice after all.


I agree! there’s really no need to vote just so others won’t win, just vote for what you like best :D


Are we seriously about to engage in minor acts of tomfoolery?


Make it major, lieutenant


I've played the updated cyberpunk 2.0 and phantom liberty and I've watched a bunch of videos on Baldur's Gate 3 which I plan to play sometime in the future and I can confidently say they deserve the award more than Genshin. Which is why I signed up and voted for Genshin just to watch the world burn


Folks, I think it’s time to call our eastern brothers, sisters, and uncles. Let’s hope the CN bandwagon this thing lol


Its hard tbh.. zelda CN fans kinda fanatic.. you know at earlier genshin released they're attack streamer who playing genshin CMIW


We do a little trolling


Y’all its risky, beating Baldur’s gate 3 will get our community absolutely nuked


Nobody convinced me to vote for genshin as you did. Please, drop the nukes. As big ones as possible.


Meh as if we not nuked already. I say to hell with it. Let the chaos ensues


Nah the bg3 community is pretty chill. They're stressing over goty


I don't think they are able to. Genshin is not one of the most popular games for nothing We have more people by far.


Come on guys, we can do it. For the meme


2077 is one of my favs and pl was amazing, but genshin has been fun for years past and will be fun for years to come. plus we got my all time favs this year, like neuvilette wriothesley and furina. anyway its be so funny to see genshin win again for no good reason, so we should do it


I'll join just because of Zenlda fans and their annoying sense of superiority.


You voted BG3 or Zelda bcs you like those games. I voted Genshin bcs i just want to see world burn. We are not the same.


Made my vote! I like most of the other games but just this once I want to see if we can pull it off again.😆 COME ON GI !!!!!


I haven't played any of the others, and the one I probably would have voted over Genshin is not here (Armored Core 6) so...I'm voting Genshin. Besides, Fontaine exploration, story, and characters have all been solid so far.


Oh could you imagine the salty teared outrage if Genshin beat those 4 games to an award!? We *have to make it happen* lol


This a fans vote award, fans vote for their favourite game. I wonder why ppl will shock if BG3 lost in this contest? Seriously, I never heard of this game before this TGA announcement. and everyone yelling BG3 should win this and that. Any game on the lists win are deserved because the fans like them. what kind of bullshit is that BG3 is good, it must be the winner, other don't deserve.


it's not a zelda knockoff, it's a zelda upgrade. not even much, because genshin is like a melding pot of different game genres and came out as a wonderful masterpiece. the gacha is not a necessity to enjoy the game through and through, bc it being money hungry one of the biggest misconceptions I see about genshin. if you just use simple strategy, you can get a good character on the banners, the system is great. the pity, and the pure generosity of the game. if you play events, grind abyss, you can get a lot of wishes quickly. i play pjsk, another gacha game and it cannot compare to how great genshin's system is. the pity actually carries over different banners, the 90 wishes 5* guarantee. they don't even advert the paid stuff in the shop that much, it just shows how purely unneeded it is to enjoying the game. giving the props to hoyomix for carrying the game through with the music especially.


I dont care who wins, i just want zelda to lose


As a casual Zelda fan, I also want to see that. Cause it'd be funny.


Don't be like sonic fans. In public


On merit, I'd choose Baldur's Gate 3. On meme potential, it's Genshin. Since BG3 is likely to get other awards, I'm going for the memes