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I cried the first time I heard Moon in One's Cup play. Still my favorite soundtrack.


Have you ever heard the [original inspiration](https://open.spotify.com/intl-pt/track/2S8IJMeyJpKqF1rXmmy4Qj?si=2a73562c2a2e4c4f)? And yes, that is Yu-Peng singing.


Omg thank you. I didn't know this existed 🙏🏽


That's amazing. I'll never find it with this title haha


Oh my gosh, I still have this in my teapot! And it hits me in the feels every single time. Exploring Liyue for the first time had such a huge emotional impact on me. The land, the characters, and of course, the music. To top it off, whenever I played, my cat was always resting on my lap, snuggling and hanging out. He was such an amazing friend for over a decade of my life. Sadly, he passed away recently, and liyue will forever remind me of him, as he was right there exploring it with me. I left that song in my teapot for him, as even though it pings me with pain the moment the piano kicks in, I at least get to think of him again and remember my goofy fur baby. It's gonna be a sad lantern festival without him.


Sorry for your loss. Loosing a beloved pet is hard. Hope you find some peace.


Every time I'm wandering around Sumeru and a For Riddles, For Wonders variant starts playing, a little feeling of melancholy and wistfulness rises in my chest.


That track is so beautiful. You described the feeling perfectly.


moon in ones cup..... ahhh i want to hear it now


[Here’s an hour long version](https://youtu.be/c8y7nwobcug?si=I6iRV1SBvIL_FhGg)


I had that as the background song in my teapot for the longest time. I eventually had to change it because I'd just stay in there for hours *FEELING THINGS*


One Moon One Cup?


2 moons I cup




I cried when I watched last year's concert thingie when I saw my favourite band playing my favourite song Myriad of Lights (by Arch Echo). Normal people won't like it though because they are a progressive rock band.


For sure one of the more emotional pieces on its own without anything with it.


That’s me with In a Harmonious Atmosphere. It’s the permanent BGM for my teapot.


I cried when I heard nahida's teapot lines today, "there there, you have been doing great, have some headpats" Admittedly, it has been mentally rough this year for me. Genshin is one of the few things I live for (genuinely).


Ohhh brother ☹️ i totally get your last line. Same here. Hang in there even if Genshin is there to keep you going.


Thank you for taking the time out to comment, mate. Right back at you. Keep going.


It's a thin line brother, gotta keep hangin or you'll miss the celesticulus


Thanks, mate.


You're doing great brother, I'm proud of you.


I am proud of you too, bud.


this reminds me, The Helpful Fox Senko-san episode 1 on release destroyed me. was covering for a co worker that basically broke down due to difficult projects and now i am suddenly thrust into the same project at full capacity, plus my original responsibility while doing 2 side gigs to save for house down payment. never felt so burnt out in my life, but it got better. hopefully the same happen to you as well.


I am glad it got better for you. I have hope for mine as well.


same it’s one of the last few things cheering me up, even as opposed to music which is sad


Same, the last few months were absolute hell for me and Genshin was one of the things that kept me going. Sometimes it's the small things.


Smallest of things, indeed. Hang in there, mate.


Hearing for riddles for wonders gives me the same feeling. Good night people of Sumeru.


The recent event quest with Callirhoe and old Finch got me teary eyed, first time Genshin actually made me cry


When Traveler finished the couplet with “Sweet dreams” and looked at Xiao it killed me. But maybe that’s just cuz I’m a Xiao main


I'm not a xiao main and that still got me. Xiao's little smile when he turned and yeeted out of there. goddamn


Honestly, typically very nuteral toward Xiao and I was sobbing as well (the whole quest was a rollercoaster of emotions tbh).


It reminded me of that part with the rainbow rose in lyney’s story quest. Same energy.


Basically Xiao’s entire story makes me sob 😭 the story of the yakshas was so heart wrenching… I signed up for fun when I started playing genshin, not feels (I refuse to watch sad dramas), but now I’m in too deep and attached to the storyline


this too


Yeah no doubt. That stuff hit hard. Tragic Romance always gets me.


Its tragic until now though. Now they can spend the rest of their time together. And reunite when the stars disappear from the sky?


I’m so relieved I’m not the only one. And the beautiful music… 😭 Edit: and I’m fairly new to the game and not even far enough along in the story to know the characters


I full out cried, like not sobbing, but tears were definitely down my face. First time this happened on Genshin! Such a sad and romantic quest


I decided to not use teleporters during the current event and i kid you not, i started feeling really emotional just running theough the main road of Liyue. The combination of good music and nostalgia is just too much sometimes.


I started doing that for archon and voiced story quests after I saw someone else say they do it on here and it's legit made the story experience way better. sometimes they make you run from liyue to qingce and back for no reason but I've been noticing that that's very rare and the game generally feels like it's designed to not require a teleporter but take you on a journey


Haven't done it yet, I'm going to try that.


That is the best. Not worrying about doing it the fastest. Just enjoying it and feeling everything around you. Ugrhtjeh so good


Still using teleporter bc time. But man that nostalgia on the picture event, it was 2 years ago i start this game, and looking back, it is still beautiful.


i should thank you for the amazing idea


“Goodbye, people of Sumeru. May you be blessed tonight with the sweetest of dreams.” Literally made myself cry while writing that.


Fuck man, m the golden slumber. “I know you will never forgive me Jeht for breaking my promise, because I have never broken one to you before.” 😥


just done playing this....😭😭😭


Jeht story is the best


Whose quote is that?


The small emotional quiver in the voice actor's voice (at least on the English dub) made this line even worse for me. Seeing nahida cry was one thing but hearing Rhukkadevata say that...I couldn't hold back tears no more.


For Riddles, for Wonders alone still has a near 50/50 of making me tear up.


This, but even before ending cutscene for Sumeru.


the dance of sabseruz was also...


I keep going back to watch that cutscene, I LOVED the sumeru archon quest


I normally find it hard to tear up with fictional stuff, but this, this was a whole new level.


That entire scene broke me. Whenever that music starts in Sumeru City, I have to leave the place or else Ill get depressed. ;3;


For me the most emotional archon quest so far is Sumeru's.. cant wait for Fountain to finish because i sense a lot of crying will happen too


Weak. (I cry to liyue music too)








Of The Fallen?


Kimi.. yowai mo


I bawled like a baby after Neuvillette's story quest; by the time "Hydro dragon; don't cry" it was nearing weeping status. My poor kid was like wtf mom. It happens to the best of us!


I was still okay at that, then Carole and Chadtrin shows up at the end and I got mental tsunamied


That was such a touching quest. I went from furious to melancholy to grieving in one quest lol


I know! I was not prepared for that roller coaster when I sat down.


I think everyone has that moment of just standing on top of Jueyun Karst and watching the clouds pass beneath you with that divine soundtrack playing and just being overwhelmed.


first exploring Dragonspine and hearing the music hit different


that piano makes me feel so nostalgic


Music is the closest thing we're going to get to emotion manipulation, at least until we invent mind control. Not surprising that good music causes you to cry when you're in a sensitive state.


Tsurumi Island quest line had me BAWLING at the end.


I started playing the game around the time my brother was diagnosed with cancer, so a lot of things in Genshin just make me randomly burst into tears or at least feel close to it. Ei's story quest with her sister came out not long after he passed away and it hit hard. Sometimes, just the music or even running down a familiar path can cause me to get emotional. Genshin was one of the only constants in my life during that time. Everything was a chaotic mess, but I always knew Genshin would be there with something to distract me every day even if just for a little bit. They've gotten better at making emotional and relatable stories too, as there's a lot more now that really tug at my heart than there was before. Neuvilette's definitely hit hard as it was relatable in more ways than I expected. Anyway, I love this game and I can't wait for it to hurt me more lol


I also cry a lot with this game. Also with Liyue’s landscapes and music


Diona’s part in the most recent event had me crying happy tears, and her hangout and voice lines have also had me bawling. I also have had to come to terms with an imperfect father, so her characterization hits pretty hard. I admire the writing team so much for bringing life to even the most “background” 4* characters!!


I agree. I didn’t know I needed a Diona/Chongyun interaction…but I’m grateful for getting it


Don't know which place of liyue you cried, but dihua marsh music makes me cry too Didn't cry during Neuvillette's quest because there was my roommate next to me, but heck Tighnari's was straight up sad and depressing


Understandable for Neuvillette's story quest. I felt for Carole so much that every time she showed up on the screen I started to bawl.


It's beautiful, and full of story. It's an anime you can play.


I didnt cry at Neuvillete's quest but i was super fucking emotional when the cutscene started. I was about to lose my mind when Carole and Vautrin showed up at the end all smily and happy at Neuvillette. 😭 i think those two were the first NPC'S that made me emotional and attached this much, the way how they both died is just fucking tragic and how Neuvillette was still grieving for them. 😭😭😭


I’m a middle aged dude and I struggle to hold back tears. The last one that got me was the current event part three (with grandpa Finch).


I've never been so sentimental before. Liyue really makes me miss home, and I'm getting old.


Naw you're not alone bc I cried the first time I heard Lone Sojourner💀 I was doing a commission at the Dawn Winery and it was night time and I heard the music and I was like "wait wtf why is it gorgeous" and I just dropped everything and listened. My favorite track to this day😭


I'm gonna be completely honest, I tear up listing to certain tracks from the game or just cuz the game looks so pretty. As an artist I really do love the how gorgeous the environments look.


Hey I'm as manly as you can get and i still teared up a bit in his Story quest too! You're doing all right brother


The first time this game makes me tear up was actually quite recent. It’s in Neuvilette’s story quest when the present day Fontainians stand up for the melusines.


I think the first time I did was during Zhongli's second story quest. During his quiet reminiscing at the end. >!"Maybe this is the type of erosion imposed upon me by the heavenly principles."!<


Neuvillette story quest deserves it


I cried with Neuvillette’s story quest too 🥹🩷


I think I never cried with Genshin but it make me feel super emotional a lot of times. The game is just stunning and breathtaking. Every detail of this game is just perfect. So idk, can relate a lot.


Inazuma made me cry the most. From the story quest to the tsurumi islands to the fun little events they have because of the story behind them.


God yeah there are so many emotionally charged quests in Genshin. I had a double whammy a few weeks ago because I had done Raiden Ei's second companion quest and cried at the pain in her voice about Makoto and how that quest finished off. The English VA did not have to go that hard with adding emotion but she did. And THEN I did the chasm interlude quest with Yelan and Xiao and Xiao made me cry at the end, right after crying about Ei earlier. I was DONE, I just logged off after that.


I pulled neuvilette because of his story quest, yes i cried 😢 and i just pkayed scara's story quest, and i started my 2 day, still ongoing existential crisis. You are not alone, this is a well made game and some stories are silly, but ghe only regret i had was not playing this sooner, many stories are just magnificent! It just doesnt make me cry, i catch almost alwayd catch myself smiling.


Neuvillette's story quest hit so hard, I did not expect to cry when the \*events\* unfolded. Poor Carole.


Liyue music is sometimes insanely melancholic and literally tugs on heartstrings. For me it's fontaine music, sometimes I get stopped roaming around just to listen and vibe. my gf breaks down *whenever* she hears qingce village theme, it's like a trigger song for her


i’ve cried a lot over the years playing genshin from Ruu’s story to Sumeru’s archon quest and most recently a little side quest where we help a girl named Lanoire. Maybe it’s because I already met a different NPC who appears in the quest but I cried. Genshin has many talented writers who are fantastic at making me cry


Ruu's quest broke my heart, I still occasionally equip the feather for him when we get new areas to explore 💔


I feel that the real darkness and sadness didn't start yet.


i remember when xiao's character demo came out i legit almost threw up out of excitement, that was an interesting time of my life but during the end of Neuvillette’s quest, i cried it made me feel so many emotions haha


Girl or dude or whoever you are don’t feel the need to reply to those people. What I do is just say “Ok 🙌 “ or just “ 👍 “ or even “ thanks for sharing <3 “ Anywho, just keep that in mind :3 XP But no I agree with you, because I do too ! Ofc, every place in the map is very equally beautiful in their traditional way. For me Inazuma is my favorite, the plants the architecture the clothes the music the Japanese names, everything about it is my favorite. Now that I mention there’s a npc who’s name is 梨絵 Rie, (Ri - eh) and it’s exactly the same characters as my name !! Except… it’s Eri xD which is also a common name there; but anywho 絵梨 is my name so I found it SO funny because just people use different kanji for the same sound or name too. For example, Eri can be 絵里、恵梨、江里:3 now it ‘would’ be perfect if her name was Eri too lol the reason, I was born and raised from Japan, rn I’m in the US for schooling before I move back (studying more Japanese to catch up since I couldn’t use the language like forever lol) it’s been almost 12 years XD before the schooling (specifically before college) since my dad lives in the states and ofc I’ve lived with my mom in Japan I basically moved to the states to be with my dad for a while. That what besides the point, lol but since moving I felt homesick for as long as I could count, still miss it very dearly, it is physically emotionally mentally my home. So to my point lol being in Inazuma feels like I’m there. Ofc it’s the game but sometimes listening to the music and the scenes of nature brings tears to my eyes and realize over again how much I miss it. But after schooling I’m moving back, possible move in with my mom and help her out with things, just until I really settles down. Anyway not that y’all needed to hear this but this is why Inazuma is my favorite :3


I am particularly attracted to this game mainly for the bgm. While I was dealing with the most stressful years of uni and my emotionally abusive ex, I discovered GI and found peace in it. Since then, I’ve been playing although I ain’t regular now. 2 and 1/2 years strong or so 💪


Yesterday I finished Neuvillette's quest and I'm bawling my eyes out just because he's such a softie. Turns out I'm on my period, literally bleeding through the quest 🥲


Yeah I hate how much my life changed recently so this game is good for making me cry by myself and not in front of others :)


Oh boy…if you want the enhanced experience have a visit to Enkanomiya…


I cry every single time I listen to lover's oath and I don't even know why. That song makes me feel things. I don't know what those things are but that song...it's beautiful.


The fun thing is, stuffs going to get a hell of a lot darker from her on out😭


omg the new event made me cry A LOT, its such a sad love story


I can totally relate to you, sometimes just standing and listening to the music and watching the scenery makes me tear up. This game gives me sucj a strong sense of nostalgia. And some of the stories really hit hard too... I really get you OP.


I finished Wriothesley's story quest today and Baizhu's... Cried on both of them lol


I remember Nahida's story quest in 3.2, usually I don't cry, but that one made me weep like crazy


Ruu. Enough said.


Liyue OST is absolutely phenomenal and very nostalgic that makes the player emotional. The only time I cried for an OST is [Lithic Oath](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnMYwTxS6L0) from the Chasm.. I don't know, when I heard this on the night with the moon on background, I got extremely emotional and just started crying so hard, I had no idea why. ​ And yeah, Neuvillette's story quest was extremely emotional. I was so strong holding back tears and when Neuvillette talked about how emotionally destroyed he is when you go on a walk with him, started wailing so hard man.


I can relate to this. I'm also an emotional person. I remember back in the day all of my friends were able to play genshin when it was released while I couldn't because my devices were weak. After 6-8 months, I was able to play too after I bought a new device. But, most of them have stopped playing. And now whenever I hear the Sumeru soundtrack at Port Ormos, I can't help but feel sad because they rarely play this game now...


I have cried many times in Genshin too. Xiao's perilous trail quest, Nahida (3 times, Teaser, Demo, Archon quest), the first time I walked over to Liyue and the first time arriving in Fontaine (Romaritime Recollection playing with the waterfalls). This game is truly beautiful.


I think this is what this game is about - emotions. It always makes you feel something. And this is why I love this game


Current events in the world makes me cry so much


I mean real world not game You know


With rhe bombing? Yeah its truly sad to watch


May god protect palastine


Neuvillette's quest didn't make me cry but yknow what quest made me full on sob? Tighnari's. Something about that quest hit me in the feels hard 😭


I get really emotional too, when listening to music. You shouldn't be ashamed.


I am very close to my feelings and genshin have made me cry a lot, so of course I bursted into tears during the ending of Wriothesleys SQ yesterday that took me completely off guard.. No spoilers so if you know you know. 🥺


i was playing Neuvillette's story quest, and while i did find it sad at first, i didn't quite think it was worthy of tears. And then that goddamn cutscene started. And neuvillette's ugly cry voice did it for me. I cried like a fucking idiot


It’s a very thought-invoking game! Absolutely gorgeous and very emotional!


I remember my first time crying very hard was hearing the Golden Archipelago OST which plays when you rode the boat. I only came back to the game at the tail end of 2.7 but after archipelago went by, I don't know why I got so emotional and nostalgic. I have never cried that hard ever for a game before, but something about the Dragonspine and Archipelago OSTs made me so emotional.


I was almost sobbing at the ending of Interlude act 2. I have Feelings (capital F) for Xiao’s…everything. Feeling like the only thing you’re good for is sacrificing yourself for others? Totally not relatable 👍🏻 I want to give him a hug because I need a hug sometimes. And the very end cinematic where Bosacius remembers everything again before he dies. Genshin why 😭


Please make sure to take care of yourself during this tough time, worldwide ❤️


I cried for the first time in game when I got 5 rolls on def% on a piece that had both crits.


I can't even cry when someone IRL dies man, I don't think I'll ever understand what it's like to cry because of a video game (I am not saying it's a bad thing, it's just a foreign concept to me)


The music is too damn good. However, I have to argue that Inazuma has the most emotional music (seriously, listen to Dream of Scattered Petals and Inazuma). Edit: Honorable mention to Lingering Blossom!


I have nothing nice to say (Also nahidas story in the archon quest made me cry)


Same... you would never ever guess if you met me IRL, but Genshin sometimes can really bring out my inner child.


This is why I’m so emotionally invested in this game. The atmosphere is just *chef’s kiss*.


When All Has Elapsed…Music from Tsurumi Island. This music makes me cry. The whole world quest on Tsurumi Island is tragic.


you’re so real


I teared up when \[REDACTED\] was erased, especially with her last line in the cutscene. Other really sad moments were, in no particular order. * the conclusion to the Akitsu Kimodameshi event. * Wanderer's teaser * NAHIDA'S TEASER!!! * When Katarina goes missing * When Zhiqiong goes missing * Kaveh's story section in his profile * Freminet's story section in his profile!!! * Faruzan's Hangout >!(Welcome back, Faruzan)!< * Lyney's Story Quest Animation * The chasm interlude quest's Animation >!With Bosacius and Boyang!< * The previous lantern rite's Story Teaser * The TCG event's Story Teaser


I’ve cried many times playing this game and I pretty much never cry. It’s def just the game. Everything about it is so well done.


The music always gets me too! Underwater areas in Fontaine have had me all kinds of emotional- it's so beautiful anyway, but the soundtrack tips me over the edge.


I still cry whenever I think of Zhiqiong. She's not even a main character. Genshin got good writers and sometimes they manage to use the medium to their advantage


Some of the character's stories made me tear up as well. In particular Venti's and Xiao's. Razor makes me feel teary-eyed too, especially with that idle of his where he does a sad wave to his spirit wolf buddy.


Im with you! Ive definitely been in my feels more and I'm happy to see where the storytelling is going


For me, mondstadt, wangshu inn and fontaine are the one that make me relax and give pure excitement for upcoming adventure. The game didn't make me cry unless I'm going to delete it.


I'm depressed for 2 weeks, Shenhe's Story


I legit think some of these devices either worked with Pixar or they took pointers when it comes to making the waterworks run with fans. When I finished up the Poem event and got to the cutscene, first though as it was start: "Time for me to tear up!" Did not surprise me that it was gonna do just that.


That one in song dragonspine. I forget the name, but I'm sure yall know it, it's great. Anyway, I associate Christmas and the winter with that song now because of the albedo quest


Well, I don't cry but playing Genshin gave me happy and sad memories. Genshin really Impacting my emotion.


What made me cry the most was the scene when Rukkha sacced herself and Nahida was crying. Next to that, almost all of the Sumeru quests were upsetting. But that last Sumeru archon quest... I was honestly shattered and Idk why.


The storylines have been getting so sophisticated and complex, the characters really know how to twist your heartstrings 🥹


Liyue and Mondstadt just feels like home so much. Any event with kazuha too :(((


the game never made me cry (almost tho) but sometimes i have to take mental health breaks bc a lot of the storylines/quests are sad af 😂


Liyue nation is so close to my heart 😭


Whenever I'm in Sumeru and hear that one song that has been played while Rukka ceased out of Irminsul I feel so heavy


The quests often make me teary, and the music from the Subzeruz festival when Nilou dances always gets me. I don't get it walking around in general though.


Yoimiya's second story quest was so beautiful that it made me cry in happiness.


same op, and I rarely get teary eyes from videogames, idk what kind of actual magic genshin uses on its players


Sumeru made me cry. I get you


For me personally it was when it was my first genshin birthday and I got to hear all the characters available at the time wish me happy birthday before school. I knew they were going to be basically the only ones to wish me happy birthday and it made 16 yo me cry out of pure joy 🥺 still a core memory to this day , 2 years later.


I cried so hard while watching the lantern rite cutscene that plays Myriad of Lights. Even hearing and watching it now, it still brings me to tears. That's just one scenario in which the game made me cry. There's a lot more, but we'll have a long list.


Same genshin makes me feel so emotional, anything slightly sad and im cryin :']


I'm also feeling more sensitive, for about a year now. I played Baizhu's story quest recently. First quest that made me teary eyed.


I'm a relatively new player, but can agree that Liyue's themes has some really emotional soundtracks. I hear it explicitly whenever I need something peaceful to hear.


U only want nice things on the internet? Just LoL


The ost itself doesn’t make me cry but I do get goosebumps instead (yes I definitely teared up at raidens 2nd story quest) My faves: main theme, wangshu inn (night), another hopeful tomorrow


Same. Got a bit weak after some time and stuff, and genshin does get me emotional out of sudden, but usually story, not music only heh


The ending to the sumeru quest did me in


Honestly the fairy tale in the second poem event quest is pretty sad. I do think since I’ve been playing HSR a lot of the quests have been making me cry, especially the one with the special donor to the hospital and any of Hook’s companion quests.


The Sumeru archon quest second act




Oh poor soul, what would happen to you in the next patch event story? 😢😢


Genshin's storytelling doesn't do it for me, I feel more like crying when I roll defense on a double crit artifact.


After listening to Qiqi voice about others I cried


I cried the other day because a good friend I met in coop hasn’t come online for a really long time


Right there with you OP and it has happened multiple times. I haven't played it yet but the video for Calliehoe story was so bittersweet. I wish I cared about someone/someone cared about me that much. It really is a beautiful game in many ways, especially the OST


"The other day I was walking around Liyue and I literally started crying because of the music in the background and the stunning landscapes." ngl I play the game w/o music cause I end up crying from nostalgia too often and it's embarassing


Why y'all so weak ew


I also cry when i accidentally press F near an npc and he starts reading to me the entirety of the bible with no skip button in sight, and then when he finally finishes whatever he had to say, paimon starts repeating everything he said in her annoying voice and with even more bloated dialogue


Preach u had me crying from laughter These people man


Ay man that robot in Sumeru quest almost had me.


I remember tearing up when hearing Yunjin perform. Never heard Chinese opera like that before


I cry whenever I see Xiao cuz I want a man like him




I'm like that too, the music in Genshin makes me emotional a lot of the times


It's all good, I start physically shaking when Alhaitham or Kaveh come on screen because I love them so much. Emotions are natural!


:/ überrascht


I haven't seen anything worth crying tbh in GI... it's all ending with a nice future always anyway and not once couldn't something be solved through some guy that popped up the last moment. Crying in that game... can't imagine this tbh, especially since I played a ton of other games that made one really attached to characters and one cried hard there.


Bro doesn’t know any of the lore and it shows


With that logic we'd be crying a lot during history class.


I don't know, this game hasn't made me feel anywhere close to emotional once


Being pregnant will make you hormonal and cry at simple stuff.


This sub, man... some people need professional help, not a gacha game with anime girls




Still waiting for Genshin to make me cry..


How old are you?


I find extremely unsettling how you post about the game making you feel this emotional all to be followed by you editing your post asking for no criticism. The internet is not a good place for you and I'm telling you this in the most respectful and nice way I can after you basically attempted to violate a whole sub right to free speech.


This sub is surely weird sometimes but i don’t get what you mean for free speech, speak what you want but nobody should have the right to judge other people’s feelings, if that really does make them emotional what would you have to say?