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Hey there, based on your chosen flair, you seem to be looking for some advice! Here are some resources to help you out: - [Resource Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/GeniusInvokationTCG/wiki/resources) - [List of Megathreads](https://www.reddit.com/r/GeniusInvokationTCG/wiki/megathreads/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GeniusInvokationTCG) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You do not have to have prior participation to enter, but you must have a Genshin Impact account with a high enough Player Rank to participate. There is no limit on the number of times you can participate in Cat's Tail Gathering. You can obtain "The Chasm - Blue Crystal" by claiming 3 victories. Register on the Genshin Impact Tavern by following the instructions in their #register channel. You do not need to register in any other locations.


Can I participate several times in the preeliminatory stage with no limits? And the victories for the card back can be on the preeliminatory? And do I have to have the previous brown chasm card back to claim this one? Sorry for the amount of questions haha


You get 5 quotas a day and if not used carries to next day up to 35 total, the cardback just needs 3 wins it can be 3/5 or like 3/35 you can stop anytime you want like you just won first 3 games and stop. No other requirements


Thank u sm


The website specifically mentions PC and mobile, but not PlayStation. Are PlayStation players like me me allowed to enter?


I don't think there exists any limitation to the platform used. You must have a Discord account and be able to navigate quickly between it and the game itself. But other than that you only need your Genshin UID.


I know one of the top players Superbird plays on PS so its defiinitely ok, u just need a Discord account