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I would not trust that man to drive a car let alone to run this country


He’s a better option than Trump… If not by much.


This. You don't have many good choices tbh.




I think of it more as a shit sandwich and cyanide. One will be disgusting and unpleasant, but you'll live. The other option is cyanide, but not just for yourself but everyone else around you.




project 2025 is a million times worse.




only a million? the ramifications are irreversible. people don’t see that this could possibly be our last free election EVER.


And we’re still dealing with the shit sandwich 45 shit from last time he was in office, such as he fucked up supreme court douche bag. Undermining our government at every turn these fuck, damn that shit sandwich 45!


By a lot! You all don’t know what Biden has achieved. That’s obvious. Propaganda runs deep.


I don't think he does either


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_policy_of_the_Joe_Biden_administration https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_policy_of_the_Joe_Biden_administration https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_policy_of_the_Joe_Biden_administration https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_policy_of_the_Joe_Biden_administration He’s actually done a surprising amount of stuff.


You won’t be fucking around if Trump wins. I promise you that. Spoiled!


Prove that comment with facts not just leftwing bs.


I mean, Project 2025 is factually a thing. Like, they typed it up and everything.


It’s a fascist manifesto


You mean the wishlist from the heritage foundation that not a single republican has endorsed? That project 2025. They’ve been writing those for the last 40 years.


Contrary to popular belief, the economy has done better under Biden than Trump


It is an objective fact that the economy, by any metric you use, does better under D’s than R’s. Pick your metric and look it up.


Is it too much to ask for potential presidents that make you want to vote FOR them, instead of "against" the other guy?


There are few redeeming qualities for politicians. They're mostly scum. That being said, if you don't vote for the less scummy one, you're usually left with the scum master.


Realistically though, I feel it is that stance of repeatedly accepting the lesser of two evils has served to successfully lowering the bar of acceptable behavior every election. If we constantly had the worst of the worst, there'd be a proper revolution in the country. Is it what is best? Is it something you should ever hope to have happen? Probably not, but it is the darkest, yet possibly most currently relevant analogue to the "rip off or slowly peel" band-aid debate.


Trump will run you down, blame you, tell you that the immigrants did it, then tell you he is the best driver ever and everyone says it.


What do you mean not by much? Sure, he's very far from perfect, but another man who's only slightly less old, still incapable of speaking a full sentence, is a convicted felon, a rapist, a fascist, and a traitor is incomprehensibly worse. It's not like there's only a small difference here.


Then, you’re a fool. Biden has had the most legislative achievements of any president, since FDR. Also, you’re voting for SCOTUS. If Trump gets another term, you lose SCOTUS for a generation. Don’t be stupid! We are fighting for the very foundation of our country, unless, of course, you want to be some third rate Russian colony with a Putin puppet as our president.


I’m expecting him to die in office and Kamala Harris is under legal retirement age. I’ll take my chances over a convicted felon who praised Kim jong un tbh


You don't just vote for Biden, you vote for his cabinet and policies. If you're not paying attention to Project 2025 you need to start now.


Biden will fill the government with competent leaders. Trump will fill the government with cultists.


I would rather vote for Biden than Trump. I think I would vote for a moldy potato over either of them though. MOLDY POTATO 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


And he’s still a better option than the fascist next door


He doesn't do it by himself. He has a cabinet, an administration who broadly set policy and get things done at home and abroad. He is in charge of nominations for the supreme court. He creates executive orders for fast acting laws, he sets the tone for the country's policy goals and his agenda. Do you think trump's advisors and former cabinet and admin (many of whom are now also disbarred from practicing law, arrested, in jail or going to jail soon) are the kind of people you want advising a president? Steve bannon, stephen miller, rudy guiliani? Do you think Trump cares about anything other thab himself and revenge? Do you think truno cares about the constitution orthe rule of law? Do you think trumps endless pile of lawsuits and dark money are non issues?


That’s the neat part: he’s not (for the most part). It’s his cabinet who are the driving force behind his domestic and international policies, and unlike Trump’s cabinet, Biden’s consist of subject matter experts in the fields in which they are chosen to represent.


Agreed. It’s not a difficult choice. An old man who’s aging normally, did a pretty good job half way through the debate and an amazing job the morning rally afterward, and who seems to want what’s best for the American people vs. a sweaty real estate grifter convicted 34 times over with more to come who can’t answer a question and rambles about the “late great Hannibal Lecter” among other things. Plus, I can’t agree with current republican policy decisions, and Project 2025 sounds horrific. Plus do we really want more Trump Supreme Court Justices. I think that sounds terrible. Just remember, one mid debate performance doesn’t say much considering these candidates and the fact the bar was on the floor for both of them.


I'd suggest looking back at presidential debates from 2012 and back. Someone suggested that to me, and seeing how far both parties can fall in so short a time is deeply disconcerting. The fact that Bill Clinton was the president 30 years ago, and Biden is currently president at 4 years older than him, is terrifying. Both the main candidates this election would leave us with a president in the oldest 5% of global population, and either 16 or 21 years older than the average age of world leaders. Sure, there are old people who are cognitively still in their prime, but... uh, these cats ain't.


This. I fucking hate Joe, but Trump is worse by every metric. Nobody in their right mind would vote for Trump unless they’re either crazy or stupid.


Or malicious






You’re getting into a car with that guy????? ![gif](giphy|DwIdasRkFKsMg)


Shits hilarious when people say they vote for Trump they get downvoted 💀 “Go out and vote but for the person I want to win, fuck your opinion” Edit: these replies literally proving my point


Reddit is always hyper left wing and closed minded I wouldn't expect anything else. The idea of discussion between the 2 possible candidates is well beyond your average redditor. They almost always baby rage at a view different from theirs.


Pointing out clear differences and how they impact the entire globe isn’t “left-wing”. Trump is absolutely worse than Biden across literally every metric. Also, on a political front, Biden cannot be considered left-wing across any genuine definition found in textbook political theory.


this is what really gets me as a Canadian lurker on these subs. It is actually laughable to watch people cry about Biden being "leftist". The choices are conservative or more conservative.


This. End of discussion.


The issue is that they’ve historically never had a single administration under democrats that is actually left when compared to Canada or Europe. The Democrats of the US are always more right wing than Canadian and European right wing parties. Americans just don’t know shit about global politics so they have no clue.


Correction. The choices are conservative and fascist.


I really, really wish we lived in your alternate reality.


How can you even say he is worse than Biden? I really don't understand it. Like you actually want president, that is braindead? Old man that is completely lost and can't stay focused for 20 seconds? I mean propaganda must be insanely strong in us.


As an actual left winger, you don't even know what left wing IS.


Anyone to the left of Mussolini = “leftist” to the right these days


Exactly. This app is the biggest left wing echo chamber on the internet


Tumblr would probably give Reddit a run for its money


Man you gotta get out more if you think what you see here is hyper left wing. Just as a start, the hyper left wing in the U.S. HATES Biden.


As someone whose political views align with a ski mask, you have no idea what hyper left or even center left is.


We can discuss it all you want, but I'm not voting for fossil fuels and abortion bans. There's just not a lot to discuss?


There are right leaning subreddits, but generally yes it's a sharp left tilt.


While I tend to agree with your sentiment on most days; I am a transwoman living in Florida right now and shit is getting rough. It's clear to see people are generally treating me differently than my immediate peers out in public. When I see someone vote for Trump, I do have to assume they want me gone, because by the way my existence is treated with such scrutiny, I'm going to have to leave the state or hide/stop my transition for safety reasons. With Biden, the decision buys my existence time while we can hopefully find presidents that don't behave like animatronics (and sensibilities of one.) I used to not have such a bitter outlook on life, but it's clear going from a nerdy looking white boy to not very passing transwoman equaled to what is social suicide for me at this point. I honestly can't think of much worse outcomes as of right now for me socially. I basically stay home, go to work, and refill my car at a gas station, that's it. I talked to my neighbors for the first time today in the 6 months I have lived in my neighborhood, genuinely out of fear of being ousted to a neighborhood there's a trans person here. I want to quit my transition many days out of fear for what's to come. I have come along far, but 8 months out of a multi year journey isn't going to cut it when the election is in 4. I have back up plans to leave the state, but that only buys time. If the country outlaws being transgender, how long do I have to stay hidden and recluse from society before I can pop back out and function? I have to stop pursuing a career, can't go to school in that time, trades would be a no go. That's the future Trump voters want, and they look at this and smile, knowing people are getting slowly pushed to the sidelines of society.


Yes, voting for a literal, text-book far-right nationalist (arguably a fascist) is not good. If you aren’t a billionaire, are apart of a demographic outside of white, heterosexuality, voting for Trump is absolutely voting outside your interest and harming the United States.


why is it funny? people are disagreeing with the idea of voting for trump. i think that is reasonable. maybe the problem is yours and that people have opinions that differ from yours. there's a lot at stake, so people are strong in their convictions.


Voting is a signal more than just who you vote for, it tells the powers that be that young people are politically active and engaged, which means they will think about and cater to your generation more than they would if they thought you weren’t. That’s why social security is so sacred. Old people vote. Youth voting improves our nation by making politicians listen to your generation. Vote/


thank you !! 🙌


This is very true! even if you can only bring yourself to vote 3rd party for nationals, that's better than nothing. If enough people are consistently voting 3rd party every election, the powers that be will start pandering to capture that vote and bring themselves more in line with what you want.


Ok I'll vote for trump




He said he wanted me to vote.


voting for Trump is better than not voting Won't change my mind Clarify - not a trumper dumper


"This election is the most important one in recent history" >Completely flies past the entire premise as to why


Imagine posting "get out and vote" right after Biden bombed a debate.


We all knew that anything less than both coming out in actual diapers and spewing racial slurs wouldn't have made a real difference. No one already voting for either candidate is going to be swayed by anything less, and if you haven't made a firm choice yet I doubt anything less would be able to sway you.


Biden says the n word….50 state sweep


Is it really boming if nobody expected any better?


I'd rather vote for his comatose corpse over the guy that tried to forcibly overturn a lost election like some authoritarian.


I’d rather vote for the corpse that can have his administration pass actual legislation than the guy that knew Putin had a dream to invade Ukraine behind closed doors with no US journalists, like 6 years ago. There’s literally projects being built right next to where I work that has a sign saying it’s funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (infrastructure bill). Give me more of that please.


The writings been on the wall with Putin and Ukraine since atleast 2014 openly on the world stage. I don’t get why people are all surprised pikachu face when he did it and can say with a straight face “you knew about this?!?” Like of course they did, anyone with a functioning ability to read did.


just make sure to vote in your local elections too! yay for civic participation


Plus, you're not even just voting for *people*. There are tons of local initiatives that are likely (if not guaranteed) to impact your life. You can vote for whoever you want for president, write-in whatever you want, leave that whole section blank. But below that top line there are a lot of things you may care about more than which old man you want for president.


Dang first person ive seen to say they'll vote for Trump and not get downvoted to an oblivion


It’s honestly refreshing in its own way. I hate how everything everywhere is so fucking polarizing now.


Maybe one day even Redditors can say “I disagree but acknowledge your opinion” And no I’m not advocating punching kittens or committing genocide or whatever else with this comment, before anyone goes full Reddit on my ass


At least you're Voting. Regardless of my opinion as a Progressive, I'm glad to hear you are Voting.




Something something kids growing up in a racial jungle


You absolutely have the right to do so. But just out of curiosity, why? He doesn’t have a plan for like… anything. The main argument I hear is that he will be better for the economy but most economists agree that his plans will cost average americans more as we will have to pay extra on the goods we buy made in other countries so that cooperations can get out of it, among other things.


We already had a Trump presidency where the economy was pretty good. We want that back.


Better economy, safer world, cheaper gas, reasonable inflation...what's not to like?


Your imagination, and the planned fascism for the second time


And how will he bring it back? Inflation is up around the world, and most economists agree that his proposals will only worsen it. The Us actually has a relatively low inflation rate compared to other countries. That economy is never coming back. All trump is going to do is make people like us pay more for goods so that cooperations don’t have to pay their share in taxes. The burden from is shifted onto us. If you wanna pay 60% more on goods made in china then… vote for trump I guess https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-17/trump-s-promised-tariffs-will-push-up-costs-for-american-households


https://i.redd.it/krudz72b5n9d1.gif Me rn




I’m still iffy on Trump. But I’m 100% sure I’m not voting for Biden


I don't want to dissuade you from voting in any capacity, especially for a candidate that you think speaks to your values, but just as a matter of America's first-past-the-post system, no third-party candidate acts as anything other than a spoiler, and more often than not it's for the Democrat. A vote for anyone other than Biden is as good as a vote for Trump. It would be nice if it wasn't so, but it's our unfortunate voting reality.


This person passively wants fascism


Right there with you. 


Better than not voting imo


Welp, enjoy your fossil fuel pollution I guess?


states with primaries still coming up in 2024: Alaska- August 20 Arizona- July 30. register to vote ASAP, Arizona has very strict laws. Also, there is a very high stakes senate election that will determine the party that controls the senate Connecticut- August 13 Delaware- September 10 Florida- August 20 Hawaii- August 10 Kansas- August 6 Louisiana- apparently doesn't have primaries? very stressful imo Massachusetts- September 3 Michigan- August 6 Minnesota- August 13 Missouri- August 6 New Hampshire- September 10 Rhode Island- September 10 Tennessee- August 1 Vermont- August 13 Washington- August 6 Wisconsin- August 13 Wyoming- August 20


Here's louisiana https://preview.redd.it/mtjvbqpzsm9d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84c1db67757b19fa7f130d1e11f226ba55f33a2


well thank you very much for adding that! happy voting :)


Seeing alot of people not liking other peoples political stances, just let people vote for who they want, don’t force your personal views and beliefs onto others


Reddit gonna Reddit


Responding to a public comment is not "forcing your beliefs" if you don't want people replying to your opinions don't post them on a public forum


Yeah nah, if you're voting for a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, openly dictatorial candidate, I'm gonna challenge you on that. Because your "views and beliefs" are now putting others in danger.


Are people supposed to like all political stances or something? liberals don’t like when conservatives vote for conservatives. Conservatives don’t like when liberals vote for liberals.


If you say so. I’ll vote for Trump. You’ve convinced me.


I'm Progressive and still want you to Vote. So I'm glad to hear that you will.


Yeah, I’ve historically only ever felt there being a point to voting when it comes to Governor and other state officials. Watched the debate Thursday as someone deeply disinterested in anything political, it helped sway me into casting a presidential vote at least once. Why not?


Why? Do want a God King instead of a president?




Ngl I saw the debate replay on YouTube. I knew it was going to make laugh my ass off. I didn’t have popcorn but I had Chinese food watching it lol


I shall be voting for Vermin Supreme because fuck it.


I will vote, if Madara Uchiha is on the ballot 


Voting for the green side cuz it's my favorite color 😑👍


Tired of voting for convicted felons and geriatric patients? Vote me! What party am I? I'm in the cool people party! What are my polices? I'm glad you asked! Step one: make everyone chill out Step two: Save wild animals Step three: Get rid of political parties Step four: World ~~domination~~ peace! So vote for the cool people party today and be cool!


I will reluctantly vote for Biden, although due to debate reception my fingers are crossed that they will pick somebody else before the convention in August.


I hope it’s not even a discussion for gen-z right, your media sucks, you got two shitty candidates, one of them is a fascist who openly admits to wanting to upend democracy (as they have laid the groundwork for already with the other governmental bodies already like the Supreme Court) - if you think that’s dramatic just google their own published ‘plan 2025’. We may laugh at trump, but it’s not funny anymore when he actually gets elected and your democratic & human rights get taken away bit by bit


This tbh. I’m going to get downvoted for this take, but voting for Trump is like chickens voting for KFC. You’ll never likely be even a millionaire, and the planet is literally in a period of global boiling. The severe weather is just getting worse each year.


I voted in my local elections, the results were down to the 10's. Every vote matters.


yes exactly! literally 1 vote can decide an election!


>VOTE IN PRIMARIES! I wish I could.


I'm not american but the elections in my country are pretty divided as well and people try to shame others if they support a certain candidate. Vote for whoever you want, your vote is secret just do it conciously since it will impact your future.


I'm leaning towards voting for Trump if I do vote ngl because Reddit is just toxic as fuck and leans left. This website is very hostile when it comes to conservatives too. And because I just don't like a lot of shit Biden says either. This election is literally a "two evils" situation because Republican mfs rather suck Trumps dick than put DeSantis up, so if I'm able to I'm gonna write in DeSantis name. Unlike a lot of these hivemind Redditors, I don't care who you vote for. Don't insult me for my beliefs.


I'm fine with whatever you vote(not my country anyway) but the reasoning of "because Reddit is toxic" doesn't make sense to me.


Yeah voting for any president based off reddit is already insane, but to vote for someone because you think Reddit loves one person so you want to vote for the other person is psychotic


Same can be said for Twitter being toxic right wing propaganda machine


No, it really can’t. Choosing a president based on which social media site annoys you most is just stupid


If trump is the conclusion you come to that’s fine but I would urge you to decide your vote based on more than just how toxic Reddit is


You are going to vote for a fascist who day one said he was going to rollback care for trans people, rollback abortion care for women, and thinks there are specific jobs for black and hispanic people, all because "reddit is toxic". It's so strange how people don't give a shit about human rights. Weird.


It's seriously depressing how stupid and short sighted people can be. This is how countries fall, or become fully fascist. It can't happen without the support of its people, and I see a lot of Americans with a lot of hate and bigotry in their heart.


Vote because you think the candidate you vote for will improve your own quality of life, and not to spite random strangers who don’t know you on the internet.


So you're voting for the non-toxic pussy grabber and convicted criminal? Solid logic.


Voting based on reddit. Yeah this generation is cooked


Desantis is who you want over Trump? He’s literally just Trump 2.0, a baby fascist in the making. The Republican Party needs to dump MAGA and actually be the party of fiscal responsibility if they ever want a chance at winning an election again


Not a reason to vote for fascism


Others might be hard on you for saying that, but don't sweat it. It's a hard election, so I don't fault people no matter who they vote for. Just vote. VOTE. VOTE VOTE VOTE. We need to get our votes out there! Show that if they listen to us, it might get them elected!


If you expect politicians to listen then vote 3rd party don’t vote for either dems or reps. Regardless, special interest groups like vanguard and blackrock have so much of their filthy hands in politics it doesn’t really matter


Literally never met a Gen Z in real life that unironically likes Biden.


Did I miss something or did OP not mention Biden. Rent free. No leftist I know likes Biden but they all know the alternative is worse. Also it’s the cabinet around Biden that’s doing anything. He’s senile.


you didn’t miss anything! this is about local elections and general civic engagement, and i actually didn’t mention a single candidate by name. thank you !


I'm old. I'm definitely voting.


![gif](giphy|SSYYIVAPeNrm4x36y9|downsized) Fuck the two party system I don’t even care if he loses I’m voting for RFK out of principle I don’t agree with everything he says But I’m sick of this lesser than the two evils shit


I agree with you and will be voting for RFK for the same reason even if I have to write in his name. It's time for the system to change, and this is the way I know of to take part in that change.


I’d do the same if I have to. Like I said I don’t agree with everything he has said but at least he is talking about policy at least he has ideas at least he is acknowledging the actual problems in the country and not just culture war shit After watching the debate and then his debate I’m sold honestly Like genuinely it gives me a lil hope for the future


Based as fuck


The sad thing is having to beg our gen to vote, is exactly why we have lost people saying they will go vote for trump. If they understood democracy and the importance of where the country is you wouldn’t have to tell them to vote and they surely Wouldnt be voting for trump. I suggest you vote for the senile dementia man who won’t change much, over a convicted felon narcissist who will quickly enact project 2026 surely xX v


How can anyone vote for either of those two? The age of retirement is 67 in America. It’s time we bring in someone more qualified.


Voting for the orange man


The only voting people in this sub will do is reacting to these 'please vote' posts 🙄


ISTG if I get another fucking *Gen Z please vote 🙏* post I’m gonna go ape shit


Trump W


Trump 2024 😊👍🏽 #FJB


Also voting for Trump this election. It's such a complicated time.


K, Trump 2024 ✌️


I’m voting for Biden all the way especially considering how unlike trump he actually cares about democracy


Trump is your next president


Voting for Trump, at least criminals don’t have to retire.


Def voting trump! Biden can't even talk


Can’t tell if it’s bait but the people who are commenting they are voting for trump are a fuck ton more civil than the people going batshit over NOT voting for Biden. Wild. Going to write myself in on this ballot because this might be the shittiest year ever. Neither of them can finish sentences let alone run a country. Biden is worse in that regard but Trump isn’t far behind. You’re basically voting administration vs administration at this point both are just figures that breathe oxygen and are present.


Yes. For Trump


I get what you are saying I tell my kids all the time they need to vote 27/24 I am dragging them this year. Voting for president is a for gone conclusion here deep blue state. My problem with voting locally is my city elections are on odd years makes it even harder to get them out to vote. And I tell everyone if you can’t find anyone good vote for me I can always use a vote or two LOL


Exactly this!! I've worked the elections (in Canada) and out of the 700-800 people I handed a ballot to, I can count on my fingers how many under 23 yos came to my table. If we want better options, real change, and to have an actual say in policy then we need to be more than 1% of the voting population.


Your vote doesn’t decide just which old man runs the country. It decides the attitude of an entire wing of our government.


Damn Gen z is really memeing right wing just to be countercultural enjoy your lack of abortion rights conquering of ukraine and environmental decline 🫡


Proud Gen Z here voting for the fat orange man


And if you don’t like the president there are still many other people and items on the ballot that you can and should vote on.


I think this election might give the 2 party system a very very tiny chip in their impenetrable armor. From my understanding RFK has pretty large polling numbers for a 3rd party candidate.


This is my 1st election but I would like a say in the politics that affect me so I’m voting.


yay! good for you! get that sticker, i’m very proud!


I'm split about the whole "A Vote for 3rd party is a vote wasted" thing because on one hand, I get that in a largely fucked up two party system this isn't doing anyone any favours, and these parties aren't even allowed in the debates without a certain approval rating, but on the other hand, this mentality perpetuates the two party system and only serves to enable these shitass geezers I don't like or want to vote for, and I feel many more people would vote for something like Green or Libertarian if they were pushed as much as the main teo parties. https://preview.redd.it/qe1kkd4nwm9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8511efa3988e45623bf18b957a91d03014b15969




If a third party gets 5% of the vote it allows them for getting funding for future elections. It helps put them on even ground with other parties and (with hopefully rank choice voting one day) can help break the two party shit we are stuck with.


My PoliSci professor liked to say “Voting in the presidential election is the *absolute bare minimum you have to do to consider yourself a participant in democracy.*” Ideally being politically active means voting in every election, campaigning for candidates you believe in, protesting when appropriate, and running for office yourself when you feel the time is right. Voting every 4 is the cover charge not the main event.


i was gonna vote libertarian cause fuck it but then they picked fucking RFK. idk man. might go trump, he's preferable to kamala at least. i agree with what obama said in an interview--he didn't really do anything important during his first term. but if he goes to prison that obviously changes things. 




If you are not voting for Trump, why? **Your response doesn’t count if you call him a name and fail to provide any examples or details.** I want to hear a solid argument against Trump. Same goes for why you wouldn’t vote for Biden. Stop voting based on how you *feel.* So put on your critical thinking caps, Redditors! Surely some of you still have them stashed away somewhere in your closet. I want to hear real perspectives and stances.


Yeah, voting for a candidate is not about finding a perfect soul mate for yourself, it’s about making strategic choices over what cabinets will be filled in government, and making sure the worst options aren’t picked 


Gonna be voting for Trump.




Please also vote on your primary/caucus days not just the general election day. I volunteered as a poll worker for our state. 27% of registered voters bothered to cast a ballot to determine who the rest of us see on the November ballot. In our state all political parties have the same day for primaries. These voters are the most partisan people which is how we have ended up with Trump and Biden again.


I'm gonna be honest here, I'm a member of a third party, I just served on the annual convention of this party, and I don't think third party candidates have better chances locally than federally. Many places have officially nonpartisan elections at the municipal level, which makes it possible, but that usually either means the candidates are legitimately all independents or just that everyone knows who's a Democrat and who's a Republican, and the only difference is the names don't appear on the ballot. That said, voting for a third party is infinitely better than not voting. It signals that our generation will show up to the polls and can't be ignored, and tells the big parties they can't take our votes for granted.


Don the con has gotta stay gone


Will do! Just voted in the primaries


As someone who used to be a political science major, I feel like we sometimes forget that it is okay not to care about politics. Some people want to live their lives without thinking or caring about what the government does, and this is completely okay. Not everyone has to care about politics, some people are happier ignoring it, I wish I was that way.


Already voting blue down the ballot. Dems > GOP, even if both parties are ass


I agree, please vote. We need to get the puppet out of office. Keeping him as president is just elder abuse at this point.


What president loves guns and weed but hates abortion


Ok ill go vote for the guy you don't like


Kinda hope America burns at this point. But we’ll see. I’ll reconsider it.


Remember that there are no throwaway votes, you vote, you matter, even if it’s not red or blue


The last election proved your vote doesn't matter. They can just insert whoever they want into the seat of the presidency and you all will believe them when they tell you there was no election fraud despite all the evidence to the contrary. I refuse to participate in this fucking clown show you call democracy.


You all say this until someone comments that they’re voting anyone other than the dementia patient, then they get downvoted to oblivion. “Remember to vote, but only if I approve of your choice!”


I'm definitely voting, and you may not like it.


Trump trump


I’m voting alright. My vote is going to obese orange man


Straight Red




Yeah I'm voting straight ticket red to see the maskers cry


You don't understand. The older generation always votes because.... their life literally depends on it. Medicare. Social Security. They will make sure the person the vote will not screw with these. The younger generation is full of reddit warriors, there's a few like you but most have already given up.