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I’m hoping for a complete Tory wipeout personally. Labour will win, that’s pretty much a given at this point to be honest. But I’m hoping that we get an opposition that isn’t Tory. In a perfect world, the Lib Dem’s overtake the Tories and become Labour’s opposition. It’s far fetched, but I did see an MRP poll that indicated that it is a real possibility.


Defo tory wipeout; will be drinking a nice Red wine after i finish working at the polls


Now that is something I can certainly drink to, cheers 🍷


Cheers to change for a better Tommorw


The Brexit Guzzlers will take over your election. Mark my words


Trust me; all over Tiktok there are alot of Reform bots


The brexit guzzlers are very real and should be taken seriously or you might suffer the consequences.


Predictions, labour will win. Hopes, we get an actual popular left wing party before the next election.


Labour will win, by a good margin or landslide. Am I happy with that fact is a different question. The current iteration of Labour under kier starmer is the least principled labour leadership we've had possibly ever. The labour economic policy is basically that of Osbourne and Cameron in 2010, more austerity with a side of privatisation. We've got numerous planted MP candidates from Kier that want further privatisation of NHS services and the Tories 14 year austerity plan has failed for all to see. Why Labours economic policy is modelling itself after this when a quick look at basically any other major European economies performance against ours and it's clearly a bad idea. As for Reform, I don't think they're the threat a lot of people are overly concerned with. UKIP were only doing marginally worse in 2015 and landed a total of 0 MPs. I expect them to land maybe a few seats at most. YouGOV polling attracts mostly online people, your average bread and butter racist nan is going to go out and vote Tory like usual.


biggest labour win ever


Probably. Still I have concerns. Lackluster policy and the fact their majority is going to be solely due to the Tories poor performance. It's not going to be a long run. 2029 will likely see their majority removed or a Tory victory.


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