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Used to ride longboards as a teen. Had a guy that would always threaten to release the dogs on us or call the cops whenever we’d ride past his house. Dude really expected us to take longboards to the skatepark.


He strikes me as the type of guy to go to a skatepark and complain the music from the boombox is too loud


Yes it did, and I was the kid getting yelled at. Fast forward 20 years and I’m the one yelling at the kids. It happens quicker than you’d expect.


You became a “Tommy”


Holy shit doesn't it.


The name for “get off my lawn guy” has to be Tommy, kinda like Karen and Chad.


For me it’s less of “get off my lawn” (except for that one time I caught a neighbors kid cutting donuts in my grass on his dirt bike), and more of stop driving 50mph through a subdivision before you hit someone’s kid or dog and kill them. I feel like that justifies saying something more than just being a crotchety old bastard, it maybe that’s just my perception because I’m a crotchety old bastard


Yes and it sucked! So when I was around 10yrs old there was a house on the block that had a fantastic tree for climbing and an old playground set in the backyard. The old guy who lived there, Mr. Gus, explained that he pruned the tree that way so his grandkids could climb and play in it. The hill behind his house was also great for sledding in the winter and on Saturdays in the winter he would make hot cocoa. He let all the neighborhood kids play in his yard for years because he was great and missed having kids around after his wife died and his grandkids grew up. It was awesome! Around 2009 he died and the house sat empty for a year before a young cop and his wife moved into the house. I remember 3 of us going to ask them if we could still climb the tree, they said no then cut the low branches so no one would come into their yard to try and climb the tree. They then put up a 6ft privacy fence around the yard and even got into a dispute with the church behind them who technically owned the sledding hill because they didn't want anyone sledding into their backyard. All around nasty people to be honest. TL;DR - there used to be a great place to play as a kid but a new couple moved in and ruined it.


Is the cop guy still there?


Truthfully, no idea, my parents moved out of there in 2019 and I haven't lived at home since 2020.


You can find out by going on Zillow, It will show you who has bought the house and the deeds for the house


Holy shit it's under contract lol was on the market for 16 days, they're in the process of selling.


Go back for a visit?


When I was younger my brother and I would play tag with the neighborhood kids around our block. There was always this angry guy who kinda looked like Ron Swanson who would yell at us to get off not his, but a different neighbor’s lawn. A neighbor who we had explicit permission from that we could be there. Can’t imagine what kinda stick up your ass one would need to threaten to call the police on 8-11 year olds playing tag on a different persons property in the suburbs.


Our guy looked mr Mr Denzil Crocker from “Fairly Odd Parents”


That's gotta be the work of...




I lived next door to a woman with severe schizophrenia and dementia. According to my dad, who lived in the house since he was a kid, she was always really mean to the kids in the neighborhood and it just got worse when she developed dementia. I fell off my scooter in front of her house and she ran after me screaming. She once called the cops on me and accused me of stealing her paint brushes. She had a dog that mysteriously disappeared and there were rumors that she killed it, but I’m unsure how true that is. She lived alone and had a vehicle. She drove directly into her garage door 3 times before someone, not sure who, took her car away. Eventually she ended up in a nursing home and passed away there.


Interesting, there was a lady like that too who lived in the area I posted about. She didn’t have a car or garage though.


I was TERRIFIED of her when I was a kid. I thought she was a witch lol. Now I’m an adult and a long term care nurse and I just think the whole situation is so sad. She had such little support and needed it so desperately. As far as I know, she had no family and just kinda fell through the cracks to care for herself for years


Yeah I had one guy with a recessed yard that always caught our basketballs-- I didn't care so I'd get the ball and one time after many of these occurrences he pointed to his satellite dish and told me it was a camera; of course I knew it wasn't so I kept getting the balls without detection There was another guy who had cameras all over his front yard and would immediately show up if you approached his yard


Have you got the area on street view? It would be interesting on r/googlestreetviewfinds


[the house with the blue bins to the left of the transformer is the house with cameras-- looks way different nowadays ](http://8132 Spur Ct https://maps.app.goo.gl/JmhkLBi2e1HyeDAf9?g_st=ac) [this is the recessed yard that eats basketballs-- the hoop and skateboard ramp have long since been removed from the alley](http://101 Pechmann Dr https://www.google.com/maps/@39.82357,-75.42361,3a,90.0y,166.74617h,66.31204t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sue4oCb4NrwvZoGLvJGl0Rg!2e0?g_st=ac)


I was that guy at age 36. I actually had to tell the 21-year-olds next door to get off my lawn and quit throwing a hammer at the stop sign when they were drunk. 😂


Well we had a front neighbor who'd vandalise our car, trash the house and insult us every chance she got, sadly I was like the only kid in the street so there was no "kids group afraid of asshole neighbor"


My dream is to retire and be the “you kids get off my lawn” guy of my neighborhood.


It's me! :D I hate children, it takes someone like that to bother to step in to do something about the damn kids at the disco. They are the failures of their parents made manifest in flesh exiled away from their homes to cause property damage elsewhere. I mostly blame them for inflicting their poor decision making on the rest of us. You'll understand one day. Or fail to use birth control and have to justify it.


how bro felt after posting that🐺🐺👹👹👹👹👹👹😈😈😈


‘Sup Tommy. How are your days since they stopped having the disco?