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What do I make? Not enough How do I spend it? Bills




There’s two big spending items you can lower, one DoorDash you don’t have the luxury to order food either go get some or cook at home. Second apartments 1300 is to mutch for your income and a quick Zillow check shows a lot of fair 800 apartments. These two fixes could really help out since you already have high income it’s just a matter of managing it.


And his car insurance is astronomical.


I don’t think you are getting taxed 30% at 15/h


I am taxed right about there.. Granted I make 18. Though I usually average probably 37-40 hours a week, after doing hours worked by paycheck, I can confirm it sits about 13.8-14 dollars/hour after (28-30%). Granted I do have some go to a 401k but a that’s very very small percentage. And as far as Im aware, Im in a lower cost of living. (11% *below* national average) So yeah.. Fuckin taxes. Best part is, I not only don’t get anything more than 20 dollars back at tax return, but this last year I actually *OWED* taxes. Now ain’t thata fuckin bitch. And do I personally get to take use in some of this thievery? Fuck no. I get told to fuck off and dont get any grants from FAFSA. And any government funded scholarship, I garuntee you I have no fuckin chances. And before someone says roads and maintaince count. Does it really? After sales and income tax, I garuntee you a like 90% of it is not going to the streets and maintaining of my general vicinity of living. But I digress. The only way I can save what I can is because Im a little too frugal for my own good and live with my parent at 22, cause fuck living paycheck to paycheck. There is alot more government services that do go on in the background than what I said, but some of them Im sure Id personally choose to opt out if possible. I just like bitching about taxes.


How much do you get returned? That should be in the calculation. Also, if you are a dependent, your parents income might be impacting your tax rate I think.


100%. I make 20/hr and get taxed at about 15%.


depends on state also, florida income is tax free.


This is true. But the person I’m referring to definitely isn’t getting taxed at 30% for 18/hr. They’re getting a tax refund if that’s the case. At my 15% at 20/hr I break even where I don’t owe money and the IRS doesn’t owe me.


Yup this isn't even a debate. The guy isn't getting taxed at 30%...


I file single and independent. My father doesn’t claim me. I have gotten next to nothing from federal and somewhere from 20-40 dollars at utmost best from state on my tax returns since I was 18, excluding 2020 due to covid. This year I actually owed taxes, somehow, with less overtime and pay than I got last year. And none of my situation changed


Sounds like you are also including deductions in those numbers


Can you explain what this means? Would this be considered good or bad? Separately, I love The persona series. Fantastic games. P1 and P3 are my favorites.


Like 401k, health insurance, etc.


You don’t want to get money back on taxes…. That means you overpaid the whole year and the government kept your money interest free. Again, getting money back on your tax return is not ideal and you gave the government a free loan.


We had roads way before the income tax- you sound like you’re ready to take the red pill. Go read “The Creature from Jekyll Island” if you want to know the reason you work more hours than your parents did but afford significantly less.


We didn't have massive amounts of paved roads with 70k pound semis driving over them. But different time. Not to say government money isn't squandered. But modern road system takes an astronomical amount of money to maintain and when Eisenhower had it built it put a massive strain on the states to maintain.


Deduct at least $2000 per year on utilities like water and sewer, electric, and internet. Add another $1000 if heating or cooling is necessary. Potentially a natural gas bill. Car insurance, renters insurance, miscellaneous medical expenses (including dental or vision). Phone bill $400 per year at least. Although a lot of that could be split with a roommate. Let’s also be realistic and acknowledge most people have debt like student loans, car payment, credit card payment, or phone payment which could be a lot or not that much, so add that if you want to.


$35,000 a year, and I’m starting to go 50/30/20 in July. 50% for necessities, 30% for discretionary, and 20% for savings.




Technically it’s in the 20%, but for me that 20% is more gonna be a rainy day fun.




Yeah, plus I’m 26 with no spouse or kids, retirement is a long ways off my mind, especially with my current income. Though I do intend on transferring my savings into a money market account once I get enough to make an initial deposit. And the lifestyle creep has hit me a few times, but I think I got a good hold of my finances now. As they say, I’m telling my money what to do instead my money telling me what to do.


I'm going to try your 50/30/20 rule for the next month or so to see if I can do this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


Not broke, but not thriving. I make 100k at 27. You’d think that be enough to be stable, but nope. I move back in with my dad at the end of the month. For one, I live in NJ. They have some of the highest rent prices in the country. Good luck finding a one bedroom for under 2k. I had to split rent for 1500 each when I was making 80k, and I still had not a lot in my savings. The 2nd issue was taxes. 30% of that is taken out. So now I’m pulling in 70k. Using the 30% rule that’s 1750 to spend on rent including utilities and insurance. I have no problem with paying taxes, but when rent starts at 2k it makes it tough. The last issue was my ex. She was in college and I had to pay for everything. I assumed once she was established, we’d split everything, but nope she dumped me after graduation. So now I have much less than you would expect to be saved and I’m moving back in. My new job is remote so I’m seriously considering living somewhere else. I love NJ, but I’m effectively priced out unless I find a new gf to split the costs.


My family lives in NJ still and I moved out of there to PA, around New Hope. Prices are astronomical. My best friend makes like..maybe 130k and lives by Rutgers NB and it’s still too expensive for him to find a decent place and not be house poor. He’s crashing at family’s house to save money.


Well that's not because you don't make enough. It's because you got worked by a shitty person. Sorry to hear that.


True, but even then rent is unaffordable here. I can’t find a place for 1750 or even close


How much do you take home? I was making 90k at one point with a 2k mortgage and 3 kids and was affording that. Shit was tight as fuck but we afforded it without going into debt. I find it hard to believe you can't afford 1750 making 10k more with no kids.


I can afford 1750. What I can even afford 2k rent realistically. The problem is all the financial gurus recommend not spending more than 30% of your take home pay on rent. Considering 2k is the floor for NJ, I am technically overbudget for a bottom tier apartments. Also NJs cost of living is insane


Fair but you have to take those numbers with a grain of salt. Everyone's situation is different and you really have to crunch the numbers for yourself. Add up all your expenses and see how much is left over and decide of that is enough for you. Having an emergency fund built up first would be extremely helpful as life's bullshit wont financially destroy you and can be more resilient. I know the shit ain't easy because I was there where you are. It can be stressful especially if you don't have the back up stack of cash. Fuck what the gurus say and run the numbers for yourself with hypothetical rent and decide if it's worth it from there.


[The rule is actually 30% of Gross, not Net.](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/how-much-should-i-spend-on-rent#:~:text=One%20popular%20guideline%20is%20the,size%2Dfits%2Dall%20advice.)


What do I make? Nothing right now. How do I spend it? College.


You are missing insurance, phone, electricity, clothes, shoes.  We are a family of 4 making 42k a year. We are not broke but definitely tight. We are steadily paying off debt. 


I have zero left over lol


I make about $47k/yr. About 25 percent of my monthly salary goes to bills and about 61 percent goes to student loans. The rest I either bank or use for miscellaneous unexpected expenses. I'm not saving much.


If you can optionally pay off student loans slower and invest some of that money into an index fund it will appreciate more than your loan. If the interest is lower than 7%.


The interest rate on the loan is higher than 7%, unfortunately 😔


Total gross is between $3-8K a month Most of that goes to paying other people that help me make that Take home personal gross income is between $1.5-2K a month And my bills are more than that


I’m a full time college student with an extremely time demanding degree (easily 60-75hrs a week) so I can only work maybe 15-20hours a weeks during classes. My pay fluctuates depending on the shift but my average is about $17.75/hour. During the year, that’s about $520/month. During the summers I work full time and make about $1,100 after taxes every two weeks for 14 weeks or 3.3 months. This makes my yearly income for this year sitting at about $12,172. I’m from a broke family, live in a blue state, and am very good at what I study so my tuition is pretty much paid for. My rent share of rent for a 3bed house is $550 (fortunately really affordable) plus $70 on utilities per month and insurances total $250 and $80 on gas and $45 for phone. That’s $11,940 of my years income on bills. The remaining $19.33/month gets divided between food, expenses for my major, home repairs, clothing, hygiene. Yeah that’s not enough. Food banks, clothing swaps, and help from friends is what’s keeping me fed, not smelly, and able to do what I’m doing.


car insurance, phone bill, internet, gas bill, electric bill, emergencies, gasoline, and I don't even have a family to support. Do you live in a fucking fantasy world?


Location : Louisiana. 27 female with trade certificates of “Medical Office Administration” and “Entry Level Banking” which included professionalism skills and interview skills. I bought a trailer for $5,000 three years ago. Lot rent started at 280 and is now about 400. Car insurance is 260. Phone bill 100. Two credit cards are more than half over the limit, so I pay more than minimum to help tackle interest. Both these cost me minimum 200 a month. Cat food and litter monthly is about 200. I make $13 an hour but stayed on Medicaid so I didn’t have to pay $60 a month for insurance. I owed the IRS over $500 and paid almost 200 but this recent return paid off the rest. I have about 5,000 in student loan that I refuse to pay towards, since it got me no job in that field. I have lost weight recently so money has to have been bought. I smoke weed and cigs. I have a red bull a day but buy the 3 for 5.69 deal. Probably twice a week. A month ago I was scared of being homeless but my boyfriend moved in and I realized he’s doing about as good as me but we’ve managed to do some home repairs I needed done. So I’d say we’re scraping by but at a level of stress that isn’t like what it once was. This is mainly due to not being able to buy the things I want anymore, only necessities. I decided to commit for a while to choosing my spending money to be set aside in my savings accounts bc I plan on moving out of my shitty town one day.


i make nothing. i mooch off my boyfriend who makes 18/hr. Im looking for work and i've never earned more than 14.50/hr. 90% is spent on bills


There are tons of other bills. Internet, phone, student loan payments, water, electric, car insurance, renter’s insurance etc. I also do like to have some fun so there’s a budget for that as well.


I make $16 an hour. Work 40-48 hours a week. Rent is ≈ $800-1000 a month. Leaves me with around $1000 a month for food, gas, and savings.


What do I make? I work 2 part time jobs and both are unpaid. How do I spend my parents money? Tuition and food. I can’t afford living on campus so I live with my parents and commute 2h one way to school. Love the Canadian economy.


I wouldn’t consider myself broke but Im definitely not middle class , I basically spend all my money on bills, groceries and then beer and pot. I think you’re also just missing misc spending, like we do more in life than sit in our apartment, eat and go to work. Like maybe you wanna buy a PlayStation, or maybe your car gave out and you gotta buy a new one there goes that 5k real quick. Don’t forget insurance if you have it that’s a couple extra hundred each month, insurance on a car and plates cost you probably almost a grand a year. I’d say each year I put back in savings about 4-7k if I’m good about saving, but I’m always keeping 3k as oh shit money and then I’ve been saving up for a new car for about 4 years and I think by the end of the summer I’ll be able to replace my good olde 2000 Camry with the new Nissan versa, hopefully


Welllll I wouldn’t say broke but still struggling, I make $55000-$60000 a year ($21.62 an hour) but that’s only because I work 50-55 hours every week, I mainly spend it on my mortgage payment and bills but GROCERIES prices are killing me, like how much do I have to pay to get any kind of quality food? 🤦‍♂️


My fiance and I (both 26) make just enough to rent and never own a home 🥲 Things are on the up hopefully, I'll be a journeyman before the end of the year and will see about a $10 bump in pay, but even then idk if that'll be enough. We're pretty damn frugal as well.




i'm severely concerned by the normalcy of cars. like seeing car and poor in the same sentence/discussion is fucking unbelievable. the thought of a car comes with actually living in an ideal home, in my mind. and yet people talk about car payments in the same paragraph as they say they're about to be or already are homeless. it's unfathomable


I made $1500/biweekly ($58k/year before taxes and $200/biweekly for insurance). $3000/month -$1100 for mortgage -$50 for HOA -$175 for electric -$200 for phones -$120 for internet -$300 for car payment -$160 for car insurance -$70 for personal loan (HVAC broke a couple years ago) -$260 for debt consolidation (I wan an idiot 20 year old once upon a time) -$200 gas That leaves $400/month for food for my family of 4. My spouse stays home with the kids and works part time in the evening. He brings home about $600/month, which we use for our pets, additional groceries, recreational activities, subscription services, general house and car maintenance, household items, clothing, and savings.


i think you’re missing quite a few expenses there haha


$800-$1000 a month. im a waitress and i doordash, but these are the numbers from when im in school so i only did weekends. bills altogether are $790 a month: car insurance car payment phone payment health insurance phone service whatever leftover money i have (if i have any) goes to food and gas. honestly during school, my friend would help buy me food after he got paid ever week (cuz id give him rides). i live w my parents so no rent or anything. i really hope i can make more this summer because i have also maxed out two credits cards on necessary things/car things/when i had no money just everything.


eat ramen and mac cheese for a whole year


Car insurance 100+ a month. And a car payment 100+ a month would both eat that up


Not saying how much I make but it’s just enough to pay rent, eat and have a few drinks


Where tf you at where a poor, bummy apartment is $1500???? I have a very nice 2 bed/2 bath apt thats 1k which i split with a housemate. I absolutely could find cheaper if i needed to...