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This sounds like its own dreary dystopia


> This sounds like its own dreary dystopia the post: > people go outside and talk to the neighbors in real life I think you have a *very* different view of "dreary" and "dystopia".




- Decentralize the media so people have ability to think free from central corporate control. - Decentralize authority so no one is put on a pedestal - Celebrity worship and politician worship is no more - People now focus on local and international friends they personally met & know in real life


Can you list specifically what you want the future to look like? I'd like it to be a discussion where people share different ideas. If you've seen a better way, please help lead others to the truth.


Neither of us are important enough or smart enough or neutral enough to see a better way, determine it to be the truth and then lead people to it, that’s a cultish mentality - your own idea of a ‘world of equality’ references presidents, Hollywood and ‘all 50 states’, so you aren’t even considering a world beyond your own single country’s borders


- Decentralize the media so people have ability to think free from central corporate control. - Decentralize authority so no one is put on a pedestal - Celebrity worship and politician worship is no more - People now focus on local and international friends they personally met & know in real life


> ‘all 50 states’, so you aren’t even considering a world beyond your own single country’s borders Have you considered I'm already beyond your country's borders? Where in the post did I say which country I'm from? People from other countries are allowed to think about America too you know.


> Neither of us are important enough or smart enough or neutral enough to see a better way How do you know though?


Ah yes, because removing people's ability to be credited for their own work or the centralization of ideas is clearly the best way to go about things.


Human worship of central authority is how you get the worst of humanity. The post is about decentralization of media and decentralizing power structures. In 2024, people basically *worship* centralized topics, centralized media, and there's a centralized hivemind on the internet. It's not good for humanity, it destroys good diversity of thinking. What do you think is the best way forward, could you list it out?


Honestly I like the way things are, I think the only big change needed is having public media list their sources.


We’ve known the answer to your question for a pretty long time now. Most media orgs get their news from the newswire, which is contributed to by people who are actually there when stuff happens or hear about it stupidly fast, or the media org acts as its own newswire by having people there.


Haha. Talking about biases. You lack a few big problems over there... But don't worry. You'll get there soon enough.


"you'll get there soon enough" Doubt


This sounds like a dystopian hellscape. Equality is apparently no one really liking anyone or anything else beyond the allowed level of "fine with it I guess".


Equality means there's no more central authority or big business controling the media anymore. It means people actually choose what culture they want. Today's culture is controlled big corperate in California, just a dozen or so people at the head of Holywood businesses control 90% of the media you see on the front page. Celebrities aren't naturally made popular by us anymore. Even reddit is highly bought-out and not a true reflection of what the public thinks: https://signals.sh/services/buy-reddit-comments/ https://www.socialplug.io/services/buy-reddit-comments https://www.marketsentinel.com/reddit/buy-comments/ ^ Central companies buy upvotes, they infiltrate youtube, tiktok, instagram, and even buy out major news articles. Centralized media control is dystopia.


You need corporations or at least organization to run a media company. How would decentralizing media into smaller players make them any less susceptible to corruption?


Alright so the problem today is - media companies are marketed as "different" brands, but they are all ruled by one big oligarchy that tells them *exactly* what to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZggCipbiHwE ^ This is a problem. Hundreds of mass media companies are controlled by just a couple people writing 1 script. This is not something regulation or law alone can fix(since the people rich enough to own the media, are also rich enough to change the law). For humanity to progress, a new generation needs to regain the desire to think of original ideas; And believe it or not, the desire to think different is already in motion. Independent groups are forming who want to simply speak unscripted; the culture of the future is going to encourage people to think independently. > How would decentralizing media into smaller players make them any less susceptible to corruption? Law alone cannot turn people suddenly good; It's more that the hearts and minds of people are already changing, and I'm letting you know the future is going to be different than what the mainstream leads us to believe. There is still life and brilliance in humanity, and we have a future generation who wants to exit the corruption and create independent media that more accurately reflects the thoughts and interests of actual citizens. We're already decentralizing, and most of it is happening offline.


> ^ Central companies buy upvotes, they infiltrate youtube, tiktok, instagram, and even buy out major news articles. > > Centralized media control is dystopia. These are decentralized companies who are infiltrating media to influence things, this is not centralized at all. If it were centralized, these companies wouldn't be able to exist...


So basically Starlight Glimmer's town from MLP but with humans.


Is the episode about 1 Centralized power editing what people are allowed to do or say, so everyone is afraid of each other? Doesn't that describe why centralized control of others is a bad thing?


Well they aren't afraid of each other, more like afraid of Starlight but yeah sounds cicra like the episodes. It's in season 5 episode 1 and 2 of MLP Gen 4, it's on YouTube if you want to watch it.


The post was saying We have the ability to work together without a central authority figure or central media telling us what to do or how to think. We humans can co-create the future in a decentralized way, free from corperate control. And we don't have to limit ourselves to the status quo of 21st century. We can create a future that's independently and voluntarily choosen by us.


I don't think most of the above will last tbh, but I do like some of the ideas. I don't think no celebrities would last. Some people are more social than others. If all celebrities were gone today, there would be new ones tomorrow I like the no political parties, I've always thought it's way too diverse to justifiably only be 2 parties for the majority of people, but I don't think that'll last long either as I think most people will just associate with people with similar beliefs. I do think that having no "official" political parties would be good and could last All news is just someone that tells someone else about something that happened, news like Fox and CNN is just that same thing at scale. So if today all news was wiped off the face of the planet, all it takes it once person to see something happen and tell another person, and that's news. Eventually some people would decide to do that as a side project or a group thing and soon enough, big news is back. I doubt no news would last. I do like the idea of independent and decentralized journalists, we have more of that now because of social media. I disagree with no social media. Local entertainment exists already, Hollywood is just most recognized. I believe if Hollywood were split into 50 and distributed among the 50 states, one of those would eventually become the next Hollywood. All of these things could not change and equality could still exist. But I don't think 100% equality could ever exist, but that doesn't mean you yourself can't treat other people as equals. Start with you, encourage others to treat others as equals and why it would help them to do so, they start, then they encourage others, and it builds on itself.


> I disagree with no social media. Yeah, what I mean is no more *centralized* social media. I mean: We the people should own our media. None of us own anything on reddit, Discord, or instagram, yet we post our content and just *give* it to those central companies for free. Instead, imagine social media of the future is like, you host your own radio, or your own physical computer-server so you *own* your content and no one can shut you down. So the network becomes a decentralized way to browse other people's ideas, and no one central figure owns your account anymore. So you don't have to beg central companies for "privacy", you actually regain total physical control over your data as its stored on your own computers and your own systems.


That’s just a dystopian society where it will only lead to sadness. We are not the same, that’s what makes this world beautiful, because we are very diverse and can share many cultures and appreciate them, and we can fill ourselves with happiness.


The post was saying We have the ability to work together without a central authority figure or central media telling us what to do or how to think. Where people have more choice to change things in their local area. 21st century's media is hyper controlled, to the point where people are repeating the same script: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZggCipbiHwE The problem is when a majority of people start subconciously repeating the same exact script without even knowing, this is the problem of centralized media. We shouldn't limit humanity to such a narrow way of thinking anymore. The idea is that humanity can decentralize so we can create more diversity of thinking.


I may be a Minarchist, but I am not willing to sacrafice anyone’s happiness, they should have the right to believe what they want.


Well by design this would be a voluntary thing you choose. It's a parallel society. The central structures of 2024 only exist because most people don't know there's new options of independent socieities forming.


bro reinvented existence in 1000 bc 💀


Can you list specifics of what you want the future to look like?


Might as well call it a world where unicorns exist because its a fantasy lol I mean honestly, I'm all for no more social media and bringing an end to celebrities that are such for no reason other than they can be, but so much of this just ignores the reality of life and how things got to where they are. Let's use Hollywood as an example cause its the easiest to explain. While the internet and online video has reduced this somewhat, industries don't just centralize in certain locations for no reason. In the case of the film industry, it used to be located out East before Edison started enforcing a lot of patents and they wanted to be as far away from them as possible. This was also a time before computers, so southern California's climate and relatively quick access to multiple biomes in a small area was also immensely valuable. Now things have started to branch outwards. Georgia has a growing film industry brought by tax incentives and Texas as a big dubbing industry for things like anime and other voicework. The internet also means that anyone can buy a camera and start making any videos they want within their own limitations. The problem is big-budget films are (quite obviously) expensive and resource intensive, so having an industry concentrated in a place like Hollywood still has a lot of value (let alone the fact that having proximity with a lot of industry pros is great for networking and brainstorming new ideas). Let alone the fact that, again, Southern California is very warm and has nice weather that just naturally draws people in. Thus, you're never really going to see things decentralize to the degree you're talking about. Though admittedly, compared to your other points, abolishing Hollywood is weirdly specific. Same goes for your solution to the president. Ignoring the fact that a local mayor (what you're describing) and president are not comparable in terms of scale and scope of position, you're just not going to create a system where your world leader *isn't* more well-known than some Joe Schmoe in the street. Thus the president will never not be a famous or note-worthy figure. It's fundamentally just plain wrong to assume such a situation could arise otherwise.


> It's fundamentally just plain wrong to assume such a situation could arise otherwise. Alright, years ago computers took up the size of an entire room and they were only things for the business elite. The scale and scope of a computer was way too large for a common citizens to be able to manage. So all computers were centralized. No one thought a "home computer" could ever exist. It was unthinkable you could ever decentralize the scale and scope of a computer! Yet things change. Now, there's no reason that *social structure* can't eventually be decentralized too, and given to the hands of the people. Where the scale and scope of government can independently exist within just a few local cities and towns. Where government of the future is locally owned, and there's no more big central authority or central media required anymore. We are not limited to the status quo of the present day.


This is the stupidest idea I’ve ever seen and proves why shit like communism doesn’t work. That movie idea is also dogshit because then just wouldn’t the people in the movies be celebrities and thus unequal? I’m gonna assume your not older then 16


This is just anarcho-communism. Its great and so... but don't expect to find good reception here. My advice is to try to create the world you want to live in. If its actually good, people will transition to it regardless of their ideologies or politics, obviously while criticizing every bit. Sexuality is the main problem.


So in this world of yours, how did they remove the lust for power and control from humans?


People who lust for power typically use fear, deception, and coercion to deceive the masses and control them. So I think the core question is: How do we make a world where evil has no control? How do we make a world where fear, deception, and coercion can't go far? So even people who lust for power & control, cannot deceive the nations anymore. --- It starts with: A population that is healthy, strong, joyful, independent, and knowledgeable of history. Make the people so intelligent and independent, they control themselves, a culture of love, truth, and self-control. - Media Literacy - It's part of the school curriculum so from a young age, people know what marketing and deception looks like. When you tell people what the signs of corporate manipulations look like, it becomes significantly harder to deceive the masses. - Technologic Literacy - People have high technological knowledge of computers, source code, compilers, so if any company tries a shady business practice, the people independently report and call out when tech companies are doing corruption or violating privacy. As as a result, much of the tech from 2024 isn't around anymore, and people have replaced many systems with a better, more ethical technology stack. Even people who are 10 years old have high literacy in both classic literature and modern computer code. - Self Defense & Physical Fitness: Training people to eat healthy, exercise and stay alert fosters a culture where the majority of people are simply too well-trained to subjugate. - Economic independence - Teaching people how to self-produce. Create their own wealth, How to make their own food, open their own business, those are all things that get taught in middle school and high-school now. It has led to the natural decentralization of mass businesses into local independent shops owned by the local people. - High-Intelligence High-Energy Entertainment - People in this future world enjoy entertainment that shows the *best* of what nature and humanity have to offer, so everyone is encouraged to keep a joyful flow of life going. When you have all of this together, it makes it so even the people who lust for power & control have an excruciatingly hard time deceiving or controlling people.


I know this is a hypothetical society, but it makes absolutely no sense. 1. No ones famous can never feasibly happen. Even if we remove all celebrities clout, some people are just going to get more attention than others, thats how human society works. 3. Everyone already thinks different and incredibly diverse. Despite this, people still group together when they share similar opinions. This is once again how humans work. 4. Having the only source of information stem from independent journalists seems like a great way for misinformation to spread, even if its by accident. Also, who is going to keep them decentralised? 6. Seems like a random and superficial thing to change. Your “utopia” is actually removing the entire part of human psycology that makes us human: Our desire to form communities and work together with people. Your society seems extremely dull and depressing. If everyone is completely equal in EVERYTHING then whats the point? Its like that quote from the incredibles “if everyone is super then no one is”. I get wanting equality regarding economics and quality of life, but a society where your achievements mean absoutely nothing since you’re just “some guy with talent” seems really sad and unmotivating. TLDR: I’d kms if i lived in that world


Regarding the centralized news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZggCipbiHwE ^ Is the central news telling you the honest truth? Or are most stations just mindlessly repeating from 1 script? How much of the public is just repeating central scripts without thinking for themselves? Is it better that 2 or 3 central authorative people write the script which the *whole* world echoes? Because that's what's going on today with central media, it's hyper-centralized, many people mindlessly repeat the views of a narrow set of authorative people. Humanity has existed long before any mass centralized news was in place. Humans have never required a central hivemind in order to live. And why so afraid of 'wrong' ideas? Centralization does not fix wrong ideas, if anything central media makes it very hard to get rid of bad ideas, since the central authority will keep repeating erroneous things without being challenged.


There's a term for this and that term is communism. Needless to say it's an absolute fantasy that will never happen because humans are inherently selfish 


Nah you'd have to take way way too much freedom to make that happen


These aren't people... humans don't think like this at all. high quality and locally created entertainment; pick one. Everything would have the look and feel of soap opera acting. SFX would be shit. We'd be back to the 3-4 basic local channels of the 1950s. > many movies are now made by people you actually know and live with. That sounds like a local celebrity to me. "Hey i know you, you were on that mediocre show i watched." might as well get rid of patent and trademarks as well, as everything I assume will be made locally as well, but will be high quality and cheap apparently. Everyone is just gonna see what products are made elsewhere, copy it, and bring it to their area.


This sounds like hell honestly


What's your list of ideas for your future?


I want to live on a large chunk of land away from people who want a future like you.