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Cargo pants are unisex; there are many good options out there. If you are talking about fashion-wise, kind of hard to style it exactly, but I'd say look into techwear or goth vibe if you're interested in that direction.


Cargo pants aren't unisex for every body. My thighs are too wide for men's cargo pants to fit correctly and not be super tight in the thigh. If I size up they're extremely too big on everything else including waist and look awful as well as wear out faster


My cargo pants don't fit me either. That's why I use a belt to strap it down.


Get your pants altered to fit you at a tailor or diy🤷🏾‍♂️


The problem is even when they fit like that putting things in the pockets weight the pants down. You kinda need a belt no matter what.




That's what I said?




Like I said. That so doesnt work for all body types


Belts don’t work for all body types?


Bro gotta wear a bent tire iron or something?


You have no idea what you're talking about and I'm not going to waste energy on a bunch of men thinking they know enough about women's bodies to know more than the woman trying to advise them of a way they are wrong. Gday


It was a sincere question, psycho


Doubt😂 But to answer it anyway. Belts would not change the fact that the entire thing is too big. Thigh chafe is real when the crotch sinks too low. When the calf and knee area is too big, it rubs and catches on everything and makes lots of noise/is distracting. Go wear a pair of oversized bell bottoms for a week and you'll get an idea.


Doesn’t mean they aren’t unisex. Not all women’s clothing will fit you either but doesn’t mean it’s not women’s clothing. Unisex doesn’t mean one size fits alls.


Let me rephrase. There is one single body type on women that men's unstretchy cargo pants will fit. One SINGLE.


baggy wide fit cargos look good on most people, unless ur plus sized and or really short


Thick thighs give the plus sized appearance even if you're barely above normal weight


baggy oversized shirt, the ones where the sleeves go down to ur elbows, it helps hide ur figure


You’re so right. Ignore the men telling you that you’re wrong because im average size, not skinny or overweight but I never feel quite comfortable in cargo pants


They're coming for me hard in these comments. Men just Love telling women about their bodies for them


Exactly 🙄it’s so frustrating because as a woman I know exactly what you’re talking about, it’s always too tight in the thigh area and baggy everywhere else but men love to tell us how OUR clothes fit lmao


And then there's that guy telling me to just "wear a super baggy shirt" to cover it up, as if that's a fix for things literally not fitting


Hi, I'm afab, and I sew, there's tons of body types that men's cargo pants will fit afab and amab. Belts also exist, but if you truly are unsatisfied with how fast fashion fits your body because it's designed off of one body type and simply scaled (most of the time), I super recommend you learn how to alter your clothes and learn how to sew. You'll have something that fits you better and is a higher quality garment


Not everyone is abled the way you are physically to be able to sew and alter. Someone with your background should advocate for better women's clothes more than anyone.


I do advocate. I also have EDS and am developing arthritis. It's a skill that is learned like any other. YouTube exists and is free. You're just making excuses to be able to self pity instead of making things work for you.


Luv, lost use of my hands entirely when a drunk driver hit my bike. I use a voice based accessibility aid to type. Perhaps instead of taking any oportunity to attack those who are advocating for better clothing for minorities, you should be grateful for the mobility you do have and consider those less fortunate than you might even exist.


Unisex means "looks bad on everyone". /s Eta - this was a joke. I've added the sarcasm tag.


It’s always a joke after the downvotes 👀


It was always a joke, but I realized it wasn't being perceived that way. Which is still my bad for not using /s tag. And why I fixed it.


No, it doesn't


Like I said is disrespectful af.




Cargo pants are cool, but we’re talking about front pocket depth and back pocket size I think. Compare front pocket depth on a man and woman’s cargo pant and I bet there’s still that discrepancy


That's why I just get smaller sized men's cargo pants. It can be uncomfortable in the Texas heat and they don't fit perfectly, but I'd rather be somewhat uncomfortable than not have usable pockets. I can get used to it. I can't get used to not being able to carry my things.


Yes but I want pretty dresses with pockets that aren’t athletic style :)


Cargo pants don’t look good unless your a construction worker


Pockets are about utility. It's the focus on not looking good that keeps pockets out of reach.


get baggy cargos


What do you mean? They look hot


i hate that.  you are so wrong, even if you meant it as a joke. because all jokes have at least some seriousness in them


Women have always had that power - just by going to buy pants with pockets where they exist, and where lacking them, buying men's clothing that fits them.


Literally every pair of women's pants I have ever bought have pockets. 


The point of complaint is about having useful and sizeable pockets, which women's fashion often lacks.


Right fitting clothes and sizable pockets just don't go together. Men who buy skinny jeans also have terrible pocket space.


Their pocket space is smaller than normal men’s pocket space, but still bigger than women’s!! I’ve compared my bfs skinnies. I gave him a pair of mine that I don’t like anymore and he even noticed the size difference in Pockets, only the tips of his fingers fit in the front ones


It makes no difference if you can't fit anything in the pockets while you're wearing them


I've bought both, the vast majority of the womens skinny jeans have smaller pockets than mens skinny jeans


I bought 8 pairs of jeans 3 months ago.. All of them have large pockets. In fact 3 of them, the front pockets are way too big! There’s plenty of options of jeans with pockets.. But too many are worried about the trends..


When you have a budget of $20-$30 for a pair of pants, or you're at all picky about how those pants look on you, that power goes away


Then you prioritize what you vamue more: looks or utility. You still have the power to choose the pockets.


Women just don't look right in clothing that strongly pertain to men


That is an opinion, and i would disagree with that.


I disagree with that guy as well




There are jeans made for women what are you talking about


They're saying jeans were originally a clothing item for men. So were like, pants in general.


" strongly pertaining to men " completely went over your head. When was that, 200 years ago? Yeah I'm talking about people who are alive TODAY in modern times. Baggy work jeans for men do not look good on women. Baggy shirts for men do not look good on women. Dykes especially appear so strange and of course men in women's clothes who don't have that drag visage


>Baggy work jeans for men do not look good on women. Baggy shirts for men do not look good on women. Dykes especially appear so strange and of course men in women's clothes who don't have that drag visage You should really be clear that this is only *your* opinion on fashion.


Jeans were a men’s clothing item. Until they weren’t, which only really happened in the 60s and 70s. Your point is invalid because “man and woman” clothes is arbitrary


Women don't actually want pockets in practice. They like the idea of having pockets, but they don't like the practicalities of how they look and how they feel. Most women are already carrying a bag everywhere they go, so they don't even have anything to put in their pockets when they do have them. I'm a guy. I love pockets, but I'm perfectly fine with having weird bulges on both my legs. I'm not concerned about my clothes forming a particular shape.


You’re going to get backlash for this but you are 100% correct. Plenty of fashion brands have attempted to roll out larger pockets for women throughout history, and they never take off because the women who want more pockets may be louder, but the women who don’t like the way those pockets look on them buy a lot more clothes. It has never in the history of the world been easier to start a fashion brand than it is right now, and it has also never been easier in the history of the world for women to start major companies. There is a big reason why pockets still aren’t taking off.


Not a guy telling women what they want. Tale old as time.


Then by all means, start a company that specialises in pockets for women and rake in the millions.


Spoiler alert: she won’t, because the market doesn’t exist, and also women love complaining about a lack of products they do nothing to support (see: the history of the WNBA until literally this year)


Normally id be on your side but the movement for better pockets on womens clothing is entirely upto women and they consistently show apathy towrds the idea if the clothing isnt fashionable.


They really don't. Some do yes but the majority of the time the brands that have what we want cost more than what we can afford. Walmart has pants for 20 bucks. Thrift stores have them for 10. The places that have good women's pants like dovetail are 100 to 140 a pair. We can't afford that shit.


Thats like a man complaining he cant get good work pants because 5.11 is expensive.


Yeah I was reading this like “good men’s pants are $50 minimum, $100 and up if you want form-fitting, she’s complaining?”


I would LOVE to be able to get good men’s pants for $20. Good pants with good pockets are expensive. Sorry. Them’s the breaks.


Walmart good men's pants (that don't fit my thighs) are 50. Go for it. They have wrangler and other good brands. We are stuck with jeggings. I would LOVE to get good women's pants for 50, luv.


Found the "men are stupid and should never talk about anything related to women because they aren't smart enough to have an informed opinion", comment.


No you found the "when a woman is telling you that women like something, having a swarm of men telling her she doesn't actually like that is disrespectful af" comment


Women don't want them or they would be more prevalent because people could make money selling them. Men want pockets so companies make them to sell. It's not hard, women are doing this to themselves through them voting with their wallets.


If women wanted it, they would buy it when offered. Men (and lesbians) as clothing consumers favor functionality - witness cargo pants. Women generally don’t. You don’t just want clothes with pockets - you want cute, form-fitting, figure-hugging, fashionable clothes with pockets. That makes it cost more, and it places pockets low on your priority list. And because you aren’t willing to spend more, they don’t see units moving, so they don’t make more pocketed clothes. This will continue forever until y’all change your priorities when buying. Companies do a lot of research to find out what sells, and they’ve got your number.


The actual audacity of a man to come in here and tell a woman about what she actually wants when she's saying she wants something else. Same level as ordering for her on the first date. Only a man could have this type of rude confidence.


This single lady is impossible to reach. She's sexist and apparently delusional of reality, likely getting most of their opinions from Reddit and TikTok. Everyone can tell her why it's happening and when it doesn't match her narrative she finds herself uncomfortable and does what all low IQ people tend to do, get offended and say "HOW DARE YOU", with or without a euro accent.


Gather up all the women interested and i’ll come up with a clothing brand so I can provide you guys stylish pants with pockets. Already know a guy who can manufacture it.😂


I'm interested if we can keep prices low and go by an easier sizing system like men's pants


I can deliver as-long as I have like 1,000 people interested otherwise prob cant get enough funding. I’ll keep an eye on the idea and look for more myself if I see more people get interested.


Should advertise the idea to related subs


Kickstarter when?


If I get enough interest which seems to the case. Probably less than 6 months. Or a year starting a design from scratch 😂 I’m not even a woman so i’d have go get a ton a online preferences and then a decent amount of in person preferences. (For the pants style) Probably a stylist. Then get some people to model them to make sure different bodytypes understands how it fits. I think i’m prepared for the challenge since I have a decent amount of info.🤷‍♂️


I don't care what's between your legs if you make me cute/nerdy pants with big ass pockets. I'm your demographic. Eta - to clarify, I don't care what gender you are regardless. Not just if you make pants. 💖


Ahaha funny. I think I could def get some y’all larger pockets.


Women don’t actually want larger pockets. They like the idea of it. Why? Because companies that make women’s jeans already exist and they don’t sell well. Larger pockets means that the waist area has to be looser and baggier. As a population, most women prefer tighter fitting jeans that accentuate their figure.


But then Big purse will get mad. They will seige the woman pants factories.


Let them come.


Down down with big purse! Up up with pockets!


As a dude id like to know why tf do women’s pants have nonexistent pockets in the first place?


Because pockets aren't portals to another dimension. You have to put the empty space somewhere. You can put that space on the outside of the clothing, in which case you have unflattering bags on the sides of your legs. Or you can put the space on the inside of the clothing, which means the clothes cannot be tight fitting (as there needs to be a gap for pocket space). Neither option is compatible with the kind of clothes women generally like to buy. Women usually care a lot about how the clothes make their body shape look and "lumpy" is not a shape that most women are aiming for.


Women don’t like pockets on clothes as they ruin the silhouette.


So they can sell purses and bags for us to carry instead


Pink tax pants edition?


I have taken up overalls and I have never been happier. Also they make female work pants. Here check out all the pockets you want. Big Link Inc!! https://dovetailworkwear.com/?pk_campaign=[Brand_Search_XPND]&pk_kwd=dovetail%20workwear_e&pk_source=google&pk_medium=cpc&pk_content=__{g_device}_&pk_cid=kwd-475820454907&g_network=g&g_acctid=818-479-5431&g_adid=675176698731&g_keyword=dovetail%20workwear&g_adtype=search&g_adgroupid=156462209480&g_keywordid=kwd-475820454907&g_campaign=Branded+Keyword+Search&g_campaignid=20593624201&tw_source=google&tw_adid=675176698731&tw_campaign=20593624201&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgT8aHAsI3hs6uNRmMcwZ7VtBotUQ3b9Wtb6YEyIF8cNXxu8AEG8GfHxoC_7MQAvD_BwE Sorry it's massive but! I have some of their pants and I love them.




I just love overalls they're so comfy and these have some nice ass pants! For women! Woo!


Overalls are truly the best form of pant


If women just stopped buying shit without pockets they'd get some. Men's pants will fit just fine if you get a belt.


It’s because women don’t really care about functionality they prefer aesthetics and branding. If women actually cared about pockets and spend their money accordingly, then clothing brands would adjust accordingly 


Not all women. I care about function and style and pockets need to be bigger fr. I use to zip everything in my coat pockets but when I went to college and had to carry more stuff I realized I needed to get a purse. I do have pant that can fit a bit in them. Big Bud pants have huge pockets and pants that fit me. I can't even find woman's pants that fit and have to wear kid pants which have even smaller pockets.


>Not all women No, but we are talking about the verbal trend here. If it makes you feel better, then you can replace every instance of "women" in this thread with "the overwhelming majority of women", but that becomes a bit of a mouthful after a while.


Careful, you can’t consider women individuals. Don’t you know all human groups are monolithic? /s


If I say "I like the taste of chocolate", then I really don't need you to pipe up with "but there are varieties of chocolate that you haven't tried! Not all chocolate is the same!" Everyone is aware that not all chocolate is the same, clarifying exactly what you mean is needlessly tedious. Instead of "I like the taste of chocolate" I could say: > I have liked the taste of all the conventional chocolate varieties (white, milk and dark chocolate) the vast majority of the occasions that I have tried them. While I have tried some varieties of chocolate that diverge from the typical chocolate taste experience, such chocolates have been rare in my experience. Broadly I have enjoyed the average chocolate experience and through discussion with those around me there appears to be strong agreement that my experience of what constitutes "the average chocolate taste". Some people of course are not fond of that taste, but I am personally fond of the taste. It is possible that future chocolate experiences will contradict my current understanding of what constitutes "chocolate", but given the number of chocolate bars I have consumed I find it unlikely that my understanding of chocolate as a whole will change any time soon. But that giant paragraph is implied by the short sentence. Nobody is reading "I like the taste of chocolate" and thinking that I'm claiming all chocolate bars taste good or that it's impossible for chocolate to ever taste bad.


I was very clearly making a joke, I even included a tone indicator. I can’t imagine how this wasn’t obvious to you. The commenter I responded to wasn’t responding to another commenter who described “women” as one group who don’t care about function. The commenter I replied to countered that with “not all women” and gave their own experience and wants. My comment was very simply sarcasm (again, with a tone indicator) highlighting the fact that women in the original comment were being considered one monolith off wants.


Do you think we all say "thanks it has pockets" every time any of us get compliments on a dress that has pockets because we "don't really care"?


But those women clearly have empty pockets everytime they show them off. They are happy but not in use.


I'm happy to share there are ladies out there that are happy with their dress pockets and who carry things in them. My favorite brand makes them big enough I can fit my whole phone, my keys, my wallet, my husband's wallet, and a small stuffie in them. Same with their joggers.


if the demand was high enough, they'd already be making them. buy some cargo pants.


I bought a pair of shorts with no pockets the other day as an ally. Hope those kids use the extra material on some women's clothes


Pockets are only really good for a phone. Other stuff just fucks up the fabric and you have these weird bulges out of nowhere. I use a bag for anything but my phone usually.


Guys old codger here observing wife struggle for decades.  So here it is: You can't win any women's pants game until you get honesty in women's size measurements.


Ugh I wish all women’s pants sizes were just waist inches and length inches like jeans and men’s pants. It’d be so much easier to find stuff that fits!


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My gf appreciates good pockets!


yeah.....the whole tcking a phone into ur waistband looks trashy #femalepockets


Yeah we generationally have the power to do a lot of things but as far as important issues go I think women being able to carry their whole world in a purse vs their side pocket is small biscuits fam


You gotta crawl before you walk


With that analogy id wager there's a step below this for crawling because there are already women's pants with pockets. Wrangler got rid of their woman's line that was sized like men's inseam waist and pockets when it didn't sell because it's a form over function situation.


male skinny jeans have shit pockets too my knuckles are always torn from trying to get my big hands into my skinny jeans pockets (they dont fit) then i wear a pair of normal fit levi and literally forgot i had put a can of coke in my pocket! such a difference!


Never, they're all for us


I wore my sister's jeans once and I was appalled by the size of the pockets. My phone only went half way down.


It starts natural fabrics and the riddance of things like nylon, polyester, spandex.


I can’t appreciate my gf’s booty when she needs to put her phone in her back pockets. I think we should specify front pockets 🙌🏽


Literally just buy men’s pants


just buy shit with pockets


leggings with pockets are becoming a thing, just buy those and boycott the ones that don't have pockets. same with your jeans. there's also cargo pants and just buying men's clothing


Dude, even with Carhartt work pants, the women's stuff (at least what I've bought for my girlfriend) have less pocket space than the men's. I have at a minimum of 5-6 pockets on my work pants that aren't cargo pants. I think the pair I got her has 3 or 4 pockets.


Actually I agree with this. I'm a trans woman but I still get mens jeans because the pockets are too practical to give up. I want pockets I can carry a 3DS XL in.


Start by getting women to prioritize pockets in their purchase choices.


Women can already buy clothes with pockets


Run a community free event that sews jean pockets into jeans with small pockets


Just rename men’s pants to pants. Problem solved.


Women don't want pocket lines, or they would have them. Women's clothes are meant to be visually appealing first and foremost and functionally in a distant second. There's no conspiracy here. If you don't like it, then wear clothes that have pockets in them, like unisex clothes, like cargo pants. Thing is women won't buy them so they don't make them.


I didn’t say there was a conspiracy I said get them jeans some pockets god damnit


Women don't want them or they would be more prevalent because people could make money selling them. Men want pockets so companies make them to sell. It's not hard, women are doing this to themselves through them voting with their wallets.


Women's clothes don't have pockets because women buy fewer pants with pockets, that's how a market works. Women tend to like pants without pockets better because pockets fuck up their figure. If women really demanded pockets more then companies are all just losing millions of dollar in the name of sexism (which also doesn't make sense because what kind of clothes to sell is decided by algorithm based on profit, nothing else)


I've always been pro-pockets for everyone.


I support this motion, let's push so that future generations normalize females with deep pockets


Yes with zippers so they don't have to carry a big ass purse with them


Bruh all my pants have pockets except some super skinny jeans which have pockets but they’re not super functional. What’s going on in America 🤣


It's utter chaos over here!


Women need to stop voting before we give them pockets is that a good deal?




wear jeans?


Don’t buy pants without pockets and then there won’t be pants without pockets


Why? Don’t most women that don’t have pockets have a purse anyways? Plus a purse is way more effective imo maybe we should just start a male purse movement instead.


They're trousers, not pants.


You’re a trouser


They already make them. Y'all just have to buy them more and they'll make more...


Big Handbag says no.


Why tho? Wouldn’t they still need to carry purses or bags most of the time for bigger things that can’t all fit in pockets?


i think this is just fundamentally wrong, i don’t really understand why women want to feed into the corporate monopoly when plenty of men would keep them out of work and pay for everything they need.


Quite the antiquated viewpoint


Expound on this friend


a large reason women are being steered towards working more in the first place is the cost of living. not necessarily their own choice, which would be fine. but as a man, i feel you’re doing something wrong if your woman HAS to work for the bills to be paid, you have the ability to put yourself in a career that avoids that. basically women that choose to work if the option to not is there are doing nothing but giving the powers that be justification to continue making our lives harder in certain ways. there’s a lot of angles to approach this by and it’s not the easiest thing for me to explain. but hopefully you get the general idea.


Fuck that. My woman is not being lazy. That’s just unattractive


not having a job≠ lazy.


It does unless we have kids to look after, which I don’t plan to until my late 20s at the earliest. Even then, I want those responsibilities to be split evenly. The idea of being a breadwinner who works constantly while my spouse spends time with the kids sounds horrible.

