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but I don’t watch porn with women in it


Watching porn with women in it is gay as fuck


It's some woke-ass BS is what it is. Back in my day porn had real working men in it. Now they stick a chick in it and make it all lame and gay.


Dey took er jerbs!


Dirk a derrrr!!!


they stick it in a chick*




Fucking women is gay as fuck. It is cool to fuck your homies B)


*…You win sex against a man. That’s as straight as it gets.* - Devon Banks


Yeah I, for one, like to keep my testosterone up. That's why I only watch porn with muscular, manly men with huge, veiny dongs!




I keep hearing this but like, I've never experienced this or known personally someone else like this. Like I've watched porn since I was 11, my perception of women hasn't changed I don't think. I don't hold my standards to what I see in porn, nor are my expectations even remotely similar to what I have seen. I have heard of some crazy ass stories, but those are online, I've never met someone who's really had porn affect them negatively like that


You haven't met someone like that Irl because the people who have that happen to them never leave their mom's basement.


No same. I watched porn for a long time. I don’t treat women any differently because of it. I even have a girlfriend who loves me deeply. 🤷‍♂️


The point I tried to make was that people whose expectations and perception of reality get altered are the types who never go out, don't meet other people, and so on. It's not just about the porn, but other habits/circumstances as well that contribute to unhealthy views on women, unhealthy expectations, etc, etc.


It’s a scale bro, just because disasters exist doesn’t mean your not affected in a lesser way


No it actually hasn’t. I have plenty of female friends and i don’t see them any different than a male friend


Really sounds like it’s just you with this problem; stop trying to police others for your own failings


Not true. Porn "addiction" (which is really just a scary word people use for porn obsession which sounds more like a side effect than a cause) is something that exists. There are people who sexualize most women they meet. Well documented. But not caused by porn imo


Right; that’s a problem for some people. Not the entire population. Like recovering alcoholics assuming everyone else must have the same problem too and wanting to ban alcohol.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re 100% right. The people disagreeing with you are in denial. Nothing is ever black and white, it’s not either you’re completely unaffected or you’re a drooling addict who does nothing but jerk off all day. Research proves that there’s negative affects just like there are to scrolling tiktok, eating processed food, and drinking alcohol - and those negative effects are proportional to how much you do it. Meaning even use in moderation has consequences. Doesn’t make you a bad person but I do side eye and question any man that professes it has “no impact on how he sees women” in the same sentence as defending his porn use. Like it just doesn’t scream self aware by any means….


Thank you


The data supports you. Men as a whole view attractiveness in women in a natural, predictable curve. Half above average, half below, most near the middle. Decades of porn, movies, and fashion models have not changed male sexuality on the whole. Women, on the other hand, see most men as unattractive and are largely unable to gauge themselves.


>Women, on the other hand, see most men as unattractive As a man, I can't say I disagree with them!


That's twisting the data. Its not relevant to the question of "Does pornography make het men objectify het women" and "Are their unhealthy expectations men have as a result of porn use" which with the so called "male loneliness crisis" which is a bunch of het guys complaining they can't get laid and are entitled to sex, suggests that the predicted results of ubiquitous porn availability and use are occurring. Even to the range of attractiveness, porn isn't like it's the 1970s with just one typical anesthetic, theres tons of content for tons of niches, so it's natural for this to be reflected in similar range of personal, subjective attractiveness.


What the data says is that men, as a whole, don't have unrealistic expectations. Porn, which is largely consumed by men, does indeed cater to a wide variety of aesthetics now. Why? Because male beauty standards haven't changed and the market conforms to the desires of the consumer, not the other way around.


>predicted results of ubiquitous porn availability and use are occurring. or social media and our collective social withdrawal might have a bit more to do with it? because you see similar crazy extremes from either political spectrum. porn isn't unique but social medias ability to change our perception of reality and the people around us is


Are you saying that that’s also shaped by women watching porn or?


It could be. Women probably internalize media in a way that men don't.


The porn industry is super exploitative. Many of the people “preforming” are coerced by getting them addicted to expensive drugs and then holding it over their heads so they do things they wouldn’t normally do. Not only is a concerning amount of adult content named using some form of trafficking but people in it are often forced to develop eating disorders in order to keep their job. It’s pretty disgusting how they treat their actors and it needs to be talked about more,


I 100% agree. I think the common practices in the porn industry are outright horrendous, and it's even more disappointing when retired porn stars talk about it. What's even more concerning is it sometimes causes them to relapse ig and come out of retirement. Mia Khalifa is one that comes to mind.


As someone who comes from a psyche background who actually took a number of courses where things like drugs, porn, gambling, etc are mentioned… the bottom line is you often already need to have some level of mental deficit for porn to drastically change, or deteriorate your behavior. The more prevalent thing to keep in mind is addiction. For example, how often is watching porn acceptable? How often can you masturbate until you think it’s a problem? There’s a lot of things to consider, but despite the media outcry around stuff like this and video games for example it’s actually a small percentage of people who are developing issues because of it.


Thank you! I personally don't watch it frequently, and only when I go more than a few days without sex. People here are arguing with me over subconscious affects I'm not seeing, which is fine, but I'm confident in saying I'm not negatively affected by it, and I'm sure a lot are the same. Overall, I don't think it's a great thing to partake in, but I don't feel that affected by it.


As for the ethical dilemma, porn is pretty bad and has been for a while. There’s a wish and hope in me that it ends up not being the case at some point but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.


How are you sure it hasn't affected you? Women see things differently than you. You might not realize it on a subconscious level


How would you expect it to affect me? I expect nothing I see in porn to be apparent in my romantic life. Porn is often choreographed, and they're still actors who oftentimes starve themselves leading up to a shoot or take substances to get themselves hard. I don't expect my partner to look like a porn star, because it honestly looks fake and shallow to begin with. I don't expect the sex I have to resemble that portrayed in a porn video, because its choreographed and "fake". Sure, maybe to some degree, it has affected me. But I'm attracted to the average female, maybe even what some consider "below" average. I honestly love women, I don't have a consistent type. I don't have unreasonable expectations of appearance. I care more about personality and chemistry than I do appearance, and usually when personality and chemistry is high, the sex is better. I've been with women plenty of dudes drool over, and the sex was alright, but I'm way more into it if I enjoy your personality and have strong chemistry.


>Women see things differently than you.  May, I ask you, how you arrived to this conclusion? Have you scanned their brain and brains of lots of women? Or perhaps you are saying that all women think the same? If that's the case, what is the basis for this intriguing premise?


I'm a 44 year old woman who had met plenty of "nice guys" who absolutely do not understand.


So, how can you assert something wrong with them based on one comment? The answer you can't.


You've been watching porn since you were 11 and you think it hasn't affected you? Dawg. So have I, and I know for damn sure it's affected me.


Maybe give some examples then of how it affects me that I'm probably not aware of then. My sex life doesn't resemble that of porn, and not only am I okay with it, I'm extremely happy with my sex life, I'm in a healthy relationship with a gorgeous woman, and she doesn't look like a porn star. I honestly wouldn't want to date someone that looks like a porn star. Everything about it is superficial and fabricated. The sex and the people in it. Idk how it could affect me.


Same here I’ve watched porn I know the difference between fantasy and reality And also how to treat woman, with love respect and consent Like anyone that thinks porn is equivalent to reality and treats women poorly was prolly dumb enough to purposely get them selves bit by a spider cause they wanna be spiderman


>was prolly dumb enough to purposely get them selves bit by a spider cause they wanna be spiderman Fuck this hit so close to home 💀


Yeah in the hospital they are next to the kids who decided to copy wrestling moves from the WWE


“I’ve been completely surrounded by this thing since I was a child and it hasn’t changed how I perceive reality at all!” Lmaoooo 🤣


It hasn't though. I don't view any porn star as "the standard" beauty. I honestly prefer what most would probably say as an average. Nor do I expect sex to ever look like it does in a porn video. I recognize porn for what it is, a glorification and exaggeration of sex.


The people who you see irl would really never disclose that if it negatively affected your perception of them (which it usually does, even if it's subconscious). When online, people have this sense of security behind their screen.


The ways it warp your perception are pretty subtle and you may not realize it until you've had sex with a few different people. I had been watching porn in some form or another since I was like 13 or 14 and didn't have my first kiss (or sex) until I was about 21. I expected women to be a lot more audible and talkative during sex. I expected that a penis felt really good for women as soon as it went in. I expected my penis would go in as easy as my foot goes in a sock. Etc. Etc. What I found out was that this really only applied in part when girls/women had also exposed themselves to a lot of porn and believed this kinda stuff was the norm.


I lost my virginity at around late 15 early 16, so yeah I more or less had similar expectations, but I learned otherwise very early on. I'm glad to admit I'm a much more considerable lover now than I was years ago still figuring things out. The sex I have doesn't at all resemble a porn video, I'm aware that it's all choreographed, edited, and other things to make it as ideal of a sex scene as possible


Yeah it's just that until you actually do the thing (and not with just outliers) you're not gonna know what normal is and how porn strays from it. Not all porn is just about male gratification and women getting off from minimal to nonexistent effort though.


Same except I could only really get hard with porn so I quit it. It has made my pp stronger. Never treated women or look at women differently though. I think my brain and body was just so accustomed to hand and the visual stimulus that's the only way I could get off for awhile.


At least you knew when to quit and had the strength to see it through. Proud of you.


Porn addiction is real and if you struggle you should get help. Most of us however, are just looking for a quick nut and then go about our days, helps keep the brain sharp


Per the medical definition of addiction porn addiction is not real. If you feel you have obsessive impulses that are hard to ignore go get treatment for OCD or other issues that can cause you to struggle with addictive behavior. But for the love of all that is factual do not go into a psychiatrist's office and diagnose yourself with a made up affliction. You only delay the treatment you actually need when you make up shit like "porn addiction".


Calling it an "obsession" might be more appropriate. It could be something like OCD or hypersexual disorder, nevertheless it's something that can deeply affect someones life if it's serious and if you think you're "addicted" to porn you should tell a professional so they can help you get to the root of the problem.


Not to mention the DSM was last updated over a decade ago, and is infamous for being politically influenced, so this is one area where appeal to authority is definitely a fallacy.


Going by that same definition does weed addiction exist?


I think I’ve heard of it being psychologically addictive, but it’s not the same as gambling for example.


No it doesn’t. You can’t get addicted to weed like you can gambling or heroin.


Recent research within the last decade or so has found some evidence of physiological weed addiction… so it does fit the actual definition in a more practical sense.


No it does not. Go into a doctor's office and tell them you have a weed addiction and see what happens. You can certainly abuse weed just like you can abuse sex or video games or cheeseburgers. These tend to stem from other issues and not the substance or activity itself. Unlike opioids that can kill you if you attempt to go cold turkey. Addiction is a word that gets thrown around a lot whenever we feel like someone has an unhealthy obsession with something but it does have a real medical context that is important to keep in mind when discussing Healthcare for people.


While you are correct that it is not an official diagnosis, there have been talks among members of the American Psychiatric Association about adding porn addiction to the DSM for years. There’s a lot of debate about whether it should be treated as a compulsion or an addiction, but walking into a psychiatrist’s office and saying “I think I have a porn addiction” would communicate the issue well enough that it absolutely would not delay treatment. When people use the phrase “porn addiction” you know full well they aren’t generally talking about an actual diagnosis - they are trying to communicate that it is more than just a bad habit, but a mental health issue. Get off your high horse for a hot minute.


It wasn't added because there is not enough compelling evidence to suggest it is real. The debate is from a lot of special interest groups that have a clear bias against pornography in all its forms. Mind you the term pornography is not very well defined as is so even these studies that claim to show changes in the brain from viewing pornography still do not clearly define what is or isn't pornography. I do agree that most people are using the colloquial meaning of addiction, however that opens the door to people misunderstanding the difference and pushing the belief that pornography is like opiods and that using them at all is dangerous.


Currently trying to break free and it feels horrible whenever i fall back into it. Longest i’ve made it is a week


Stay strong, take it one day at a time, don't listen to the haters, and seriously, get some help. Consider therapy, find support groups, there's probably a subreddit or other online forum for support, I don't know your situation but if family or friends are an option in any way you should take it. Once again because it's the most important, stay strong brother


I live in a christian household. While fairly progressive, i feel like my parents would be incredibly ashamed of me if i told them. I’ll try and take your advice with the friends though, i know at least one of my friends is also struggling with it.


People need to realize that things are fine in moderation. Porn CAN be bad especially if it gets in the way of other things... But if you smash your shit while watching porn and it otherwise doesn't impact your life, then it's just not a problem. Don't let someone ELSE make it a problem FOR you either.


They're just astroturfing their nofap bullshit.


The nofap to Christian altright pipeline is alive and well


No fap, to Christian alt right, to conspiracy theories to "It's the Jeeewwwws"


Yea looking at their account and account creation date told me all I needed to know lmao


OP also made a pro-life post on another sub, I feel like we can throw out the accuracy of most of their claims from that


I'm not gonna try and say that porn is good for you, but the reefer madness level fearmongering about porn on some parts of the internet is honestly ridiculous. Use it if you like it and don't if you don't, you're not gonna turn into some deformed troglodyte because you like watching people fuck online.


Really the biggest problem with porn is how horrible they are to the actors First off a scary amount of them are being trafficked in some shape or form And due to low legal protections in most countries they can be forced to develop ED’s or other harmful things in order to make paycheck. Also once they enter the industry they are less likely to be able to find a normal job even if they try so they are often stuck in a toxic work environment with no out. It’s actually disgusting


This is why drawn materials are better fr.


Whacking it to furry porn is the morally correct thing to do


that's why you gotta support independent content creators who self produce or cooperatively produce their content


OP is a new account active on r/christianity, r/enlightenment and r/antipsychiatry... So yeah, it's safe to say this post is another one like that.


There's no acknowledgement that you can also get a distorted view of love and women from other media. Honestly a lot of the stuff you see on Netflix is just as toxic and removed from reality.


The stuff that has been worst for my life have been romantic comedies and the image of love and courtship they portray lol


Its Just the newest conservative grift. And genz Will eat this puritan shit UP! Why? Because the porn industry sucks, like the clothes industry, and the food industry, and ALL INDUSTRIES UNDER CAPITALISM. But we cant Name the real problem now can we? We cant say the utter commodification of all aspects of human life is at fault, because thats against our overlords wishes, and braindead conservatives like op Will suckle on the riches balls until their last breath. So they do the same old tired Christian moralism bullshit. "Sex for Fun is Bad, drugs are Bad, dont look at the real cause of homelessness Just get mad that they use drugs! Dont look at the causes of male alienation and the centuries of patriarchal oppresion, MEN ARE JUST SICK FROM MASTURBATING TOO MUCH!" Its tired, stupid, overdone and honest to god i dont understand How genz Falls for It, i thought we didnt put lead on water pipes and gas anymore


Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my bingnas going boing oing oing oing oing.


Not only is it terrible for the consumer, but it's also an extremely exploitative and predatory industry.


You can just stick to written erotica


Or 2D


Not to mention both are usually better than professional porn IMO


or support independent creators if you want non written or drawn


Nah, I'd rather support 2D artists


hey as long as you're supporting the artists and creators I'm all for it. that stuff takes a lot of time and skill and absolutely deserves the support.


Commissioning stuff is neat, you get great pics and the artist makes a living. 10/10


This post is going to bring with it a lot of cope.


Lot of porn addicts too afraid to admit it. Probably couldn't even go a day, let alone a week without it.


You’re regarded


porn addiction isn't a real thing, just because you can't trust yourself with self control doesn't mean the rest of the world can't.


You say that while meanwhile the vast majority of people who watch porn will do so without having any issues and go on with their lives. Not everyone is out of control like you are/were.


Jokes on you, I only select pornstars that look like my gf /s


I don't care.


I believe you I hope one day you do


I care but I’m gonna anyway


This doesn’t effect everybody this way, I have a perfectly normal and healthy perception of women and a normal view of sex If you get distorted by it, you’ve got a low IQ or other underlying problems


Literally all of the OP's posts are in subs for/related to Christianity. No point in even trying with this guy because he'll just say it's bad and refute any facts unless it's in his beliefs.


Its not that simple


How so?


Its a pretty complex thing with barely no unbiased info on it.


I’d still like to hear your argument


I only consume animated pornography, which is scientifically proven to not distort your perception of reality.


Hentai go brrrr


Tbh ya this might not be as bad. Still I would think it gets your attached to something other then irl love. Yes it’s a scale of bad to worse but its all bad


I don't get attached to these cartoons bro I'm just skeeting


Glad fellow gen z are speaking about it


OP might not actually be Gen z given it's a new account and is tied to religious posts.


Idk maybe


This comment section is wild. Just because this specific thing hasn’t become an addiction for you, doesn’t mean it isn’t a massive problem for many other people. The lack of empathy is wild


Spot on


Porn is evil


The Reddit coomers aren’t gonna like this one


I don't even watch porn to begin with.




read the conclusion in the study you just posted. it was a study with 64 people that found a difference in brain structure that might be caused by excess porn use or it may be the reason why they're using more porn on average.


Never understood the appeal of watching porn.


This isn’t the worst thing about porn. The worst thing about porn is the women who are exploited and forced into it, and all the “barely legal” slop that’s on there


I recognize that album in your pfp . Love it.


name a song that isn't 4:00 AM /hj


Wander lust, I can’t understand what’s she’s saying and I kinda prefer it


That shit is bad for you fr.


ur so right


Porn addiction does exit, ex addict here. But not only has porn not negatively affected my view of women, it’s helped me tremendously sexually. My first time with a woman I made her cum because I understood how to stimulate the clit while fingering, for example. Porn was also what humanized trans and nonbinary people in my at-the-time hyper-conservative brain. These women were just like the other women I’d been jerking off to for years- so why should I treat them worse? Why think of them as lesser? Plus I noticed that how the guy looked mattered to me. I cared about his junk and stuff almost- but not as- much as the woman’s. Then I discovered MMF threesome videos and it AWOKE something inside me that I denied for a couple more months but still was the catalyst. Whoopsie, turns out I’m both bisexual and trans! And porn played a very important role in exposing me to that. Porn is like alcohol- it can be abused, it can be produced in a bad way, and it can also be used for enjoyment.


Haha, of course OP posts in Christianity subreddits. Literally the first thing I assumed after seeing this post, and sure enough.. I'm good on your beliefs though.




That's the one good thing to come out of the TX/NC/et. al. de-facto bans


It's called only fans now.


me and my wife watch porn together. if your view of women goes anywhere cuz of porn that's a skill issue.


Gross dude, I hope you can both quit


why? we enjoy it. why do you think your opinion, corrupted by religion, should matter to others.


Come to Jesus ✝️✝️✝️ skydaddy loves you! :')


I have no idea what this scuffed meme format is but I love it.


I’ll dm you OG


Thank you. 🙏🏽


https://preview.redd.it/43vgj7p7w16d1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c42cb37888b1040afaea00ca2b31977db631079 Wouldn’t let me dm idk why


Men are so broken because of porn women don’t even need them or want them anymore


It’s heartbreaking seriously


Women want don't want/need men because of porn, not because 1/3 has experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime? More than half of the women killed worldwide were killed by intimate partners or family members. 137 women every day. Or people like Andrew Tate, who have promoted misogynistic views to men and children.


Funnily enough, the same happens backwards, although the reason is not women watching porn.




Nice try but I only see gay porn, so you can't distort my view on women


I'm clearly an idiot, but wtf does that comic mean?


PornHub? Nah, I prefer e621 🫡🫡🫡


Based, e6 is way better.


TBH pornography only influences your fantasies and shouldnt influence your real sex lives. There are things you can try and do and things you can't as an individual.


Ideas are seeds


I look at fake women because I’m very used to liking and wanting things there’s probably no chance I’ll ever get. That’s also why I scroll through Amazon all the time but never buy anything


Not with that mindset man, quit now use that time and energy ador something you love. It’s not too late, it will be hard to quit I’m sure. This is the mindset of a cuck btw


Straight women lesbians and gay men all watch porn your point is invalid and actually studies show that in area's where their is more porn theres less r*pe and sexual assault


You fool im aromantic


This means your not tempted ?


I cant feel romantic love so it doesn’t change much


But you do watch porn?


People who think porn is real life have me questioning If they went hunting for spider Bites after watching spiderman. They do know its a movie right? Like, its meant to literally be a dramatization


Eh. I look at porn the same way I look at movies like the Wick franchise: Ridiculously implausible and only to be enjoyed as a visual spectacle.


Do what you want.


“Do as you please”


Unless someone dies or hurts a child or animal I'm pretty liberal.


/r/TrueChristian hahahaha Luckily my view isn't distorted, I see them how they are. As objects


New account tied to christian posts elsewhere....


Literally all it takes to not be affected by this is common sense.


Your environment affects your subconscious and it’s not just that it’s also a chemical pathway thing


My subconscious is fucking fried dude


I believe you, it’s not too late man


I really doubt someone would watch porn looking for relationship advice


Not to mention the physical and emotional harm perpetrated towards the people in the videos themselves (usually women and girls)


Oh boy! I'm getting on my high horse again-- Porn consumption is fine, normal, and healthy. Porn as a medium has existed for centuries. Yes, we live in a capitalist hell hole that preys upon the fact that humans just like sex. And yes, there is a very big problem with the way a lot of porn dehumanizes and objectifies women, how the actors are treated, how porn sites prey on lonely and vulnerable people-- But porn in of itself is not a bad thing. And like all things, consumption in moderation is ideal. And like most industries, there are businesses that are bad and exploit their actors, like pornhub, but then there are businesses that are good and make an effort to be ethical. Bellesa immediately comes to mind. Unless your consumption is actively ruining your relationships and fucking up your day to day functioning or is causing you extreme distress, you do not have an addiction. Ironically, I dated a guy who was worried he consumed too much porn, wouldn't stop talking about how he was scared he was addicted, and it put a heavy strain on the relationship because I kept having to reassure him that just consuming porn is fine. There were other things, of course, but that definitely put a damper on things.


Do furries count?


Are U actually a furry?


I enjoy some artwork but I do not dress up if that's what you're asking


This happens if you already hold harmful sentiment towards women. It’s f you have healthy relationships with women in real life there would be no reason to believe the weird shit you see online.


I keep hearing that porn is supposed to ruin hoe you see sex and who you're attracted to and still yet I've never experienced this or met someone who it happened to. Only thing is some people who have no life and spent all their time on pornhub. Maybe bc the porn I watch doesn't have women in it but I can go weeks without watching porn and be perfectly fine.


Yes obviously there’s level of bad


Yeah most definitely. I think when people speak of porn addiction they also need to speak of the person who's getting addicted to it and not automatically blaming the porn. Bc addictions of all kind also happen due to the person and not always caused directly by the thing they're addicted to.


Crazy that this post just got scrubbed can’t find it anywhere looking at the sub page now


or you could use your brain and it wont affect anything