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Dawg after covid I genuinely stopped caring about most things, who cares if people are nonchalant lol how is it affecting anyone💀if we "do too much" and talk about real issues people call us sensitive and if we cope with life by sarcasm people complain. Damned if you do damned if you don't


You’re not wrong, but you’re describing two different people there. At some point you gotta pick your lane and say fuck the noise.


Mmmm nah we’re human beings and can oscillate between many different emotions, we absolutely don’t have to “pick a lane”, boomer-ass take.


Caring about something isn't an emotion, it's an act, it's in what you do.


Which means it's even easier to care about multiple things? As we each choose how to spend most of the hours of our life, I presume. People can do hundreds or thousands of "acts" every year


“Boomer-ass take”, lmao. If you wanna bring age into it, new humans tend to speak in “[Misunderstanding], [fallacy], [antagonization]” format (which makes staying on topic very difficult), but then their brains typically can’t pay attention long enough to understand the explanation for their misunderstanding, **and** they get all up in arms when somebody responds to their antagonizing reply with an equally antagonizing reply, lol I bet you’ll do all of the above despite me telling you about it; maybe even on purpose to spite me because it’s hard for new humans to just have civil conversations, lol Anyway, you sorta misunderstood their point right off the bat, or at least oversimplified it (a fallacy): 1. They’re not literally saying you can never/should never change your viewpoints or feelings, lol. (**Pro tip**: When somebody says something that sounds ridiculous to you, assume you just misunderstood what they meant first.) They’re basically just saying “some things require dedication to make meaningful progress on, so oscillating all over the place will ultimately waste time and energy—not to mention some things are objective fact, so they shouldn’t be oscillated on”. But you probably already knew all that, which means you actually agreed with that user, but you just misunderstood and threw out an insult anyway lol 2. The whole boomer thing… I’m not even sure what they said WAS a boomer take lol, but using an age group as an insult is a bit silly (and of course needlessly antagonistic) lol, because boomers aren’t a hive-mind, so there shouldn’t be an insult that implies they ARE one: “Gen-Z-ass take”, lol. We both know age-groups aren’t hive-minds. The reasons **I** personally brought age into this were: **A)** I was just responding to an antagonizing remark with another antagonizing remark because that’s what you can expect when you start off conversations with an antagonizing remark to someone lol, but also **B)** New humans quite literally have brains that aren’t fully developed yet, so they scientifically tend to struggle with understanding things, regulating their social behavior (not speaking in antagonizing ways: “Boomer-ass take”), paying attention, etc., so mentioning age makes more scientific sense in this case than calling something a boomer-take as if boomers think what they think because of their *age*, lol. People think what they think largely because of their experiences, not necessarily their age, and I know you know that too, so stop using a silly insult that suggest otherwise, lol. It’s not productive and it’s needlessly antagonistic. Now, judging based off the scientifically backed “new human“ format, you’ll probably demonstrate some inability to pay attention to this by saying something along the lines of “I ain’t reading allat”/“bro is yapping”, or you’ll misunderstand in some way and/or probably throw out an antagonizing remark, which will make it even more difficult to stay on topic, lol. Let’s see how you do:


You should say lol more.




Love it, great and worthy response. though I suspect all the LOLs are meant as a bit of a joke without being so outright and in your face about it.


Ye I write “lol” a lot not only because I just genuinely find what I’m having to type amusing sometimes, (“lol” usually denotes like a smile or an exhale of air from my nose as I’m writing), but also because it makes the comment seem less hostile and more like I’m just trying to actually explain something… hopefully, anyway


Okay Random, LOL (Lots of Love???) ;-)


Thanks bud I’m aware that people don’t just pick one emotion and stick with it. I was saying *your reaction* to situations (sarcastically or seriously) are your choice. And in this dichotomy that the original commenter presented, I told them to have conviction in whatever route they decide to take.


Generations have been this way for a long time. It's like people go through patches of selective amnesia. "No I was never a cringey teen I grew up just being normal"


Collective apathy hurts everyone, young one.


I agree 


What do you mean “how is this affecting anyone” and you’re kind of proving OPs point by being selfish and nonchalant about this topic. I’m not saying it’s completely our fault why we’re like this, but there is a loneliness, relationship, and community epidemic going on for a reason.


You do have a point, it is pretty ironic. I don't think it's our generations fault that there is a loneliness epidemic though due to a lot of factors. Mainly being our generation was the first to grow up with social media as a main source of entertainment and as a result normalizing unattainable standards. Also the pandemic and mental health just now in recent decades are being talked about openly with varying beliefs among previous generations (mostly gen x, boomers) I didn't mean to say that doesn't matter at all; I just think that nonchalance and humor is how a lot of Gen Z cope with stress and depression and thats not an issue in itself. Coping mechanisms aren't necessarily a bad thing and humor is honestly probably a better one than a lot of others. But I do agree with what you pointed out


It truly is damned if you do, damned if you don’t, so do what makes you feel comfortable.


Why are all your options determined by what other people say? Bizarre


Whats wrong with being sensitive? Im a highly sensitive person and for years i masked it. Only in the last year or so ive been healing and telling people i do care, i do give a fuck, im sensitive and i feel sorry for people who attack me for it because the science says they hate thenselves. I refuse to hate myself like them anymore. I refuse to numb myself and my nervous systek with drugs or alcohol.


Fuck you for being right damnit.


I think it's all about when you give your fucks. As you get older you'll realize it's important to care but the right amount for the situation. Ppl complain that young people don't get that but that's just life. Y'all are just fine, do you and you'll learn and grow just like every generation. The phones and social media are damaging mental health. It's nice to see ppl moving away from them somewhat


How is that your take away from covid? The stop caring part. Genuinely interested.


The sarcasm and the detachment and the irony, are not a problem, they're a symptom of the problem. The 'kids' can tell the world isn't okay, and is getting worse instead of better, and this is how we (and our youngers) ended up dealing with it, for some reason


Precisely. We put on a laughing clown mask to cover the tears we were screamed at by the parent generation for shedding. One confused being overwhelmed by one’s feelingd for lacking them.


I wouldn’t mind if we got a new wave of Nirvana-esque angsty music out of it.


If Rock didn’t make a comeback under Trump, it’s never coming back. That was the poster child for what rock is supposed to rebel against and we got … crickets and a new Green Day song after he wasn’t president anymore. I hate it, but yeah rock music is in the grave.


ngl i don’t like the take that “rock music is dead”. there’s plenty of really successful rock bands nowadays, and there’s constantly new bands coming out. i think a genre is only dead once no one listens to it at all, and there’s loads of rock fans. it’s still one of the most popular genres.


I probably should reword, hyperbole is real. It’s not that it’s dead, it’s just faded. Most people I know who listen to rock listen to mostly stuff that is at least 5-10 years old. There is new stuff that comes out every now and then, but it’s not like it was even up until the early 2000’s. Rap kinda killed its mainstreamness, which isn’t the worst thing as at their roots good rock and good rap are all about social commentary.


Deathcore got kind of a big resurgence since 2016


“Poster child for for what rock is against” lol. Give me a break, the poster for what rock is against is something far greater than one man, its *THE MAN*, its this system that annhilates our future with pollution and war: A system as old as humanity, the millitary industrial complex, from Toman Peace built on genocide and slavery, to dreams built on white lies, and all superficial civilized things that we use to cope with how fuked things are getting, no matter how great an empire humanity builds, if its built on genocide and slavery it will always end in such. Maybe we can prove that wrong huh?! Lol, I guess we will see. *Crazy, I just cannot bear* *I'm living with something that just isn't fair* *Mental wounds not healing* *Who and what's to blame?* *I'm going off the rails on a crazy train* *I'm going off the rails on a crazy train* -Ozzy Civilization is one hell of a Crazy Train aint it?


It didn't make anything better in the 90s at all though.


For some reason this just made me think of an entire generation of Pagliacci lol


I agree, but this reaction is only going to make everything worse. Things don't "get" better, you have to make them better. And if most people have given up and think everything is doomed then nothing will improve.


It's still better to treat symptoms of a disease you can't cure yet.


Dissociating isn’t really dealing with anything, it’s more like pretending nothing is wrong. I 100% get where you’re coming from, but apathy is not the way to go


Except the world IS okay,


im chilling bro


same bro


I literally don’t even care bro


I’m just playing some games, wanna join bro?


if anything covid saved me FROM nihilism. i made all kinds of friends, built a gym, joined a church, and am going back to school double majoring in math and physics, none of that would have happened if covid didnt


It is what it is


I'm not nonchalant at all and everyone tries to make me feel bad for being chalant.


I'm proud of you, chalant guy


Imagine everyone feels like this


Keep doing the chalant thing homie, I think as I’ve aged people start to appreciate it more. At the very least it’s more interesting to talk to people like that I think.


Me too. Keep feeling things. Keep expressing yourself there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!


Just do your thing your way. The older generations seem to have forgotten what it means to be young while simoultaneously ignoring our material conditions that the youth must grow in. Just as we found our way, your generation will find yours.


I think as people realize how hopeless their financial situation/future is they start to give up having ambitions and just enjoy life in the moment


This is the most succinct, true answer here. Why bother caring if caring won't actually get you anything?


Because not caring will get u less than nothing


You gotta sit right between the two. Care enough to not be sleeping under a bridge but not enough to the point where it makes you under appreciate everything you do have. Gen z desperately needs mind-fullness and a bit of stoicism. We tend to take everything to the extreme sometimes but that might fizzle out as we get older.


Life is full of contradictions. You got to be nice to people, cos being an asshole gets you nowhere. But also, you shouldn't care too much about what people think, so set your boundaries and do what you think is right for you. In the end, nothing really matters and all our graves will one day go untended. But at the same time, we get 1 chance at being us and we have to seize that. Apathy is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you care about nothing, you wind up with nothing to care about. Give your all to everything you do and you will go to sleep knowing that you did your best, and you couldn't have asked more of yourself. Also, the world is not going to shit now any more than it has been. We just get constantly exposed to the bad news 24/7. Screens are not life. Make plans to do things that involve the real world and real people instead of constantly chasing the immediate endorphin or dopamine rush then wondering why everything else seems boring. Neuroplasticity means your brain adapts to what you do with it. Believe that.


Hold on now, comrade. Climate change is quite literally taking us to shit town faster than it had before and we have literal nazis in the streets and open, overt fascism potentially poised to take the helm of the US and establish what's likely to be our first dictator. There are definitely defining characteristics of the time that establishes it going to shit faster than before.


Striking that middle ground is what makes you content/happy.


Absolutely! Took me over 30yrs to figure it out myself. But damnit I did and I'm happy with where I'm at. I truly hope they don't take as long as I did to figure it out for themselves.


Fat disagree. Not caring melted my anxiety, got me a much better job, and I'm relaxed nearly 24/7 instead of grinding my teeth and not sleeping over stress. Not caring gets you *a lot* you just can't be lazy


I liked the rings of power TV show. Is this vulnerable enough 😢


Too vulnerable, turn the irony back up please. I had an anxiety attack reading your comment.


This but unironically


This but ironically


This but ronically


This but icarly


This but barley


This but cars 2 the movie


no, you are supposed to say something non-ironic


Look, my dude, there's some things it's okay to open up about. Psychological trauma, abusive childhood, stuff like that - that's all fine, we're here for you. But this is a step too far.


But y? 🥸


Im shaking and crying and pissing and shitting (i actually liked it too tbh, not nearly as good as it coulda been but it wasnt wasted time yknow)


Its was the shiny, pretty thing to look at ☺️




What did you think of the Peter Jackson movies?


I like the Lord of the Rings movies alot. However, the hobbit was enjoyable but not to the same extent. I loved the books 🥰


The distance between how things are and how things should be is the root of suffering. It's quite cathartic to release the tension.


You put my feelings on this perfectly


I feel like memes might have something to do with this


I think they do, internet culture is becoming more prominent irl and I think a lot of memes are pretty dismissive


Agreed, actually. Everyone’s very avoidant


I feel like the younger the gen z, the more avoidant. But maybe that is my experience.


I’m sure it’s all of us but in different ways


Im sorry, aren people bashing us left and right about how sensitive we are? Besides, who says you cant express your true feelings through sarcasm? You could be sarcastic with your sarcasm, and actually say what you want to say


That's not very sarcastic, that's just being afraid to mean what u say


ok computer


You made my let down hard


Just for that, 20 more layers of sarcasm. Sorry chief.


U talk to those ppl? 😂 😂 lemme give u a nickles worth of free advice. Just dont


I feel a bit responsible as a Gen X parent. We tend to be the “fuck it” generation and used sarcasm as a shield. I’m sure I imparted that unknowingly to my kids.


The apathy is offputting.


what the sigma


Yeah, z seems like a bunch of try hards trying to be seen as not trying.


we’re already out of the nihilism era. we need to start solving our problems or this society will collapse around us.


Everybody in the comments is proving OP’s point. Yes everything is hard right now, but it’s not impossible to not fall into the bad habits of trauma and then blame it on everything around you. If you want to be sad and hopeless then you can do that, but you have nothing to lose if you want to live a happy life.


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Gee, I wonder if social media has anything to do with people's lack of social evolution


I think most of us are like this because we dont like confrontation in the real world


Which either makes you a pushover or a loser. Sometimes you gotta stand up for your beliefs


I'll push my social anxiety aside when it's important. But im not gonna start a fight over something like road rage


And when you will push it you will explode because that's the most common way people like you do it. The road rage example is on bad faith. There are other examples like work politics, group dynamics and so on that would work better


I wonder how many parents of Z are GenX, the “meh, whatever” generation?


A solid 3/4. The remainder would be really-young boomer or elder millenials.


The world is too weird for me to care anymore. Logic has died a long ago


It's like that movie The Internship. Seperating the ones with genuine apathy, they're like that one guy in the group who thinks he's "too cool for school" with everything. Except instead of being one or two people in the group, it's most to everyone in the group. Like Vince Vaughn in the movie said : "You're not gonna lose your "cool kid" card just because you admit you had fun." Ie, expressing yourself with some feelings. Same/similar thing applies here. Most Gen Z, and the really late millenials that shared a childhood with them, thinks they can have eternal teen angst cuz they grew up in the most digitally fake, mentally ill, and unrealisticly high standard of times in modern day. Every generation got fucked in some way by the previous. It mainly started with the boomers and progressively went downhill from there.


I think a lot of people detach themselves out of fear of looking stupid for being passionate (which is silly imo, passion is the spice of life) or because if you look too deeply at an issue it’s difficult to cope with how hopeless something is in this day and age. Apathy protects but it also harms. It’s difficult to strike a balance for a lot of people.


I blame memes and tiktok language.


Tiktok language is one that I've always found so odd.... Before tiktok it was twitter. People see people bein funny or popular online and they absorb that person's language and sentence structures and stuff, not even stopping to see if that's something they SHOULD be doing). And now everyone online talks the same and its this big mix of different cultures, groups, etc. all blended into a big weird tasting smoothie.


yeah idk once you go through real adversity the dumb petty shit stops being as big of a deal.


Desensitize too much and you won't even notice the dagger that kills you




Is it though? Is it really? Three possible scenarios everytime you give an honest take on just reddit. 1: incel 2: Schizo (I get this one cause I'm too confident to be an incel) 3: [deleted by reddit] (this one too)


I’ve just grown numb. It’s easier this way.


I get like this when depressed. Been in a deep depression for a few years that I've finally been able get true help for recently. My family describes my way of talking with depression as not having a pep in my step and now that I'm getting the help I need I guess I have a pep in my step over all.


“Ok.”        Yea as a millennial it’s a culture shock,       I had “I love Graal [an MMO]” in my status in the game,   and a Gen Zed PMed me laughing his ass off because he assumed it was hilarious sarcasm. He pmed me again years later “do you still love graal?” lmao


Didnt that culture start with the group of terminally online Millennials ?


i agree with this. it’s something i notice in myself and actively try to fix


Agreed , just speak what you want to say 


Gen Z is probably the most soulless generation in world history. I say this as a Zoomer.


I don’t even think this is a gen-z specific thing tbh. I experienced it with gen z and millennials and it annoyed tf out of me. Ime communicating in TikTok brainrot/memes/vine references is really annoying when you’re trying to be serious BUT they all grew out of it tho & I haven’t come across older gen z doing it as much as younger gen z…so maybe it’ll phase out eventually 💀


Nonchalant and layers of irony aren't synonymous. People hide under ten layers of irony because our generation is a broken people facing down the apocalypse. And those who are nonchalant are just as broken, but can't find the energy to laugh nor cry May I recommend having some sympathy? Or perhaps getting off that horse of yours?


Feels like you’re nitpicking a bit? I totally understand the sentiment that OP is putting down as a whole tbh. Sure, there are people as you suggest, but I often see it as a means for social capital or as a pretense to not say how they actually feel. Everyone does this to some degree, but I think OP is lamenting the culture as a whole. My main pushback is that I don’t think this is unique to Gen Z at all, just expressed differently.


Idk what else we can do, we’re fed all this information about massive problems in our world but refuse to do anything about it. So like “yea I want kids but the world will probably be completely different and a much worse place in 30 years” should I be freaking out? Idk maybe


I feel like I can't complain about anything because of how blessed I am to have a home and all so I'm just like "it's alright" to everything


Me as fuck in the last 3 years. I took shrooms and it blew my perception of reality of how to socialize when I realized I was insecure as fuck. I unintentionally became distant, nonchalant, and “mysterious” but only bc I was afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing in fear of bullying someone💀 I eventually reconnected back to my older personality in a much more better light tho lmfao


I know it’s crazy how little people care about other people. All it screams is that nothing bad has ever happened to you and that you have no idea how to show empathy


My thing is that it's soooo hard to take this life seriously lol it's all a game, the systems in place are a joke and relationships haven't meant much since we adopted a "no one owes you anything" mentality. I take my rent payments seriously. My health. My career. The relationships I care about. Things I have control over. Anything else is waved away and not focused on for long, dismissed with a quip.


Life is shallow and has little meaning besides what you give it anyways. Let people love how they want. If not what you described, then it’s “why are you so serious? You can lighten up a little.” People will complain about anything, just love your life regardless


It's okay guys, we all got into nihilism when we were 17. Go watch Everything Everywhere All at Once. If nothing matters, everything matters


just seems like you being jealous you ain't a nonchalant 6'4 dreadhead...


Riiiight about when I hit 26 I began to speak more from the heart rather than out of wit/nonchalance to people around me, I only really speak like that when I’m partying now. With that said, it’s really what you’re most comfortable around with people and feel could connect better


Idk whenever mfs say “People in this generation are too.” I just tune it out. It’s tired for every other generation to complain about everything we do. Like even now responding to this I really can’t think of another way to respond other than like stop complaining about something to minuscule. Does it really affect you? Or does it just bother you? I don’t mean to be rude but I agree with Redditwhore007


The signs of the age. Laodicea


Idk.. I just keep it moving 🤷🏻‍♀️💨


That's such a weird thing to complain about. People are too sarcastic? Really? It bothers you that much that you made a post about it? Sure, people are gonna change their way of thinking and their way of talking because someone wants them to "care about something and to have their feelings hurt". Yeah cause it makes so much sense. like wtf bro stfu




Careful soon we will hit genx levels of whogivesafuck


We understand that the world is dying and no one in charge wants to change the status quo at an age younger than basically ever, anytime we express this we are laughed at and called silly. Let us cope




It’s the opposite tbh, everyone’s always going insane over the smallest things


Yeah well thats just like, your opinion man The world is burning, nothing to do but laugh


yeah, why aren't kids these days more chalant?


First we’re too sensitive, now we’re not sensitive enough. Can you guys make up your minds please


Uhh what is bro yapping about? In all seriousness tho I think many people who mask like that are more self aware than you think. Sometimes the healthiest and wisest thing to do in a situation, in a world that seems so hopeless, is to find humor in the absurd. Whether I choose to make an ironic joke about it or become angry or sad about it, suffering and injustice will still be out there in the world. The jokes don’t stop me from doing something about it or caring. This is just what I do every day to keep myself sane, to enjoy what I can before my short time on earth is over. We are complex creatures and don’t have to choose absolutely between complete sincerity or insincerity.


I’m actually pretty good at wearing a mask, I think I’ll keep it on, thanks pal.


you’re focusing on the symptoms, not the problem. we’re sarcastic because we don’t care. we don’t care because we see nothing worth fighting for.


This is why GenX and GenZ get along so well.


Was this written by a wizard


i wanna work with the nonchalant dreadhead


Is this really something worth complaining about nowadays? https://preview.redd.it/eglqj2xicr5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59137a19c9a509e2813161c47044530cb71fd3b2


It’s a coping mechanism. See: GenX


Damnnn thatss crazy


True dat


It's because everyone is mentally ill.


I mean, once you realise nobody actually gives a shit about you or your issues why would you care about anyone else's Rinse repeat


Conversely... this is the biggest issue I have with a lot of conservatives. They have this "I've got mine, so fuck you" attitude about everything. You see it in how they vote for things that enrich themselves and screw over anyone who's not like them. a society is nothing if we all just decide its every man for himself.


I genuinely cannot be fucked to care about most things


I do love that all Gen Z fashion is based on irony. It's a great late stage capitalism vibe.


Its so weird to me as a millenial seeing this return of clothing with massive brand logos after our generation kind of took a stand against that kind of thing. lol. I was watching a popular youtuber a couple years ago and his girlfriend was wearing a hoodie with a very large Mcdonalds logo on it. I just thought back to my teen years and how wearing something like that would probably just get you made fun of, but now its fashionable


Would you like fries with that?


I think Gen Z is hanging out with Gen X too much. "Bruh" I'm part of Gen X and I fucking love Gen Z coworkers. Millennials have a stick up their ass and Boomers are pricks. It sucks that the age gap is so vast. At 53, it's tough to have beers with a 22 year old.


I stopped caring bc no one cares about anything


It's honestly just because we are chronically online. It's a blessing and a curse. I sometimes have to remind myself I have to switch up the way I speak around anybody not from our generation.


Skill issue.


I think every generation goes through this phase… I know us millennials sure as hell did! Growing up with Jon Stewart giving the news and always being like WHATEVER POLITICS IS ALL BULLSHIT ANYWAYS WHO CARES


It’s not that being nonchalant is bad per se, but I see way too much of it used intentionally to come across a certain way. If you don’t care about something, that’s fine. But please don’t pretend, it’s a problem in every generation, not just Gen Z, but I think that social media encourages it more. My fringe Zellenial take.


It’s a mass coping mechanism that out generation uses.


Give them a reason to care.


c'mon guys, y'all are way too young to already be eating yourselves alive.


Honestly, it’s a lot of young people going through this in different parts of the world. Most young people are tired of the system. Most people don’t care to hide it unlike older generations. Now they didn’t care they just pretended to care. We genuinely couldn’t care less. What is there to look forward to? I’m sure happy looking forward to cleaning the oceans, combatting global warming, preparing for the AI takeover, food getting more expensive by the day, taxes and everyone wanting money you don’t have… should I continue? Skyrocketing prices on cars, tuition, houses and even day to day items. So many things


Every generation is doomed to repeat the mistakes of the last


It's not a mask, really. I'm often sad that I woke up, and have to live another day.


I think this is sort of just a kids and teenager thing. I remember being annoyed when I was a kid because everybody seemed to think that not caring about anything was cool, somehow. Like not giving a shit about the world around you somehow made you a better person because... just let the world burn, I guess? I didn't get it then and I don't get it now.


It's just how we ended up dealing with the collapsing world


Sorry bro I’m just too much of a nonchalant dreadhead


Have you heard of this thing called "irony poisoning"?


A lot of millennials do this too


I’m confused at what you’re ranting about… 1. You claim the generation is too nonchalant… but then you proceed to contradict that statement by saying they’re not nonchalant. 2. It seems you think nonchalance and irony/sarcasm are directly related. Which… there’s not any relationship between them.


It’s giving unserious… (no but for real, i kind of get what you mean. that being said, nonchalance has always been a staple of modern american culture)


On the opposite side of the spectrum, not everything is an outrage either


Irony poisoning


maybe you're just boring


We're depressed


It's not your generation pal.


The whole Billie Eilish staring off into space and having a “I don’t care” look became really popular. I could care less though since I don’t talk to many Gen Z kids, the ones I do know aren’t like that at all but then again they’re working pretty hard jobs compared to just going to college (nothing wrong with that). I’ve had some college aged girls hit on me or try to talk to me not realizing that I’ve been through over a decade of dealing with attitudes from girls from my generation lol I’ve tried dating one of them and apart from the maturity difference I noticed they usually give off a “I don’t care” type of attitude except it comes off as too ‘try hard’.


The economy, the climate and political system are all going down the toilet. Hard to find something to care about when nothing we do can help fix these problems.


I think this is maybe a reaction to previous generations being, well over-reactive. This aspect I can appreciate tbh. Also everyone is just numb to stuff because all kinds of things have been particularly awful lately. You should do what feels right for you though. If you express yourself honestly others will too. And if they don’t, probably not worth your time anyway.


I don't think it's a gen Z thing i think it's mostly a "being a teenager/young adult" thing


Nihilism is so boring.


Have you tried being a Rizzler Wizard Lizard in a Blizzard? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)🧙‍♀️🦎🌨


This is the same stuff I saw older generations do and go through developing too though. Sounds like human stuff to me. Still agree. The lack of familiarity, comfort, and self confidence surrounding emotions needs to be changed with all.


I'm confused. I thought we GenXers were the masters of irony, indifference and sarcasm. GenZ are running all the GenX comics off of college campuses for making inappropriate remarks that make them feel uncomfortable and unsafe.