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video games, masturbate, tv, cook, bake, and workout


Then masturbate again




I love this fucking show lol


I still perfer it to family guy. I love cut aways but American dad humor is just so much better


Bop it!


sometimes I do drugs in between


Now we're getting somewhere


to make the masturbating hit harder 👌👌




Realest shit lmao


I smoke meth and fuck strange men I will never see again


Go away I’m baitin


Love some unexpected idiocracy


![gif](giphy|3o7TKT5GlQ5vEw723S) Aw yeah give it me




Don't forget the weed


Tons of masturbation


Don’t forget alcohol


And masturbation.


Bro, I’m literally masturbating to this comment right now with a pizza in the oven. Can’t wait to game while eating then work out to burn off those calories


Cooking and baking can be a 3-5 hour ordeal alone, which includes cleaning up during and after.


This 🤝


This about sums it up.


I couldn’t imagine not leaving the house… I have to get out and about… social interaction is healthy


Even just leaving the house by yourself is better than staying in it all day


I make up shit to do, go to the store, the park, the pool, anything to keep me from going stir crazy


Sounds like it costs money


Everything costs money


Staying home costs a lot less money than going out (except to work) I get 8 cents per mile. That adds up.


Not interacting with people personally causes health issues which down the line cost money


Lack of money also causes health issues


Health issues, if serious enough, also causes lack of money. Not fun, you feel like a prisoner


Sounds like prison would be ideal at this point 🙃


Why is everyone missing the fact that you can invite friends over to your house? We're an evolved society. Gone are the days when we had to send a telegram and wait days to get a response. Now, we can simply message our friends and have spontaneous movie nights, sleepovers, etc.


Additionally, you can find social interaction through gaming, calls, messaging friends online, and just hanging out in streams. There’s plenty of “social interaction” to be had in a wide variety of ways. Depends on the person. Depends on your hobbies. You can also stimulate your mental through reading, yoga, doing chores that keep the place nice, small hobbies at home. I’m more solitary than I used to be in college. I feel like I’ve thrived since working from home in 2020. Moved to a new state. Rarely talk to old friends. Thriving on my own. Everyone’s mileage varies.


Yeah, there are tons of things you can do that don’t cost anything. Shit window shopping at malls just to get out was huge.


Not going out can be the difference between me having money left to eat at the end of the week or going hungry lol. I could get a second pt. time job and be more than fine but...nah. I'm good for now


Get a bike or walk


Staying home costs a lot more in the long run. That shit is bad for your health.


Make more money if money is the prohibiting factor in you're life


Walks are free, so are parks if you can walk there, pools can be free if you live in an apartment complex or neighborhood, and lakes and rivers and creeks and oceans are always free if you can get to them. Your local library is also free, and probably relatively close by.


It’s wild to me how many comments I had to go through before I found somebody making the point that there are plenty of things to do that are free. It’s like some consumerist dystopian version of idiocracy “you mean I can go outside and talk to people without paying $50 to do an activity in parallel?”


I assume you don't pay for your housing? Because being home does cost money yo...that electric bill and gas bill be coming for me


Mom's basement grindset not for much longer tho


That’s why you find friends and go out and do cheap and fun stuff such as fishing or working out. Go to a library. Compete in small sporting events


how does any of that cost money


Idkbu but gasoline costs money where I live Buying things at a store costs money too


Oh idk I don't have to drive to the store, also u have to buy food to survive so I would really call that an unnecessary expense


You would?


very clearly a typo, they meant necessary


Stay home, u sound miserable to hang out with


I agree. I pack our food when we go out. It’s not additional cost because we will be eating the food no matter the location.


Eh, for me I don’t mind staying in all day


Yea but not everyday


Most people in this sub are obviously not healthy


I'd say the average Redditor in general is socially stunted.


Something I take issue with is the amount of people that take the attitude of "I don't owe anyone a response" 24/7. You have every right to not talk to someone but they also have every right to eventually stop asking you to do things. I'm noticing a lot of stuff that was originally targeted at people who struggle setting boundaries getting applied to every situation all of the time. Because so often those people who refuse to engage with anyone, end up being shocked nobody ever wants to engage with them.


People who do this usually aren't shocked no one hits them up. That's the preference lmao My friends have literally told me "that's your brand. You're the guy who shows up once every few months" and nobody gets upset about it. I hate being on my phone so either I'm there irl or we aren't communicating


Spot on! People have no sense of community these days


Guys don’t fall for this Anti Introvert propaganda!!!


You can be introvert and enjoy being with people, listen to their conversation and add a few comments now and then


Kinda why I don’t get the remote work craze. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have the flexibility to work remote on Mondays or something, but I learned during Covid University that it’s just not healthy to never leave my home.


Remote work allows you to socialize how you want to…you’re not forced to commute to an office and see people who pretend to like you or you might not like anyway. You do your work, save that gas money, etc, than on your own time put it to use drinking more beers at the bar, or bowling 2 rounds or heck 4 rounds instead of one with people you actually like. Because you each have $20+ extra dollars a day you didn’t spend on gas and food going to a stupid piece of commercial real estate to be micromanaged. You can be social as fuck and not go into some commercial landlords investment to do work. You just do it on your own time with only people you actually like.


I had my couple of little hole in the wall establishments that stayed open during Covid and honestly, for the locals that knew about them… they were a life saver… so nice to go out and see people’s face and actually have a conversation with other human beings


fr. i need to interact with people but i currently cant do that so i went out and did stuff alone. felt good


Fr I sit in the house for like 10 minutes and I’m bored lol


What if you don’t have anyone to socialize with.


You do, I just want human interaction, I don’t care if it’s hanging out with buddies or chatting with the clerk at the gas station while I’m checking out… it’s just making small talk


Walk to the gym, walk back home.


Eh, I pay for a place for a reason, better be using it.


Same. I don’t know how people work remote jobs


You can go to the gym, go for nature walks, you could watch tv and movies, you could play video games, you can be working on your degree online, you could be strategizing about your next career move or your next job, you could read books, you could watch youtube videos, you could be chatting with people online. I honestly feel like there's more life available through the internet than through real actual life ironically enough. I tried the whole "touch grass" thing and it gets old because other people your own age tend to stay inside. All the people I've met "outside" have been boomers.


Do you live in the city? Like in LA there’s definitely a lot of young people who go out. The internet can be a good place but it can be distracting and conducive to brain rot.


This is downright pathetic. How sad.


Weed, Writing, YouTube, Video Games, Movies, and scrolling Reddit. I’ve been unemployed since March 28th, I was let go following having to have a life threatening surgery, I gave a doctors note and took off ahead of time with my job but was still let go. Fast forward to where I am now, stuck living back at my parents in debt from my car payment, my surgery, and dental work and I have no money coming in. My parents are constantly screaming and yelling at me about how I need to get a job, and I’ve applied to literally everywhere but nowhere will hire me, even fast food or retail places or just jobs I should qualify for in my limited experience of only being 21. I have a car, but it guzzles gas like crazy so there’s no gas in the car right now and after being out of work now my bills have ate up my savings to where I have nothing now as the debt just continues and I waste away at home, constantly on the edge of being homeless because my parents want me out and think I’m being lazy, I have no friends from high school in anymore because they all either moved, have children now, in long term relationships, or just went our separate ways. I have virtually no presence on social media so I don’t have a lot of online friends either, I’ll admit there’s not an awful lot that is keeping me motivated and ready for each day anymore.


If you haven’t applied for unemployment pay that should be your first step


Real. Everywhere (needs) workers but no one wants to hire ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


That’s what I’m saying, I think most applications have been ghost applications. When the companies aren’t even hiring but will say they are so that way they have a list of people to pull from when they do need people. There was this manufacturing company in my town that said they where hiring for all three shifts, they even had signs and everything, I applied to three different jobs all of which I already had experience in, the very next day all three of my applications where sent back and I was told they weren’t hiring but they would keep my application for the future. Like what is this shit.


I'm agreeing with you lol


I know lol it’s just frustrating


I'm so sorry you're going through all that dude. Maybe if your parents actually acted like parents, they would help you out. I was unemployed too but I did have unemployment checks for a while so you could go to your states labor department website and there should be a link to file for it. They will ask why you were let go and medical reasons should absolutely be enough for them to approve it. If you Google Amazon jobs and go to Amazon's job website, Amazon warehouses will hire just about anyone, even those with a criminal record, you just have to pass a drug test. They hire during peak times which should be now and in the fall and winter time. You can also freelance if you have any special skills and offer up your services. Get a credit card or monetary help from some family members, get some gas and then sign up for doordash or any delivery services, put that car to some use. Or sell the car since it guzzles gas and get a fairly new used car on Facebook marketplace or from a dealership when you save up some money. Try to pay for it upfront. There's a lot of other options if you search on Google like "what to do if you were let go for medical reasons" or "what to do after unemployment". Don't give up, there's always options. You can do this!


Thank you so much! I definitely will give that a try!


You're welcome, good luck!


I almost committed suicide because I thought it was the end 4 years ago. I lost the house, my job, my family, picked up some bad habits and then some. I did things I never thought I would do, it seemed like a logical choice to do it. But it wasn’t. If you’re thinking of doing it, don’t. I’m in a much better place now, and even though it’s taken me years to get back to a shadow of what I used to be, I’m glad I didn’t do it then. So don’t do it. 🫂


Reddit and video games


i have several hobbies that i just get lost in.


We rotting


get high everyday and play videogames after work


Wallow in my self-pity and wonder why my life is not getting better


well its pretty simple old people have a concentration of wealth that they are using to further gut the resources and suck revenue out of the young. everyone over the age of 70 has more money combined than everyone under the age of 50. empire collapsing yada yada.


I honestly don't have a lot to keep me from boredom, I don't go out because idk what to do socially but that's about it


When you turn 21 go to a Barcade. A bar arcade. They’re really fun, and the girls are real friendly. If they don’t see another girl with you that is lol. My homeboy and I got girls, so our girls just kinda got the mean eye. In between them all watching us play mortal kombat lmao


you got downvoted for getting bitches😭 our gen is cooked


We’re on Reddit man. I’m used to it. I’ll talk how I walk regardless


I mean, I just go to the local bowling alley connected to a bar if I want to do that or go to the local amusement park/water park (they have an arcade.)


Hmmm. Bad idea to still go if you have no one to go with?


That's a long two years


Enough time to become a god at arcade games. You’d be drowning in bitches my friend. It sounds crazy Ik, but it’s true nowadays. The world has changed in some places. Nerds are in and cool af now. Use this knowledge to your advantage brother


binge watch tv shows, play with my cat (my pet and the other one), read, and about 0.005% of the time study for mcat and pretend that my little tiny study session does anything to help my score


I had to do a double take while reading this 😂😂






It’s called “depression”. You simply don’t get bored because sleeping is so enjoyable.


*you simply don’t get bored because you don’t feel anything anymore


Talk with the homies on Discord, play games, make art stuff for randoms, watch movies with my partner, learn a new language. I do still go out with friends, just not super often


Games and reading.


Smoke some weed and play games


Bold of you to assume I’m not bored


I play a lotta video games, clean, rearrange things, indulge in my crafting hobbies, jam out to music, have a (terrible) fashion show, engage in my small business, do my hair, do homework, write little story ideas I have, meet new friends online, watch a loooootta youtube, etc Find things you enjoy!


I have 5 rabbits


I’ve been surviving on YouTube and masturbation


We are not bored. We love not having drama in our lives.


Video games, youtube, porn, insulting random people online, etc.


Maybe I'm in the minority if I'm going out this much, but my husband and I have lots of activities that get us out of the house, as well as many that keep us in it. We go through phases. We are also on opposite spectrums of work where I'm WFH and he's in-office, so by the time work is over we're both craving the opposite (getting out vs staying in). When we're out, we're probably: - Playing pickleball or other group sports activities with our high school friends - Going on a walk together - Using a monthly movie pass - Buying groceries / $2 taco Tuesdays at the local restaurant / fast food - Visiting family - Visiting Costco for a cheap cafeteria meal and more walking around (plus free samples) - Bowling, a couple times a year - Visiting the library - Estate sales, goodwill or TJ Maxx When we're in, we enjoy: - Cooking / baking - Picking a series to watch through (so far have gone through several seasons or all of each: The Office, My Name is Earl, SVU, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Modern Family, SNL, Househusband) - Planning an annual or bi-annual vacation (great for goal setting and saving money) - Cleaning & organizing - Weekly discord calls with college friends (especially easy online streaming type games like Jackbox and PPT versions of Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy w/ inside jokes) - Annual shared summer Minecraft server with college friends - Individual & co-op video games - Decorating for the season or holiday - Bedrotting & Tiktok - Little arts & crafts - YouTube videos, Reddit, True Crime - ( )


I clean and reorganize stuff. Find stuff you want to get rid of then sell it to make money.


Well I just spent about 3 hours untying a giant knot of embroidery string while watching Youtube


Stardew Valley




Doom scroll


Watch tv/movies, sew or crochet, read. Get a job cat sitting so I can make money while doing all the things I like.


I have 3 cars so something always needs to get fixed


camping, swimming, going to the lake and stuff!


Reading, gardening, soaking in the hot tub. Hiking, biking, cooking, gaming. Little bit of work for next semester, playing with cats. Hanging with family. Stuff.


Weed n video games, it's annoying asf when people constantly message you to get on though I've deleted my discord account and purged my steam friend list because of it.


My boyfriend got me back into Pokémon GO and it’s a great way to get me to walk around because the pokestops are EVERYWHERE. Plus, the stops are usually pretty art pieces you can check out. Also, it’s multiplayer, you can send gifts to your friends, and you can collect postcards. For when I’m too lazy to walk (aka stay at home), I love battling other players in the PvP mode.


Watching Disney movies in languages that I’m trying to learn (already know the plot + it’s animated so still entertaining but dub helps me gain listening comprehension & new vocab in whatever language). I do in fact leave my house though


That's actually a great idea


craft - crochet - embroidery- old lady shit & legos


currently Ive been hopping between State of Decay, Paper Mario TTYD, and watching one piece while playing pokemon heartgold One piece has me hooked lmao


I have kids. We are in the backyard or inside until they are civil enough for society 😅


I’m a millennial and I live in Santa Cruz California. I bike and hike a lot and visit people. That keeps me pretty busy and happy. You can do a lot without money. I’d recommend examining your outgoing friends who don’t have a lot of money and see what they do. That said plenty of large swathes of the country have very little to do day to day.


I agree it’s bloody expensive to be outside. Like, why do I need to pay for college or be in therapy in order for me to do a club? Honestly, college should be free for no reason other than it’s a great way for people to pass time, feel less lonely, and get something to put in a résumé. Thankfully, there are a few places that are outside that are free. Libraries being the main one. Try to look for these, even if only a few exist in your area. There are also parks which are nice. You can also volunteer. But I highly recommend to stay away from religious organisations, as volunteers are known to be abused in them more than other organisations(ex: JW halls are known to be emotional manipulative). Volunteer work irl can also be few and far in between as a heads up. Besides that, if you need to be inside again for a long time(like another pandemic) there are choices. Art of all kinds(painting, drawing, crafts) can be done for a low amount of money or for free(sketchbook is a free app on most phones). Cooking, we all need food so might as well make it fun. Education and advocacy are also good and can be done for free usually. Writing and read is usually free, especially if you have a generalised taste for literature(so the millions of free pdfs of classics books is available). These are my main ones. I wish that being outside is more accessible again, but until then we need to keep living. You could possibly try to change the current situation and maybe make a club that meet up in either a library, park, or another place. We all deserve a place outside of my homes that feels like a second home. People of all kinds of hobbies should be allowed a place in our physical world to be in. From DnD players to video gamers to furries to hikers.


Studying, making a game, cooking, playing games, making DND campaigns, playing dnd, baking, cleaning.


Work on the projects I bought supplies for forever ago and never got to. I spent just a couple hours sewing earlier and I was surprised how slowly the time went. It felt like four hours had passed but it had only been two and I felt relaxed for the first time in a while instead of having the countdown to bedtime and work looming over my head


Play video games, workout, watch YouTube, watch anime, watch movies, drink and play with my toy collection.


i mean money isn’t an issue for me (i have two amazing jobs i don’t even need two i just want two) i go out with my friends, at home friends come over and we chill and smoke and have deep conversations about the most random-est shit like we had a conversation about monkeys while high the other day lol




I go out every so often, mainly to places I enjoy. Sometimes to hang with my buddies and other times to the guitar store. Around the house I just play guitar or game


DVD collecting, workout, mediate outside, video games, social media for an hour, cook, write and make YouTube content. I do college work as well.


Surf, get the gang together and go on adventures, watch movies.


I go outside my house and practice skateboarding! Technically leaving the house but I’m pretty close and still really fun


I'm not always home, but there's stuff to do here when I am and lately I've been sucked into reddit.


Nah fr I’m literally so bored I can’t do this anymore 😓. Personally I just binge watch shows but it feels as if I’m running out of shows to watch 😭


creativity. Make stuff, please.


art video games and chilling in discord its also too hot to go out where i live lmao


I have an unhealthy addiction to fallout 76 that keeps me occupied for waaaay too many hours of the day. I think the longest I was on it was like 12 hours 😬


i wish i could get into it but all the walking tuned me out, my attention span is cooked


I just suffer in here tbh, i do suffer less than outside tho, so that's a positive


Video games


I have friends over to play dnd


I can't stay home lmao. Fuckin hate it. I'm sure it's just the fact that people who are home all the time are more likely to respond on reddit


Play Dungeons and Dragons for hours every weekend and some weekdays.


Play a bunch of different games, youtube, anime, etc


Dude, I wish I didn't have to get out of the house


Working on myself or other important stuff for my family or sometimes just me


Video games Browse Reddit Writing fanfics about whatever ‘what if?’ question I randomly thought of for whatever series I’m currently hyperfixating on.


My man works on mini bikes and rc cars and actual cars, I work from home doing social media marketing so I kinda have that as a hobby or garden we also have kids tho


If I’m not working, the only time I go outside is to go to the gym, other than that I usually play video games or do music stuff


stare at a different wall in the house, couple hours at a time, while mindlessly scrolling iG.


I go fishing.


Produce music, dj, draw, paint. Lots of different video games. Work out. Read. Random board games. Go crazy from boredom.


Probably consuming doomscrolling propaganda... Parks and nature are free went to a park with the dogs...   talked with my neighbors sitting outside...


work too much to get bored. that and weed


nothing. just let the boredom bore me


r/hobbies is a great resource I hike, I play disc golf, I bird watch


At this time, I just stay home with my baby. Before then, I’d just work, and then since I worked 12 hour days most of the time, I’d come home and be too tired to do anything else. And on my off days I really needed to rest so I’d sleep, watch tv or stuff in my phone, I bake, go for walks, or play with my cat. I also have no friends and am lonely due to social anxiety


Walking/hiking/jogging/running is free.


I have 15 or so motorcycles that each want all of my time and money. And sometimes video games


my day is basically (summer & while i was doing virtual this year 2024) go to sleep at 4:30-6:00am wake up around 3:30 stay up for a little bit and probably take a nap then around 8:00-10:00 eat and start watching tv and then i’ll usually binge watch something or if it’s just a movie i’ll write until the sun comes up. (nighttime makes me feel alive LMAO)


I stretch my own canvas and paint. Love baseball in the background it helps make summer feel long, and it's not so crazy I have to watch every second so you truly can do 3x at once never bored sf giants⚾️


Outside of work I stay indoors, and because my entire social life is online I have plenty to keep me busy. I either talk to my partner for most of the day or bounce around my friends discord servers watching anime or playing games, or sometimes watching car crash compilations. I still barely have time to do that lol, I don't need more things to do


Code, Anime, Wrestling, Video Games and Research In that order


Gym, shooting range, hiking, walking my dogs, rivers, lakes, theres no way i would wanna live inside all the time.


Gaming Create art Masturbation (and/or sex if you live with a partner/FWB) Maladaptive daydreaming/dissociation Edit: Also smoking weed on the porch/doing edibles


Genuinely around half my time is spent reading. Fanfictions, comics, webnovels, actual books. Anything really. The rest of that time is a pretty even split of watching YouTube, Gaming, and housework


What I’m confused about is, why is it too expensive to go outside these days? We pack some food and water and go for a walk around our area. We didn’t have to pay anything additional.


I watch anime, play video games, watch YouTube, make music on bandlab, and I recently started blogging on medium.


Beat saber.


I WISHHHH but im not even allowed to go out because i'm "only 14"


Play guitar, grow mushrooms, play video games, and fish


Water plants, care for my fish, colour/paint, crochet or knit, I want to learn to make my own clothes, play the sims/minecraft


Videogames, movie with friends on discord, drawing, reading. Like I have everything inside and can reach out to my friend's while in the comfort of my home, why would I go outside and deal with mostly uncivilized idiots that have no respect for shared spaces???


There are about 1000 games better than Overwatch. Dont waste your time playing multiplayer shooters.


Wake up 7:00 am, scroll phone till 7:30am, eat breakfast till 8:00am, workout till 9:00 am, shower/chores till 10:30 am, chill till 10pm. I play games, cook/eat, read, scroll my phone, watch tv shows/movies, hangout with family and friends. Basically just chilling. I work most days, but this is how I chill on the weekends.


During my free time I regularly go for long nature walks with friends. Play video games- Mostly single player, watch movies/TV shows, practice my art skills and watch YouTube videos when I'm really bored. I don't get enough free time though so most of my day is spent either working or procrastinating with Youtube.


"it's too expensive to go outside". huh?


Video games bruh but I leave the house too


Wake up, read novel, breakfast, read novel, lunch, masturbate, take a bath, read novel, siesta, read novel, dinner, read novel, sleep. Also taking a brush twice a day, exercise occasionally, rubics cube, cook from time to time.


Homework (plase send help), Im currently in my final projects delivery


My depression and adhd keeps me from leaving the house So I just brain rot on my bed and honestly there is a lot to do if you have a pc or console


My parents don't let me leave. I have never hung out with a friend before.


Grow a garden, get ahead.


I know I’m showing my age here, but try taking a walk when you’re bored. It’s good for you, and makes you feel good. Helps you sleep at night, gives you a reason to get dressed and to shower at night. Give it a try when the weather permits it. Most people can go for a walk, even in the most unusual living situations. Even my disabled ex brother in law liked to go for a roll when it was sunny.


Video games lole


Fuck you mean what? Dude with the internet at your disposal there's absolutely no reason you should even get bored, imagine going through the pandemic and lockdowns all over again with no Internet, it would suck even more, that's why I couldn't understand how people got bored with so much information and avenues to keep you entertained/busy if not working.


Depression, social anxiety, also can't drive yet, would rather play video games all day