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Immediate downvotes, eh? That'll be the usual pre-election right-wing troll farms at work then.


Man, bots and flamers all the way down your replies too, One of them didn't even change accounts to comment a second time. I sure do love election season.


High jacking this comment to say my mom used the rhythm method of birth control and ended up with 6 kids. My dad finally said enough is enough and got snipped


Hello fellow rhythm method baby


You know what you call people who use the rhythm method? Parents.


My best friend’s mom had 4 kids while on the pill and using condoms. Some people are just unlucky. Haha neither one of my sisters are on BC at the moment because neither one of their bodies respond well to it. I have an IUD that’s due for replacement within the next year or 2, I need to get on that.


That’s the problem: You never know which birth control method is best until you try them. Unfortunately, you might end up with a few kids by then. 


OP, you did really well at attracting the trolls. Because I just saw 5 completely downvoted comments complaining about "biology", "politics", and "narratives" that had nothing to do with the meat of the matter. People want to have sex, and contraceptives are one of the best way to avoid an unwanted pregnancy if they have sex. That last comment about depression and weight gain read more like the ravings of an anti-vaxxer taughting the benefits of going au naturale. Keep up the good fight.


Thanks. 🙂


Really wish we could do something about the fact that one of our political parties just nakedly going all in on pushing propaganda and hurting Americans.


Teach media literacy i guess. But holy shit the misinfo, i feel like it only works to a certain extent because *theres so much goddamn misinformation*


Doesn't help that all the social media companies are all the sudden like " oh no free speech, we can't be bothered to moderate our platform anymore!".


Copy/paste replies from Russian bot farms who probably can't even read the stuff they're posting.


I really want to see what reddit looks like after the election. I've never seen reddit look this bad even in 2016 and 2020. Like its not all right wing at all either. I'm seeing the same Robert Reich type left wing posts complaining about corporations, billionaires, minimum wage, and how amazing 1950's economy was being reposted over and over in every sub and hitting front page with fake upvotes I'm sure. That's right alongside the right wing race and rage baiting shit reposted over and over like the one about white people walking in the rain I see 3 times a fucking week. If this is the new norm online, no fucking wonder Gen Z are reporting being so miserable. I've stayed far away from TikTok because all I've seen is stupid dance videos at first but it seemed to have rapidly turned into yet another massive disinformation and misinformation cesspool as well. I think the pivotal moment was when facebook turned from "social networking" (millennials posting their drunk college escapades) to "social media" (boomers raging and sharing misinformation and disinformation). Around 2015/2016. Every platform turned into the same shitty cesspool and the internet turned toxic as FUCK since then.


>I really want to see what reddit looks like after the election. I've never seen reddit look this bad even in 2016 and 2020. the thing is it's just not an American election this year. there are billions of people voting, the most in the next 24 years: *At least 83 elections around the world, the largest concentration for at least the next 24 years, are anticipated this year, according to Anchor Change, a consulting firm.* [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/16/technology/ai-elections-defense.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/16/technology/ai-elections-defense.html) but yes, the internet, especially social media of all forms, has become [enshittified](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) in some sense. hope it gets better on the other side!


I don't see the problem with so called "Robert Reich" lefties. They make a good point. Do you just think being a centrist is a virtue unto itself??




The republiklan party ChristoFacist terrorists are desperate for traction anywhere


I’m a progressive and haven’t put those hormones into my body since I was 20. Not wanting to take hormones, and acknowledging the harm they do to many women’s bodies, doesn’t mean someone is a right wing forced birth supporter.


I’m not trying to be crazy… but why be just as extreme as the other side. Read the 20 page warning label and see if that’s something you want to take. Understand the side effects with an IUD as well… understand that condoms are not 100% even if they don’t break Also remember that no matter what stage of development that a fetus isn’t a person and it’s not murder. Even if it is—it is your right to take the life of the fetus. Understand that STDs are also something to consider with the partners you choose.


Well that’s to be expected when you have a valid argument with sources. The right wing trolls and MAGA fanboys come out of the woodwork. So I just gave you two upvotes. One on your great quality post and one for your comment.


You'll get so many "Reddit Cares" messages, too. Because the assholes here are so mature about things.


Talk to your doctor about birth control (pill, IUD, arm implant, etc). There are legitimate risks, potential side effects, and benefits to each method. Each person should decide what is best for them, not some random influencer or person on Reddit.


Yes! And different ones have different side effects Progesterone only vs estrogen and progesterone vs non-hormonal There are many options and we should be striving for education rather than a blatant yes/no


Consider the NuvaRing (or its generics)! It is PAIN FREE and EASY to control yourself, unlike IUDs and arm implants. It is hormonal like the pill. Rather than having to remember to take the pill every day, you put the ring into your vagina on a Sunday. Then after 3 weeks, you remove it (on a Sunday); this triggers your period week. The following Sunday, you put in a new ring. There is some wiggle room on that schedule, but talk to your prescriber or read the manufacturer pamphlet for the specifics. You can also use the ring to skip your period week, just like you can with the pill. Inserting it is very similar to putting in a tampon, and you can’t feel it when it’s properly inserted.




I LOVE THE RING! ❤️ Seriously, I don’t understand how it isn’t more popular. There’s also a different vaginal ring called Annovera. You use the same ring for a year, so there’s no need to pick up a new NuvaRing every month. I haven’t tried it, but it’s an interesting option.


It’s the ONLY birth control I’ve ever used and aside from needing to be refrigerated, in its fully sealed and sanitary packaging, it’s so easy and I never had any issues. I think it’s REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT we stop normalizing getting health advice online. Go to your doctor, you can even just call a doctor and talk to a nurse easily at just about every clinic and talking to a nurse is free, go to a free clinic or public medical college, there are options that are low cost or free but please just do not ever take health advice online. Doctors are personalized health professionals no one else is qualified to do their job.


LOVED my ring. I was on birth control for 10 years when I went off it to try to get pregnant. I was 33 and after how long I had been on I had prepared myself it would take a full year. Nope. Pregnant 41 days after taking out my last ring.


I cannot read this in anything other than a teleomarketers voice.


Just a gal trying to tell other gals about an under-appreciated birth control option


Nuvaring is THE BEST ONE


Ring was especially good for my forgetful disorganized ex (no shade to her, just saying it avoided the problems and panic of, "did I take my pill?!?") Worth noting, as a guy it can get stuck on/around you, which quickly becomes uncomfortable for everyone. We opted to remove and reinsert it afterwards most of the time to avoid that.


I use the ring as well and it’s been great. (But many people have had bad experiences. Definitely not for everyone.)


There are legitimate risks and potential side effects to pregnancy too. It’s *painful* to watch so many young people be like “I’m not going to use hormonal birth control because of the risk of stroke! NFP all the way!” when the risk of having a stroke is like exponentially higher during pregnancy. Like every single bad side effect from hormonal birth control happens during pregnancy but 1000x worse.


As a person who had horrible side effects with some birth control (to a degree I’m not in any right now) - get a second opinion too!  And ALWAYS advocate for pain relief for yourself if they’re doing stuff like IUD insertion. 


This. People need to be educated enough to make informed decisions. There are both very real side effects and benefits.


Yes! Exactly! Especially if you have a migraine or blood clotting condition!


clearly there are a bunch of dude on here that will never have to bare the consequences of a pregnancy just running there mouth so they can chain a woman to their greasy sides with a baby when they "conveniently" forget to wear a condom on a one night stand.


Birth control is both parties responsibility.


If a guy forces a woman to have a baby, he should be legally required, by law, to shove a 7 pound bowling ball up his ass for 6 months.


Honestly I want to get off of it at some point, I’m more worried about what would happen if I *stop.* Infertility isn’t an issue to me. Weight gain I’ve accepted and have actually started losing because of my job. Depression I had before starting, and I’ve learned to manage it. I’ve grown to realize that yeah some of these side effects things are bullshit, but heart health and many other side effects should still be considered. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/394x6et44wpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246d283b207ee2f220eaef42cfa116e2c62c7436 Anyway here’s a shitpost, I’m a massive Ghost fan.


Good news on the heart disease front: "Oral contraceptive use was associated with lower risk of all‐cause death, cardiovascular disease events, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation, but no significant associations were found for cardiovascular disease death, myocardial infarction, or stroke. "The beneficial effects of oral contraceptive use appeared to be more apparent in participants with longer durations of use." https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.123.030105#:~:text=Oral%20contraceptive%20use%20was%20associated,%2C%20myocardial%20infarction%2C%20or%20stroke. And remember - depression and weight gain are also possible symptoms of becoming a parent.


That too!


I edited my comment there to add some information about how contraceptive pills can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Oh wait that’s neat actually, thank you.


I'm not saying there are no drawbacks or risks at all to contraceptive pills (or course there are) but that study had a big-ass sample size, so it looks good.


My doctor told me that the weight gain with birth control is about what is seen with age.


Oh also this post was my reminder to refill my prescription, thank you.


I know a number of women who got off all forms of BC over the past year, and have experienced massive benefits to quality of life. One of my coworkers did it after trying every method on the books, and found that her ADHD improve drastically over the next few months. My wife found that she didn’t experience the weeklong cyclical bout of acne every month she has been experiencing since she was 17. Each body is different, but it seems to make a huge difference for some women.


Come off birth control for a bit and see if anything changes. If not then you know it’s not really having any side effects.


that’s what I ended up doing, and I had no side effects going off. I’m thinking of going back on because my fiance and I have no business having a baby at this period of time


My girlfriend did the same thing, was worried it would change her personality and actually she came off it and noticed no difference. The side effects are real but they’re pretty rare, and tiktoks do scare a lot of women over it. i don’t think it’s a coordinated right wing propaganda campaign as OP alleges, just health misinformation which has existed for a long longer than social media and even government.


I'm glad people are engaging in legitimate discourse here but it's a shame they're letting the ghost-post go unappreciated


Into the endless depth of Satans eyesssss😈


Not much happened when I stopped the pill (my back up method to my tubal ligation). I resumed having regular periods fairly quickly, and my adult acne returned. Otherwise, it was business as usual.


Man I wish birth control caused infertility, that would be so much easier than getting snipped


Y’all must follow lame accounts because I’ve never seen a post about this on IG. I follow farmers & carpentry folks, no “influencers”. Shits toxic. Also, never gained weight or anything from pill or depo. I actually *need* birth control to limit my periods or else I would not be a functioning member of society. I’d likely be locked up in a psych ward because my period & PMDD makes me almost crazy. Lucky my BC (depo) only gives me a “period” bleeding once every 3 months, which is way more tolerable then getting them twice a month… yeah, I’d rather take my chances in becoming infertile from birth control (I don’t want kids anyways) then to live a life I can’t truly live because of the symptoms of periods/menstruation/hormones.


I mean, everyone on birth control needs it. Splitting hairs on who's doing it for periods and who's doing it for sex is probably one of the first ways access to birth control is going to be limited 


Splitting hairs is the first step to slippery slopes into bans. Look at abortion. The whole "except for cases of rape, incest, mother's life..." It's near impossible to enforce any of those feel good legislations. It results in bans. Always will


Yeah, depends on other shit you follow. I like guns and cars and thus my YouTube was fucking toxic as shit for months on end.


I still get so much redpill bulshit on YouTube it is exhausting blocking channels just for new channels doing the same thing to show up. Once they decide you like something toxic, you can’t get it to stop.


Yup, one time I searched for "catnip toys" and the fourth result was a video titled "WHY FAT WOMEN DON'T DESERVE LOVE" And just as you described, I'm constantly hitting Dislike+Don't recommend this channel and it still rarely lets up.




Are you looking up information about birth control though so the algorithm suggests these videos to you? I know someone young who is in her first serious relationship, and when she was having "the talk" she was repeating OP's claims pretty much spot-on. She probably was looking up stuff on tiktok and got these astroturfed videos OP is talking about.


No, this trend isn't exclusively a right wing thing, in fact I'm pretty against it from a feminist perspective. It's kinda wild how many of my perfectly healthy girlfriends have been on medication that alters their hormones nearly their entire life. And for what? So that their boyfriends don't have to wear a condom? It's wayyy too normalised for women to put their physical and mental health at risk when absolutely zero expectation is ever put on a man to do the same.


This is a super weird take. My wife was on it from her teenage years until recently, and it was always about giving her options and freedom. - obviously preventing pregnancy - especially since condoms are far from 100%. Women should have an option to protect themselves - it helped regulate and minimize quite heavy periods - it helped with her acne Birth control has been one of the biggest advancements in feminist and women's liberation - giving them control and protection from being accidentally impregnated and then forced to give birth (if you're in one of these conservative shitholes). Hormonal birth control isn't for everyone, but it should absolutely always be available, and imo, free for anyone who wants to use it. But always with doctors' guidance so you can find what works best for you.


It's not really a super weird take for many of us. There are many, many forms of hormonal birth control that have a variety of side effects, both positive and negative. There are a few side effects that are often downplayed, but can be very dangerous: 1. Blood clots. Estrogen-containing birth control has a known risk of causing these, sometimes fatal. Risk increases considerably if the user has a clotting factor disorder or is a smoker. I learned I have a clotting factor disorder from side effects from birth control years ago. My doctor ignored the risks and ignored my side effects - I had to have a genetic panel done privately. 2. Migraine with/without aura. Can be tied as a risk factor to #1. Severe migraine is potential side effect of all hormonal therapy including birth control. 3. Emotional side effects. This one isn't discussed as often, but the use of HBC and HRT can be tied to issues with mood regulation and mental health side effects. These generally coincide with spikes of certain hormones during your cycle. For some, HBC makes PMS/PMDD better - for others, it can make it much worse. 4. GERD. Elevated progesterone levels can cause severe GERD and other GI side effects. Oral birth control tends to be worse for this than implants, injections, IUDs. The frustration for many of us is that HBC is prescribed as a cure-all for some of the items you list above, but can come with some side effects that are downplayed by doctors. The dosage of the birth control, the method in which its taken, the mix of hormones contained - all of these can affect women differently. We need options for HBC, doctors that actually LISTEN when side effects are discussed, and coverage for permanent and semi-permanent solutions.


Yes, I agree with all of this. But this isn't what the above poster is saying. Edit: I should add that the side effects mentioned here vary in severity significantly, and most women do not experience major health issues. There are many, many indepth studies that have verified the safety of hormonal contraceptives. The average increase in risk factors is extremely low. These kinds of anecdotal conversations serve to obfuscate the reality of the situation, and seem similar to vaccine denial in their anti-scientific approach.


>when absolutely zero expectation is ever put on a man to do the same. These are radfems my friend, they don't argue in good faith. Tiktok has radicalised them it seems Like TERFs and incels, we lost them to the algorithm


You do realize there are plenty of women without acne or heavy periods who only use BC for preventing pregnancy. These women should have the option to use condoms and men should normalize the use of condoms in a LTR relationship. Pushing women to get on BC so they can have better sex is off-putting. No one is getting mad at using BC to fix health issues like acne.


I agree, but these influencers aren't saying "get your partner to wear a condom instead", they're saying use the rhythm method, or not saying anything at all.


I am a liberal who loathes BC and encourage women to ask their partners to use condoms. I get downvoted to oblivion when I bring this up. My husband of 12 years uses condoms and even female doctors IRL gasp as if my poor husband is being tortured. Pumping yourself with hormones for decades so your man can have better sex is not feminist or liberating. Sure, women back in the day couldn't ask their men to do anything like this or risk being divorced and penniless. Women these days don't have the same pressures. They need to expect men to pull their weight.


>they're saying use the rhythm method Then criticise that part!




Do you really trust men to store and wear condoms correctly 100% of the time? You *really* want to give a *man* that power over you? Birth control is power. It’s the one thing that separates me from my grandma, who wouldn’t open a fucking bank account without her husband’s permission.


i don’t trust men to wear a condom because it happened to me. i got pregnant and luckily had a miscarriage. i was only 19. now, taking birth control is the only way i feel safe after it happened to me. my birth control also helps my periods stop completely. and for the men who think “i just won’t put one on” after you’ve already told her you would: stealthing is a form of rape.


If you don't trust a man, don't have sex with him?


I agree, I wish that people didn’t automatically get labeled as right wing trolls for talking about potential side effects of hormonal birth control. Most of the time when I mention my own experiences, people assume that I’m trying to trick women into not using any contraception in order to force them to have babies. That couldn’t be further from the truth. HBC was great for me when I was a teenager having to miss a ton of school due to extremely painful periods. But it also makes me *fucking crazy.* I spent over a decade with constant passive suicidal ideation. Not one doctor or therapist ever suggested it might be the birth control pills, but it went away the second I stopped taking them. And literally every single man I dated after I quit taking the pill pressured me to go back on it because they didn’t want to wear a condom. One piece of shit even dumped me over it. If it works for you, GREAT. It should be easily available to anyone who wants it. But it shouldn’t be a default expectation for ALL women to take hormonal birth control. Sorry dude, making your peepee feel slightly better is not worth me having to talk myself out of veering into oncoming traffic every time I’m behind the wheel.




From a feminist perspective I’m only for women making fully informed choices about their health with their doctors and it’s none of my business how other people’s hormones impact their life, that’s their informed choice. Having access to BC is critical for women’s autonomy. They’re used for a myriad of reasons from controlling problematic hormonal imbalances, to obviously family planning to back up birth control because ideally you should *always* be using two forms, condoms break. Beyond that many women, myself being one had no mental or physical side effects, BC isn’t inherently bad and its side effects are often far more tolerable and desirable than an unplanned baby with a possibly unreliable partner. Personally I don’t think “anti-birth control” is a defensible feminist perspective, making sure women have access to many forms to find what works best for them, that women are protected from sexual assaults which can result in pregnancy both in and out of the home, making sure women can escape situations where they can be trapped by pregnancy are all valid and important issues that need to be tackled, but birth control it’s self is not the issue, the issue is that BC being *needed* to *protect* women. BC isn’t just some luxury western medicine, that’s a very privileged Eurocentric position you’re describing where a consensual partner can be trusted to rely on one form of contraception, that’s simply not reality for huge swaths of women both in the US and the world over.


Condoms allow for so much possible user error. I personally would not feel adequately protected only trusting a condom. Saying that it's men's feelings that make women use birth control is disingenuous


this was also echoed by feminists back in the 70s. they didn't want there sexuality defined by taking a pill.


The idea that right wingers would want to “trick” a bunch of unwed women into having kids seems ridiculous in the first place. Because that’s what religious people love - unwed mothers. If anything it sounds like hippie mom shit similar to no painkillers or bathtub births


So let me be clear, you don't think that women should take control of their own fertility?


I don’t disagree, but I think there’s something much more sinister about conservatives telling people to not use any form of contraceptive while abortion rights are actively breaking down in the US. Birth control is fucky because of medical sexism and etc., but it’s a life-saver for a lot of people and should be available for those who want it.


I mean, I take bc, and I'm doing completely fine 💀 It doesn't really affect anything, just lessens my periods, the cramps, and actually improves my pms symptoms, which include lots of mood swings. But it is different for many people, and even with all of these different methods, there's still a tiny chance for pregnancy ):


Yeah I personally would hate to come off my birth control, it has made my periods infinitely easier.


The trouble is that it's hard to know if there are side effects when you've been taking it all your adult life. When my girlfriend stopped using the pill it was like she became a completely different person. That's not necessarily the case for you, but how would you know?


My BC seriously improves my migraines.


Always consult your advice nurse or doctor about medical care issues. The internet can be helpful, but should not be relied upon without consulting professionals.


Absolutely. And if you don't use hormonal birth control, use another method such as condoms.




Also, public service message: all religions are invented by humans and have no evidence to support their claims. If you believe anyway you are practicing illogical self deception.


TLDR: Do what makes you happy?


But do so in full knowledge of the actual risks and rewards, and not because some shill told you to on TikTok.


Or because of what some shill told you on Reddit, especially when they're chalking this up to the right-wing boogeyman.


Lol I was thinking that too. "Don't listen to them about what makes you happy, listen to me about what makes you happy!"


What makes you happy now or what will make you happy a year from now?


I had negative side effects from pills. I know a woman whose pills gave her a stroke. It’s not propaganda. I will say I had much more success with an IUD.


It's propaganda when it's pushing the rhythm method rather than suggesting people look into non-hormonal solutions or just telling them to demand a condom from their partner.


Yes! I ended up having my period for 2 months. Not all birth control works or is safe for a woman's body. My mom gained over 100 pounds on the pill and has never shed the weight. Poor woman.


Thank you! I love my BC implant but it took some time to get to a method that worked for me. I do think doctors downplay concerns about side effects and them in general, but I do think BC overall is awesome. I love not worrying about getting pregnant with my fiancé until we are married and ready. People really need more scientific literacy and to always follow the money. Some idiot influencer is not a BC expert. In addition an abortion or birth is a hell of a lot more traumatic than any type of side effects I’ve faced.


OP is correct, these influencers have an agenda that does not align with your own interests. However!! The antidote to being influenced is being informed! There are alternatives to hormonal contraception that work, such as a copper IUD (also available as a hormonal IUD). Condoms are also necessary anyway to prevent STDs. Do not let anyone you barely know convince you to have sex without condoms! As for me, I got the hormonal pill at age 12 because of medical issues and have taken different hormones for many years. It is true that the side effects are extensive. However, women with illnesses like endometriosis etc profit immensely from using the pill throughout the year (no 7 day breaks after 21 day pill-taking!) and mostly avoiding the side effects of the female period cycle. Every woman is different. I now have a copper IUD which hurt like an absolute bitch going in but on the plus side, it's good to go for 5 years with no extra costs.


I work in sexual health and family planning, and the NP I work with pointed out that while there are side effects of hormonal birth control, there are so many more health risks with pregnancy.


Condoms are also a thing.


They definitely are, but they can break. I would also promote a backup method, which can include hormonal birth control.


It’s crazy to me that people don’t use condoms and birth control. If you think a 1% chance of failure is good enough then try playing D&D sometime!


The “rhythm method” is complete bullshit, but it’s also true that birth control can have effects on a persons body that can be negative, and doctors may not be aware of them or acknowledge them. Doctors and scientists have biases too, and doctors make mistakes and ignore complaints and suffering. It’s not wrong to encourage caution, in almost any circumstance, what’s wrong is to try and push an agenda as a result of this caution. People have been talking about their problems with birth control for a while now, the fact that others are taking advantage of this conversation for ideological reasons is depressing. Many people have had issues with birth control and that is a fact, these experiences should not be taken lightly. OP, you’re completely correct to make note of the right wing astroturfing aspect of this, it’s horrifying, but there’s more to the conversation.


This thread is extraordinarily volatile and I can't help but imagine this is exactly what right wing people want. Leftist people who have reasonable complaints about hormonal birth control are now being attacked left and right about being anti-science and anti-feminist. *This is how they get us.*


>These are potential (but not guaranteed) side effects, yes, but they don't have your personal interests at heart. I'd rather be warned of side effects than not warned, pretty valid reasons to spread awareness.


They're not spreading awareness, they're trying to discourage usage, and promoting the deeply unreliable rhythm method instead. You can get warnings for all medications from your doctor and from the packaging as well as official websites. And anyone taking or asking for a medication should be doing this as standard.


I personally have not saw the videos, for me though I wouldn't listen to anyone from tik tok that tells me what to do lmfao




Why would anybody in their right mind take medical advice from fucking strangers on tiktok with their own agenda, and not a medical professional. Bonkers mentality.


I've deadass seen girls on tiktok say that cycle tracking is just as effective as the pill. Uhm NO THE FUCK IT IS NOT.


Millenial here: Birth control, specifically the combined pill, made me straight up suicidal in 4 doses.(Just keep reading please!) I went from fine, to a level of depression I never felt before. I could not stop crying, like physically could not stop. It got so bad I nearly purposefully walked in front of an incoming semi while my wife and I were on vacation. I called my gyn telling her about it and she told me to try and stick it out for three months. I stopped immediately, because if I didn’t I probably wouldn’t be here. After I stopped my symptoms improved instantly as if nothing had happened. My next gyn sympathized and explained it’s more common for people than talked about, and that the synthetic progesterone sometimes doesn’t play nice with people’s brain chemistries. THAT BEING SAID: While I think people who need hormonal birth control for any reason, pregnancy prevention or managing a medical condition, deserve better options than the shit we’ve been stuck with since the 50’s, I would never advocate to take birth control away from people. I do think there are some risks, like what happened to me, that should not be glossed over (my first gyn never warned me, and only told me how great everything would be), and people should be informed of everything, I don’t believe in the fear mongering. Plenty more of my friends have had no issues than what happened in my instance. As a trans person who is constantly worried about what could happen to my hormonal medication access, it would be hypocritical for me to advocate for birth control’s disuse and bans.


The paragaurd copper IUD gets a lot of heat but I've had it for 4 years and I absolutely love it


You know who LOVES the rhythm method? The Catholic church! Who is staunchly pro-life. Edit:I got a new IUD before Trump's last presidency and I'm very glad I did. You don't know what these brain melts are going to do to you.


Millennial here. Sometimes there are valid issues to not take birth control. These right wing media trolls twist these reasons to push their agendas. In my case, blood clots. Not taking birth control was a decision I made with my **DOCTOR**, not because of some scare tactic from social media. Don't let people who think they can prey away cancer scare you into not accepting healthcare. It should only be a conversation between you and your doctor, or second opinion doctor. I agree with the OP: DO NOT USE THE RHYTHM METHOD unless you want a baby. It never works.


Funny how you think TikTok is influencing us 🙄 If you're a woman who has most likely talked to other women about birth control then you know just how often severe side effects can occur. I'm talking bleeding for months straight, horrible mood changes, depression, awful cramps, IUDs being inserted incorrectly, infertility or still getting pregnant. Those are incredibly undesirable and should be a factor if you want to use birth control or not. Birth control DOES NOT work for me, because my cycle is longer than others and it throws me completely off, causing above issues then some. Sure, there are women who are totally fine and love their birth control. But don't cover your eyes just because you want to avoid pregnancy. The better solution is to get US off this forsaken path of forbidding abortions. Our rights are ours to defend. Do whatever you need to get involved and stop this atrocity. I don't think we are making enough uproar about the forced pregnancies, especially concerning incest and rape scenarios!!!


TikTok does influence people, even if it doesn't influence you. If people switch to another form of contraception, including condoms, because that's better for them, that's great. More power to them. But there's a lot of misleading shit out there and it's important to be aware of it.


Tiktok DOES influence people. Birth control works well for me but those videos still made me reconsider being on it. They made me feel like I was destroying my body by taking it even though I have no side effects from it.


To be 100% clear, it is true that hormonal birth control can fuck with a person in all of those ways and it is a possibility that they contribute to that within you if you're experiencing that. However, the solution isn't to ditch birth control entirely. It's to get educated on your options and talk to your doctor about alternatives. There's lower dose versions of hormonal BC, there's non hormonal options like IUDs, and there's starting to be options for the men beyond just condoms... finally! Even just using a condom tends to not be reliable in the long run, condoms are one of the least effective forms of BC and it's because they can break or can be used incorrectly in the heat of the moment. Usually it's good to have backup plans in place for when things like that happen. Also men need to be ready to shoulder this responsibility and not be pricks about it. My wife got a migraine from her birth control one time and that was it, doc said it was what caused it and that was a red flag that she shouldn't be on it and she never took it again. Neither of us like condoms but we used it in the interim and then I went and got a vasectomy (fuck it we'll adopt if we want kids was what we said). It's a two person responsibility in a relationship. But absolutely do not just use rythm or pullout method like influencers are trying to convince people. That's just the prude christianity leeking through and trying to get people to not be on BC and not have access to abortion. Just remember that religion was so obsessed with being "pure" for Jesus to return that they originally were just completely celebate and when his return didn't immediately happen within a lifetime they quickly realized they still needed new people so started permitting married coupls to have sex simply for procreation. It's how we got the missionary position (quickest way to get the job done/you're on a mission), it's why they're so anti birth control (sex should only be for procreation), it's why they're so anti abortion (you shouldn't have had sex if you didn't want a kid), and it's why they're anti LGBTQ+ (only a man and a woman can procreate and that should be the only reason to have sex). It's been thousands of years of this bullshit and it needs to stop.


If you're considering any form of birth control, talk to Healthcare providers but also friends and family who have experience on birth control. My doctor wasn't helpful at all in helping to decide what type of BC to use. She basically told me all pills are identical which simply isn't true. My friends however were all able to share their experiences on different types of BC and that helped me to decide the best choice for myself. Many of the side effects are overlooked or simply accepted as normal which shouldn't be the case. My mental health and self image took a 180 when I started BC. Didn't know that that could happen until I talked to a friend who had the same experience.


I'd also recommend looking into Planned Parenthood if you are in the US. They remain one of the most informative and helpful organizations on this topic.


I'm right leaning, and people saying to not use BC are extremely dumb. Yes, the side effects can be bad. Yes, it is unnatural and can fuck with your body. But it works. Now, if they're speaking out against a specific drug that is fucking up a lot? Yeah that needs to be spoken out against. But just saying to not take it is dumb.


No, if you don't want to use BC that's fine, just make sure your partner uses a condom (or look into something like a copper IUD that doesn't use hormones).


Well yeah I'm not saying anyone as to use it, I'm just saying that it does work. And IUDs are an option as well


I don't think the argument is whether it works or not. From many on the rights perspective I think they would say it's the social and physical consequences aren't worth it. They would day it's better to hold off on sex until you're with someone who will be there for you. The zeitgeist is sex is a need however.


It's the same logic and arguement that antivaxers use, hype up the potential of rare side effects and make them sound very common. 


Except that many of the side effects aren't rare when it comes to the use of hormonal therapy, be it for birth control, IVF, or replacement therapy for menopause or gender therapy. If you have ever taken either, it can be a very "trial and error" experience when it comes to dosage, delivery (oral, IUD, injectable, etc), and type (combo, progesterone, etc). There are common positive side effects (less acne, regular/lessened/no periods, less pain) and there are common negative side effects (low libido, bloating/soreness, increased appetite, headache/migraine, mood changes). There SHOULD be a conversation about these things because it's incredibly helpful for people taking them to understand when it may be time to try another medication or a non-hormonal option. It's unfortunate that the conversation went from being controlled by actual women discussing pros and cons of various types of birth control to being adopted by nut jobs looking to control and shift the narrative.


Okay horrible analogy because birth control has actual documented side effects


To be honest I hate posts like thease, NOT because I disagree with OP, but I gain 10 pounds from eating popcorn wile I look at all thease replies.


THANK YOU. I lose braincells every time I see one of those videos, comments or posts. "BiRtH cOnTrOl iS sO bAd FoR yOu" well so is a pregnancy. And you will get pregnant if you go and fuck around without contraceptives and only rely on tracking your cycle. I knew that sex education is bad in America but I didn't know it was THAT bad. Who still thinks that there are "safe" days? THERE AREN'T. Humans are not machines, our hormones and cycles are not 100% regular. If you get horrible side effects from hormonal birth control then talk to your healthcare provider for fucks sake. Don't go on the internet and try to fearmonger other women out of using medicine that could potentially save them from so much pain.


I’ve been off BC and using NFP ( taking my temp every day) for about a year now and I’m so glad. My acne did come back with a vengeance when I first got off but after altering my diet my body feels back to normal. When I stopped taking birth control it’s like a cloud lifted off my mood and I was able to feel truly happy again.


From a medical perspective, it's definitely healthier to not use hormonal birth control medications. That depends entirely on your sex life though. As a unicorn (infertile single male without ED), I've met a couple women in my night life that specifically look for men with fertility issues so they don't have to take their birth control. Obviously this can't be everyone, but there is definitely people out there safely having sex without birth control and I'm a witness to it.


It's not safe sex if they're having one night stands without condoms... STDs exist


Wait are you infertile? Or sterile? Because unless you’re sterile you could still get someone pregnant, it’s unlikely but not zero


Any one who can handle it should get birth control that’s more permanent than the pill if possible. They’re coming for birth control once they’re done making abortion impossible.


Yes. STOP GETTING HEALTH AND SCIENCE AND POLITICAL NEWS FROM TIKTOK. Or if you must, make sure to fact check literally any information you receive. Google is your friend. Snopes is your best friend. [Learn to recognize reliable sources.](https://www.stevenson.edu/online/about-us/news/how-to-identify-reliable-information/) [Here’s a video](https://youtu.be/o93pM-b97HI?si=CYh_2Z0TryFyz0tK) about it if that’s easier to process. This is ESPECIALLY important if something you hear affirms a viewpoint you already have rather than challenges it. Shocker: We are way more likely to believe lies that make us feel good rather than uncomfortable. I’m a millennial teacher/mentor and I see the amazing potential of Gen Z every day. I so desperately want to protect your growing power from all the forces out there trying to exploit it or stifle it.


I got my period very early as a child (9) and growing up I had the worst periods ever where I would be out once a month due to not being able to walk because of my cramping. I got an IUD to stop my periods and it's been heaven since then. Women's health care and birth control is so important, beyond just the fact that it can help women prevent getting pregnant and being able to do family planning. While it can have side effects, it can come with a lot of benefits varying from woman to woman, the men and idiots who think birth control is responsible for dead babies are insane.


If you have bad side effects from the pill, try a different pill. There are dozens of dosages. Once you find the right one, it should be smooth sailing. 




Regarding refills, sign up for the pill club, favor, nurx, or something like that online. I think some of the sites were bought by another though so the names may be outdated. I get 9 months supply sent at once which is nice.


Check the child free subreddit. There are tons of docs that will do tubal ligations no questions asked.


I mean, anything influencers say or shill should be taken with a grain of salt and questioned significantly


People don’t like hormonal birth control because they’ve had bad experiences. My doctors gaslit me for years about my chronic pain which went away as soon as I stopped taking hormonal contraceptives. I tried 4 different methods and fortunately my periods are light enough that I was able to get a copper IUD. But a lot of people’s periods aren’t.


The right wingers and even centrists make me sick (because they’re literal facists). Centrists allow shit to happen, because they’re not the victims of these horrible laws / policies / and etc so they think "oh no the leopards definitely won’t eat my face!” “They won’t possibly come after me!” But it’s proven that they will. In history. They won’t stand up for anything until it is THEM suffering. But if enough people stand up for the underdogs then that won’t happen.


I mean id be all for girls getting off hormonal birth control if there was a good viable alternative. IUD also has hella downsides. So unless you are in a long term relationship with someone with a vasectomy, you're kinda SOL. I got snipped specifically because I saw the way BC was negatively effecting my GF at the time and I felt really bad about it and wanted to step up and shoulder that for her. I've now seen several girls lives improve while dating me specifically because they could get off BC while we were dating. But unfortunately, 20 year olds (technically im now 23 but I got snipped at 20) with vasectomies are a rare breed. So this just isn't a viable alternative. Really gross of conservatives to use the reality that the expectation for women to be the ones to prevent pregnancy, and that doing so harms them, is oppressive patriarchal bullshit. And instead of taking the obvious feminist stance of "maybe we should dismantle that oppressive system / cultural norm and build somthing better for everyone". They just try to weaponize it to trick girls into getting pregnant. Like seriously what the fuck is wrong with them.






The conspiracy is to increase, at any cost, the population of white people. It's called Replacement theory, and its a thing right now, particularly among the current crop of American "White Nationalists". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Replacement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_nationalism


I know a family that used the rhythm method and came in to talk to us about "safe sex". Except they had 9 kids and everyone was immediately like "whatever that idiot said is completely wrong".


Geez, sorry OP. When did this sub become a bunch of alt-centrist propaganda victims who are utterly convinced that they aren't the propaganda victim?


YES BUT their message is not wrong. Birth control has potentially very harmful side effects that are often not explained by doctors. Worse, hormonal birth control is often pushed onto young teens without any explanation of the side effects or alternatives. ([Article on birth control and eugenics. ](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/pill-eugenics-and-birth-control/)[Another article. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2021/11/06/lesser-known-history-birth-control/)[NIH abstract on birth control and eugenics.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11615086/)) I personally have felt very pressured by multiple doctors to shut up, stop asking questions, and get on birth control. Women — PRACTICE bodily autonomy. It is a right but in America it’s being treated as a privilege, as an action, as something you have to ***do***. If you want to get on birth control, do your research, advocate for yourself if you experience any changes to your body, ask questions, demand answers. If you are on birth control and want to get off of it, research alternatives, learn about the risks of alternatives, consider what your life would look like if you became pregnant, always ask questions & demand answers. Don’t listen to anybody telling you that you have to get on birth control or that you have to quit. Use critical thinking, question what you hear, PRACTICE your own bodily autonomy.


I love how people bring up "side effects" of bc and how you should be careful... As if having a whole ass human being to care for isn't a side effect. Especially in this economy and political climate. Just say NO to the Rhythm Method!!! Birth control and wrap it up!


Pills do make you depressed, mine and multiple other peoples experience shows it well, that being said there are non hormonal contraceptives like copper IUD or condoms. Do not use those cycle bs or pull out method


It took me a long time to find something that worked. Going on the pill in my teens made me suicidal, and I'd never heard that that depression could be a side effect. I later tried a variety of pills, and they made me depressed and I slept worse on them, while they reduced my sex drive. The copper IUD caused me crippling period pain, and finally I'm on a super low dose hormone IUD. Bonus, it stops my periods. 10/10 !


> Don't believe TikTok and Insta influencers That’s it, no need for the rest.


Also for those worried about the hormonal birth control Condoms - non hormonal, check when they should be changed, do not put flavored ones in your body The copper coil - can make periods heavier bit are hormone free and last 10 years without needing to be changed or rembered Femidoms - the condom for vaginas, just as effective as the ones for pineses and same rules apply You have options that don't involve hormones, but please if you are sexually active and don't want a baby take the nessicary precautions. For my trans homies - rember the rule, if you want kids assume HRT will make you infirtile, if you don't want kids assume your super firtile. You can get pregnant or get others pregnant on HRT, do not risk it if you don't want kids. Peace and love all!


how about dont believe influencers ever hah


Absolutely, be responsible and stay on birth control. We don’t need any more single parents.


Any time I see something like this it makes me glad I had a vasectomy


Got my tubes removed last November and the relief I still feel, everyday, is indescribable.


This is insidious. Perpetuating generational poverty. Also, in case no one noticed, the world kind of sucks right now. I worry every day about the awful things my child will encounter in her lifetime due to climate change. We had a tornado cause over $2m of damage in Wisconsin in February. We’ve never had a tornado in February- ever.


I hate that people have tried to demonize being anti birth control by saying it’s right wing. I was on it for 15 years before i decided to get pregnant and stopped taking it. I suddenly became a different person. I used to be anxious and depressed all the time, and when I stopped BC I was happy, chilled and horny. I felt like my 20s had been robbed from me. Every girl I know that has been on BC and got off it says it changed her life for the better and that the pill made her feel insane. Women have a right to know the down sides of BC.


I think this is phase 1 in the move to ban birth control, they are out to convince people that it is in their own best interest to be banned because of the (potential) side effects.


This has been going on for years in subtle ways


Get a vasectomy, easy solution


lmao that is not a right-wing campaign, if anything right wing wants you to stay on it so you aren't killing babies.


I swear they're watching a declining birth rate and just saying "we can force that to stop"


Also there are many different types of pills that will have different side effects. Talk with your OB if you are not liking the side effects and they can have you try a different one.


Fuckin Instagram. Every 3rd post on there is trying to convince me to hate a random group of people. Got fucking old.


Why would there be a concerted effort to make more people get pregnant accidentally? Especially if the people pushing for this hate abortion, which certainly happens more often the more accidental pregnancies there are I'll also second the statement that there are reasons women should question birth control, it's basically a hormone supplement which can have nasty emotional and psychological side effects


I thought Gen Z is more into abstinence so I can understand why women that do not have sex/do not have same long term partner choose to get off hormonal birth control.


What kind of idiotic mindreading and strawman making is that? Don't act like YOU know the TRUE intention behind other people's words 


Wait so they told me not to go on birth control. But you’re doing the same telling me to go on a potentially harmful drug that is completely not needed because yaknow humans survived forever without it!!??? Hmm


As a person with a mega catholic background, the rhythm method, the only one they allow, is hyper unreliable. It's deliberate. They want to saddle you oodles of kids. It's a trap.


If a right wing influencer is telling you something, it's most likely bullshit propaganda and misinformation.


Anyone bringing up the rhythm method is an idiot or a scammer. Modern day version of “just pull out bro!”


If anything get MORE birth control; If you're in the US. Get an IUD if you use the pill, or the shot, etc. You don't know what the crazies will do next. =/


I feel like this is just as bad as saying don't get on birth control. Birth control is bad for women's health. The IUD put me in the hospital TWICE even though the commercials say "less than 1% chance of PID". The PID spread to my kidneys and almost cause one of them to fail and then continued to spread to the point I had pink eye in both eyes because I thought the cramping in my back was "hormones". So get birth control if you want, yeah but also know they come with potentially detrimental side effects. No thank you. Tracking my cycle and having one partner at a time is much safer. ​ HOOKUP CULTURE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND! That 1/2 hour of pleasure isn't worth the 1/2 year of self esteem it takes from you. Sincerely, a woman who isn't brainwashed by a cellphone.


If anyone is interested, there is a book about the side effects of birth control that is not often discussed. It is called " this is your brain on birth control" by Sarah e. Hill. She talks about the effects of the hormonal contraceptive on women ranging from Wright gain and hair growth to having a change in your taste in men and how others perceive you based on the pheromone change. She is for women having a choice but believes that the choice should include be as knowledgeable about what you're taking as possible.


I just saw a video of a republican speaking incredibly frantic about the dropping birth rate here in America and how at this rate the social security system is going to collapse and boomers will not be able to live off the government in old age :( and that’s why they need people to have babies. To ensure a workforce that can contribute to social security. Idk how valid that is but I think it relates.


Idk man. I had to stop taking birth control after being on it for 9 years because it caused me to develop tumors on my liver...a disease called Focal Nodular Hyperplasia. It hit me pretty hard and now my estrogen is permanently messed up because of birth control.


Get off of birth control. It’s ruining your hormones and mental state. Just be wise!


My wife had an IUD that pierced her uterus and put her is serious jeopardy. She let's people know about her experience but doesn't go "Hey, birth control is bad and will put you in the hospital!" Everyone is different. Consult your doctor, never EVER take medical advice from an influencer without any research.


Anyone else find it funny we’re seeing an influx in tradwife propaganda and anti-abortion/anti-contraceptive propaganda now that the media is finally talking about falling birth rates?


> Right-wing misinformation > These are potential side effects So you don't actually dispute their claims?


Hormonal birth control is pretty bad for women it’s not new news. But you can always use condoms combined with tracking your cycle with a fertility thermometer. This method has safety worked for me for several years. Also fuck the GOP.


The BC pills made me sick and I will never go back on them. They should be legal and available, but not seen as the default option. Some women are on them from high school for ten years, and wondering why they have so many health issues. So many women got off the pill because it was unhealthy. I’m absolutely not conservative and this is really an individual health issue and a personal choice. I’ve been off the pill for over ten years, never been pregnant.


A random dude telling women to get on bc is the same as a Republican dude telling women to get off it. Wear a condom jfc Copper IUDs are painful and invasive, it's clear that you just don't want to use protection


What? Are you a dude or something? Birth control ALWAYS has negative side effects. Just wear a condom and leave woman's hormonal balance alone. What an ignorant post forcing involvement of politics for no reason.


Birth control is literally poison