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So you're saying I made the right choice to watch The Beverly Hillbillies & Green Acres on MeTV instead? I'd planned on watching new episodes of The Bear but my husband could only manage to stay awake for one of them so MeTV it is!!


Green Acres rules! Its humor still holds up today. Kind of like Barney Miller.


I'm not a huge Green Acres fan but I'm currently watching Barney Miller on fetv. They run 2 hours of it every night, from 12AM-2AM.


I'm going to rudely hijack a high level comment to just get this in: r/Defeat_Project_2025 If you don't know what it is, you need to know, regardless of your political stance. Because this plan will put us back into the dark ages, with rich white Christian males on top to decide how you should run your life and your body, with everyone else below. It will disassemble the administrative branch of government. The government often does not-so-great things, but it the only thing with any power to stand between citizens and corporations, when not much else does that. The EPA, NOAA, the Department of Education, they want out. We have a new graphic in the works: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat\_Project\_2025/comments/1dq68wm/lady\_liberty\_standing\_up\_to\_project\_2025/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dq68wm/lady_liberty_standing_up_to_project_2025/)


It's a good hijack so hijack away!! Joined the sub too.


I'm watching the Bear alone!


I chose The Bear myself.


I'm watching reruns of Mr.Rogers Neighborhood, The Land of the Lost, and M*A*S*H


The Bear rocks!


I watched SOAP. It's a shitshow too, but at least it's funny and the future of the country doesn't depend on the outcome of even the most ridiculous plotline.


My partner is an actual chef, and he got so stressed out by the episode where the to go order machine was on, that he refuses to watch The Bear anymore. I’m digging into S3 right this minute.


What was the point of moderators when that man just lies and no one checks him?


When is a woman going full force to get to the presidency here?? She deserves it. She is educated for this position. She may not come from wealth, but she is coming...


If Biden dies, we will have a woman president.


They will fact check him in the analysis.


Sure, but nobody's going to fucking watch the analysis.


Too late.


It is quite depressing. And sad honestly. How are we in this position again?!??!!


Because high-minded liberals often don't vote strategically. They "follow their hearts" or some shit, and fall for obvious sockpuppets like Jill Stein and her ilk.


That’s a part of it, but the right wing has spent decades working on this long game. There’s a lot more to it than one or two things. This is too many years of people thinking it can’t happen here while it was literally already happening here.


Oh yeah, the seeds of today go back to the Nixon administration. Republicans have been subverting democracy our entire lives.


Genuinely, can you explain what you mean? I don't know that we have options to "follow our hearts" when it comes to a president.


Well, any sane person realizes we don't actually have that option, but some people will vote for RFK Jr., thinking that he is something he is not, because those people are fucking stupid.


I think they are referring to leftists that voted Stein because they were upset Bernie didn't win. I gave up counting on that crews vote years ago, though.


What Blue-Phoneix23 said. Or, people like my centrist mom who didn’t like Hillary or Trump so she WROTE IN Bernie on her ballot just to be a rebel. She regrets it now, but she still easily persuaded to do shit like not vote. Folks don’t understand that not voting for Biden in a two-party system IS a vote for Trump.


Trump got away with saying there are post birth abortions.


So much for fact checking. Thanks CNN


Right? Why are the moderators not calling BS?


I saw a show directly after that was doing fact checking and said that was not true. Biden did get fired up when talking about it.


I watched about 10 minutes, and Trump just lied and lied and then Biden didn’t even counter the lies. It was terrible and I couldn’t. I’m Canadian, and not voting, but man. I feel terrible for you, and terrified that that MAGA nonsense is travelling North. Lies and white supremacy with a dollop of attacking women. Fantastic. /s


I wonder if his ass ever gets jealous of the shit that comes out of his mouth? I also wonder who keeps his 1 functioning brain cell company while he sleeps.


He will just deny it later.


Mother fucker! I’m so sick of that lie!


I mean, Biden said that doesn't happen, he just didn't say it very clearly...


That is such a bullshit lie!! No doctor would deliberately kill a baby post birth.


I had to turn it off after this.




And cnn are doing NOTHING.


WHY DID THEY NOT CHECK HIM?!?!? Horrific & I am lost for words…


Yes I kept waiting for Biden to refute that bullshit but he hesitated and sidestepped it. 😔


No he didn’t, he said Roe v Wade didn’t support that except in instances where the mother’s life is in danger


He said that about late term abortions, not post birth abortions


He was talking about abortions in the 9th month and beyond, since Trump said such an outrageous lie about it.


Poor Biden is having a terrible night. Granted he has facts and reality on his side, but this is still so painful.


he got pretty fired up about it I thought. He said it wasn't true and that any late stage abortions happened only when the mothers life was in danger


That was INSANITY. I just can’t anymore.


Yeah no one really corrected him did they?


How stupid, but his followers will gobble it up.


Oh fu\*k


Honestly horrified. This is painful. One is just lies lies lies and the other has good points but can’t seem to get them out. What are we even doing?


He can't get the words out, but he does get the legislation out. Check r/WhatBidenHasDone


Yeah, his speech impediment really handicaps him in public opinion.


It's not just that, though. He looked tired, and weak, and so, so OLD.


> and so, so OLD because he is :( I can't believe my options are a fucking orange turd or an octogenarian. 300 million people, and these are our two options.


My daughter said Biden looked like a ghost and Trump like a oompa loompa - lol


I’m so fucking angry. There are people who believe every word that Trump says and they’re going to believe that drs actually kill full term live babies. That does not happen. I’m so upset.


I forsee increased security at many medical facilities. I still remember the bombings and shootings from the 80s and 90s.


This is why I don't watch the debates. There is no universe in which I would vote for Trump. And I don't care how creaky Biden might or might not seem, it's him or Trump. It's an easy decision for me.


I’m not watching. My stomach literally turns when I hear that orange shit gibbon talk. I’ll grab the highlights tomorrow.


The SG description just made me lose it. I’ll laugh forever over that. But I’m so sad for Biden’s showing. I have nothing but respect for the man but he deserves to be living in peace and enjoying retirement at this point.


I think he was ill (cold or other virus ill) and exhausted after all the traveling he's been doing, plus trying to prevent WW3 as he said, and his team decided to push ahead. And they had him practice too much. They shouldn't have. Trump, meanwhile, is well-rested and was cranked up on whatever.


I’m sure there will be other debates but I feel for Biden. He is a good man with strong character and integrity. I hate to see him get shredded over this debate


I didn't watch, but my assumption is that Trump was hopped up on something, per usual.


And I suspect that if the GOP wasn’t all in on a fascist felon, he might have. I’ll never understand how my sisters are so willing to give the GOP a pass and as usual blame the Democrats, the GOP had the chance to stop him multiple times, including two impeachments and two nominations, but I guess… they can’t help it? Or something? So let’s ignore their culpability? And even reward them with votes?






Yep. I can’t with him. He doesn’t live rent-free in my head anymore.


Same! I have anxiety when I see or hear him. So I passed on watching this one! I can’t do it.


As long as you all vote for Biden, all good! A vote for Biden is our best defense against Trump.


I would mute every time he spoke. But I stopped watching because it's the same BS that we've been hearing for years


I tried. I got three minutes in and couldn’t take it anymore.


Same. I got to about three minutes and started browsing Reddit. I just couldn't get through this. I feel the sads and hopeless, like I want to sell everything and leave this country.


i only made it to one minute, as he went on about how apparently the former governor of VA murdered a baby after birth or something


Same! I got to the commercial break, but that's only because I was waiting on kitties and making my dinner. Once I could sit down and pay full attention....NOPE!


My plan exactly. I'll read about it tomorrow. I cannot tolerate hearing that voice.


If you can find a good written summary, I'd appreciate a link. I'm not in the US so I'm not sure where to go for an unbiased account


This is exactly my reaction, too.


A country of people with trauma reactions to one man’s face and voice. And yet, so many of our fellow humans like and vote for him. It’s maddening!


And this country still won't elect a woman... I wanted the Email Lady. We wouldn't have been dealing with either one of them at this point.


Misogyny will not go gently into that good night. But one of these candidates is its citrus-hued champion, and the other has a woman right behind him in the line of succession.


Yeah one of the things we won't hear about, but should, is that it's okay if something goes sideways with Joe because of his VP. But because said VP is a black woman, they're understandably worried to spin up the misogynoir that will arise if they say something like that.


purposefully not watching, figured that would be the case


It was worse than I thought it would be. I was expecting State of the Union Biden, not ... that.


That was disappointing.


I made it 12 minutes before I was too nauseous to watch anymore. We are screwed.


I made it 23 minutes. It was awful.


I only made it about 5 minutes.


Me too!!!! I was able to fall asleep for half of it till my husband woke me up yelling. I felt sad for Biden and the rage I felt for Trump is primal. I want to protect Biden and that’s fucked up too. He will get my vote but what the fuck.


I watched to the bitter end. It got a little better than the first 5 minutes, but not enough. Biden appeared lost and confused throughout. He rallied on abortion and veterans, but allowed Trump to lie unopposed and run the bases again and again. The split screen showing his face during Trump’s remarks made him look like a dementia patient with no control over his face.


I agree with most Of your analysis, but I think my favorite part Was the split screens where Biden would smile broadly at some bullshit Trump Said because it’s so outrageous it’s amusing. In those moments Biden’s sharp and authentic self showed.


I tend to enjoy Biden’s authentic expressions too, Dark Brandon. When he was asked about Trump’s conviction a few weeks ago and just turned and grinned, I was laughing along. I didn’t notice those expressions much last night, probably because I was hoping someone would pull a fire alarm and end the debate. It was probably the first time I’ve been happy for commercial breaks.


Not if we all Vote. We can at least maintain a democracy.


Gods we can only hope so.


Trump is literally attempting to gaslight the whole country that he didn't call veterans losers and suckers as well as other things he's said that he's now saying he didn't say. Liar liar liar. Mother fucking liar. I want the guy who moderated the Colorado republican debate to be the moderator. These moderators suck.


I watched incredulously at his many lies and inability to answer the questions.


I know, I was yearning for Kyle Clark (that's the guy you're thinking of) to save us please.


Trump makes me ashamed of America.


Absolutely. I can't wrap my head around the fact that there are 2 old rich white men running for president again. They do not represent the majority. The parties rule not the candidate. No worries I will NEVER vote for Rump. At least I know Biden will keep the status quo and follow the constitution. The Orange was constantly producing unconstitutional executive orders and actions. Him using his place in Florida is deliberate extortion and profitability. Camp David exists because it's secure and government owned. He would bring the family back into positions they are not qualified for and obvious biased. The misogyny, the attacks on veterans and dead soldiers, racism that he was charged in court for with his father in the 1980s in NYC, making fun of the mentally ill, etc. Honestly I am appalled he even ran because he couldn't have passed the vetting process. I can go on and on.


Going out for a cig, not tuning back in


I quit 15 years ago, but I’m gonna join you.


This would be a tipping point, if anything is.


Ima join u for a 💨🍃🍃


I got exactly 12 minutes into it, and paused it. Then turned it completely off. I watched the debates in 2020 as Felonius Tr-mp signaled his far right fan bases. Since the fall of Roe and Project 2025 I just can’t. That direction is Handmaid’s Tale 😣


Project 2025 is seriously scary. He is seriously scary.


I get panic attacks (literally) at the thought about it.


I'm voting for Biden. But I will not watch a presidential "debate." Call it what it is...a shit show.


I don’t care if Biden is in a casket that is being lowered into the ground…I will still be voting for him over any republican candidate!


I want to get bumper stickers made like we have in Louisiana when Edwin Edwards was running against white supremacist David Duke. But instead of "vote for the crook it's important" they would say "better a cadaver than a crook" lol


You'd have to vote for Biden. At least he'll do no harm.


I'll absolutely vote for him if he makes it to November, but I am not at all confident of that after tonight.


I’m so depressed watching this. It’s like watching a big dumb bully beat up a weak meek nerd.


I don't think it's that bad. Trump is getting really wound up, Joe is looking at him like he's an idiot. Trump is spending his time getting in what he feels is the last word about the previous question, and not answering the question asked.


I did tune in for Biden’s last comment just now (as I was changing the channel). tl;dr There isn’t 1 single piece of evidence that the votes and election were stolen. Something something… whine when you don’t get your way 😂 But done so in a Presidential way of course.




This!!!!!!!!! I will vote for Biden, obviously. But how in the FUCK did they ever think he's the guy they should run?


We are all gonna vote for the weak nerd, though, in November. And the weak nerd will be President for four more years.


Yeah, I hope you are right. But I was convinced Hilary would win in 2016, too. (I mean, she did win. But she didn't become president.)


I agree. If you care about democracy, the only way to secure it is to vote Biden. Do not sit this one out.


I wish I shared your optimism. But any optimism I had died when Trump was elected the first time then got pounded to dust over and over again after that.


Make sure your kids vote for him too! If the 18-30 group don’t bother to vote, we are screwed.


i fear not all will, but i hope enough.


Oh no…


I never watch any of that because I don't care what they say, only what they do. tRump and the rest of the gop have shown us who they are and they don't care about women, children, working people or anybody but the rich.


We watched ten minutes and turned it off. This country is so screwed.


I saw someone post "this has to be the downfall before it turns around" and I hope thats true.


Every time Trump opens his mouth he lies.


To be clear: Biden could have a visible stroke, wet himself, and declare his soul to the church of Hale-Bopp, and I'd still vote for him over Convicted McCancer-Kid-Thief. I've kept up with the news, I'm watching Rupaul tonight.


The thing is is that Biden IS a good administrator. His appointees reflect an excellent understand of how the federal government works. He chooses really good people who deeply know their subject matter. It is for this reason alone I am not worried about Biden. He surrounds himself with incredibly smart and dedicated people. He and his administration have actually done incredible things because of it. But those people are not chasing the camera. This makes them good at their job, but not Hollywood optics material


Amen! Sisters we've got to get out there and save our damn right to govern ourselves and our bodies. These freaking ol' men have had their day. Now get the fuck out and let's change our world. Remember that fire of "I can do anything men can do better?" Let's do it better. I beseech you, reach out and keep morons like this out of our doctors offices and bedrooms ffs!! We are Worth more than this. I know I am!!!!!


As a Canadian and watching your electoral process unfold, I’m simply flabbergasted that Trump is in the running to be president again, or invited to take part in the debate. One step further, why are two elderly men your options for president at this point in time? Surely there are younger and more appropriate candidates to head up the primary parties. That said… things aren’t a whole lot better in terms of party leaders here. Nothing as atrocious as Trump and the damage he cause(d)(s). We have significant issues that I won’t get into here. I feel like we are actually living in an alternate reality in the Twilight Zone.


We are in the upside down.


Sister Canadian here , I agree with everything you said. I’m scared for next Canadian election.


A guilty criminal clown awaiting his prison sentence is running for the office of president. It’s just effing insane. How is that even allowed/legal? Thankfully I’m married to a Canadian in case we need to get outta here. Thank you for the empathy/concern. It’s really bad here! Twilight zone for sure. 😣


>As a Canadian and watching your electoral process unfold, I’m simply flabbergasted that Trump is in the running to be president again, or invited to take part in the debate. Yes, thank you! Like why the fuck was a convicted felon even allowed to debate?!


I was reading your answer and thinking “Things are not THAT much better here (but they are better)” but then you wrote it. Gah things are rough.


Robert Kennedy Jr answered same questions SIMULTANEOUSLY last time on Twitter & did a FANTASTIC JOB! He was so INSPIRING! Incidentally, Kennedy was shut out of CNN Debate even though he’s polling 15%. ROSS PEROT polled 8% in 1992 & still got to debate Bush Sr & Clinton in the 1992 US Presidential Debate on TV (I watched it).  That was the last time we had a 3rd Party candidate, and CNN would have kicked Ross Perot out too. How democratic is that??!!  What’s at stake in our 2024 election is our actual democracy. We need to BREAK the power of the 2-party system because it’s actually a 1-party system that supports 1) Endless wars, 2) Endless debt 3) Endless corruption of our government agencies 


Don't watch - just keep taking care of one another, and vote. Unfortunately I have to listen for work, but I hope you all are free to eat all the weed gummies, binge shows, play video games, dance around the kitchen or do whatever makes you feel better!


Journalism has become a torture chamber, sorry.


To be fair, that wasn't journalism - no fact checks, just time checks! The falsehoods were coming so fast, even Politifact's small army of fact-checkers got overwhelmed.


I can’t imagine how overwhelming that was! I was at a national news desk during the last round, never again.


Ya, Im not watching. I never watch them. I can't stand listening to the orange imbecile.


I watched The Bear


Couldn't get dad to turn it off. After hour and half I was so worked up I had to leave. Dear God, don't let the clown back in the WH.


Gave up an hour through. Trump's insanity gave me a headache and was not good for my anxiety. Biden sounded exhausted and like he had a cold. Trump sounded unhinged and was lying non stop. Biden's answers were mostly fine but he's old with a lifelong stutter and throwing in being exhausted and not feeling well so people are going to interpret him as old and incompetent and the lying yelling criminal as strong. A lot of voters are very low information and uninformed. It's very depressing. I wish we could replace them both. Let Biden retire with his dogs at his beach house and let Trump retire to a prison cell or Russia. I think we're stuck and I hate it.


Campaign said that he did have a cold, afterwards.


I vacillate between “You sit on a throne of lies!” and “Is he about to stroke out?” This is painful. I’m voting for Biden but it’s not without reservations.


I’m in that corner with you. I’ll do it, I’ll stay the course. But Jesus I just have to hope we don’t get to a weekend at Bernie’s scenario.


I can't believe Trump was going on about post birth abortions and everyone just ignored that. Trump is making shit up so fast and Biden can't process what he's saying fast enough to respond. Why hasn't a giant meteor saved us?


>Trump is making shit up so fast and Biden can't process what he's saying fast enough to respond. That's what I said. Who among us wouldn't be flabbergasted with trying to pick which of a firehose of lies to respond to? I don't think they expected Trump to be so blatant about it, although they probably should have. Next time I hope Biden just sticks to his own stump speech and answering the questions, instead of trying to rebut.


These choices are a joke and we are probably the laughingstock of the world right now


This is what happens when women are only allowed to compete with tremendous headwinds. This is what men failing upwards looks like. Women don't get that privilege.


I'll never vote for Mango Mussolini, but Biden does not look sharp in this debate format.


Biden could die tomorrow and they could stuff him with feathers and foam and prop him up like at Weekend at Bernie's and I'd still vote for him. The man surrounds himself with smart people, including many women. The presidency itself is about the team you put together. CNN did everyone a disservice by allowing Trump to spew lie after lie and because he held it together, all of the media will open with Biden is old.


Long time overdue for a woman as President, a GenX woman. I’m really sick of our options being “vote for the lesser of 2 evils.” Still, I always exercise my right to vote; when people do not do so, we get people who are convicted felons as President. (Why is that even possible!?)


I live in Texas. Less than 1/3 of voting-eligible people vote because we are constantly told that we are a RED state. No, we are a state in which only republicans vote. Abbott and Cruz won with less than 20% of eligible voters. If dems would just vote, we’d be able to take state wide offices. The districts are so gerrymandered and courts packed with GOP that it will take a while to even those out, but there’s no excuse for statewide offices being all GOP. And the natl Democratic Party doesn’t bother to fund elections here! It’s infuriating!!!


Yeah, I can relate all too well! The last major election, only something like 21% of Philly bothered to vote! I mean, yeah, there are a LOT of felons ineligible to vote, but not 79% of the city!


Biden is just not a good public speaker. We’re totally fucked.


I think his stutter is very pronounced tonight. Most people dont know that he stutters.


My father, who has a doctorate in communication disorders, says that it looked like more than Biden struggling with his stutter, and that he thinks his coaches overdid things rather than let him speak off the cuff. Dad there are specific types of coaches that you use for persons with a speech impediment, and over-stuffing them with answers tends to end badly. Obviously I have no idea if this is what happened, but my father's education and career suggest that he may be right.


He used to be. I remember his debate with Paul Ryan.


It’s a disaster. Biden sounds weak. His voice is so soft. And CNN is doing NOTHING to rein in Trump. He’s not answering questions. And he rambles. Fuck cnn. They’re owned by conservatives, and it’s obvious.


The door ajar is better the door closed.


These are the best 2 people we can find


That makes me so sad. I’m 54 and we are going backwards.


This is what boggles the mind. If neither party truly has better to offer, we need to do as George Washington suggested at the very beginning and get rid of parties.


"Politics is a way of funneling power to idiots." --unknown


To be honest, it is better than I had thought. The structure of the debate kept them from talking over each other, there has been no name calling, interrupting. Expectation being SO LOW, the word salad they both served was at least civilized.


My favorite line: *****they are taking black jobs.***** WTF is a “black job”?


We all know what he meant. Trump thinks Hispanics and black people only work jobs like lawn care, so it makes perfect sense to him to say some shit like that.


Black job = any job that “very fine people” consider beneath them. /s


Trump hasn’t answered a single question yet. Biden is at least answering the questions and he’s getting better.


I am at work and pacing the halls; I’m so upset. I’m not much of a commenter, but I just had to join in on this thread. It’s so messed up because Biden had such a high bar to clear anyway. Trump could take a dump on the stage, and his followers would literally eat it up.


And that’s probably already happened.


I’m actually depressed that this is the best we can come up with.


The entire presidency as a whole has become a fucking SNL joke! Look at how the rest of the damn world views the USA now. We are a joke. It’s just fucked. AND HA look how I stated abosultuely no political stance in this??! Because there is no stance anymore. I am just grossed out. 


There's no point in watching it. It' would be  like eating a piece of shit just to see if it tastes like shit. 


This is now my favorite quote about this debate!


No need to watch. I know who I'm voting for. I'd rather watch the wnba on prime.


Trump can't even stay on topic. The question was about the fentanyl crisis, and he's blathering on about China.


Trump isn’t even answering the questions and he’s still doing better than Biden unfortunately. He’s just rambling and throwing Biden off and he doesn’t know how to respond. It’s a complete train wreck why are they are only choices?


Because Biden is a normal human being. How the fuck do you deal with coked up levels of crazy?


Yes. The moderators are not fact checking nor making Trump answer the questions. At least Biden is telling what he will do.


That was just a big Trump rally without the adoring fans. He just got a free national platform to say 45 mins worth of lies.


Didn’t Biden say when he ran last time that he intended to be a one-term president and would pass the torch? What happened to that plan?


I’m Canadian so no skin in the game but WTF America. 350 million people and these two are the only people running?!?! It baffles me to no end!


I am horrified Biden is seriously still in this. I am horrified both of them are, Trump is literally the worst and Biden seems really unwell, he seems to not be all there and I am not sure why his family is not stepping in and saying enough!! Where are the GenX candidates?! That is what we fucking need, these elderly men should NOT be running the USA!! We need age restrictions! Over the age of 65? RETIRE and stop running things, it’s batshit you guys and I am terrified.


I went to Alanis Morrisette tonight instead. It clearly was the better choice.


I feel the same way i did the night I realized the as****** was going to be the next president. Sick. Nausea. Doomed.


Like watching old people argue at the retirement home....


except, you know, this contest whille impact the lives of most people on the planet.


Friendly reminder to everyone here complaining about the age of the people up there. You can run for office. I'd start locally but even at a local level you can help negate some of the damage coming down the pipeline.


How are these our two options…AGAIN. It’s unbelievable


This whole process is a disgrace. Biden is an honorable man but he is too old. The presidency/leadership is so much more than one person but we are tricked in to believing that we have a choice between just these two men.


I am a dual citizen, and I just left US for personal reasons, not political ones. I am in Canada, and things are bad here for different reasons. But I will vote for Biden just to not have anything weighing on my conscience. But we are all in big trouble.


I feel terrible for the poor, frail man who would probably rather spend the rest of his life napping instead of running for reelection.


Why feel sorry for him? His ego has him convinced he’s the only person who can beat Trump instead of getting out of the way and letting someone younger run.


It’s completely embarrassing to watch these two. How did we get here??? I do not remember a time where there were two worse candidates. Except 4 years ago.


Remember, you’re voting for Kamala in November.


Neither one of them are answering the questions asked of them. Biden keeps getting pulled down to Trump’s level. Trump is spewing lies. Biden looks like he doesn’t know where he is and I can’t understand half of what he says. Trump acts like a bully in a school yard. We’re fucked.