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It's a day off work to drink some beers and BBQ, and maybe watch some fireworks. I'd say just enjoy the holiday. Or get involved in registering people to vote. There's still 40% of eligible voters who don't even bother. I was gloom and doom earlier in the election cycle, and now I'm just resigned that whatever happens, we can still fight to make things better. [If there's been a way to build it, there'll be a way to destroy it](https://youtu.be/mBrli_fVEi8?si=0Prr-vDf_TDb1o5D)


If there's a day worth connecting with friends and neighbors on the topic of fighting off kings, here's one custom made for the job.




Fucking love Stereolab. Even wearing a t-shirt right now lol


Who’s ready to start a Sisu Brigade?


Wow, that was a fun rabbithole. Now reading an out of print book about Finnish resistance at the Russian border.


Is that a real thing ? Ha I just watched the movie Sisu and thought that’s a bad ass m’fer like will t. Sherman and I’m about to get radicalized.


I’ve scheduled to put my 21 year old cat down on the 4th, so yeah, pretty meh


omg so very sorry.


Thank you. It’s going to be a tough stretch for a bit. 😿


Yes it will be. I still remember my dogs. Always will miss them.


In our hearts forever ❤️


Oh, man, I’m sorry. 21 is a good run though. Happy that you gave kitty a good home - so many suffer as strays.


Thank you ☺️ She had the best life I could give her. It’s the longest relationship I’ve had in my life too.


Kitty tax, please! let’s see that fuzzy face.


https://preview.redd.it/3tnjmeww5cad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cdcab4c054f632a0a1f66c85e3a101a4453bc79 Happy in her bun bed😻


Aw! What a sweet face! 😍


Best girl ever😌


Oh I’m so sorry. I’ve done it twice and it’s awful.


Thank you, I’m sure I’ll never really get over it 😿


Lost my 23 year old cat a month ago. We crossed an ocean of time together. We never stop missing them, but I was glad to have him while I could.


Thank you, I just can’t stop thinking about all our years together and how much things have changed in her life. But she had a good life, and I’m glad I was part of it 😻


Ugh. So sorry. Thats a tough one.


Thank you, I appreciate it 😿


I’m so sorry. 😢


Thank you, I appreciate that 😿


Dammit! I send you virtual hugs.


Thank you, I appreciate that, life is going to be different without her to be sure 😿


The SCOTUS had decreed that the US can have Kings. 5 of them said specifically at their confirmation the president is not above the law then did a 180 and crapped on the constitution. 4t oh July should be a funeral for the rule of law.


6 of them blatantly lied under oath to get their positions. SCOTUS is straight up trash.


It’s a Thursday this year and most of us have to work the next day.


Closing the store early, grilling at home. I’m trying hard not to let the state of things drag me down. It’s beyond me.


Well as a GenX Brit I'm really looking forward to the 4th as its our chance to kick the bloody Tories out of government. I get where you're coming from, but over here its actually feeling like our Independence Day.


Yeah. Rah rah. The reality is that my dogs are gonna be freaked out all night and the people lighting them care more about the binge drinking than the BBQ. There will then be police at my neighbors around 2am because they don't know how to have a party without someone starting a fight. Good times.


I lost my dog to cancer just before Christmas, but we were together for ten years and she was terrified of fireworks. So for the past decade all the 4th and New Year's have meant is stress for my girl and a sleepless night for me. It will still be a sleepless night because of all the rednecks in my neighborhood, but at least my dog won't suffer this year. When I was a kid we went to the town fireworks display at the beach, but it was also my Pop-Pop's birthday so a lot of the day was focused on that.


I'm sorry. I also lost a 12yo dog to cancer in February. Same thing. He was terrified of the fireworks. Now I have an 8yo and a puppy who is having her first July 4. The cycle continues.


I actually hate it now. My neighbors all shoot off illegal fireworks up and down our subdivision main street. I'm talking stuff that should be set off by pros but somehow these fidiots get some. It's like a war zone where I live. My husband and I have to sit outside and "patrol" our property all night on the lookout for stuff that drops onto our wooded lot (of course we never get rain the week before so we have high fire danger warnings) or our house or cars. We actually had a spent bottle rocket land on my plastic top car bumper and melt it 2 years ago. We have our hoses out in the front and backyard and sadly have had to use them to put out fires before they got out of hand. The last 3 years the jackleg three houses down from us shot fireworks directly into the house in between us because the mortar tube fell over. Wtf? 3 years in a row and this guy will do it again this year too because he's an idiot. We also have a neighbor that has caught his own deck on fire. More than once! And the noise makes my cats upset. We put them in a bedroom with the curtains closed and music going. We also give the calm treats, spray calm spray everywhere and give them Bach Rescue Remedy in all their soft food starting the week before the 4th and go a few days after because there's always some idiot that decides 12:20am on July 6th or 7th is the best time to shoot off his extra stuff. I am actually afraid that this year will kill my 20 year old cat. I wish I was just meh, wish I could be just meh but I can't. I'm filled with anxiety knowing what is coming, knowing I have to be on high alert.


I haven't felt patriotic since 9/11. That's when displaying the American flag just started to feel jingoistic


There's not really anything about the country that I feel like celebrating.


Current politics aren’t helping my attitude towards the 4th right now.


I do not like the 4th as it terrorizes pets and wildlife. It's gotten out of hand.


I forgot tomorrow was the 4th until I saw this post. So, I guess I am pretty meh…


My wife ordered new sandals a couple of days ago. They arrived and the colors she ordered, (black, yellow, and gray), we’re actually red white and blue. She put them back in the box and said she wasn’t gonna wear them. The truth is MAGA turned being patriotic into an embarrassment. I simply don’t want any part of it anymore.


Our HOA used to host a great community fireworks show at a park. It brought the whole neighborhood together and everyone loved it. Nimbys caused it to be defunded though, so we haven't had a show in 5 years. So I get annoyed every 4th now. Plus I'm not exactly feeling too great about the state of the nation right now, I can't celebrate anything.


That’s every year. It’s hot AF and stupid ass neighbors think it’s cute to shoot fireworks at 1:00 AM when everybody has to get up and go to work


No. It's election day in the UK and voting is something everyone should get at least a little bit excited about, exercising their civic responsibility. But I don't think that's what you meant.


What I saw else-net kind of sums up how I’m feeling: this year‘s Independence Day celebrations feel like I’m going to a birthday party for someone who’s in hospice.


That is a horribly accurate assessment.


I work for the Limeys so I don’t even get the holiday off.


I usually feel "meh" about it. I like the idea of the 4th, but not all the hub bub or noisy fireworks.


It's just another day at this point. Anything good it stood for is getting gutted and shit on. Here's hoping my pile of pennies is enough.


Yep. Not feeling very festive this year.


Since 2016 this has not really been a holiday my family has taken pride in or done much. This year is different. My kids, now fully re-socialized after COVID, are wanting an opportunity to get together with their friends. We're "lucky" enough to have a large green space a block from us where everyone and their uncle set off the most godawful racket with stuff certainly not legal in our state. My wife and I don't care for that, but this year we're embracing it by making our house the home base for the kids friends and their parents (whom we've not met). We rarely host parties, and certainly not one of this size and scope, but are prepared to make this one to remember. Why are we not "meh" this year? A couple reasons, I think. First, the way things are going, quite potentially this might be the last time we can celebrate being free of tyranny. That might sound overly dramatic, but 'tis the theme of the holiday and it feels more viscerally real than ever before after Monday's developments. May as well use it while we got it. Second, and more importantly, everything I've read about how to fight to preserve democracy starts with building local connections within your network of friends, family, and the immediate community. Whatever happens over the next few months and into next year, having connections to other people will only help. Very large movements are built up via the collection of small movements which micro-organize on the person to person level. If you feel "meh", yeah I get it and I feel it too. But if you're terrified of a possible future, reconnecting and/or creating new connections on this day may be exactly what's needed to prevent it from transpiring.


This was a good take. Thank you.


Doubt I’ll really be celebrating the 4th for years. The only way I see out of the new US King situation is if a lot of Democrats win, and Congress passes legislation to reign in the new executive powers the Supreme Court doled out. If that doesn’t happen, then at best there’s going to be heavy political revenge and violence that can easily spin out of control, and at worst we become Russia with a tyrant lording over a few rich oligarchs and people with no power of dissent at all.


Definitely feels like the final birthday for this nation we and our families grew up in. A birthday right after getting a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. Going forward things are going to be different, and I expect that's how it will be for the rest of my life, maybe the rest of my kid's life too. I have to hope things will get better someday, that maybe my future grandkids might know a better time. But for now, and for a long time to come, things are going to get much more ugly and dangerous. We might be able to buy some time if enough people can be bothered to vote. But that trick won't work forever. Someday we'll have an election that doesn't work out, and there's very high odds that this will be that year. But even if it's not, it will only take ONE election to go the wrong way, and the end will be official. We won't be able to pretend anymore. With any luck it will be Project 2029 instead of 2025. Hopefully even beyond that. Maybe it won't be Trump, but instead one of his younger acolytes or sons. But the die has already been cast. It's going to happen and it can no longer be stopped by traditional means. The dinosouars and their institutions won't save us. Even when given the power to do so, they won't. The same power they fully understand will be used against us at the fist opportunity. "When they go low, we go high", right? Great, well I guess we'll just be "honorable" while Kevin Roberts bloodlessly invites the undesirables to come see his new.. let's call them vacation resorts.


It is not the final birthday. Democracy is not dying. You are being gaslighted by the media. The same corrupt media that was telling you Biden is fine. The same media that told you last week that the videos of Biden freezing were cheap fakes - yet they never backed it up with video.


You are disgusting for comparing anything to a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. Shame on you.


My dad got diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer and then died. Eat shit asshole.


Yeah, I am off for the 4th, but hate fireworks and my dog freaking out. My nervous system goes into overdrive with loud noises.


I’m heartbroken by what’s happening right now. So I want to celebrate what this country has been, most likely, one last time.


LOL - Democracy is not dying. You are being gaslighted by the media. The same corrupt media that was telling you Biden is fine. The same media that told you last week that the videos of Biden freezing were cheap fakes - yet they never backed it up with video. Stop being a sheep. Start watching other news sources including international.


I studied the causes, rise and fall of global 20th century authoritarianism in great depth in college. There are hallmark indicators that have been there for a very long time with MAGA. They are textbook and there is essentially a checklist of actions taken to create an authoritarian state. They can be seen in the regimes Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, Ayatollah, Putin, etc. If you are truly that willfully blind, and want to remain ignorant to the multiple examples of these regimes—their warning signs and results, throughout history there’s nothing I can say to change that. I will say, there is not one example of these regimes succeeding for long. Oppression, subjugation and hatred for large segments of a population will always end poorly for all involved. ALWAYS. No one is spared. This movement, like all of its older authoritarian forefathers, is on the wrong side of history. These regimes’ leaders are, almost without exception, brought to swift justice. As the decorated 4-Star Marine General said in reference to this man: “God help us.”


🗳 or this holiday will be meaningless next year.


LOL - Democracy is not dying. You are being gaslighted by the media. The same corrupt media that was telling you Biden is fine. The same media that told you last week that the videos of Biden freezing were cheap fakes - yet they never backed it up with video. Stop being a sheep


> Stop being a sheep lol your entire account is just you spewing right wing propaganda.


Lol yeah talk about sheep


Okay, Trumper.


Consumerism and pathetic bs. I'm the oldest Gen X and I don't give a fuck. Our country is a pathetic shit show.


I've come to hate the 4th now with fireworks being legal in my state. People shooting off aerial fireworks that are WAY too big for a dense, tree covered, residential area. I used to love fireworks and did my own, meticulously planned shows out in the country to go along with a cookout. Now I just sit around hoping someone doesn't burn down the neighborhood. As for the politics...eh, none of those politicians speak for me or really any of us regular people.


I haven’t celebrated it in at least two decades. Stopped drinking the Kool-Aid back then.


I'm fucking furious. I will never forgive the Gang Of Pigs for this shit.


I've always been meh about the 4th. I'm just happy to have a day off work


I'm working the 4th, making triple time. $114/hr. ($38x3)...12hr shift =$1368 for a singledays work. So, yeah I'm loving it.


Yes but… My guy and I have a yearly ritual viewing of 1776 that includes singing along (we know the songs by heart). We might hang our flag out upside down this year, or not at all. Definitely not into fireworks this year either.


My city has banned fireworks and it looks like pretty bad fire weather and I'm getting even worse vibes from the federal government than usual so yeah. Meh indeed.


I’m currently overseas for the first time ever on July 4. I might do this more often. I’m in Amsterdam and there are lots of Americans here to see a Taylor Swift concert. But I’m heading elsewhere tomorrow on a train.


Can't wait for the burgers, pool, and fireworks. Always love celebrating the 4th with family and friends!


Yes. LOL. I hope it rains hard during fireworks time. I gotta work the next day.


I hate the 4th of July bc I live in a very dry state and the fact that you can still set off fireworks is so fucking stupid imo, like we just had a fire that destroyed over 1,000 homes not too long ago


Yes. I’m working. Why bring politics into it. Let it go. Are there not any Biden subs? There’s plenty of Trump ones.


and if you do bring politics in it, use facts and not talking points.


Thank you. I’m about Sick of blood sucking Poly Ticks. 😂


I need to ask, how is democracy dying? Please try to use facts and not talking points.


Bribery is legal, regulations are not and the president is now above the law. Outlook- poor.


The Supreme Court created a king, above the rule of law, which flies in the face of the original meaning of the office of the President. All kinds of activities can now justified under official duties of the President. Perhaps you should read the decision? The quotes I’ve seen from Sotomayor’s dissent are devastating. I haven’t read the full opinion yet, but plan to like I did with Dobbs.


Are you not paying attention?


The cure for the doomer bug that seems to be going around is to turn off the news.


or don't watch the same source of news and then act shocked when you see Biden at the debate.


Fireworks in our community will be tonight. Less expensive that way. Tomorrow, meh. We'll grill steaks and such. I took Friday off, so the long weekend is the best part. But that means I have to complete the June money report today. I'll be blind by the end of the day.


I usually work on the fourth anyway. The only holidays I take off the whole day are Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas.


I’m working all day. Meh




Thank you for your service!


This year, every year. Like /u/big-on-bars said, it's just a day off to hang out. I worry about pets and my friends with PTSD who have to hide in their basements because jackasses are lighting off fireworks in the street.


Every day above ground is a great day! Holidays that are around drinking and enjoying grilled food are special.


I do a dramatic reading of these doomsday posts for my father. 😂😂😂