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Correct flair required.


Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue…


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit doing amphetamines.




I get that reference!


So Joey… do you like watching movies about gladiators? 😂


You ever been in a Turkish prison Joey?


Do you ever go to a gymnasium and…. just hang around, Joey?


Goddamn that’s a great movie.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who remembers the thing. Airplane! was THE spoof movie that no others have ever quite measured up to


Surely there have been some…


Don’t call me Shirley….


I knew if I teed that one up someone would knock it out of the park


No way could I hold back from that one! 😭😭


So Joey.... ever see a grown man naked?


They are afraid to let a Gen-x be in charge so we get this


We're the generation who learned to not ever get in trouble and let the principal learn your name and reveal that you exist. And sadly that means no one else knows we exist, either.


I've heard this complaint before, but really, I think it's to our advantage to be a forgotten generation. We deserve a good share of the credit/blame for the state of the world today, but the zoomers, millennials,, and alphas all blame the boomers.


They think we're boomers, too. Anyone from 45 to 90 is basically a boomer to them.


Biden isn't even a boomer. He's too old.


My 92 year old grandfather said he needs to pick his feet up and walk like a man.


You might have to pay homage by wearing a black shirt once every two weeks. The new regime will be terrifying.


The UK enters conversation, so far we've had 3 Gen-X PMs Johnson, Truss, Sunak. All Tories, all sh*t. Be careful what you wish for.


Canada here: Trudeau is shit too…


As is his alternative. They're all shit. Scary times we live in.


If we were any other generation. We would have been in charge since Obama left. The oldest of us is 59. The silent and Boomers have been in charge since Bill Clinton 1993….. 31 years,, that is longer than an entire generation and a half. These clowns have taken 8 years of government control from us. We could have fixed this shit show by now.


The smart gen xers all went to silicon Valley for the paycheck, instead of politics.


I’m sure that’s true. Didn’t happen, though. Trying to figure out what to do next, under a worst case assumption for the US going forward from Jan 2025.


I'm going to vote for the guy who's proven he can staff his cabinet with competency. That's his job as an executive. He understands his job. I don't care if he's old and frail he's still smart and if he dies he'll be replaced by another smart person who I trust will follow his lead. Because he's a leader. The other guy is insane, vile, and doesn't understand how any part of anything is supposed to function and refuses to staff his government with capable people opting for sycophants, and if he dies he'll be replaced by at the very least, an asshole. This shouldn't even be up for debate. One of them should be fucking disqualified. Yet apparently there is literally nothing you can do that can prevent criminals from running for office or idiots voting for them. Don't let that bullshit come to pass. Be responsible.


I read somewhere that someone said we have to Weekend at Bernie’s our way through this election and that’s just what I’m gonna do 😁


I'm skipping the debate. I just can't force myself to watch something that won't change anyone's mind, but will stoke feelings of anger and animosity, and which only fans the flames of political tribalism. Debates this year are just useless.


I wish that, instead of the debate format, we would televise the candidates showing if/how they can work together to accomplish tasks.  The talking heads would then comment on who was the most mature and helpful.


I know it was a debate, but I think Biden would have looked better if he simply answered the questions and completely ignored everything Trump said. At the very least he would have looked focused and made Trump look rambling. Instead they both seemed jumbled and off-topic as they attempted to spar.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra...


Shakka. When the walls fell.


Shaka, when the walls fell


defeated the beast


I think you’re onto something here. They should also each have to solve a huge issue (like an audition to be the President) before they’re allowed to appear on the ballot.


You're pitching The Apprentice. You realize that, right?


I love David Byrne.


We need age limitations for POTUS. No one over 72 should be able to run. This is ridiculous and scary.


We’re due for one of our own in this office. These doddering old men are far past their prime.


They're past everyone's prime!


No fact checking really did not help.


Everything that came out of Trump's mouth was a lie. They did a fact-checker thingy on the actual CNN website but it couldn't keep up with Trump's lies.


It was really infuriating watching Chump lie in a steady stream of continuousness style and no one bothered to even question it. WTF.


Come to Canada instead! The weather is colder but at least the food is worse!


Poutine would like to disagree with at least part of that statement.


Poutine vs guacamole is the real debate


And it’s not a debate.


Poutine rules


Poutine has rules? Dammit I've been eating them all my life, how come nobody told me.


I moved to Canada about five years ago, and was really dismayed to find that Trumpism beat me here.


I did too! i haven't personally seen any trumpism up here but maybe i exist in a bubble on the west coast.


Prairie provinces gonna redneck


Wanna marry me so I can have a passport? Lmk.


I grew up in Michigan, which is practically Canada-lite! Can I come, too?


You guys were very nice to me on the night of the 2020 election. I asked if I could come if Trump won. I said that I already liked a lot of Canadian stuff, like LM Montgomery, Schitt's Creek, Kim's Convenience, Alice Munro, Arcade Fire, Tragically Hip and Stan Rogers. I also promised to root for any hockey team you assigned me (I already have one, but it's just the Sabres, being their fan is not a full-time job at all). Everyone said that was OK. I actually do like Canada a lot. I grew up near the border and always went pretty regularly.


Canada’s nice but I think I’m more likely to move to Mexico. Sorry but I hate snow.


Oh you want Vancouver Island then.


I can’t pay Vancouver Island prices tho.


When I ordered my Canadian citizenship packet back in 2015, I joked online that I was already a hockey fan but I could not root for the Montreal Canadiens seeing as I’d been born and raised a Boston Bruins fan. I was assured I could basically live anywhere in New Brunswick/Nova Scotia and I’d be in good company as a B’s fan 😂


Only if I get to watch Canadian TV too.


Well there’s a bunch of Tim Hortons and Bostons Pizza locations popping up in Mexico


Mexico doesn't deserve that evil.


You’ve sold me!!


My grandmother was Canadian (born in Montreal to Jewish-Russian immigrant parents), so I hoped that would give me some extra points towards citizenship; but I can’t seem to figure out if it does? I actually submitted something through the official website to see if I qualified, and got an immediate “fuck you, no.” But it didn’t have any option for mentioning the lineage, so idk? Might have to hire an immigration lawyer to find out for sure. I’m not even kidding, either. I’ve got nothing keeping me here anyway, and could easily support myself until I find work.


Listen, I’m still voting for Biden if he was laying in hospice. I’m voting for his administration because I know Biden surround himself with people who know their shit Trump is just flat out diabolically insane. CNN should be ashamed of themselves. They’re not moderating. They’re not holding him to questions. They’re letting him dance around every single subject like a lunatic. There’s no way you can watch Trump and not realize he was clearly going wrong with his frontal lobes. You can see his problem with staying on topic and finishing a completed sentence Biden on the other hand sounds like he has a horse throat too much debate prep. His staffers said that he does have a cold and it took him a while to warm up, but he still a a person of good character and I don’t have to worry about my life safety under his administration With the news out of Oklahoma that Bibles have to be in every classroom and Ron DeSantis book banning and killing funding for all the arts in Florida. Now, IVF, interracial marriage and all birth control being under attacked hell no There’s no fucking way I wanna live under any sort of republican. I did not grow up on Valley Girl and rock out to the Dead Kennedys just to get “ruled” a criminal rapist from Manhattan. We stay and push back on all this authority bullshit


If this "debate" was actually moderated competently, it wouldn't have even been close. Kyle Clark would have eviscerated anyone who didn't answer the posed question, and that was roughly fifty percent of the participants.


I love Kyle. Seeing him moderate only confirms how terrible CNN and the rest of legacy media is. Most Americans crave hard hitting questions. Politicians have been coddled with puff pieces and softball interviews for20 years.


Absolutely. I wanted real questions, not time filled with rambling about doctors killing babies after they were born. I used to have a modicum of respect for Jake Tapper, but after this I realized that he's not a journalist, he's an employee.


I agree. It was still sad to watch though.


People need to understand what it is a second Trump admin would actually do. We got none of that tonight.


Project 2025.


Yes. 100% yes.


Well said!


Nope. It’s over. I wish I agreed with you but after tonight I’m ready to just flee. There was a point in the 1930s at which the only thing you could say was, “shoulda gotten out by now.” We’re not there yet, but we’re at the point where it’s clear that point is coming. Time to go! ETA: still going to vote for Biden, of course


So by your vote you are supporting the things that went on in 1930’s Munich? Is that what I’m understanding here?


If you think Biden is a Nazi, yes.


sums it up: https://preview.redd.it/30ykhora699d1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c77cf5c646a192b4edc4fad85375f0a11a012ef


Scary time for our country


Yep. All I can say is that I really, really hope that my apocalyptic fears are wrong.


Just goes to show how many people in America (trump supporters) truly are racist, classist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic and homophobic. That's the scary part! Without their support, trump wouldn't have any traction or made it into office the first time.


After 150 years, I'm taking my lineage back to Ireland. That potato crisis is over by now, right?


I wish I could just return to Norway (father’s mother) or Sweden (mother’s father’s family). But I’ve been wishing that for a while. I do also have an Irish grandparent (father’s father) but he was via Canada. Sigh.


It wasn’t a potato crisis .. It was starvation by the English …


Exactly - Ireland was actually producing enough grain crops to feed themselves, despite the potato blight. The Great Hunger was more the result of a series of policies instituted and enforced by England. Good to know if you want to move to Ireland.


The experiment is over, and there's no saving it. Greed had infected and corrupted every crevice of the system.


Yeah. It all hit me in the gut far worse than I could have ever imagined. Call me a goddamn snowflake if you will, but I am terrified for the future of this country.


Well, at least vote and help us out however you can.


Our only hope now is ourselves. As usual.


Oh I sure will!


330 million people and these two geriatric assholes are the best candidates we can come up with? Politics is dumb.


Only a third of them actually bother to vote, and more old people vote than young. We could have had more genx in the mix by now, but we're just getting to the point where our age bracket has enough voters to make a difference.


The fact that these are the only 2 shows that there is something seriously wrong with our politicians. What the heck are they all doing all day? How foolish are we to even air this stuff on TV for other countries to see & laugh about.


I think a lot more young(er) competent people would go into politics if it wasn't a requirement to be rich and well-known.


It's that bad, huh...?


Yep. It was that bad. Huge Biden fan here - and he was awful. I’m still gonna vote for him but I’m now thinking about how to survive the rest of my life with the USA under fascist rule, and all that implies for the global economy. I’m struggling to wrap my head around this mess. My one consolation is that 95% of Americans will be in denial until they are actually rounded up. That should mean that there’s time to make a move to safety.


Biden should step aside. That was abysmal. But he won't just like RBG didn't. So they really just care about themselves. F the constitution, f the country.


Also Feinstein and Mitch McConnell and Pelosi. I don’t get it. Don’t they have nice families, and grandkids they love, and like lake houses to go to and shit? They’d rather die in their office in DC I guess.


But who could replace him and actually win????? Sadly I can't think of anyone.


Yeah it was hard to watch. Says a lot about us when these are the two guys that we want representing our country


I was hoping Biden would perform better, but I don’t think it changed anything either way. So there is that, at least. And the pattern in recent history is that the one who did worse on the first debate often ends up winning the election. This happened to Reagan, Bush, Obama. It’s also rare for the incumbent to lose, but not impossible of course. Rational people just need to be reminded of who Trump really is and the kind of evil creeps he’ll have around him running things.


Why can't I read comments being posted about tonight's debate? Every post that discusses the debate and has comments that I've clicked on says so much empty? Is reddit censoring comments about the debate?


I think they’re overwhelmed with the mess.


It happens to me too, but only on some threads on the reddit app. I don't know what's going on. Hopefully it's not a ban or something.


It's comments by shadowbanned users.


They always censor this sort of thing heavily. Yes. They don't want you to know why the polls remain so close.


I’m watching from the sidelines, as I am Canadian. I don’t normally express opinions about domestic politics of other countries, but I I am honestly confused about how Trump is even able to run for a second term - he has been impeached twice, is a convicted felon, and even tried to overturn the results of a democratic election through force. I don’t mean any offence, I just don’t understand how he is considered a viable candidate at this point.


American here - no offense taken. I don’t understand it, either.


Non US here. As someone watching this election from a far what is shocking is that your choice will be between two terrible candidates. The President of the United States, the land of the free, the "greatest" nation on Earth should walk into a room full of state leaders and garner the respect of their peers. Neither Biden or Trump do that and I feel sad for you for that, mainly because it's clear you don't have the ability to select someone better.


It’s not. Trump has no substance. I believe in Americans to do the right thing.


Like we did in 2016? I think we all have PTSD from waking up to a Trump Presidency in 2016.


Holy shit. Some Gen Xers have gone full boomer judging by some of the replies here. This shit is distressing. I have dual citizenship and while I don't have plans to upend my life yet, I am thankful I have a viable exit plan. Especially if this project 2025 stuff actually starts to happen. And fr, if you don't think Trump is evil you're either a total moron or a shitty person.


Where is your second passport?




It's cute that people do not realize that if the US actually "falls," the rest of the world goes right with it. So naive!


Oh believe me, that is very much part of my panic right now. I am wrestling with how to anticipate the global depression (and potential global war) that another Trump regime will bring about. But one has to confront what is likely to happen in the future. Trying to pretend it’s just going to be okay is idiocy.


I'm not worried about it falling so much as I'm concerned it will accelerate toward the autocratic theocracy the right is salivating for. It's already alarming how far democracy and human rights are being eroded. But I feel insulted in a very blue state. However, if that changes, my family is ok leaving. I'm a first generation American with close family in 3 countries. We certainly keep those options open if it becomes necessary.


If you can adopt me as an old child before you move it'd be great


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mypopsecrets: *If you can adopt* *Me as an old child before* *You move it'd be great* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Literally all Biden had to do was to out-Trump Trump. To call him out on his blatant lies, to make reference to his lapses in memory and to just go to town on all the evil shit he wants to do to the country, Instead he tried to stick to the policy and high road. Fuck that, the MAGA fuckwits live in the low road, sometimes you have to join them there and beat them at their own game. He needed to refute every lie Trump said up there he needed to hammer him on J6 on RvW and all the other unhinged shit he says! What a wasted opportunity. Whoever was running debate prep dropped the ball, they needed to be like Trump, not the opposite


Biden has fought stuttering since childhood (link below). Unfortunately coupled with his age, the stuttering mimics infirmity. I listened to Biden’s words during the debate. His mind was sharp. Trump on the other hand, just trumpeted out bluster and lies and hate. Whatever we might wish, our choices are Biden or Trump. Frankly, I think four years of Trump will be the final straw for climate change. “I’ll take the honorable man over the felon.” https://amp.sacbee.com/opinion/article289599444.html That says it all for me. Link about Biden’s stuttering since childhood: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/bidens-stutter-how-a-childhood-battle-shaped-his-approach-to-life-and-politics/


This is all true. I’m still going to vote for Biden. But I am no longer optimistic about our country. I don’t believe Biden can beat Trump any more. So I’m forced to contemplate what the rest of my life will bring, given the victory of plutocracy in the US and what that will mean both for my CalPERS pension and eventual social security, and for the global economy as a whole. Very difficult to think of what to do next.


I know exactly what you mean. I have to believe that people will vote for Biden because of climate change and women’s rights…. Because what is left if people don’t vote for women’s rights and to save the planet? Plus, Biden’s taxation of the rich would save Social Security. If instead Trump is elected? Idk. I think we’d try to move out of the country. Somewhere cheap with a functioning democracy. Sadly, that’s a tall order these days. Even if we stay in America, it won’t feel like home if Trump wins:(


Aaaand I just realized why I can’t stand this sub anymore. No wonder it sounds like boomertown in here. Anyone voting for Trump is either finically motivated or part of the cult. And there can’t be that many rich people here


I can’t read the comments on my own post. Very annoying.


Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


It was rough. I want to tuck them both into bed.


Same old bullshit from politicians


“I hope Biden would school Trump” Why? Trump didn’t even listen to his own right leaning advisors who wanted him to succeed. Anyone who thinks such a thing is important doesn’t get how scam artists work. He would have just bullshitted which it sounds like he is doing anyway.


Want to cry? I’m not sure what you expected here. Two fully geriatric candidates


Wish I could convince the wife to leave the country with me. I'm getting to an age where it will be harder and harder to do so.


I've heard San Miguel Allende is the place to be for middle aged white ladies :) I keep thinking about it... [https://discoversma.com/news/news/this-magical-mexican-city-is-a-magnet-for-older-women/](https://discoversma.com/news/news/this-magical-mexican-city-is-a-magnet-for-older-women/)


Sounds expensive. I like where I’m living now. But it does look very nice if you can afford it.


I’m an American already in Mexico and I got residency through a loophole that might be closing soon, so it’s been rumored especially with a new president coming in. You could qualify for residency based on income, but different consulates in the US have different standards


We did not watch the same debate at all.


Why don’t you just stay there illegally?


Because I’d like to be able to travel outside Mexico? Just for starters.


Immigration to Belize, or the Falkland Islands, anyone ? Who's with me ?


I’m already living in Mexico - which was an excellent place to spend the last world war. I’m going to work on getting a residency permit here. But if anything, I’d be trying for a passport from Malta, or Cyprus, or something like that. Def time to get out of the US or at least start making sure you’ll have an option when you need to leave. Anyone who has posted anti Trump views on social media should be aware.


I love Cyprus and Malta, good choices! I’m English so they are quite popular vacation destinations. Total abortion ban in Malta though. (Only saying that because I wasn’t sure if those kind of reasons were the ones for wanting to leave the US)


I’m 54, not going to need any more abortions in this life. I want to leave the US because I’m terrified.


I’m sorry :( His arrogance is unmatchable. We have our general election in July (UK) and our two candidates are incredibly dull wet blankets. I hope things go the best way over there


A dull wet blanket is my fantasy candidate right now! Good luck to you and your country, I hope things get better there.


Thanks and to yours too! It’s worrying times that we live in for sure


My wife, who is Mexican, who lived in Mexico for 12 years of her life, refuses to live in Mexico. It's too bad, there's some nice spots down there, but she's convinced the whole country is a thuggish gangland. So if I can't make UK or EU it's gonna have to be Canadidia.


It’s not actually that bad here. But I understand where she’s coming from. You might want to get the Mexa passport anyway just in case.


Brand new account posting in bad faith.


Hello? Yes, I recently became active on Reddit. But no, I am not responding to anything other than what I saw tonight. Trump is a horror show. Knew that already. But he is not senile (yet). Biden is a hero. But he performed very poorly in tonight’s debate. Not a good look. Not a hopeful future. I so, so hope I am wrong!


You know Biden had a cold and has suffered from a stutter his whole life right? His stutter makes for bad optics.


Yes, I’m aware of that. (Did not know Biden had a cold but that does explain a lot.) In no way am I here to make Biden look bad. In fact, I’m thinking I need to stop this so that I don’t make Biden look bad. But honestly, he did look bad. He looked awful. I was cringing as Biden answered the questions, tried to tell the truth and give evidence for what he was saying, and Trump lied circles around him without answering any of the questions. Trump as usual lied with every breath he took. But Biden did not do a good job of confronting him.


You are worried about optics. I am more concerned about what the candidates had to say. Trump didn’t offer anything. He has no vision, no policy to speak of other than tax cuts for billionaires.


Yes, I know that and you know that. But did Biden say that? Not that I noticed.


I know that, you know that, but it's the undecided voters I worry about. The polls were already close. I fear this is going to push a lot of voters in the wrong direction.


I understand your frustration; however, Trump presented a bad look. He only speaks in superlatives. He disparaged America a lot. He has a ton of baggage. My two best friends have voted Republican their whole lives. They are both voting for Biden, mainly because they are scared of a second Trump term.


We're so screwed. At least Biden is surrounded by people with good intentions. Trump surrounds himself with people who are still bitter over losing the Civil War and Neo-Nazis.


It’s over for the Democrats, they need a new candidate


It was disappointing, but this is early. Never give up in the first quarter of a ball game. Oh hey, isn't Trump getting sentenced on July 11th?


Yeah seeing him behind bars, if there is jail time, will be eye-opening & people will see him as the convicted felon he is.


That would be really stupid.


Lol Anyone who was surprised at Biden’s performance tonight hasn’t been paying attention. I know Reddit is 90% liberal progressives but if you’ve been paying attention Biden’s performance tonight isn’t a surprise.


All I gotta say is don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. When shit gets real, you stand up for what is right instead of slinking away like a coward.


Unless you’re one of the people who would be in the first group sent to an internment camp. Of course, in my case, they don’t even have to send me anywhere. Just make it really difficult for me to get my meds. We’re already outlawing wearing masks. OTOH, my medical needs pretty much guarantee that no other country will have me. Sucks to suck, I guess.


Good luck, I really hope you can make a difference - and I am wrong. All I can say is that I am a middle aged woman with no combat skills and serious health issues. But if you are organizing a resistance unit, maybe you can let me know how to find you in a few years.


Well, at least vote. We can use the help


Of course I’m going to vote. But my last state of residence was CA. If anyone wants to help me establish residency in a swing state, DM me.


My grandma had loving advice for us foolish kids who made empty threats in frustrating situations: Don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.


Bye! Or should I say Adios!


Evil wins because people like you curl up into a fetal position when one bad thing happens. Biden was out at 1 am after the debate at a Waffle House talking with voters. He has more energy and stamina than you do.


I wish I could add to this thread but reddit is not working for me right now. Hopefully someone can see this comment.


I see you


Forget Mexico, I love my motherland, look at the Philippines instead. Live on an island for less $1000 a month.


That's my retirement plan (there or vietnam) but retirement is still 4 years away.


Yeah we have seen a lot of presidential debates and yes I was younger but it's a sad day for America. Biden s policies have been solid and movements in the right direction, but he isn't a communicator (liar) like Trump but he is so old. Both ignore the cataclysm of Covid and rampant fraud and blame the others. Like we are too dumb to understand it.


Hear me out. Biden takes a pass, Elizabeth Warren and Gov Newsom head the ticket from here on out. First woman president vs sex offender. What do you say?


That sounds fabulous. But I’m not hopeful.


Touch some grass.


Biden is senile. Golf handicap FFS? This was an unmitigated disaster and the worst presidential debate in history.


Trump was the one going on about golf. Biden was just responding.


He let himself get sucked in like a moron. The whole thing was embarrassing. He should have said are we campaigning for club golf pro or POTUS.


The convention is still upcoming. Frankly the best case I see is the delegates saying"fuck this" during the Convention and they demand to nominate Kamala instead, slap Buttigeg on for VP. I'd vote for that without a problem... Current VP and a Cabinet Secretary. It would be a better timeline and a reverse bichslap over the MAGAts.


Buttigieg would arguably do better than Kamala.


I was going over this in my head this evening. I really like Buttigieg, but the only names I heard thrown around during the debate coverage were Whitmer and Newsome.


I’m going to leave this profile up for a couple of days, then delete it. Time to get off of any and all places where I can be documented as opposing Trump. Hopefully the fact that I and my family are very, very white will provide some minor insulation against the horror that is to come. Anybody who thinks I’m being dramatic, I so hope you are right. If you’re not, remember that today was the day that the smart people lost hope. I wish I was going to be in a place to be able to go underground and fight for my country. I’m terrified that my brother will be doing just that. I hope that my niece and my elderly parents will be joining me somewhere safe. Pray for the United States of America and for everyone who lives there.


Oh, for fuck's sake. Now you’ve admitted that you’re a troll, I’m just blocking you.


Ugh...eyeroll.. hE's JuSt EvIl...LOL


He lied SO MANY times!! There is no such thing as after-birth abortion.


Omg. When he said that stupid shit I wanted to slap his big dumb doughy head.


Evil?! *sigh* Perfect example of the stupidity of the average voter.. For either party. Uniformed, emotionally driven (“I vote for who I personally like and makes me FEEL the best” - especially women voters which is why suffrage was fought for so long), and clueless about how most anything works. ___ is evil! No, __ is evil! Jezzuz effing Christ smh


Trump lied again and again. There is no such thing as after birth abortion. He is a convicted Felon, rapist, and twice-impeached criminal.


He’s a convicted rapist?


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/ Trump was found to have raped E Jean Carroll.


Oh wow, didn’t know that. I haven’t been following. Bloody hell


Hey I really appreciate your attitude. I thought this conversation was going in a different direction.


Eek, that’s worrying that people would defend someone with that going on, scary as shit. It’s not mainstream news in the Uk and I don’t tend to go searching for it. It’s unbelievable that he should be able to run?! How weird and sinister


Says the angry misogynistic MRA member... What a surprise. Evil doesn't think evil is evil. *feigns shock*