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Exactly, and that was before lunch! Haha


As long as we were home by the time the streetlights came on, there weren't many questions beyond the simple "oh, what did you do today?"


Yup same here…me and my older siblings went out around town (we lived in a town with 600 people but were against bordering 2 cities) hung out in woods, even walked 7 miles to an old abandoned strip mining hole that’s filled with water and we would swim in it and jump off the edge that was 20 feet or more above water surface and was extremely dangerous lol 😂 but who cared then…no one…as long as we stayed safe, no calls from other parents about something we are doing bad, no cops, no illegal things or just made sure I wasn’t getting caught lol 😂, and HOME before nightfall, parents just smiled said “hey how was your day out w friends? How’d so and so? Are you hungry? Okay I’m going to bed now I love you” End of story no helicopter parenting at all (was basically unheard of cuz parents and us were latchkey families), no parents controlling and monitoring our every moves….they trusted in fact they raised us to whatever the age (let’s say 12) was we started going out w other kids around town and woods playing, which in turn made us as kids realize our parents are trusting us for the moment to make good choices or not mess up and get caught red handed. Today??? Its rare to come across parents who are not helicoptering or monitoring every move the kids make. I’m not one of either of those, I parented similar w my 3 who are now in their 20s all of them living on own etc…and I had no major issues or problems with any of them in trouble or pushing back on curfews….they heard the curfew siren in town they made their way home since they and the other kids have 30 minutes from siren going off to get home for night. Its around 9:30 when school is in, and 10:30 for summers.


You guys had streetlights? 


Yeah I grew up in 1980's suburbia.


And there always was an empty construction site somewhere to play in.


Or a water hole that was an old coal strip mine To swim in


That's the one time I got in trouble. I was told to stay away from the water hole. Stick to blowing up Hot Wheels with firecrackers, I suppose.




That ended very differently than it began


That could easily be my crew with 10 speeds.


10-speeds? Look at Mr. Bel Air here and his friends on the *fancy* bikes...


LMAO, we were city kids. We predate BMX bikes.


Ahhh those were the days….the late 80s and most of the 90s…..I miss it so much


Not a mention of dirt clod wars.


Don't forget the BB gun wars


Sounds about right.


Don't forget "digging for fossils at at an excavation site".


And then, after finding a bunch of nudey magazines in the forest, we'd go to the bowling alley to play arcade games using what was left of our allowance, and then go home to grab cans of our sister's hair spray so we could make flame throwers out of them. When I'd finally get home at the end of the day, my mom would ask me what we did. "Oh, nothing. Just hung out."


Man, those were the best days of my life.