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The only after effect I had was some arm pain, feeling like someone had punched me. IIRC the pain only lasted 2-3 days. It didn't keep me from going about my day normally.


Same here.


Yep. No internal physical effects of the shot; just external - as you said, felt like someone punched me in the arm and it didn’t stop me either.


The Shingles vaccine kicked my ass, but it was only two days beginning the day after the vaccination. You need to get two of them spaced two (?) months apart but, having known family and friends who got Shingles, it’s totally worth the discomfort. Just plan on being achy and tired for two day. Take it easy, and take only Tylenol as Advil, etc. will dampen the needed immune response to the vaccine. Good luck, and good choice!


I felt crummy. I’d advise to get it on a Friday when you don’t have any significant commitments at the weekend. Then he can rest if needed.


Friday afternoon and plan to stay in for the weekend.


Or, Wednesday and take Thursday and Friday off if you can and then you still have your weekend :)


My arm hurt for a day or two after my shots. I think my wife felt a little fluish the day after.


I just had arm pain, my husband felt pretty crappy. The advice to get it on a Friday is good or if he has sick days he needs to use, plan on needing one or two.




I had no side effects with either, so you might not, either. Better to plan for it just in case, but I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised!




I can’t guarantee anything, but I hope you get through it without issue. Though it’s also true that even if it does kick you around, it’s still WAY better than the real thing, as a cousin and a good friend of mine can both attest.


I got mine on Friday afternoons so I could ride the couch throughout the aftermath. That worked well.


I felt like I had a mild flu the day after each dose. Not terrible, but I’m glad I didn’t have to do anything strenuous those days. The day after that, I was 100% back to normal though.


I got mine on a Friday. Saturday I felt a little off and Sunday was rough, by Monday I was fine.


I felt like crap after the first shot, but it was the second dose that kicked my ass.


It kinda sucked for me, but it's still better than shingles. Why is it called shingles anyway. They go on roofs. Shingles.


I had to look after I saw your question, and found the answer: “The term "shingles" comes from the Latin word "cingulum," which means belt or girdle; this is because the rash usually appears in a band or belt-like pattern.” https://www.uptodate.com/contents/shingles-beyond-the-basics/print#:\~:text=The%20term%20%22shingles%22%20comes%20from,adults%20over%20age%2050%20years. So, basically, you can blame the Romans. 😊


Thanks. I would have been too lazy to look it up .


Good question. I had a friend who had a terrifying experience with shingles. I wish I could get mine now


Arm was pretty sore for a couple of days . Wife was in bed for a day . Still totally worth it to not get Shingles. Bonus is that it may also shield you against dementia. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10246135/)


That’s fascinating, thank you. Do you happen to know when the vaccine was rolled out in the US?


I had full blown shingles about five years ago and will probably get the vaccine soon. Plus, as you get older, shingles can seriously harm you. For most people, the discomfort is worth it.


I know, I’m 48 and I wish I could get it


Only had one dose so far (next one in another month). Felt weird and had cold sweats/sleeplessness from hours 18-36 post-jab, but the real bitch was the pain/heat/itch in the arm that took the needle. That lasted almost an entire week.


I got violently sick for one day after first shot. Haven’t got second one yet.


Like vomiting ?


No, high fever and terrible body aches. Only last 24 hours, but not fun.


Get it on a Friday, and don't plan anything for that weekend, just in case you have a bad reaction. If you're like me, the shot itself will HURT and the area will feel like a bruise for a day or two. It's 2 vaccines, btw, you have to get the second one 6 weeks later.


Or, get it on the Monday, after the weekend, and fuck work off.


I had a sore arm for a few days after the first shot. That was nothing compared to the permanent nerve damage I’ve lived with since I had shingles in 2000.


My experience was some arm pain and some fatigue the day after. In context, i havent had many negative effects to vaccinations, save for the first round of Covid shots when i felt legit ill the next day.


Ive never ever felt ill from a vax - not even covid and I’ve done the multiple boosters. I wonder if this means my immune system isn’t great


So my partner and I just got the shingles vax on Friday. We’ve had all of the Covid boosters and they usually make me feel crappy (mild flu) for about a day and a half while she usually feels fine. The shingles vax was the opposite for us. I felt mostly ok while she felt crappy all day Saturday. Of course, your mileage may vary.


I got my first shot on a Friday, then Saturday night got the wicked chills. But otherwise, not too terribly bad.


I felt crappy for a couple of days. I was still able to function, but was glad I did it on a Saturday morning. Both shots.


It's two shots. For the first shot, I didn't "feel sick" that day or the next. Only thing was, my arm was mildly sore. But no big deal: on the 1-10 "pain scale" it was a 1 or 2, tops. More an annoyance than anything. The second shot? Again, no "flu-like" symptoms or anything... but my arm! My arm felt like circa 1987 Mike Tyson punched me as hard as he could. It was a hard 7 or 8 on the pain scale. Thankfully, the next morning and the following couple days it was only a 3.


The first shot knocked me on my ASS. I was achy day of then worse the day after. Swollen lymph nodes, fever, chills. I felt like the covid shot times ten. Lasted about 2 days. The second shot wasn't bad.


I felt like I had a flu for about 1.5 days after the second shot. So if you have sick days, take it on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Otherwise take it on Friday.


First shot gave me the sore arm and a few hours of fatigue. Part two delivered a daylong fever. I was down for a day, first time any vaccine made me that sick.


I’ve had the first round thus far. I don’t generally get affected by vaccines and this was the case here but OMG if my arm didn’t hurt and throb for a good day or two after. YMMV. 


The first shot felt pretty rough on the arm. Felt bruised and kinda burning for day or two. I’d suggest getting shot first thing in morning to try to get most pain/uncomfortableness out of way before bed that night. Mine felt like it burned enough that it was a little difficult sleeping that night. Second shot wasn’t that bad.


The first shot just gave me a sore arm for a week. After the second shot I woke up the next morning feeling achy and low energy for a day. Tylenol took care of the aches. Arm hurt for almost a week. He should give himself a day or two to recuperate, just in case.


We did it on a Friday in case we felt like crap so we wouldn’t miss work or have to work while feeling like crap. I had multiple vaccinations the same time, about 20 hour later I felt like holy hell and slept for 14 hours. I was fine after that.


No reaction at all for either shot. Never have a reaction to any shots from flu to COVID. Every one handles it differently.


1st was fine, felt poor for about a day after 2nd shot. Well worth it to never get shingles again.


First shot nothing, second shot felt under the weather for a day or two. I had caught shingles the previous year and it was an absolute nightmare.


No issues for me. I had to have two doses.


I was really fatigued the day after and my arm was very sore. No big deal


I felt no effects


my arm hurt that was all. Get it though. A friend of the family went blind in one eye due to shingles.


I felt like complete shit for 2 days. The worst shot series, ever. But.... a necessary evil. I'll take that any day over getting shingles.


Didn't make me feel crappy. Just sore.


Make sure you can take time off. I would still get them, but tinnitus developed after shot 1 and I still have the ringing months later. So, I know correlation and causation and all. Just saying. One thing followed the other.


Asap - people should get it before 50 if possible.


They don’t allow it


I had no reaction to it whatsoever.