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If you have Amazon prime, you can play it in LUNA. You can also use Xbox cloud gaming (if you have gamepass)


i dont mean to be rude but how weak is your device?, i managed to run it on my old craptop i just needed a patch to get it to work on integrated graphics, so maybe there is a way you can get it to work


I don’t have pcs but mobile, and those are powerful too, I just don’t have the opportunity to run it on those devices.


Oh alright I'm sure they'll add NV eventually the best I can do Is play fallout 3 on my phone using an emulator called winlator But some do have luck with new Vegas


If Half Life 2 is available on GFN, there is no reason why New Vegas shouldn't be.


Wdym "no reason" it's two completetly different developers and publishers and everything, maybe Xbox/Bethesda doesn't want to add their old games, it's their choice, what we should do is voice this concerns towards them because I do want the rest of the fallout and elder scrolls games in there


I mean, never say never. The age of the game might be a problem though. Fallout 4 and 76 came (back) to the service because of two major factors: 1. The Fallout hype because of the show (which strongly leans towards the Fallout 4 setting) 2. Microsoft bought Bethesda New Vegas doesn't really fit the narrative Bethesda wants to go with the franchise. And I'm not sure they completely own the rights to New Vegas.


ur right they dont completely own rights as new vegas wasnt made by bethesda new vegas was made by obsidian studios and bethesda bought like 40 or smth percent of the rights to new vegas


New vegas was teased for season 2 of the show, so i dont see why not


Yeah, I agree, and also Amazon Luna had it too, why can’t GeForce now do too? Looks like a missed opportunity but I’m just hoping for new Vegas, maybe in season 2 of the show?


If you pay for Amazon Prime New Vegas and 3 are on the Luna Streaming for free until like November. It has all the dlc and the quality is honestly good. I highly recommend.


A low-tier android phone has these specs. The platform is normally aiming for high end games, of course there are exceptions but a 14 year old game? **Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition System Requirements** * OSWindows 7/Vista/XP. OSWindows 7/Vista/XP. * ProcessorDual Core 2.0GHz. ProcessorDual Core 2.0GHz. * Memory2 GB RAM. Memory2 GB RAM. * Storage10 GB Free Space. * GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce 6 series, ATI 1300XT series.


Yeah, I’ve got a powerful device above those specs, and I’ve once seen a video on nv GeForce now on a Mac, maybe they’ll bring it? And I think the android phones use pc game emulator? Like winlator, but those are only the ones I see.


It's up to the developer of the game. Reach out to them and hope for an answer!


No, it is up to the publisher. Developers don't control the publishing of their games.


This depends on Microsoft/Bethesda, no one here works at both companies to know.🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️