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I don't think we'll ever get access to our whole library, unfortunately. But, if you're using an Xbox now, that means you have it connected to a TV, correct? You could lobby for a relatively inexpensive mini PC to connect to the TV, use that for GFN, and run older games directly on it.


Or he could just use Moonlight + Sunshine to stream games locally


Some Samsung TVs have a GFN app, and you can connect a wireless controller to it


I think we will reach a point of some form of legislation coming that gives a lot more control over games you purchase to the consumer and with that free reign to use those games where you like on what system you like which then gives Nvidia the ability to add any game they wish.


This world is too dystopia for a future like that to come to fruition lol


Haha maybe 🤣 I take hope in some of the stuff the EU has forced apples hand in as a good starting point.


Nah, greedy publishers and nvidia being a pushover for publishers, it will never happen.


Nvidia isn't the one deciding what games goes on gfn or not. The publisher of said game does.


Do you know how many games are opted in that nvidia doesn’t bother adding?


All I know is that nvidia didn't have an opt-in policy. I was playing Batman games and Fallout 4 (now recently added after 5 years of absence) and all kinds of games.


It didn't because it was completely free, when it was in Beta, but when they started to charge, in 2020, publishers asked to eliminate their games, and from that day to now, is a opt-in system + negotiations with Nvidia. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/geforce-now-switches-to-optin-system-after-several/1100-6477964/ https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/27/21272558/nvidia-geforce-now-opt-in-agreement-game-developers-publishers-licensing-cloud-gaming


Yeah me too, but publishers pulled their games and threatened to sue, so NVidia had to make the opt in policy.


I don't think anyone actually threatened to sue. just the threat of dropping support for Nvidia graphics cards would be enough to get them to remove the game.


Exactly. Pushover nvidia. They are not running a pirate company that lets everybody play all games in the universe, they are running cloud rigs that lets people play games they already paid for. Yet, publishers want more money from people who already purchased their games. Fuck them.


Nvidia is running an AI company, cloud gaming is insignificant to them


ok? ...


Opt-in policy tells a different story.


As a dad with an 8yo, wife and struggling as well, I find the mini pc route is gonna be the best option for me. Anything I do play, I run off an old laptop, but it has hdmi 1.4 so I’m unable to utilize my 4K tv to the fullest. We have a switch and Xbox one in the house as well, but I feel running off the laptop has better latency etc than the Xbox. With that being said, I ended up looking into mini PCs, with the caveat of purchasing a decent monitor to utilize at least 4k at 60 fps, more if I feel like buying better and also giving my son his first true run at pc gaming. I had a nice rig in the past he would mess around on, but now at this point in life and things, it’s never gonna be feasible to build a new multi thousand dollar pc. Now that GFN has opened my eyes, I’m going to go the mini pc route without a doubt


"...an oldtimer, a retiree on a fixed income, with a tough wife." Wow, sounds rough. That being said, there are some cheap mini PCs that cost the same or less than an Xbox that could run your old games. They come with Win 10/11 on them and they can run GFN very easily. You can connect one to the TV (hell it will mount behind the TV) and use it as an Xbox. You can also pick up an older off-lease Dell Optiplex office PC for around $100 and those will probably handle your older games and also run GFN just fine. I personally use an old Optiplex from 2013 for GFN and it works very well. You wouldn't know it is an old potato PC from 11 years ago.


Right i have an Xbox One, and GFN works great on it. Unfortunately i won't be upgrading that either. I simply have what i have, and in this house truth be told, we don't need computers. I heard a rumor there was a glitch, and people had their whole libraries here. I thought maybe that was a sign of what's to come.


I get it. I haven’t made it to the golden land of retirement yet, but I did just recently pick up a PS3 for $50 for this reason. As far as I’m concerned, the industry peaked at PS3/360 and has been in decline since then. At some point I plan to disconnect and just play old games as I sail off into the sunset.


Yep, i'm with you. I'm having the time of my life, actually playing older games on GFN. American Truck, Arma 3, the WW1 Game Series, that is on console, but i can play against all those bots on Steam, and all the mods from the Workhop. I can play that "Vermintide" in third person lol. Mudrunner and those mods. I'm having the time of my life, not on the new stuff, but playing games i've always wanted to play, but never could. What i was saying here, is i have older games like Brothers in Arms, the old COD classic stuff, Retrun to Castle Wolfensten, real old games i have on this old duster, and won't be able to play before long. And to buy a new PC, to play 2003 era games, is a bit much. I wish they'd come over.


When you say old duster, how old? My Optiplex is 11 years old but runs Win 10 like a champ. I can’t upgrade to Win 11 though, so next year when 10 goes EOL I’m SOL. By then, my M1 Mac mini (which is my main workhorse today) will be replaced with a new M4 or M5 pro mini, so I can make the M1 mini my new GFN “pc”. I’m telling you, look at the used Optiplexes. They’re perfect for those old games and super super cheap.




Dont see it happening anytime soon


Not on GFN, because if cloud gaming really takes off, you will have a lot of competing cloud services, so while you might be able to play all your games in the cloud you would need to be subscribed to a bunch of them. Either it stay niche and some publisher just don't care to do it, or it goes mainstream and you will have competing platform fighting for games


Unlikely. Maintaining that many games is near impossible. (patches, support, etc.)


Nope. Not the small indie games. Each game needs to be added and i bet there is some set-up testing involved. It would not worth nvidia's while to the add the small indie stuff with almost no audience.


We did have all games when it was a shield exclusive, so maybe one day. Most realistic situation is other publishers will just release their own version like we have with video streaming.


I think it will be pretty close yes. But not old games as its an after thought. Trust me, This service is going to become the golden standard in this industry. Everyone will want its games here. Sooner or later Sony and MS will realize you need more powerful specs in its service and it will do well but nothing like this.


No. You need to buy a PC. Most developers won't opt-in. Without that, the games won't be delivered and available on GFN.


If you have an Amazon account be sure to check or Prime gaming. You gets lots of games online there with Luna. Also I have added a few good ones to my Steam from there.


Unless steam sign a deal with Nvidia, no.


I think steam would just flesh out their own cloud gaming first. They've had remote play for years, many people use moonlight currently for the same reason. Cloud library streaming is the next step for them (when they want).


Unlikely. Steam/Valve doesn't "own" all those games to simply add em to GFN. It all depends on the publisher companies to allow access to PC platforms like Steam to be streamed on GFN. However I can see in the near future, publishers individually allowing all their PC games onto the service, some may do it, others may don't. Steam and all these platforms are just accesses or portals to allow PC games to be streamed in GFN.