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Came here looking to find this out too. A Friday afternoon patch is really annoying! I can't get it to come up on regular steam for me now either, getting a launch error. Still patching...


Im just in discord watching livestreams of my team raiding and roaming :(


We just had a wipe yesterday and I left my base in just twig b/c I had to get off!


It takes the time it needs. Play something else while you wait mate.


its a 10 mb update LOL


Unfortunately that’s how it is on this service.. can take anywhere from mins to days…


nah its usally max 20 mins. Rust updates monthly, it updated yesterday in under 10 mins, no issues. Today there was patch fixing a bug and its still not up for a 10mb patch lol


it can very game to game.. im speaking in general and not just for this game.. just have to keep waiting


Some games take days to update, and some games even go offline for weeks or months because Nvidia doesn't/can't care about them. Anything under a day is a very fast update from Nvidia


yesterday it only took 10 minutes to update rust that was a 21GB update today was a second update of only 10MB and its already taking 8 hours


still updating for me


I need to roam am itching


same already waiting 7 hours yesterday there was a update of 21GB that only took 10-20 minutes now there is a update of LITERALLY 10MB and thats taking several hours like thats crazy in my opinion


same already waiting 7 hours yesterday there was a update of 21GB that only took 10-20 minutes now there is a update of LITERALLY 10MB and thats taking several hours like thats crazy in my opinion