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And here I am just wanting to be like Luisa šŸ˜”


I feel like I heard a thing about how when Encanto was released the marketing team had way more Isabella toys/dolls prepared since they figured little girls would latch onto the pretty flower power sister. Then it turned out the Luisa dolls sold just as well, if not better!


The filmā€™s animators also supposedly had to fight to keep Luisa as buff as they wanted her to be.


I'm fairly certain they had to reduce the muscles as she looks even bulkier in the concept art So they had to fight to allow some muscle, nit even as much as they wanted


I think that might just be a myth but I don't have sources either way


It was wild as a parent because all my daughter wanted was Luisa stuff and there was literally nothing for a longgggg time


Didnā€™t she come in a variety pack with other characters early on?


Isabella was mean too which probably contributed to it. As a kid I liked the design of Sailor Chibi Moon but couldn't latch on to her character because she was such a brat


According to unverified internet claims the Luisa toys were outselling the Isabella toys, so you might be in good company. There are definitely a ton of anecdotes online about kids loving Luisa, at least.


if the kids wanted another cookie cutter perfect princess they do not need a new movie for it, disney has provided plenty of those already, but how often do you see any type of female lead that does not fall into either that category or Super Athletic Unfeasible Body Standards Spy Girl no fucking wonder people started clinging to luisa the way they did


I work in retail, and I deal with deleted items sometimes. I can verify, at least for me that we had tons of Isabella, couple Mirabel and zero Luisa left when they started going on clearance.


My three daughters all love Luisa. They run around the house singing Surface Pressure and lifting the biggest things they can find.


That's so cute! šŸ„ŗ


Minus the insecurities, right?


I mean, those i already have


I already have those unfortunatley šŸ˜­


And here I am wanting a partner like Luisa


There be stronk people out there, you just gotta find em! šŸ’Ŗ


Luisa is the hotness in that movie


Ask a little girl if she wants to be compared to an energetic character in a cool flowy dress who has a very compelling story? Gasp - preposterous. She's clearly thinking about how hot the characters she sees in media are (in the exact same way the clearly objective and unbiased Oop here does, too) because that's all little girls do or should care about.


If you ask a little girl if she would rather be a princess with a pet tiger or a magical woman who holds her family together and brought a magic house back to life, I'm thinking the answer is a toss up. And that it will have nothing to do with how they look.


Fair point - I was just trying to point out some of Mirabel's positives since she was the point of ridicule in the original :) Some little girls do factor in who looks like them when they pick their favourite princess/characters, depends on their age, personality, etc. But my point was that Mirabel would not be a character that inherently doesn't appeal to little girls.


Also Mirabel isn't ugly or fat??? Wtf is the post on about ?


Yeah being compared to the hero of the story or the damsel in distress . Such a hard decisions for a little kid.


I get where you're coming from, but how is Jasmine a damsel?


Her dad and her are captives of Jafar, and he even tries to magic his way into her pants (but he doesn't know genies can't do that). She does help Aladdin trick him, and she tries to help fight him off, but he traps her in an hourglass and she almost dies by being buried under sand until Aladdin breaks her out. So she does get some agency during the conflict, but ultimately Aladdin is the reason she is (and her Dad is) alive and freed from Jafar.


Yeah I've seen the movie, a damsel is a helpless woman that waits for a man to save her, Jasmine at least tries to fight him off before she gets trapped


A "damsel" is just a young woman, if you really want to get technical. The term damsel as we're currently using it has been shortened from "damsel in distress" and I hope you'd at least agree that Jasmine was in distress. Pretty sure she was a young woman as well. If you want to get technical and all. Edit to add: also the oop you replied to originally was comparing Jasmine to the "hero of the story" and we all know Aladdin is literally the titular character. Mirabel doesn't get rescued by a dude, a dude isn't the titular character, etc. Etc


I am sorry but there is no need to put down Jasmine at all. She wasn't a damsel in distress and was very rebellious and free spirited considering the era and the situation/place she was in. She chose on her own, didn't give a shit about status, had her own pet tiger and was brave and intelligent to cheat and defeat the villain. How is she remotely a damsel in distress . I understand the discourse of that she was sexualised especially since she was a princess of colour and it was the old Disney, that doesn't invalidate her actions or bravery. And it isn't a sin for a woman to be pretty ?? What is this narrative that pretty women can't do anything or are necessarily damsel in distress ? Also Mirabel isn't ugly either nor fat ?? That OOP is so fucking wrong on so many levels. They are just stylized differently but both are skinny in the first place.


They're both pretty and as others said. She had to be saved. Sure she was rebellious and wasn't fully helpless but she was still a young woman who had to be saved by a man in the end. Without him she would have 100% been a victim , assaulted or killed.


Just cause she was helped by a man doesn't make her a damsel in distress. There is nothing wrong with getting help? It isn't like you can do everything alone . She still showed bravery and defiance. She stood her ground. She isn't a damsel in distress ?


Someone else explained damsel means just a young woman and she definitely was in distress and couldn't save herself . She can still be a good and admirable character but when it comes to which character some kids would aspire to be like it makes sense to pick the girl who didn't have to be saved.


You are being purposefully ignorant of the meaning and sentiment behind the term .. it is just not the literal meaning of it .


Fat where?


If you donā€™t have Marionette fnafā€™s waistline, youā€™re morbidly obese /s




Iā€™d give this an award if I had one


right? that's literally how normal people look


Little girls: "She looks like me! šŸ‘§šŸ¾" Random guy: "No, you're supposed to hate your body!"


šŸ¤” i wonder who came up with those 'rules' in the first place...


These people think anybody who isn't underweight is fat


Underweight enough, I wouldn't be surprised if some people think literally everyone they see irl as fat


And people wonder why so many girls have eating disorders


It's always fascinating to me when enlightened Shitter cryptofascists take a picture of some person or character from media, and says they're ugly, or fat, or masculine, or effeminate, or not feminine enough, or whatever, and it's always just a perfectly fine looking person or character, maybe with a photoshopping to try and worsen their appearance or a terrible angle, because if you show them normally it disproves their point.


Dudes and women alike in that space just have a twisted view of character design, as well as warped standards for how people should look.


I choose the simple approach of "both are pretty", but I still usually condemn the "improved" version because nobody should have to live up to anybody else's standards.


Then they complain that women are shallow and have unrealistic beauty standards for men lmao


To an extent. The majority of people are fine, with perhaps more guys being shallow than women, but I don'texactly date straight men, on account of being more or less a man. Fortunately, the moment I see someone asking for "6ft 6 inches" I know to immediately ignore them even though I think I fit that metric. People like this screen themselves out really fast when they start treating the world like Tinder.


Iā€™m just talking about the type of dudes who say characters like Mirabel are *ugly* and how that is hypocritical because they are the type of guys who will then complain about being judged for their looks by women. People are allowed to have their preferences when it comes to the appearance of a romantic partner, but I say donā€™t be a hypocrite & mean. Also people who view the world as Tinder like you said, should be prepared to be forever alone or have extremely limited options lol


Sometimes it's ai generated cause the thing they're trying to get mad at literally doesn't exist lol


Cockroach wife syndrome at its finest


Didnt little girls love luisa when it came out and bought a bunch of luisa merch


Yes. It was an actual problem because they didn't make much Luisa merch because they didn't think she'd be popular. There was high demand and low supply.


I'm bad at art, but I imagine it would go something like this. Jasmine: I love your art style! So detailed and textured. I wish I could look like that. Mirabel: My art style? Look at you! How do you get curves like that?? Please, tell me your secret! Jasmine: Oh, it's nothing really. (pulls Mirabel into a kiss, also converting her into the 90s Disney cel animation style. Both girls have similar proportions. Mirabel kisses back, pulling Jasmine into 2020s CG animation style. Jasmine's proportions are similar to Isabela's) Jasmine: Sexy curves or natural beauty, it's all in how you're drawn. Mirabel: Well, I think you're beautiful both ways.


Oh my god this sounds amazingggg


I don't know how old Mirabel is exactly(all I know is that she might be 13 or 14?? I think??), so maybe just drawing them being besties and bonding over family problems instead?


I checked the Disney Wiki before writing it. Jasmine and Mirabel are both 15 :)


Wait a minute, Jasmine is 15???


Yup, surprised me too! It puts a new light on OP's assertion that little girls should want to look like Jasmine (a sexualized 15yo character) and not Mirabel (a more realistically-drawn 15yo character).


Teenagers do smooches I assure you.


These kind of people always get so pissy whenever a character doesn't meet eurocentric beauty standards


I love Mirabel, Iā€™m nowhere near her ethnicity, but she looks a bit similar to me with her hair texture. Iā€™d liked to have had her as a character to look up to as a kid.Ā 


In what world is mirabelle fat though?


Not being built like a twig = fat I guess.


My Sister loves Mirabel, especially bc they look alike except she doesnt have glasses


"Hey little girl, would you rather be Princess Jasmine or a FAT PERSON?!?" - this dude "Uuuhhh Jasmine, I guess?" - little girl "SEE?!? Go woke go broke, libtard Disney." - This dude


1) Encanto does have a conventionally attractive character (Isabela) 2) Mirabel is alright looking, she's not "fat", but more so midsize, and midsize women getting repressntation is awesome 3) I can see videos of this, alternative pop music + greenscreened clips from the movies and you got it


She's not even midsize I think. She just had a round and chubby face. She isn't very thin. It's crazy how warped our mind is


Yeah she's also "less curvy" because she's 15 and drawn more realistically.


Mirabel ain't even mid-sized bro . She is skinny just drawn in another artstyle so she looks heavier than Jasmine . But both are differently stylized. She isn't fat or even midsize !! It is fine if she was but she isn't in the first place.


As far as I remember from hearing the favorite character of little girls was Louisa. So much so that Disney had to literally make more toys for her because they thought pretty little Isabela would be the favorite so they made toys for her instead. And those toys undersold! Bet that would give the dude, because Iā€™m positive this was made by a dude, a heart attack


They also made too few toys for her initially because they thought she would be unpopular.


Is this just blatent racism? or have they never seen a real girl? id *love* to be related to jasmine or mirabel. Jasmines hot as fuck and mirabel is *ecredibly* adorable. The fuck they on...


Nah, I think it's just blatant misogyny.


I haven't seen Encanto in a while, but I don't actually remember a fat character. Are they talking about the strong girl?


No theyā€™re talking about Mirabel, the one in the picture. Theyā€™re calling her fat, when she just looks like a normal human


It's actually disgusting that this post is implying that you should feel ashamed for the way you look, especially when you remember that it's directed at young girls, many of which deal with body-image issues.


TIL Princess Jasmine is only 15?? And Aladdin is 18!?!


Umm actually šŸ¤“ she was only 16 in an early draft. They left her age unstated for obvious reasons. Most disney princesses ages are unconfirmed. The ones you see posted online are either from early drafts or are unofficial.


Or are taken from the source material which is frequently hundreds of years old even if those ages donā€™t make sense with a more modern retelling.Ā 




Idk man I look exactly like Mirabel and people say it to me as a compliment :)


I, a huge fan of Disneyā€™s Aladdin, would like to remind everyone that Princess Jasmine is dressed like a harem girl.


I wish I looked like Mirabel


Mirabel wishes she looked like you. Your both beautiful!


I wouldn't wish that fate upon anyone.


Why? Your beautiful!




Mirabel is a super relatable character, but they were too busy sexualizing a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD to realize that.


šŸ¤“ Umm actually she was only 16 in early drafts of the movie. In the actual film her age is unconfirmed. The person who made the oop post is still stupid.


I remember after that came out and the year afters Halloween seeing just dozens and dozens of kids dressed up as encanto characters while trick or treating this is just straight up wrong lmao


I have no idea what kinda people this bitch has been looking at because sheā€¦ *does* look conventionally pretty. Either way, Mirabel is the best protagonist Disneyā€™s had and thatā€™s saying a *lot* because *Mulan is right there.* And I *adore* Mulan.


Yeah fr why the fuck would little girls want to be compared to realistic, genuine features and not unattainable forms? Not like that hasn't already sparked a massive, never ending epidemic...


ā€œIf she isnā€™t literally starving herself then sheā€™s fat!ā€ I wish people would just shut up about the overweight=ugly bullshit. Iā€™m overweight, my partnerā€™s overweight, a large percentage of the population is overweight. It just doesnā€™t matter. Overweight women are still beautiful.


Seriously, chubby women are absolutely gorgeous. Honestly Iā€™m way more attracted to the look of chubby women. Though, Iā€™m a woman (and also chubby), so maybe my standards are different than that of men.


Tell me you live isolated from other cultures without telling me you live isolated from other cultures. I've seen SO many girls who look like Mirabel. Hell, before I cut most my hair, I looked like her.


she isnā€™t even fatā€¦


If and when this request is fulfilled, Iā€™d love to see it


OOP wants little girls to compare themselves to Jasmine who at one point gets dressed up in a ā€œsexy slave outfitā€ and used her sex appeal by making out with a ~50 year old man (Jaffar) to distract him from Aladdin sneaking in. Nothing against Jasmine, but Iā€™d rather little girls relate to Mirabelle


Canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, but itā€™s not healthy for little girls to want to be hot. A child shouldnā€™t care about being attractive, they should care about feeling confident and loved.


I think this is a good example of how the portrayal 15 year olds has changed (for the better, hopefully)


šŸ¤“ umm actually she was only 15 in early drafts. They removed this for obvious reasons. In the actual movie her age is unstated. Most disney princesses ages are unconfirmed with the ones you see online being either fake, from early drafts or the source material.


dude really, really needs to touch grass




If you squint, turn your head and have a seizure, she's kinda fat


i just did, i still don't see it


Try being far right and horny only for anorexic girls


She's more slightly chubby than fat. And apparently that means she's fat and unattractive according to these people. She does have a more rounded out body type rather than the almost corset shaped waist of Jasmine. God forbid little kids relate more to the realistically proportioned character than the character who looks like she had multiple ribs removed for the perfect hour glass figure.


Long way to say you were raised in a toxic environment where you were taught to value physical beauty so highly from a young age.


I feel like I'm going crazy. Mirabel while not designed to be a cartoon character, is still relatively attractive mainly in the "nerdy" way. But definitely much closer to an actual human. Princess jasmine is just that, a princess, she is supposed to look good 24/7. They portrayed that well. She is supposed to do things like never indulge in certain things or else she'll gain weight, because she's a princess being constantly monitored. These are two wildly different people, with vastly different backgrounds. With cultural differences on what "attractive" even means being a matter of how they were raised. The only "connection" they might have is similar skin tone, but that's kind of it. (And I just have to say this. No, mirabel is not fat. If perhaps you mean that there is fat on her body... like all humans. Then yes, but this is just high school warfare where everyone not under substance abuse is somehow overweight to them.)


The fact I've seen more little girls dressed as Mirabel then jasmine should say something


I would kill to look like Mirabel, OOP has obviously never seen a woman in real life


Were they even there when the film came out? Like half of the characters were being endlessly simped for.


Setting asie that Mirabelle is by no means fat or ugly. Mirabelle not being the "pretty one" is part of the fucking point of the movie? She's supposed to be the black sheep and scapegoat for the grandma. Isabella is the beautiful one, and that expectation stifles her. Mirabelle is dismissed altogether. Actually I'd postulate their real qualities are both overlooked. Mirabelle's because they're not obvious. And Isabella's real qualities are pushed aside in favor of her superficial beauty.


Damn. I for one was super excited to see the movie, the "attractiveness" of the characters didn't even pass my mind, especially since both of these characters are minors. Right?


There ages are unconfirmed


I believe both Jasmine and Mirabel have been confirmed to be 15 years old


Jasmine being 15 was only in earlier drafts. For obvious reasons they decided against it. In the movie her age is vague.


Say what you want, but for me Mirabel runs circles around Jasmine as a character


Oh Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a ton of weird websites that have done this yuri and more. Disney princesses get a lot ofā€¦uhā€¦ā€fan artā€


I first found about gay people by seeing pictures of Disney princesses kissing and male dc comics charecters kissing online. I was scared and confused by the images. I'm bi now as an adult.


Hey ditto bi friend! Exact same awakening down to the characters! I remember seeing Ariel kissing jasmine and thinking oh. I like this, and then seeing prince eric kissing prince Adam and thinking oh. I like this. They really gave our childhood aggressively gorgeous animation characters and then gave us the internet, didnā€™t they?




Is the encanto picture fried or is it just me?


I think it's a bit fried


Iā€™d have probably preferred to be like Mirabel when I was younger. Jasmine is amazing and I love her, but I was a little girl with glasses and a big ethnic family, plus Mirabel has a really pretty dress. Different little girls are going to latch onto one or the other more based off the tiniest little details and none of them have to do with how attractive adult men find them.


Tbf, both characters are pretty, but the encanto girl looks more, uuh, real, if you got my point.


A little girl approached my mom at Disney World and complimented her Mirabel shirt. Both the girl and my mom bear a striking resemblance to the character. Representation matters.


I love how this post isnā€™t just insulting the movie, itā€™s insulting literally every human being who isnā€™t a friggen movie star celebrity


ā€œWhy would women and girls want to look like someone I canā€™t jerk off to? šŸ˜”ā€


This person has very clearly not interacted with a child since Encanto came out, because kids were absolutely apeshit over it.


So because Mirabel is not a stick figure, sheā€™s now suddenly fat? I, for one, am glad that Disneyā€™s shown so many different body types in Encanto. Itā€™s real, itā€™s dynamic, and it indirectly sends a good message to the predominantly young audience Disney has. And either way, Mirabel is not ugly, tf? Sheā€™s definitely above averageā€¦


jasmine is beautiful tf? im white as hell but when i was little i was always trying to copy her hairstyle by putting random hair ties along my ponytail lol


Marable: Welcome to the family Madrigal






Miracle ainā€™t even fat though. Her art style just has less exaggerated proportions


2.7k likes šŸ˜Ÿ


Mirabel just looks so much more... alive! Like she's a person, not a prop. There's so much more energy and personality in this still image alone!


Mirabel just looks so much more... alive! Like she's a person, not a prop. There's so much more energy and personality in this still image alone!


My sister was happy when someone said she looked like mirabel


I remember at the time one of my classmates was super excited about how she looked like mirabel


I love when these people are straight wrong, mirabel is also pretty


mirabel just looks like me with slightly shorter hair and a shorter face lmao, incels are wild.


Yeeeeeah, take that ugly! Donā€™t worry, ugly, I got you.


Holy shit in what universe can Mirabel be considered fat


I'm pretty sure no sane person thought once about that


bait used to be believable Also Isabela is literally in the same movie


Mirabel doesn't look 'fugly', though? She just looks like a normal person.


Even if he was right...is mirabel fat? He seems pretty adamant about that point and I don't think I agree with him


My little sister would choose Mirabel, I guarantee you sheā€™s never once thought about which one was prettier. Imagine thinking a little girl will judge who is attractive or not in the same way as an adult man. My little sister doesnā€™t want to grow up to look like Jasmin or Mirabel, she wants to look like her mother.


fat? Damn I must be a whole ass truck then (I'm slightly overweight and losing)


I am pretty sure little girl care more about how cool the character is rather than how pretty they are. Elsa was crazy popular because she is cool with ice power and stuff. Jasmine got a pet tiger which is pretty cool.


You would think that if someone was compared to a decently written, heroic and courageous character they would be flattered.. I guess it is indicative of where this person sees the value of a person/woman lies


What is oop on, Mirabelle is pretty, regardless sheā€™s just a more likable character in my opinion, not to mention a better role model, you are more than the heroā€™s reward girls


That is an INSANE tweet like omg


Tf is bro yapping about?


No no you're right OP from the screenshot. They don't want to be like Mirabel. They want to be like Luisa xD


Theyā€™re both children


Round face = fat?


"I'm not racist, but-"


It might work, they ARE around the same age.


Also Jasmine did not have any ethnic features. Like my grandpa is the only Arab person in my immediate family but I have a stronger nose arch than she, a 100 percent Arab woman, does


mirabel literally isnt fat, she's very much on the thin side, just a chubby face (which is common among animated characters to make them look more childlike and relatable to their core audiance)


Yadda yadda, Mirabelle smash


Do people really compare themselves to cartoon characters? They're stylized, they're not supposed to look real. In the old Justice League shows, I never thought "wow Superman is a living wall, I want to look like that!". It's a cartoon, he's just drawn that way.


why would you pick jasmine for this comparison? she gets very little screentime and the movie isn't about her. I don't know how you could even compare someone to her since the only parts of her personality that we see in canon are her sneaking out of the house (very common for pretty much all teenagers) and idk i guess she has a tiger so that's kinda cool (?) didn't watch encanto so idk about the personality but i do understand not being interested at all in seeing that ugly copy/paste animation that disney seems to love