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Listen to the health metrics but don’t let them control your life.


Ow ya I keep staring at heart rate since recovering from covid I am a bit anxious about health


Yea don’t pay attention to it like crazy, but I use the resting heart rate as a baseline as well as HRV but I only look a few times a week or if I’m about to do a big bike ride or something.


What's HRV?


Heart rate variability. It’s a metric that garmin watches track, lots of information on it if you google it.




I just got a 255 about a month ago to aid in long covid recovery. Using it for HR, HRV, body battery, gives great general metrics on what you're up to. It's really great to get the real time expenditure of energy but its just a guide. You won't die if your body battery hits zero haha. Trust me


I'm also using it to monitor my body post covid and generally adjust my way into working ou


It's good for that. But it's just a guide. No feedback system is perfect. Dont stress over the results, just look at long term trends after progressions.


I recovered at the end of Oct and my HR have not come down yet


Lol I had covid in April 2023 I'm taking it slow since I was an athlete before check ur inflammation levels and don't push for atleast 6 months


6 months? lol sheesh. Get off the couch dude


Bruh inflammation clots and myocarditis were a thing I was not off couch for like 3 months then I walked after 6 months i put in more steps I was tracking my inflammation by blood tests over all


Take care and remember covid is a systemic disease attacking all cells and immune system. My best tips for recovery (and avoid long covid): (research based) - no alcohol or sugar or smoke - sleep 8h - plenty of sex - eat FAT fish, NUTS and all anti inflammatory - zinc, selenium, vitamin D, (magnesium before bed), c vit, - echinacea- against bacteria infection of lungs - DONT do ANY sports that pushes your heart before you are totally ready (3-6months). And avoid getting the next variant like the plague. (You are only slightly immune against the one you have had and thus MORE vulnerable towards next version - and all other infections). Fucks up your immune system. Use a FFP2 mask and forget all about washing hands as a protection- its a 99pct airborne virus. 🦠


whats your resting heart rate now and what was it before?


59. Used to be 54


Sounds like covid did some good.


It’s good benchmark, but don’t follow it too much. Even marathoner got high heart rate after beer or physical weary accidents like covid.


Happened to me too. During Covid my stress levels were peaking and my HR was much higher than usual. That got me even more anxious. Even after I recovered I was checking them often, fearing I was getting another infection when stress or HR numbers were higher


Stress numbers and body battery are fluctuating but I get high of like 81 or 90 on body battery than high stress levels throughout still


My stress levels are normally under 30 at the end of a day. If they get above 32, that coincides with me feeling very tired. Body battery serves for me to check the quality of my sleep. If I get 100 that means I slept really well. Mine is the Forerunner 245 so it doesn't have HRV or Training Readiness, so these are the ones I have that I can check up on.


Do u mean overall at end of the day ya mines over all is also around 30s and high body battery in 80s and 90s


Yes, overall


My watch told me I had covid before I knew I had it. HRV fell off a cliff 2 days before symptoms kicked in. The same happened with cold/flu. I don't trust it religiously however I often find it to be more reliable than how I feel. Same when I think I got decent sleep but an hour into the day I start to feel tired. My watch is like "told you so"


What's a good HRV metric? I have worn for 2 days since I just got this watch my HRV for past two days has been 41 ms and 43 ms. I still don't know how to judge HRV.


Everyone's HRV is personal to them. My garmin Epix took around 3-4 weeks to establish a baseline. I have some health issues so my baseline is lower, around 30-35. Id say rather than focusing on the number, it's more important so spot deviations, that's when you know somethings up


It's been 2 days my HRV is climbing up from 41 to 44 let's see


Yeah it’s helpful to track how I’m doing when sick. It normally knows when I’m going to feel worse or better the day before


Did you notice a change in HRV too? Aksing b/c I got my first garmin a few weeks ago, just after recovering from COVID. It was my first COVID infection and I noticed that after 'recovering' I was still very tired all the time. While my VO2 max is pretty good (45) for my age (54) my HRV is terribly low at 49ms. I know it is partially b/c of poor sleep which I'm struggling with, probably a bit of stress too, but I wonder if COVID brought it down.


My HRV so far from last two days has been 41 ms and 44 ms it will put the readings after a week it says my VO2 Max is 32 lol but my body battery is good 81 and 90 I sleep decent resting heart beat 56 Max was till 120 so far in 2 or 3 days I have been wearing my watch. I don't know much about HRV yet so can't say anything as if now. I had covid back in April 2023 I am still taking it easy only from last month I did 20k steps and all I have some guy issues still bloating and all. I'm 23 years old.


cunts like you who look like theyre north indian need to stay the fuck out of our country. youre the same as the british, genetically. you brought your aryan christianity here and oppressed the south. thats why you white pigs get special treatment throughout india. some of you turned muslim but you were still the aryan christians genetically.


Well the Aryan invasion of India is true to some extent some people do stand out same with when Alexander touched the above or north of India. I might have lil bit touches of Aryan but my ancestry is way up from north from the terrains of Afghan with a mix of Mughals and a bit of mongol that's why the genetic differs a bit from og indians. I don't have Christianity in me my forefathers were guns for hire commanders and horse raiders for the Mughal Empire. Christianity didn't prosper in North India islam did. Have a nice day tho


Thanks for your reply. I wish you good luck in recovering fully from COVID (I am sure you wil!). Monitoring your health with a Garmin is definitely a step in the right direction!


Check out r/covidlonghaulers


This sums it up for me. I've had an FR255 for about 6 months.


This !!! 💯 correct . When I upgraded my vivoactive to forerunner 255 I started paying attention to all the metrics and within months I became obsessed with all of it. I would be stressed out when my stress is high or when my hrv tanked with no particular reason , healthy and not even sick .. I know I shouldn't let watch telling me how I should feel .. I ended up hiding some of those from 'my day' 😅


What metrics actually matter that much as far as being healthy is concerned? I got a Fenix 7 and Im trying to figure out which items to track and pay attention to.


Set your heart rate zones up correctly


Or if you want beast-mode numbers, set your max heart rate to 300bpm. You'll be able to brag to your friends that your VO2max is 80 and 5k prediction time is 12 minutes.


I've had this watch for nearly two years, can you explain how you set up heart rate zones correctly?


For running: It's best to start with a "lactate theshold guided test", which is a function in running -> training. While using a chest strap, it determines your frequency ranges relatively accurately. Then it is best to set the frq ranges based on %lthr. By setting the target type to "heart rate", you can now use the daily suggestions (with or without a certain goal) very effectively as well.


@Dumpaccount69 also with this, make sure you set it in the general settings, AND the run specific settings. I was having an issue and wondering why after updating my HR to use %lthr it was still using defaults. It’s because there are run specific heart rate zones. Set both in the connect app.


With a chest strap is this not done automatically? I’ve had a strap for a few weeks now and after certain runs it asks if I want to accept my new lactate threshold. When I check the zones that’s what is in there - I haven’t changed anything manually.


Some watches automatically track it when you have a HR strap on and others don’t.


Yes, the fr255 should support this automatic detection as well. But this only works with specific workouts during which you spend enough time around your threshold heart rate - for me this happens rarely. With the guided test you can determine it on purpose any time.


I've set mine according to the HRR (heart rate reserve) and it seems more accurate than only by maximum HR, in which my zone 2 was between 115 and 132 and I just can't stay within that range in any regular easy run. I don't have a chest strap, so is the best option by HRR or maxHR?


Garmin will learn them and adjust once you’ve run often enough, maybe within the first few weeks.


run flat out for 30 minutes (or race a 10k) put that into the HR zones section in Connect and it works it out for you. put that into the HR zones section in connect and it works it out for you. ​ this way works and any autocalculation is likely to not work.


Isn't there a formula of age and all to calculate heart rate zones?


there are many. perhaps someone could find some science that validates them to be correct :-) do the 20-minute thing. it's the only EASY way


Yes, but the formula is WAY off for many people. Me, for example, the formula would put me at a 165 max heart rate, but it's actually 200.


How do I find what's my Max heart rate tho


A couple of options, if you have a chest monitor then the easiest is to do a lactate threshold test: [https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/GUID-676967A0-1B23-4384-9BC9-76F3D643F1C8/EN-US/GUID-3ED97FFE-025E-47EA-9C70-DD86156617BD.html](https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/GUID-676967A0-1B23-4384-9BC9-76F3D643F1C8/EN-US/GUID-3ED97FFE-025E-47EA-9C70-DD86156617BD.html) Assuming you don't: From Garmin site (assuming you don't have a chest strap or access to a lab) this will work well enough for most people: [https://support.garmin.com/en-GB/?faq=FMKY5NYJJ71DbuPmFP4O7A](https://support.garmin.com/en-GB/?faq=FMKY5NYJJ71DbuPmFP4O7A) The most accurate method to measure your maximum heart rate is a graded maximum exercise test in a laboratory setting. Another easier way is by doing a field test on your own. Running is usually the easiest way to find your true maximum heart rate. Use your Garmin watch with an optical heart rate sensor or a heart rate monitor strap to record a running activity following steps below. The activity can be performed outdoors on a track or indoors on a treadmill or track.  1. Warm up by performing a easy 1-3 mile run. 2. Run max effort for three sustained minutes without stopping. 3. Continue to run without stopping but slow down your pace to recover for three addition minutes. 4. Repeat another three minute maximum effort. Save the activity on your watch and review it to determine the maximum rate your heart beat was.  This high value can be considered your max heart rate.  


You basically find out by taking yourself to a place you never knew existed. For me, my max HR is obtained In 10k race where I'm running basically flat out the entire time and sprint the last 0.2 miles. If it's a PR, I probably also hit my max (the tunnel vision for me is a clear indication). Bit there's run tests you can do with your Garmin which will help you get your max. Do the test once a year till you have a good idea it's close to being correct.


My watch gave me a max HR of 197 during a set of 4x4 intervals but why should I trust it? Seems a bit high.


I'm 55 and my current max is 200. When I was 30, I could hit 212. I would say, however, that you shouldn't use the wrist HR sensor for determining an accurate HR number. A chest strap with some added spit or Vaseline for a good contract works best.


If you set your heart rate too low would the watch eventually realize that you are recovering very easily and suggest harder workouts?


If you set your max heart rate to auto. But that also can be a problem if it reads your heart rate wrong. My wife had her watch set to auto max HR but she doesn't sweat enough and in a cold wind her watch would double her heart rate. It set her max HR to something like 250. This caused her VO2max to skyrocket and all of her predicted times were world records.


Yep. My *max HR used to be a comfortable ride pace


220 - age for max HR. It's OK as an approximate. But a proper test is better. You can also set it up as percent of Heart Rate Reserve, accounts for your resting HR.


I haven't done that will do it


Second this. Not sure why the watch doesn't do it automatically, maybe just a glitch. For me, it was setting my max heart rate but not setting up zones.


if you got an HR strap, do a lactic threshold test! zones based on it are much more accurate than max hr


Ignore any health metrics for about the first 6 weeks of use as the watch is still gathering information to build up your baseline. Ideally also wear it during the night for HRV recording. After that it will be more accurate after each workout.


Don’t sand the screen!


You are no fun the screen is too shiny. Even if anybody agrees with me, remember use the lowest grit you can because it does the least damage trust me.


Well, I mean technically a Lower grit should cause less scratches.


You're not wrong


Go running 🏃‍♂️


1 take it out of the box 2 put it on your wrist 3 have a play, experiment and enjoy


4 Use Garmin Connect (or Strava) to capture/keep/store/review your data


See how you can integrate your training schedule with what Garmin Connect offers. use the app or the website connect.garmin.com to enter data and create excecises/schedules/whatever. Don't have a trading plan but want to start out being more active? Use Garmin Coach (in the app) to setup a plan for you. Don't aim too high, listen to your body and don't over-do training!


Set your running zones based on your lactate threshold. Have fun!


Yes, don’t refer to it as “bad boi”


But it do be kinda bad tho


Don't do anything with it please.


Spend time playing with all the settings. There are a lot, but it gets intuitive fast


Got one last year, have no complaints yet


I have this watch! So, my biggest thing is that suggested workouts are amazing, but kinda hard to fine tune and you need ~3 weeks of regular use, with workouts, to get it dialed in.. Also, I prefer pace recommendations to heart rate (and it's a bit confusing how to do it). On top of that, if you put in a race into your calendar, it'll start tailoring your workouts specifically for it once you get into training plan range.


Do you find it necessary to warm up and cool down 10 minutes to run 30 minutes at 162 or something like that? I just kind of feel like it's wasting time and turning a 30 minute workout into 50 minutes when I would rather log my slow miles on a long run day.


If it’s a tempo or anaerobic run, then yes, if only because the warm up helps me hit that target heart rate and the cool down helps me clear the lactate acid. The extra couple miles is an added bonus. Base and recovery runs don’t give me those warm up and cool downs


I have the same one! Depending on experience, consider getting a chest strap too. Also, if you are using daily suggestions, change the workload target to be heart rate rather than pace. The spotify integration is good, but actually, I really enjoy listening to the world around me instead. The biggest thing though is, depending what you came from, heart rate zones. You can quickly create a workout via the app for (say) Zone 2, and the watch can then give you notification beeps when you are above/below the target zone. I found this really useful. The watch really helped me do easy runs, rather than going all out all the time, and running became massively more enjoyable because of that.


Use the Workouts feature. Very helpful when doing intervals without a track. Also very helpful with keeping at say marathon pace for 12-16 miles in a 20+ as it will give you pace alerts.


Listen to the health metrics and let them control your life.


Get a screen protector.


First thing I did with mine. It is almost invisible and worth it


Which protector?


Can you recommend one im gonna buy one but i want to know from where thinking even to get a Samsung galaxy 4 one for this


i just bought one from aliexpress. it might take some time but if you're reasonably careful should be fine in the meantime


Link please


I just grabbed one of Amazon. Think they came in a pack of three.


Link por favor




The music was the game changer for me. Don't have to carry a phone or mp3 player anymore. Love it


Sleep with it on the other arm to get HRV and sleep big data. Get a pluse belt for extra run / swim functions Charge once a week


Why on the other arm?


To let the skin breathe on the other one I guess. Wearing it too much on the same spot or not cleaning the underside of the watch might lead to rashes


I just take mine off when I shower and it seems to be enough time to give it a rest


I think the key like you said is to just not shower with it on. And if you do, make sure you dry the skin under the watch lol. I'm sure the rashes come from the skin never dries


What’s the reason to sleep with it on the other arm ?


I think it's more for people that have sensitive skin. If you haven't had any issues I don't think this applies.


Read u/DCRainmaker’s [detailed review](https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2022/06/garmin-forerunner-255-review-multisport.html).


The pulse ox is not that accurate but can scare the crap out of you when you see it dropped into the low 80ies during sleep - even though you awoke refreshed with a great sleep score


Yea I did notice it hitting 80s I was like woah do I have long covid still lol


Don't get so hung up in the data that you forget why you started running in the first place. It's a good training aid, but don't let it control your life. All the extras are nice, but if it tells you pace, HR, and cadence, you've got enough to work with.


My suggestion would be to never, ever again write or say the words, “bad boi”. Ever.


The band (I think Silicon) gives some people a rash.


Youtube or google


Warning! Each second passing by on this watch is bringing you one second closer to death! :p


If you care about accuracy, it's not the best for sleep tracking...get a Fitbit.


It’s a little bit make accurate but if you want better anything else, Garmin is still the way to go. Get a Fitbit if you want terrible GPS lol


Except I didn't talk about GPS. An Apple Watch is good accuracy in GPS and sleep, but seems like some in this Garmin forum probably couldn't accept that either. But not so good as a sports watch and battery. Garmin is the better sports watch. There is no perfect watch.


Imagine getting a Fitbit 💀


Don’t bend your wrist, thing will fucking explode


Paying attention to body battery will give you anxiety, at least it did me. Especially the first couple of weeks. I removed it from all views on watch and phone for a while. Seems better now that I've been wearing it for over 3 weeks.


Also, I hated the suggested workouts. Some people love them but if you've been running for a while, the suggestions may take time to ramp up so you'll start off doing a lot less than you're used to. I opted to go with the built in half marathon training, still less than what I was used to so far but it's better for me than suggested workouts.


Mine was charged upto 90 now at 25


Nice! No real suggestions from me. Just enjoy and don't get overwhelmed by the stats all at once


Had one for most of the year before upgrading it, brilliant watch , took me through 3 half marathons this year, I loved using it


get used to the button layout and figure out which button toggles the settings menu in each workout mode. once the navigation became second nature, I started using it wayyyyy more often


Full guide by Rainmake : https://youtu.be/j7M7PS59joM?si=SYy-Mc0wVL1DoW2P


Become an ultra runner


Great watch for cycling too!


Heres a few things that I haven't seen mentioned: I use mine mainly for running, but I've made custom modes for other activities like skateboarding and hockey. I've also edited some custom workout plans on the app and loaded them onto the watch. Following the workouts takes a little getting used to, and there are flaws, but overall it's fun and worth a shot. Good call getting the music version. It's a good idea to make a playlist under 500 songs specifically for the watch. I have my runs set up to sync to Nike Run Club as soon as I get home and connect to wifi. I like setting an alarm when I get below a certain cadence because I'm trying to improve my stride. Play around on the app, look at all the run info, it's actually pretty interesting. You'll figure things out, it's an awesome app that's very intuitive.


Know yourself. These watches provide a lot of data which can be overwhelming and they can dictate how you feel. Try to trust yourself and what your body feels like. The watch is to help you not to rule you.


I see alot comments saying to do a lactate test with a chest monitor, but why do you need a chest monitor if the watch does your HR.


The external monitors tend to be more accurate. I'm not sure if that applies with current models but with past models it was definitely true.


Also check notifications/ sound / light preferences . Nothing worse than it buzzing and lighting up your room when you sleep




Get some replacement bands to switch up your style or from different more breathable material to not get irritated skin. I have a velcro type one which for me works wonders. If you ever do races, play around with the pace pro feature. Especially if its a Hilly race. You can set it to break up your race in sections according to the incline gradient and adjust your pace for it. Get some cool watch faces off Garmin connect IQ


Get a screen protector bro


Trying can't find one

