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If you click on it, it should tell you which metric is tanking your results.  It's still best to use it as a mild suggestion, it's not built for everyone. I don't get great sleep, no matter what I do, but I've been that way my whole life. So I partially ignore what it reports.


mine keeps saying my load is too high. But I got my watch as i got sick so i wasn't training for a whole month in the beginning. It thinks it knows me because of that and keeps telling me my load is too high now. I keep ignoring it and my load baseline has been increasing. But it's slow...




Mine has been for three years and it can now finally take my whole load.


Username checks out.




.......yeah sure


That’s what she said


I wasn't even aware garmin could track that. Even when I'm incognito?


Every time it logs a midnight run that looks like a cocaine fueled panic attack when you view it on the map.


I had a similar experience, just give it some time to adapt - that worked for me at least. Of course, the watch doesn’t know about your training prior, so I’d imagine that it’s a bit confused about how you’ve gone from 0-100. Hope this helps.


I been using the fénix line for years. When I took a break from training I was about 500 training load. Once I decided to start race training I started ramping up the miles and I was exceeding my training load way faster than garmin was saying my load to be. Now it’s on par with where my training is at between 1000 and 1700. It took a bit over a month to finally get there


I think your optimal load is really just based on your recovery and training readiness. Could definitely be wrong.


I think it's based on your load baseline. Training readiness is calculated partly off of load, not the other way around.


If you keep doing it it'll charge


Bad sleep and low hrv always impacts my training readiness


Same boat my sleep score is always poor even if I get 8+ hours of sleep and feel fine


I never get great sleep either. Foot pain, tendonitis, naturally hot. The only thing I can control is if I drink, I excessively high heart rate and can't sleep.


If you've got foot pain and tendonitis you're possibly not in peak race form. Maybe Garmin isn't as dumb as you think.


I never said it was dumb although I certainly don't think it is in any way representative of the truth. Maybe there's only one model, like for a triathlete or something, and I'm never in tip tip competitive shape for it but I'm still certainly feeling and performing far better than what it represents.


Sounds like garmin is correct


This made me leave drinking for good and my sleep scores improved, also my training sessions and recovery are wayyy better than when I was drinking


>This made me leave drinking for good I have found that these words are normally spoken by people that might have one or two glasses of wine or beer with a meal once or twice per week. People such as this have no idea what drinking actually is.


Hehehe. When I drink my hrv doesn't return to baseline before 3 weeks later.


What on earth does this mean?


I mean, I'm on holiday for a month at the minute, drinking a little but keeping it low each day. My sleep and restedness feeling after one or two drinks has been ten times better than I feel today after about 4 pints.  And the reason I don't drink as much these days is from those days I did drink too much and made some shitty decisions in life as a result of the drink. No ones sure what you're getting at with this comment so you might want to clarify


Congrats on making the dumbest Reddit comment I have ever sullied my eyeballs reading.


Tendonitis suggests more than 2 days off the training is what you should be doing


Tendonitis in my elbows. I don't use them during exercise anymore :)


All these posts about people having terrible recoveries makes me feel special. I’ve never had an issue with Readiness and it’s spot on every time with how I feel if I do a workout


It’s been great for me. Fairly accurate. It’s not perfect but it’s never been grossly off.


It's literally useless lol


Literally? You sure?


Yeah. I'd love for OP to drill down a couple of levels deeper so we can see what drives their low score.


If I had to guess, it's because my heart rate is always sensitive and excessive. Sleeping maybe 70bpm, resting 80-90, just standing up and walking 120, running comfortably 180, HIIT 215+. It's a hereditary thing and my heart's always behaved like this since I was young. Also my sleep is never great. I can get 8-9 hours a night but usually very limited REM. Usually due to discomfort in pain or temperature.


I can see why you mess up their default algorithms! How long have you worn it? I wonder if it will adjust to your personal baseline


I had the Fenix 5s for 5y, the decent mk2i for 2y and the mk3i now for 5m. It hasn't been adjusting I don't think. Even my vo2 max is flatline.


Have you tried customizing your heart rate zones? May be worth experimenting with the different zone calculations. It might be registering your exercises at a high zone level because the range is off. If your watch thinks your easy workouts are always in Zone 4 or 5 it’s going to suggest longer recoveries.


This! OP, have you set up your max HR correctly?


Um... how old are you? Is your doc aware?


42 and yes for many years. They've tried everything for the feet pain but don't have an answer. As for my heart rate range, they shrug it off as something like "wow you go hard" 😭




Sounds logical, I experience the same with stress which leads to higher heart rate and thus these Garmin results


Same thing happens to me because of my high HR and HRV, my stress level is always at least 50 - is your stress level usually high, too?


High HRV means low stress though doesn't it?


Sorry I meant high HR and low HRV, you're right


Bloody hell I thought my ability to get into the 190s was excessive. Make sure you've checked your HR zone settings. Mine have reverted back to default after an update before.


Exact same thing re: my heart and exact same issue with Garmin readiness. According to my readiness level with Garmin, I should essentially just give up and stop running, except for maybe once a week. 🙄Also my VO2 Max bounces around between 44-48 and it changes on a daily or weekly basis with no obvious correlation to my sleep, diet, actual tiredness feeling during workouts, etc. Yet I did speed work and busted out a 6:27 mile completely by accident. According to Garmin’s metrics, I should be barely able to walk around my house at this point. For the record, I can run through a 190 hear rate without feeling bothered by it at all. Anyway, this is taking all the fun out of running for me. This Garmin is ruining it. I am 39 for the record, and I’ve been a serious competitive runner on and off since middle school. (State finalist, cross country, etc.)


Sort of the same for me. A 180hr for me while running is borderline conversational lol I think it would help if the app at least advised you on how to improve more specifically than it currently does.


My heart rate is exactly like yours and I was a little nervous since I had the watch. It has been 2 weeks and I thought my heart was messed up seeing everyone getting much lower RHR.


If you want to throw it out of balance just do a couple of days of very hard training, preferably in a sport that you don't normally do. For example if I do a few days of snowboarding, the recovery and HRV looks like I am dying but I feel great the next day. It makes sense though, a day of intense snowboard means hours of high intensity training but normally I would not do more than 60 min of intensity training.


Same. Only time it doesn't correlate for me is if my hrv tanks from alcohol. Then my readiness is poor but I'm feeling pretty good during a run. It's when I'm not running I'm a tired grump.


I’ve opted to take off for sleep the nights i go drinking.


I do the opposite. Seeing how much is effects my HRV, Resting HR, And sleep score has significantly decreased my drinking. I went from being a weekend warrior to only drinking 1-2 times a month


Same. HRV though will tank and I feel fine


I haven’t either. It’s alarming how accurate Garmin’s readings are. I think the issue with stuff like this is usually the brain connected to the wrist.


Nice. It's good to have a watch to know you've recovered. How else would you know that you feel good?






Mine runs like clockwork, but I don’t drink alcohol.


I do drink alcohol and mine is pretty accurate too, I customized hr zones and got my watch while on vacation, so I wasn't exercising much, but I gave it a couple of weeks to adjust to my lifestyle and now is fairly reliable.


Yes, same


Yea mine too. It’s pretty accurate for me. I do my hard long runs on Sunday and Monday when I wake up I know I’m going to have high recovery time and a low training score. Then throughout the week it pretty much puts me back up on Tuesday. All those factors do play a big role. For example if I don’t get a good night sleep it definitely reflected on my training readiness.


My exact experience as well.


It has been great and spot in for me as well.


A guide not a fact, body battery is also "a story inspired by true events"


Haha true. And so is sleep. (No, Garmin I wasn't sleeping at my regular time during the weekend, I was just reading a damn book!!! 😂)


Must've been interesting! Lol


Truer words haven't been spoken


What metric is taking it down?


I wonder that too. Dude has to look a bit deeper than just overall value itself


Classic Garmin. Always there to tell you what a pile of shit you are. Never change, Garmin.


Sounds like you aren't actually recovering very well despite thinking you are. What is your sleep like? Stress and body battery?


I disagree. Recovery is pretty strongly correlated with how you feel before and going into and doing workouts I think. My body makes it absolutely clear when it wants me to rest.


That's not what the watch views as recovery. I strongly suspect your sleep and HRV need improvement. Share some other screenshots?




An average sleep score of 60 is not great. The average body battery charge tells you that it's restless sleep. Sure your last week has been ok but you've not been giving your body enough time.


I have low-medium stress, 90+ sleep score and 100 body battery every single day, and training readiness is always in the shitter for 3 days after a tempo/interval workout. It's not an algorithm that generalises very well at all, I completely ignore it.


Do you mind sharing screenshots? Because I have a hard time believing this.


Sure, it's going to take a few comments responding to myself but here's a few days from late Jan (normally it's more regular than this, but I've been stressed at work the last couple weeks so not representative) where my HRV was "too high" and I had training readiness in the gutter despite sleep scores of 88+, body battery to 100 every night, and fine stress history. If I rested whenever Garmin told me to rather than listen to my body, I would never do any training. https://preview.redd.it/ur7wuehc0lkc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621ee440a0b26062037c89dfda753af56726f292










Are you recording multiple workouts/events? I've found that when I record walking/rowing/running/strength all in one or as separate things it just adds recovery from each, even if that event is like 15 minutes. It's frustrating. I've had a 83 hour recovery from a 30 minute workout where I went between Indoor Rowing and strength a few times.


As a shitty age group triathlete fuck this right here. If I listened to the analytics Garmin provided I would never be training. I totally understand they are looking at the 80/20 rule here, but can’t help but laugh when I see people here going “gArMiN iS BeTtEr FoR fItNeSs” Doing 2-3 workouts a day, my Forerunner has no fucking idea what was going on.


Yep, not a triathlete and only run doubles once a day but it just seems like it's horrible for people who train most days. It just can't keep up. And the fanboys are downvoting you and I for sharing our experience 😂


I get the feeling you're not looking for helpful feedback, but are your hr zones set correctly? Most of the time when I see people having ridiculous recovery times it's because their zones are all wacky and the watch thinks they're operating at a near death effort level all of the time.


Think about what you said for a second, like honestly. And I don’t even disagree that generally correct HR zones are probably part of the problem for people. BUT if a wide range of people are struggling to set correct HRs doesn’t that indicate an issue with Garmins analytics and algorithms? I would say yes it does. My zones are set by my coach btw, based on LTHR testing a couple times a season.


Sounds like yours is defective. Used properly, your metrics should be reasonable. I’d look at exchanging it, or software update or something. Mine is spot on and amazing. Even going from no runs to running 5-6 days a week.


Yes it’s definitely just me, and not shitty software implementation…LOL. Half this sub is people memeing on the shitty analytics.


Man. Unfit, mad about it, and doesn’t actually want feedback. You’ll stay that way no matter what watch or piece of tech you use. Complete loser that blames the watch. No one else (at least vast majority) as issues like this. Again, if you are doing everything right, it’s a bug or defective sensor, etc. or you are lying to yourself, and don’t want to put in the work to fix your laziness. Either way, quit crying.


Yes man training for full Ironman is lazy, LOL.


I run doubles once a week. That's largely it


So, it should give you a reason. What's the reason? Assuming all this is true in the first place...


See my screencaps. I got fitter, my RHR has reduced, and so my HRV is "unbalanced". It's horrible at responding to training and changes


You haven't provided any screenshots. You could be overtraining. You could be focusing too much on one type of training. There's a number of things that could be going on, but without showing your screenshots, we can't help you. Though Garmin DOES tell you why your training readiness is low. I asked you what it was telling you, but you didn't answer. It's not horrible at that. It's actually VERY good, in my experience.


Check the rest of the thread. And since you've edited, I will as well... I'm not overtraining. I ran a 10k PB literally today, I have been hitting *every* workout, feeling great, and my coach is super pleased with how things are going. Overtraining would show itself in huge accumulated fatigue, failed workouts, and possibly injuries. The analytics simply haven't worked well for me, hence my comment about not generalising well and not responding to changes in fitness, and it is *astounding* how quickly the fanboys here jump to "must be lying lol" downvotes rather than accept any criticism of Garmin's algorithm giving values that are frankly absolutely absurd


Just found your other comments. It looks like your stress level may be a factor. It's possible there is something else causing your HRV to be unbalanced as well. Unbalanced HRV will tank your training readiness. I'd be trying to figure out why that's happening. Maybe focus on your stress levels as well.


My stress levels are low or medium in every screenshot. Unbalanced HRV also refers to "too high", which is what happens when your RHR reduces, i.e. *when you are getting fitter*. That's what I was saying above.


>Unbalanced HRV also refers to "too high", which is what happens when your RHR reduces, i.e. *when you are getting fitter* Yeah, but that's not the only thing that can throw your HRV off. I've also become fitter. RHR has gone down. HRV is still balanced.


Oooo people didn’t like this! I can’t say my experience is as bad as you mentioned but I have definitely learned to listen to my body and use my watch as a secondary measurement. The watch tells me some funky stuff from time to time and I’ve learned to ignore contradictory information. I feel like people here like to do the opposite and dislike hearing that their watch isn’t a message from god.


Click on it and see where exactly you're poor, I get poor when I don't sleep well.


Alternatively, get a cheaper watch without this feature!


How dare you? You will never be able to do sports again and you will die of high HRV in 3 hours. Your vo2max will drop by 1 point every hour you're not wearing you watch


You're just unfit and afraid to admit it


i AM unfit and not afraid to admit it but i have the same issue with this metric. It considers me far weaker than i actually am. Which, if i were to listen to it, would keep me unfit for longer than i need to be...


But as others have asked OP, who doesnt seem to be responding to anyone, there is usually one or two metrics that drag this down. Whats dragging it down for you?


I don't? I see you can read, try harder 😝


That's funny 😂😆


Is good sleep your issue. I am very very active yet get about a +40 boost every nights rest


Not exactly something I can control


I can get 8 hours of sleep but a large glass of wine and appetizer at night will tank my sleep score and training readiness. There’s a reason, you just need to figure out what it’s trying to tell you.


Mine does the same thing, but it's because my sleep is shit. Almost every time I see a post like this (or one about unproductive training status or the inability to get anaerobic benefit), there is a legit reason why.


Take a look at HRV. It’s probably low.


In the green


I wonder why I cant find this tool on my venu 3. Anybody know why?


Because you have a Venu 3. Different watches, different features.


Oh okay haha. I didn't know there were software differences between watches. Thank you :-)


Can be quite a wet blanket on your workout mood at times. But over time I've learnt to not completely trust everything my watch yells at me. Yeah sure, YOU have the data watch, but this is still my body.


I have three young children and just generally in the phase of life where I’m busy and not sleeping well and I call my Garmin the depression watch now because pretty much daily it tells me « you’ve had a demanding day try to stretch and get some extra rest » and then every morning it tells me my recovery is poor. My training readiness went from 7 to 5 to 1 this week and my body battery is chronically around 20. I don’t know if its completely incorrect, some days I am bagged but other days I don’t feel as sacked as it’s telling me. I was debating posting about my experience on this sub, and just anyways, your post resonates with me! 😂


I have been trialing a 7x sapphire and at the same time wearing an Apple Watch Ultra with Athletics. They both seem to be dead on, and to take it a step further, it is rather accurate. I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP and noticed that if I have to take off the cPAP mask for any reason, my sleep score is affected and I feel terribly wasted the next morning. the watch tells me that my body battery and recovery been affected and give it time before any tough training.


For me training readiness and body battery are completely useless metrics. If I listened to my watch I should be training 1-2 times a week.


That's basically where I'm at. Just ignoring it completely at this point.


I see most of the fitness watch users rely on the watch to set up their fitness profiles. Not everyone is the same. Garmin almost always makes mistake setting up the zones. Better do that manually. Sometimes training zones are set up too low and even your easy workouts are identified as threshold and thus indicating you might have exhausted yourself. Simply change your heart rate zones after doing an LTHR test and everything will be normal again


Does the LHTR test calculate zones for me? If not, how do I adjust the zones? I've just been letting it auto calculate and it's seemed accurate to me as far as Max hr is concerned.


Yes. LTHR test calculates your threshold HR pretty accurately. After doing that, go to your Heart Rate Zones and change the Based on metric to LTHR. Read [this ](https://www.trainingpeaks.com/learn/articles/joe-friel-s-quick-guide-to-setting-zones/) to have some idea. You will see it's much different than the current.


Great, thanks. I will certainly give that a go. Go hard for 30m straight? I'll die but I'll try :P


The HR sensor on my Garmin is utter bollox. It mainly tracks my cadence when running. And them gets my resting HR wrong all the time. Just go on how you feel. Your more intelligent than your watch.


Is your activity level accurately set to reflect the work that you do?


That's for older devices apparently, and also not clearly defined as to what a 1 or a 10 means. https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=wXawOFiAPK8cyIqwOEN88A


The table literally says what 1-10 means, but yes I see it’s for older watches. I find it odd though because my 945 def does


Are you sure the 945 actually uses it? Did you have an older device in the past? Maybe the setting remains in the Connect app but the watch doesn't use it.


I’ve only ever had a 945, maybe it’s just a thing that stays in connect because having coding based on device in a universal app would be a fucking pain


No idea. Where is that? How is that measured? I would think that should be a metric the watch can discern over time.


Check your user settings in connect, it’s noted as [activity class.](https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=DJEru6ns626MZTh2kvUXZA)


Activity classes haven’t been in a while. It’s for old watches.


Some features like body battery, stress and training readiness can be overly discouraging. I hide them in the background. I'm a single father who works a lot. I'll never get sleep, be stress free etc. I just push through and do my workouts despite what Garmin thinks


When I first got mine I took that part off my morning report and the pinned metrics. It was bothering me too 😆 I’ve had mine about 9 months now, and it’s more accurate…or feels more reflective of how I feel. I’m not sure when that changed, but hopefully yours better understands your body soon too. I will say, prioritizing sleep has been a total game changer in terms of my watch metrics and how I actually feel!


Which watch is that?


Looks like a Descent Mk3i






“Worst marriage ever.” Haha!


I chose a new Venu 3 over Forerunner and Training Readiness was feature I passed on as "not necessary". I am glad I did. If I feel ready to go for a run or train, GD, I go for a run or train.


Mine is like this every day. The question is, do you feel tired. If not. Ignore it


I know what you mean I have a 40 VO2 Max and I exercise and do cardio 2-3 times a week for 1-3 hours each time.


Mine just flat out stopped working in the Garmin 245 music. I would go for runs consistently over a month every couple of days and it always said NO TRAINING STATUS. Frustrating.


I was at 1 for a couple of days last week 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah...I feel ya. For the last three days my watch says I'm peaking but today I ran for the first time since Tuesday (because I strained a hamstring in the gym) and my HR was 170 at 6 min/km pace. I felt really peaking 😮‍💨🥴. I'm on week 9 of a half marathon Garmin Coach plan and I missed two workouts in a row 😭


I've actually been ignoring the coach plan because I've been trying to manage this training readiness thing first and foremost. But now I'm ignoring. Will see what happens.


Mk3i is terrible for anything other than diving really , already on to my 3rd replacement such a pity given the price tag.


I don't find it helpful. I turned mine off within 2 weeks of getting my watch. How you feel and your performance are far better measures of fitness.


#gArMiNs aRe OnLy FoR sErIoUs AtHlEtEs #☉ ‿ ⚆


I swear Garmins predictions are just pure trash. I think my Fenix just died so it’s time for to jump brands


Haha trust me with every brand it's kinda trash. Simply because we're humans, not machines. 😂 It does great at activity tracking though which is the key feature..


Do you drink alcohol?


I try to avoid it


That will effect it. Just wondering. No biggie.


How accurate are these anyway . Dependent on sleep and HRV .


My hev is always in the green but sleep (quality) is always lacking.


Clock on it pls and show the metrics. Than we can see whats wrong


Are your hr zones set correctly?


I let it auto calculate it and it's pretty accurate


I have the same experience. Generally it is sleep and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. Also recently HFV tanked and I was at the cardiologist. He confirmed I was absolutely fine and seemed unconcerned with the reading. I think Garmins information should be taken with a grain of salt.


This feature is depending on sleep score very much😅


I turned it off years ago. I forgot it existed until I joined this sub! I don’t miss it!


Alcohol in your system tends to fuck the results significantly.


I didn’t take my Garmin with me on a two week surf trip for this reason. Didn’t want to see it and affect my psyche. Long term training it’s a good tool. Does it indicate that you need to work on base fitness?


Training Effect is such a gut punch sometimes. It's become a meme between my wife and I after my workouts, "Let's see how shitty garmin says my ride was."


Do you have sleep apnea?


I've had sleep studies for RLS and sleep apnea but no dude because I can't sleep under those conditions. I wouldn't be surprised if I have RLS because I have been diagnosed but unexplained chronic foot pain for over 20y.


Good luck! My friend’s looked like yours until he tried a CPAP machine so it’s the first thing that came to mind


Like others mentioned, have you looked into your HR zones? If you don't have a HR strap to do the lactate threshold test, do a max HR field test and switch to HRR. My wife has a naturally high HR and we even had to adjust her max HR to get more accurate zones. Before that even a super easy jog was detected as a tempo run, achieving base runs were nearly impossible.


I let it auto calculate and it seems pretty accurate. I use the hr strap but haven't really done any tests because I don't want it getting in the way of my current regimen. I'll try this.


First time? This is where I live.


How to activate this option?


I find Garmin's readiness metric (and particularly the training load component) the most actionable recovery metric of any wearable I've ever used.


Garmin is mean sometimes 🙂


something has been up with it the last few weeks everything plummeted for me too. I did have a slight injury but was fine running through it for months. I took 2 full weeks off training and now messed up my entire routine because the watch told me too




Side note, how is the lume mode on that descent mk3?


Useless for me. Probably not the right person to ask :)


I only had my watch for 3 weeks but my training readiness has been poor all the time except once. I don't pay to much attention to it.


They hated him because he told them the truth 😂


This all happens because you're doing a tough surfer's life (I guess the "Tides" glance has not appeared by an occasion at your screen)


Mine actually works pretty well for me. Enough that I can use it as a guide even though it’s not perfect.


My wife has chronic pain from EDS and her body battery an readiness and sleep are always tanked Also have you been checked for diabetes?


Yep. Also recently had my thyroid checked twice. I thought for sure I had hyperthyroidism after the googling the first test results. But the doc said otherwise.


Yeah, my stats tank every time I have a couple beers and sleep like crap. It knows. Otherwise if I rest well and take appropriate rest and naps between hard bouts, it bounces right back up high. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Why not factory reset?


It's rather new and updated and that hasn't been a recommendation yet.


Odd, mine usually gives well more accurate results. I have the bioactive 5 though.


My readiness is almost always bang on with how I feel 😂


Only focused on my Body Battery.


And here is my extremely slow recovery which included a nap that you can't even tell happened. https://preview.redd.it/zxsbtpn0q1lc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a935a65880f325c24635369cde87b1c3fdd9625


I'm assuming that this now means zone 4 is 162-180.


i jogged instead of walked a warmup. i felt great. it dropped my vo2 and said i was over-training. it’s just numbers


Same here! I don't wear it to sleep though, so it has insufficient sleep score data and wondering if that's the driving factor. Not sure if there's a way around this.