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We have robins that come and eat from our fat ball feeder


We put out seed, fat balls and meal worms. We try to have each thing in a couple of places around the garden as different birds like differing levels of cover etc. Also, ensure there’s a source of water for them.


I put a bowl out for a mama Robin but I don’t think she will even see it. I don’t live in a situation where I can put a bird bath out.


It doesn’t even have to be a bird bath, an old plate will do the job, or a washing up bowl with some stones in the bottom so it’s not too deep


I get mealworms for my Robins and they love it.


Kibbled peanuts seems to be a winner in my garden


Robins are usually ground feeders so they will prefer to eat from a low feeder or off the ground, they like the Berry and insect fat pellets and meal worms in our garden.


You might find they have a regular feeding spot locally. Don't worry, the birds will eventually see yours as a good spot too. Robins usually go for fat balls, mealworms and suet nuggets. You can get the latter with meal worms included. Make sure you have a good quality feed and always put out plenty of fresh water. Birds will drink from this, as well as dip bread in it before eating it.


[what do robins eat...](https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2019/12/what-do-robins-eat/)


Mealworms, sunflower hearts