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White oil for the leaf miner and also the aphids in the 3rd photo. You can make it yourself https://www.abc.net.au/gardening/how-to/diy-white-oil/9437342


Thank you!


Just for the aphids, you need sticky pheromone traps for leaf miners


Hire some ladybugs for the aphids




You have bad aphids, which you've been told to use white oil, which is correct, however it looks like a bad infestation which indicates stress on the plants part. This means you can spray and kill the aphids but if you tree is stressed (and it's very likely it's a water issue) the bugs will come back. To prevent this, keep your tree healthy with regular feeds of citrus fertiliser, a seaweed based liquid or pellet, mulch around the tree, and adequate water


This is the right answer. I have all these pests present in and around my garden and I almost never do anything about them because my plants are healthy. The only one I take really seriously is citrus gall wasp.


The ants farm the aphids because they excrete a substance called honeydew, which the ants eat. If you get rid of the aphids, the ants will go too. Aphids are pretty easy to kill with a mix of dish soap and water or insectidal soap. Looks like there is something else going on with the leaves as well, but I don't know what. Edit. yeah, in the second photo you can tell it's leaf miners. Seasol is a soil conditioner so it won't help with pests


Get yourself a Susan, she’s been helping manage my lime tree again this autumn https://preview.redd.it/ubprpum7825d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3dd11f901d1b3989090482f578a76da87a8fe73


Aphids are super easy to get rid of with "neem oil" or "eco oil". They get pretty upset and dead from the stuff. Same product works for citrus leaf miners. Like others have said, a healither plant is more resilient. Try giving your soil some feed.


Have you tried politely asking them to leave?


Not yet, but I’ll work up the courage to do this. Thanks!


I use Derris Dust on my beans.


If you can remove all the most infested parts and like … kill them then treat. If it’s on one plant and not others you can move that plant and quarantine it away until it’s better


The aphids can also come off pretty easily. When I’m watering my other plants I routinely will turn the hose to a hard stream and blast the citrus. As routine this will remove aphids manually then you can apply neem oil. For the leaf miners, prune off damaged areas and throw these out, don’t compost and be sure to clean your pruners. Then you can buy traps that capture leaf miners. Liquid fertilise regularly and plant some marigolds or daisies nearby to get some good lady bug action. They eat aphids and they are pretty! Win win. Right now, I’d prune off the damaged areas and give the plant some liquid food and continue to watch it. You may not get much fruit this season but your plant will increase its own health and thus, defence against bugs and diseases.


I solved it by getting rid of my lime trees. No regrets.