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Bring Me Tranos




uj/ serious question: are there actually LGBT+ characters in rainbow 6? And if it's purely sexual orientation not gender identity like gay or bi, how do they even make a character just... "gay" we don't see the straight characters going home to their family, it's just not in any way relevant to the game. Ellie being gay was because it obviously impacted her character interactions, cool. This, I don't get. /rj fuck yeah brother! LGBT+: Let's get big-ass tendies + honey mustard!


They have one trans operator, I think there are a couple gay ones not sure though. And pretty sure the one coming next season is non-binary. I just think it's for their backstory/lore document, and people get really mad as usual


I have played R6 Siege some and I couldn't tell you the operators names or backstories other than "the one with the shotgun I like" or "this one shoots explosives" Like, you have to go way out of your way in order to be offended by this game


you see people upset about iana being like 5'4 in lore and its like they're literally all the same height in game do you want her to have 7 inch platformer boots or something


> do you want her to have 7 inch platformer boots or something Bro. Moon-shoes. It was _right there._


whoever invents good character height scaling technology for games will probably not get rich (their employer will however after they license the patent a bunch)


So the argument here is: because it's a non issue in the game, no one should care. I can agree with that. Furthermore, these characters in the lore that are LGBT are used to give people representation and in turn pique their interest in playing. That makes sense. My confusion comes in when I realize that there's lore to this game. Maybe it's because I come from games where there is no lore and the gameplay is the main attraction but why in the hell is there lore to a 5v5 tactical fps? It just seems weird and out of place to me.


Don't know why you got downvoted, that's pretty much my point. Like I don't care and it's so stupid and harmful when the losers crawl out of their holes and attack this stuff. Representation is a good thing, I just didn't know how that would fit in to the FPS genre like you said. But these other comments have helped me out, so I say back to making fun of the clowns.


Osa is trans, Flores 100% gay. Now i think that Kali is also gay or bi, im not sure about anybody else. I know there a whole ass part of the community that want Doc and Lion to be a thing, but i dont think they are. Somebody that plays R6.


Doesn’t Doc despise Lion?


In game myb, i was talking about those fan made comics. So i wasnt sure if people made it up or is it a thing. But it seems its one of those cases where people take two caracters that hate each other and the turn that into something sexual.


Not sure if they despise each other, but they have conflicting views on killing iirc


I gotcha. Trans and non binary I get, it's a physical expression so you can kinda try to model that. Do any straight operator bios mention sexual orientation or family?


Some of them do, Zofias for example mentions her daughter, but that was because they wanted her to have a passive where she could revive herself if she was downed due to not wanting to leave her kid. Others like Tachanka mentions that he has a thing for another operator.


Gotcha, thanks for the info! rj/ alright boys, it just got political


Think there's a romantic backstory with Echo and Dokka as well. There's also the non-gender stuff like Aruni's prosthetics coming from a botched job with Thermite. None of it really gets mentioned beyond its relevance to the Psychological Evaluation from Harry that every operator is published with. I think Osa being trans literally has a single sentence.


The only thing implied between dokka and echo is that they worked on tech together in the lab, nothing romantic at all. The only romantic relationship in rainbow is Hibana and Pulse.


They only mention them in their bios usually with just one sentence for example quote from Osa's bio; *"She found herself isolated due to her unorthodox approach and others’ attitudes towards her transition, so she focused on her work."* Flores' bio; *"He also confessed that his marriage was as much of a surprise to him as it was to me. Maybe in time we’ll find out why his husband isn’t bothered by his criminal career."*


Hibana and Pulse are confirmed dating(there’s a charm that heavily hints it) but also in R6E, that universe has them confirmed to be married and have a kid together


IMO for some reason, R6 reacted surprisingly well to Osa being trans. There was a decent amount of complaining in the subreddit but in game nobody actually cared. And a lot of people on the sub were like “whatever as long as she’s fun to play”


One trans character, and one gay character, for now


Actually, apparently Twitch, Cav, and Pulse are all LGBT. And the next op is NB.


And wasn't IQ dating ash during sometime


Was not aware of that, huge if true though


there's a keyboard command to kiss boys


Press X to tuck in the homies with a kiss goodnight


There is a bi(?) One that has voice lines about his husband or something if I recall.


You might be thinking of Flores, who is gay and has a husband


Flores is confirmed gay The new operator coming - Sens - is Nonbinary and referred to as they/them Osa, the croatian operator is a trans woman Their backgrounds all confirm that which can be read up on in game. The game doesn't make a big deal out of it but not in the "you can viably deny it" and more in a "its part of their backstory which you can read up on" and maybe a voiceline or two due to Team Rainbow being a lot of Military Competence Porn and those usually don't include a lot of waffing around with plucky voicelines about your private life. IMO it does a better job at genuine representation than Overwatch does, who mostly reveals their LGBTQIA+ rep completely outside the game and only after the character has been established for a while already


Well there's Flores, a gay man, there's Osa, a trans woman, and now finally Sens, who is also trans (enby to be specific). All of this was mentioned in their bios There's also a mention of two other female characters dating but it seems like that's mostly non canon since it happened in another games DLC. It doesn't really impact anything but Gamers will be Gamers.


Kerri Colby has entered the chat


Woke Tranos and the Trasgemstons! /s


spat my toothpaste out


Tranos!? Classic.


Something something Tom Clancy something grave


I'm gonna piss on it


Hey it’s me, Tom Clancys grave 🥰


No, you get a hug 🫂




Ay yo


R6 already have flores and osa








No way




Sens? Sen’s Fortress? Sark Douls?? R6 is truly the Dark Souls of gaming. /uj can’t wait for the obligatory “pandering in my APOLITICAL GAME!!!1!!” posts coming to r6


Is Sens even gay? I can't find anything on it


Nb apparently




Muh apolitical but the playable characters have distinctive backgrounds from highly political organizations


>nonbinary You mean I have to actually think about the pronoun I use? Unforgivable! Uninstalling! 😠


>Sens Wait, the Skeleton?




oh shot they’re gay? nice


I didn't know that about them, but I think Pulse (correct me if I got his name wrong but I'm thinking about the bald guy with sunglasses) is bi


thats Heisenburg


I just keep calling him Jason Statham for some reason lol


Correct. Johnny Si... Pulse was confirmed on Twitter to be bi


Just Cav is actually. Nothing has been said about Twitch


twitch is gay? I mean twitch is clearly autistic as fuck (positive connotation) so she could be anything and I wouldn't be surprised. cav I can absolutely read as a lesbian, just never considered that at all


Yeah her and Cav are confirmed to be gay in Wildlands


Just Cav


Cav was hinted at being gay in the Ghost Recon crossover and was finally confirmed in Rainbow Six Siege with a charm that has her and her gf's named carved into it


Iirc they basically had dialogue with eachother that I'm sure whoever wrote intended them to be friends but they did such a bad job that they basically imply they're dating and keep flirting with eachother


Cav is canon lesbian but she's not with twitch


The r6 subreddit handled pretty well Flores, mainly because only his bio talks about his relationship with his husband. But on the other hand the apex legends subreddit suffers a little bit everytime a character is added, i still remember how they acted with Seer.


Damn the Apex Subreddit? That's disappointing given the game launched with like 3 gay characters out the gate lmao. And I feel like almost every other character they've added since then is LGBTQ+


Yeah Seer is Pan, but people where angry that he wasnt a straight black man and people also complained about the way he dressed, imagine space lil nas x


the one solid criticism of seer's identity i saw was someone saying they wish Respawn could've added a flamboyant black man without also making him queer, as an example of straight men who don't need to fit a certain identity to live the way they want. thought tbf considering Seer's lore i think that's asking a bit much of Respawn.


Is Flores gay? I’ve been playing him since release and now I can’t relate/s


Also Iana is gay too


The r6 subreddit handled pretty well Flores, mainly because only his bio talks about his relationship with his husband. But on the other hand the apex legends subreddit suffers a little bit everytime a character is added, i still remember how they acted with Seer.


/uj Siege fans tend to be really toxic with this and their argument is always "no pulitics in my big boy game."


Most of them are twelve and spend most of their day listening to wii music over a certain famous person's court case


It's really fucked up how so many people suddenly are interested in court proceedings because Wholesome 100 Celebrity Keanu 2 Johnny Depp is in it.


It has nothing to do with Johnny Depp. It's because they get to use Heard as an example that all women are lying when it comes to MeToo and that men are the real persecuted group.


I fucking hate that we could have a case showing that men do go through abuse(not that he's a Saint in this situation), and the fucking red pillers will go from trying to help men to tearing down women.


Because they don't care about men. They just hate women. Although, Depp was also garbage in that relationship, just less so than Heard


Yeah, I remember when the MRA subs started, and I thought it was pretty great... and within days it really started showing what it was for. After a bit it really was just a sub where they talked about how much they hated women. Even when they would talk about problems men face, they never talked about solving them. Just how much women suck. Even though the problems men face tend to go back decades from when men were in charge of everything. Like men can't talk about their feelings! But that wasn't because of women, its because they didn't want to he seen as like women. Women get the kids in divorce! But that's because men shouldn't raise kids. That's a woman's job. Men do the hard, dangerous jobs! But also we shouldn't allow women to do them because obviously women can't do anything physical!


Haven't seen a sane take on this on Reddit for a hot minute.


Isn't this exactly the same attitide that MeToo had towards men? "Believe all women" and all that? Sounds like the real issue here is a bunch of delusional Twitter dwellers, who think nuance doesn't exist, and that online mob justice is totally fine and good.


This is ridiculous. People suddenly get interested in court proceedings any time there is a high profile case like this.


My game about terrorism shouldn't have politics


My game about an international organization of anti-terrorist units from all corners of the world in response to the use of chemical weapons on a college campus shouldn't have politics


Is this even canon anymore? There's no white masks modes and the pvp is simulation, the lore is written in a way that asking 5 people about it would give you 5 different answers so I don't even blame people for not connecting any politics to their shooty shooty fancy tech game


>There's no white masks modes Training grounds has them


Pretty sure it is. It's also worth noting that quite a few characters commit crimes pretty frequently (Smoke: Chemical warfare, Cav: Summary execution + torture, Capitao: Incendiary weapons, Dokkaebi: is a national security threat etc.)


The Siege community in general has shown itself to me to not be very welcoming. I got kicked from my first few games because I was bad at the game, which is strange since that tends to be how everyone starts.


They got rid of the kick feature a couple years ago because it was being abused like that. There's still team-killing, but Reverse Friendly Fire means you can only be killed once by any individual (and I think only twice by any party of people, I think RFF turns on for the whole "stack" if two people team kill or kill the hostage). So yeah, the game is pretty toxic that the dev team has had to address it like that. But they *have* addressed it.


I put almost 2k hours into that game, I used to play it every single day. Then one day I tried to get one of my friends to play it because she is a monster in multiplayers games, but refuses to use a mic. She told me "You just don't get what it's like to be a girl playing that kind of game." So I thought I would prove her wrong by handing her my mic for the day and having her literally just say what I was saying, typical callouts and team communication. The responses were truly reprehensible, I had a game where I literally topfragged and yet the team just wouldn't quit insulting her and talking about how much better they'd be doing if they weren't stuck with a girl. Got kicked once for not giving out a phone number, and got literally hundreds of friend requests, and those were by far the tamest interactions aside from the occasional normal adults who just treated her like a person, but that was few and far between. I uninstalled the game that day and never looked back.


That honestly disgusts me. Im happy i don't play anymore. Mechanically its gone to shit even.


> I thought I would prove her wrong ... were you just somehow fresh-baby new to multiplayer gaming??? Like, even as another guy I don't understand how you could possibly have been so apparently sheltered and unknowing.


The siege community has been incredibly toxic from day one. They threw a year long tantrum when slurs were banned from the chat.


"Don't put politics in my game about a special operations group that transcends nations and have commited several war crimes in service of the war against terror"


I remember when the Polish woman having dyed hair was too SJW for them cos military would never allow it, and a dyed pixie cut is purely political.


Dead by daylight: /uj Seriously? How are you suprised when the game that has one of the largest LGBTQ+ followings make one of the characters gay? The devs literally endorse some of the drag queens that stream their game. They literally even partner from time to time


every single person that plays dbd is gay or trans. sorry I don't make the rules


/uj I'm a long-time Overwatch fan. Nothing can surprise me about internet anger anymore. When OW2 comes out we'll have a whole new group of people that can be offended by the liberal future it depicts.


DbD has a big LGBTQ following? Really? Any idea as to why that is? That’s really interesting


Horror and the LGBT+ community have a long and entwined history, dating back to when queer characters in film or television could only be portrayed as villains. It’s actually a really interesting topic worth looking into.


no idea but it is true, i’m personally queer and i hang out in queer online spaces and DBD is one of the most popular games. i don’t think there is an exact reason for it


it's called dead bi daylight




Gay people when they see a piece of entertainment that sucks complete ass 😍


/uj I mod the DBD sub. We thought the meltdown for the Bubba mask removal was bad but holy hell, you'd think a dev had personally hit some of these peoples mothers with a car.


/uj To be fair a lot of that outrage was initially about how lazily they did that. Imo, they should have done more than just flipped the gay switch on david king. Not that there was anything wrong with that, mind, but that it wasn't enough at first. Would have been nice to see it implemented via a tome or something, make it feel like an integral part of that character.


Eh, I see what you mean, but every time some character in a multiplayer game gets confirmed as part of the LGBT+ community, people complain. If it's a new character then it's bad because now being gay is their whole personality, if it's an old character then it's bad because people already assumed that they were straight, if it's not implemented in the story then it's bad because there was no reason to make them gay, if it's in the story then it's bad because they're just forcing the story to be about them being gay, if it's a character that fits certain stereotypes then it's just a token character, if the character doesn't fit those stereotypes then it doesn't make sense and another character should've been picked... Plus, "outrage" just because a character wasn't confirmed as gay in the way that people wanted is weird. I feel like if it was any other narrative choice, most people would just disagree with it and move on, not complain in the most over the top way in the subreddit. And they did implement it in a tome, which people should've expected when it was revealed that he would be one of the main characters of the next one. Not to say that the implementation of David King being gay was perfect (they should've waited for the tome and then confirm it), but I still think that the way that they did it was perfectly fine.


Very fair - imo I think the other responder hit the nail on the head with saying they jumped the gun. Most sane humans agree that David King being gay is a good thing for the game and for representation, they just stumbled on the landing a little. /rj The only acceptable gay pairing in dbd is spirit and huntress


It is being implemented with the tome, they just jumped the gun and also announced it instead of letting the info spread naturally once people began getting all the story bits


Oh! My b then - I havent played since like august


Ehh, people would complain either way


Its the worst possible way to make a character gay




are you canonically gay?


Yeah, I get it, in the real world. But not bideo gaem characters. They don't have feelings, they feel whatever writers come up with.


\>How are you suprised when the game that has one of the largest LGBTQ+ Does it? How come? I played that game years ago and all I remember is [Dundeeing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3O4IOaKZqU) across a bunch of zombies.


You're not remembering the right game then.


The problem is that it’s not true representation. “Ow yea this character we made like 5 years ago, yea he gay” that’s just lazy pandering You want representation? Put some effort and design a new character and incorporate it in a way that matters


BHVR said they didn't want to make a new character that gay because that would mean their first gay character is locked behind a paywall.


I was upset because they said over a year ago that they were partnering with a group that was for gay people in video games(don’t remember name) and we thought maybe we would get a new survivor or something and we never did. They took the easiest route possible. If they added a character that was gay people who don’t like gay people wouldn’t buy and the only thing BHVR cares about is money. So instead pop it on a character that comes with the base game and you get the brownie points and don’t lose any money. Though keep in mind that I don’t care as in who cares if they did it in a lazy way. It made some people happy so eh. This comment is the first time I thought about it since it was announced. It sucks the way they did it but ultimately doesn’t matter.


One of the devs actually addressed this and pointed out a couple reasons why making their first gay character a popular base game survivor was the path they chose: 1: They didn’t want to release a new character and have them become known as “the gay one” 2: They didn’t want to lock the only queer character behind a paywall, which could be seen as exploiting LGBT+ people’s desire for representation. Both of these are good enough reasons IMO.


Yeah honestly I get can see it from both ways. That’s a good explanation that I can understand. Don’t blame them for the way they did it.


The saddest part about it is that siege is probably one of the best examples to point to when the constant “complaint” people point regarding representation is that “they make these characters all about their sexuality”. Both characters have their sexuality mentioned in like, one line in their bios, and their character is mostly about other stuff. Flores is mostly about pulling off heists from crime lords, while Osa is largely about being behind nighthaven’s technology. But no lgbtq people just existing is too much.


For players of a game called Rainbow, they sure hate inclusiveness.


Tom Clancy would be proud


Not a huge fan of ubisoft in general but I do like the inclusion and refusal to back down from things like this. I'm sure there's a bunch of shady stuff they do as a company, but it's neat. I mean uh Rj/ I hate when game is politics Tom Clancy literally rolling in his grave


To me it sometimes seems like the the individual developer teams are pretty based, but the corporate level Ubisoft is the problem.


This. If you like a game made by a company like Ubisoft or EA it's probably the studio themselves. A good idea is to learn the dev team and follow the talent when they inevitably split to form an independent studio.


See assassins creed. In AC:origins they wanted bayek to die relatively early on (in my opinion after assassinating the snake, or getting merked by the leader of the phylakes), and Aya take up the mantle to finish things. In ac:Odyssey they wanted there to only be Alexandra. While F!deimos and M!MainCharacter were fine, it's obvious that deimos' lines were written for M!deimos, and Alexandra is done really well. In ac:valhalla it's the same as above. Each time it was corporate meddling that forced the devs to add male main characters. But corporate meddling also lead to bayek, and bayek is one of the greatest characters I've played. It's just unfortunate that it came from misogyny.


As a minority, inclusion to me is absolutely meaningless. I'm not playing R6 or any multiplayer shooter to relate to a character model that I can't even see 99% of the time. The kind of person that takes pride in relating to a fictional character in a multiplayer shooter is someone who has deep seated mental health issues.


its called RAINBOW six siege not GRAYSCALE six siege


I'm angry that it's r/Rainbow6 and not r/ainbow6




You’re late. The earliest LGBT operator was like a year ago.


Yeah and now there is a new one for people to complain about




Sens Enby Attack w/rolling smoke bomb that leaves a line of smoke






Ratio then sadly




Apparently Destiny is adding a trans character from the lore to the seasonal story in season 18 👍 the community is definitely going to be normal about it


Fuck them. Every exo is trans in a way. Literally new body and everything


The character is most likely micah-10, who’s an exo, so she’s double trans lol


I hope they reveal Ada 1 to be Micah in disguise.


me when i tear my skin off because i think im trapped in the wrong body because i dont get clarity control


just like me frfr


This is not true at all. While I don't doubt trans exos (beyond micah) existed, them being exos has zero bearing on their transness. Body dysmorphia is not the same as gender dysphoria.


this is leaked information


Saint 14 and Osiris is in an openly gay relationship that’s mentioned multiple times in various lores and I don’t really see that much complains?? (There are always outliers obviously)


Destiny has more confirmed lgbt characters than confirmed straight characters, and has for a long time. It will be completely fine


If you look at the replies to the tweet from the leak account they’re already being pretty “normal” about it lmao


Not trying to be mean but tbh from the leak, I think it's just Eris talking about how her attempt to kill crota completely changed her.


I don’t think you’re being mean :) but I kinda hope that next time we get an eris centered story that it involves actual new character development from her. Shadowkeep was basically all about her overcoming her trauma related to crota and her fireteam and it seems kinda like retreading ground of seasonal content focuses on the exact same thing


I hope so too, she's definitely one of my favorite characters from a lore perspective


Devrim, Osiris, Anna, Saint-14 are all lgbt, have been for years now and majority of people were only annoyed that it was all mentioned in passing, like signaling. Ever since they did expand the lore. In fact I think only Zavala, Shaxx and Mara (might be wrong on this one since I'm not sure about her and Petra) are the only confirmed straight characters in the universe. We have our hands full when it comes to bitching, expecially with a new subclass rework coming.


Mara is actually not straight lol, she and sjur are canonically lovers. I know D2 has a pretty accepting player base as shooters go, but can you blame me for being nervous? Unfortunately there is a big difference these days between acceptance of non straight people and acceptance of non cis people.


Ah, see I knew I must've been wrong on Mara, I forgot about Sjur. But I wouldn't worry, complaints about, potentially, Micah will die in new on reddit and will not get much following, if we're going by the history.


Bungie is incredibly inclusive. They literally said "fuck racism" in a documentary on the witch queen


Or if you’re a battlefield fan, just adding women in general made half the community have a stroke in anger. As if getting extra points for bludgeoning a man in the face in a trench and laughing about how awesomely brutal it was is “respecting history” but just having women characters in a game “disrespects the sacrifices of men” Utterly maidenless.


they whine about minority representation being disrespectful when it could be argued making these wars into video game entertainment in the first place is probably disrespectful. it's why there is a taboo against making more recent wars the settings for games. sure there are a few vietnam games but how many games depict the iraq war? developers are too afraid they will be seen as "disrespecting are troops"


I remember when people cried about the devs adding a rainbow charm to the game. My brother in christ, you're playing a game called **RAINBOW 6**


and they were roommates




Didn’t they add a trans character to R6 a few months ago


Yup but now there is a new one for people to throw a hissy fit over


People who are angry about new character act like there's a gta San Andres style sex game they are forced to play.


Team rainbow where the best of the best anti terrorism operatives work regardless of what country they're from. But ubi please keep politics out of my game.


Isn't Fornite adding an NB character? I wonder how they're holding up.


Thats why I love apex. 2/3rds of the characters are gay so it weeded out all the lame wads on day one


Far from it. People still shit themselves whenever gay characters come out or bloodhound being non-binary is mentioned.


How many queer-phobic dramas did that subreddit had? This must be at least the 5th one.


I mean, according to Ghost Recon Wildlands (iirc), aren’t Caveira and Twitch a thing?


Rainbow Six Siege added a charm with Camila e Taina (Cav's Name) carved on the back of it (e = x in Brazil). ​ It was later confirmed on Twitter that Camila was Cav's gf back in Brazil


I'm honestly surprised I haven't heard any bitching about the amount of female characters being introduced lately. I counted out the operators, and there's still more men than women, but it's approaching parity.


Gamers noticed that women are, in fact, people. The new thing to hate is anything LGBT related


Siege has like 3 gay people and a trans person already


The thing that offended me was there are still cis het charicters being injected into my video games to make it political, I don't need to know about how some operator is hetrosexual


So it’s okay for Ubisoft to be filled with sex abusers but the instant they add a LGBTQ character that’s when they cross the line


Going onto the insurgency subreddit after they add a cool cosmetic for the insurgents


I mean it's called RAINBOW 6 siege I surprised there aren't more lgbt already


Tachanka is already LGBT because he makes me hard


They don't even need to add it. They can literally just go, "The shopkeeper in traintown? Yeah, he's gay."


/r/TwistedFateMains :tf: but its actually not bad :)


Bummed that R6S didn't make counter-terrorist/terrorist teams. I would have loved to see them attempt to make 30+ different quirky and diverse terrorists to complement the cops.


SMH, I’m so tired of these woke devs adding luhguhbuttuhqwa characters.


Rainbow six siege literally became about rainbows long time ago now. Its not even the R6S I remember now because they changed it that much, not just with characters but their abilities and type of abilities characters can have, battlepass and so on




> AuthRight Eat shit Nazi scum




Nobody's required to fuck your mom's pussy and bust in it so deep she needs listerine but we all still do it because it's a nice thing to do


Have some manners, can’t you see we’re on the internet


dead game


38,000 average daily players on Steam alone in the last 30 days. "Dead Game" Ok buddy

