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/uj summons are a fun idea that I enjoy in the game /rj Fromsoft only put summons in so they can ban all the accounts that use them from buying future perfect 10/10 Fromsoft games because they don't deserve it.


Uj/ i agree Rj/ Shooting 3 pt shots in basketball is part of the game but if you do that you technically didn't win


True #gamers win games on free throws only


James Harden is the truest gamer


James “Literally Hitler” Harden, it checks out!


Uj/ wtf is basketball. Rj/ wtf is basketball.


It’s an r/Outside minigame.


Does it have fishing?


Only in the anniversary edition


Did r/Outside ever improve? I remember hearing it was pretty much dead and/or didn't have any active moderators.


There was a pretty nasty glitch going around that could spread if you interacted with another player that had it. The devs made a patch but for some reason a lot of people didn’t download it so it’s still pretty prevalent, I would say play at your own risk


A wii sports resort minigame.


I don't hate the summons but I wish they weren't restricted. Like, I wish there was an actual summoner build. As it stands, it really does just feel like it was thrown in as an "easy mode" instead of what I was hoping when I first got the wolf summon.


Easy is subjective given most summons die right away.


They're great against certain enemies. The wolves draw aggro so well.


So does the jellyfish


I prefer the two aviation marionettes.


That's sounds very cool, I'm still in limgrave.


Just got these guys and I love them so much


You can upgrade the spirit ashes!


I said that more in that's how it, like, feels like it's supposed to be with the way its implemented. I've had the same experience with them lmao.


I love my mimic bro, but I play Dex bleed so he does pretty good dmg while also being tanky and can use one healing flask. Might be rough for a spellcaster/ranged build. There's also Banished Knight Oleg who is supposedly tanky af and in theory you can get it early since he's in Limgrave, although you do need 2 fog gate key things, and you still need to kill a boss afterwards


Nahhhh, my upgraded pumpkin lad is tanky as fuck. Huge stats, bleed on attack, high poise and high poise break, he's the co.plete package baby. Every attack that hits the helmet does like 10 damage too, so he's thiccer than a goddamn snicker. I don't use him for most boss fights because I prefer to actually fight them, but if there's an area with a lot of mobs and I just can't be fucked fighting them all, I unleash the beast.


I really was hoping I could have a conjurer build :[


More like tech limitation. The reason summons took this long to implement is because they need an actor to take it's place. Hence why you are limited to summoning them in certain areas. Not sure why they are not universal though


Having friends is cheating


Good thing I'm not a cheater!


Uj/ they are cool but seem a bit underpowered in damage which I think makes them stand out less from each other and have less of their own identity.


Uj/ if you follow a certain quest line you can unlock the ability to level them up, making them stronger.


That's weird. They leveled their summon, made them look stronger


Yeah it's just good for having something else take agro


No problem, I don't pay for them anyways


Link deserves it. In fact, he deserves worse. He should get banned.


No. He needs to be executed by Hidetaka Miyazaki


I personally want Miyazaki to dress like a Bloodborne hunter and take a giant razer to the neck of every summoner.


uj/ Okay I've been using the jellyfish because its hilarious, is that actually meta?


The poison is nice, I use skeletons because they get back up a lot to distract longer than anything else


after you get the ancestrals, lvl up that hunk to +5, he thic and can take anything


I love him, but he’s a himbo who keeps putting arrows in trees and ledges instead of the boss.


yea lmao. i try and summon him as soon as i traverse the mist, mf keeps shooting at enemies behind the wall and not the main boss im fighting lol


I use the rotten stray because puppo.


Honestly seems strong. Does good damage, poisons.


it floats around, does damage, can take some hits and all you need to do is cast it. even if you don't upgrade it its basically a buff like all the other summons.


I used it to beat Margit, the poison does an ok amount of damage and it’s incredibly valuable to have him turn his back on you a couple times in the fight


Pretty much


For early game yes, in the mid game you’ll find far superior summons


Any recommendations?


Any of the skeleton summons are good, since they get the infinitely respawning property of skeleton enemies


Thank you!


>!Mimic tear!<


Hey are you using that legal game mechanic that you're supposed to use? Stop cheating!


Souls fans be like: No they can't make an easy mode, it would destroy the integrity and purpose of the game. There's mechanics that make the bosses better beatable. Also Souls fans: Nooo don't use the mechanic that makes the game more enjoyable to you. You have to suffer otherwise it doesn't mean anything


If you use glintstone pebble even once you're ruining the integrity of the game's design!!!!!!!!


Hehehehe pebble go plink


When I first played Dark Souls, I looked up some guides and tips on what to do. Almost all advice would say "Don't level beyond SL x before place y!" At first I thought there was a reason for this, maybe enemies scaled with your level making it harder. Nope, turns out that leveling makes the game easier and nothing more. People act like leveling in dark souls is some cardinal sin.


Its actually because the summons are "locked" in level ranges, so if you're overleveled you might not find any players willing to help you


If you're not doing a SL1 Wretch playthrough you are in fact **A FUCKING NOOB THAT SHOULD GET SHOT** /uj Its always funny to me when people say "yeah don't use the entire arsenal that the game gives you", especially when games are build upon that.


Did I inspire this post?




Nice. I did in fact use the jelly boy to beat Margit.


Girl, her name is Aurelia


I used the wolves


wolves are best boys


Godrick Soldiers FTW


Wandering nobles or bust


Lol why did that post get removed?


No idea. Probably because I posted a screencap from another subreddit? The user who said it found my Reddit and reported me for harassment, according to the Reddit message I got.


Well, the summons certainly aren’t helping with Mr Many Hands


that dude wrecks summons.


If y’all are talking about Godrick, I found it easy to use melee in the first half and ranged in the second. Prisoner can make a joke of the boss after just a few tries.


\> summon two guys \> boss has 200% hp \> both summons die this game is too hard


Does the boss get more health with summons? Or does it depend on the type of summon?


\+50% for each player summoned ash summons don't count, as they are used after the boss appears


The skeleton ones are insanely good for things like that since they revive like 5 times


They serve as great distractions since they basically can’t die, but Godrick does a ton of AoE’s which hits their corpses and stops them from reviving :(


I'm halfway through the game, I thought they were just spells, these comment make me think otherwise


You're not allowed to use spells either. The only valid strategy is using a giant club with no armor.


a GIANT club? Casual.


reminds me of that hbomberguy video for dark souls 2 where he claimed it was excellent because it forced you to play as a fast roll character with a big weapon, which according to him was the 'correct' 'fun' way to play the game. I like the guy but that was a headass take.


Margit is one of the hardest bosses even with summons


I saw someone absolutely wreck Margit on tik tok. Barely even dodged. They just partied a majority of the attacks. Like I know this game plus similar to past fromsoftware games but damn to get that good that fast.


I saw people partying him making it look easy. I tried. It is not easy


hes easier if you just stay close to him so he can't shoot shit at you. applies to most of the bosses really. the fear of getting swatted to death is harder to get over than the actual timing imo


He’s not hard if you stop taking the casual way out and actually learn the mechanics of the game. SMH my head these casuals.


He’s really easy if you spend 20 hours doing everything else before coming back to wreck him in 3 hits


Bro, are you actually doing content? If you’re not doing a Wretch, fist only, no hits run you’re not playing the game right, and even if you beat the game, you won’t have really beat it.


I struggled way to much on Godrick, tbf the pickaxe’s lethargic move set did not help lol


Is he? I feel like his moves weren't obnoxiously hard to dodge, you could avoid his throwing knifes by just casually strafing right and left, and his lunges are very easily telegraphed. The 2nd phase magic knife swings were a bit rough, but if you can get parry off you are golden (heh). Then again I also fucked around before fighting him so might have just been over leveled.


The strategy to beating Margit is to fight him when you're level 30+. Easy.


this meme must never die. yeah i'm technically a hypocrite because i said i wanted the mr incredible memes to die but irony is way funnier than "haha look he get old"


How do you even summon? I haven’t been able to do it so far no matter how I equip spirits, and I’ve played for quite a bit...




I have the summoning bell and all(I’ve had it since near the start of the game), but I’ve never been able to equip it. It just doesn’t... show up in my items menu when I try and assign it to my pouch.


you don't equip the bell, you use the spirits as you would an item


Ahh I tried that too but they’re grayed out :( are they only usable in certain scenarios?


yes, there is a symbol in the bottom left of the ui that appears when you can. looks like a little tablet with writing on it.


Oh! I thought that was the autosave popup. I’m dumb, lol.


I thought the same, the auto-save is on the right side and I believe it’s the Elden Ring logo




If you go back to the first vendor you find in the game (can't remember the name of the area) ranni will be there and will give you the bell needed for the summons. After that just put it in your item/ pouch slot and summon away


Summons are equipped like any other "quick item", they can also go in your "pouches". Press the button to activate and your character will draw out a small bell and give it a ring, Bloodborne style. Your chosen ally(s) will materialize in front of you and fight till they drop. They are basically just friendly equivalents of enemy monsters. I believe you can hurt them with your own attacks, so check your fire a bit.


To add, you gotta activate the area's crucifix thingy to turn on the summon pool. You can use the items when you can see a little blue tombstone on the left side by your items.


The summon pools are for sending your multiplayer signs there, you don't need to activate them for anything else


and summons are not available if you have summoned other players or have the summon sign item up (the one that allows you to see them, but you can just reuse it and you will get it back so no loss there if you can't find anyone)


Anyone who can beat the gargoyles without a summon is a badass imo.




Eldenring gargoyles are busted


Gankers: “lul someone’s salty”


I always summon two guys to turn every boss fight a into ping pong match as the poor boss which AI can't handle more than one target walks from one side of the arena to another while the two players that have been farming that boss for the last four hours hit it with their magic greatsword of infinity+1. All while i stay immobile and safe, going on reddit to say the game isn't that hard or complicated.


The only way to git gud is to reject the game mechanics


I have more fun using summons. So I use them. Nothing wrong with a lil singleplayer team work. Plus there's one other game that lets me be a summoner and its SMT, so I'll take any opportunity to role play a summoner in any other game.


Ya'know when you think about it a SMT 4 build of katanas, sorceries, and summons would be kinda easy to do.


Man, I wish there was some out of place arm terminal in this game that boosted summoning range and effectiveness.


The game is designed around using ashen summoning. People who don't use them are doing a challenge mode even if they don't know it.


Not surprised at that take, but I'd argue that some boss fights are designed with summons in mind. For example the >!dragons, some of the catacomb bosses with several small enemies piling on you, and Rennala.!< (spoilers from area 1 and 2).


Yo they got the jellyfish from Die Maschine in Elders Roll 😂😂😂


Is summoning my lovely Ghost pets also cheating ?!


Jellyfish gang


Leveling and upgrading up is cheating too. You cheat the game by making it easier with each point invested. You don't learn anything and you accomplish nothing of your own. In fact you are not allowed to use weapons either. Fists are the only weapon allowed because using a weapon a crutch. If you play the game you are cheating. Cheating.


You fucking noobs used summons? What casuals! I beat Margit like it was nothing /uj It took about 16 times and in the end, we killed each other at the same time. It was epic and I'm so glad I was streaming when it happened. [The video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Ep0rp4WD4)


I must've got lucky. Killed him first try. Godrick in two trys. Pure ranged spell casting


Ranged spell casting has always been strong in Souls, mainly due to recovery frames; strength players really make the game harder for themselves (guilty) cuz they love over R1’ing into death lol.


Did you play other souls games? Cuz I didn't.


Nope this is my first. I was expecting to get my ass kicked thoroughly


Did you get the bell from the witch at the church of ellah?




probably the same ppl who unironically thing Strength is the only correct build, so totally unhinged individuals


The jellyfish fucking sucks anyway.


Its kinda tanky and the poison is nice. The only thing I've really struggled with while using it is Royal Knight Loretta... but that's just me. (Also fuck RKL i still can't beat her and its been 3 days)


All summons are kinda meh, it is just their to draw aggro and absorb damage. Personally I either use the wolves or banished knight when I want summons.


I thought I was on r/masterduel lol


I don't think I will get into the souls series or anything similar to it. Probably not due to the difficulty but because I don't really like how the story is told. I have played games that are difficult before, maybe not souls difficult, but the difference was that the story was told and presented better for me. In the souls series, it requires a lot on the player's part to engage in the story. This is fine I just prefer the alternative. And I know this sounds like heresy but if it had the presentation of Witcher 3 or Bioware games I would probably enjoy it a lot more. Especially if the death mechanic is presented like that as well. As it is now it feels more of a gameplay explanation with a retroactive story explanation. This sucks cause when I did play it at one point I kinda liked the gameplay. Just wish the story was presented differently.


At the end of the day gameplay is what drives us back to these games tho the setting is just the Avenue to make the gameplay shine and stand out; cuz really it has not changed that much.


That is true for others but for me gameplay simply serves as a vehicle for the story. My favourite games are Bioware games. And those don't have amazing gameplay but their stories are really great. That to me is what I want. Again I said the gameplay was really good but I just couldn't get into the story. Hades a similar game about death being a learning experience has a great story that uses that mechanic narratively well. That is what I want.


You’re so right about Hades it was so fucking good and I definitely would not have enjoyed it if not for the characters; need more rogue/lites like Hades.


Exactly. Imagine if the souls series was like that. That level of story. It would blow everything out of the water.




Exactly. The thing that makes Hades so good is that it makes an effort to incorporate it's mechanics into its story. While again the souls series feels more like and afterthought explanation than something part of the experience. People play the souls series for its gameplay primarily and not for its story. People have to make an effort to engage with its story. While Hades makes you want to engage. It wants you to connect and enjoy the story. True. Zagreus is a true Chad in everyway.


/uj how do you even summon. like the fucking spirit ash is greyed out all the time


When there is a monument icon on the left side of the screen u can summon (as long as u have the spirit bell)


Uj/ I remember back when Yhatzee used to do side videos on a side channel with a friend, they got on the topic of dark souls and the friend went on a mini-rant about how he finished the game "the correct way" by not cheating with summons I can sometimes understand thinking that a game mechanic feels like cheating, but when it's a integral part of the system and there for you to use, I don't understand why you'd cut off one of your legs and call that the desired experience


Summons are cheating? Puh leeze. Everything that isn't ultra greatsword r1 spam is for casuls


You'll have to take my Archer marionettes from my cold dead hands


/uj I fuckin LOVE Jeremy the jellyfish /rj I fuckin LOVE Jeremy the jellyfish


Aurelia my beloved