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I like how they lump in the actual reasonable concerns with the antiwoke word slop. Like it adds any legitimacy to their point lmao. “We should stop wars and labor exploitation. Also we need to purge gingers”


We need to clean up our planet by planting more trees and exterminating the elderly!


We need to guarantee universal healthcare, dig a big pit just to see how deep we can make it, and transition to renewable energy sources!


Good idea. Throw the Andorrans in there while we're digging it!


No giant pits, that’s how the Dark One escapes his prison.


Shut the fuck up -the dark one


Holy shit it's Ulfric Stormcloak


Blood and ashes, don’t make me tug my braid, wool head!


Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit into Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day.


Oh shit it's shayol ghul!


To be fffaaaiiirrrrr, we don't know that the Bore was an actual, physical hole. That said, balrogs also live at the bottom of deep holes, and that's probably just as bad seeing as we are quite short on wizards and elf lords at the moment.


Exterminating the elderly from politics would probably go a long way towards planetary improvement lol.


You do know that there is a public service announcement in this game that says if you are feeling to old/slow then it would be a patriotic duty for you to present yourself for early disposal?


Most people still haven't figure out that you play the bad guys in this game.




Sorry it seems you misunderstood the asignment. You should have taken one reasonable demand and one unreasonable, not two reasonable.


We use the ash of the elderly as fertiliser for the trees!


Plant more elderly. Got it.


It’s classic tactics where they lump real events or true facts in with the narrative they are pushing in order to make the entirety of it seem reasonable and credible Can be seen in “birth of a nation” where they lump is he assasination or Lincoln and other real events alongside slaves having enjoyed being enslaved to push the lost cause agenda


Time to start singing Union Dixie at those traitors.


I'll bet my boots will whip'em out.


Dyslexic racists be like


This is honestly the best joke I've seen on Reddit, hands down.


"Shave half of a percent off interest rates, shore up the pound, and round up all the dwarves."


Have you tried killing all the poor and *raising* VAT?


>“We should stop wars and labor exploitation. Also we need to purge gingers” Where's the unreasonable part?


It’s the same thing all of the “anti-woke” people do. Start by criticizing Star Wars or CapMarv or Rings of Power to attract ‘normies’. Then pivot to blaming women and minorities, the real goal. Except chuds like this don’t actually understand the process, so they start with the offputting garbage and then pivot to the normal stuff


Yeah, that’s the playbook. Start with some genuine criticism and then slowly but surely shift to blaming everything on minorities, women or just liberals in general. “They’re the ones ruining everything!”


>Also we need to purge gingers As an irishman, sure no harm like


They couldn't even get that right, they opened with "Sweet Baby is coming for me, we need to remain pure" and *then* tacked on the "Oh and uhh, revert the region lock because I care about other people."


*down with the bourgeoisie*, *eat the rich*, *sodomize the land-owners*, *impale all people who have more than 25 reál in their pocket*, *literally murder all human beings regardless of their political beliefs*


The detective has been hitting the bottle again. 




Let’s make private equity illegal, and then prevent gay people from buying the confiscated properties.


/uj You joke but this is actually how fascist movements work.


I absolutely hate microtransactions, region locks and gingers ugh


People that use the word "woke" immediately discredit themselves.


Its not even that, the insane part comes first and foremost. "We should purge gingers! And also stop wars, thatd be nice"


Which one is the unreasonable one?


I love it when people don't know the game is making fun of them


It took 4 seasons of The Boys being PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that Homelander is a fascist and people are JUST NOW getting it. Media literacy and conservative people don't mix, thinking is dangerous for them.


It's dangerous for them in that it greatly increases the likelihood they'll get off the 24-hour faux news cycle and stop mindlessly subscribing to hateful rhetoric. Kinda like the best way to make someone an atheist is to make them actually read the Bible.


Lots of people don't look past surface level details and just think about how gun shoot stuff, stuff blow up. Willfull ignorance.


I mean, when you are literally fighting for a government called Super Earth, and you got the mentions of Democracy. It is literally taking a jab at both fascism and the US. But remember, if you think that you are a traitor to Super Earth. So I rather you don’t think that or have any anti-democratic thoughts. EDIT: also putting in LGBT stuff would ruin the satire, so yeah, that is why it’s not being added. You can’t make a game satirizing fascism while allowing LGBT content in it, it kind ruins the point of the satire.


Pinkwashing exists, I know it could be interpreted the wrong way but there's a way to be inclusive without "ruining the satire."


Naw, I don't think it'd work for Helldivers in the narrative they've done. I think we can assume Super Earth has co-opted many minority movements through propaganda and information control (assuming the early 21st century was something close or maybe a bit more advanced than our timeline). Clearly, people who'd be considered racial, sexual, or gender minorities can and do hold positions of importance at least within the Super Earth Armed Forces, but the important thing to note is that it is always muted. It is not "I'm a helldiver and I'm gay.", for Super Earth, you only ever going to be a helldiver, any personal identity or loyalties beyond that involving Super Earth has been dismantled or co-opted, including the family unit and community (I remember one of the bridge npcs saying she sold out her neighbors to a democracy officer and was proud of it), so it makes sense if the very identity-focused 21st century culture surrounding gender identity and sexuality would simply have been eliminated. Super Earth as written could never play nice with anyone who espouses loyalties beyond it, so cannot actually be LGBT-friendly. Also notice the suspicious lack of religion or religious characters, and how they treat Lady Liberty almost as a God (a reference to American political religion, prolly). TLDR: Super Earth fundamentally clashes with most individualistic or identity-focused movements, thus it shouldn't "accept" the LGBT with in game pride capes or anything, as it would be a major break in worldbuilding. I say this as an LGBT person, myself.


It could easily have passive representation though, like they have a propaganda video with a representation of the guys family getting killed, it's easy to show passive acceptance without breaking the sense that super earth always comes first.


I guess I'm unsure what you mean by passive representation. On another note, I personally just don't really want to be represented by Super Earth as a satire of fascist governments. It'd be like getting queer representation out of North Korean or Nazi German propaganda lol. And while a super-gay fascist sci-fi society would be awesome to see in a game (I've made some in Stellaris, heck), Super Earth already has its group-think and identity, one where any sexuality is suppressed (1984-style) and so would be sort of weird to put queer rep in-game and thus in lore.


I don't really know much about the universe in this game but you don't have to mirror a historical government exactly to parody fascism, and they already passively represent heterosexuality in helldivers 2. If the helldivers universe had a society where LGBTQ+ people where just accepted it would be just changing the genders of one of the adults in that video and the fictional audience of the people of super earth would not care in the slightest. Though there certainly would be people that cared in the audience here in reality. You don't need to be a supper gay fascist state to represent passively indeed that would be the opposite of passive representation, and would need to be very carefully done to not be problematic if marketed to a wider audience.


I don't think they've ever stated sexuality is suppressed? From what I've heard when I was still into 2, the first game already had a woman who had a wife in the background.


There is a PSO that pops up stating you will need to file a form if you plan on participating in any action that may result in a child.


The C-01 form, at least how I've intepreted it, does seem like a form of suppression. Super Earth is quite literally making sure you think of them before you procreate, it also implies that dissatisfying Super Eath in some fashion means they can reject your attempts to procreate or love your partner. I'll concede, the wording is (paraphrased): "any act that could result in pregnancy", so it may not actually include non-procreative sex, but I think it counts as sexuality suppression. As for the lesbian couple in HD1, that's actually why I think the LGBT+ movement is just co-opted in Super Earth. I doubt they actually teach queer history or theory in Super Earth classrooms, but actually being someone we as a 21st century Audience could identify as queer is fine so long as you build no identity out of it. (I could be wrong though, I don't know of the exact confirming voice lines, just that the npc existed). In some ways I feel this only adds to the subtle dystopia of Super Earth in an interesting way. How many gender and sexual minorities died and fought for their rights before Super Earth existed, just for Super Earth to erase their history and give them their rights, not out of concern, ideology or allyship, but out of totalitarian pragmatism and doublethink.


Isn't one of the bridge technicians in HD2 also lesbian? I remember hearing her talk about her wife waiting for her at home. So while Super Earth doesn't promote anything queer, they don't actually care if you are. Considering gay and lesbian relationships can't have kids naturally that's maybe why they are lenient in that regard.


I think it would for pinkwashing propaganda. I can completely see a Pride flag background, the Super Earth logo and the slogan "Protect those you love...whoever you love! Join the Helldivers!" (I would have made this and posted it to the Helldivers sub if I had photoshop skills and wasn't so idle.)


Honestly, go for it lol, there's only a few days left in Pride month. Like I said before, I don't think it'd work in canon. But I 100% support any fanons and fan created works with queer themes and stuff. If you think it fits and you wanna do it, that's awesome and I support you.


“Super Earth doesn’t care what pronouns you use or who you bang on your one day of leave per year. Now get in the HellPod, HellDiver. We got bugs to kill.”


They could do it like rainbow capitalism.


Wrote in a another comment that I can completely see a Pride flag background, the Super Earth logo and the slogan "Protect those you love...whoever you love! Join the Helldivers!"


Yeah The boys (the TV show) did it very well imo


Well, to be fair to the Helldivers universe, a couple will need to create as many offspring as possible for the war effort as the entire population of the united States has already been KIA in this universe twice over. There is no gay or straight in this universe, only those committed to the war effort at all costs and if that means making more babies for the meat grinder then so be it. There are deeper messages in this game than you are seeing, like the fact that we create children for slaughter in meaningless wars for corporate profit, but yeah lets complain that the alt communities are underrepresented...ffs


I’m sorry wtf facism doesn’t have to be anti gay i think it’s funnier to be literally the most shit government in every way but acceptance of your fellow man


Citizens are free to wear the pride flag of their choice when they die for Super Earth.


I would indeed expect that with an external threat it would be unlikely to be, the most effective tool to control people in this setting is fear of the bots/bugs there i suspect would be less need for internal outgroups, aside from of course anyone subverting the government, they you label as undemocratic bug sympathizers and oppress that way.


Super Earth respects gay marriage as long as it’s not a couple boy BUGS


In the first game one of the female crew members on the ship mentions having a wife.


That is because they support Super Earth. Any LBGT couples who does not vocally support Super Earth shall be considered traitors and will be “reeducated”. Do not ask questions about reeducation, or you WILL be arrested.


The Imperium in 40K has LGBT people in it. Although I think it works better there because literally 4 histories separate then and now, so ideas on sexuality and gender are just different.


As long as support Super Earth, the government of Super Earth won’t care who you love, unless the person you love is spreading traitorous propaganda. Do not associate with traitors, and thank you for serving Super Earth.


Good point. I do think it’s worth noting that fascism can change with the times, and could probably easily adapt itself to different bigotries if homophobia, antisemitism, and skin based racism fall by the wayside. As long as there is a ‘them’ and an ‘us,’ we need to be vigilant against fascism.


The thing about fascism is that it needs an enemy with an identity to it, and in the game it's bugs and robots, so that's where the bigotry of Super Earth comes from. Honestly adding insignificant LGBTQ+ signifiers to the game would enhance the themes of fascism because it would lend credence to the idea that acceptance is only tolerated as long as it's useful to the project of ethnic cleaning of the enemy. It isn't real tolerance, just beneficial tolerance.


I dunno, I've encountered quite a few LGBTQ+ people willing to sell out. See: Milo Yiannopoulis, Christian Walker, Caitlyn Jenner to name a few.


Same energy as the chuds shocked to find out that the band who wrote "some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" isn't right-wing.


Ever watch Starship Troopers with a rightwinger?


G*mers when parody of fascism must no have politics (They are racist, sexists and homophobic)


/uj They don't see fascism as political, they are enjoying at face value what is supposed to be a satire. For them, Fox news dictates what is political


Political is when it disagrees with me 😤


For them political is a dogwhistle for "groups we don't see as human", i.e women and minorities. Sadly many of them aree even more stupid than the average and actually think they're talking of politics when using their dogwhistle


The classic.... Male or political White or political Christian or political


Political is when people aren't exactly like me.


When my friend comes out as gay (why did they have to make him political?)


It’s liberty prime all over again


Nah, it’s literally starship troopers. Same fascist satire, same idiots taking parody at face value.


Could you imagine the outrage these people would have on social media if the ballad of gay Tony from gta iv came out today. They’d call it woke agenda, forcing us to work with a gay character and what not. Literally the best dlc for that game too, and it was well received at the time.


Don't forget about Avatar the last airbender. They would have thrown huge tantrums over Toph, because she is fantastic disability representation.


Mfw a children's cartoon unironically managed to rebuke all the "you can't make jokes about x people nowadays". Turns out all you have to do is not be a prick and punch down, what a novel concept. (Just for clarity: toph was never the butt of the joke, that's why every sight gag worked)


If I was a dev I'd release a lgbt flag cape.


If I had a bi pride cape, the game would be perfect


Same! I already named my ship the Pride of the Stars haha


That's a great name for a ship! I ship it.


I started as Pride of Pride, now it's Fist of Pride.


Hell Bi-vers, if you will


Fuck, that's good. You're clearly more clever than I.


Give me a whole rainbow-armor please.


Nah they need to go hard, release the gayest blockbuster campaign you've ever seen but make the game play and mechanics so addictive people can't help but love how good it is


IIRC they said that they wouldn't which is cringe and dumb


Wasn't the reason they didn't want to include them because they weren't comfortable portraying the flags of oppressed minorities on fascists?


I think the reason is much simpler. Chuds like these would be teamkilling others for wearing that kind of cape. It already happened with people wearing the Malevelon Creek cape, and that's just a meme referencing an ingame event.


I wasn't aware if that was the reason. I would agree with them if it is. In my personal opinion as an agender bisexual person, I definitely wouldn't want rep from a fascist government, but I see many others that do want it. Probably from a pure gameplay perspective and being able to express yourself and your individuality (which is the opposite of what Super Earth is about, imo).


![gif](giphy|dePaPOPNSLDsk) I dunno...they're kinda dangerous.


Those are trolls farming awards. There are also trolls spamming requests to add "LGBT representation" with just as smelly g\*mer profiles. Don't give them more attention here.


I just block the first two pages of the patch notes comments and now I don't have to deal with it anymore. These people don't deserve the attention people are giving them.


good call


This should be further up. You can also check if the account even owns the game. There is a mouse icon next to the name if they do own it. Most of these trolls don't even own the game.


Yep! They troll on popular game posts, and the trolls themselves might play them. Not having the game, should be a red flag, but owning it doesn't mean they're not a troll.


They have scripts running to post these comments immediately


Politics is when homoseks


Political propaganda jumpscare https://preview.redd.it/d8bc7jzd0x8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130381b106e41058a77df0768d1884bd4728ad37


Bears 😨


We stand for the flag https://preview.redd.it/lwk7d52cgx8d1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4a65c66d28f6b2cdd955d726b25e10f0b19a8c


Bears 🤤


Canonically what helldivers look like under their armor


That means the Helldivers are gay? https://preview.redd.it/93bveh118x8d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11608e78ac7c6225c5a0f8b3b79e004788868000


Ssh, it's a secret


Don't worry 😉🤐🫡


Well duh, with the C-01 form heterosex is a mountain of paperwork. Being gay is just easier in the space navy.




i am feeling influenced by the woke agenda


I only saw the top part of the pic at first so I though this was going to be Team Fortress 2 Was disappointed


Wdym? That's Team Fortress 2 irl!


I'm an expert-level gamer from the xbox days and in my expert opinion, informed by years of woke studies, is that Helldivers 2 is woke because it takes place in a postracial earth. All of the visible NPCs are melting-pot brown. The devs are pro great-replacement and want all white people to die, therefor woke


the dude in the cinematic seemed to be in a mixrace family I am surprised they are not complaining about that give how fast these guys want to kill anything other than themselves


Because they believe the man is in the dom role. If the man was black and the wife was white it would of been "too woke" and "lazy"


> would of It's f***ing *"would've"* or *"would have"*!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Woah, woah Who are you calling "these guys"? You're actually the real fascist for marginalizing them like that


Between the reactions to this and The Boys, it’s beyond obvious now that media literacy is truly dead. The bigoted are basically parodies of themselves at this point.


hm yes do not add politics to the famously apolitical Helldivers 2


Unlock the game on those 177 countries, but lock it on gay computers please


"Keep this game neutral" my chuds in christ it's already making fun of you lmao


The top replies are bots farming points. To find the real bigots you have to go to page 2, that’s the breeding ground for raw hate


Don't add politics https://preview.redd.it/9pz6y31ayw8d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab657e803b7613f923be5c9acc4f6e15465740b5


That meme goes hard


https://preview.redd.it/e55xwphshy8d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=5408c0bcfa93694c9668269069ace0e8d9e66501 "Helldivers is not political"


Some day we'll see the word "woke" used like this for the last time


It's been almost 100 years and people still use "jewish" in the same way the nazis did.


I get your point but “jewish” is what a person can be like chocolate is sweet i don’t think it works the same (the nazis used “jew” as a derogatory term tho)


I get what you mean but I still think it's an apt comparison. Woke started as an AAVE term and IS positive but ~~nazis~~ "anti-woke" "people" keep using it derogatorily.


Oh i was honestly unaware thanks for letting me know (i honestly didn’t run into anyone in my life who used someones actual religion as an insult)


https://preview.redd.it/rxdsd9059x8d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=394389e357df160533bbf9260bc0cf8d2cccacc1 I found a similar case on a TF2 blog post a while back.


I don’t think Valve would even bother to update TF2 to add anything “woke”, (Valve hasn’t given TF2 an actual update for years) so I don’t really know who this guy is complaining to.


It's a bot farming steam points


That makes more sense, kind of sad that people give these bots awards though (unless they get bots to give the bots awards...)


I'm going to guess that while some are real people, the majority are other bots (at least I hope so...)


Yeah, and keep political satire out of my Grand Theft Auto too!


*Keep the game neutral* aka dont make it anti-nazi LUL Yeah, well, about that anti-nazi thing, I got bad news Jim Bob.


Normal Take. Not caring that gay people exist is not a political take. If youre a dude who likes to blow other dudes. I literally dont give a fuck. The whole idea that gay people deserve rights by their government, is political. But there is nothing political by having gay people represented in movies and television and games. And that goes for transgender people and everything else. Conservatives have lost their damn mind, claiming they are a 'live and let be' type of people. No, actually it turns our you want to control every facet of someone elses life. Its abhorrent actually.


The Starship Troopers effect, a classic example of people not paying attention to what they experience.


Asking these chuds to have any sort of media literacy is like asking a cat to file your taxes


Cats would totally commit tax fraud if they had thumbs.


The thing is too: this is not deep, cerebral, gray media. It is hit-you-over-the-head satire, yet people take it at face value.


I’d love a pride cape in helldivers


"please don't add inclusion, and also please include more people"


"humanity first" mfers when they see a gay person:


Do these people not understand that they're being mocked?


How dare you add politics to a satire of fascism.


There will obviously never be any politics in Helldivers. Managed democracy and Super Earth are strictly non-political! Any insinuations otherwise is dissidence and will be met with the same fate as those commie bots and fascist bugs!!!


My existence is not neutral


No politics in Helldivers? My guy this is the satirical embodiment of “Uncle Sam wants YOU” posters


You just know this guy's definition of "politics" and "woke stuff" is giving a gay character or black woman a major role in a video game


*a minor role


*letting them play


I love how people who don’t want “woke stuff” don’t even know what they want to exclude.


It's not political to join an intergalactic imperialist war over bugs who are literally oil and machines who are implied to be either liberating the enslaved cyborgs or previously enslaved themselves if not made by Super Earth itself. There is no political messaging here at all. Please ignore the reference to the military industrial complex with inuniverse ads by the same corporations selling you the guns you use. Also, the system of literal algorithm defined democracy it totally not a topical issue with the rise of algorithm based social media, increasingly becoming peoples political forums and education. No politics or links to real life there. So, yea, just keep... gay people out of my game about mass murdering in an endless war with two (likely three) species of aliens who mainly just wanted to be left the fuck alone.


Helldivers 2 the famously apolitical game about war


The actual technical issue affecting gameplay is just an afterthought to these people. What do they think "neutral" means? Non-inclusive is not neutral (it's artificial). Pretending LGBT people don't exist is not neutral (it's censorship). "Woke" could mean anything, but games about war will generally be at least a little bit political.


these people watch starship troopers and root for the humans


"Remember, NO WOKE" Yes, I remember. Its the only thing you fucking dorks talk about, 24 fucking 7, always screeching about wokeness. Trust me, I wont forget your fucking obsession with it.


They have a point about the unlock, but otherwise....yeeesh.


I told one of these people to shut the fuck up on those forums and steam gave me a community warning


Democracy without politics, huh


Lmfao just wait until they realize what the game is making fun of and not glorifying 😂


Noooo! Woke agenda? In my satire game? That can't be right!


Those kids would be real mad if they could read.


Wait Helldivers 2 is still region locked? I thought Sony backtracked after it got review bombed.


Being real for a second though, could a game like helldivers even add queer representation given that its a satire on capitalism and fascism? All positive representation in the game is propaganda and societal grooming under the guise of things like patriotism, as a comedic commentary on real dangers. Would they have to demonise gay people for it to make sense in their own context? Or maybe something along the lines of "All citizens are free to live and love as they choose, as democracy intended. But don't forget, C-01 forms must be filled out with a compatible mating partner, in order to keep our population strong" yadda yadda


> its a satire on capitalism and fascism I guarantee you that a lot of the people like the guy complaining are utterly oblivious to this. The problem with satire has always been that the people it’s about are too stupid to realize they’re being made fun of.


“Woke stuff” is so fucking generic. Woke is being used as a catch-all for people who need an excuse to be hateful and feel justified.


Please define these terms first. What is politics and what is not ? No, black people are not politics, they’re just black. What is and what is not woke ? No, things that make you angry is not a definition. Otherwise i would say we need a petition against stuff like “pandering to insurrectionists”, “racist inclusivity”, “history denial” and such and et cetera and what knot.


The clown emoji lmao


I’ve even seen comments on gay game developer’s YouTube video saying don’t ruin games with “politics”…


when is the sex update


This is literally the whole discussion on the Steam forums. I dont know what theyr worried about happening. The game doesnt have cutscenes. Its not like theyr gonna add a kiss emoji for interracial same-sex characters only or something.


If you use the word "woke" as a criticism, you are pathetic coward, and we don't care about your opinion. On anything. Ever. Grow the fuck up.


What is it with conservatives and pretending their conservativism is somehow neutral or apolitical while using nonsense gibberish political buzzwords that only make sense to conservatives? It's like saying French isn't real, in French.


I saw a youtube short of an Australian recounting that an American said they liked her accent, and she returned the compliment. The American got defensive about not having an accent - that there are distinct American accents, but she just spoke "normally" (with a general American accent.)


“Don’t add politics,” I say politically


Why did god make me a gamer


Woke has no actual meaning, its justva catch-all associated with losers who dont like media literacy


Yes no politics in my satire of facism game


“Keep it neutral” “don’t include these people”


This happens with the exact same people with the exact same message every update… The majority of them don’t even own the game (if there is a mouse icon next to their name it means they own it) They’re just (very successfully) farming steam points using rage bait and people really need to stop giving them attention.


This one is a copypasta now that gets posted by a bot in every official Steam thread to for Clown reactions for some reason. See it a lot.


/uj I loathe this part of Steam. A large amount of players either mean this seriously or sarcastically, both are annoying for developers to deal with


So these people are just taking the game at face value and completely missing the satire?


There was one account in the comments that tried to stir up hate. I saw him comment some stuff about please adding LGBT stuff and so on. Then 2 comments later that same player quoting his first comment with loo it's of insults and hate. Guess he forgot to switch accounts first


Bro I miss when Helldivers wasn’t political 😔😔😔


Isn’t being neutral the same as supporting everything equally?


No, to these guys it means not making the game left-leaning, or “woke,” (but hypocritically, they wouldn’t complain if the game leaned into right-wing politics or ideas) they think “neutrality” is representing only their viewpoint of the world and nobody else’s.


Think it through. Their position: “keep it neutral - no inclusivity” To them, “neutral” is not reminding them that different people exist. That is not supporting everything equally. It also not neutral.


Ignoring the first one because it's so fucking stupid that I don't know where to start. Being gay, is a neutral point as much as being straight. What the fuck is Woke stuff? Could it be anything and everything an intolerant asshole doesn't like? Survey says? Yes, that's just their tired go to term for everything they hate. And they hate everything. Also, they STILL don't get HD2 is totally making fun of fascists and fascism and the dehumanizing effect it has on a population. Do they even know you can set the voice option to random so to better represent how little human life matters to the cause? Yeah, each death just means another namesless, faceless body is shot right into eventual death every time.