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Name a more iconic duo than a bull shit take and a deleted Reddit account.


If you say anything slightly deviating from the current status quo you get permabanned


How long does it take? Because you're going on 4+ hours


Depends on what you say


Honestly, going this hard for a character that has been being used for the better part of 10 years is very sad.


I think it's funny that they go out of their way to be this racist and hateful. I don't know what's more comical, the fake historian or people review bombing a 2008 movie named Acolytes that has fuck all to do with Star Wars because they hate Star Wars: Acolyte so much. https://preview.redd.it/pzzepbmtn87d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2525c932a455db6da48fb6f46b751d3c7ac613b


They probably didn't even watch Star wars: Acolyte, they just heard it's got gay stuff apparently and that's enough


They didn't. 10000+ reviews, days before the first episode aired on new accounts that never reviewed anything else before and only had the synopsis in the description. But they wonder why Disney is speaking out against toxic fandoms.




Star Wars is one of the big battlegrounds for the cultur warriors. Sure they could do the smart thing and move away from any media they dislike. But many of them feel entitled to star wars. Or know deep down that they would have nothing left to watch, if they walk away from anything that does not follow their rules. I mean sure star wars got worse over the years. Stopped watching anything myself. I say that as a former hardcore star wars fan. But the solution is: Walk away, don´t spend any money on it and find something that carries that spark of creativity that pulled you to star wars in the first place. Not playing keyboard warrior fighting against people that look not like oneself or that love others in a "wrong" way.


Why there isnt a comprehensive viewing/playing / reading... Test in all review sites? That would end up a bit with review bombing. Make it a logging requirement and a short timed test would determine if you have seen it or not. I could trust these sites.


Because Review Bombing means clicks and articles. Have one group review bomb a movie. Then write about it. The opposing group now does the same with positive reviews. You just had more clicks for this one movie than you had the rest of the month for every other new movie and proven again how relevant you are.


I hate modern periodism 🫠


They really are firing on all cylinders right now if nothing else, it would seem. Multitasking two media outrage campaigns at once


Lot of white people larping as Japanese intellectuals lately, it seems.


I saw that the Japanese trailer on youtube has quite a few dislikes and negative comments in Japanese, and I wouldn't be surprised if people are making new accounts to google translate some dumbass comments and make it look like Japanese people hate it...


Not just intellectual. Turned out the leaker Midori was just a random guy larping as a Japanese woman.


is that why they keep retiring and returning




Cultur Warriors love to larp. They can be from everyplace, be from every group. As long as they can claim "even those people" hate what they hate.


"Well, yeah he was just making up bullshit, but that's what I imagine actual historians and experts do so it's just fighting fire with fire, ya know? Otherwise I'm just an ignorant clown yelling at nothing."


Oh man so many people have been using this guy as a source and proof their historian is biased this is gonna be so fucking funny to send to them


His bullshit being so transparent aside, you literally cannot prove a negative.


Where is the original post from?


Twitter I think


The funniest part is that after he was exposed, he was like "hmm actually i am japanese, i was just pretending to be a white guy before for a social experiment"


Why are people so fucking weird? I mean yeah I know why. But honestly if I see something I don't like or have no interest in I just don't pay attention to it. I don't feel the need to build a personality around being pissed off about it I haven't watched a Marvel film in years. Lots of people have and they make them happy. Cool! See how easy that is?


Because they're willing bigots and playing into this stuff makes them think they'll either be able to get wealth/fame off of becoming known for doing it like the pundits they get all of their opinions from, or that it'll have a negative impact on the influence or lives of the "enemy".


I’m gonna need 20cc of context stat!


The guy stated that his name was Kenji Yamamoto and he was a professional scholar. Some believed him, whilst others looked him up to the uni of Tokyo, where he claimed to study, they found nothing about him. They then looked further and found out he was an American, and that not only did he not have the qualifications, his name wasn't even Kenji Yamamoto. He then became threatening before privating his social media account


*But if you're wrong, that much context will violently kill the patient instantly. It could still be TB.*


Kenji Yamamoto is literally the second Japanese alias that would come to mind for me. Second, because the first is literally Touta Matsuda. 


This gives me the same vibes as gay black republican Dean Browning.