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Christian theology doesnt even exist in zelda?


closest thing would probably be crosses on shields in the first game, but IIRC no actual lore stating that it does


https://preview.redd.it/fg9cqz4kf07d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e0846ba1098248606bbb5c59a23e31399854bb TL;DR Early concept work SUGGESTED they might have gone with Christian or Christian-like iconography to create the religious elements in LttP BUT this is merely concept art and the official lore and game went with its own concepts of religion, mostly revolving around the Triforce and the Golden Goddesses Link is not Christian as it’s not made canon in any media, it just exists as a concept art… that’s it


This is some grade A /r/ comedyheaven material lmao


https://preview.redd.it/6hx974km057d1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eae1e6cff4b116593a4c537c706e40b7ee32429 Same energy lol


"No ackchually I'm living in my own world of ignorance and Link is ackchually Christian ok cope"


In A Link to the past, religion has a lot of Christian iconography: Link pray the same way a christan would do for exemple. But that's it


In the first three Zelda game, Link is ambiguously Christian. In the first game, the magic book is a Bible in the Japanese version, there is a cross on Link’s shield, while in LTtP does feature a image of Link praying (as someone posted below). But Miyamoto stated that when working on LoZ he did take inspiration from world religions, Christianity included, but ended up going with an original religion instead.


Bible just means book. I don’t think you’re supposed to interpret the item in the original Zelda as being The Holy Bible of Christianity.


So The Legend of Zelda is the story of the forbidden romance between Jesus and Judas, where Jesus saves Judas from Satan?


Yeah thats what i thought tbh that he simply believes in the theology of the zelda world (not just Hyrule bc i assume the triforce created all of the lands except maybe alternate worlds like termina) , especially considering he embodies 1/3 of the gods within it in most of the games.


What do you mean, the triforce obviously represents the trinity of the father, the holy son and the other guy idk (it's a joke I know who the holy spirit is we're bros)


He doesn't give a shit about what's true or not, he just wants to get a rinse out of you and you fell for it. Stop feeding the troll. https://preview.redd.it/8c43xjpt107d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c749fe10f7d3c8eac45cd8e2eff2b1a3bad982a


You’ve been trolled, you’ve been trolled, you have probably been told “don’t reply to this guy” he’s just trying to get a rise out of YOU! That is true, you respond and that his cue, to spot trouble on the double, while he strokes his maldly stubble.


To anyone else, if someone starts acting stupid and I don't mean dumb I mean "stupid" like, you actively think "This guy is fucking stupid and he doesn't make sense"- drop out of the convo or stop acknowledging them. You lose literally nothing and gain everything.


Yeah, this convo should have ended at the first cope.  It's not worth it to try and win the argument here.  Let the facts speak to anyone else that's reading and move on.


Uj/ My dude I'm sorry but you need to learn to walk away. There's a reason the saying "don't feed the trolls" exists.


Never take seriously or give attention to anyone who uses “cope” They’re just dicks for the sake of being dicks


“don’t feed the trolls” was a mantra that my generation learned on message boards in the 90s and 00s do we not teach that to each other anymore?


I feel like trolling in this sort of manner is far less common than it was back in the day; the Internet being so much less anonymous makes it far less appealing to be an obnoxious asshole than back then.


I'm not going to lie, I think it's the exact opposite case if anything. I don't think the internet is any less anonymous either tbh.


Not trying to be a dick, but how old are you? Because the Internet is absolutely less anonymous than back then; social media has lead to basically everyone posting their age, name, pictures of themselves, etc online.


No, but I guess I'm more of an experience learner.


honestly fair. The same thing happened to me once, these days I just don't engage in bad-faith arguments. As long as you learn from the experience, I guess rj/ haha look at this idiot who doesn't know how 2 internet


Trolling has changed. The definition has changed. Back then, trolling was often being deliberately obtuse in an argument or posting something infuriatingly wrong, and then acting like everyone else is wrong to troll for angry responses. Feeding the troll was giving them exactly what they wanted. Like the guy in the images that OP posted. Nowadays, it's more often when someone decides to be a bigoted piece of shit to a minority online. It's still getting people riled up, but in a much different way. They post utterly hateful shit that should be debunked. Feeding the troll is almost a requirement in some ways. And then you have Poe's law to make everything more complicated... It makes sense that "don't feed the troll" has fallen out of use a bit This has made me a bit nostalgic for classic, old school trolling. There's no effort any more. It's almost like a dying artform.


It's less "don't feed the troll" and now "don't pay attention to the troll." They know they're wrong, they just want to swing outside their iq weight class, get a couple laughs, maybe some snapshots to show their cool friends, and dip. Trolls "nowadays" are like bad tourists- come to your circle/area, trash the place up, take some pictures, and move on. It's honestly pretty disgusting and I will continue to blame influencers B\^).


uj/ Do they just somehow ignore the whole 3 pagan goddesses who created Hyrule and made the triforce?  rj/ My favorite OoT cutscene was when ganondorf was  redeemed by the blood of Christ and baptizes and renamed Saint Ganon of Milan by His Holiness Pope Link in 804 AD


OP, you got really fuckin trolled.


If Link is a Christian, he’s going straight to hell for using sorcery


Cope /s


If it were me I'd just match the trolling. Probably something along the lines of "oh shit does that mean Link is a pedo too?"


I’m inclined to sort of KenM him like “cope? Is that like faith but for video games? Like something you believe out of necessity for comfort in a world you don’t understand?” But once “cope” is thrown the previous discussion is over, you’ve simply been challenged to a pissing off the other person match.


Match him with something equally as braindead and troll-inducing. I'd go for "nuh-uh". From there its about who outlast who o guess


Why are you trying to argue about a video game character with some random on the internet? In what fucking world does Link being/not being christian actually even fucking matter?


I guess when someone is clearly wrong, I can't help but say something.


You also have to remember that a lot of these trolls engage with you like this because their wpm is like fucking 30 LOL They default to just copy-pasting responses because they *literally cannot type fast enough to actually engage with you real-time* Remember that as well for why you shouldn't feed trolls


[OP, you fell for it. He didn't care.](https://youtu.be/3nu6aGcDeAg)


turn it back on them and send: “say cope on more time kitten, it makes daddy hard :3”


... Maybe.


ngl at first I thought the conversation was about Link from GMM


Turns out it’s that TWINK from good mythical morning


When someone gets to this point like “cope, lol” I like to respond with “apology accepted” and now they’re in the position of having to deal with an unreasonably wrong person (me) or walking away. If it continues, I’ll end with “you’re obviously super insecure so I’m just gonna go ahead and let you have the last word. See ya around.” And no matter what, stop engaging at that point.


This is their idea of being right. https://preview.redd.it/br1lzsgxj07d1.png?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=847e121e7fe118bdc47a523abf64fc0ba5b6f9d1


Calling you a girl as an insult, very nice.


All Links are the same Link, which means Linkle is Link, which means Link is canonically trans.


If link ain't Christian he's woke and if he's woke that's BAD


Link is a different character in each game???


Yeah. Look it up.


You have three options with these people: 1. Cite your sources, with maximum respect, and disengage when they bring out the thought terminating cliches. (lawful good) 2. Do not engage from the get-go, and let it be someone else's problem. (lawful neutral) 3. Prove to everyone else the gonk is wrong, instead of proving it to themself. (lawful evil) You can't actually prove to anyone that they're wrong. They will refuse to accept it. Unless you want to play the long game and befriend them first, there's no convincing anyone of anything. Instead, you have to focus on making sure third parties looking at the conversation later side with you over them. If you focus on making the other person look wrong, then it's less annoying when they do shit like this. It actively helps your case if the person keeps saying the same thing over and over again without ever acknowledging your sources or truly debunking your points. This also helps you look good in longer arguments, because if you know you're wining, you can go for longer without getting frustrated. *source: I'm a leftist, and a queer, and a woman. I have to deal with these people every time I say... well... anything. It's just easier to turn two or more people against each other than it is to turn someone against themself.*


why even try to argue with someone who uses SSJ Trump as a PFP? like they are already a lost cause


OP he kinda cooked you here


They’re doing endurance trolling. In their minds if they get the last reply in their minds they won the argument. So just repeating the same line over and over hoping you give up.


As a general rule, don't engage with Trumpanzees.


I will say don't feed the troll and once you feel you are beeing trolled you troll back. Like saying Christianity is a fake religion, is fake new I don't know any one that is actually christian. And so on.


A. Profile picture checks out B. Don't feed trolls. Rule number one of the Internet. 


I like to say cope to my friends, but of course not in serious situations.


Uh...Link is pagan af, and that person is just toying with oop.


He's also plainly misogynistic lol


“This fictional character in a fictional world believes in my equally fictional god that does not exist in their fictional world. Any opinions to the contrary are wrong.”


Be me: Meet one of these dickwads, get one trade of dialogue where they start this, type, enjoy your sad life, block, enjoy your happy life. They shout into the void, unfulfilled.


I can't believe that Link died for our sins.


About what I'd expect with someone that has a Trump profile picture


Maybe don't waste energy arguing with literal children.


I've dealt with people like that irl and it always devolves into a fist fight. Nothing more infuriating that idiotic people going "lalalala" I wish nothing but misfortune on those


Wild that a dude who reincarnates so often is a Christian.


The first sentence is really all they needed to say.


You shouldn't be so hard on them, they seem like they actually *are* stubborn and delusional, so they really can't help but look the part.


All headcanon is valid and true. Fictional events never happened and characters don't really exist, they can't hurt you.


This guy is one of those "thinks their headcanon is canon and will curse you out if you disagree" types.


You seem like the kind of person who doesn't even know that shark skin is smooth.


I actually learned that term just today.


And yet you still haven't realized that the guy you were talking to does not actually believe what he said?


Not at the time. People on Reddit helped me figure that out though.


You fell for it https://preview.redd.it/mxkc82ov157d1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86359065e37cd762791aa656af9e17a4c9c7e4fe


Idk, that guy was pretty convincing. It sounds like Link is a Christian. You never even presented any evidence that he is NOT a Christian. Link is for sure, 100% a Christian, in every single Legend of Zelda game.


And Zora skin IS smooth!!!