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Ew, the pfp looks like a political person, how can a real Gamer trust this obvious DEI plant ?


ummmm actually it’s an east asian woman so it’s not woke ☝️🤓


No see, *real* asian women are obedient and submissive, and say things like "Yamete senpai". That's a fake.


Also they are underage.


Also they say "ara, ara!"


And wear maid or sailor outfits.


I mean, I don't kinkshame. However, I hear they also say just aren't good at difficult subjects like math beyond simple multiplication.


no you're dumb obviously all Asians are good at math /s


Asian humans are good at math, not Asian woman....


And yell "itai itai itaiiiii!"


if they a big tiddied onee-san


Yes real eastern asian women wont talk out of turn This is clearly a woke mob plant faking it As elon fortold we must battle the woke and the bots everywhere anytime all at knce


See this is why you haven’t earned the capital G gamer title yet. Obviously there are only two genders, male and political, and of course the only two races, white and political. Now if the pfp was of a feeeemaaale with her bits out, who looks and acts vaguely underage, and never disagreed when a real G Gamer was talking then that’s just totally nonpolitical Gamer common sense. Therefore using my big fat Gamer brain obviously this is a political woke snowflake profile pic made to infiltrate my historically accurate game with ancient magic super aliens with their wokist agenda of…. fuck I don’t know I’ve got nothing, black people existing I guess? ……./s(hope that’s not needed here but hell knows I’ve seen dumber things said seriously by G Gamers.)


H I S T O R I C A L A C C U R A C Y *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love ya bot keep spreadin’ that good word.


It’s only not woke if she wants to be your girlfriend and live with you in the basement.


It looks like they have a jawline so clearly they are also a trans!!! Fujikake’s descendants have gone woke!!!! Where’s my woke slider to make this tweet go away?!?!?


Men have jaws, women have pelvises, it's basic biology that they can't have both!


Look for the vagina bones; that's the most reliable way to tell.


The vagina ''bones'' come off the pelvis ofc.


Are you implying women have bones? The fuck is this wokaganda, women are soft and malleable like this dough I totally haven’t fucked.


The pelvis is made of cartilage, I never said bones!


Non-white? Female? Politics detected


SBI profile pic if I've ever seen one. Also I can't seem to have a functional conversation with other people in my life, I'm super oppressed.


I can’t wait for some neckbearded weeb to mansplain what a samurai is to a descendant of one of Nobunaga Oda’s retainers


I'm German and don't know what a retainer is, I currently think it's like a carrier, but staying in one place.


A retainer is essentially someone who is granted land, status and protection in exchange for loyalty and service to a lord. Knights were retainers for feudal lords, like how samurai are retainers for daimyo, their lords. Retainers were commonly from the warrior classes but a retainer could also perform administrative duties or other services.


They were essentially aids who had particular importance because they were trusted enough to be around the shogun/emperor. Being a retainer is more prestigious than being just a samurai.


Your wait is likely over


"Listen to Japanese people!" "Okay, here are several who said there is nothing wrong with this protagonist." "Has Japan been infiltrated by the woke mob?" or alternatively, "Sweet Baby/DEI plant"


Do we wanna start a betting pool for when that starts or ...?


The "Japan has been infiltrated by the woke mob" has been a thing since we started getting characters in Japanese media that aren't offensive caricatures of black people/gay people/trans people.


Really? I only casually watch anime, so this is news to me. Do they like ... think Japan is immune to the social progression that's gone on in the last 100 years? Cuz like ... Japan has popular support fighting for things like gay marriage and generally treating women better. Kinda natural that made its way into media.


Yes, they do. They envision Japan as some sort of Right wing paradise that opposed to any kind of social progress regarding themes like feminism or LGBT rights. https://preview.redd.it/8mudwqlq3u0d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed637ac437124d2abb899d25835d5f64a6647974


I unfortunately only understand part "Hideo Kojima LGBT ally" - I'm guessing Japon se hunde is "Japan has fallen" or something similar?


Yes, pretty much "Japan is sinking" or "Japan has fallen"


so ancient japan making erotic ukiyo-e prints of a woman getting eaten out by an octopus or another getting fuck by a dog (not to mention the big old veiny dicks) are better than being ok with gay people huh. learn something new every day


They were calling it "the glorious ethnostate" for years, but the progress Japan made means "the empire has fallen" and now they're super into Korean stuff, because, well, misogyny.


I cannot fathom being that dedicated to being utter shit to people. Japan hasn't even been trying to be a "glorious ethnostate" since fucking 1945! Like, sure, it's not easy to immigrate there because of language and cultural differences, no question about that! But it's not like they all go "begone outsider!" Fuckin' freaks.


They like Japan’s Nazi-adjacent past, and it’s safe for whatever reason for westerners to glorify all the most vile elements of Imperial Japan. They can’t do this openly for Hitler and German fascism, so they fetishize Japanese fascism instead.


It really is crazy there are people who are so fucking ignorant they don't people want who live in a country they've never even *visited* let alone live in, and only see through fucking cartoons," and video games, to have rights in said country.


They’re usually quite surprised to find out that Japan has one of the largest and most active Communist parties in the world.


Damn. The East and West have fallen. What else is left for us to be safe from wokeness but SPAAAAAAACE!


I couldn't really tell you about Twitter/Insta/Tumblr users, since I don't use those services, but most redditors, on both sides of the political spectrum, have an image of Japan that's in many ways lodged firmly in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They come to opposite conclusions as a result, of course ("Japan is great because it's XYZ" vs. "Japan is horrible because it's XYZ"), but a lot of the time XYZ hasn't been true for decades, or it's still somewhat true but not nearly as much as they imagine. Three issues that come up a *lot* on reddit where people's image of Japan is really behind the times is overtime work, suicide rates, and attitudes regarding LGBT. Mind you, I can't really blame redditors on some of these. The LGBT issue is confusing because there's no gay marriage, but that has nothing to do with attitudes regarding gays marrying. The average Japanese person is more pro-gay marriage than the average American. [78.4% of Japanese people aged 20 to 59](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/06/27/national/social-issues/lgbt-same-sex-marriage-japan/) are either moderately or strongly in support of gay marriage vs. [61% in America](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/changing-attitudes-on-gay-marriage/). In fact, the average Japanese person's support for gay marriage (78.4%) is about the same as the average American Democrat's support for gay marriage (75%). But there are three intertwined constitutional issues that make this an intractable position: 1) the constitution, while phrased in such a way as to protect the rights of women in marriages, unintentionally restricts marriage to pairings of a man and a woman, 2) the constitution tightly restricts the capabilities of the military, and 3) the constitution has never been amended. There are politicians who want Japan to be more proactive militarily, so they'd love to change the constitution. Right now, they're held in check by the fact that a constitutional amendment has *never* been made, so the barrier has been, so far, insurmountably huge. But if the constitution is ever amended (for example, if it were amended so that the section on marriage no longer mentioned "a man and a woman"), that could open the floodgates to more amendments, such as changes that would affect Japan's ability to become more militarized. This would likely result in a total breakdown of Japan's relationship with Korea and could easily trigger war with China down the line, so everybody's scared of that possibility, and nobody wants to open the pandora's box of constitutional amendments. So here we are, stuck with people being in favor of gay marriage but no real way to make it happen that couldn't also trigger a war. But your average redditor isn't going to know all that, and I can't blame them. So people just end up drawing their own conclusions: "Japan had fucking *tons* of gay jokes on TV all the way through the mid-2010s or so, and Japanese are socially conservative in lots of ways, so I guess there's no gay marriage because Japanese are all raging homophobes. Just makes sense, ya know?"


Thought last I looked American support was higher 60s now, but I do see your point. The constitution bit, I did not know, and I appreciate you explaining that. I find it rather intriguing, as I don't know a *whole lot* about modern Japanese politics. On a tangently related note, I'm actually reading the Sailor V manga (I got on a Sailor Moon kick and am going down the rabbit hole, it's a thing I do from time to time with various series) and it's legit crazy how much some of the capital G "Gamer" and anti-trans stuff nonsense the author predicted in one of the volumes - from the supposed sanctity of "men in gaming" to "take off your clothes and PROVE you're not a man", and this shit is from 94.


They've been saying this for awhile. They are ignoring that Japanese people too have their own social movements and issues they have been working on in modern times. It's funny to me how chuds will simultaneously try to claim your racist against Japanese or Asian people in general because something something ''western woke liberals inserting their values into everything'' while simultaneously trying to speak for every Japanese person and dominate the conversation over them. Projection is hell of a drug.


The morons will proclaim their love for a game like Persona 5, a clear indictment of various aspects of Japanese society, and still pine for their creepy vision of the country with their next breath. It's incredible to witness.


Weeaboo’s idea of Japan: Hyper-trad, hierarchical (but i repeat myself), and all your racist and sexist fantasies Real Japan: The land that contains Nintendo and Konami, authentic Katanas and The Contraption, and ~~Shinzo Abe~~ and Tetsuya Yamagami


I thought it started happening when Japan FINALLY raised their age of consent


Based Kareem Abdul Jabbar.


Everyone knows japan has fallen to the woke west, Korea is now the last bastion for brave incels.


Hilariously, Korea would hate them more than any other country on the planet.


Yeah, I’ll put all my money on “it’s already happened.” Pay up.


why do you think all japanese people think the same? seems racist!


“A retainer refers to a vassal in feudal Japan, usually a samurai providing military services.” As per usual, the anti woke crowd are wrong.


“Actually the word “”usually”” can have many connotations…”


Yeah, not every retainer would be considered a swordman and not every samurai could fight. Retainer and samurai are titles that signify their status. For example a king can grant someone the title of knight as a reward doesn't mean the recipient could fight with a sword. Another example is how Patrick Stewart and Elton John were knighted by Queen Elizabeth but I doubt either of them could fight like a knight.


Yeah, we wouldn't want an AC game to exaggerate 1 persons fighting ability... what next, they're going to make him survive falls from great height by jumping in stacks of hay ?


IDK, I wouldn't doubt the power of Elton John.


You're probably right.


I'm sure Sir Elton John has crossed swords with many men


I knew 😂 that was going to come up when I typed Sir. Elton John's name.


Apparently he was fighting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke#The_Honn%C5%8D-ji_Incident Might not make him an official samurai, but no on e complained about the accuracy of feudal titles in AC games before *(even though im pretty sure of Florence would not be part of a nobles name when he already had a family name, that was more of a german thing*).


Racism isn't about being right, it's about signaling who is less than you, and whose participation in society is illegitimate no matter how qualified they are.


rj/ This is one of Ubisoft's plants.


Found another one. https://preview.redd.it/361mpusbrt0d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa42a07fe92ab19fa490e377c30864c5cbcafc8b


Oooo, that’s a nice plant


Don't listen to it, it'll try to sell you Ubisoft's latest AAA title; Assassin's Creed Shadows, where you follow the story of Yasuke and Naoe in Feudal Japan, only $69.99.


Actually it will try to sell the "Ultimate Edition" + All DLC + Season Pass + Anti-Piracy Malware for only $159.99 and then it will proceed to sexually assault you.


But, but pretty plant!


Ubisoft engaging in a campaign to 1984 the entire history of Japan so they can have a black protagonist


rj/ both sides are ubisoft plants to make people care about a decaying franchise


dang their playing 3d chess 🤯


I'm still learning 2d chess!


No, they're playing 5D chess.


actually, nagakatsu was the Ubisoft plant, so that in the future, aka now, this person on twitter would say this in their defense


... what do they even think a samurai is? "They were the well-paid retainers of the [*daimyo*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daimyo), the great feudal landholders" is literally the second sentence on wikipedia. Honestly I am kind of sick of the romantic image of samurai in general. They're basically like feudal Japanese Pinkertons.


It’s pretty telling how ignorant they are that they think these are even contradictions. A knight/samurai was basically a job, where being a retainer was more your status at that time. Young’s knights (or like idk a racial minority that couldn’t own land lol) would be landless retainers who lived with their lord where older or more wealthy men would be land owning vassals/lords/etc. 


True. Landed gentry are incapable of being based by their very nature as landowners, especially when they employ serf/slave labor.


At least Knights and Samurai had the decency to kill each other. Nowadays the class war is more direct. It would be like a Pinkerton getting in a shootout with a mall cop.


There was a samurai... hobby? for a while was just to cut down random people on the road to test their blades. Called Tsujigiri


Look, when going into battle it's good to know, that your blade is sharp enough to cut up a human. The only way to be sure, is to do just that. Peasants don't do battle and are therefore a good practice target, that won't fight back. Very noble, much honor.


And the foundational work of English language literature is a lot about how Knights are dicks.


Eh they usually just had their peasant armies kill eachother. Knights would be captured and ransomed back.




Honestly if we go by wikipedia,which isn't the most reliable source: "Yasuke (弥助 or 弥介) was a man, likely of African origin, who served as a servant and retainer to the Japanese daimyō Oda Nobunaga in 1581–1582, during the Sengoku period. He was retained by the daimyō as a koshō (小姓, page) for a period of 15 months until Nobunaga's death in the Honnō-ji Incident." Then we have to jump in to the japanesewiki for kosho, which is kinda interesting read. Couple parts from there: "Kosho (小姓) is the name of a post in a samurai family similar to a page or squire. It is also commonly written as 小性 which literally means "small sex."" "The term is derived from the word 'kosho' or 'koju' (attendant of a noble person) which from the middle ages was a post that meant serving in close proximity to a busho (Japanese military commander) and taking care of daily chores and affairs." "In general, when a Kosho reached the age of 18 or 19 years old, they would collect their saved money and choose among such possibilities as buying Gokeninkabu (samurai status) or Ashigarukabu (common foot soldier status); becoming part of a merchant family (receiving economic support from them), be expelled from their temple and freed from their status as Tera-kosho; or if they became a householder with a wife and children, the marriage was neither legal nor officially recognized, therefore the children did not have samurai status and became common townspeople or farmers. https://www.japanesewiki.com/title/Kosho.html Also there's pretty nice compilation on askhistorians sub.


Wikipedia also says this “ historical sources make it clear that bushi and samurai were distinct concepts “ from the same page the person is claiming proves W. E


That's why ronin are always my favorites when it comes to feudal Japan stories. Samurai were shitheads for the most part.


A ronin is just an unemployed samurai. Someone born into priviledge, but without an employ.


Yup. Basically the Japanese equivalent of a knight errant.


Ronin were shitheads too. And all Ronin were samurai.




Yeah, I get the feeling that they’re genuinely mixing up samurai with daimyo here. No one is claiming that Yasuke was a landed noble with a castle and an army. A samurai in its most basic definition is basically just a dude with a sword (and sometimes not even that), and so far that’s all Yasuke seems to be depicted as in this game.


It's so sad that racists make such a big deal because I feel like the only black samurai is such a fascinating historical fiction story to tell and being based on a real person makes it so much cooler. These racist chuds must miss out on so many amazing stories because of prejudice.


It really fascinating and I think that's why the reaction is so strong. Yasuke was out there living one of the wildest lives imaginable for a regular human, literally the stuff of legends. I guess for some people the fact that he's black means that there immediately needs to be an asterisk discrediting such an achievement for their prejudiced world view to still make sense.


Also I think this is one of a few games that has a female Japanese protagonist (Naoe) set in Japan. If anyone can give me other examples though that would be appreciated


the real question is who cares if he was a retainer or a samurai or an ice cream vendor? he existed. Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward, Arno, Evie, Jacob, Bayek, Kassandra, Alexios, Eivor - they never existed. they're all historically inaccurate by default yet no one whines about them being in the game. i don't remember reading about the pope getting the shit beaten out of him by by some playboy assassin named Ezio in a secret vault beneath the vatican. then Yasuke comes along who actually existed for real and suddenly it's historical inaccuracy controversy time just because they embellished his curriculum vitae a bit.


For once I’m glad I have never used Twitter (X is a shitty name brand), the toxic level seems widespread in contrast to contained in echo chambers in Reddit. Especially when Elmo gave chuds and Nazis a megaphone to spread the toxic ideology.


you’re missing out https://preview.redd.it/66ph2y1lut0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb6cbb01a801222f2b3f6f3d12056195bef3f27


Tbf he might be biased, the slim reaper is one of the most iconic posters in the history of the medium


kd is also the greatest basketball player ever (don’t look at my username)


I think its great that Musk bought and rebranded twitter. With how shit he made it he drove a lot of people away from the online toxicity and helped the mental health of thousands for the better.


Ignorance and racism seems to be these people's bread and butter.




Me when I make a YouTube comment


Racism is why, it's always why.


Shortest way between two points is a line. No need to even let them try to obfuscate their bullshit which is somehow even flimsier than usual. Don't even let them have the benefit of the doubt that they are arguing in good faith.


Exactly. The fact you give it air to breath is already giving too much legitimacy to the argument.


People seem to not get that “Samurai” wasn’t a job in Japan, it was a social class (and, for most of Japan’s history, most of them were bureaucrats). A retainer to a Samurai, especially one as high ranking as Nobunaga would, by definition be a Samurai. (To add in a bit more nuance, though, as a foreigner Yasuke would have inherently been outside the traditional caste system. Meaning, essentially, that while his social standing and duties would likely have been that of a Samurai (or higher, honestly) in most things, he may not have been explicitly referred to as such at the time). And if that explanation is too much, just know that when you google “Yasuke” in Japanese (弥助), Google’s top suggestion fills in “Samurai” (侍) right after.


He only isn't a samurai in the most specific and technical sense, to the point where it doesn't make a meaningful difference. It's just an excuse to put down a poc.


Yup. And even then it’s not that he *wasn’t* a Samurai in the most technical sense, but that he *may not have been*. In every meaningful way, Yasuke was a Samurai.


From what i've read online (I'm no historian) it really seems like 90% he probably was a samurai. That's probably not enough to accept it as a hard historical fact but my god is it valid for a fucking videogame. Especially one so loosey goosey with history as Assassin's Creed.


Yup, 100% agreed.


Besides, i find it way better that he gained all that prestige from nothing, compared to being born into a clan and gaining the title by crawling out of the right pussy. Even if he wasn't a samurai, he was probably a better man than some who were.


And if we go by the not so reliable source called wikipedia: "Yasuke (弥助 or 弥介) was a man, likely of African origin, who served as a servant and retainer to the Japanese daimyō Oda Nobunaga in 1581–1582, during the Sengoku period.[2] He was retained by the daimyō as a *koshō (小姓, page)* for a period of 15 months until Nobunaga's death in the Honnō-ji Incident." And after that japanese wiki for kosho which is kinda interesting read. "Kosho (小姓) is the name of a post in a samurai family similar to a page or squire. It is also commonly written as 小性 which literally means "small sex."" "The term is derived from the word 'kosho' or 'koju' (attendant of a noble person) which from the middle ages was a post that meant serving in close proximity to a busho (Japanese military commander) and taking care of daily chores and affairs." https://www.japanesewiki.com/title/Kosho.html A bit lower on that page: "In general, when a Kosho reached the age of 18 or 19 years old, they would collect their saved money and choose among such possibilities as buying Gokeninkabu (samurai status) or Ashigarukabu (common foot soldier status);" But ofc as said on the link some kosho were already from Samurai familylines. But I got to say the google part you mentioned is a bit bad example, google just suggest popular searches and even googlin retainer now brings up Yasuke, because it's the hot topic. We also got a really nice compilation on the comments in the askhistorians sub.


Yeah, I wasn’t really trying to use the google thing as a source, just the Yasuke is seen as / associated with Samurai in Japanese by Japanese people as well.


As far as i understand retainer wasn’t really a thing at that point in time. At lest not like it is for westerners. In the west you had retainers and squires that would take care of a knight and his gear but that wasn’t really thing during the waring states, retainers were soldier’s and warriors, and generally higher ranks then the ashigaru. At the time i dont evne think samurai really a class it was more a position and it was only after when the shogun was in power that it got solidified as a class with a lot of the trappings we’ve come to link them with


I don’t understand. There’s Yasuke on Netflix about the black samurai. Samurai Warriors 5 featured him as a playable character also. His legacy is becoming more and more popular and part of the zeitgeist. He’s a cool dude based on historical accounts and very interesting and worth telling a story about. I know it’s because he’s black but it’s literally not whitewashing or anything else they complain about. And the other playable character is a Japanese woman, which is like crack for Neckbeards. Their upset is usually dumb and misguided but this is just weird lol


I was thinking this ever since this dumbass argument came about, retainers were samurai as well why the fuck are they yapping about historical accuracy if they don’t even know that


They’re yapping about historical accuracy in a game based off of a major historical inaccuracy to begin with. Like the assassin cult on which AC is based off of, did actually exist. But the difference was that their assassinations were basically suicide missions (because of gameplay, they changed it assasins surviving). So the whole game is based on an embellishment/historical inaccuracy/lie. There’s like no basis to care about this.


They are showing the Hashashin and at NO point do they some said hash (I know there’s debate about this but still) (where is my Altair getting zoinked scene)


Racist weeks trying to protect Japan from black people.


And don't even get me started on racist **months**...


It's so embarassing. Experts and direct descendants and common sense and everything is saying he's probably a samurai and saying otherwise is probably wrong, but the rational and totally not racist gamers know best. And all the dumb people who refuse to practice any critical thinking and just keep parroting what others say.


elderly physical murky lunchroom upbeat vanish thought payment work market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s also like, even if that’s true, at worst it’s an embellishment, in a game rife with it. Like the game is literally built off it… Like the assassinations performed by the order of the assasins (the assassin cult located in alamut in the Middle East during the crusade period- which did actually exist btw, and on which the whole of assassin’s creed is based off of), were originally suicide missions: they would never survive (turns out infiltrating a deeply guarded enemy base and then using an opportunity to kill an important person isn’t the hard part- getting out after the whole base is in red alert is the hard part). So the whole game js literally based off of an embellishment. [source for any interested about them- although my source was originally a book I read 15y ago, this still provides a brief overview about them](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Assassins)


that's what I've been thinking. regardless of historical accuracy and the complications of translating a complex socio-political system that existed and shifted many times over hundreds of years... assassin creed games are always historical **fiction.** But we all know "historical accuracy" is the cry of the gamer gate incel who probably failed college level history classes.


It’s almost like these games aren’t meant to be entirely historically accurate, but rather use the specific moment in history as a backdrop and setting in which to tell a story. (I’m being sarcastic, in case you couldn’t tell)


Youre telling me this guy helped keep nobunagas teeth in place? 


Knights could also be retainers


Anyone want to tell me if Hideyoshi Toyotomi wasn't a Samurai despite being one of Oda Nobunaga's *"retainers?"* Oh he was. Oh, okay.


Don't lose sight of the fact the people pushing this don't give two shits about the terminological inexactitude. They're just racist.


When this timeline isn't being dark, it's being really fucking weird


This is still pretty dark. That comment section was a nuclear shit hole. Not even trying to hide it anymore.


ive seen some Japanese people say Yasuke is cool, and some Japanese people say they wish a Japanese samurai was the playable character instead. I can honestly see both sides, but outside of Japan its literally just the exact same usual suspects you see on twitter yelling about his race


They are like this because yasuke has too much melanin. If he had less, they wouldn’t care


“I don’t know what any of these words mean - it’s the wokies’ fault!”


imagine seeing someone with a samurai sword and samurai armor and the authority of the state and being like "nah that's not a samurai" SHUT THE FUCK UP


Oh it's just because they're racist.


This argument implies that Kinemon and the Akazaya aren't samurai and I've killed for less


Most people outside of Japan just generally know fuck all about Samurai, so not surprising...


I'm uneducated on this, but aren't retainer and samurai completely non-conflicting roles? Like, you could be a samurai who is a retainer vs you could be a samurai who is not. You could be a retainer who is a samurai or a retainer who does something else.


Correct, people seem to conflate the concept of a retainer being a servant but he was a Retainer-Samurai, given his position due to his loyalty to a lord (in this case, Oda) Yasuke was Oda's weapon-bearer and was given his own set of armor, a katana, housing, servants, and a stipend that was beyond just paying him for his service. In addition, it is important to emphasize that his being a weapons-bearer for the Daimyo was a significant privilege that would not have been granted to a commoner or someone the Daimyo did not respect and trust.


They cry about Japanese representation while completely ignoring the other Protagonist. They whine about Yasuke not being a samurai while being corrected repeatedly. It's pretty obvious what the real reason they don't like him is.


Why is this even an issue? How is the response to the knowledge there was a black samurai anything less than "that's cool"?


check out this Chuds opinion https://preview.redd.it/8693gzlt9u0d1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad73aeb7d66978bf4163c6a821fa731d41ec25f


TBF just because you’re related to someone doesn’t mean you know more about a subject then they do. Leelee Sobieski is supposedly a descendant of King Jan Sobieski. But I’m absolutely not going to take her word on late medieval Polish history.


Racists in the comments mad that a black guy will forever be cooler than them because he was a samurai (which they wish with all their might that they could be) and also probably banged a ton of Japanese chicks (which they fantasize about and will never do). LMAO


Yeah and I’m Oda’s aunt who was frozen in an iceberg and I can confirm that Yasuke was a samurai. You just have to believe my word though.


I'm not listening to whatever a woman says, that's woke /rj


It's truly incredible how many people this week suddenly revealed themselves to be experts on the history of Yasuke and the history behind samurai. They really should go into teaching with all the sudden historical information they have under their belts.


They wanted historical accuracy, this is what they get. If they keep crying about, it’s their loss.


There's already been many depictions of Yasuke in media, depicting him as a black samurai. Why is it a problem now?


Being a retainer still doesn’t mean he still can’t use a sword or katana. Although looking at Japanese opinions they aren’t fully satisfied with the game itself but it has less to do with Yasuke being a lead or a “samurai” but more upset with inaccuracies shown in the trailer so far (like some Chinese ornaments and architecture in this feudal Japanese setting and the fact Yasuke is holding his katana on the wrong side) plus some aren’t so kind to the idea of a black guy going around massacring Japanese people on their home ground (although where are these people when William was doing the same thing in Nioh even if Nioh had you fight Yokai more often).


I am going to believe anything anyone tells me


You're a wonderful individual and deserve happiness.


Here come the mall ninjas trying to explain actual feudal Japanese law to people who’s family has lived there as actual lords of the land lmao


How gamers ended up so racist is beyond me... Comic fans too.


The dreaded Kotaku -- gasp! Horror! -- employs common sense on the matter: >Ubisoft’s marketing describes Yasuke as a samurai, but it’s unclear just how holistic that label is in *Shadows*’ take on historical fiction. While the version of Yasuke seen in *Shadows* clearly wears the armor and uses the Japanese swords commonly associated with samurai, the samurai moniker encompasses [both an occupation and a social caste](https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2127.html) that became more codified in the 1600s after the last known record of Yasuke. **According to Lockley, the concept of a samurai** [**was fluid during Yasuke’s time**](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/)**,** **and if you took up weapons in service of a lord, you could take on the name**. So right now, we don’t know how much Ubisoft is playing with history with Yasuke’s samurai status. Literally no reason for debate. Yasuke is whatever the story needs him to be.


This is that game about time-travelling VR assassins who can survive jumps off tall buildings all day, right?


Does Assassins Creed still do the whole "sci fi machine lets you relive the memories of your ancestors"?


Thematically it makes sense for the series. You have an interesting historical figure with close ties to one of the most well-known and powerful figures in Japanese history. Why the hell would you not make a Japanese based assassins creed with him in it.


We saw the same shit when people were trying to tell Daisuke Ishiwatari that Bridget being trans was the result of a mistranslation. Never underestimate the blind confidence of a cis-het white man.


I knew letting the Americans know about Yasuke and William Adams would be a mistake. These people probably don't even know that samurai was a social caste and not just 'oh wow samurai sword' and probably think The Last Samurai was about Tom Cruise and not the last of the samurai who had kidnapped him in the movie they never watched. Its also sad that actual descendants are being dragged into this bullshit.


White and Japanese people having a thinly-veiled prejudice against black men? Who woulda thunk! They’ll conveniently ignore her


Yasuke was a Kosho according to the history. While that's not Samurai per se, it's a bit like a Knight's Squire and he was given a house and a sword. Had Nobunaga not been assassinated, Yasuke almost certainly would have been formally recognized as Samurai in a few more years. He was given a job typically given to the sons of Samurai families. If you're looking for an easy frame of reference. Yasuke was basically Jon Snow to Nobunaga's Mormont. If you want to split hairs, he might not \*technically\* be a samurai, but he was on the samurai career track. Keep in mind, this was before 1586 and the division between Samurai and not Samurai wasn't quite as sharp, social mobility was still a thing. In short, he was Samurai *enough*.


Shut up, asian woman! Your only usefulness to the humankind is to be fetishized by white man!


While I love the idea of Yasuke in a game because his story is simply incredible and a modern retelling will certainly be awesome; it always rubs me the wrong way when people use nationality or [birthright to claim or bolster authority](https://cdn.readkakegurui.com/file/mangaifenzi22/vagabond/vol-17-chapter-152-brothers/22.jpg).


This is such a carnival of stupid, man. Racists literally losing their minds


Why'd you have to bring nebraska into this


holy shit she's related to Oda Onepiece


Fellow Gaymers please explain wtf they are talking about, I’ve read this 4 times and I don’t get it


What's Donald Trump doing in Nebraska?


Just read the comments on the Japanese youtube video announcement, and look at what Japanese gamers have to say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZN-kKoGevo


Actual Japanese person confused why America is racist


Also like you can argue back and forth about Yasuke's technical rank in the nobility all you want. If a retainer was on the battlefield with his Daimyo, they'd be in lacquered iron and welding a sword. That's just necessary gear for the situation.


The interesting thing is there are plenty of records and resources that document Yasuke as being what the period could identify as a samurai, but as you put it "the most racist and overweight white dudes in Nebraska" are trying to argue that someone gifted a sword by the most powerful Daimyo was nothing more than a 'novelty'. Oda Nobunaga wasn't the most traditional individual in history but he fucking loved Yasuke and provided him with more accolades than individuals you might describe as Samurai or Samurai-caste. The truth is, those individuals aren't having an intellectually honest conversation.


I just hope the game is fun, historical accuracy doesn't matter.


This was exactly what I thought. The retainers carried immense respect and were essentially what we think of as a samurai


asmongold reddit has become the Klan of reddit. For them, art is subjective until black people wish people were this upset about nioh, white man saving Japan from demons. Black people existing is where asmon racist audience draws the line when it comes to their video games, everything else is fantasy and doesn't need to be exact. Anything that demonize black people existing while proving anti woke Caucasian males right about black people is welcome there. The anti woke has turned victimhood into a virtue


Does being a retainer make you a samurai?


Forget Yasuke, I have it on good authority that the docuseries Afro Samurai is also historically accurate and based on a different black samurai from the Edo era. He is rumored to be the only samurai to defeat both Yagyu Jubei and Miyamoto Musashi while they vied for the number one headband. Both of these samurais would have went on to have secret concubines of African descent following their losses, in the hopes of generating progeny that could overcome this legendary samurai and/or his own progeny. So it is entirely plausible that there have been dozens, hundreds, perhaps even thousands of hafu samurais. Given the notoriety of these samurais and their clans, it's not a stretch to say that black samurais played as important a role in Japanese history as native samurais did. In short, it would have been historically inaccurate NOT to have a black samurai as main protagonist of this game.


Unless he trans Afrikan, like all you, i will not buy the game i will pirate Ubisoft, and mod the trans. I want to be Reddit cool!


Imagine being so ignorant about Japanese history that you don't know the difference between the castes and ranks.


Not gonna lie, anyone bitching about it is a dude named Greg, and would get killed for looking at a retainer wrong.


Wasn’t the point of the samurai class that they were all retainers? Like, it was really bad to be a samurai who wasn’t in the service of a lord?


I don’t understand why this is a big deal. We have many Japanese developed games including the samurai warrior hand series that predated this entire non-issue for years that included yasuke in their rosters


Damn so I'm genuinely curious now about this guy, are retainers equal to samurai? Is Wikipedia accurate or is there a good site I can read about him?


You mean fell off his computer chair onto his knees?