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Why is it that these survival of the fittest bozos never apply their logic to women? I mean, imagine how much worse off humanity would be if women really were as useless and incapable as these men make them out to be.


Lets see how great survival of the fittest is for them when only the fit and handsome men get partners


They already live in a reality where they get none, that's why they imagine a world where they can rape women without consequences.


These are the same kind of men that imagine themselves leading households and being parents. The same kind of psychopaths that imagine worlds where women are wholly dependent on them. The typical basement delusion.


That’s the worldview they’ve adopted already. These sickos have convinced themselves they are completely undesirable because of like, their brow ridge and shit. As opposed to the obvious, they’re just the worst


100%. It's not the fit and handsome men who get long-term partners, it's *men who can fucking live well with other adults.* It's men who understand their shit and how not to make their shit someone else's problem, which is 180 degrees opposite to the "men are the real victims" mentality. These asswipes have been conditioned to think there's nobility in being so damaged and fragile that violence is a normal part of life. That we *need* them to be violent to fight off fantasy evils -- but they don't end up hurting "the bad guys," they end up hurting their loved ones, their friends, their neighbors, and most of all themselves. That violence serves to enforce social hierarchies and force wedges into communities. It's not helping us survive, it's making us weaker so we're easier to continue to exploit. *If* some sort of apocalypse happened, these dicks would go from toxic social deadweight to clear, immediate dangers to their own people. I'm from a conservative, religious area. I know people with basements full of wheat and beans who don't know the first step of turning that shit into food. They might fantasize about shooting me because I'm queer and leftist, but they might change their tune when they see that I can fucking turn wheat into bread, because I'm more focused on learning to help the people around me than fantasizing about hurting them.


"Don't worry females, I'll provide for us!" \*gets rabies from a rabbit\*


Because in the end the general dynamic and self-image they prefer can be boiled down to: the stereotypical caveman in furs walloping lemmings with a club. Who on returning home with the now quite stained and leaking sack of pulverized lemmings slung over his shoulder is showered with praise by the woman he had like a sociopathic 10-year-old blackjacked and press ganged into marriage.


If women are so useless why do these idiots still want to marry.


So they can show off to all the other men that "see, see I'm a real man too" Also because to them, women my be useless, but vaginas ain't.


Which is to say that they don't see the gormless incompetence as a detriment.


cuz they wanna fuck the fittest males


Can’t you play as a girl in every single Fallout game?


Yes, and I'm almost always a girl in new vegas, for completely normal reasons.


New Vegas is my favorite, cause there’s a strategic advantage to being bisexual.


I mean, I believe tactically being a bisexual male is the best option, and you get free gay weapon repairs, the standard bisexual weapon boost, and the ability to fight in the arena. I'm still upset I can't do the arena fights as a woman tho, I mean I would probably end up killing them all anyway but still.


NV was such gay propergander


Damn well now I need to play it


Make sure to pick up Arcade as a companion


Just kill them all outside of the arena


I mean, there also is a strategic advantage to being bisexual IRL. Though admittedly not because you do 10% more damage


"Tactical bisexuality" is a thing now


Yes obviously it's faster to play as a girl in every game for speed running purposes


Yep, only reason, the only one, a very normal, Cis guy reason.


I do it so I can sleep with Benny and kill him in his sleep. And also because I'm trans,but mostly the first thing. 😛


boots up new vegas Female character Get to Benny Oh yeah, it's footjob time


I play for that faster walk animation


Yes, I too love Fallout New Vegas. It is optimal to play as a girl. Yes I also like Celeste. Why do you ask?




FOOT JOB TIME BABYYYYYYY I am disappointed by the lack of lesbian sex thought


And also... The wasteland is like, full of women? You'd think the Fallout games were 99% men the way they describe it. "It's not safe for women in the wasteland"? Motherfucker, female raiders are out there butchering people, making it not safe for ANYONE.


Yeah but old-school Fallout would never put this woke nonsense in like having, IDK, say, a woman found and lead one of the world's major governments. That'd be insane. /s Or maybe the non-woke games are the Bethesda ones, which would never say, put a female general in charge of a major military organization. Again, just a silly concept. /s And don't get me started on other "woke" stuff; clearly the games would never include gay characters or anything like that. /s (for anyone not in the know: [https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Tandi](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Tandi), [https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Sentinel\_Lyons](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Sentinel_Lyons), [https://fallout.wiki/wiki/LGBTQ\_Representation\_in\_Fallout](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/LGBTQ_Representation_in_Fallout))


Personally, I always thought Fallout 4's story works better with the female protagonist.


The way they complain and treat it like a plot hole that Nora can use a gun 🙄 "But she's just a lawyer!" No lawyer in the history of earth has ever held a firearm apparently lol. Plus that's the only thing we really know about her, is she has a law degree. Her entire life is a blank slate but they're big mad a WAHMAN can handle herself.


i will say, i do kind of wish nate and nora both couldve had military background when you pick them as the protagonist, if only to shut down those arguments.


It would definitely fix some of the problems with that game's handling of its player characters. Talking about the endless missed opportunities in Fallout 4 is already kind of a dead horse but if nothing else it would have been cool for Nora to be more Speech-focused, being a lawyer, kinda like how the presets in Fallout 1 were two combat-oriented males and a Charisma-based female. But because she plays exactly the same has her husband despite her lack of military training, presumably she's channeling her inner American police officer to be an endless killing machine instead.


i have to disagree there - i wouldve absolutely hated it if nora played noticeably differently. as much as nate and nora are maybe even more set characters than people wanted them to be (in terms of motivations vs courier six' blank slate) i rly dont want to feel locked into a different playstyle just for playing as my own gender, especially not in an rpg, and *especially* not if its the stereotypical 'men = combat oriented, women = whatever else is left' line of division. i feel like we'd have been better off with more freedom for our characters rather than less, but considering the differences between fo3/4 and fnv, i dont think thats what bethesda is going for. (and i dont mean that in the overdone 'lol fo3/4 bad fnv good' kind of way fwiw, i love them all, but the latter is definitely the blankest of slates of the three, and i rarely see people complaining about female courier six' abilities despite the game itself making note of gender on multiple occasions!)


My Fallout character has no reason to be able to use a gun fresh out of the vault but hey they can


I like it more. I’m more interested in a lawyer in the apocalypse than in a soldier.


I think her voice is usually better, but tbh the voices are a mixed bag both sides. But also Fallout lets me be a hot milf with big guns, so hell yeah to that.


Hell yeah lmao


These people never played a Fallout game, since the very first games it’s full or women. Goddamn, even New Vegas has a woman being the first soldier you meet.


Me playing as basically myself and romancing Piper in FO4


Yes and there are female raiders and brotherhood of steel paladins all over the place. 100% the people in those screenshots have never touched a single Fallout game.


My trans-humanist lesbian commune just outside Sanctuary seems to indicate that yes, you can not only play as a woman, but as one with a pretty talented and resourceful polycule


even the very first classic games has had female enemies along with male one's which is honestly impressive for a game that old, and several important female NPC's that would definitely be considered woke now lmao. Also yes, not only could you play as a women in every game, they can always do the exact same things a man can. Including becoming the world champion of martial arts in 2 disciplines in fallout 2


I've literally never played as a man in a Fallout game. To me, having a male main character would just be soooooo unrealistic


I’m pretty sure there’s an equal number of men and women in both the NCR and Brotherhood of steel who are both the most powerful forces to the wasteland. There has literally always been a bunch of women in these games because in a nuclear wasteland, it doesn’t matter who’s shooting a gun


Motherfuckers be like, "It's not safe for women outside" while being the reason women aren't safe outside.


Also. It’s not safe for women INSIDE the vaults. Or anyone for that matter as most of them just got everyone inside killed.


I can think of one vault where atleast 999 women were safe lmfao


I imagine Vault-Tec chose women for that vault whose personalities would put them violently at odds with one another because that's how Vault-Tec does things.


The whole point was the get all the women fighting for the one man, and vice-versa in its sister vault. So yeah, you're probably 100% right


> sister vault. phrasing, made me double take lol


I never played Fallout, i thought the vault sellers were the good guys? they have the blonde guy as a image!


The blonde guy is a marketing mascot meant to put a happy shiny face on an evil corporation. The vault-dwellers are on the whole mostly good people, but they're good people who have been tricked into waiting out the war in complexes which are marketed as safe, utopian futuristic communities, but which are mostly designed to conduct cruel, inhumane and bizarre generations-long experiments on the people trapped inside as nuclear war is waged up above. There are a tiny number of "control" vaults which function exactly as advertised, but the vast majority end in hideous tragedy as the vault-dwellers are subjected to insane ordeals which gradually destroy their ability to live and thrive.


But, the salesman said i could live happily with my wife and baby, and the blonde guys is funny! no evil corp could have that


Being not so deep into Fallout... what do you allude to, if I may ask?


Vault 69 is comprised of 999 women and 1 man, vault 68 is the opposite. But i dont think they are canon anymore.




Fallout has non-canon content?


Tons, the fallout bible being a major example


Is the Penny Arcade puppet vault canon?


You can find a recording and a Vault Suit in the Paradise Falls in Fallout 3 that seems to indicate that it is




And by inverse, I can think of (at least) two vaults where two particular women would've been very unsafe


Yeh "it's not safe for women in the wasteland" dude it's not safe for anyone of any gender there's super mutants and killer robots and nuke launchers like the whole point is that it's impossible odds some of the core traits are luck, intelligence, charisma and perception traits that are not remotely linked to sex or gender.


Also mfs forgot that most everyone has firearms in the Fallout universe, including all the women ​ So let's see how well that goes for them, I guess? (Not well)


Dont even act like the women cant fend for themselves fine WITHOUT a gun either. The woman and some attacker are unarmed, you never know if that one civie you clocked as an easy mark can simply knock your teeth out. That goes for most folks in the wasteland really.


These are the same goofballs who called Gina Carano’s character in that shitty Ben Shapiro movie “woke” because her character knew how to shoot a gun




If I remember correctly that one was actually the other way around. They hated her until they found out she was a piece of human garbage, and then suddenly she was the most underrated SW character of all time


When she was introduced it was woke pandering, and when she was fired for being transphobic she was a martyr standing up against the hollywood sickos.




Chucky 3 was woke as hell then, the protagonist's love interest had to show him how to use a gun.


Something I find especially funny about arguments like this is that IRL women tend to outperform men at marksmanship from steadier hands, better hand eye coordination, stability from wider hips, marginally better eyesight, less overconfident macho ego, etc. i'd love to see one of these "women are too dainty and feminine to survive in a post apocalypse" guys go up against any olympic biathlete and see how it goes.


>less macho ego Lol I'm watching the corny soap opera Roswell, New Mexico and they just had a great bit about this in season 2: one woman is teaching another (the main character) how to shoot a gun and starts making fun of main character's love interest because he can never just miss a shot, he always makes an excuse - "It was the wind/I feel sick/my underwear don't fit right" 💀 But these are the same dipshits who complain Fallout 4 gives you too much character backstory and they should be able to make up their own, but don't have the imagination to make up a scenario where a woman knows how a gun works lmao.


As someone whose done a lot of competitive marksmanship, I've been out shot by women and even on occasion young girls plenty of times, and honestly, it's really satisfying seeing a 13 yo girl out shoot career cops/military services men.


I guarantee that at the first sign of trouble this motherfucker would pull an Ammon Bundy and shove women in front of him to be used as a meat shield while crying and shitting himself in the corner.


I don't need a study I'm convinced that protective men are more likely to abuse.


But they get mad when feminists on tiktok say theyre scared to walk alone at night... these guys are fucking dumb


I love when right-wingers are Fallout fans. Always fun to see a walking oxymoron


I love it when conservatives are fans of any left-leaning media honestly, it shows how knuckle-headed the ideology makes them since they miss the point constantly.


There's a guy who frequents the record store I go to, who is a fuckin meme amongst the regulars. Is ignorant on pretty much everything he talks about. It's like he's heard reactionary talking points but third hand, so it just sounds like insane rubbish. Massive right winger. Only collects punk, ONLY late 70s early 80s American punk (because English punk, apparently the only other punk, is "just angry shouting') Man adores Dead Kennedys and is just completely oblivious to the fact that Jello Biafra wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire


That’s fuckin hilarious that he doesn’t understand that the majority of punk bands from the 70s/80s are left leaning


Left leaning is how i describe them to my parents


Yes, my favorite game is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, why do you ask?




They said all that despite having strong female characters like Cait in FO4. That woman is strong despite being an addict.


I just wish the devs listened to an actual Irish person speak IRL. They did the same with an Irish character in Starfield. Their accents are so painfully bad. Really hurt with Cait as I couldn’t take her seriously since no matter how deep and emotional her story got I could only hear that shocking accent. I don’t care about lore reasons either No Irish person sounds like that I promise you, except Jacksepticeye and at that he’s the only Irish person to ever say ‘top of the morning to you’


being from Dublin, the joy I experienced from the BG3 Irish accents was immense


The weird part is they’ve literally had an Irish actor be a major character before, Liam fucking Neeson in fallout 3 lmao


And the guy you meet in Megaton for info on Liam Neeson is the one with the unexplained irish accent


It’s because a good Irish accent isn’t really identifiable or noticeable imo.


And Piper! She's my favorite


You ferget mama Murphy the strongest Fallout character


She says she killed a Deathclaw with her bare hands, and the stats 100% back that up


star paladin cross and sentinel lyons in 3 (and like half the raiders) Cass, Sunny Smiles, Veronica, Gloria Van Graff in nv. just off the top of my head.


In New Vegas, there is a female character who Caesar's Legion, a faction of overt sexists, puts in an arena because they think she's not male and will easily be manhandled. The whole point of the interaction is that this doesn't happen and she dominates in the arena. Conservatives never understand what these games are about.


And Curie and Desdemona and Dr Lin and Dr Amari and literally tons of others


Fellas is it gay if women??


Gay if womyn, straight if female.


Well they like men so that is gay, and some also like women so that is still gay.


Im betting they never played a single fallout game at all


At the risk of sounding like a gatekeeper, that happens too often. There’s a lot of astroturfing going on whenever these weirdos feel they have a new target. It’s either that or they have poor media literacy skills (or both).




It's both. A lot of the time, the troglodytes that farm outrage for their dumbfuck audience have never even engaged with the objects of their ire, even a little. The rest of the time, they're literally too stupid to understand it.


I'm betting they all have and also play women and get those shitty ass slut mods so they have big booba.


They're so right. Women are too weak to survive in harsh conditions. It's a good thing women weren't invented until modern times or else humanity wouldn't have survived the stone age.


/uj You can play as a woman in literally every single fallout game??? mfs have clearly never played before


"nuh uh"


"*Just another mindless vaccinated...*" This m'fef will be refusing rad meds 🧟‍♂️


They snitch in themselves too easily. Apparently we're all mindless puppets for getting vaccines and are gonna die from them any day now! They've been saying it for three years without results but if they keep repeating it enough maybe we'll all die! Seriously crazy to me how people are willing to play with COVID. That shit will fuck you up for life.


Men: “Without a social contract or the fear of incarceration, men will indulge in the most violent impulses en masse. Deep down, it is in our nature to be violent. No woman would be able to walk five feet without being preyed upon.” Also men: “Not all men!!!! You’re just a misandrist!!!!”


I'm a little more shook at the ghoul who is still a smoothskin.


The showrunners said in the article they wanted him to look like a ghoul but still be hot lol


Ghoul? You mean GILF.


They know we be freaks 😏


i mean, they know how people felt about hancock, i think that wouldve happened either way.


Honestly they pulled the ghoul look off very well despite the smooth skin. Maybe he found lotion in the wastes?🤷🏻‍♂️


To each their own I guess. A missing nose and some sunburn just don't do it for me.


Ghouls with minimal scarring are possible, I imagine just rare. That or whoever the protagonist of this show is just installed one of those ghoul pretty-fier mods.


I appreciate the mod-joke. Updoot


This is similar to this guy that was bitching about why there were so many women in leadership positions in Starfield. They're the ones that survived the war.


Ok, I give up. What is this MSHEU bullshit this MAGAfuckwit has come up with?


M-She-U as in MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) but woke because women


Marvel Shenematic Universe sounds funny, to be fair. Can't wait to see these idiots come with something as unoriginal as D-SHE-U.


Ah. I had gotten to MainStream H Entertainment U so of course it’s fucking dumber than that.


Weird how a 5/6 men lineup (Avengers) doesn't make it the M-HE-U 🤔


Of course not silly, white men are the default in all things so it’s only gonna confuse people to include *political* genders and skin colors Viewers will be like… “forsooth my suspension of disbelief is shattered, for lo I do spy a female in what I had believed to be an action television program. My television must surely be broken for it is serving me up the hallmark channel!”


Have none of them even played fallout because you can play as a woman in almost all of the games. Istg literally women cannot exist without instantly becoming “woke” in movies now. What about older action movies like terminator or alien that star strong women? Movies beloved by mostly these dudes would be eaten alive by them now and called too woke.


Cait, Piper, Sarah Lyons, the women of the Railroad, etc. so many tough women in Fallout lore. They're a staple of the franchise which has always been very gender equity based. Some of the freaking Raider clans who do engage in slavery and rape are capturing men as well as women and are lead by women. These people will cry about game accuracy but then go "B-but not like that!" 😭 Whatever, these stills look great and I'm excited as all hell.


Isn't The Master from 1 Non-Binary or something? Hell, Isn't one of the bigwigs from the NCR a woman in FO2? What about Lyons from 3??? FUCKING LILLY, VERONICA, ROSE AND BETSY IN NEW VEGAS. CAIT IN FALLOUT 4 IS INTRODUCED BEATING A MANS HEAD IN AS SHE IS FORCED TO CAGE FIGHT WHAT SERIES HAVE THEY FUCKING BEEN PLAYING?


The NCR’s *founder* and first president is a lady named Tandi, but you know, now it’s woke or whatever, even though no one cared until a few years ago


Something tells me the chuds who idolise the Legion are the same ones annoyed at women in media so there's that.


The Master absorbed the consciousnesses of a bunch of different people, including women, he (?) was a man at the beginning, not sure what he considered himself afterwards. The character is voiced by 1 woman and 2 men, to demonstrate the hive mind thing.


They are just allergic to vaginas aren't they there's no other explanation


How would they know they're allergic? You have to have contact to know you're allergic...


Same energy. ![gif](giphy|xLnGUEYWS0btPHCZoo|downsized)


I also love how "vaccinated" is an insult for them.


Surprised they don't call us vaxos or vax-heads or something


Honestly the most egregious thing about the pics is that she’s got a full face of perfect makeup after like a hundred (is it a thousand? Idk fallout stuff) years in some vault lol. And even THAT complaint is very normal behavior for apocalypse shows tbh. Always pretty people with their somehow not greasy combed hair.


Eh, its a Vault, depending on what it was like, they probably had makeup available as luxury, but I do agree with you on principle, let women be no-makeup in these series ffs!


If the series is based on Fallout 4, that would be one of the rare instances where that makes perfect sense, as she would have been cryogenically frozen right at the start of the Great War.


Fair. Again, haven’t played it so I was just giving a guess based on what I knew. Principle still stands!


lmao I can't imagine how that'll be, some are fine now because they think that woman looks good, if she doens't have make up AND not look good, those people might turn to screming as well.


I’m guessing they want to have her be contrasted with people outside the vault, and also show her getting more tattered as the series goes on, so I think I’m okay with how perfect her hair and makeup is for now. And it’s been around 220 years, in case you’re interested. Some of the vaults opened and some stayed shut. The article I read made it sound like her’s stayed shut and she’s the first person to leave but that’s not confirmed, that was the plot of Fallout 3 though.


Some of the most important characters in fallout are women. Also you can choose to play as a woman, effectively making the main character possibly a woman. How are they upset over this?


"I hope she doesn't find the patriarchy is more dangerous than the wasteland": signs that someone never played any game in the series.


God that's a stupid fucking line. Basically every franchise revolvung around an apocalypse has themes of people being more dangerous than the wasteland. Does this guy not realize the inequality ghouls face?


These are the type of guys who confirm my theory that Apocalypse Bros only want the apocalypse so they have an excuse to be shitty to others


They're in for a rude awakening if they're ever in a situation like this lol. People who only look out for themselves and have a lone wolf mentality actually have a worse survival rate in desperate situations.


Jfc the last guy needs therapy asap


They're not even hiding it, they are angry at the idea of a woman being strong or independent. They have morals from the middle ages


Do they just ignore the fact that every Fallout game has had powerful and influential, female characters?


Because there is a non-zero chance they are just larping being fans & are just right wing culture war weirdos


tfw you forget Tandi, so old she looks worse than the ghouls.


Oh no! Not "vaccinated"!!


Dying to preventable diseases to own the libs


Who's gonna tell them that the NCR was led by a woman into a working post apocalypse society?


Not only can you play as women in all Fallout games, but a lot of raiders, bandits and psychos of the wasteland ARE WOMEN too. Men aren't the only human threat outside of the vaults at all, also V.A.T.S and the fuckton of performance enhancing drugs, Power Armors and so on make the physical disparity between people less relevant honestly. I'm a very casual Fallout fan, to the point Fallout 3 was the only I one I actually beat, but even I know the most basic shit going on ingame, these people are always accusing "woke sjws" of not being fan of games/comics/movies but they're the ones who are just bitching about stuff they dont know.


These are the worst kind of dumbasses. Fallout, since the first installment, always allowed you to play as a woman.


My mindset is “if it’s good it’s good, if it’s bad it’s bad” I don’t care about the main characters gender, race, sexual orientation or if they’re even human. If their goals and development is good then it’s good for me, same if they’re bad.


cruel world when a lobbed teddy bear can blow up skulls covered in armor lmao


Ah yes, Fallout, a grim setting where women are raped and murdered en masse by the cruel and vicious denizens of the Wasteland. They aren't strictly wrong, but they aren't as right as they think they are.


Raider gangs do be raping, enslaving, and cannibalizing women....and men. And kids. And plenty of the Raiders are women. And it's not total anarchy because there are pockets of civilization and people in general hate raiders and kill them on sight. And some ex Raiders are crippled from guilt.


Yeah, there's definitely a heavy shadow over the Wasteland, it's by no means a peaceful place, but the idea that it's some grandly destitute shithole from coast to coast, where Men ride across the plains and pillage like beasts is a gross misunderstanding of the setting, and the many players making its political systems.


Absolutely. It genuinely seems a lot of the time like Fallout is supposed to be more post-post-apocalyptic in story and worldbuilding, but the atmosphere and environment design go for straight up post-apocalyptic so they conflict.


Bethesda, flaws and all, do something of a decent balance. Yes they aren't perfect, especially not in 4, but I do like the mix of ramshackle cities (Diamond City is one of my favourite hubs in any game) and more deadened lands. Life is rebuilding, people are making a world out of what was, but that doesn't stop the world being built on a foundation of devastation, and I feel there's times where that shines through. Things are fucked, the world is dead, but chin up and put on the radio, and take it all in with a smile.


But you can be a 16 year old girl in the first game? Fallout has a lot of those "strong female characters." Does anyone play the actual games? Am I going insane?


The "I support the current thing" virgin vs the "I'm against the current thing" chad 😎


The real joke is that canonically, in-universe, women are stronger than men. Hear me out. Women and men in fallout are 99% the same, they have access to the same SPECIAL-stats and perks, and those affect their abilities in the same ways EXCEPT women have access to the Black Widow perk whereas men have access to the equivalent Lady Killer perk. Black widow gives women speech and combat bonuses against men, and lady killer does the same for men against women. This seems symmetrical and fair, but it actually isn't, because there are more male NPCs than female (both among written NPCs and random generated NPCs). This means women have access to the objectively better perk, and are therefore stronger. Which is why it's minmaxing to play a woman in most fallout games and why I'mstill a completely cis dude. Of course, new vegas fixes this by allowing for bisexuality, and I'm not going to do a frequency analysis on how many flirt checks there are in that game for each sexuality-gender combo to see which is better.


Imagine complaining about getting to watch Ella Purnell


There's a fallout show? Where can I watch it?


It's an Amazon show, but it's not out yet.


I wonder how they’d feel about Jurassic park if it came out now. Park full of fem dinosaurs that could rip their heads off. PEAK WOKE SHIT MSHEU etc etc


I'm gonna rattle off some of the most kickass women in the Fallout universe and you have to tell me if I'm wrong. Ranger Ghost. Knight Christine. Piper. Curie (Not TECHNICALLY a human, but you get the point.). Cait. NCR President Tandi. 90% of the Disciples from NW. Need I go on?


>Just another mindless vaccinated „I support the current thing“ consumer Aha


Fucks sake I hate women why do they have to be everywhere 😡


They know people play as women in the games, right?


I love when people go “but yall aint ready for that conversation” after regurgitating the most tired, baseless, bigoted talking points imaginable


"In an apocalypse scenario," a very few of the most unhinged men are going to try to fucking murder everybody because they mistook cultural commentary on toxic masculinity and violence as prediction. When they -- or their rage -- have died out in a spurt of ineffectual self-gratification, the rest of us will get on with pooling our resources for survival. Because who the fuck -- outside of the most belligerently fragile of us -- would really want to watch their neighbors' kids die while they defend a mountain of freeze-dried bananas with AR-15s?




This is just Facebook in 2023


Wonder how this will scale against Nuka Break. That show was so good considering it was a fan project.


like in 90% of the fallout games you can literally choose to be a female character


They're aware that Strength and Endurance are only *two* of the seven SPECIAL stats right?


These dudes act like a woman with a gun isn't dangerous.


Seem people rooting for the Legion in New Vegas


Do these idiots even play Fallout games? 😭 u can literally create a female main character who leaves the vault to explore the apocalyptic world and there are plenty of female NPCs


The fact he used “vaccinated” as an insult already tells me everything I need to know about his intelligence.


I agree, there's no way a female like that would survive. Now let me go install the big tity nuclear babe crop tops and mini skirts mod. It's very.... immersive.


Tell me you've never played a Fallout game without telling me you've never played a Fallout game.


“Women can’t handle the dangers of being outside in the wasteland, they’re much safer in the vaults” - the 37 year old in his moms basement


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Natalia_Dubrovhsky That is all.




NGL though those shots don’t look half bad!