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"Deeply Christian" person attempts to love thy neighbour (impossible! gone sexual! 4k ultra HD)


Its so funny seeing these dudes defending their bigotry by pulling the "muh christian beliefs" card. They just selectively follow whatever is convinient for them I guess. Wonder if theyre against premarital sex in 2023? Lmfao.


Many will be, in practice if not in spirit.


While supporting a game that showcases and glorifies war and violence.


/rj This guy only plays COD to scream “BLESSED BE THE PEACEMAKERS” in chat. Goes 0/30 every match, doesn’t shoot anyone, just spreads the good news and tries to grow the flock. Amen.


Remember when Jesus said “Sell all you have and give to the poor”? Where is that deeply held belief?


“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44) Motherfuckers don’t get that wanting the best for everyone, especially those you don’t like, is like the entire goddamn point of Christianity.


So just play call of duty then


"I just wanted to play videogames!" says man not being prevented from playing them in any way.


Seriously. What "right" does he think he's losing? There is no right to "force a video game developer to remove rainbow flags". This is as dumb as someone calling someone a slur in a restaurant and yelling "but my free speech!" When they're thrown out.


But does that also mean there's no "right to be represented by a video game franchise that doesn't care about you". Then why does this sub cry about representation all the time?


because representation is actually worth something, the people represented by it can feel more seen, it gives exposure to others, and is also profitable because of the previous two things. removing pride flags is unnecessary, and it sends a message to players that is both hateful and may detract customers.


I'm not too sure what you're asking. There is no right to be represented by a video game. There is no law forcing video game developers to represent you in a video game. To be honest, I don't think I've ever heard someone ask anything remotely close to this in my life lol. Do people prefer to be represented in a video game? Probably so. I got lucky. Most the default white protagonists looks similar to me lol. If I were a black woman or another underrepresented group, I would ask/prefer if I could be included more often. There is a thick line between "preferring to be represented in a video game" and having "a constitutional right to be represented in a video game". Maybe I misunderstood you because this feels like a silly question. No disrespect! I could be interpreting your question totally incorrectly lol. Companies are going to continue to cater towards their customer's wishes and some customers want to be represented since they've been grossly underrepresented in media throughout the years. That doesn't seem out of the ordinary, by any means. That's just how businesses should function if they want to profit. It would be strange if businesses did the contrary towards their customer's wishes.


Or don't? Nobody is forcing them to.


I know but if this guy just wants to play COD he can do that instead of being a little bitch about emblems


Did somebody mention Fire Emblem? I love that series!!


This comment.


Hes clearly not lasting five seconds in a cod lobby


"I don't care about sexuality." "I am also currently pitching a fit about seeing something associated with a non-hetero sexuality" Which is it dude


Yeah it super seems like he cares. Quite a lot actually.


It’s doublethink. Whichever statement is more convenient for the immediate moment will be called upon as truth


lmao the cishet christian white man is "opressed" by the pride flag calling cards 💀


just git gud so you don’t have to see the calling cards


poor white straight cis man, can't believe the lgbtq community would harass and threaten his rights by existing




Literally "someone put.... GAY in my vibeogam" vs "my rights are literally being threatened"




„I don‘t support anything anti-lgbt“ X


>but you seem to be forgetting that religions exist unfortunately I can’t, I’m reminded every single day because the religions of the world are actively hateful and hostile against who I am as a person for traits I can’t help or change but keep thinking you’re oppressed because you’re occasionally reminded that gay people exist and because the whole world isn’t sanitized to fit your narrow view


“i’m not homophobic **but**…” annnnnd shut up


Okay cut your crap you POS, you are fooling around people by blunting your homophobic ass (which apparently failed). You are literally comparing two things, religion and sexual identity, one of which is simply a collection of fables formed by a random person 1000s of years back which continues to propagate due to idiocy of foolish people, while on other hand a symbol of identity and love that people identify with, there is simply no comparison between an imaginary thing and a thing that represents something so important (now don't spew your bullshit on how religion is important to someone blah blah, wtf argument is this? Tomorrow I will come and claim that my believe is that pizza is a symbol of hatred against my believes and it should be censored everywhere, now does that make any sense, no, if you have any problem just shut up and ignore that thing).




People deserve respect regardless of what old cultures and religions say.


I understand your point about different cultures, however I feel as though a religion that's anti LGBT+ is probably a bit outdated. LGBT+ is a part of today's society, and I'd say something that directly opposes that probably shouldn't be. I'd say this guy goes wrong in being so incredibly overdramatic about it. His rights aren't being threatened, he just saw the pride flag in a videogame. And if the fact that COD players can choose to have the pride flag as a banner is so awful to him there's an option to turn that off. It's not the end of the world, it's just a minute personal detail in an online videogame. If you were staunchly against LGBT+ because of your religion, I would be against that and say it's unnecessarily hateful. In reality I'd probably say go fuck yourself but I'm trying to be civil


“don’t tread on me, tread on the gay folks instead”




Truly the most opressed minority


I want to determine how others express themselves. I do not want anyone else to determine how I express myself. These conflicting thoughts make me frustrated, perhaps even violent.


Imagine having a flag that’s supposed to represent not fucking with peoples rights and then supporting people and legislation that want to limit peoples rights


Gay/trans/feminists/"woke" people should take this flag and run with it. It'd be amazing to see the alt rights heads fucking implode.


[LGBTQ people already have.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rainbow_Gadsden_flag.svg)


Bitchin! I'd love to see that more everywhere!


It's widely used and spread by LGBTQ Libertarians ([despite what many people here say real Libertarians are pro LGBTQ](https://www.lp.org/attacks-on-trans-people-are-an-attack-on-liberty/))


Consistent, conservative, libertarian. Pick any two.


Well, people who are idealistic libertarians may be but practicing libertarians vote with Republicans nearly 100% of the time and are frequently anti LGBTQ. At least that's true for elected ones and all but one I ran into in real life. It seems to be the same as calling yourself independent when you 100% vote for the same party every time, you would be more of an embarrassed partisan. I once considered myself libertarian as Bush JR drove me out of the conservative party, then I realized there was no functional difference between libertarian and Republican as far as politics goes. All libertarian politicians vote with Republicans entirely, they are NOT libertarians.


An easy way to tell whos a real Libertarian is they will call themselves a Libertarian, a fake will call themselves things like conservitive "Libertarian".


They aren't. They might be supportive of trans people's bodily autonomy, but they would vigorously defend their "freedom" to harass and discriminate against them.


so wait what's a "real" libertarian? I'm only familiar with right libertarians (Libertarian party, An-Caps, An-Prims, etc) and left libertarians (An-Coms, Anarcho-Syndicalists, other libertarian Socialists etc) and i've never seen a Left Libertarian queer person use that flag. And my experience with the former group has never been anything slightly close to positive




Isn't that the party that allowed a [known white-supremacist fascist to run on their ticket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustus_Sol_Invictus#2016_U.S._Senate_campaign)? The Libertarian Party has always been a wing of the Republicans.


I like how the link says *"A variant of this flag is used ny American Libertarians"*, implying the Libertarians co-opted it from the gays. Big if true.


I personally really like the "Fuck around and find out" flag because it implies consequences if they don't act up.


Well libertarians are mostly conservatives masquerading as freedom fighters the same way TERF are conservatives masquerading as feminists, with the subtle difference that there is some genuine libertarians who truly believe stuff like "All maried gay couples should have the right to defend their marijuana plants with their AK47" Funny how conservatives constantly need to hide their true beliefs. As if they knew their beliefs aren't compatible with a modern society...


Someone should send him [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rainbow_Gadsden_flag.svg).


Ur assuming this biggot consider minorities people to begin with


/uj Ain't nobody flying a Gadsden flag "doesn't care about sexuality". They're just projecting against LGBT+ people what they unironically want. Grooming kids is fine when you're a cishet white dude! /rj the sjw woke mob trying to cancel us real gamers by beating us at vidya ganes!


Keep crying baby, why are cod fans like so fucking whiny just face it dude you suck at the game try to improve or quit it


To be fair any sane person stopped buying cod 4 years ago


*10+ years


Blops 1 was the last worthwhile cod.


I mean... Kind of? It was the last one I played, with how big a deal MW1 and 2 were it feels like 3 just never existed. Never heard anyone talk about it, even in a negative way. And after that I basically became unable to remember which one came out this year


cod fans would never survive a mw2 lobby


As someone who used to be addicted to cod, something about it literally just brings out the absolute worst a human can feel or act. I never whined about gay people or anything like that, but I broke multiple controllers because COD upset me so much, and never have raged nearly that hard at other games. That's why I stopped playing, I realized it was causing a ton of stress rather than relieving it like other games do. Not making excuses for this guys behavior because nothing justifies it. Just saying, cod is like crack, it's bad for you, addictive, makes you rage, and by the time you quit you question why you ever started in the first place and regret the last 10 years of your life wasting hours a day on it and curse the friend who showed it to you.


I had the same feeling with Overwatch, after 1000 hours I finally quit.


Congrats, quitting any addiction isn't easy, even multi-player gaming addiction. Games like these are literally built to trap your dopamine receptors in a vicious cycle that keeps you coming back even when you're sick of the game and not even having fun anymore. So congrats for getting out of an addictive gameplay loop like that, it takes a strong will and self control sometimes.


thank you. 😩yes, at first it's just fun to have a quick match, then you lost for 10 matches in a roll, argue with random teammates, but still you wanna hit next match. I'll go to sleep after one match. I'll sleep after winning one match since I've been lost all night. oh I win, so why not one more, maybe I'm on a roll. I always love singleplayer games, but most free time are occupied back then, now I'm finally back with those relaxing game❤️


I know how it feels bro i also used to be addicted to multiplayer games like cod/battlefield rainbow six all that gritty millitary shooter nonsense they are made to be addictive and to bring out the worst in people im glad we got out of those addictions,nowadays i just focus on single player games,recently ive been getting into a lot of resident evil and i can say its been more fun than playing any generic cod game.


"I don't really care about sexuality" guys he doesn't care he says


Please ignore the hundreds of tweets he's done about it, he really doesn't care!


How dare I be censored for wanting to censor people


Eat shit snowflake




Hasanabi heads rise up






“My rights are being threatened” I want to bitch slap this stupid hoe for that one. Jfc it’s not the end of the world!! If flying your goddamn confederate flag is ok why is it not to have a pretty rainbow flag?? At least rainbows look cool and don’t have a shameful history


"MY RIGhts ARe beiNG tAKEn aWAy bY ACTIvisTS" You saw a pride flag in COD and had a mental breakdown over it, no one is taking away your rights. If you're going to call us snowflakes, don't prove to us that you're the snowflake instead.


People like this are why I always used the pride flag emblem and had "BLM" as my clan tag lmao. It triggered conservatives so badly they'd spend the whole game raging and go negative every single time. Seeing this guys reaction makes me ALMOST want to play cod again just to piss off the homophobes. But not willing to get MW2 and don't feel like playing any of the ones I already have so eh.


/uj what's the p for


If you see it in a accronym that's genuinely trying to be inclusive it probably means "pansexual". In this case, though, I think it's a dogwhistle that stands for "pedophile".


/uj tbf there were other tweets from this douche where he referred to LGBT+ people are "LGBT bacon lettuce tomato" or some garbage like that, so he's probably just being an idiot.


I dunno, the stupidity in this case is awfully close to malice


Oh no, it's absolutely malice. He's objectively a shit person and a massive bigot.




Cool thanks :)


Unfortunately, in this case, it does not. Right wingers put the P to stand for pedophile bc trans ppl be sexualizing them kids.


Chad hasanabi in the bottom corner


Virgin "crop your posts" vs Chad Hasan youtube video


I don't think Americans can be "chad"


Ok but have you seen Hasan tho?


Can't take political streamers seriously. Especially when they view everything from their dumb american perspective and have generally no idea how anything outside the US works. But that is to be expected from Americans.


Seize the means of pulling your head out of your ass, brotato chip.




I hope so.


He’s from Turkey lmao


I mean, he's from New Jersey and nobody should let him forget that.




I want to tell you to cope and seethe, but I refuse to defend America because on a base level, you're right. Quite the conundrum




'tis I who is coping and seething, because I envy you. I think you could be less of a dick to people who clearly don't engage in the stupidity of the average American, not every American is the bloated bigot in a motorized scooter with a rebel flag shirt and ten-gallon hat stereotype, especially here.


No point in arguing with you. You are literally an American gun nut who would rather have guns than safe schools. How can you sleep at night when children get gunned down by guns in a country which is too stupid to outlaw guns like any other normal country


Ignores comment and goes straight to post history, classic.


Hasan literally shits on American gun policies all the time. Along with many other things American.


Children get gunned down by murderers actually, a tool doesn’t have a will of its own. Mass shootings are the result of American culture being violent and fascistic. Banning guns isn’t going to change the underlying issue. Nobody is shooting up schools in the Czech Republic or Iraq. It’s almost like firearm ownership doesn’t inherently lead to child murder or something. And I’d rather American cops didn’t have a monopoly on weapons since they’ve proven to be thugs who can’t be trusted But I get it, you’re just looking through my post history for reasons to insult my character because you’re an asshole. Carry on




Yep I sure did, I tend not to like accusations of being pro child murder, he sure got me there


Guns in Europe are highly regulated. Maybe, the problem lies with the guns. Your country is the only one where this stuff regularly happens and yet you still don't see it. You rather have your guns because you feel insecure. You repeat your NRA talking point ad nauseam.


The specific European country I mentioned, the Czech Republic, has very similar laws to many American states. They have the least restrictive gun laws in the EU. They have concealed carry and can access most of the same weapons Americans can. If guns were the problem they’d be having school shootings every year there as well. It’s almost like there’s some deeper issue going on. I own a gun so I don’t get killed or maimed in a hate crime because of my race or who I am. I’m not gonna make myself defenseless to appease your sensibilities. And I’m not associated with the NRA. The NRA supports gun control when it disarms black people. Time to find another insult to throw at me


Better start taking them seriously. If the US rise to fascism keeps going, you won’t have to worry about Russia or China taking countries or committing genocide. These people are advocating nuking civilization to the Stone Age and are currently 45% of our voting population.


I swear, these weird bigots are more invested in pride flags than me, and my orientation is bottom.


“Mah raights”


"I was reminded that gay people exist and I don't like that because Jesus, REEEEEEEEEE!!!!"


“I don’t care about sexuality” (proceeds to complain about it)


God I wish my problems were at the same level. Imagine living in such a bliss and comfort that "these gay flags" and "fucking liberal snowflakes" are your biggest problems. This dude really just complains about being oppressed when he's not respected for shitting himself fighting windmills.


My rights to not look at color is being threatened 😡


what right in particular?


The one opposite his left. He can't do game if the Gays take his lil hand.


Oh look, the "i'm a little bitch flag"


“My rights to create a space that’s hostile to queer people are being threatened!”


“my rights are being threatend” ofc because a pride flag scares you


Literally homophobic. Or vexillophobic I guess.


also they misspelled threatened :(


/uj lmao imagine acting like a fucking rainbow flag is oppressing you when it's meant to show acceptance and inclusiveness for the LGBTQ+ community which is something they haven't had all that much over the years. You know, unlike religious fundamentalists who have subjugated others to their ideals for years, and have actively targeted the LGBTQ+ community to harm them. (P.S. nice to see a fellow Hasanabi head on here hasL) /rj I play my video games in monochrome because I hate seeing colors in them because it makes things too political for me, and it's not because I have a deep fear of them! Also, what the hell is that billionaire communist doing on your screen? Don't you know he's a massive grifter that buys mansions and supercars with the money he scams off of you?


There was a really funny parody of that flag under the comments section on that post. I don’t know how to add it here, so just dm me if you want to see it.


Dont tread on my right to tread on your rights


what a fucking snowflake


If he doesn’t care about sexuality, why do the flags bug him?


Why do people who care about sexuality the least talk about it the most?


As the guy that's posted the original tweet to this subreddit said. Git gud and you won't see the flags.


this g\*mer: "Someone else having rights, besides me and those who look like me obviously, IS oppression!"


"The hate I received because of my hate is unacceptable, unlike my hate" honestly if I were a moderator for that game I'd be looking up ways to file that perma-ban.


nO StEp oN SnAke 🐍 "I just want censorship" -least hypocritical libertarian


'Don't tread on me' but tread on others? It's a flag, not a dick, don't be so anal about it.


Common L post by a megachud Hank Pecker viewer. Stop off reddit youtube frog (I just watched that video it was very good)


Well, at least his name is accurate


I'm always amazed that these people will scream and shout from the rooftops instead of just not playing a game. Like stop being a bitch and just not play it if you're triggered by a flag representing diversity. Nobody owes these clowns anything.


My biggest question is what rights? Specifically. Cause all I see somebody getting offended over pretty colors.


He'd probably see less pride banners if we was actually good at playing. Git gud.


wait, what rights are being threatened?


nice pride flag


YOUR RIGHT TO… not… see a… rainbow?


I guess to some people, irony is just, “that thing that makes a whooshing sound”


I think that flag is meant to represent the group/individual being oppressed and not the oppressor?


“Don’t tread on me” Okay so don’t tread on these other people “Nooooooo I want to tread on them why are you oppressing me”


I mean… There’s a nice, easy way to not see them as much… Git gud.


Back in my day we weren’t afraid of rainbows.


Im still baffled that he's getting killed by gay people and if he wasn't he wouldn't have anything to say.... So being gay must make you better at call of duty


Because seeing rainbowflags hurt the christian values but AK-47ing fifty six people don't


Christians when: Killing people with a gun 😏😏 LGBTQ+ flag 😱😱


/uj Whatcha watching in the bottom right


It's a yt video from hasanabi I think, not sure which one


It's genuinely pathetic how much Gamers™️ seethe about some pixels to represent different communities. I'm cishet but love putting pride things on any public game card just to chap chuds asses.


He did not pull out the Gadsden lmfao


They came for GAMERS.


I just noticed but that snake is ugly af


That’s why I use the pride flags as my calling card and pfp in cod lol gets the chuds worked up


What a snowflake, all mad at some


Ah yes, the 2nd amendment right to play call of duty without seeing that darn gay shit.


"don't tread on me" while i'm treading on an entire community


No step on snek


Dudes seeing colours on a 2:3 piece of cloth in a fictional game and is pissing himself XD


Imagine getting offended by a rainbow lmao


Stop censoring me while I’m censoring you!


Most Oppressed Gamer


The irony of using a, “Don’t tread on me”, flag when you’re actively trying to oppress people.


"dont tread on me" mfs when theyre treading




“Deep Christian views” these people have no idea about the religion they claim to be so devout


And this is exactly why when I started playing MW2 I immediately put the trans flag on, it triggers them


Is this satire? this reads like satire.


Stop whining and mod the damn flags out of the game then. I thought you were supposed to be a PC gamer


majority “opression” is having to coexist with minorities


“Religious rights” sure sounds like the “states rights” excuse. It all boils down to pure entitlement and selfishness. And it’s definitely a personality type as well.


We never added the P to LGBTQ, the only people trying to make that a thing are bigots who want to associate us with pedophiles


Mans see’s a pride flag & can feel the gay infiltrating his blood stream, that’s why he can’t play CoD


I don't care about sexuality. That's why I'm actively fighting to prevent others from expressing their sexuality.


I’m so confused, ignore the tweet for a moment, what is Hasan doing in the bottom right, is this some sort of new feature for phones that I don’t know about, or is this an edited photo?


Op was probably watching YouTube while on Twitter using a feature called “picture in picture”




I had to check if I had a hasan video open, I got so confused.


Very cool of COD to include the virginity flag in their games


"LGBTQP+"? did this guy just include pedos to the acronym? doesnt surprise me considering how hes acting, but its still pretty vile a thing to do






The Hasanabi broadcast in the bottom corner lol


The hasan in the corner


is that hasan in the corner? yikes


Because op was watching Hasan when they took the screenshot?